masterclass iimn - agile (pensamiento y técnicas) - por josé carlos gil zambrana

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Masterclass de IIMN ofrecida en Marzo de 2015 "Agile (pensamiento y técnicas)" - por José Carlos Gil Zambrana


  • Hola!


  • Agile & Technical CoachConsultant & trainerLego Serious Play


    About me

  • Its not about...Practices or tools

    Boards, post-it, stand-ups, games...

  • What?

  • Its about principles...

  • and Values


  • Computing Manufacturing

  • Most common methods

  • Make work visibleLimit WIPMeasure flowExplicit rulesFeedback loopsEvolve experimentally


  • Lets go back to the example

  • 300 peopleCatalog sales to webRebrandingLabour Force Adjustment (ERE)

    Org Context

  • The projectWeb redesign & rebuild

    A company challengeNot only Marketing & Tech

  • BackgroundPrevious mobile web made using Scrum

    It may seems the same but it was not a company effort

  • The project begins

  • Agile Inception40 people10 exercices1 full dayOutside the company

  • Product Box Not List

  • How Long? How Much?

  • ResultsKnow whats in/out: web,brand, process change...

    Shared vision

    Too many people

  • 3 Full Stack Devs1 Frontend Dev/UX1 QA/UX2 Part-time Designers1 Product Owner

    The team

  • Time & SpaceDedicated space for the team

    Product Owner co-located

    100% of time devoted to project

  • Team OrganizationKanban:

    Business, Design & Front EndScrum:

    Development & Acceptance Test2 weeks Sprints

  • BusinessUX

  • Design

  • Front End

  • Development

  • Acceptance Test

  • Everything is goodHigh quality of deliverables Better business organizationHigh team moraleCustomer satisfaction

  • Why?

  • Command & Controlexercise of authority [...] by a properly designated [individual] over assigned [resources] in the accomplishment of a [common goal]

    As defined byNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

  • Industrial Knowledge

  • Cmd & Ctrl Self OrgOne brainSlow decision chainNo ideaDemotivated

    Many brainsFast decision chainKnow howMotivated

  • Self organizing teamPulling workSolving conflicts internallyImproving process by themselvesSuggesting solutionsDelivering value

  • Is for every team?Requires maturity

    Skills / KnowledgeMotivation / Ambition

  • Root cause


    Quality at the source

  • Pair working

  • Mob working

  • DemoEvery 2 weeks we show and deliver a product that works and is better than before.

  • Retrospective


    Continuous improvement

  • Informal meetingsAs soon as a problem arisesAnywareFast decision or Last responsible moment

  • No problems then?

  • EREEvery 5 weeks 1 off

    Pair / Mob WorkingVisual managementSelf organization

  • Not everyone in the team knew well Scrum / Kanban.

    Internal Training


  • More cowbellManagement wants speed / more peopleMaximizing the amount of work not doneRelease early, release often

  • Wisdom of the eldersAdding manpower to a late software project makes it later

    Frederick P. Brooks

  • Wisdom of the eldersNine women cant make a baby in one month

    Frederick P. Brooks

  • Continuous deliveryPrioritizeCreate optionsVisualize the workContrast with

    Delivery date

  • To conclude

  • Agile has practices...

  • ...but is aboutPrinciples & Values

  • Your team is your product

  • Thanks!

  • Questions?

    @[email protected]
