manuscript 1 jan 2015

2 measure for pandemic public health threats, such as gastrointestinal illness (e.g. shigellosis), respiratory illness (e.g. influenza, pneumonia, asthma), a combination of general gastrointestinal or respiratory symptoms of infection (such as diarrhea or runny nose), and skin problems such as skin rash, eczema, psoriasis, and acne (Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, 2007). Skin Disorder Punctured Wound Pneumonia URTI 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 Philippines Cebu Table 1.0 National and Cebu City Statistics of morbidity for 2011-2014

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measure for pandemic public health threats, such as gastrointestinal illness

(e.g. shigellosis), respiratory illness (e.g. influenza, pneumonia, asthma), a

combination of general gastrointestinal or respiratory symptoms of infection

(such as diarrhea or runny nose), and skin problems such as skin rash,

eczema, psoriasis, and acne (Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials,


Skin Disorder Punctured Wound

Pneumonia URTI0




Table 1.0 National and Cebu City Statistics of morbidity for


Based on table 1.0, Upper Respiratory Tract Infection has a highest

percentage in Cebu City followed by punctured wound, skin disorder, and

pneumonia. In the National area, skin disorder has the highest percentage

followed by punctured wound, pneumonia, and URTI.

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URTI Pneumonia Punctured Wound Skin Disorders0









Table 2.0 Statistical Data of Morbidity in Looc, Mandaue City

Table 2.0 reveals the top four consistent morbidity cases in Barangay

Looc Mandaue City from 2011 to 2014. From 2011-2014, URTI consistently

has the highest percentage, followed by skin disorder. In the year 2011,

2013, and 2014, pneumonia increases gradually and punctured wound

increases in the year 2011, 2012, and 2014.

The beliefs and practices of community members have a profound

effect on the health of the community. These beliefs and practices serve as

index in determining the current condition of the community (Edelman,


Base on the local setting, the researchers who were exposed during

their Community Awareness Relationship and Extension Services Activities

observed some health practices in the selected sitios of Barangay Looc.

Practices observed were improper personal hygiene such as bathing in the

seashore where garbages are thrown instead of bathing in their house,

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improper waste segregation, mothers preparing non-nutritious foods to their

children (cola drinks, junk foods, and “lugaw”) children are seen in the

streets playing barefooted, garbage were thrown anywhere in streets and

seashore, barbeque sticks, nails, fragments of broken glass, and other sharp

objects are scattered and not properly disposed. Clients with respiratory tract

infections seek consultation but do not comply with therapeutic regimen as

verbalized by the barangay health nurse.

Hence, the researchers being students at University of Cebu Lapu-

Lapu and Mandaue, who will be future nurses, will determine the general

health practices among the residents Barangay Looc. The findings of which

will serve as bases for a proposed health teaching program.

Theoretical Background

This study is anchored on Nola J. Pender’s. Health Promotion Model

a “complementary counterpart to models of health protection” notes that

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each person has unique personal characteristics and experiences that affect

subsequent actions. The set of variables for behavioral specific knowledge

and affect have important motivational significance (Parsons, Pender, &

Murdaugh, 2011).

Health promotion is defined as behavior motivated by the desire to

increase well-being and actualize human health potential. It is an approach

to wellness. On the other hand, health protection or illness prevention is

described as behavior motivated desire to actively avoid illness, detect it

early, or maintain functioning within the constraints of illness. (Kozier,


The model organizes cues into a pattern to explain the likelihood of a

client’s developing health-promoting behaviors. The focus of this model is

to explain the reasons why individuals engage in health activities (Potter &

Perry, 2008).

Health promoting behavior means the endpoint outcome directed

toward attaining positive health outcomes such as optimal well-being,

personal fulfillment and productive living. Example of health-promoting

behavior are eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, managing stress,

gaining adequate rest and spiritual growth, and building positive relationship

(Edelman, 2008).

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Community health care setting is the best venue in promoting health

and preventing illnesses. Using Pender’s Health Promotion Model,

community program may be focused on activities that can improve the well-

being of the people. Health promotion and disease prevention can more

easily be carried out in the community, as compared to programs that aim to

cure disease conditions

These variables can be modified through nursing actions. Health

promoting behavior is the desired behavioral outcome and is the end point in

the HPM. Health promoting behaviors should result in improved health,

enhanced functional ability and better quality of life at all stages of

development. The final behavioral demand is also influenced by the

immediate competing demand and preferences, which can derail an intended

health promoting actions (Pender, Hendricks, Murdaugh, 2006).

Personal biological factors which include variables such as age,

gender, body mass index. Age can affect individuals health especially

children and older adults. In children, their body is not yet fully developed

while in older adults, the function of their immune system is already

deteriorating. In general, advancing age is associated with poorer health

practices and lower perceptions of personal health. As women age they tend

to gain weight and engage in less physical activity and they are more likely

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to report fair/poor health if they have experienced unhealthy weight gain

(Mosby, 2006).

Gender or social differences are also important. In daily life men and

women are systematically exposed to a range of different factors which can

profoundly affect their well-being both positively and negatively. Gender

significantly influenced information seeking. Men were not as interested as

women in diabetes, osteoporosis, eye conditions, obesity or mood disorders

such as anxiety or depression. This is of particular concern given the

growing number of diagnosed diabetes and CVD cases in the community.

Women reported taking more responsibility for their health, potentially

related to risk perception and the gender bias that women are socialized to be

more concerned about health issues than men. Targeted education,

encouraging men to be engaged and to take more responsibility for their

health will be vital to disease prevention (Davidson & Freudenburg, 2008).

Nursing interventions need to pay attention to the social context and

implement interventions within the family that take into consideration the

family demands, employment status, and educational levels to promote self-

care for healthy behaviors for partners and their children. With the personal

sociocultural factors it includes variables such as race, ethnicity,

acculturation, education, and socioeconomic status. The following

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behavioural-specific cognition and affect that are considered of major

motivational significance and these variables are modifiable through nursing

action (Potter & Perry, 2006).

Education and socio-economic status is another important factor that

could affect health. In which, in education, the lower the level of knowledge

the lesser the level of understanding. People with low education have higher

rates of mortality, illness, disability, and have poorer quality of life. In socio

economic status, families with low socioeconomic status often lack the

financial, social, and educational supports that characterize families with

high socioeconomic status. Poor families also may have inadequate or

limited access to community resources thus, lead them to poor health

management practices and parents may have inadequate skills and they may

lack information about childhood immunizations, nutrition and other health

practices. Families with high socioeconomic status often have a wide range

of resources to promote and maintain healthy lifestyle and environment as

well (Beck &Polit, 2007).

Activity-related effect denotes to the subjective positive or negative

feeling that occur before, during, and following behavior based on the

stimulus properties of the behavior itself. It influences perceived self-

efficacy, which means the more positive the subjective feeling, the greater

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the feeling of efficacy. In turn, increased feelings of efficacy can generate

further positive affect (Black, Hawks, Keene, 2006).

An individual’s standard of living (reflecting occupation, income, and

education) is related to health, morbidity, and mortality. Hygiene, food

habits, and the propensity to seek health care advice and follow health

regimens vary among high-income and low income groups Food and water

are the major sources of exposure to both chemical and biological hazards

such as petroleum solvent, kerosene, and gasoline. Inhaling vomit, irritating

fumes, and other substances contribute to the development of aspiration

pneumonia. They impose a substantial health risk to consumers and

economic burdens on individuals, communities and nations. (Johansson,

Mason, Salama, Wardlaw, 2006).

Lifestyle usually affects community health; it refers to a person’s

general way of living, including living condition and individual patterns of

behaviour that are influenced by sociocultural factors and personal

characteristic. In brief, lifestyle is often considered as behaviour and

activities over which people have control. Lifestyle choices may have

positive or negative effects on health (Horkreader, 2006).

Activities of everyday life shape and influence the health of family

members. Family practices either promote or hinder the development of

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good health habits and well-being in children. In addition, an inequality in

education between partners is associated with increased health risks,

specifically having one partner with low educational attainment. This

finding is thought to be due to material (housing quality, living conditions)

and psychosocial (social support, stress, coping) factors that in turn affect

the spouse’s health (Tomey&Alligood, 2006).

Annual checkups are an important part of a healthy lifestyle. A

medical check-up, otherwise known as a comprehensive physical exam, is

an important preventive and diagnostic tool. Primary care

physicians recommend that patients come in once a year for a medical

check-up to ensure their health is on track. This annual medical exam gives

an opportunity to closely monitor health and assist with the prevention of

disease and illness. Getting a routine medical check-up is important for

everyone, particularly those with chronic health problems, a complicated

health history or a genetic predisposition to certain conditions. There are

many benefits that come from getting a regular annual medical exam.

Prevention and the early detection of potential health problems is the most

significant benefit. Others include peace of mind and a more comprehensive

health history that can help you make informed health decisions throughout

your lifetime (Kempera, 2006).

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Regular exercise is a critical part of staying healthy. People who are

active live longer and feel better. During physical activity, muscles of the

respiratory system such as the diaphragm and the intercostals muscle gets

stronger. This is so that they can make the chest cavity larger. Having a

larger chest cavity means that you can also have an increase vital capacity

this is because more air is able to be inspired. More capillaries are formed

around the alveoli so that more gaseous exchange can take place. Gas

exchange will also be able to happen more quickly, meaning that exercise

can be maintained at a higher intensity for longer (Hurley, 2006).

In addition, most adults need at least 30 minutes of moderate physical

activity at least five days per week. Examples include walking briskly,

mowing the lawn, dancing, swimming for recreation or bicycling. Stretching

and weight training can also strengthen your body and improve your fitness

level (Heit, 2006).

Sports are a kind of play. People will engage in sports to give their

body exercise and help them learn to use muscles in different ways. Playing

sports can be hard work but it can also help individual to get fit and have

fun. Sports are a good way to make friends, whether you take part or just

watch. Most sports exercise your body and your brain. To improve, you need

to practice. This makes your body fitter and healthier. Moving in the right

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way becomes easier. Your muscles grow stronger and your brain learns how

to control them better (Evans, 2006).

The pathophysiology of pneumonia in alcoholics is primarily due to

depression of normal defense mechanisms. Alcohol is known to depress

normal mucociliary function. Furthermore, the ability of neutrophils and

macrophages to fight against infection is hampered. Other inhibited lower

respiratory tract defenses include nonspecific antibacterial activity of

surfactant, opsonization by immunoglobulin or complement, and

intracellular killing by alveolar macrophages. Aspiration of material from

the mixed oropharyngeal flora may be due to a diminished cough or

epiglottic reflex seen during alcoholic withdrawal seizures or a decrease in

level of consciousness associated with heavy drinking. Other contributors to

an increased risk of development of pneumonia include poor nutrition,

immunosuppression from alcohol-related liver disease, and smoking

abuse.The symptoms of pneumonia in alcoholics are similar to those with

community-acquired pneumonia but may be more severe. The organisms

most commonly isolated are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus

influenza, and K pneumonia (Ghali, Moskowitz & Saitz, 2006).

Chronic alcohol ingestion impairs multiple critical cellular functions

in the lungs. This cellular impairments lead to increase susceptibility to

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serious complication from lung diseases. This chemical changes compound

negative mechanical and microbiological effects of alcoholism on the

respiratory system. This includes greater likelihood of colonies of

pneumococcal bacteria in the upper respiratory systems (Shryrock, 2006).

Smoking is a risk factor for a number of pulmonary infections,

probably because of its adverse effects on respiratory defenses. It is

associated with increased morbidity and mortality from pneumonia and

influenza, as well as more days lost from work from lesser respiratory

infections. Smoking is believed to exacerbate respiratory diseases by

harming respiratory defense mechanisms. Burning tobacco forms an aerosol

of vaporized chemicals and particulates (approximately 3 × 109 particles/mL

of cigarette smoke) that include nicotine, multiple carcinogens, oxidants, and

carbon monoxide. The physical properties of cigarette smoke promote the

deposition of particles in the lower airways, where they affect respiratory

defense mechanisms at multiple levels (McCuske, 2007).

Specifically, smoking damages mucociliary function, which impairs

clearance of inhaled substances even in smokers who have no respiratory

symptoms, promotes bacterial adherence to airway epithelial cells. Even

smokers with normal lung function have oropharyngeal flora colonizing the

lower airways, a normally sterile environment, increases alveolar vascular

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and epithelial permeability, affects the composition, appearance, and

function of pulmonary inflammatory cells. Smokers have several times more

cells recovered by bronchoalveolar lavage and higher percentages of

macrophages and neutrophils than do nonsmokers. Alveolar macrophages

are important both for clearing particles through phagocytosis and for

regulating inflammation and cellular immunity. Smokers have larger

alveolar macrophages than do nonsmokers, have intracytoplasmic inclusions

not seen in the cells of nonsmokers, and may have impaired antigen-

presenting function and reversibly depresses natural killer-cell function

(Matthay & Murins, 2007).

Many people who smoke cigars feel it is relaxing because they do not

inhale the cigar smoke. However, holding cigar and cigar smoke in your

mouth increases your risk for infection and cancer of the mouth, tongue,

throat, and larynx. Cigarette smoking affects not only the smokers but also

nearby non-smokers who may inhale many elements of the smoke. Such

exposure can be especially trouble to some for persons with diseases

(Kempera, 2006).

Personal hygiene refers to a set of practices performed by an

individual for the preservation of health and maintaining cleanliness and

grooming of the external body. Washing of hands with antimicrobial soap

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and water or usage of hand sanitizers removes most of the bacteria and

viruses from your hands and prevents the transmission of microorganisms. It

also prevents the spread of bacteria to your family and other people and

places you are in contact with. Hand washing should be performed before

and after eating and even handling contaminated objects. Covering while

sneezing or coughing can decrease the chance of acquiring infective

pneumonia or other respiratory diseases (Paulete, 2006).

People must wash their hands and exposed portions of the arms after

touching bare human body parts, using the toilet room, handling animals,

coughing/sneezing, using a handkerchief, using tobacco, eating/drinking,

handling soiled equipment/utensils, as often as necessary to prevent cross-

contamination, when switching between raw and ready-to-eat food, and after

engaging in other activities that contaminate the hands (Ovington, 2008).

Another concern in a community in which hygiene and environmental

cleanliness is at stake is skin problems, mainly rashes, may be due an

allergic reaction to a food, medication or other substance. Contact dermatitis

is a common cause of skin rash and can be provoked by contact with a plant,

such as poison ivy, or chemicals that are too harsh for the skin, including

laundry detergents and other kinds of pollutants. Eczema, also called atopic

dermatitis, is another allergic skin condition. People who suffer from asthma

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or seasonal allergies are more likely to also develop eczema, viral and

bacterial infections can lead to skin problems that include rashes, sores and

blisters. Management of skin disorders are proper hygiene, healthy lifestyle

include balance rest and activity, and healthy diet according to the National

Institutes of Health 2009.

Topical corticosteroid may be beneficial as anti-inflammatory agents

to decrease itching. Topically applied agents are used to slow the overactive

epidermis without affecting the other tissues. These agents include lotions,

ointments, pastes, and creams. Topical antibacterial therapy such as

mupirocin, maybe prescribed when the disease is limited to small area; the

medication must be applied to the lesions several times daily for a week.

When topical therapy is prescribed, lesions are soaked or wash with soap

solution to remove the central site of bacterial growth, giving the topical

antibiotic an opportunity to reach the infected site. After the crusts are

removed, a topical antibiotic cream is applied. An antiseptic solution such as

povidone-iodine (betadine), may be used to clean the skin, reduce bacterial

content in the infected area, and prevent spread (Bare, Cheever, Hinkle, &

Smeltzer, 2008).

Wound dressings are used in application to minor and major wounds

that are incurred by patients. The application of a wound dressing may be

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due to any number of reasons, including the following: to abate blood flow,

provide relief from pain, enhance the healing process, protect the wound

from infection, remove foreign particles, and to absorb any fluids discharged

from the wound (Ovington, 2008).

A number of diseases can be prevented through proper health beliefs

and practices. It then explores which diseases can be prevented through

improved personal hygiene, sanitation, water supply, proper waste disposal,

and proper food habits. Many studies have reported an association between

improvements in hand hygiene and reductions in rates of infectious illnesses

in the community. Thus, health is a worthwhile investment (Fewtrell, 2008).

Nutrition refers to the sum of the processes involved in taking in of

nutrients and their assimilation and use for the proper body functioning and

maintenance of health. A balanced diet consists of a variety of foods. Fruits

and vegetables provide important vitamins and minerals to maintain a

healthy body. The three basic groups of foods are carbohydrates, proteins

and fats. These are also called macronutrients or "go, grow and glow" foods.

Each of these three types of food serves an important function in promoting

or supporting overall health. Carbohydrates are the macronutrient that we

need in the largest amounts. According to the Dietary Reference Intakes

published by the USDA, 45% - 65% of calories should come from

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carbohydrate, 10% - 35% of calories should come from protein, and 20% -

35% of calories should come from fat. A balanced diet provides all the food

substances needed by the body for healthy growth and development, as well

as to increase immune system (Prentice 2006).

According to National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and

Health Promotion, vitamins are organic substances (made by plants or

animals), minerals are inorganic elements that come from the earth; soil and

water and are absorbed by plants. Animals and humans absorb minerals

from the plants they eat. Vitamins and minerals are nutrients that the body

needs to grow and develop normally. Vitamins and minerals, have a unique

role to play in maintaining health. The best way to get enough vitamins is to

eat a balanced diet with a variety of foods. Vitamins and minerals can

usually get all from the foods you eat.

Anyone who is healthy and wants to stay that way needs to drink

about 6-8 glasses of water each day. This will ensure that the 60-100 trillion

cells in the body receive their daily needed hydration of water in order to

maintain efficient digestion, metabolism and waste removal. Drinking water

helps to thin and loosen and makes it easier to cough up. Children may need

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to drink 4-6 glasses of water per day depending on how physically active

they are (Moritz, 2009).

Sanitation refers to ways by the people in the community in relation to

their environment such as proper hand washing, proper wound care, safe

water and food consumption, environmental hygiene, and proper waste

segregation and disposal. Poor sanitation, hygiene, and water are responsible

for about 50% of the consequences of childhood and maternal underweight,

primarily through the synergy between diarrheal diseases and undernutrition,

whereby exposure to one increases vulnerability to the other (Adair,

Fall ,HallalMartorell , Richter, Sachdev. Victora, 2008).

The environment conditions of poverty-stricken areas also have a

bearing on overall health. Slum neighbor hoods are overcrowded and in a

state of deterioration. Sanitation services tend to be inadequate. Many streets

are strewn with garbage, and rodents are common which can cause

contamination, skin disorders, and accidents. Housing tenure, outdoor

temperature, indoor air quality, dampness, housing design, rent subsidies,

relocation, allergens and dust mites, home accident, homelessness, fires and

crime are constant threats. Recreational facilities are almost nonexistent,

forcing children to play in street and allay. Waste has a direct and indirect

impact to health such as the transmission of agents of infectious disease

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from human and animal excreta (sanitation, hygiene and water-related),

exposure to toxic chemicals in human and animal excreta, and in industrial

wastes discharged into the environment, environmental degradation,

exposure to radioactive wastes, exposure to health-care wastes; exposure to

solid wastes and involvement in informal waste recycling, and breeding of

disease vectors (Claborn, 2006).

Adequate sanitation, together with good hygiene and safe water, are

fundamental to good health and to social and economic development. Lack

of sanitation leads to disease, as was first noted scientifically in 1842 in

Chadwick's seminal “Report on an inquiry into the sanitary condition of the

labouring population of Great Britain”. A less scientifically rigorous but

nonetheless professionally significant indicator of the impact on health of

poor sanitation was provided in 2007, when readers of the BMJ (British

Medical Journal) voted sanitation the most important medical milestone

since 1840 (Ferriman, 2007).

Sanitation is a field of public health. It involves various efforts to

control the environment to prevent and control disease. It includes personal

cleanliness which helps protect against disease. Maintaining cleanliness not

only provides comfort and a position stimulus, it also impacts on infection

control. Proper disposal of garbage by segregating from biodegradable to

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non-biodegradable will reduce the likelihood of contamination of the soil or

ground water and chemicals or microorganism (Ferriman, 2007).

The anchor theory is supported by the Health Belief Model developed

over fifty years ago by social psychologist Irwin M. Rosenstock, Victor J.

Strecher, and nursing theorist Marshall H. Becker, trying to understand lack

of participation by individuals in a free tuberculosis screening program.

Currently, the HBM is the most frequently used theory in health education,

health promotion and disease prevention (Jones & Bartlett, 2010).

The Health Belief Model has been modified in various ways over time

but the original model contains four psychological variables. The concept of

perceived susceptibility is a person’s own belief of the likelihood of getting

a condition. Perceived severity is the individual’s opinion of the graveness

of the condition and its sequelae. One’s thoughts concerning the

effectiveness of the recommended action to actually avoid or reduce the

seriousness of the condition are termed perceived benefits. Perceived

barriers are the negative aspects of a specific health action (Bartholomew,

Parcel, Kok, & Gottlieb, 2006).

The Health Belief Model is within the scope of nursing as evidenced

by a core beliefs in nursing are health promotion and disease prevention. The

essential idea in the HBM is geared toward reducing or avoiding a disease

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condition and aims to explain and predict health behaviors (Jones & Bartlett,


The Health Belief Model contributes nursing knowledge that can be

applied to the human-environment health relationship and as well as health

and healing processes. The main assumption in the HBM is that individuals

will act if they feel their personal health is threatened and they perceive the

benefit of the health promoting activity outweighs the detriment of following

through with the behavior. The assumption is congruent with the model’s

focus of health promotion and disease prevention (Pender, Murdaugh, &

Parsons, 2011).

According to World Health Organization, many factors combine

together to affect the health of individuals and communities. Whether people

are healthy or not, is determined by their circumstances and environment. To

a large extent, factors such as where we live, the state of our environment,

genetics, our income and education level, and our relationships with friends

and family all have considerable impacts on health, whereas the more

commonly considered factors such as access and use of health care services

often have less of an impact.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) health

promotion includes encouraging healthy lifestyles, creating supportive

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environments for health, strengthening community action, reorienting health

services to place primary focus on promoting health and preventing disease,

and building healthy public policy (WHO, 2009).

Recent national reports indicate that men and women have distinctly

different lifestyles; they differ not only in whether they adopt certain health-

related habits but also in their concerns about, or attitudes towards, health.

On the positive side, women appear to be more attuned to health issues and

thus are more likely to make healthy lifestyle choices. They tend to make

healthy food choices and are much more weight conscious than men. As a

result, they are much less likely to be overweight or obese than men. Except

in the youngest age groups, fewer women than men smoke, and they are

much more likely to abstain from alcohol or to drink in moderation. Women

are also more likely to use complementary and alternative medicines (DOH,


Shooshtari (2008), suggested that there is a strong relationship

between an increase in income and education and health practices. The trend

was most apparent with respect to health-promoting practices. Findings

revealed that women with higher incomes compared to those with lower

incomes consulted an alternative health care provider. Higher-income

earners made changes to improve their health, they consumed more than five

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servings of fruits and vegetables and were more physically active. Similarly,

evidence suggests that those who achieve a higher level of educational

attainment are more likely to engage in healthy behaviours and less likely to

adopt unhealthy habits.

Another concern in a community in which hygiene and environmental

cleanliness is at stake is skin problems, mainly rashes, may be due an

allergic reaction to a food, medication or other substance. Contact dermatitis

is a common cause of skin rash and can be provoked by contact with a plant,

such as poison ivy, or chemicals that are too harsh for the skin, including

laundry detergents and other kinds of pollutants. Eczema, also called atopic

dermatitis, is another allergic skin condition. People who suffer from asthma

or seasonal allergies are more likely to also develop eczema, viral and

bacterial infections can lead to skin problems that include rashes, sores and

blisters. Management of skin disorders are proper hygiene, healthy lifestyle

include balance rest and activity, and healthy diet according to the National

Institutes of Health 2009.

According to the Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) and Sanitation

of UNICEF and WHO, sanitation has long been regarded as a private

responsibility. In urban areas, water quality does not meet the standards set

by the national government. As a result, waterborne diseases remain a severe

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public health concern in the country. About 4,200 people die each year due

to contaminated drinking water (World Bank, 2006). 

According to the Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality (YAFS) study

that typical diet of a young Filipino includes instant noodles, chips, grilled

street foods and carbonated drinks. Sixty eight percent (68%) reported that

they consume carbonated drinks at least once a week. Six (6) in 10 have

instant noodles and chips in their weekly fare while slightly more than half

eat grilled street food at least once a week (HEALTHbeat, 2014).

In the Philippines environmental sanitation is characterized by

achievements and challenges. The challenges include limited access to

sanitation and in particular to sewers; high pollution of water resources;

often poor drinking water quality and poor service quality (Country Paper

Philippines, Asian Water Development Outlook 2007).

According to Bering et. al. (2011), health management practices of the

adopted community of the University of Cebu-Lapulapu and Mandaue are

identified according to lifestyle and sanitation.In terms of lifestyle, mothers

or one of their family members always do smoking for the reason that they

feel relaxed, relieved their tension and it managed their stress times. They

also always drink alcoholic beverages to minimize their stressful situations

where in that way, it relived their tension. However, they never used illegal

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drugs. On the other hand, the mothers always practice regular pattern of

eating three times daily and they include calcium in their meal such as milk

and peanuts but they always eat salty foods (e.g., junk foods and dried fish)

and preferred an intake of caffeine (e.g., coffee, soda, chocolates or sugary

foods). Moreover, they sometimes do exercise for 30 minutes of moderate

physical activity such as walking briskly and play sports activities. And

lastly, they manage their stress by performing relaxation techniques,

visualization of pleasant surroundings, spending time with pets and children

and they communicate with friends or seek professional help sometimes to

distress their selves. In terms of sanitation, the mothers always practiced

good hand hygiene, took a bath every day and make sure an aseptic

technique on wound care, they also always drink clean water and clean the

house everyday by sweeping, arranging, and dusting.

With 4.2 million deaths each year (1.6 million among children under 5

years), acute respiratory infections are the leading cause of mortality in

developing countries. Although sanitation is not directly linked to all acute

respiratory infections, a recent study reported that 26% of acute lower

respiratory infections among malnourished children may have been due to

recent episodes of diarrhoea. Thus, sanitation could be a powerful

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intervention against acute respiratory infections (Barreto, Cairncross,

Clasen, Epidemiol, Schmidt, 2009).

According to Diaz et. al. (2007), behaviours affecting health practices

of people in Sitio Bliss Mambaling is associatiated between socioeconomic

status and health, or the influence of social networks, current or anticipated

employment status, and personal beliefs.

Jimenez. et. al, (2008) stated that the knowledge on health practices

depends on their age, level of maturity, educational attainment, and

socioeconomic status.


Statement of the Problem

This study determines the general health practices among the residents

of Barangay Looc. The findings of which will serve as bases for a proposed

health teaching program.

Specifically, this study answers the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of :

1.1 Age;

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1.2 Gender;

1.3 Highest educational attainment; and

1.4 Combined Family Income?

2. What are the General Health Practices of the adopted community of

University of Cebu- Lapulapu and Mandaue?

3. Is there a significant relationship between respondent’s profile and general

health practices?

4. Based on the findings of this study, what health teaching seminar may be


Statement of the Null-hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between the respondent’s profile

and general health practices.

Significance of the study

This study is essential to the following groups of people:

Residents. This study helps them achieve optimum level of

functioning through discussion on general health practices.

Barangay Health Worker. This serves as a guide for their future

programs concerning about health management practices that aims for the

promotion and maintenance of health as well as prevention of diseases.

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Researchers. The study, enhances and expands the knowledge,

developed their skill, and will teach them positive perspective to the health-

rendering experiences they would partake to others.

Future Researchers. This study provides additional resource

materials to other researcher in analyzing specific community health

phenomenon while making health-promotion actions necessary to support

scientific evidences.


Research Design

This study utilizes descriptive correlational to determine the different

general health practices of the residents in Sitio Bohol-bohol, Paradise

Island, and Bantayan Sa Hari, Looc Mandaue City.

Research Environment

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The research study was conducted in Sitios Bohol-Bohol, Paradise

Island and, Bantayan Sa Hari. These sitios are located beside the river,

dumpsite, and across the General Mining Company. The barangay hall and

health center are situated along the highway of Looc Mandaue City.

Research Respondents

The total population in Sitios Paradise Island, Bantayan sa Hari, and

Bohol-Bohol is 3,520. Thirty one respondents are purposively chosen using

the formula on population proportion. The respondents are ages 33-67 living

in three sitios.

Research Instrument

The researchers utilized a researcher-made questionnaire as an

instrument in gathering relevant data for the study. The tool was pre-tested

to ages 16 years old and above living in Sitio Oploc, Mandaue City. The

questionnaire is divided into 2 parts: the first part focuses on the

respondent’s profile, which includes the respondent’s age, gender, highest

educational attainment and combined monthly.

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The second part is composed of 18 items focusing on the respondent’s

general health practices. The respondents are instructed to place a check

mark to their corresponding answers pertaining to general health practices

with three numerical scales where 3 means Always, 2 means Sometimes, and

1 means Never.

Proper instructions were given verbally and are also written in the

checklist. The respondents will fill-up the necessary information and answer

the checklist by indicating a check mark on the space provided.

Research Procedure

Gathering of Data. A permit letter was given to the research adviser,

asking for approval to conduct a study. After the approval of the letter from

the research adviser, a letter was sent to the Dean and to the Barangay

Captain of Looc asking permission to conduct a research study. The

researcher gathered the significant data needed to complete the research


Treatment of data

Simple Percentage. was utilized to determine respondent’s profile in

the adopted community of University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue.

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Weighted mean. was utilized to determine the responses of the

respondents’ general health practices in adoptive community to every


Chi-square. was utilized to examine whether the respondents profile

has a significant relationship with the general health practices of the



The following terms defined in this content that were used in the study

were given meaning for better understanding.

General Health Practices refers to respondent’s lifestyle, personal hygiene,

nutrition, and environmental sanitation.

Lifestyle refers to respondent’s practices in terms of annual physical

examination, regular exercise, drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking

cigarettes, and eating habits.

Nutrition refers to respondent’s eating habits and food preferences such as

eating of nutritious foods, drinking clean water, and taking in vitamins and

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Personal Hygiene refers to respondent’s practices on proper hand washing,

proper wound care, and proper coughing etiquette.

Sanitation refers to respondent’s practices on environmental hygiene,

proper waste segregation and disposal.