manufacturing technology acceleration impact snapshot ... · technology acceleration enables a...

5340 Fryling Road, Suite 202 Erie, PA 16510 Northwest Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center How can we help you? ... 814.898.6893 Our Partners: Last year, the NWIRC managed projects with over 90 clients in NW PA. Project impact totaled $8.6 million in new client revenue, $2.1 million in cost savings, and $14.9 million in new business investment. Technology Acceleration enables a manufacturer to: Differentiate products and services Increase revenues Realize annual cost savings Add new customers, distributors, and suppliers Gain fresh market intelligence Manufacturing Technology Acceleration Services Experienced engineers accelerating product and technology development. Manufacturing Technology Acceleration Impact Snapshot: M A N U F A C T U R I N G T E C H N O L O G Y A C C E L E R A T I O N

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5340 Fryling Road, Suite 202Erie, PA

Northwest PennsylvaniaIndustrial Resource Center

How can we help you? ... 814.898.6893

Our Partners:Last year, the NWIRC managed projects with over 90 clients in NW PA. Project impact totaled $8.6 million in new client revenue, $2.1 million in cost savings, and $14.9 million in new business investment.

Technology Acceleration enables a manufacturer to:

Differentiate products and services

Increase revenues

Realize annual cost savings

Add new customers, distributors, and suppliers

Gain fresh market intelligence

Manufacturing Technology Acceleration Services

Experienced engineers accelerating product and technology development.

Manufacturing Technology Acceleration

Impact Snapshot:





Manufacturing Technology Acceleration Services Technology-Driven Market Intelligence (TDMI)

Evaluate manufacturer’s technology-based assets for potential application and market viability

Manufacturer’s Gain:

– Detailed insight and evaluation of potential markets, including trends and opportunities

– Competitive intelligence to enhance planning and growth

– Potential new partners and/or customers

Northwest PennsylvaniaIndustrial Resource Center

NWIRC makes technology acceleration easier for you by providing hands-on development experts and a comprehensive, systematic approach:

1) Your NWIRC Business Advisor will help detail your business goals and objectives.

2) NWIRC’s Manufacturing Technology Engineer (MTE) draws upon our extensive network of public and private resources to recommend innovative solutions and develop solid implementation plans. Our resources include:

– Internal chemical, electrical, and mechanical engineers

– University science, technology, and engineering faculty

– Federal research labs

3) The NWIRC identifi es and helps you pursue federal and state grants, in addition to other available program funding options.

We partner with you every step of the way, striving to exceed your expectations.

Advanced Manufacturing Apprentice Program (AMAP)

Bridge the gap between manufacturer’s innovation needs and resources at regional colleges, universities, and trade schools

NWIRC facilitates identifi cation, screening and selection of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) college students to assist in developing or implementing new technology

Manufacturer’s Gain:

– Cost savings of up to 50% of apprentice wages via mini-grants

– Fresh perspective, innovative ideas, and problem solving by developing talent

– Opportunity to evaluate potential full-time employee(s)

– Potential for increased sales and/or reduced operating costs

– Improved relationship with regional colleges, universities, and trade schools

New Product / Technology Development

Establish a framework to defi ne, discover, develop, and deliver new innovations to the marketplace

Facilitate and grow an innovation-driven culture leveraging employee talents and perspectives

Manufacturer’s Gain:

– A pipeline of new product, service, or process ideas that improve business growth and sustainability

– Accelerated product development cycles

– Enhanced organizational culture where employees engage in product/process development and share a sense of increased teamwork and accomplishment

Technology Scouting (TS)

Explore existing and proven technology to solve complex business problems, improve processes, or develop new products

Manufacturer’s Gain:

– Researched and detailed solutions that support product development or solve process issues

– Access to unique expertise, skills, and/or specialty resources

– Potential new partners and/or suppliers