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Mental and/or Spiritual Health

Mystery-related Mental Health axioms-Axiom: Based on my acquaintance with PUA Mystery, it seems he himself envisioned his own axioms. I detect very little external influence in his thought. It seems most of his work was originated out of his own insight and genius. He trusted and carried out his own vision; he himself found, Rationalized, and Empirically-tested his own axioms on his own right.

Note: The body of knowledge he built up is incredibly accurate and functional.

Hint: Try out the same Strategy! Configure, systematize and scientifically test and refine your own visions Also! Do in the most intelligent and sincere way possible.

Tip: Sincerity is fundamental when configuring solutions to problems. Or is it the case that scientific knowledge works on praxis because it´s based on fallacies, inaccuracies? Example: Mystery didn´t self-deceive himself telling himself that he didn´t wanted a girlfriend. What he did was he SINCERILY RATIONALIZED the cause of his suffering and didn´t shield behind another Rationalization (making allusion to Rationalism) such as: “No, I´m not sad due to not having a Girlfriend but due to not being enlightened yet, yeah, I don´t know myself, that´s actually why I´m sad”; “Needing others is bad and it´s a mistake” (Rationalizations I myself used to have).

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Axioms on Reality, Truth, Science, knowledge, intellectual certainty.

1 Reality isDefinition: Reality.Reality is the state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined.

2 Axiom: Science, Scientific-Knowledge, Knowledge, Scientific-Model, Model, Intellectual-Model are synonyms.Quote: The word science comes from the Latin "scientia," meaning knowledge.How do we define science? According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition of science is "knowledge attained through study or practice," or "knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws, esp. as obtained and tested through scientific method [and] concerned with the physical world." From:

Explanation:What does that really mean? Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge. This system uses observation and experimentation to describe and explain natural phenomena.The term science also refers to the organized body of knowledge people have gained using that system. Less formally, the word science often describes any systematic field of study or the knowledge gained from it”. Explanation from:

Quote: “What is the purpose of science? Perhaps the most general description is that the purpose of science is to produce useful models of reality”. -

3 Axiom: Scientific-Knowledge is an intellectual model which reflects reality.

Note: In this sense, Scientific knowledge is not reality, nor it is Reality: Science, Knowledge, Scientific-Model, Model, Intellectual-Model; due to these being synonyms to Scientific Knowledge [2] which is not Reality but a reflection of it [3].

Quote: “What is the purpose of science? Perhaps the most general description is that the purpose of science is to produce useful models of reality”. -

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4 Axiom: Being an intellectual model which reflects reality [3], the truthfulness or workability [10] IN REALITY of Knowledge (or Science, Scientific-Knowledge, Knowledge, Scientific-Model, Model, Intellectual-Model due to being synonyms [2]) and of any conclusion or result derived from it can be either approximate or absolute with absolute being either negative or affirmative and can change from being approximate to absolute and from absolute to approximate and/or can be approximate and absolute at the same time. Quote: “As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality”. -Albert EinsteinQuote: "Although this may seem a paradox, all exact science is dominated by the idea of approximation. When a man tells you that he knows the exact truth about anything, you are safe in inferring that he is an inexact man." - Bertrand Russell in "The Scientific Outlook" (1931)

Examples of knowledge or intellectual models being approximate regarding truthfulness or functionality in reality:

Newton´s laws are useful when applied to classic mechanics, yet become useless when applied to quantum mechanics.

Algebra is useful when dealing with the macro-world, yet it becomes useless when applied to quantum mechanics.

Note: this happens because quantum mechanics comes up with properties and different from those appreciated in the macro-world, yet these two spheres are just aspects of the same Reality as a whole; nonetheless, these aspects present different properties, isn´t it interesting? Notice also that Newton´s laws and algebra´s truthfulness is approximate in its attempt to reflect and define the whole reality.

Examples of knowledge or intellectual models being absolute affirmative regarding truthfulness or functionality in reality:

Newton´s Laws´ and algebra´s truthfulness or workability is absolute regarding Classic Mechanics and/or the macro-world. Everything in these very specific sub-sets of reality can be defined and explained in terms of Newton´s laws and Algebra.

Examples of knowledge or intellectual models being absolute negative regarding truthfulness or functionality in reality:

“Two balls plus four balls make up seven balls” If we do the experiment of putting two balls together with four balls, it could be said with arrogance that they make up six balls and not seven. The previous statement or intellectual model of Reality´s behavior, regarding truthfulness or workability, is absolute negative, i.e. “fucking wrong, son!”.

Examples of knowledge or intellectual models changing from being absolute to approximate regarding truthfulness or functionality in reality:

Properties of black-holes defy some current physics laws. Nonetheless, I predict the properties of black-holes and alike phenomena will become more and more familiar, just as quantum mechanics´.Example: Newly discovered black holes defy 40 years of theories:

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“Some of the oldest star clusters in the known universe should not contain black holes, at least according to modern theories. However, a team of astrophysicists have recently discovered black holes in these groups of stars, challenging what we now know about these clusters and where and how black holes develop.These globular star clusters could have possibly up to tens of millions of stars that can collide with each other. Because of this, it was originally thought that any black holes that formed in a cluster would be ejected. Scientists believe that these stars are continuously playing bumper cars with each other and slinging black holes out of their area until they no longer exist. However, scientists recently discovered black holes in these clusters, disproving 40 years of theories”. From: intellectual model which explained the properties and behavior of black holes has become approximate regarding its functionality to define black holes and their behavior, when previously, its functionality was absolute affirmative.

Examples of knowledge or intellectual models changing from being approximate to absolute regarding truthfulness or functionality in reality:

Algebra and Newton´s Laws, are approximate at trying to define and explain quantum mechanics, but they are absolute at defining and explain classic mechanics.

5 Axiom: Scientific-Knowledge, though approximate and not absolute in its Reality-reflection [3], can be highly accurate and functional, and thus, worthy of being used and considered.Explanation: Let it be no highly accurate, no technology would have come to be. No particles accelerator, no computers no man on moon, for example. Quote: "Although this may seem a paradox, all exact science is dominated by the idea of approximation. When a man tells you that he knows the exact truth about anything, you are safe in inferring that he is an inexact man." - Bertrand Russell in "The Scientific Outlook" (1931)Quote: “What is the purpose of science? Perhaps the most general description is that the purpose of science is to produce useful models of reality”. -

6 Axiom: Scientific knowledge is not definitive: it changes, corrects and adapts in order to increase the accuracy of its Reality-reflexive property.Example: Modified Newtonian dynamicsIn physics, Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MoND) is a theory that proposes a modification of Newton's law of gravity to explain the galaxy rotation problem. When the uniform velocity of rotation of galaxies was first observed, it was unexpected because Newtonian theory of gravity predicts that objects that are farther out will have lower velocities. For example, planets in the Solar System orbit with velocities that decrease as their distance from the Sun increases.MoND was proposed by Mordehai Milgrom in 1983 as a way to model this observed uniform velocity data. Milgrom noted that Newton's law for gravitational force has been verified only where gravitational acceleration is large, and suggested that for extremely small accelerations the theory may not hold. MoND theory posits that acceleration is not linearly proportional to gravitational force at small values.

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MoND is one alternative to the more widely accepted theory of dark matter. Dark matter theory suggests that each galaxy contains a halo of an as yet unidentified type of matter that provides an overall mass distribution different from the observed distribution of normal matter. This dark matter accounts for the uniform rotation velocity data without modifying Newton's law of gravity.From:

7 Axiom: Reality and it´s properties or characteristics are constant.

Note: Note that this axiom is an intellectual reflexive model of Reality, in other words, scientific knowledge; and thus, if proven wrong, will be changed or eliminated and forgotten, just as many theories and pseudo-discoveries.

Example: Modified Newtonian dynamicsIn physics, Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MoND) is a theory that proposes a modification of Newton's law of gravity to explain the galaxy rotation problem. When the uniform velocity of rotation of galaxies was first observed, it was unexpected because Newtonian theory of gravity predicts that objects that are farther out will have lower velocities. For example, planets in the Solar System orbit with velocities that decrease as their distance from the Sun increases.MoND was proposed by Mordehai Milgrom in 1983 as a way to model this observed uniform velocity data. Milgrom noted that Newton's law for gravitational force has been verified only where gravitational acceleration is large, and suggested that for extremely small accelerations the theory may not hold. MoND theory posits that acceleration is not linearly proportional to gravitational force at small values.MoND is one alternative to the more widely accepted theory of dark matter. Dark matter theory suggests that each galaxy contains a halo of an as yet unidentified type of matter that provides an overall mass distribution different from the observed distribution of normal matter. This dark matter accounts for the uniform rotation velocity data without modifying Newton's law of gravity.From:

Example: Newly discovered black holes defy 40 years of theories:“Some of the oldest star clusters in the known universe should not contain black holes, at least according to modern theories. However, a team of astrophysicists have recently discovered black holes in these groups of stars, challenging what we now know about these clusters and where and how black holes develop.These globular star clusters could have possibly up to tens of millions of stars that can collide with each other. Because of this, it was originally thought that any black holes that formed in a cluster would be ejected. Scientists believe that these stars are continuously playing bumper cars with each other and slinging black holes out of their area until they no longer exist. However, scientists recently discovered black holes in these clusters, disproving 40 years of theories”. From:

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8 Axiom: Due to inaccuracies in current coined Reality-modeling axioms, and the left-out of X factors, as scientific knowledge stacks up upon itself it starts to generate an error threshold at defining and reflecting Reality. Quote: "Although this may seem a paradox, all exact science is dominated by the idea of approximation. When a man tells you that he knows the exact truth about anything, you are safe in inferring that he is an inexact man." - Bertrand Russell in "The Scientific Outlook" (1931)

Note: This axiom explains why, often, a not-known-before phenomenon happens to defy contemporary scientific laws.

Example: Newly discovered black holes defy 40 years of theories“Some of the oldest star clusters in the known universe should not contain black holes, at least according to modern theories. However, a team of astrophysicists have recently discovered black holes in these groups of stars, challenging what we now know about these clusters and where and how black holes develop.These globular star clusters could have possibly up to tens of millions of stars that can collide with each other. Because of this, it was originally thought that any black holes that formed in a cluster would be ejected. Scientists believe that these stars are continuously playing bumper cars with each other and slinging black holes out of their area until they no longer exist. However, scientists recently discovered black holes in these clusters, disproving 40 years of theories”. From:

9 Axiom: Intellectual uncertainty is a natural constant to bear due to knowledge (Science/Scientific-Knowledge/Knowledge/Scientific-Model/ Model/Intellectual-Model) being approximate, non-definitive and ever changing in it´s accuracy level of Reality-reflection. Quote:

A scientific theory is empirical,[citation needed] and is always open to falsification if new evidence is presented. That is, no theory is ever considered strictly certain as science accepts the concept of fallibilism.[citation needed] The philosopher of science Karl Popper sharply distinguishes truth from certainty. He writes that scientific knowledge "consists in the search for truth", but it "is not the search for certainty ... All human knowledge is fallible and therefore uncertain."[34]

(…)Stanovich also asserts that science avoids searching for a "magic bullet"; it avoids the single-cause fallacy. This means a scientist would not ask merely "What is the cause of ...", but rather "What are the most significant causes of ...". This is especially the case in the more macroscopic fields of science (e.g. psychology, cosmology).[43] Of course, research often analyzes few factors at once, but these are always added to the long list of factors that are most important to consider. [43] For example: knowing the details of only a person's genetics, or their history and upbringing, or the current situation may not explain a behaviour, but a deep understanding of all these variables combined can be very predictive.From:

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10 Rule: Carry intellectual uncertainty without being bothered by it. Because knowledge is approximate, non-definitive and ever changing in it´s accuracy level of Reality-reflection.

10 Axiom: A scientific model is true if it works. Quote: “Buddha says: “truth is what works”. Science will accept his definition. Science will accept Buddha´s statement: “Truth is what works”, don´t ask what it is. It is just as if somebody asks you: “What is yellow?” you can say: “Yellow is yellow” –“But what is it?” We are living in a mysterious world where nothing is known. All that we know is how to use things. If we go to the root of knowing, we will be confronted with an immense mystery which has not been solved even in ordinary matters. What is yellow? What is good?” –Osho.

11 Axiom: Scientific knowledge is able to define and explain just sub-sets of Reality, not Reality as a whole.Example:

Modified Newtonian dynamicsIn physics, Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MoND) is a theory that proposes a modification of Newton's law of gravity to explain the galaxy rotation problem. When the uniform velocity of rotation of galaxies was first observed, it was unexpected because Newtonian theory of gravity predicts that objects that are farther out will have lower velocities. For example, planets in the Solar System orbit with velocities that decrease as their distance from the Sun increases.MoND was proposed by Mordehai Milgrom in 1983 as a way to model this observed uniform velocity data. Milgrom noted that Newton's law for gravitational force has been verified only where gravitational acceleration is large, and suggested that for extremely small accelerations the theory may not hold. MoND theory posits that acceleration is not linearly proportional to gravitational force at small values.MoND is one alternative to the more widely accepted theory of dark matter. Dark matter theory suggests that each galaxy contains a halo of an as yet unidentified type of matter that provides an overall mass distribution different from the observed distribution of normal matter. This dark matter accounts for the uniform rotation velocity data without modifying Newton's law of gravity.


12 Definition: Assumption is a belief held or a statement made which is treated as true until proven otherwise. I simply Assume it is this way, until proven otherwise!!!! Lol!!!

Note: notice the similarity, if not equivalency, with hypothesis.Note: Remember that science grows and advances in this way, making assumptions which are then tested in order to find their level of workability or truthfulness (assumptions about to be tested are called hypotheses), this level being either: approximate, absolute negative or absolute positive; being prone to change from approximate to absolute and vice versa; and can be absolute and approximate at the same time depending on the sub-set of Reality they are being tested into [4]. Why is it this way? It is simply ASSUMED it is this way until proven not true, in other words, until proven this doesn´t work


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“I will end up with Mimi regardless of all calamities that have happened because my new skills will make it happen”

“I can run while not moving my body! :D” “I´m a male human” “If I open a group of people by saying telling a funny bit and stack up these pieces and

then demonstrate disinterest to a particular girl within the group while demonstrating value to the rest of the group and lock-in the girl I´m demonstrating disinterest to into the group with a lock-in prop so she stays nearby and perceives my demonstrations of value, this girl will feel attracted to me”.

13 Science functions and grows through assumptions (hypotheses). Which level of truthfulness is submitted to test. Assumptions which have low or an absolute negative level of truthfulness or workability are discarded; assumptions which have a high or absolute positive level of truthfulness or workability are considered or even made scientific laws.

14 Rule: Leave room to perform Assumptions for filling-in the undefined gaps between two or more defined elements. Later, you´ll have the opportunity to field-test these assumptions in order to REFINE (or discard) them. Don´t attempt to chart and systematize EVERYTHING ad-infinitum or else you´ll waste your life miserably.

Note: Remember that science is just a humongous assumption; just a big-ass, assumed, descriptive body of knowledge about Reality, not Reality.

PERSONAL HEALTHBody-Rule: Hygiene Rules


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Hair-conditionerSkin-scratcherMoisturizer on face (maybe even on other body parts like the arms)

Mouth: Dental flossMouth-washerGum during the day

Trimming:BodyToe and fingernails

Explanation: This is as much a functional requirement for the bedroom as it is an aesthetic one. Don’t leave any rough edges.

EyebrowsExplanation: Make sure you have two eyebrows. Invest in a decent pair of tweezers and remove the hairs in the middle! If you want them to look extra good (or they’re exceptionally bushy) get them shaped at a salon and upkeep them yourself by tweezing what grows in.


Explanation: Invest in nice cologne, fragrance and/or aftershave.ClothesShoes

-Rule: Body Maintenance RulesWorkout

Pending to classify-Why do we age

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Theories and Ideas with potential to be considered and developed-Analogy to “the domain of a function”. An element defined for a certain set (set theory).