marotta & cafiero editori - frankfurt rights list 2013

FOREIGN RIGHTS LIST Frankfurt Book Fair 2013 Marotta & Cafiero Editori | Naples, Italy | Marotta & Cafiero Editori is represented by MaBeL Agency For any information about foreign rights, please contact Mara Bevilacqua [email protected]

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Marotta & Cafiero editori is an open access publishing house dealing mainly with civil commitment fiction and non-fiction.


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Frankfurt Book Fair 2013

Marotta & Cafiero Editori | Naples, Italy |

Marotta & Cafiero Editori is represented by MaBeL Agency

For any information about foreign rights, please contact Mara Bevilacqua [email protected]

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MaBeL&Agency&|&Mara&Bevilacqua&|&[email protected]&!

Marotta & Cafiero Editori is a small, brave, fierce and successful Italian publishing house, based in the troubled neighborhood of Scampia, Naples. Antonio Marotta founded it in 1960s, and in past decades it has gone through several

publishing phases, always focused on quality, like André Gide, Hispanic fiction, books in Neapolitan dialect. Then, in 2010, M&C has changed again, becoming an open access publishing house dealing mainly with civil commitment fiction and non-fiction. Marotta & Cafiero is a political cultural enterprise using books as an instrument to change and improve society and people consciousness. This is the reason why it publishes its books with a Creative Commons license, making them all available for free on the Internet. Moreover, Marotta & Cafiero is a green and environmentally sustainable publisher: it pursues Kyoto Protocol and its books are Long Life and biodegradable. Finally, book price cannot be more than 10 euros, and it often chooses crowd-funding to finance publishing (and other projects, like their brand-new music label or theatre performances) so that M&C’s books are a result of people effort and commitment.

Main Series: I Ragni (Spiders) about webs of involvement; Le Zanzare (Mosquitos) bothering books about civil, political and social commitment; La Città Raccontata (Naples told) about several aspects of the city.

Rosario Esposito La Rossa (1988) and Maddalena Stornaiuolo (1987) are in charge to run the house. These two young and go-ahead publishers (but Rosario is also a writer while Maddalena is an actress) are getting a lot of national press coverage because they represent a sustainable and successful social enterprise model. Marotta & Cafiero won the 2013 National Award for Culture of Legality.

Available titles

Over the Wall. Stories of Divided Communities (Oltre il muro. Storie di comunità divise)

by Christian Elia (reportage | p. 100 | 2010)

Six reports for six walls dividing people, faiths, politics. A wall indicates a frontier; it divides places and people, families and friends. These walls made of bricks, steel, or barbed wire, claim victims all over the world, also where war is not very loud. They mark power boundaries and power built them, neglecting persons and their lives. A wall is not only a barrier but also a mental block: the other and me are different and we have to be separated. How do you live locked in? How do you feel when your horizon is just concrete? How come that three meters of gray stones mean total protection? From Israel to Belfast, from Cyprus to Iraq and West Sahara, Christian Elia, journalist at Peace Reporter and author of the documentary The Empty House, tells us what he sees with his own eyes.

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MaBeL&Agency&|&Mara&Bevilacqua&|&[email protected]&!A Journey Through Italian Common Goods (Viaggio nell’Italia dei beni comuni)

by Various Authors (non-fiction | p. 256 | 2012)

What is it that brings together a wood and a theater, a pasta factory and a condo, an aqueduct and a convent, a kitchen garden and a lagoon, hundreds of solar panels and assets confiscated from mafias? This book analyzes 24 Italian case stories of operative common goods, run by unconventional methods and a truly democratic, direct people involvement. A (not completed yet) review of potentialities given by following not profit-oriented market systems to manage goods and services. Several examples of how Commons (also studied by Nobel prize Elinor Ostrom) can improve people life and community economy, and showing that aiming for happiness is easily possible with joint liability.

CASE STORIES: Hospitable Riace. Naples’ water: a participated story to make it available for all. Books in common. Pescomaggiore self-reconstruction. Marano Community and its lagoon. Cultivating common goods on Mob’s lands. Civic goods of Pesariis. University of People of Costacciaro: ecologists ante litteram. Teatro Valle: a re-constituent. Spiazzi Verdi experience: building community urban gardens. House of Common Goods in Venice. Union of People of Massenzatica: incomes and jobs for the community. Rules to save mountains. Occupied farmhouses in Monte Peglia. Poor Clare Sisters of Camposampiero: a convent as an example of a collective society. Farmers make pasta: story of the Iris cooperative. A condo in co-housing in Fidenza. Sunlight power in common at Morbegno. Civic lands in Ogliastra: a local development project. Common bread in Brianza. Water-groups of Po river areas. Wood of Sorti della Partecipanza in Trino. Torri Superiore, a recovered village. Val di Susa, a territory of “common ownership”.

Monsters (Mostri)

by Rosario Esposito La Rossa (narrative non-fiction | p. 235 | 2010)

Short stories that picture those horrible accidents media choose not to show. Stories about trampled and forgotten human rights, people too often treated as no human anymore. Anti-personnel mines, Palestine, female sexual mutilations, genocides, kamikaze, Rwanda and Sarajevo, Intifada and child soldiers: in these pages young people, whom the book is dedicated to because they study history just until Second World War at school, will find stories of oppressed, stories of men and women hidden behind mere figures as they were not as human as we are. Published thanks to 162 persons who financed it.

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MaBeL&Agency&|&Mara&Bevilacqua&|&[email protected]&!Libera Voice (Libera voce)

by Rosario Esposito La Rossa (non-fiction | p. 126 | 2008)

Preface by Don Ciotti, founder of “Libera. Associations, names and numbers against mafias”. Young people living in Naples finally can give voice to their thoughts, feelings, desires, and opinions. Ignored by media because they’re not piece of news, thanks to author’s sound recorder we can listen to their stories creating a colorful and powerful mosaic of hopes and frustrations, sadness and happiness that truly is Naples.

How to give birth to a mammoth (and not being crushed under it) (Come partorire un mammut (e non rimanere schiacciati sotto))

by Giovanni Zoppoli (ed.) (non-fiction | p. 320 | 2011)

This is an anthology of practices, instruments, methods and intuitions elaborated by Mammut Experimental Local Center, to deal with and create a school for Italian, foreign or Rom children, teenagers and adults of Scampia, a very difficult neighborhood of Naples. This book recalls the pedagogic, social and cultural path followed during 3 years. It contains illustrations, photos, comic pages, and papers by Goffredo Fofi, Stefano Benni and Miguel Bensayag.

Gyp camorra! (Facciamo un pacco alla camorra)

by Rosario Esposito La Rossa (ed.) (non-fiction | p. 104 | 2012)

A collection of cultural, social and civic revolutions, it contains many stories of associations, companies and persons that joined forces to fight camorra’s excessive power in Campania region. People who chose to stay in these difficult places, to give them back to their communities: inmates producing coffee, anti-camorra radio stations, ex prostitutes creating a fashion brand, free-pizzo restaurants, farms and firms (pizzo is the weekly bribe extorted by camorra).

Over the Snow (Al di là della neve)

by Rosario Esposito La Rossa (novel | p. 148 | 2007)

5 reprint. More than 6000 copies sold. 27 short stories telling Scampia, a terrible drug neighborhood of Naples, completely in the hands of the local criminal organization, the camorra. Author Rosario Esposito La Rossa was born there, as his cousin Antonio Landieri, killed by camorra on November 2004. Nevertheless, author tries to describe a different Scampia, the one you can’t see on TV, where young people like Rosario – who is now a publisher, among other things – fight to do their best without complaining, to have a chance and to keep their humanity alive, living in a inhuman place. !