marion the housemaid her duties rights and her …€¦ · what is the place of a housemaid in...

Your letter appeals powerfully to my sympathies. If any word or deed of mine could straighten out the ugly crooks in your lot. neither should be wanting. Yet of one thinff you may be work are doubtless "to the manor born." They are so secure in their station that they are not afraid to be gracious to c their .employes. The ability to bend without breaking is one of the hall- marks of true breeding. Your privileges? Here, again, rules and customs "vary." There should be no question as to what they are In the well-ordered household. I as soon think of holding back a portion of a maid's wages -on payday as of over- looking her day and evening "out," or •of asking her .to forego one of them to suit \u25a0' \u25a0 my convenience. When circum- stances beyond my control make Ihi3 imperative, the debt is not forgotten. Another day Is given, and when st y- lng at honie upon the Thursday or .Fri- day which belonss to the maid involves extra work, a litt«e outing and amuse- ment are planned as interest on the debt. 1 '1,- am asked sometimes: "Does it pay in the lone: run to grant to your maids privileges and-recreations not nominated in the bond? Don't you think Ithas a tendency to spoil them?" I do not stay to ponder that question. ~ I do It more for my own sake than for theirs. I cannot reconcile it. with my " conscience to treat women like myself as .If they were automatic machines, and that my duty to them Is done when they are' oiled with dally food and wound up by the payment of monthly wages. And an uneasy conscience is more troublesome than a servant spoiled by,overindulgence. assured: If the dear Master of us all did not see that th© crooked way is th» better for your growth in faith, hope and love, one straighter and smoother would be appointed unto you. Lay Mrs. Whitney's pear! of wisdom to heart. I say it over to myself twenty times a day. when puzzled and dis- couraged. It will help you. as it he*sP» me. to know that your way ia "thaJT .very way of His." THE HOUSEMOTHERS' EXCHANGE "His affection cooled \u25a0when. he found I was a lady's maid." , <: v- . *-\ '*.'-\u25a0\u25a0 -• . - : - Xeur) 'would know who the tett-tale was." "Forgive this long letter! I don't ex- pect you to publish it. But I dowant it answered. And I am sure that mine Is not such. a singular case as you might think. 1 am. not discontented with my position in life. My mother was a lady's maid before her marriage. As 1 have eaid, I like the work, and am not fitted to do anything c!se to earn my living. One of my sisters-in-law told me once that I was 'a bat—neither j bird nor beast.' Bince then she thinks it funny to call me 'bat.' when there is no one by except the family. "That would .be as good a signature to this letter as I can think of." <\u25a0 J "THE BAT" {West Philadelphia). I should not insult you by, writing? that word had you not insisted upon it. It does not apply in the least to a clean-minded, conscientious girl, whose- one disadvantage is that she Is above ' her station, or what employers and fel- low-servants have made that station to Now as to your question: As I read -. j Your, duties? To" do' the work laid •to your hand, honestly and willingly." _ : In ':-:, detail, this duty varies in* different .; households. Do the -work* because, "in d that. very place," you were appointed to ' do it. Your "rights"? To be treated like a" : hpman 'beins who Is filling her place in life tQjhe best of her. ability. , My cheeks glowed and my blood grew hot-iri reading of the well-bred and amiable yourigwomenwho go to church \u25a0..regularly and perhaps 1 give liberally to >the;.poor, ".yet 'never ibethink themselves of .the; obligation to- interest -themselves In the patient fellow-woman who di»- * charg**.' her- duties "in the fear |of ,the Lord,, and with the. earnest purpose^ to please employers/; ''Allow.; me to! \u25a0\u25a0 suspect that and all-pervading ;ele- \u25a0': ment -of refinement and true gentlehood -iH lacking in their make-up. The Irish " / riiistresses In whose homes your cousins "The butler tells doubtful anecdotes." . the first, a favorite vcr3C wfltch I have> oucted here more than once ran in^ my.:head, persistently: \: . I asked:- my soul Bethought of thls:-- > In just that very place of His. y " Where He hath^mail« and keepeth. you, -* : : - God -hath no other work to do.' .- - ..-• If one-tenth of the maids employed by f ( private'; families had your just appre- ciation.: of what they are be3t fitted to do, and- that' their work is as honorable \u2666 ns any other profession; so long as they' y respect it and themselves, the- "vexed 1 •", '.question'; : would'* solve -itself, S The;^ plain truth is that &99 in every ICOO consider \u25a0 housework in all Its branches beneath them.'. They take it up^asva means of j .'-.• Support until they can escape the.neces- sity by marriage or # by going into a \u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ..--;•\u25a0 v \u25a0 \u25a0-* n -». .factory or shop. The queen 0? England Isno more respectable In her .place than you are in, yours. \u0084 You refer to tho - habit oi calling aa employer "the madam," instead of re- : fen ing to her as "the . mistress," as maids did thirty years back. It is 'a new trick of the 999 who are ashamed \u25a0to "confess," "I am- among, you as one who serves." 1 .., : / (You do not need. to be told who-said that,; and vhen?) I digress to say that 1 1 have note'.r with secret amusement. ,the > substitution of "the' madam" for "the '\u25a0mistress.'" 1 and. likewise that:few, even- of the. better. class of minds now- adays, say "Yes, Madam," or "Ma'am," and ."Xo, 1 Madam." or- "Malim." It Is. "Yes, Mrs.: Blank,", and. "No, Mrs/.'So- and-So," uttered respectfully, but in a palpable imitation of the ways, of speech" common with their ; employers. When they tacitly evade the confession that they are socially inferior to those who command "..their services ' and pay their wages, . they ;• seem to fancy that they Jevel distinctions of rank. .. The "trick" has a '.ludicrous resem- blance to the ostrich's way of hiding his head in;the sand to escape observation. A QUESTION,, OF DUTY ' v Mash a quart, of ; fruit to a pulp, stir into it a: heaping cup <of * granulated sugar, the juice of a lemon and -the unbeaten whites' of four eggs.' Ifnot sweet enough.Jadd more' sugar. Pour, the mixture into - the freezer, and freeze. \u25a0 The . turning : of the dasher will.whip tall' to a frozen foam. Fruit Surprise. There' are no "fake" dishes in my menus: I could* supply, a recipe for each iflhad time and room. , : :"A\ Fruit Surprise" is more a sum- mer than :a , winter dessert., although it , may- be made of bananas and oranges, also of ; canned peaches or strawberries. -'and I. once made a de- licious- \u25a0" "surprise" that baffled .the eaters when jthey tried to :. analyze .-It. The - fruit was' well -flavored apple sauce-, that^had been run through a colander, ,then sweetened. I nevef cook sugar, in apple ' sauce. It In- jures, color 'and ..taste.l I have reen in your "Family Meals for a Week" mention of a "Fruit Surprise." : In Fpeaklng of It to a visitor, she said the name was a "fake." made uo for the oc- casion.. -Please tell me if it -Is a real des- fert." or if you Just stick in names as they occur to -yctf- in> writing HANNAHM.E. (Buffalo. Nl.N 1 . V.). Is It a "F<ike»? She has. forfeited all right to courteous consideration.- cent orderliness of your home, and pro- longs the. inconvenience without war- hant, is simply making a convenience of you, and shamelessly. Suspend the laws of hospitality for a season, and tell her outright and civilly that family arrange- ments make it impossible for you to In- vite her to f extend - the period of her visit; - - . - "What have I id complaia of? you may a*k. Why, that I seem to belong nowhere In particular. There are -f oar other servants In the. house, and we get along comfortably on the whole. But 1 don't cure to have the butler tell me doubtful anecdotes, and make jokes that seem to me tether broad, and the chauf- feur has never quite forgiven me for not going with the others on a "joy ride" one night during the Christmas holidays. I only said '1 did s not care to CO out euch a cold night,* but he hinted that If Mr. ever found. out; he had borrowed the motor car.-he (the;cHauf- * "Their mistresses (here they would be cal'ed 'their madams') are not afraid to speak kindly to them; to ask after their relatives, after their health and other matters that concern them. The young ladies in the house where I have worked for three years never talk to me ex- cept about my work and to give orders. They do not scold; they are too well- bred and too amiable for that. They are entirely Indifferent to me and my per-, eonal affairs. Their mother Is a. g00d,"," Just mistress. (My fellow-servants call .me mean-spirited and old-fashioned for ueing the word!) That is, she- pays my wages regularly; «he never finds fault without cause; she respects my days for going out. and sees to it that I have time to go to church every Sunday.- She has rever asked what church I attend, although she is. like myself, an Episcopalian. I don't believe she knows that: I haxe a room to myself. It ia email but comfortable, and although it has no. register or fireplace, it is com- fortably heated from the hall except in very cold weather. POSITION EETINED "I have read with livelyinterest what you and your correspondents from va». rious parts of the country have said of the 'servant-girl question' in the United States. It may be as 'vexed* In other countries; but there seem to be some peculiarities in it on this side of the^ water. I suppose this may be owing to the fact (or what people say is the fact) that there are no 'classes' In tociety here; that all are free and equal. You and I and thousands of others know that this is not true. "There must be "social grades' ev#ry- where. "Will you kindly tell me some time what is the place of a housemaid in America? What are her duties, her rights and her privileges? I am from the north of Ireland and a Protestant. I had about as much education as could be had In a village school, taught by a kind, intelligent woman, who -was herself, the daughter of a farmer. I learned to read and write and to cipher after a fashion, and I have always loved to read. My parents died the^rear before I came to this country. I have two brothers here who would support me If I would allow it. for they are doing well in business and with pleasant homes of their own. My sisters-in-law never tell their visitors and neighbors that I am 'In service.' One young man •whom I met frequently on Sundays and In the evening at my brother's house- never suspected' that I was not, aa my clster-ln-law had told him. a -nursery governess, until I undeceived him when he asked me to marry him. He was ter- ribly shocked!* I said to him that it was lucky I waa not_ a bit In love with him. for I. could ccc that his affection cooled at once when he found that I am a lady's maid in my employer's house, and not a governess. "I am not well enough educated to think of teaching. Nor have 1 any taste for that kind of work. I do under- stand my own business, and I like It better than I should looking after chil- dren, and hearing their lessons. "I c'.o not pretend to be the equal. in breeding or In learning of the two young \u25a0- ladies who ar© my employer's daughters and near my age. I should feel out of place if required to associate with them as freely as I do with my own ECt. 'Their ways are not my ways, nor .their thoughts my thoughts.' We be- long to different spheres. I have no ambitions In that direction. I am writ- ing to you to ask why my place is not as weU defined here as that of my cousins, who are ladles' maids in Dub-* lln. THE sentence that heads /this Fa- miliar Talk is taken, word for word, from a communication that has lain in a pigeon-hole of my desk much longer than I la- tended that it should when I first read 1L It comes from Philadelphia, and It purports to be from a young housemaid. I «ay "purports," because the cliirog- raphy Is neat and firm, and not In the least like that of an illiterate or par- tially educated person. In spelling and punctuation it is absolutely correct. There is no lavish misuse of capitals euch as offend my senses in hundreds of letters written- by correspondents who tell me they are high school graduates. Tet I am bound to believe what the girl tells me of herself and her position: A CONFESSION yJ-Gift of Books. Plf ase mention in the j Housemothers*. Ex- change that I have about \u25a0 twenty-five books ' -in perfect condition— and very good 1 read- ing—which I will cheerfully give, to any one- \u25a0who would care for and value them. -"They must be called for, cr sent for. the address I think so well of them -that 1* copy, them entire. May 1 make one exception la declaring them to be useful through- out? You do notitell us how ; the;car- bolic'acid is -to -bo -applied* t o > the chap- ped skin.'. Not 'in ' its undiluted \u25a0 state, certainly? One woman, in my;, sight; took the skin as clean from the back of her hand as if boiling water >had-, been poured over -It, by rubbing;* carbolic acid upon ,a tiny wart. ; Shfe. had been told the acid would ' remove \u25a0 the excres- cence. Write again ; and .'. tell :; us , ; how 10 - modify* it. v*' ..\u25a0 ' ."-%'.'-».'' > ' -.' :>: > Our English sisters have »\u25a0 warded « off Influenza by the diligent use of camphor,; ever since I can recollect anything,' and the custom was old even'; then.; „' 'Six drops -of camphor on'a' lump : of 'sugar, me dear! 1 " was 'a : staple > prescription for colds ; inla^nureery, of ".which- I .had the run. -And !• recall.* likewise. r that it was usually, efficacious. '.o- WIW IL JL. you accept a few items for tha Exchange which may benefit some- body? . IMspose them aa you Zino salve 'is a sovereign remedy . for burns, even -if blisters have formed. It elves immediate relief, and there will la no scars. It 4s much better for this pur- pose than baking coda. ..*•- . : Dill pickIts nhould have the scum re- moved dally. If the fcum gets down Into the pickle*, it will spoil them -. by making them soft. A few- bits of horseradish in tho pickles will . prevent the . formation •of scum, and keep the plckies firm and sound. Carbolic add is .excellent for chappe.l hands. In cold. weather have at band isomo oatmeal in, a large box. After drying the hands thoroughly, plunge them into the oatm'al, which process will complete the drying and'preVent chapping. Use oil of sassafras for ' Insect bites. It sooths the irritation - at once. Should you be chilled through, or get the ft-et wet, take from five to, ten drops of f ylrlls of camphor on a lump of \u25a0 sugar, as soon as you can. repeating it hourly for, four or five hours.' As soon as any. one of our f allilly begins to sneeze, we run for the camphor bottle. We have thus pre- vented many a cold. .Business men might carry the camphorated sugar in a :wide- mouthed vial and have it always handy. If you" have contracted a - cold, . refrain from all liquids for from twenty-four to forty-eignt hours, and tho symptoms -wll. Make what use you will of these hints— or none at all! " . \u25a0 ' * " .. .3 M. It. U. . (Los Angeles,. Cal.). Useful Information Family Meals for a Week SUNDAY BREAKFAST. Grapefruit, hominy and cream, fried •callops. muffins, toast, tea and coSee. L.T7XCKEON. Hot corned beef, potato salad, crackers and cheese, hot biscuits and honey, cocoa* r-V-". DINNER. Black bean soup (based upon llquar ln which beef was bolle<l). larded and baked cal- s liver. stewe.J oyster plant, rtced po- tatoes, chestnut pudding, black coffee. MONDAY BREAKFAST. Apple saure. cereal and cream, corned twf hash, rolls, toast, marmalade, tea and coffee. LUXCiTEOj;. Meat cakes (a left-over), baked potatoes, large hominy boiled and buttered, cookies and tea.' DINNER. Yesterday's soup, curried veal, boiled rice, teed bananas, eaten with th© enrry; potato croquettes ta left-over), poor man s pud- TUESDAY BREAKFAST. Oranges, cereal and cream, bacon and fried hominy <a left-over), oatmeal aconea, toast, tea and coffee. LUNCHEON. Ste-w of curried v<»al and rice (a left-over), fried bananas <a left-over), toasted scones left from breakfast, ho: gingerbread and cheese, cocoa. , DINNER. Onion soup, fried pijes' feet with tomato « j c f,' 9PJnach. browned sweet potatoes, rlc* Pudding, black coffee. •,-. . WEDNESDAY < *Jjf _ BREAKFAST. fvTiri,?^ pnines- oatmeal JelJy and cream, rxmed aam. oopovers. toast, tea and eof- LUXCHEOX n«Tl!« Zl *d ii b *"?f"?f wltJl «ream *auc«, baked KraTcocSaV 1"' *alad ' «***"* m *lm PINNER. Tomato- cr«am sotio. boiled mutton wita •quash pie. black coffee. THURSDAY BREAKFAST. - Oranres. cereal and cream, bacon, potato biscuits, toast, marmalade, tea and coCea. LUNCHEON. Sebmsm and middle cake*. For dessert, the cakes with maple syrup, tea. ~""» DINNER. Glastrow broth «based upon liauor «n which mutton was cooked), boiled beef- steak a la Jardiniere, spinach aouaia Ueft- over fom Tuesday), fried carrots/ i»ol« dumpllnes fbalted). black eoCee. **»»*• FBIDAY BREAKFAST. . Oran«r«. cereal and cream. Spanish on^ \u2666let. muEuw. toast, tea and coffee. LUNCHEON. Salt mackerel trtlji cream gravy boiled potatoes, salad of celery knobs (a left-oviin with lettuce and French dre2ln| craeffi fend cheese, tea. *• "»*-*«* / ' - DINNER. I Vegetable soup, scalloped oysters. «rin* whipped <ream. black cotfee. uuia wlt* SATURDAY BREAKFAST. '„ Stewed dates, cereal and cream baeo« and e«s. mufflna. toast, tta™1 coffin , . , LUNCHEON.- V> Cheese r<Midu. quicu graham blscuitj^f salad of string beans, cold com and lettu£ v (a left-over>. crackers and 'cheese. SwlS toast with lemon sauce, tea. * DINNER. ,: Glaszow broth. (a left-overt. roast loin of pork.' asote sauce, i stewed tomatoes, maahed aweet cotatoes.' pineapple lea cream (horn** made), black coffee. being glveni I* cannot deliver them." Ishould like them to go ta someone living in the . country, and 'to I one who cannot afford to . buy. books. - E..K. (Philadelphia); -The, giit willbe :eagerly > claimed/: -We are. a -. reading iamily, .but 1 some-'of-t-us cannot, indulge the propensity'as^ freely as' we w^uld, because \u25a0 "butpher and bak- er"r^not/. to -mention --the^gasman,,. who .takes the place of Mother Goose's "can- dleatick-makcr"—have raised prices to a height .that' leav«« : the. : ; purse painfully light by. -the;; time- the week's; bills -are paid. The generous donorjs address is upbn* our, register.'^ ; \u25a0..'-, .'- ', . * , r 'Much-Wanted Recite 'I inclose" -the 'recipe for .'marshmallow, crjam pudding, for which a correspondent' a6kfd : lately: »- . .. .. . ... ' On« tablespoonfur of ; granulated gelatine, dissolved In, one-half cupful \u25a0 of cold - water, f Put lt'overthe fire'and -bring to a boil.V . stirring constantly. Take \u25a0it - off and stir " in tinet <me cupful of. cold«. water. ' Let. It stand while - you beat - the : white* -, of four eggs to a itandlng. froth. "Add iv this two cup- v f uls of granulated suiter a and 1 the * cooled ' gelatine.';. Beat steadily . until it begins- to . . thicken; r.i stir -Into «It \u25a0- two .teaspoonf u'.s of : .vanilla and one , cupful -cf chopped English- walnuts. > When very thick Dour into moulds - and \u25a0 set upon . icf. Serve •.. withy whipped . cream and brandied; cherries. > .\u25a0"---.-.;-\u25a0 •\u25a0.-:>:\u25a0 This recipe, makes enough *of .*the 'cream * for ten People, -j- j -r •-. » -.:, ,+-.\- ,•,.\u25a0>;..; > ;\u25a0•." Mrs.^ R. yv: ; B:; (Brookville,VPa.), r- \u25a0 You set bef ore'J us » a*r dainty' dish, '~ and one for /..which" four,: requests s have ,been ' vent in. "\Ve^ thank you In 'the name of' the seeking sisters "and of the Exchange ;as a ;whole. v \u25a0' . 1 i-.- \u25a0\u25a0. . \u25a0*• \u25a0 *.-- : \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>; : \u25a0^zNumbcrrof things ". ' v From ?\u25a0; the i ts.ime quarter "of vouff vast * torrltoßy ; we. have - other - recipes 4 that' promise as well, ' The member^who'con-- - tr.butes ' - them , classes v them tas•• -: "sea- sonable.'. 1 , and . she ; is ; right, as 'we | shall - . ( ..SCG!{. .^ •\u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0" \u25a0'"\u25a0'.,\u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-.:\u25a0.* •\u25a0. i :'.':-- .-:-.v-'~ : "si'?' ' *•*-"'. "'_\u25a0'. ;;--^»A£EscaUoped'Oysters.;; "\u25a0' V : : \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 li.^Yu' 11 * 6 " half *• Pound : of cracker*: ptur - ' T", Dr X : Ithe1 the ' n'\u25a0•; plnt^>f toot milk, an.l stir 51 a ÜblespoonM of butter: salt and pepper to. \ \u2666S"i c- .i Add T a Plnt ot '*\u25a0 * resh v "^«te« \u25a0- with i' :: - l h fH r Ci lq . Uor - ranil %mlx thoroughly -with on«<. , Bak« , in . \u25a0> buttered \ dish ; until4 browned. - %f;y, >;'i ;":"HeavenlyyHaslu^ '~:H ; :-> : ; - On«. cupful^r'eath^ of is' diced \ pineapple^ , (drained- of -Juice), -bananas and^ marsh- : P? alI °*'* '• °n« cupful of .' English.walnuts. 1-or.- ,- aimonda— or.both^-chopped. r.or**cuti- rather ;-.? \u25a0 .. nne; one cupful of kumquats (Uny oranges) t? cut small, and the juice well-squeezed out:. one-half j cup Lofs diced apples. -,.. One- copful . or mayonnaise " dressing - seasoned i withi salt 111 1 alone and one-half cupful ct whipped cream. r >" \u25a0' ' niarinat!nK;tvlth the mayonnaise, that, they ' may. not cuscolcr. and then acd the other - lnKrcdlenta. Mix thoroußhly and set in a '\u25a0\u25a0.- coid-place. Serve. upun lettuce leaves with \u25a0 ' a maraschino cherry -on the top of .each ' ' .. portion,-- : * <•\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0"„ \u25a0 '\u25a0'!\u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0 , - ' .' '. '.j -'\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 Kuxnquat/Slarraalade. \u0084\u25a0.; ' ' - Wash.- dry and slice the fruit (thin wtth \u25a0 .- a ver> Bhaip knlie. temavinc: the, seeds. To .^:,'; each quart of > fruit aUi>w one .larce lime.,:, iff cut leiigthwise^ and sliced thm: ' Vul a cup- ;• \u25a0 - ful of wa'er- to -each -pint of ,Bllc«?d fruit. \u25a0• \u25a0"\u25a0' Let ail stand ., overnight.- Next- day drain . off the llauid,t and: to",each? cupful- of. It yi\allow-on« 01 'granulated bugar. "-'.; Cook -until \u25a0'. /the fUKar .has'-diasJlved: -putMn the-rruit - - l and let all 'simmer.- Btirrtng».from the-bct- .-. 'torn cccaslynally. -until you have- a. rich'' \u25a0 syrup and the/ fruit- i»< tcanslucentr. Pour;. '.' Into felly f Klaeses and* cover with'"payer; '.dipped in \u25a0 bran-ay. - A;«iua«tiof *fruitjwill . . \u25a0 make a ou^rt - t>f ' mnrmaladfi.', .:. , _ \u25a0 1 have a fine 'recipe for ureen tomato cit- \u25a0 \u25a0' cup. for which "Mrs. C. D.; 8." (UJUisvillo. \u25a0\u25a0' Ky.); asked. .If Vhe will, send" me * her ad-,, \u25a0*"•'. dress," I will irlßdly; forward-: It \u25a0 ; «.-'. Mrs.G. h.K. fAllfiglieny.Pa.).:.. -. 'Why - not let- us have > the , recipe«in- :\u25a0• jstead . of ; giving it -to one «,- member « of \u25a0 *,\u25a0 the Corner ?.; We have never had = It, and --, '. although it may not*be.i'.'seasonableVjat :* t the * present .writing; - summer, <\u25a0> autumn '- '.'.-. and green tomatoes will-be hero before ; ";•\u25a0 we 'are -ready t'for them. -AYe- will \u25a0; cut : : out^ and keep: the 1 recipe. V - \u25a0 ~- To Rear <an \ Angora Kitten •.*Where : can "•> ll ret information concerning \u25a0 ralslnf an Angora kitten? -.;• '^^\u0084-\ ' \i - \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 Mrs?G. F. ;L- (Madison. Wls.). ... .Will those^of our i readers .who v have reared cats }of ,that v species this question?: So i f ar "\u25a0; as i my,,personal knowledge of i them j goes,-, they ?, grow and ; thrive -under *precisely ; :the t same treatment - that : is I given ; to > felines /of less' distinguished .breeds. ; /:>{.•,. , ;\u25a0 \u25a0.--\u25a0 \u25a0 ? -:.But* this Is the opinion :of; a*. woman who knows ; more ; of? the I young! of -the human race - than %of . cats v and ,* ca-. naries."':- "y^l-'u'-y- '"\u25a0 ' '-\u25a0 '\u25a0- \u25a0^-•\-iv*^'r-.> Of Interest ti''/:' : 'f s om»y 5 judge »from soaring \u25a0 prices.^. s'S economy must : now . be » our.' watchword, -'It . *.?inay. <after all; - have *a . briehf. aide, -this < I . V; universal anxiety as -to\u25a0\u25a0. ways and means. ; -" : "It's an- ill wind that :b'.ow».-no . Rood." >: A«-: ft',» nation.;< we -hnve. been -too "\u25a0wasteful.'" and \u25a0 ; - v perhaps j necessity -will - teach aus , that i so .v«t long; as a •"left-over".* i* clean \u25a0 and whole- - ::>.. some, if' should be put.'to some good use.*-vfj *~-~r-~lr-knew a* lady. \u25a0an i" extravagant Chouse-/ .;-,;: keener. who.J: after spending a «few months ~y.: : InBerlin, came back a changed woman. & She ». '.'£& had * learned .- from -. the "- German H housewife ? isi. ' that ?\u25a0 well-bred ' people %may j - practice * econ- . -"'^;omy : and ' thrift \u25a0 In ' the \u25a0 sma'lest ! matters I per- 1 .- 1. i; tainlng*, to ; the rkltchen.. :: sWhat n»he 3 saved I :.;/\u25a0 therein helced - her '\o*i give * to s a" charitable , If carpets curl at eclses. lav a wet cloth over-trie curled part and set a heavy welgnt ••\u25a0\u25a0 ,ujjon il.JLt.ivu il vt!jere all night;' it wM \u25a0\u25a0' lie straight afterward, t'i v -, - \u25a0' -\u25a0 If^a drawer sticks in"th« srroove.' rub isoaD upon -the upper edce. and It will slide '. .'ln easily.. - .- ' " . . - .\u25a0 - .• - Windows : may. b«! cleaned moro thoroughly -'and quickly If a .larjrp sDuonful of. kero- .• : . eene be put .into the pall of water used for" ' : '\u25a0'.'-• washing: - them. \u25a0 ; ' - . '\u25a0' AS; to the embryo i "Soyer." I . should -say :.rrthat ;if he- really, deoiiej to ; learn*; to cook and will'but . have - confltlcnce "in hlm*elf. he^wlll surely-succeed. .- I knew two boys - who were ' chums, oc* spent -years afcol-- '--- JtKe and 'accomplished little \in after life. •The other. \u25a0 . thru ugh \u25a0\u25a0 cooking jgood meal '•: ••• for come young fellows, turned his thoughts .- 'to - the i uiinury. art, \ and - became chef, at ' t-a Knod" salary, in the -most urunanent club ;,of the :clty. \u25a0--•\u25a0;* -. £ '-\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0• ».•.,••?-....- :.-\u25a0• - . The -lively member-who wrote of the ln- - diction •of• ; a self -Invited «ru»-st .'\u25a0 struck a' \u25a0 chord r that -vlbrates'ln iiwbosom painfully.. \u25a0 Suppc««! a iperson writes to say: \u25a0 "I 1 am •coming: to suend - t«n * days with .you.'.' The Eg whole; family niakej tmall dai:v sacrifices; . they are cramoetl as to 'alveolate \u25a0 apart - \u25a0 \u25a0 ments. *. that \u25a0 the \u25a0 kuom ' mav have the best " j room \u25a0 In ; the : hDute : •\u25a0\u25a0 tho breakfast menu ,Is - \u25a0». changed,- because .what we love best is nof , -i-what. a »tran«er would like: -our; clothe* . \ : are packed Into « unaccustomed \u25a0 corners, be- "; cause sho needs the closets In tier roan; \'i the table "mu#t be »et twice.% for the head of the houo9 must have his. meals at hours - -!that'-do not> suit> the ' convenience -of the \u25a0 \u25a0 gueat.-"- Yet. we ,wlsh that ; for, ten days -•: everything: , and f everybody •• shuuld .'"\u25a0 appear f well. -<:- The ten days vase. and. nothing .Is :-\u25a0 iaid «of departure, '"and j ten .days more are \u25a0 . «pent \u25a0 In like i manner, sand th»> se f -invited ' , ,»rtJest id ;'. still r with-us.- -We are <Je»i>erate! | , Kindly tell \u25a0• us \u25a0 what - course . we should dut- ' •)\u25a0 sue under the circumstances. ' . . \u25a0' T-'-jr-.-r i; ;;: •;•.;- -. Mrs. L.T. (Chicago).; . \u25a0 :' You* cite -^'wh'at'Xi. would 'falh j believe ! Is fs an i extreme t case.*;",Yet . I*\u25a0 have in " mem- w~oryf the i case ; of: a c man \u25a0 who « camped '\u25a0\u25a0-„ down "; In imy>house ~ for..; three - months, ,v, v after v presenting i himself '~~ without ; invi- i.tation \ot .; warning^ tAt ' the end '- of ; the " , time ; we ' quietly/ informed himv that ' we ;had accepted^an to .travel Q with ' a > party, of , friends for * a fortnight,* and' must ; shut <,up;- the house. 'Where- r 5 upon,"' he coolly.remarked that ' he - "could \ get J along ; very * comfortably/ during our .*•: absence,! sinee >,we ' had* such 'good * serv~ l . ants.'A;;: ; He s.was y - then •; politely : told * that .- : the ; servants ; would \u25a0 have ; a"vacation " and 4; vlslt'^ their,- relatives 5 for.: the fortnight. ; : He " betook ; himself •to j the 1 house of an- "other-friend.^l;do not' know* how they /. contrived i to^ eject*. him. - : . \u25a0 _?>\V •"\u25a0 -:- .- ' \u25a0 - 'i- The; truth— which 'may. 1 sound brutal to .?: some * readers-^is * that; in; your.- case 'as \u25a0v- in i mine, % the I Imposition / al^a 1^ so-called : C guest'upon;the.'household»ls an;lnfringe- \u25a0ment juponI hospi tality.Nan | outrage done i 1i 1 to: conventionality,** and vai nuisance ' that ; if ought sto*be •, abated -. by.'< stringent meas- ures.): - The j woman ; who \u25a0 upsets r .the s de- '\u25a0& Tak? -' about \u25a0';: four.' handfuls of, flour, mix : with, water -into quite a stiff dough ;and proceed sto rub the v walls.' when all dust ; and t dirt.will- be removed. 1 ;, „\u25a0 ?j :; W HEN- v washing "window- paint or v cupboard doors, etc., uso a little r whiting . on \u25a0 a > flannel instead of soap. It will .remove: all .dirty marks without injuring .the ,most delicate-col- ored ; paint; s> .-. '\u25a0:\u25a0> p •\u25a0. .- . \u25a0 L* Clean the brass as usual, then rub It over \u25a0' with 'a' soft "cloth . dipped \u25a0in vase- line,V and !*, afterward polish ; it , with . a dry.-duster. This' will keep, lt from get- ting, tarnished - so : quickly - even { in the dampest ' 'weather. and is very little trouble. ' - :t^*MtimWgat « fflHJLlfai When Gleaning The San Francisco Sunday Call* SCHOOL FOR HOUSEWIVES MARION HARLAND THE HOUSEMAID HER PLACE, HER DUTIES HER RIGHTS AND HER PRIVILEGES

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Page 1: MARION THE HOUSEMAID HER DUTIES RIGHTS AND HER …€¦ · what is the place of a housemaid in America? What are her duties, her rights and her privileges? Iam from the north of Ireland

Your letter appeals powerfully to mysympathies. Ifany word or deed ofmine could straighten out the ugly

crooks in your lot. neither should bewanting. Yet of one thinff you may be

work are doubtless "to the manor born."They are so secure in their station thatthey are not afraid to be gracious to

c their .employes. The ability to bend

without breaking is one of the hall-marks of true breeding.

Your privileges? Here, again, rulesand customs "vary." There should be noquestion as to what they are In thewell-ordered household. I assoon think of holding back a portion ofa maid's wages -on payday as of over-looking her day and evening "out," or

•of asking her .to forego one of them tosuit \u25a0' \u25a0my convenience. When circum-stances beyond my control make Ihi3imperative, the debt is not forgotten.

Another day Is given, and when st y-lng at honie upon the Thursday or .Fri-day which belonss to the maid involvesextra work, a litt«e outing and amuse-ment are planned as interest on the debt.1 '1,- am asked sometimes: "Does it pay

in the lone: run to grant to your maidsprivileges and-recreations not nominatedin the bond? Don't you think Ithas atendency to spoil them?"Ido not stay to ponder that question.~Ido Itmore for my own sake than fortheirs. Icannot reconcile it.with my"conscience to treat women like myselfas .If they were automatic machines,and that my duty to them Is done whenthey are' oiled with dally food andwound up by the payment of monthlywages. And an uneasy conscience ismore troublesome than a servant spoiledby,overindulgence.

assured: If the dear Master of us alldid not see that th© crooked way is th»better for your growth in faith, hope

and love, one straighter and smootherwould be appointed unto you.

Lay Mrs. Whitney's pear! of wisdomto heart. Isay it over to myself twentytimes a day. when puzzled and dis-couraged. It will help you. as it he*sP»me. to know that your way ia "thaJT.very way of His."


"His affection cooled \u25a0when. he foundIwas a lady's maid." ,

<: v- . *-\ '*.'-\u25a0\u25a0 -• . - :-Xeur) 'would know who the tett-tale

was.""Forgive this long letter! Idon't ex-

pect you to publish it. But Idowant itanswered. And Iam sure that mine Isnot such. a singular case as you might

think. 1 am. not discontented with my

position in life. My mother was alady's maid before her marriage. As1have eaid, Ilike the work, and amnot fitted to do anything c!se to earnmy living. One of my sisters-in-lawtold me once that Iwas 'a bat—neither jbird nor beast.' Bince then she thinksit funny to call me 'bat.' when thereis no one by except the family.

"That would .be as good a signature tothis letter as Ican think of." <\u25a0 J

"THE BAT" {West Philadelphia).Ishould not insult you by,writing?

that word had you not insisted uponit. It does not apply in the least to aclean-minded, conscientious girl, whose-one disadvantage is that she Is above

'her station, or what employers and fel-low-servants have made that station to

Now as to your question: As Iread -.

jYour, duties? To"do' the work laid •toyour hand, honestly and willingly."_:In

':-:, detail, this duty varies in* different.; households. Do the -work* because, "ind that. very place," you were appointed to'

do it. •

Your "rights"? To be treated like a": hpman 'beins who Is filling her placein life tQjhe best of her. ability. ,

My cheeks glowed and my blood grew

hot-iri reading of the well-bred andamiable yourigwomenwho go to church

\u25a0..regularly and perhaps 1 give liberally to>the;.poor, ".yet 'never ibethink themselvesof .the; obligation to- interest -themselvesIn the patient fellow-woman who di»-*charg**.' her- duties "in the fear |of ,theLord,, and with the. earnest purpose^ to

• please employers/; ''Allow.;me to!\u25a0\u25a0 suspect

that and all-pervading ;ele-

\u25a0': ment -of refinement and true gentlehood

-iH lacking in their make-up. The Irish"

/ riiistresses In whose homes your cousins

"The butler tells doubtful anecdotes."

. the first, a favorite vcr3C wfltchIhave>

oucted here more than once ran in^my.:head, persistently: \:.Iasked:- my soul Bethought of thls:--

> In just that very place of His. y"Where He hath^mail« and keepeth. you,

-*::-God -hath no other work to do.' .- - ..-•Ifone-tenth of the maids employed by

f (private'; families had your just appre-

ciation.: of what they are be3t fitted todo, and- that' their work is as honorable \u2666

ns any other profession; so long as they'y respect it and themselves, the- "vexed 1

•",'.question'; :would'*solve -itself,S The;^ plain

truth is that &99 in every ICOO consider \u25a0

housework in all Its branches beneath•them.'. They take it up^asva means of j

.'-.• Support until they can escape the.neces-

sity by marriage or # by going into a• \u25a0. \u25a0 \u25a0

\u25a0• ..--;•\u25a0 v \u25a0 \u25a0-* n -».

.factory or shop. The queen 0? England

Isno more respectable Inher .place thanyou are in, yours.


You refer to tho-habit oi calling aa

employer "the madam," instead of re-:fen ing to her as "the . mistress," as

maids did thirty years back. It is 'anew trick of the 999 who are ashamed\u25a0to "confess," "Iam- among, you as onewho serves." 1 .., :/

(You do not need. to be told who-saidthat,; and vhen?) Idigress to say that11 have note'.r with

• secret amusement.,the >substitution of "the' madam" for"the '\u25a0mistress.'" 1and. likewise that:few,

even- of the. better. class of minds now-adays, say "Yes, Madam," or "Ma'am,"

and ."Xo,1Madam." or- "Malim." It Is."Yes, Mrs.:Blank,", and. "No, Mrs/.'So-and-So," uttered respectfully, but in apalpable imitation of the ways, of

speech" common with their;employers.

When they tacitly evade the confessionthat they are socially inferior to thosewho command "..their services 'and paytheir wages, .they ;•seem to fancy thatthey Jevel distinctions of rank. ..

The "trick" has a '.ludicrous resem-blance to the ostrich's way of hiding hishead in;the sand to escape observation.


Mash a quart, of;fruit to a pulp, stirinto it a:heaping cup <of


sugar, the juice of a lemon and -theunbeaten whites' of four eggs.' Ifnotsweet enough.Jadd more' sugar. Pour,the mixture into -

the freezer, andfreeze. \u25a0 The . turning :of the dasherwill.whip tall' to a frozen foam.

Fruit Surprise.

There' are no "fake" dishes in mymenus: Icould* supply, a recipe foreach iflhad time and room. ,::"A\Fruit Surprise" is more a sum-mer than :a ,winter dessert., althoughit ,may- be made of bananas andoranges, also of ;canned peaches orstrawberries. -'and I.once made a de-licious- \u25a0" "surprise" that baffled .theeaters when jthey tried to:.analyze .-It.The

-fruit was' well-flavored apple

sauce-, that^had been run through acolander, ,then sweetened. Inevefcook sugar, in apple 'sauce. It In-jures, color 'and ..taste.l „

Ihave reen in your "Family Meals for aWeek" mention of a "Fruit Surprise." : InFpeaklng of It to a visitor, she said thename was a "fake." made uo for the oc-casion.. -Please tell me if it-Is a real des-fert." or if you Just stick in names as theyoccur to -yctf- in> writing

HANNAHM.E. (Buffalo. Nl.N1.V.).

Is It a "F<ike»?

She has. forfeited all right to courteousconsideration.-

cent orderliness of your home, and pro-longs the. inconvenience without war-hant, is simply making a convenience ofyou, and shamelessly. Suspend the lawsof hospitality for a season, and tell heroutright and civillythat family arrange-ments make it impossible for you to In-vite her to f extend

- the period of hervisit; - - . -

"What have Iid complaia of? youmay a*k. Why, that Iseem to belongnowhere In particular. There are -foarother servants In the. house, and we getalong comfortably on the whole. But 1don't cure to have the butler tell medoubtful anecdotes, and make jokes thatseem to me tether broad, and the chauf-feur has never quite forgiven me fornot going with the others on a "joyride" one night during the Christmasholidays. Ionly said '1 did snot care toCO out euch a cold night,* but he hintedthat IfMr. ever found. out;he hadborrowed the motor car.-he (the;cHauf-

*"Their mistresses (here they would be

cal'ed 'their madams') are not afraid tospeak kindlyto them; to ask after theirrelatives, after their health and othermatters that concern them. The youngladies in the house where Ihave workedfor three years never talk to me ex-cept about my work and to give orders.They do not scold; they are too well-bred and too amiable for that. They areentirely Indifferent to me and my per-,eonal affairs. Their mother Is a. g00d,","Just mistress. (My fellow-servants mean-spirited and old-fashioned forueing the word!) That is, she- pays mywages regularly; «he never finds faultwithout cause; she respects my days forgoing out. and sees to it that Ihavetime to go to church every Sunday.-She has rever asked what church Iattend, although she is. like myself, anEpiscopalian. Idon't believe she knowsthat: Ihaxe a room to myself. It iaemail but comfortable, and although ithas no. register or fireplace, it is com-fortably heated from the hall exceptin very cold weather.


"Ihave read with livelyinterest whatyou and your correspondents from va».rious parts of the country have saidof the 'servant-girl question' in theUnited States. Itmay be as 'vexed* Inother countries; but there seem to besome peculiarities in it on this side ofthe^ water. Isuppose this may beowing to the fact (or what people sayis the fact) that there are no 'classes' Intociety here; that all are free andequal. You and Iand thousands ofothers know that this is not true.

"There must be "social grades' ev#ry-• where.

"Will you kindly tell me some timewhat is the place of a housemaid inAmerica? What are her duties, herrights and her privileges? Iam fromthe north of Ireland and a Protestant.Ihad about as much education ascould be had Ina village school, taughtby a kind, intelligent woman, who -washerself, the daughter of a farmer. Ilearned to read and write and to cipherafter a fashion, and Ihave always

loved to read. Myparents died the^rearbefore Icame to this country. Ihavetwo brothers here who would supportme IfIwould allow it. for they aredoing wellin business and with pleasanthomes of their own. My sisters-in-lawnever tell their visitors and neighbors

that Iam 'In service.' One young man•whom Imet frequently on Sundays andIn the evening at my brother's house-never suspected' that Iwas not, aa myclster-ln-law had told him. a -nurserygoverness, untilIundeceived him whenhe asked me to marry him. He was ter-ribly shocked!* Isaid to him that itwas luckyIwaa not_ a bit Inlove withhim. for I.could ccc that his affectioncooled at once when he found that Iam a lady's maid in my employer'shouse, and not a governess."Iam not well enough educated to

think of teaching. Nor have 1 anytaste for that kind of work. Ido under-stand my own business, and Ilike Itbetter than Ishould looking after chil-dren, and hearing their lessons."Ic'.o not pretend to be the equal. in

breeding or In learning of the two young \u25a0-

ladies who ar© my employer's daughtersand near my age. Ishould feel outof place if required to associate withthem as freely as Ido with my ownECt. 'Their ways are not my ways, nor.their thoughts my thoughts.' We be-long to different spheres. Ihave noambitions In that direction. Iam writ-ing to you to ask why my place is notas weU defined here as that of mycousins, who are ladles' maids in Dub-*lln.

THE sentence that heads /this Fa-miliar Talk is taken, word forword, from a communicationthat has lain in a pigeon-hole

of my desk much longer than Ila-tended that it should when Ifirst read1L It comes from Philadelphia, and Itpurports to be from a young housemaid.I«ay "purports," because the cliirog-raphy Is neat and firm, and not In the

least like that of an illiterate or par-tiallyeducated person. Inspelling andpunctuation it is absolutely correct.There is no lavish misuse of capitals

euch as offend my senses in hundreds ofletters written- by correspondents whotell me they are high school graduates.Tet Iam bound to believe what the girltells me of herself and her position:


yJ-Gift of Books.Plfase mention in the jHousemothers*. Ex-change that Ihave about \u25a0 twenty-five books


-in perfect condition— and very good 1read-ing—which Iwill cheerfully give, to any one-\u25a0who would care for and value them. -"Theymust be called for, cr sent for. the address

Ithink so well of them -that 1* copy,them entire. May 1 make one exception

la declaring them to be useful through-out? You do notitell us how;the;car-

bolic'acid is -to-bo -applied* to> the chap-ped skin.'. Not 'in

'its undiluted \u25a0 state,

certainly? One woman, in my;, sight;took the skin as clean from the back ofher hand as if boiling water >had-, beenpoured over -It, by rubbing;* carbolicacid upon ,a tiny wart. ;Shfe. had beentold the acid would

'remove \u25a0 the excres-

cence. Write again •;and .'.tell :;us ,;how10

-modify*it. • v*' ..\u25a0

'."-%'.'-».'' > '-.' :>:>

Our English •sisters have »\u25a0 warded «offInfluenza by the diligent use of camphor,;ever since Ican recollect anything,' andthe custom was old even'; then.; „''Sixdrops -of camphor on'a' lump:of 'sugar,me • dear! 1

"was 'a :staple >prescription

for colds ;inla^nureery, of".which- I.hadthe run. -And !•recall.* likewise. rthat itwas usually, efficacious. '.o-

WIW ILJL. you accept a few items for thaExchange which may benefit some-body? . IMspose o» them aa you

Zino salve 'is a sovereign remedy . forburns, even -if blisters have formed. Itelves immediate relief, and there will lano scars. It 4s much better for this pur-pose than baking coda. ..*•- .:Dill pickIts nhould have the scum re-

moved dally. If the fcum gets down Intothe pickle*, it will spoil them makingthem soft. A few- bits of horseradish intho pickles will.prevent the.formation •ofscum, and keep the plckies firm and sound.

Carbolic add is .excellent for chappe.lhands. Incold. weather have at band isomooatmeal in, a large box. After drying thehands thoroughly, plunge them into theoatm'al, which process will complete thedrying and'preVent chapping.

Use oil of sassafras for'Insect bites. It

sooths the irritation-at once.

Should you be chilled through, or getthe ft-et wet, take from five to, ten dropsof fylrlls of camphor on a lump of \u25a0 sugar,as soon as you can. repeating it hourly for,four or five hours.' As soon as any. oneof our fallilly begins to sneeze, we runfor the camphor bottle. We have thus pre-vented many a cold. .Business men mightcarry the camphorated sugar in a :wide-mouthed vial and have it always handy.If you" have contracted a

-cold,. refrain

from all liquids for from • twenty-four toforty-eignt hours, and tho symptoms -wll.

Make what use you will of these hints—or none at all!

" . \u25a0

' * " ...3 M. It.U.. (Los Angeles,. Cal.).

Useful Information

Family Mealsfor a Week


Grapefruit, hominy and cream, fried•callops. muffins, toast, tea and coSee.

L.T7XCKEON.Hot corned beef, potato salad, crackers

and cheese, hot biscuits and honey, cocoa*

r-V-". DINNER.Black bean soup (based upon llquar ln

which beef was bolle<l). larded and bakedcal- s liver. stewe.J oyster plant, rtced po-tatoes, chestnut pudding, black coffee.


Apple saure. cereal and cream, cornedtwf hash, rolls, toast, marmalade, tea andcoffee.

LUXCiTEOj;.Meat cakes (a left-over), baked potatoes,

large hominy boiled and buttered, cookiesand tea.'

DINNER.Yesterday's soup, curried veal, boiled rice,

teed bananas, eaten with th© enrry; potatocroquettes ta left-over), poor man s pud-


Oranges, cereal and cream, bacon andfried hominy <a left-over), oatmeal aconea,toast, tea and coffee.

LUNCHEON.Ste-w of curried v<»al and rice (a left-over),

fried bananas <a left-over), toasted sconesleft from breakfast, ho: gingerbread andcheese, cocoa. ,

DINNER.Onion soup, fried pijes' feet with tomato

« jcf,' 9PJnach. browned sweet potatoes, rlc*Pudding, black coffee. •,-. .

WEDNESDAY < *Jjf_ BREAKFAST.fvTiri,?^ pnines- oatmeal JelJy and cream,rxmed aam. oopovers. toast, tea and eof-


iib*"?f"?f wltJl «ream *auc«, baked

KraTcocSaV 1"' *alad' «***"*m*lm

PINNER.Tomato- cr«am sotio. boiled mutton wita

•quash pie. black coffee.


-Oranres. cereal and cream, bacon, potatobiscuits, toast, marmalade, tea and coCea.

LUNCHEON.Sebmsm and middle cake*. For dessert,the cakes with maple syrup, tea.


DINNER.Glastrow broth «based upon liauor «nwhich mutton was cooked), boiled beef-steak a la Jardiniere, spinach aouaia Ueft-over fom Tuesday), fried carrots/ i»ol«dumpllnes fbalted). black eoCee.



Oran«r«. cereal and cream. Spanish on^\u2666let. muEuw. toast, tea and coffee.LUNCHEON.

Salt mackerel trtljicream gravy boiledpotatoes, salad of celery knobs (a left-oviinwith lettuce and French dre2ln| craeffifend cheese, tea.

*• "»*-*«*

/ ' - DINNER.IVegetable soup, scalloped oysters. «rin*whipped <ream. black cotfee.

uuia wlt*


Stewed dates, cereal and cream baeo«and e«s. mufflna. toast, tta™1 coffin ,. , LUNCHEON.- V>Cheese r<Midu. quicu graham blscuitj^fsalad of string beans, cold com and lettu£ v(a left-over>. crackers and 'cheese. SwlStoast with lemon sauce, tea.


DINNER. ,:Glaszow broth. (a left-overt. • roast loin ofpork.' asote sauce, istewed tomatoes, maahedaweet cotatoes.' pineapple lea cream (horn**

made), black coffee.

being glveni I*cannot deliver them." Ishouldlike them to go ta someone living in, and 'toIone who cannot afford to .buy.books.

-E..K. (Philadelphia);

-The, giit willbe:eagerly >claimed/: -Weare. a -. reading iamily,.but 1some-'of-t-uscannot, indulge the propensity'as^ freelyas' we w^uld, because \u25a0 "butpher and bak-er"r^not/. to -mention --the^gasman,,. who.takes the place of Mother Goose's "can-dleatick-makcr"—have raised prices to aheight .that' leav««:the.:;purse painfullylight by. -the;; time- the week's; bills -arepaid. The generous donorjs address isupbn* our,register.'^ ; \u25a0..'-, .'- ', . * , r

'Much-Wanted Recite'I inclose" -the 'recipe for .'marshmallow,

crjam pudding, for which a correspondent'a6kfd :lately: »- . .. . . ,« . ... '

On« tablespoonfur of;granulated gelatine,dissolved In,one-half cupful \u25a0 of cold


Put lt'overthe fire'and -bring to a boil.V. stirring constantly. • Take \u25a0it-off and • stir


intinet<me cupful of. cold«. water.

' Let.It standwhile


-the:white* -,of four eggs

to a itandlng. froth. "Add iv this two cup- vfuls

•of granulated suiter a and 1 the*cooled

'gelatine.';. Beat steadily .until it begins- to .. thicken; r.istir -Into «It \u25a0- two.teaspoonf u'.s of :

.vanilla and one ,cupful -cf chopped English-walnuts. >When very thick Dour into moulds -and \u25a0 set upon .icf. Serve •.. withywhipped.cream and brandied; cherries. > .\u25a0"---.-.;-\u25a0 •\u25a0.-:>:\u25a0

•This recipe, makes enough *of.*the 'cream

*for ten People, -j- j-r •-. »

—-.:, ,+-.\- ,•,.\u25a0>;..;>;\u25a0•." Mrs.^ R. yv:;B:;(Brookville,VPa.), r-

\u25a0 You set before'J us »a*rdainty' dish, '~andone for/..which"four,:requests shave ,been

'vent in.

•"\Ve^thank you In'the name of'

the seeking sisters "and of the Exchange;as a ;whole. v \u25a0' . 1 i-.- \u25a0\u25a0. . \u25a0*• \u25a0 *.--: \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>;

: \u25a0^zNumbcrrof things ".'

v From ?\u25a0; the its.ime quarter "ofvouffvast *torrltoßy ;we. have -

other- recipes 4 that'promise as well,'The member^who'con--•


'-them ,classes v them tas•• -:"sea-

sonable.'.1,and . she ;is;right, as 'we|shall-

.(..SCG!{. . •̂\u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0" \u25a0'"\u25a0'.,\u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-.:\u25a0.* •\u25a0.i:'.':-- .-:-.v-'~:"si'?'

'*•*-"'. "'_\u25a0'.

;;--^»A£EscaUoped'Oysters.;; "\u25a0' V:: \u25a0\u25a0

\u25a0 li.^Yu'11*6 " half *•Pound :of cracker*:•ptur

-' T",Dr


Ithe1the'n '\u25a0•; plnt^>f toot milk, an.l stir 51a ÜblespoonM of butter: salt and pepper to.\\u2666S"ic- .iAdd Ta Plnt ot '*\u25a0*resh v "^«te« \u25a0- withi'::


-ranil %mlx thoroughly -with on«<.

,Bak« ,in.\u25a0> buttered \dish;until4browned. -%f;y, >;'i;":"HeavenlyyHaslu^ '~:H ;:->: ;-

On«. cupful^r'eath^ ofis' diced \ pineapple^, (drained- of -Juice), -bananas and^ marsh- :P? alI°*'*'• °n« cupful of.'English.walnuts. 1-or.-,- aimonda— or.both^-chopped. r.or**cuti-rather ;-.?

\u25a0.. nne; one cupful of kumquats (Uny oranges) t?cut small, and the juice well-squeezed out:;». one-half jcup Lofs diced apples. -,.. One- copful.or mayonnaise "dressing -seasoned iwithisalt111 1alone and one-half cupful ct whipped cream. r >"

\u25a0' 'niarinat!nK;tvlth the mayonnaise, that, they'may. not cuscolcr. and then acd the other-lnKrcdlenta. Mix thoroußhly and set in a

'\u25a0\u25a0.- coid-place. Serve. upun lettuce leaves with \u25a0

'a maraschino cherry -on the top of .each''.. portion,-- :

*<•\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0"„ \u25a0 '\u25a0'!\u25a0 . \u25a0

\u25a0 ,- '

.''.'.j-'\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 Kuxnquat/Slarraalade. \u0084\u25a0.;

' '

-Wash.- dry and slice the fruit(thin wtth \u25a0

.- a ver> Bhaip knlie. temavinc: the, seeds. To.^:,'; each quart of > fruit aUi>w one .larce lime.,:,iffcut leiigthwise^ and sliced thm: 'Vul a cup- ;•


-ful of wa'er- to -each -pint of ,Bllc«?d fruit. \u25a0•

\u25a0"\u25a0' Let ail stand ., overnight.- • Next- day drain. off the llauid,t and: to",each? cupful- of.Ityi\allow-on« 01'granulated bugar."-'.; Cook -until\u25a0'.

/the fUKar .has'-diasJlved: -putMn the-rruit--

land let all'simmer.- Btirrtng».from the-bct- .-.'torncccaslynally. -until you have-''

\u25a0 syrup and the/ fruit-i»< tcanslucentr. Pour;.'.' Into felly f Klaeses and* cover with'"payer;'.dipped in \u25a0 bran-ay.

-A;«iua«tiof *fruitjwill .. \u25a0 make a ou^rt

-t>f'mnrmaladfi.', .:. , _ •


1have a fine 'recipe for ureen tomato cit-\u25a0 \u25a0' cup. for which "Mrs. C. D.;8." (UJUisvillo.\u25a0\u25a0' Ky.);asked. .IfVhe will,send" me *her ad-,,\u25a0*"•'. dress," Iwill irlßdly;forward-: It \u25a0 ;

«.-'. Mrs.G. h.K. fAllfiglieny.Pa.).:..-. 'Why -

not let-us have > the ,recipe«in-:\u25a0• jstead .of;giving it -to one «,- member «of \u25a0

*,\u25a0 the Corner ?.; We have never had =It, and --,'. although it may not*be.i'.'seasonableVjat:* tthe

*present .writing;

- summer, <\u25a0> autumn '-'.'.-.and green tomatoes will-be hero before ;

";•\u25a0 we 'are -ready t'for them. -AYe- will\u25a0; cut ::out^ and keep: the 1recipe. V


~-ToRear <an\ Angora Kitten

•.*Where :can "•>llret"« information concerning \u25a0

ralslnf an Angora kitten? -.;• '^^\u0084-\' \i-

\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 Mrs?G. F.;L- (Madison. Wls.). ....Will those^of ourireaders .who vhavereared cats }of ,that v speciesthis question?: So ifar "\u25a0; asimy,,personalknowledge ofithem jgoes,-, they ?,growand ;thrive -under *precisely ;:the tsametreatment

-that :isIgiven;to> felines /of

less' distinguished .breeds. ;/:>{.•,.,;\u25a0 • \u25a0.--\u25a0 \u25a0

?-:.But*this Is the opinion:of;a*.womanwho knows;more;of? the Iyoung!of-thehuman race

-than%of . cats vand ,* ca-.

naries."':- "y^l-'u'-y- '"\u25a0'

'-\u25a0 '\u25a0- \u25a0^-•\-iv*^'r-.>

Of Interestti''/:':'f w«som»y 5 judge »from soaring \u25a0 prices.^.s'S economy » our.' watchword, -'It. *.?inay. <after all;

-have *a. briehf. aide, -this <

I.V;universal anxiety as -to \u25a0\u25a0. ways and means. ;-":"It's an- ill wind that :b'.ow».-no .Rood." >: A«-:

ft',» nation.;< we -hnve. been -too "\u25a0wasteful.'" and \u25a0


v perhaps jnecessity -will-

teach aus , that iso.v«t long; as • a •"left-over".* i*•clean \u25a0 and whole-

-::>.. some, if'should be put.'to some good use.*-vfj*~-~r-~lr-knew a*lady. \u25a0an i"extravagant Chouse-/.;-,;: keener. who.J: after spending a«few months~y.::InBerlin, came back a changed woman. &She ».'.'£&had * learned .- from -. the "-German Hhousewife ?

isi.'that ?\u25a0 well-bred

'people %may j-practice *econ- .-"'^;omy :and

'thrift \u25a0In


\u25a0 sma'lest !matters Iper- 1.- 1.i;tainlng*, to;the rkltchen.. ::sWhat n»he 3 saved I:.;/\u25a0 therein helced

-her '\o*igive *

to s a" charitable

,If carpets curl at eclses. lav a wet clothover-trie curled part and set a heavy welgnt

••\u25a0\u25a0 ,ujjon il.JLt.ivu ilvt!jere all night;'it wM\u25a0\u25a0' lie straight afterward, t'i v -,

- • \u25a0' ••-\u25a0 If^a drawer sticks in"th« srroove.' rub

isoaD upon -the upper edce. and It will slide'. .'ln easily.. - .- ' " .. -



-Windows :may. b«! cleaned moro thoroughly

-'and quickly If a .larjrp sDuonful of.kero-.• :.eene be put .into the pall of water used for"':'\u25a0'.'-• washing: - them. \u25a0 ; ' - . •

'\u25a0' AS; to the embryo i"Soyer." I.should -say:.rrthat ;if he- really, deoiiej to;learn*; to cook

and will'but .have-confltlcnce "in hlm*elf.

he^wlll surely-succeed. .-Iknew two boys- who were 'chums, oc* spent -years afcol--'--- JtKe and 'accomplished little\in after life.•The other. \u25a0.thruugh \u25a0\u25a0 cooking jgood meal

'•:••• for come young fellows, turned his thoughts.- 'to-the,\and

-became chef, at


t-a Knod" salary, in the -most urunanent club;,of the :clty. \u25a0--•\u25a0;* • -. £ '-\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0• ».•.,••?-....- :.-\u25a0•- . The -livelymember-who wrote of the ln--

diction •of•;a self -Invited•

«ru»-st .'\u25a0 struck a'\u25a0 chord rthat -vlbrates'ln iiwbosom painfully..

\u25a0 Suppc««! a iperson writes to say: \u25a0 "I1am•coming: to suend -

t«n*days with .you.'.' The

Eg whole; family niakej tmall dai:v sacrifices;. they are cramoetl as to 'alveolate \u25a0



\u25a0 ments. *.that \u25a0 the \u25a0 kuom'mav • have the best •"

jroom \u25a0 In;the :hDute:•\u25a0\u25a0 tho breakfast menu ,Is •-\u25a0». changed,- because .what we love best is nof

,-i-what. a »tran«er would like: -our; clothe*. \:are packed • Into «unaccustomed \u25a0 corners, be-";cause sho needs the closets In tier roan;\'i the table "mu#t be »et twice.% for the head

of the houo9 must have his.meals at hours--!that'-do not> suit> the 'convenience -of the

\u25a0 \u25a0 gueat.-"- Yet. we ,wlsh that ;for, ten days-•: everything: •,and f everybody •• shuuld .'"\u25a0 appear

fwell. -<:- The ten days vase. and. nothing .Is:-\u25a0 iaid«of departure, '"and jten .days more are \u25a0.«pent \u25a0In • likeimanner, sand th»> se f-invited


, ,»rtJest id;'.still r with-us.- -We are <Je»i>erate!|,Kindly tell \u25a0• us \u25a0 what

-course . we should dut-

'•)\u25a0 sue under the circumstances. ' . . \u25a0'

T-'-jr-.-ri;;;:•;•.;- -.Mrs.L.T.(Chicago).;.\u25a0 :' You* cite -^'wh'at'Xi. would'falhjbelieve !Is

fsaniextreme tcase.*;",Yet .I*\u25a0have in"mem-

w~oryf the icase ;of:a cman \u25a0 who« camped'\u25a0\u25a0-„ down ";Inimy>house ~ for..;three


,v,v after vpresenting ihimself '~~without;invi-

i.tation \ot.;warning^ tAt'the end '-of;the"

,time;we'quietly/informed himv that 'we;had • accepted^an to .travel

Q with'a >party, of,friends for

*a fortnight,*• and' must ;shut <,up;- the house. 'Where-r5upon,"'he coolly.remarked that'he


\ get J along;very*comfortably/ during our

.*•: absence,! sinee >,we'had* such 'good *serv~

l. ants.'A;;: ;He s.was y-then •;politely:told*that.- :the ;servants ;would \u25a0have ;a"vacation "

and4;vlslt'^their,- relatives 5 for.:the fortnight.;:He "betook ;himself •to jthe 1house of an-"other-friend.^l;do not'know*how they

/.contrived ito^eject*.him.-:. \u25a0 _?>\V •"\u25a0 -:- .-' •

\u25a0-'i- The; truth— which 'may.1sound brutal to

.?: some*readers-^is *that; in;your.- case 'as

\u25a0v- inimine, % theIImposition / al^a1^so-called:C guest'upon;the.'household»ls an;lnfringe-\u25a0ment juponIhospi tality.Nan|outrage donei1i 1to: conventionality,** and vainuisance '

that;ifoughtsto*be •,abated'< stringent meas-ures.):

-The jwoman;who \u25a0 upsets r.the s de-

'\u25a0& Tak? -'about \u25a0';: four.'handfuls of,flour,mix:with,water -into quite a stiff dough;and proceed sto rub the v walls.' when alldust ;and tdirt.will-be removed. 1 ;, „\u25a0 ?j:;

WHEN- v washing "window- paint orv cupboard doors, etc., uso a littler whiting.on \u25a0 a > flannel instead of

soap. • It will .remove: all .dirty markswithout injuring .the ,most •delicate-col-ored;paint;s>.-. '\u25a0:\u25a0> p

•\u25a0. .- . \u25a0

L* Clean the brass as usual, then rub Itover \u25a0' with 'a'soft "cloth .dipped \u25a0in vase-line,Vand !*,afterward polish ;it,with. adry.-duster. This' will keep, lt from get-ting, tarnished


-even {in the

dampest ''weather. and is very littletrouble. ' - :t^*MtimWgat« fflHJLlfai

When Gleaning

The San Francisco Sunday Call*