managing the customer experience

February 2012 MANAGING THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Adapting to an evolving multichannel world through continuous and contiguous customer experiences Luis Hernandez Managing Director, Chief Technology Officer Proof Integrated Communications A WPP Company

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Adapting to an evolving multichannel world through continuous and contiguous customer experiencesAs a technology leader driving innovation in digital marketing initiatives for global brands, Luis brings over 15 years of technology and management experience to the architecture, development, deployment, and analysis of eCRM, sCRM and other online activation, recruitment and retention initiatives as part of global direct marketing and relationship management program.Luis is currently a Managing Director and Chief Technology Officer for Proof Integration Communications, a WPP Company. Prior to joining Proof, Luis was senior vice president and director of marketing technology for Wunderman, New York. At Wunderman, Luis was responsible for the architecture and management of interactive development initiatives for clients such as Citibank, Land Rover USA, Novartis, and Microsoft.Prior to joining Wunderman, Luis was vice president of client services at NearSource (, an interactive development firm focused on providing near shore development services (in Latin America) for traditional and interactive agencies, as well as end clients. Clients included ANSI, Intrawest, The Jack Parker Corporation, Philips, Starwood, TARGUSinfo, The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and Vivendi Universal.


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February 2012

MANAGING THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCEAdapting to an evolving multichannel world through continuous and

contiguous customer experiences

Luis HernandezManaging Director, Chief Technology Officer

Proof Integrated CommunicationsA WPP Company

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In 2012It's no longer possible to look at integrated marketing efforts as simple reactive learning experiences

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In a cross-channel and cross-platform world, looking at customer engagement as a continuous conversation requiring a contiguous experience better fits changing behaviors.

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Changes in behavior.

Spiraling consideration cycles, with more and more time being spent in consideration and evaluation, heavily influenced by 3rd party sources perceived as independent, such as user reviews, rather than authoritative, such as brand (owned) properties.

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You need to manage the customer experience.

The convergence of multiple platforms and providers to create something that dynamically, based on a series of established or evolving rules, drives improved response, conversion, and retention.

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You adapt.

Marketers need to look at the elements of their online ecosystem that help support and drive these end goals.

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You build.

Tying together data from disparate systems on behavior, preference, and disposition pre- and post-conversion, provides a fuller model.

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You evolve.

It’s no longer just about the conversion - it's about gaining an understanding of and optimizing user pathways to purchase, with multiple options and avenues for interaction, communication, and even transaction.

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Delivering Cross-Touchpoint Customer Experiences Drives Need For New Capability

Source: Forrester Research, Inc., The Emergence of Customer Experience Management Solutions, August 2011

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You learn.

Look at spiraling consideration cycles

Look at the time spent in consideration and evaluation

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You tap into innovation.

E-commerce, Email Service Providers, Content Management Systems, CRM platforms, and Analytics Vendors all promise the ability to provide a customer-centric view across touch points, but aren’t all there yet

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You make consumers advocates.

Look at tools that provide the ability for individuals to advocate for or express their opinions on products, across devices and channel

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A key challenge:

Customer Experience Management doesn’t have a single, consistent definition

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For service providers (CEM):

It’s about listening to customer feedback, comments, postings via automated parsing / filtering and triggering actions – be they alerts, messaging, etc. – based on specified or determined sentiment

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For platform providers (CXM):

It’s about adapting experiences dynamically based on behavioral and session data across sources and channels to provide more contextually relevant messaging or functions based on current point in the consideration or communications cycle

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17Source: Forrester Research, Inc., The Emergence of Customer Experience Management Solutions, August 2011

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But they both have key elements in common.

It's about dynamic integration.

It's about rules-based automation.

It's about continuity.

It's about contiguity.

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How is an experience contiguous?

Differing interaction points and platforms feel like parts of a singular whole from an experience perspective.

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How is an experience continuous?

Having a single conversation that moves the user along the consideration pathway without seemingly dropping backwards or starting over

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Always consider context.

This ensures that you’re helping (consumers) make the right decisions at the right time based on who they are, where they are, and what they’re currently doing

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Key channels are evolving.

Email and the intersection of social marketing

Digital marketing attribution

Search Engine Optimization


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Mobile is a moving target.

It isn't a channel, it's a platform, with user experiences that vary from device to device and form factor to form factor which are still evolving and changing, though beginning to consolidate around common form factors

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Some examples of mobile disruption.

Point of sale price comparison

Online purchase to offline pickup

Mobile device retail checkout

Virtual currency and e-wallet based transactions

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Email and Social

Email is still important, and effective

Email and social interact and amplify each other

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Other influential aspects of Social

Social shopping and co-browsing

Social reviews and opinions

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Organic search and the understanding of what are considered current, authoritative sources of information within your keyword universe help plan more effectively

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The challenge is growing as more and more systems interoperate directly or indirectly to drive conversion over longer consideration cycles for larger purchases heavily influenced by social activities.

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Contact Info:[email protected]

Twitter: @olhernandezLinkedin: www.linkedin.oom/in/olhernandez

Email: [email protected]