manuscript title: identification and characterization of a...

1 Manuscript Title: Identification and characterization of a novel 37 kDa Leishmania donovani 1 Antigen for Diagnosis of Indian Visceral Leishmaniasis 2 Running Title: Serodiagnosis of Indian VL with a novel antigen 3 Article type: Major Article 4 Order of Authors: Subodh Kumar*, Dinesh Kumar*, Jaya Chakravarty, Shyam Sundar 5 *Joint first author 6 Affiliations: Department of Medicine, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University 7 Varanasi-221005, India 8 Word Count: Abstract 210 words, Text 1,841 words 9 Corresponding Author: 10 Dr. Shyam Sundar* 11 Infectious Disease Research Laboratory 12 Department of Medicine 13 Institute of Medical Sciences 14 Banaras Hindu University 15 Varanasi-221005 16 Phone: +91 542 2369 632 17 Fax: +91 542 2367 568 18 E-mail: [email protected] 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Copyright © 2011, American Society for Microbiology and/or the Listed Authors/Institutions. All Rights Reserved. Clin. Vaccine Immunol. doi:10.1128/CVI.00559-10 CVI Accepts, published online ahead of print on 16 March 2011 on May 3, 2018 by guest Downloaded from

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Manuscript Title: Identification and characterization of a novel 37 kDa Leishmania donovani 1

Antigen for Diagnosis of Indian Visceral Leishmaniasis 2

Running Title: Serodiagnosis of Indian VL with a novel antigen 3

Article type: Major Article 4

Order of Authors: Subodh Kumar*, Dinesh Kumar*, Jaya Chakravarty, Shyam Sundar 5

*Joint first author 6

Affiliations: Department of Medicine, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University 7

Varanasi-221005, India 8

Word Count: Abstract 210 words, Text 1,841 words 9

Corresponding Author: 10

Dr. Shyam Sundar* 11

Infectious Disease Research Laboratory 12

Department of Medicine 13

Institute of Medical Sciences 14

Banaras Hindu University 15

Varanasi-221005 16

Phone: +91 542 2369 632 17

Fax: +91 542 2367 568 18

E-mail: [email protected] 19 20











Copyright © 2011, American Society for Microbiology and/or the Listed Authors/Institutions. All Rights Reserved.Clin. Vaccine Immunol. doi:10.1128/CVI.00559-10 CVI Accepts, published online ahead of print on 16 March 2011

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Footnotes: 31


Corresponding Author’s Name: Dr. Shyam Sundar 33

Corresponding Author’s Mailing Address: Professor of Medicine 34

Infectious Disease Research Laboratory 35

Department of Medicine 36

Institute of Medical Sciences 37

Banaras Hindu University 38

Varanasi 221005, Uttar Pradesh 39

India 40

Corresponding Author’s Phone Number, Fax number, and 41

E-mail address: Tel: + 91-542-2367795 42

Fax: + 91-542-2367568 43

E-mail:- [email protected] 44









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Abstract 54

The biggest challenge in serological diagnosis for Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is to find out a 55

biomarker with high specificity. This study was undertaken to identify novel Leishmania 56

donovani antigens to solve the existing problem. The soluble L. donovani promastigotes antigen 57

was separated by SDS-PAGE and western blot was probed with pooled sera of five subjects 58

with confirmed VL pre ( n = 9 pool) and post-treated ( n = 9 pool) patients, six month follow up ( 59

n = 9 pool), non endemic healthy controls (NEHC, n = 9 pool) and endemic healthy controls 60

(EHC). Antibody response to the identified partially purified antigen was ascertained by ELISA 61

on 70 parasitologically confirmed VL, 48 endemic healthy, 60 non endemic healthy and 42 62

different disease groups. The eluted protein was subjected to 2D gel electrophoresis, western 63

blotted and probed with sera of confirmed VL and NEHC. The antigenic protein was further 64

characterized by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. The identified protein (BHUP2) corresponds to 65

a Cytochrome - C like synthesis protein of 37 kDa. ELISA results were 94% sensitive whereas 66

specificity with EHC, NEHC and disease control were 98%, 100% and 97% respectively. The 67

antigen identified via a proteomics based approach has a strong potential for further development 68

as a diagnostic tool for VL. 69


Key Words: Diagnosis, ELISA, L. donovani, MALDI-TOF, Visceral Leishmaniasis, 71

western blotting, 2D gel electrophoresis. 72




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Introduction 77

Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) commonly known as kala-azar is the life threatening clinical form of 78

leishmaniasis characterized by fever, loss of weight, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly and anaemia. It 79

is a major public health problem in several countries, particularly India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sudan 80

and Brazil. (2). Timely and accurate diagnosis is necessary for cure and also because the 81

antileishmanial drugs for treatment are expensive and associated with adverse events which can 82

occasionally be serious. The gold standard for the diagnosis of VL is through direct microscopic 83

detection of amastigotes in giemsa stained splenic or bone marrow smears with reported 84

sensitivity ranging from 93.1% -98.7% (4, 8, 17) for splenic smears and 52% to 85% (1, 17) for 85

bone marrow aspirates. These methods are invasive, painful and risky. High levels of parasite 86

specific antibodies are observed prior to detection of antigen specific T cell responses (3). One 87

approach adopted to improve diagnostic methods to detect infection with L. donovani is to 88

identify dominant antigens that elicit specific antibody detectable by serological tests. In Indian 89

subcontinent, rK39 antigen, available in the ELISA and ICT (Immunochromatographic) format, is 90

widely used for the diagnosis of VL with excellent sensitivity (10, 12, 14, 15) The specificity in 91

terms of non endemic healthy control is excellent in Indian subcontinent whereas it shows �20-92

32% positivity with healthy subjects living in endemic areas (13, 15) and and this has kept alive 93

the search for a better test. Another antigen rK28, is in its evaluation phase in different countries, 94

it claims to replace the rK39, as having excellent sensitivity (96.8%) and specificity (96.2%) 95

tested on Sudanese population (7). The objective of this study was to identify L. donovani specific 96

antigen having high sensitivity and specificity and can have the potential to overcome the 97

problems associated with existing serological biomarkers in Indian subcontinent. 98



Patients and Methods: 101

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Study Population: 102

The study was conducted at Infectious Disease Research Laboratory (IDRL) of Banaras Hindu 103

University (BHU), Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh and at its field site at Kala-Azar Medical Research 104

Center (KAMRC), Muzaffarpur which is highly endemic for VL. The study was approved by the 105

Ethical Committee of Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi and a written informed 106

consent was taken. 107

Patients: 108

Sera from 70 parasitologically confirmed VL patients and 48 healthy individuals living in 109

endemic regions (with no past history of kala-azar) were collected from endemic region. Healthy 110

individuals (n=60) from non-endemic areas constituted control cohort and 42 samples were 111

collected from those who were suffering from diseases like amoebic liver abscess, tuberculosis, 112

malaria etc. from Sir Sunderlal Hospital, BHU. The samples were stored at -20°C. 113

Crude soluble antigen (CSA) preparation 114

1 X 108

parasites were harvested from stationary phase promastigote culture in cold 1 X phosphate 115

buffer saline (PBS) at pH 7.2 for CSA preparation. After washing and centrifugation, pellet was 116

resuspended in 1X PBS and equal volume of complete protease inhibitor cocktail (Sigma, USA) 117

was added. Lysis of parasite cells was done by 6 alternate cycle of freezing (at -70 0C), and 118

thawing (at room temperature) followed by sonication. Supernatant was collected by 119

centrifugation at 4000 rpm for 10 min, and the protein was quantified by BCA (Bicinchoninic 120

acid) kit (Thermo scientific) (9). 121


CSA extract was electrophoresed on 12% polyacrylamide gel following the method of Laemmli et 123

al (6). 124

Western Blotting 125

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CSA (45µg/well) of L. donovani was subjected to 12% sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel 126

electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). CSA was then immunoblotted (16), by western blotting (Bio-Rad 127

Mini-Protean II, Multi Screen), to a PVDF membrane (0.45 µm pore size, Millipore, USA) at 20 128

V for 30 minutes. The membrane was further treated with sera (1:100 in PBS) of different study 129

groups, for 1 hour at room temperature. Alkaline phosphatase conjugated with goat anti human 130

IgG (1:1000) was used as a secondary antibody. At the end, color was developed using BCIP-131

NBT (5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-indolylphosphate + Nitro Blue Thiazole) as a substrate (Promega, 132

USA). The obtained bands were analyzed by Alpha Imager (Alpha Inno. Tech, USA). 133

Partial purification of protein from SDS-PAGE gel 134

37 kDa protein band corresponding to protein marker was excised with sterile scalpel directly 135

from the SDS-PAGE gel, crushed and incubated overnight in an elution buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, 136

150 mM NaCl and 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 7.5) at 370C. The solution was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm, 137

10oC for 20 minutes, and the obtained supernatant was quantified for protein by BCA method. 138

Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) 139

Assay was done as described elsewhere with some modifications (5). Microtitre plates (Nunc, 140

USA) were coated with eluted 37 kDa BHUP2 protein (100ng/well) as a target antigen in 141

carbonate buffer (pH 9.6) for overnight at 4oC and then blocked the plate with 1% Bovine serum 142

albumin (BSA) in 1 X PBS for 2 hour at room temperature to prevent nonspecific binding. Sera 143

(1:100 dilution) of different sets were added and incubated at 25 0C for 1 hour. Serum antibody 144

titers were measured with HRP conjugated goat anti human IgG (1:16000) secondary antibody, 145

using tri-methylene benzidine (TMB, Promega) as a substrate. The reaction was stopped by 146

addition of 1N H2SO4, and OD was measured at 450 nm by an ELISA plate reader (Molecular 147

Device, Spectromax 190). The cutoff value is determined as mean ± 2 Standard deviations (SDs) 148

above the mean absorbance of NEHC. The diagnostic accuracy of BHUP2 protein was evaluated 149

by calculating the ROC (receiver operating characteristic) value, which was 0.98. 150

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Two Dimensional gel Electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) 152

Isoelectric focusing (IEF) was done in immobilized pH gradient gel strips (IPG strips, Bio-Rad) 153

with pH range of 3-10. Five microgram eluted protein was applied in 125 µl of rehydration buffer 154

per IPG strip. The sample containing rehydration buffer was loaded overnight at room 155

temperature by in gel re-swelling under mineral oil to prevent oxidation of protein and drying of 156

the gel strip. The loaded IPG strip was connected with the electrode of PROTIEN IEF cell 157

(BioRad, India), followed by electric parameters 20 minute, 100 V & 50 µA; 30 minute, 250 V & 158

50 µA; 2 hours, 4000 V and 10,000 V for 3 hours. The IPG strip was then equilibrated in 159

equilibrium buffer then after run for second dimension on resolving gel of SDS-PAGE. The gel 160

was stained with highly sensitive silver staining kit (PierceR Silver stain kit, Thermo Scientific) 161

according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 162

Mass Spectrometry 163

The protein spot after silver staining was excised and subjected to protein sequencing analysis by 164

MALDI-TOF at Molecular Biophysics Unit (MBU) of Indian Institute of Science, Banglore, 165

India. 166

Statistical Analysis 167

Data analysis was done through SPSS 16.0 software. The comparative evaluation was done by 168

non-parametric t-test. The peak lists of the mass spectra were used for peptide mass fingerprint 169

analysis with the Mascot software (Matrix Science; 170 together with NCBI sequence database. 171

Protein was identified using the following parameter: database: eukaryote (eukaryotes); enzyme: 172

trypsin; variable modification: oxidation (M), fixed modification: Carbamidomethyl (C); mass 173

value: monoisotopic; protein mass: unrestricted; peptide mass tolerance: ± 100 ppm, peptide 174

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charge state: +1, maximum missed cleavages: 1. The analyses of the PSD datasets were done by 175

peptide mass fingerprint with Mascot. 176

Results 177

Western Blot: Protein profile of CSA of L. donovani promastigotes showed a number of protein 178

bands of different molecular weight when separated on 12% SDS-PAGE gel (Fig 1A). Soluble 179

antigen trapped in PVDF membrane were reacted with pooled sera of each group. A number of 180

antigenic bands were recognized by the serum sample of different groups with different frequency 181

and intensity. 37 kDa (BHUP2) soluble antigen of L. donovani promastigote showed strong 182

reactivity with all serum samples (9/9) of VL patient’s sera (Fig. 2). Out of nine only three 183

(33.3%) serum samples of six month follow up hybridized with this protein. No reaction was 184

observed sera of endemic and non endemic healthy subjects. The identified protein was eluted 185

from SDS-PAGE gel through a specific gel elution method as shown in Fig 1B. 186

ELISA: ELISA with 37 kDa (BHUP2) protein was 94% (66/70; 95% CI: 86.2-97.7) sensitive 187

whereas the specificity in endemic healthy, non-endemic healthy and disease controls was 98% 188

(47/48; 95% CI: 92.6-100), 100% (60/60; 95% CI: 92.6-100) and 97% (41/42; 95% CI: 92.6-100), 189

respectively ( Fig 3). 190

2D gel electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF characterization 191

2D gel electrophoresis profile of 37 kDa fraction revealed a mixture of 3-4 proteins (Fig. 4A). On 192

performing western blotting of the resolved 2D gel and probing with the sera of confirmed VL 193

and NEHC separately, only two protein spots reacted with VL patients sera (Fig. 4B) whereas 194

none reacted with NEHC sera. We excised first of the two recognized protein spot from 2D gel for 195

MALDI-TOF characterization. The peak lists of the MALDI-TOF were used for peptide mass 196

fingerprint analysis with the MASCOT software of the Matrix Science together with NCBI 197

sequence data-base . The search of the protein sequence obtained from the mass spectrometry 198

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analysis recognized it as a Cytochrome-C like synthesis protein of 37 kDa . Attempts to 199

characterize the second protein failed due to low yield of protein. 200

Discussion: 201

Through a series of experiments we identified a novel 37 kDa L.donovani antigen (BHUP2) 202

having excellent sensitivity and specificity as confirmed by ELISA. This protein was recognized 203

as Cytochrome-C like synthesis protein on blasting peptide mass fingerprints (PMFs) with NCBI 204

protein sequence data base. The recognized 37 kDa (BHUP2) protein, revealed a great potential as 205

a serological marker for the diagnosis of Indian Visceral leishmaniasis. ELISA results with 206

BHUP2 protein was 94% (66/70) sensitive and 98.6% (148/150) specific. Thus less than 2% 207

healthy individuals from endemic area were positive with BHUP2 antigen as opposed up to 32% 208

positivity reported with rk39 antigen (12, 13). There are several other diseases like malaria, 209

typhoid fever, tuberculosis etc. whose signs and symptoms overlap with VL, also show positivity 210

with rK39(11) . Thus, there is an urgent need of a diagnostic assay which could specifically 211

diagnose active VL. This study was done to discover a specific immunoreactive marker for the 212

early diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis, So in our experimental finding we chose this 37 kDa 213

immunoreactive fraction for evaluation in this disease which was compared with endemic healthy, 214

Non-endemic healthy control and different diseases to give a comparable specificity and 215

sensitivity data. 216

Our results suggest that BHUP2 protein can be used as a diagnostic marker for VL. Though the 217

limitation of BHUP2 antigen is its sensitivity being slightly lower than benchmark of 95%. 218

However, these experiments were done with antigen eluted from gel; a recombinant antigen 219

devoid of impurities might provide better results. Since the antibody response against the antigen 220

persists in significant proportion of patients, it does not have a prognostic value and can not be 221

used to detect relapses; however, high specificity is its highlight. 222

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To summarize, the result of this study showed that crude antigen of 37 kDa fraction gave 223

encouraging results with ELISA in terms of antibodies reactivity. Our protein shows high 224

specificity, which is one of the highest of all the antigen used in diagnosis of leishmaniasis. If a 225

result on recombinant form is similar or better, this will be another candidate to be used in the 226

diagnosis of VL. 227


Acknowledgements 229

The author would like to thanks all the staff of Kala Azar Medical Research Centre (KAMRC), a 230

unit of Sitaram Memorial Trust for their assistance in collection of samples used in the 231

experiments. 232


Financial support: The study was partially funded by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious 234

disease (NIAID), DMID funding mechanism: Tropical Medicine Research Center Grant number: 235

P50AI074321. SK and DK thanks to Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New 236

Delhi, India for providing fellowship. 237


Potential conflicts of interest: None declared 239

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Figure legends: 301


Fig. 1A: Protein profile of crude soluble antigen (6) of L. donovani promastigotes separated on 303

12% SDS-PAGE. Lane 1 = Protein marker, Lane 2 = Crude soluble antigen 304


Fig. 1B: Showing the eluted protein as a single protein band stained with sensitive silver stain. 306

Lane 1 = Protein marker, Lane 2 = Eluted protein 307


Fig. 2: Western blotting profile of crude soluble antigen of L. donovani promastigotes hybridized 309

with the serum of different groups. In each panel we have taken parasitologically confirmed VL 310

pre and post treated, six month follow up, Endemic healthy control and Non endemic healthy 311

control sera. Arrow indicates BHUP2 protein which was recognized by the sera of pre and post 312

treated VL patients but not with our control groups (EHC, NEHC). 313


Fig. 3: ELISA Reactivity of sera with 37 kDa (BHUP2) protein. The study group contains 315

visceral leishmaniasis (VL, n = 70), non endemic healthy control (NEHC, n = 60), endemic 316

healthy control (EHC, n = 48) and different disease (DD, n = 42). MALDI-TOF result showed 317

that the identified protein belongs to Cytochrome-C like synthesis protein. The Full lines indicate 318

the average ELISA Index (EI) for each assayed group. Dashed line represent cut-off value. Each 319

dot represent individual subject. 320


Fig. 4A: 2D gel electrophoresis of BHUP2 Eluted protein. Circle around the spot is our 322

eluted protein 323


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Fig 4B: Western blotting result of eluted protein separated on 2D gel, hybridized with 325

parasitologically confirmed VL patient’s sera. 2D gel electrophoresis of eluted protein revealed 3-326

4 protein spot and Out of these proteins spot only two of them were showed antibody reactivity 327

against eluted protein. 328




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