marcus, the dolphin

Collaborative story by children from Palazello, Sicily, Italy and San José Artesano School from Gran Canaria,Spain

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Post on 01-Mar-2016




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Page 1: Marcus, the Dolphin

Collaborative story by children from Palazello, Sicily, Italy and San José Artesano School

from Gran Canaria,Spain

Page 2: Marcus, the Dolphin

A dolphin, called Marcus, was living in the warm waters of the east coast of Sicily. It loved its sea, but it  dreamed  to explore other waters and wished to know the ocean. One day he decided to leave, it said goodbye to its friends and it began his journey to the Atlantic Ocean.

Page 3: Marcus, the Dolphin

One of his friends

seagulls had described the ocean wonderfully. Then she flew above the Mediterranean Sea and  it reached the Strait of Gibraltar. Down there  a huge shark prevented him to pass because he had to solve a riddle before.It asked:- What is the instrument that everyone can hear, but nobody can touch?       (the voice)

Page 4: Marcus, the Dolphin

Marcus answers correctly and the shark lets him pass to the ocean. Marcus is very happy and he swims and jumps to the ocean. He met a sea horse who tells him new places to go like the marine forests in Gran Canaria.

Page 5: Marcus, the Dolphin

Once at the marine forest by Las Canteras Beach in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the sea horse introduces Marcus to his friends the turtle, the crab, the starfish, the octopus, the jelly fish, the shrimp and many other fish. They show him a treasure chest with lots of jewlery inside.

Page 6: Marcus, the Dolphin

A threatening  moray is the guardian of the treasure chest. Marcus' new friends tell that the most precious jewel is the magic necklace. They  have  to pass three tests to get it.The first test  is to find the rainbow coral that lies on the seabed.

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The second test is to try the pearl of wisdom, inside the shell which is among the seaweeds of the black rock. The third test ......

Page 8: Marcus, the Dolphin

But Marcus saw children playing at the beach and he decided to join them and have fun.

They were San José Artesano School children !

Page 9: Marcus, the Dolphin

And that was the end

of the story!