march 2016 - 09€¦ · 09.00 antonio felice uricchio rector of the university of bari rosalinda...

4 th March 2016 - 09.00 Aula 2 - Centro Polifunzionale per gli studenti (Palazzo Ex-Poste) University of Bari Aldo Moro Institutional framework for development of the third mission of Universities in Serbia Administrative secretary: [email protected] 09.00 Antonio Felice Uricchio Rector of the University of Bari Rosalinda Cassibba Director od Department of Sciences of Education, Psychology and Communication Giovanna Da Molin Delegate to the Rector about third university mission Alberto Fornasari Scientific Head of University of Bari about IF4TM project 1 1 .0 0 Registration of participants 9.30 Welcome speeches 10.00 Analyses of the state-of- the-art at University of Bari levels in the areas of third mission policies (part I) C o f f e e b r e a k 11.30 Analyses of the state-of-the-art at University of Bari levels in the areas of third mission policies (part. II) Beatrice Ligorio University of Bari IF4TM Staff Project 12.30 Presentation of IF4TM leaders and partners All expected attendees: 13.00 Conclusions Vesna Mandić, UKG Miodrag Spasic, UNI Sanja Kojic, UNS Edis Mekic, SUNP Vesna Mandić, UKG Nedeljko Milosavljević, UBG Nikola Radovanovic, IPOS Vojislav Veljkovic, BIC Dragan Domazet, BMU Olga Deretić, TCAS Marina Vukobratović Karan, MEST Dubravka Matovic, INT

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Page 1: March 2016 - 09€¦ · 09.00 Antonio Felice Uricchio Rector of the University of Bari Rosalinda Cassibba Director od Department of Sciences of Education, Psychology and Communication

4th March 2016 - 09.00Aula 2 - Centro Polifunzionale

per gli studenti (Palazzo Ex-Poste)University of Bari Aldo Moro

Inst i tut ional f ramework fordevelopment of the third mission

of Univers i t ies in Serbia

Administrative secretary: [email protected]


Antonio Felice Uricchio Rector of the University of Bari

Rosalinda Cassibba Director od Department of Sciences of

Education, Psychology and Communication

Giovanna Da Molin Delegate to the Rector about third

university mission Alberto Fornasari

Scientific Head of University of Bari about IF4TM project


Registration of participants

9.30Welcome speeches

10.00Analyses of the state-of-the-art at University of Bari levels in the areas of third mission policies (part I)

Cof fee break

11.30Analyses of the state-of-the-art at University of Bari levels in the areas of third mission policies (part. II)

Beatrice LigorioUniversity of Bari IF4TM Staff Project

12.30Presentation of IF4TM leaders and partners

All expected attendees:


Vesna Mandić, UKGMiodrag Spasic, UNISanja Kojic, UNSEdis Mekic, SUNPVesna Mandić, UKGNedeljko Milosavljević, UBGNikola Radovanovic, IPOSVojislav Veljkovic, BICDragan Domazet, BMUOlga Deretić, TCASMarina Vukobratović Karan, MESTDubravka Matovic, INT