market the small business. covered in this unit - marketing definition marketing mix market...

Market the Small Business

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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Market the Small Business. Covered in this unit -  Marketing definition  Marketing Mix  Market Research  Product Strategies  Pricing Strategies

Market the Small Business

Page 2: Market the Small Business. Covered in this unit -  Marketing definition  Marketing Mix  Market Research  Product Strategies  Pricing Strategies

Covered in this unit -Marketing definitionMarketing MixMarket ResearchProduct StrategiesPricing StrategiesPlace StrategiesPromotional Strategies

Page 3: Market the Small Business. Covered in this unit -  Marketing definition  Marketing Mix  Market Research  Product Strategies  Pricing Strategies

Marketing is the ability to identify & satisfy customer needs at a profit

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Page 4: Market the Small Business. Covered in this unit -  Marketing definition  Marketing Mix  Market Research  Product Strategies  Pricing Strategies

Identify Customers – Segment the Market

Conduct Market Research

Competitor Research Customer Research Industry Research

Develop Marketing Strategies

Implement Marketing Strategies

Review Marketing StrategiesPage


Page 5: Market the Small Business. Covered in this unit -  Marketing definition  Marketing Mix  Market Research  Product Strategies  Pricing Strategies


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Page 6: Market the Small Business. Covered in this unit -  Marketing definition  Marketing Mix  Market Research  Product Strategies  Pricing Strategies

Types of Markets Industrial – businesses Consumer – general public

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Page 7: Market the Small Business. Covered in this unit -  Marketing definition  Marketing Mix  Market Research  Product Strategies  Pricing Strategies

Categorise by - Location Business type

Market A

Market B

Market C

Market A = Smash Repairers in western Lake Macquarie

Market B = Smash Repairers in eastern Lake Macquarie

Market C = All Smash Repairers in Greater Newcastle Area

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Page 8: Market the Small Business. Covered in this unit -  Marketing definition  Marketing Mix  Market Research  Product Strategies  Pricing Strategies

Categorise by – Demographics – age, sex, income, marital status Psychographics – lifestyle, status Location – where do they live

Market A

Market B

Market C

Market A = Women aged 30-50 in Western Lake Macquarie

Market B = Women aged 30-50 in Eastern Lake Macquarie

Market C = All Women aged 30-50 in Greater Newcastle Area

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Page 9: Market the Small Business. Covered in this unit -  Marketing definition  Marketing Mix  Market Research  Product Strategies  Pricing Strategies

Are your customers Industrial or Consumer

Sex - % male / female

Age – range no greater than 30 years

Type of employment

Describe their lifestyle

Where do they live

What are they looking for in your product / service

How often will they use / purchase your product /


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Page 10: Market the Small Business. Covered in this unit -  Marketing definition  Marketing Mix  Market Research  Product Strategies  Pricing Strategies

Baby SubstituteDemography One small dog, no children

Higher incomeUrban

Psychological Dogs Fragile indoor animalsOwners very attached to dogsDogs are finicky eatersGreat desire to give what it wants

Result High quality, attractively packaged product at a high price with many varieties

NutritionalistDemography Multiple dog ownership

Australian UrbanHigh / Middle income

Psychological Very personally attached to the dogDog belongs to womanInterested in nutritionFood is variedCost is not the only consideration

Result Product emphasis is on variety and nutritional content

FunctionalistDemography Multiple dog ownership

Animal usually owned by the childrenPsychological Dogs—outdoor –hearty

Eat anything no botherLittle attachment to the dogWoman not involved in the dog

Result Product is marketed as ‘value for money’Page 10

Page 11: Market the Small Business. Covered in this unit -  Marketing definition  Marketing Mix  Market Research  Product Strategies  Pricing Strategies

Industry Competitor Customer needs / wants / expectations

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Page 12: Market the Small Business. Covered in this unit -  Marketing definition  Marketing Mix  Market Research  Product Strategies  Pricing Strategies

Primary – straight from horses mouth Secondary – research from another source

Research Sources◦ Library◦ Internet◦ Yellow Pages◦ Australian Bureau of Statistics◦ Local Research Companies◦ Trade Associations◦ Industry profiles◦ Government Departments◦ Professional Associations

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Page 13: Market the Small Business. Covered in this unit -  Marketing definition  Marketing Mix  Market Research  Product Strategies  Pricing Strategies

What changes have occurred in your industry? What changes do you think may occur in

the future? What legislative restrictions may impact

upon your business? What seasonal changes occur?

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Page 14: Market the Small Business. Covered in this unit -  Marketing definition  Marketing Mix  Market Research  Product Strategies  Pricing Strategies

Who your potential customers are, how many there are?

What they need, want and expect? Why they will use your product/service? When they will use and how much they will use

your product/service? What will motivate them to use your

product/service instead of your competitors? What they are prepared to pay for your


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Page 15: Market the Small Business. Covered in this unit -  Marketing definition  Marketing Mix  Market Research  Product Strategies  Pricing Strategies

Who are they?

What do they sell?

Where are they located?

What are their big sales items?

What are they good and bad at when it comes to


Can you work in alliance with them?

How is your business different? - this must be a

measurable difference

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