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Matthew D. Ferry [email protected] 703-993-2026 Bull Run Hall Rm 204 George Mason University 10900 University Blvd. Manassas, VA 20110 EDUCATION Ph.D. Wayne State University. Detroit, MI Graduation: December, 2011 Attended Fall 2008 - August 2011 Ph.D. in Kinesiology Concentration: Physical Education Pedagogy Cognate: Educational Theory Dissertation: Secondary School Physical Educators’ Content Negotiations GPA: 4.0 Ph.D. Student. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ Attended Fall 2007 - Spring 2008 Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction Concentration: Physical Education Pedagogy Cognate: Educational Theory GPA: 4.0 M.S. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ MS in Kinesiology Emphasis in Physical Education Pedagogy Graduation, August 2007. Attended Fall 2005 - Summer 2007 Thesis: Teachers’ Knowledge of Their Students: A Look at the Student Under-World GPA: 4.0 1

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Matthew D. Ferry

[email protected]

Bull Run Hall Rm 204George Mason University

10900 University Blvd.Manassas, VA 20110


Ph.D. Wayne State University. Detroit, MIGraduation: December, 2011Attended Fall 2008 - August 2011Ph.D. in Kinesiology Concentration: Physical Education PedagogyCognate: Educational Theory Dissertation: Secondary School Physical Educators’ Content NegotiationsGPA: 4.0

Ph.D. Student. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZAttended Fall 2007 - Spring 2008Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction Concentration: Physical Education PedagogyCognate: Educational Theory GPA: 4.0

M.S. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZMS in KinesiologyEmphasis in Physical Education PedagogyGraduation, August 2007. Attended Fall 2005 - Summer 2007Thesis: Teachers’ Knowledge of Their Students: A Look at the Student Under-WorldGPA: 4.0

B.S.E. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Oshkosh, WIBachelors of Science in Education Graduation August, 2003. Attended Fall 1998 - Summer 2003Major: PK-12 Physical EducationMinor: School Health EducationGPA: 3.599 (Cum Laude)



Assistant Professor. George Mason University. August 2011-present. Physical and Health Education Program. Division of Health and Human Performance. School of Recreation, Health, and Tourism. College of Education and Human Development. Responsibilities

*Conduct scholarly inquiry and research*Teach undergraduate and graduate courses

PHED 306 Psychomotor Learning(Fall, 2011; Spring, 2012, Summer, 2012, Spring 2013, Summer 2013)PHED 34o Social and Cultural Issues in Physical Education (Fall, 2013, Spring 2014, Fall, 2014, Spring 2016)PHED 404 Middle and High School Instruction in Physical Education (Spring, 2012; Fall, 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Spring 2016)PHED 670 Analysis of Teaching in Physical Education (Fall, 2011; Fall, 2012, Fall, 2015)PRLS 611 Social Psychology of Leisure(Summer 2013, Summer 2014)

*Serve the university and professional organizations

Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant. August 2008-June 2011

Wayne State University. Detroit, MIResponsibilities:

*Participate in departmental research projects (See below)

*Teaching assistant for undergraduate and graduate courses:

KIN 7510 Socio-Cultural Issues in Physical Education (Fall, 2008; Fall, 2010)KIN 4510 Socio Cultural Issues in Physical Education(Fall, 2010)KIN 7440 Research and Methods: Elementary (Fall, 2008)KIN 7460 Research and Methods: Secondary(Winter, 2011)KIN 4460 Research and Methods: Secondary


(Winter, 2011)

Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant. August 2005-July 2008Arizona State University-Polytechnic Campus. Mesa, AZ

Responsibilities:*Supervise student teachers & interns at the elementary, middle, and secondary schools*Participate in departmental research projects (See

below)*Teaching assistant for undergraduate and graduate

coursesPPE 398/598 Elementary Physical Education Methods (Spring, 2008)

*Courses taught: PPE 294 - Teaching Lifetime Activity K-12. (Spring 2006, Fall 2006).

Academic Affiliations

Sports Medicine Assessment Research and Testing (S.M.A.R.T.) Laboratory. Faculty Member, Fall 2014-Present

The Center for the Study of Sport and Leisure in Society. Principal Center Faculty Member. Spring 2012-Present


Refereed Book Chapters

McCaughtry, N. & Ferry, M. Teacher Knowledge and Emotion. (In Press) In (Eds.), The Handbook of Teaching in Physical Education (pp.) (2nd Ed.). London: Routledge.

Ferry, M. (2014). Social class and school physical education: Teaching “haves” and “have-nots.” In S. Flory, A. Tischler, & S. Sanders (Eds), Social and Cultural Issues in Physical Education (pp.).

Lanham, MD: Rowan and Littlefield Education.

Refereed Book Chapters Submitted for Publication

Baker, B. & Ferry, M. (In Review). Psychology of Coaching. In B. Baker,


C. Esherick (Eds.), The Art and Science of Coaching (pp.)

Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Refereed Journal Articles

Ferry, M. (In Press) Secondary School Physical Education Content as a Political Text: A Theoretical Overview of the Power and Factors that Lead to the Social Construction of Physical Activity Curriculum. International Journal of Education and Social Science.

Ferry, M. (2016). Teachers Emotional Connections to Physical Activities as a Mediating Pedagogical Factor for Constructing Health and Physical Education Curriculum. International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health, 3(4), 326-329.

Ferry, M. (2016). Secondary School Physical Education Curricular

Content: A Meditation. International Journal of Advanced Education and Research, 1(8), 5-10.

Ferry, M. (2016). A Response to Anmol’s Future Trends and Challenges Facing Physical Education: Social, Cultural, and Psychological Considerations. International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health, 3(4), 110-113.

Martin, J.J., Garn, A., Shen, B., McCaughtry, N., Ferry, M., & Fahlman, M. (2016). Multidimensional physical self-concept in underserved high school students: Predicting diverse physical activities. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 21, 107-123.

Ferry, M. & McCaughtry, N. (2015). “Whatever is Comfortable:” Secondary Physical Educators’ Curricular Decision Making: Issues of Knowledge and Gendered Performativity. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 34, 297-315.

Ferry, M. & Richards, C.C. (2015) Biopedagogy digitalized: the ‘education’ of bariatrics among internet weight loss surgery support members. Critical Public Health, 25, 63-77.


Ferry, M. & McCaughtry, N. (2013). Secondary physical education teachers and large sided sport content: A love affair. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 32, 375-393.

Brusseau, T. A., Kulinna, P. H., Tudor-Locke, C., & Ferry, M. (2013). Daily Physical Activity Patterns of Children Living in an American Indian Community. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 10, 48-53.

Brusseau, T. A., Kulinna, P. H., Kloeppel, T., & Ferry, M. (2012). Seasonal variation of American Indian children's school-day physical activity. Biomedical Human Kinetics, 4, 82-87.

Martin, J.J., McCaughtry, N., Shen, B., Fahlman, M., Garn, A., & Ferry, M. (2012). Resiliency, control, enjoyment, and physical activity in African American high School Students. Sport Science Review, XX, 53-71.

Brusseau, T. A., Kulinna, P. H., Tudor-Locke, C., Ferry, M., van der Mars, H., & Darst, P. W. (2011). Pedometer determined segmented physical activity patterns of fourth- and fifth-grade children.  Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 8, 279-286.

Ferry, M., McCaughtry, N., & Kulinna, P.H. (2011). Social and emotional pedagogy: Rhythm and junctures. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 30, 13-30.*2011 Metzler-Freedman Exemplary Paper Award.

Garn, A.C., Kulinna, P.H., Cothran, D.J., & Ferry, M. (2010). Cultural validation of a social and emotional behavior instrument for Pima elementary students. Journal of American Indian Education, 49, 24-40.

Kulinna, P. H., Brusseau, T., Ferry, M., & Cothran, D. (2010). Preservice teachers' belief systems toward curricular outcomes for physical education. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81, 189-198.

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication


Ferry, M. (Proposal Accepted). A review of teacher socialization and impact on curriculum construction. The International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum.

Ferry, M. (Proposal in Review). A review of the ideological dimensions of teacher curriculum selection: Strategic Rhetoric. Sport and Society.

Ferry, M. (In Review). Bourdieu’s habitus and field: Tools and concepts

for understanding the social construction of physical education

curricular content. Journal of Physical Education and Sport.

Non-Refereed Publications

Ferry, M. & Banville, D. (2016). Prince William Public Schools Secondary Health and Physical Education Programs: A Multi-Year Examination of Curriculum, Fitness, and Socio-Cultural Issues: Final Report. Manassas, VA: Prince William County Public Schools; Office of Student Learning: Health, Physical Education, Driver Education, JROTC, and Driver Education.

Kulinna, P. H., Brusseau, T. A., Jahn, J., Ferry, M., Kloeppel, T., Darst, P. W., van der Mars, H., Pangrazi, C., & Tudor-Locke, C. (2008). Physical Education Pilot Program: Final Report. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Department of Education.

Manuscripts in Process

Ferry, M. Casswell, S., Romm, K. Sutter, R., Sutter, C, Ambegonker, J., Casswell, A. (data collected). Concussion as perceived and experienced by low socioeconomic status Hispanic families: “We don’t have a word for concussion.”

Ferry, M. (in development). Concussion, Public Health, Physical Activity, Education and Hispanic Youth: A theoretical framework to assess the potential of Compounding affects.

Ferry, M., Kulinna, P.H., & Cothran, D. (data collected). Teachers’ perceptions and actions in a school based public health intervention on a Native American community: A case of hedged optimism.


Ferry, M. & Banville, D. (data collected). An empirical examination of a reconceptualized classroom ecology framework: Hot spots and mixed signals.

Ferry, M. & Banville, D. (data collected). Physical educator’s content selection as professional discretion.

Ferry, M. (data collected). Secondary physical educators’ and content/curricular change: Issues of agency and dialectic.

Ferry, M. (data collected). Secondary physical education content, curriculum, obesity, and public health: The teachers’ perspective.

Ferry, M. (in development). Principles for democratic content selection in secondary physical education.

Ferry, M. & Banville, D. (in development) Secondary physical educators social and cultural knowledge of students: ‘Knowing’ one another.

Ferry, M. (in development). Social class and American physical education: A uniquely American Spector.

Ferry, M. (in development). Longitudinal inquiry on the affects of social justice coursework in physical education teacher preparation: Preliminary results.

Published Abstracts

Ferry, M. Kullina, P. (2015). White Interventions, Native Reservations, And Red Pedagogy: A Socio-Political Analysis Of A Collaborative School Health Initiative Between A University And Native American Community. Proceedings of the International Association for Physcial Education in Higher Education.

Ferry, M. Banville, D. (2015). An Empirical examination of a reconceptualized classroom ecologoly framework: Hot spots and mixed signals. Proceedings of the International Association for Physcial Education in Higher Education.

Ferry, M. & Banville, D. (2015). Teacher and student perceptions of fitness: ‘Understandings’ and (miss)communications. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport.


Ferry, M. & McCaughtry, N. (2013). Factors contributing to sport prominence in PE teacher content selection. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 84, A40.

Brusseau, T. A., Kulinna, P. H., Tudor-Locke, C., Ferry, M., & Darst, P. W. (May, 2009). The segmented physical activity patterns of elementary school children.  Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 41(5), 17-18.

Ferry, M., Kulinna, P.H., Darst, C., Orlowicz, C., & Bickes, A. (April, 2009). Physical activity and nutrition knowledge development of Native American youth. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 80, A-55-56.

Cothran, D., Kulinna, P.H., & Ferry, M. (April, 2009). Classroom teachers, Native American students, and classroom activity breaks. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 80, A-54.

Ferry, M., Kulinna, P.H., Darst, P., Pangrazi-Orlowicz, C., Tully, A., & Krech, P. (April, 2008). Development of teachers’ curricular self-efficacy related to teaching nutritional concepts. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 79, A-48-49.

Ferry, M., Garn, A., Kulinna, P.H., Darst, P., and Cothran, D. (April, 2007). Investigating social and emotional competence in a diverse elementary population. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 78, A-56.

Ferry, M. (2002). Women in sports: A highway of possibilities. American Association of Leisure and Recreation Reporter, 28(1), 9.


Invited Lectures and Panels

Hopson, R., Letiecq, B., Ndura, E., Williams, J., & Ferry, M. (January, 2015). Work Life, Well Being, Ethical Leadership, and Social (In)Justice in a Time of Social Unrest. Invited panel participant at George Mason University’s College of Education and Human Development Spring 2015 Opening Session. Manassas, VA


Ferry, M. (December, 2013). Secondary School Physical Education in the United States. Invited lecture presented to a delegation of faculty organized by the Chinese Ministry of Education and The Triway International Group. Falls Church, VA.

International/National Refereed

Romm K., Ferry M., Caswell A., Parham C., Ambegaonkar J., Cortes N., Caswell S. (2016). Public School Teachers' and Administrators’ Understanding of Concussion Management in the Classroom. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Athletic Training Association. Baltimore, MD.

Ferry, M. & Banville, D. (2015). An empirical examiniation of a recconceptualized classroom ecology framework: Hot spots and mixed signals. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education. Madrid, Spain.

Ferry, M., Kullina, P., & Cothran, D. (2015). White interventions, native reservations, and red pedagogy: A socio-political analysis of a collaborative school health initiative between a university and native american community. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education. Madrid, Spain.

Ferry, M., Romm, K., Rogers, P., Sutter, R., Sutter, C., Nicotera, Ambegaonkar, J., A, Caswell, A., Caswell, S (2015). Hispanic youth physical activity, concussion, and health care: Socio-cultural ‘understandings’ and potential ‘compounding’ inequity and risk. Poster presented at the Washington D.C. Health Communication Conference. Washington D.C.

Ferry, M. & Banville, D. (2015). Teacher and student perceptions of fitness: ‘Understandings’ and (miss)communications. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (Formally AAHPERD). Seattle, WA.


Banville, D. & Ferry, M. (2014). Comparison of physical activities favored by secondary physical educators and their students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education. Aukland, New Zealand.

Ferry, M. & McCaughtry, N. (2013). Secondary physical educator’s and sport content: A love affair. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, CA.

Ferry, M. & McCaughtry, N. (2013). Factors contributing to sport prominence in PE teacher content selection. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Charlotte, NC.

Richards, C.C. & Ferry, M. (2o11). Anybody else feel like this? : The pedagogy of biopower among internet surgical weight reduction support groups. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA.

McCaughtry, N., & Ferry, M. (2010). Why we teach what we teach: A conversation and investigation into the content taught in secondary physical education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Indianapolis, IN.

Rinehart-Lee, T., Hull, R., Ferry, M., Holdt, A., Brogan, K., & Shen, B. (2009). African-American preschoolers’ physical activity levels in head start. Paper presented at the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Austin, TX.

Brusseau, T. A., Kulinna, P. H., Tudor-Locke, C., Ferry, M., van derMars, H. & Darst, P. (2009). The segmented physical activitypatterns of fourth and fifth grade elementary school children. Paper presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Seattle, WA.

Ferry, M., McCaughtry, N., & Kulinna, P.H. (2009). Social and emotional dimensions of teachers’ knowledge. Paper


presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Diego, CA.

Ferry, M., Kulinna, P.H., Darst, C., Orlowicz, C., & Bickes, A. (2009). Physical activity and nutrition knowledge development of Native American youth. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Tampa, FL.

Cothran, D., Kulinna, P.H., & Ferry, M. (2009).Classroom teachers, Native American students, and classroom activity breaks. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Tampa, FL.

Cothran, D., Kulinna, P.H., & Ferry, M. (2008). NativeAmerican students' healthy living knowledge. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education 2008 International Education Research Conference. Brisbane, Australia.

McMullen, J. M., Jahn, J. A., Brusseau, T. A., Wegis, H. M., Ferry, M., Darst, C., Darst, P. W., Cusimano, B. E., Orlowicz, C. P., & van der Mars, H. (2008). Interested in PETE/sport pedagogy? Everything you need to know! Session presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Fort Worth, TX.

Ferry, M., Kulinna, P.H., Darst, P., Pangrazi-Orlowicz, C., Tully, A., & Krech, P. (2008). Development of teachers’ curricular self-efficacy related to teaching nutritional concepts. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Fort Worth, TX.

Cothran, D., Kulinna, P.H., Garn, A., Brusseau, T., & Ferry, M. (2008). Classroom teachers and physical activity integration. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New York, NY.

Brusseau Jr., T. A., Kulinna, P. H., Ferry, M., Darst, P. W., Krech, P. R., Sher, S., Masciangelo, M, & Colletti, L. (2007). Physical education teacher education (PETE) students’ attitudes toward curricular outcomes for


physical education. Paper presented at the Historic Traditions and Future Directions of Research on Teaching and Teacher Education in Physical Education Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Ferry, M., Garn, A., Kulinna, P.H., Darst, P., and Cothran, D. (2007).Investigating social and emotional competence in a diverse elementary population. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Baltimore, MD.

Local Refereed

Ferry, M., Kulinna, P. H., Brusseau Jr., T.A., Darst, P. W., Krech, P. R.,

Sher, S., Masciangelo, M., & Colletti, L. (2007) Physical education teacher education (PETE) students’ attitudes toward curricular outcomes for physical education. Polytechnic Day. ASU Polytechnic campus.

Ferry, M., Garn, A., Kulinna, P.H., Darst, P., & Cothran, D. (2007). Investigating social competence in an elementary Native American population. Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference. ASU Polytechnic campus.

Darst, P., Kulinna, P.H., Pangrazi-Orlowicz, C., Johnson, T., Brusseau, T., Ferry, M., & Warfield, W. (2006). Cooperative activities and games. ASU Polytechnic Campus School of Education Fair.

Johnson, T., Feroni, A., Brusseau, T., Ferry, M., & Dagastino, T. (2005). Disc activities: Ultimate and disk golf. AzAHPERD State Convention.


Co-Primary Investigator/Coordinator. May 2012-PresentGeorge Mason University. Manassas, VAFerry, M. (Co-PI), Banville, D. (Co-PI). Partnership for Education in Active and Healthy Living.

-I am the George Mason University principal coordinator for each aspect of this partnership with the Prince William Country Public Schools, including grant funding proposal creation, research design


and facilitation, and professional development design and facilitation.


Co-Primary Investigator. August 2013-August 2015.George Mason University. Manassas, VACaswell, S. (Co-PI), Ferry, M. (Co-PI)The ACHIEVES Project (AdvanCing Healthcare Initiatives for underserved Students): Understanding Social and Cultural Barriers. Funded by the Potomac Health Foundation. $381,487.00

-I am supporting the project in various capacities including programmatic evaluation and qualitative research design, collection, analysis, and dissemination.

Co-Investigator. May 2012-January 2013George Mason University. Manassas, VA(PI) Ambegaonkar, J. (Co-PIs), Annetta, L., Cortes, N., Caswell, S., Ferry, M. (Submitted January 2013)Encouraging Active Gaming to Learn Science. Unfunded proposal submitted to National Science Foundation. $2,972,063

-I am supported the project in various capacities including funding proposal creation, research design and facilitation, and partnership creation and development.

Co-Investigator. May 2012-January 2013George Mason University. Manassas, VA(PI) Ambegaonkar, J. (Co-PIs), Annetta, L., Cortes, N., Caswell, S., Ferry, M. (Submitted January 2013)Encouraging STEM Careers via Innovative Nutrition (Einstein). Unfunded proposal submitted to National Science Foundation. $1,999,993

-I am supported the project in various capacities including funding proposal creation, research design and facilitation, and partnership creation and development.

Co-Coordinator. August 2009-June 2011Wayne State University. Detroit, MIMcCaughtry, N. (PI), Martin, J., Shen, B., & Fahlman, M. (2009-

2012)Detroit Healthy Youth Initiative. Funded by the U.S. Department



Education. $1,103,603-I am supporting the project in various capacities, including funding proposal writing, project conception and organization, teacher workshop organization and facilitation, survey data collection, conducting teacher and student interviews, instrument calibration, data analysis, research presentations, and manuscript preparation.

Project Assistant. August, 2008-June, 2009Wayne State University. Detroit, MIJen, K-L. C. (PI), Shen, B. (PI), & Brogan, K. (2008) Healthy

KidsHealthy Lives Program. Funded by Wayne State University.

$240,000-I supported the grant in various capacities, including: facilitation of data collection trainings; teaching physical activity lessons for Head Start children; teaching parent/child activity lessons; employing multiple methods of empirical data collection including: gross motor skills (TGMD), accelometry, and conducting focus group interviews; data analysis, and research presentations.

Project Assistant. August, 2007-June, 2008Arizona State University. Tempe, AZKulinna, P.H. (PI), Tudor-Locke, C., Darst, P., Orlowicz, C., &

Van derMars, H. (2007). Salt River Pima-Maricopa Community Schools

HealthyLiving Initiative. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

$247,754-I supported the project in various capacities, including teacher trainings, pedometer data collection, conducting teacher and student interviews, instrument calibration, data analysis, research presentations, and manuscript preparation.

Project Assistant. August, 2007-June, 2008Arizona State University. Tempe, AZKulinna, P.H. (PI), Tudor-Locke, C., Darst, P., & Orlowicz, C.

(2006). Physical Education Pilot Grant. Funded by the Arizona Department of Education $74,191

-I supported the project in various capacities, including pedometer/accelerometer orientations, pedometer data collection, teacher interview, data


analysis, research presentations; and manuscript preparation.

Project Assistant. August, 2006-June, 2007Arizona State University. Tempe, AZKulinna, P.H. (PI), Darst, P., Orlowicz, C., & Tudor-Locke, C.

(2005). Gila River Diabetes Prevention Initiative Consortium Agreement. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education. $243,686

-I supported the project in various capacities, including teacher training organization, intervention implementation, pedometer data collection, teacher and student interviews, data analysis, research presentations; and manuscript preparation.


Committee Chair (Co-Chair)

Debbie Checco, Masters Project, Self-Determination and Zumba: A Qualitative Inquiry. Anticipated Defense, Fall 2015.

Katie Romm, Masters Project, Classroom teachers’ experiences with student concussion and return-to-learn protocols. Defended, Spring 2016.

Committee Member

Patrick Workman, Masters Thesis. Examination of personal motivations of leisure choices in the social media era. Anticipated Defened, Fall 2016

Natalie Pardo, Masters Thesis, A socio-cultural analysis of gendered media portrayals of youth sport concussion. Anticipated Defense, Fall 2017.

Rick Holt, Masters Thesis, Parental influence on the physical activity behavior of school-age children in a multi-ethnic mixed income setting. Defended, Fall 2014.


George Mason University


Instructor. PHED 202 Teaching Skillful Movement (3cr). Fall, 2015

Instructor. PHED 34o Social and Cultural Issues in Physical Education (3cr). Fall, 2013; Spring 2014, Fall, 2014, Spring 2016

Instructor. PHED 306 Psychomotor Learning (3cr). Fall, 2011; Spring, 2012; Summer, 2012, Spring, 2013, Summer


Instructor. PHED 404 Middle and High School Instruction in Physical Education (3cr). Spring, 2012; Fall, 2012; Spring, 2013; Fall, 2013; Fall, 2014; Fall 2015, Spring 2016

Instructor. PHED 670 Analysis of Teaching in Physical Education (3cr). Fall, 2011; Fall, 2012; Fall 2015

Instructor. PRLS 611 Social Psychology of Leisure (3cr).Summer, 2013; Summer, 2014; Summer 2015

Wayne State University

Co-Instructor. KIN 7460 Research and Methods: Secondary (3cr).

Winter, 2011

Co-Instructor. KIN 4460 Research and Methods: Secondary (3cr).

Winter, 2011

C0-Instructor. KIN 7510 Socio-Cultural Issues in Physical Education (3cr). Fall, 2010

C0-Instructor. KIN 4510 Socio-Cultural Issues in Physical Education (3cr). Fall, 2010

Teaching Assistant. KIN 7510 Socio-Cultural Issues in Physical Education (3cr). Fall, 2008

Teaching Assistant. KIN 7440 Research and Methods: Elementary (3cr). Fall, 2008

Teaching Assistant. KIN 4440 Research and Methods: Elementary (3cr). Fall, 2008


Arizona State University

Teaching Assistant. PPE 598 Elementary Physical Education Methods

(3cr) Spring, 2008

Teaching Assistant. PPE 398 Elementary Physical Education Methods

(3cr) Spring, 2008

Instructor. PPE 294 - Teaching Lifetime Activity K-12. Fall, 2006

Instructor. PPE 294 - Teaching Lifetime Activity K-12. Spring, 2006


Physical Education Teacher. Oakdale Elementary School Charlotte, NC. August, 2003 to June, 2005Culturally diverse urban schoolTwo time Oakdale Eagle Pride Staff Award Winner 2005 Oakdale Red apple award for excellence in teaching

Student Teacher. Green Lake High School Green Lake, WI. March, 2003 to June, 2003Small community school with a broad outdoor education

curriculumUnits include canoeing, fishing, archery, and rifle

Student Teacher. Idlewild Elementary School Charlotte, NC. January, 2003 to March, 2003 Culturally diverse urban school

Other Teaching Experience

Healthy Kids, Healthy Lives Physical Activity Instructor.Detroit, MI. October 2008 to April 2009Taught physical activity lessons to ethnically diverse preschool age children at Head Start centers.

eXzone Physical Education and Nutrition Teacher. Phoenix, AZ. June 2006 & 2007Co-supervisor and instructor


Taught a variety of physical education and healthy nutrition lessons to elementary age students located in urban schools in west Phoenix.

Tennis Instructor. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Cornhusker Tennis Camp. Lincoln, NE. June 2005, 2006, 2007Instruct tennis to juniors in both individual and group setting

Tennis Instructor. Charlotte Racquet Club NorthCharlotte, NC. November 2004-June 2005Taught group and private tennis lessons to adults and juniors

Assistant Women’s Tennis Coach. University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. Oshkosh, WI. Fall Semester of 2002Assist with planning and facilitating practiceAssist with competitive match coaching

Tennis Instructor/Supervisor. Tennis and Life Camps St. Peter, MN. June to August of 2001, 2002, 2004 and 2005Instruct tennis in both individual and group settingsOne of Tennis Magazine’s 2004 10 Best Summer Camps for

JuniorsOne of Tennis Magazine’s 2005 25 Best Adult Camps


2013 Finalist, Graduate Student Research Award. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Research Consortium.

2011 Metzler-Freedman Exemplary Paper Award. Presented by the Journal of Teaching in Physical Education Editorial Board at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) annual convention.

Ferry, M., McCaughtry, N., & Kulinna, P.H. (2011). Social and emotional pedagogy: Rhythm and junctures. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 30, 13-30.

2011 American Kinesiology Association Graduate Scholar Award

2011 American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Ruth Abernathy Presidential Scholarship ($1750)


2010 Michigan Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Student Scholarship ($1000)

2010 Hubert and Elsie Watson Endowed Memorial Scholarship ($3000)

2009 Michigan Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Student Scholarship ($500)

2009 Helen F. Gilbert Endowed Scholarship ($3000)

2006 Arizona Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Mark G. Arnett Graduate Scholarship ($500)

2006 Robert P. Pangrazi President’s Council Fellowship Award ($500)

2005 Oakdale Elementary School Red Apple award for excellence in teaching

November 2004 and April 2005 Oakdale Elementary School Staff Eagle Pride Award Winner

2003 UW-Oshkosh Outstanding Senior Award

May, 2003, Initiated into Kappa Delta Pi honor society

2002 American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation (Formerly American Association for Leisure and Recreation) Robert M. Crawford Student Literary Award

Member of the 2002 Intercollegiate Tennis Association’s Senior All-Scholar Team

2002 Jon Taylor Senior Scholar/Athlete Award nominee


American Educational Research Association (AERA). Member July 2007 to present

-Special Interest Group: Research on Teaching and Learning in Physical Education


Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE). (Formally: American Alliance for Health Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD)). Member May 2002 to present.

Virginia Association for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance (VAHPERD). Member November 2011-present.

Michigan Association for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance (MAHPERD). Member November 2008-2011.

Arizona Association for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance (AzAHPERD). Member September 2005-June 2008.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Physical Education Association. Member October 2003 to June 2005

Health, Physical Education and Recreation club (HPER) at UW-Oshkosh. Member September 1999 to Spring 2003.


Session Chair. Sport and the Global South II: Legacies, Possibilities, Transformations. Conference hosted by the Center for the Study of Sport and Leisure in Society, George Mason University. November 12-14, 2012

Critical Public Health. Manuscript reviewer. June 2014-present

Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. Manuscript reviewer. June 2013-present

Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Manuscript reviewer. April 2012-present

Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. Manuscript reviewer. April 2012-present

Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance College and University Working Group. October 2011-present

Physical and Health Education Advisory Council. George Mason University. August 2011-present


Physical and Health Education program committee member. George Mason University. August 2011-present

Oversight Committee. Arizona Association for Health Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Board. April 2008 to May 2008.

Vice President-Adapted Physical Education. Arizona Association for Health Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Board. September 2007 to May 2008.

Student Chair. Arizona Association for Health Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Board. January 2007 to September 2007.

Board Member. UW-Oshkosh Student Athletic Advisory Board. September 2001 to May 2002.


Sport and the Global South II: Legacies, Possibilities, Transformations. November, 2012. Fairfax, VA.

Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention. November, 2011. Reston, VA.

Michigan Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention. November, 2010. Grand Rapids, MI.

Michigan Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention. November, 2009. Traverse City, MI.

Michigan Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 19th Annual Southeast Michigan Regional Health & Physical Education Workshop. March, 2009. Livonia, MI.

Michigan Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention. November, 2008. Grand Rapids, MI.

Arizona Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention. September 2006, 2007; Phoenix, AZ.


American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention, March 2006. Salt Lake City, UT.

American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Southern District Convention, February 2003. Savannah, GA.