mamt want. waot t want, want

MAMT ONIC CENT A WORD. W&ant Sb. »nt__. ONB CENT PER WOHD when uall In .dvltice. No Ad, takon for less than TEN :.IiN-_. NO AD3. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN '._w_.NTY.FlVE CENTS when phoned In or chnrged at tho count cr. FOR BUSINESS CONTRACT. Phone 40U ''for'tha WANT AD. MAN lo coll. ft,osr anu jruuuu. Lo.r. ?':(.¦.! k!v >.»".-¦'. j'.'i.; ~-f_"i "\v"_ ¦"> > SOUtllel 11 StUCK 1 HI'ClH uinl pu.i-oni.e fjj anu Uncit iij oimii lairvUi ..luraui, .1 watcli ciiuiui, \. m, ttuym .vicii 1'iu- boiiIo IctiL-is on one mui: anu coni- ¦¦.': 'inandery entblom un tno oinur. ^ 5>.> reward lf returned 10 STaCK* [HOUSE, Soutliern St.cki.ur_._ LOSl" Ss A T U RD A Y~AFTI_RNOON, cdinlng from uall game, miver-iittii- dlo umbrella; mltiais "1~ L. \\." Re- ; fciturn to V ncui.siA- cAVtuLUiA CriEMlCAL C'U., liiourunc. uepui't- nient. ior icward. _0StT"ON SEVENTH"~ STREET, BE- tween Grace hhu tsioau, or on Broad sstreet car, or .eivven car uiie unu j-iormitnge Goit uiub, wiu« go.ti bracelet. Reward if returned to iui East Grace Street^_ STRAYED*~TO~ MY PLACE, BROWN horse, wlth whlte spot ln lace. Uivner can get same by provlng' property and payiug for tnis uii, 1'UA'i' BRUS., lu.iiiund I'urk^_ LOST, ON" HULL ST1Te_T, GOLD 1'l.N, witli liaiiu.-. "_l.i«--," engnivuu; ul*o, on Uull aircet car or ilull atruel, gold li.itpin, wltu .nniethyst jseltiiig. Reward u' remriiud to 'J Cowaruiu Avenue, or 'phone 4421._ PARTY WILL WHO 1'ICKKD UP wntch" in I.apltol Square Saturday ovemng- please return same to 511 1-2 North Flfth. Reward._ LOST, GOLD BRACELET AT KE__K- voir Park or on Main street ear. Return to lOIt East Cary. Reward. liOST, BETWEEN MILLER & RHOADS anii Mosby Co.'s store, an A. K. lv. fraternlty pln. Reward lf returnod to Unlverslty College of Medicine. ^eip Mtaiueo, Jtlaic. A-V^^VI^ErT^^VV^NTED..THERE are mnnv poaltlons open tor a.. writers anu advertising managera. balaries run as hlgh as *U.U«jo a year. V\"e can teacn you aaveriislng in your spare time and at a low cost. Abllitv to read and write i.nd umbition io.-ucce.-l are all J'ou.n«"' write lo-uay ior "Two liunurtd ._ i- llon Dollar Advertising Booklet^ wmcli gives luil paruculars. 1. c. S., Box _l»-A, acrantun. Pa.__;_ __7v_0_r_riiiTri-R SEX. CAN MAl_ H dally all year raising mushrowm. for hotels aud restaurants witn my epawn in cellars, sheds, boxes, etc. Free lllustrated ln.tructlon bookb-t. HIRAM BARTON. 329 West _orty- elghth Street, New "iork. ANY INTELLIGEN'i" PERSON MAY earn good lncome corresponding ior ncwspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for particulars. PRESa alN- D1CATE. 735, Lockport.__N_. Y._ CIVIL S_RVlc_ EMPLOYES ARE pald well for easy work; examina- tluiis. of all kinds soon; expert ad¬ vice. s_mple questions and Booklet lo.. descril-ing positions and lelllng easiest and quickest way to secure ihem free. Writ? now. WASHING¬ TON CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL, Washington. D. C-_ COJtl" 6 al TO rTs."THE BEST IS cheapesu" cave time and money by learning linotype operating at ihe 'PRACTICAL SCHOOL. -44 West Twenty-third Street. New York. Send fc-r proypectus._ i_UoK~W ANTE O.A GOOD NEGRU man cook for camp. Apply to PIED- MONT CONPTRUCTION CO., near New Pumphouse. Richmond. Con¬ structlon of fiume._ ¦'C<»___Ct1nG AGENCY WANTS MEN witli flrst-class references to solicit accounts of merchants and physi- clans in Virginia and North Caro¬ llna: hicheFi coinmissions paid. MANAGER. Box r,6S, Rlchmond. Va. GOVERNMENT POSIY1 ON S..EXAM l na'tlons held soon ln Rlchmond. Clr- cular 1SS. giving full particulars as to s-alarles. positions. dates of ex- aminations, sample questlons pre- vlously used, etc sent free by NA¬ TIONAL CORRESPONDENCE INSTI- TUTE. V\_shlngton. D. C._ INTERNAL REVENUE EXAMINA- tions wni be held in thls and other citles September l. Many men need- ed. Full particulars free. Ask for Booklet A. S. WASHINGTON CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL, Washington, D. C._._ I WANT TO START YOU IN BUSI- nesy. Spare time, at home. Most ingenious money-maker ever devised. Free particulars. F. E. ABBOTT, Desk D. D., Omaha, Neb. '. MAN WANTE_T~IN OR WITHIN 100 miles of Richmond to manage branca office of IM.000,000 corporatlon; no canvVsslng and no book agents or peddlers need answer. This is a high-class business openlng to man who will faithfully handle our CU3- tomers, and ?100 a month ls assure'l to tndustrlous person. Honesty more essentlai than expeiiences. Refer¬ ences required. Address IRVINO LESHER. .Secretary. Room I4.-D, 46 . West Monroe Street, Chlcago, 111. M_N WANTED, YOUNG, STROSa "... account Incroasing business on rall- roads, l'or tiremen or brakemen; ix- ,; perlence unnecessary; good pay; $75 to $100 monthly; promoted to con- ductor or engineer, $150, $200 nionih- '^ ly. Call Monday, forenoon or even¬ lng. or address RAILWAY ASSOCiA- TION. 1013 East Main Street. .MEN WANTED, YO_NO STRONgT i robust. account increasing buslneaa on railroads, for firemen or brake¬ men; experience unnecessary; goo.l pay; $75 to $100 monthly; promotuu. to conductor or engint-er. $150, $2u0 a nionthly. Call, forenoon or evenlng, or address RATLWAY ASSOCIATION, 1013 Kast Main Street. MEN TO MAKE $10 TO $'.'0 DAILY :.- cleanlng monuments; llght nlng pro* ^.cess; experience unnecessary. Ad¬ dress M. HETZLER, Box 4.2. Angola Ind. ¦ALESMAN WANTED..A MAN WIIO can successfully handle one of Rlch- mond's best real estate proposliioiiH. To the man with the necessary iw- perlence and ability tlie salary will be very attractlve. Write. giving age, experience, present employmont ¦and references. Address L .00 care 'Tlmes-Dlspatch. iALESMEN EARN $2,000 TO $10,000 sjvyoarly. We teach sulesmanshlp by mall ln six ivi><-ks aiul secure you posltlon as traveling salesman wlth ... rellable tlrm, Write. for free boo'.t, ."How Salesiuen Succecd." BRAD- BTREET SYSTEM, Ucpt. 51, Roche*.- -.',' tor, N. Y._ fRAVELINO SALE_MBN EArTw"FR03i " $2,000 to $5,000 a year and expense3 Write for our free book, "How tc Succeed as a Salesman,' and secun poBltlon. as '.ravellng salesmai : wlth a reliablt* flrm. BRADSTREE'I Jy. 6YSTEM, Rpcheatgr, N. Y. Wan"__d. btout WHITE BOY Tt asslst porter. lllOJIOasi t.taiy Slreei i -WANTED, .Pm_T~CLA_S~IN.SU RANCl ¦'.'''man.1 Address INTERNA'lMONAl r'';AVTOMOaiLE LEAGUE, Buifalo, ^ ';¦.¦_.._^__ l\ WANTED. PLASTKRER" ,TO LEAVI .'¦' town for about a week or ten ilsyi %¦'¦' Addres. A 43, care Tlmes-Dlspatui \ WANT. ONB CRNT A WORD. r jtylp «25Jantcb. _ilalr. WXW .Jj^CTncI IRTsa3i t §. a n' 11! k .*, 1. employ.r, pays big wagbs, never cuts wages-nor dlsohnigcs Help ln hrird tlmes; glveo n full tnonth's wlth pny; rcwnrils ollletonry by pro- motlon; only coininon siMio-l educa¬ tlon nectled' to got one of thoso duslr- tthle llfo posltions: exnmlnntlons ln every Stntr. soon. Our free booit, '.The F.n.y Bosa," glvcU full Informa- tion regnrdlng posltions In nll »lo- pnrttnonts of thu goverrttnent nnd how to obtnin them. No tultlon reo untll appointed. COMMKKC1AL COU- . RE8PONDENCE SCHOOLS. 1408 Com- merclitl Bullding. tt.', N. Y. f*.".'. MOTORvCYCDB OR HORSE AND luiggy fttrnlHhed our sulesiuen for trtiv.'llng, and WO pay you ln nildl- tlon $S5 por monih nnd expensos, to take ordei-R for thi' greatest portruli houso in tho world. You wlll r«- celve, postpald, n beautiful 16x20 reproductlon of oll pnintlng In nn- swor to thls nd. Wrlte for partlcu¬ lars. 11. D. MARTEL. Dept. 956. Chlengo. ____ WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED REG1S- tered or reglstered assl.stani drusr- glst, who hns $2,000 lo $4,000 10 Invest In a thoroughly ostabllsiv-d pny Ing drug buslness': best location ln Norfolk, dolng big prescrlptkm buslness. Address EUZYMOL. dox _74_S._ WANTED. MAN. MUST BE WILL1NG to learn nnd enpable of nctlng as our representative; no cnnvasslng or rollcitlng; good Income nssurcd. Ad¬ dress NATIONAL .CO-OFEliATlVK REALTY CO.. S17 Mnrden Bullding. Washlngton. D. C. WANTED, COLORED. MAN TO WORK smnll poultry farm; must havo gOO.l references. understnnd caro of stock and poultry. JOHN A. GOODW1N. Second Street Rbnd, lllghland Park. WANTED. "MEN~roT.i:AlVN""BAHBKK trade; only fow week*- required; wagos nfter Ilrst month: steady oo- sitlon guaranteed. "Wrlte for cntn- loguc. MOLEIi'S BARBER COL- _LEOE. 207 Bowory. New York Clly. WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED LIFJfl insurance man as distrlct mnnag.r for Richmond nnd vlclnlty, wlth headquarters ln Richmond; salary and commlsslon to right mnn. Ap¬ ply, stntlng age, uxpertencc and ref- erences, Lock Box 672. Norfolk, Va. WANTED. AT ONCE, THIRTY TIRST- class carpenters for out-of-town work. Apply Monday between S nnd 10 o'clock to J. W. HALL. No. 126 East Broad Street WANTED. A TOUXG MAN FOR OF- fice; one that knows all about the lumber buslness. and one that can command some trnde; that Is a. hustlers. ENERGY, caro Tlme.-Dls- patch._ %V"aNTED. THREE HUhTIJNG SPE ctalty salesmeti for VIrglnia and North Carolina; good proposltlon to the right men. Apply Room 13 l-_ Chamber of Comtherce. j WANTED,. A ~FlRST-CLASS -MAN TO work as blacksmitli and niachlnl.t. Wrlte at once to EMPOR1A MA- CHINE CO. Kmporla. Va. _j $90 A MONTH. $7» EXPENSE ALLOW- ance to start. to put out merchan- -ise and grocerv catalogues. Mall order house. AMERICAN HOME Sf PPLY CO.. Desk 46. Chicago. III._ WANTED. FOUR FIRST-CLASS CAN- vassers, $2-$2.50 per day, Monday morning. 120 West Cary. waT^e'j57"ra7_avay maid clerks, post-oflice clerks, carrters; salary $600 tt> $1,600; examlnatlons in Rli-ii- mond soon; preparatlon free. Write for schedule. FRANKLIN 1N.VI- TCTE. Dcpt. 310-B, Rochcster, N. Y. WANTED. A GOOD-BCsiNEs"_' MAN- ager for a weckly religious paper at once: give references and staie s_l- uxy in first Ictier. Address WEEK- LY. care Times-Dispatch. $1S TO.-:* WEEKLY WORKING FOR us al home in spare linie; experience unnec-.-ssa.ry; n_ insurance, trav.:- ing or canv-ssir.g. BENEDICT CO.. Xarbcrth. Pa._ WANTED, A FIRST-CL^sS RESTAU- rant cook; whlte prcferred; good wages to right man. Apply, with references, lo 1S17 East Main Street, WANTED, A NEAT. BrTghImJkFICE boy. Apply in own handwriting, sial- ing age and salary expected. M., Box 7T._ WANTED, A GOOD CYLINDER-PREoS feeder: must be competent. WIL- LIAMS PRINTING CO.. 11-13-15 North Fourteenth Street, city. WANTED, YOUNG MEN TO PREPARK for post-office clerks, carrlers and railway mall clerk positlons; good pay, short hours, pleasant work; spler.dld opportunities for advance- ment. Partlculars free. SPRINO- FIH1.D SCHOOL FOR MA1L SEU- VICE, Sprlngneld. Mass._ j-entuatums a*_iau.Efl. itlate. PO.SITION WANTED"'___f*TEMBER 1 or October 1, l"»09;-~3__* bookkeeper of twelve year8';re*_°_*Iehco; of reaponKibllity and'irust in baiii*. or other offlce work pxet'erred; hav_ never lost a posltlon and have higlt- est references from all eritploy.ra; at present employed; work for moJ- eraie salary; prefer Richmond or vlclnlty; wlll" be glad to call or wrlte at once. K 355, care Tlm.s- Dispaich. WANTED, SITL'TCtIOnI COUNTRY store; middle-<iged man; slngle; ex- perlenced; inuderate salary; refer- enc&s. Address C S6, care Tlmcs- Dispatch. WANTED, POSITION BY A MARRIED man, capable of Ulling a responsible place ln any buslness. Can glvc .rir.t-class references. Address D 120, care Tip-es-Dlspatch. WANTED, POSITION AS CITY SALES- man by young marrled man, experl- enced tn salesmanshlp; gilt-edgo ref¬ erences; salary no object untll abll- Ity is demonstraled. Address G 251, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. BOOKKEEPER; FAMILIAR WI't'H all classes of accounts, accurate and reliable; no bad hablts; can start at once. Address K 346, care Times- Dispatch. YOUNG MAN NINETEEN*'YEARS OLD; good habits, would llke posltlon as stenographer or offlce work of any kind; would also substltute; good references. Address F 213, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. WANTiCD, A POSITION BY EXPEK1- onced bottler and mlxer wlth rella- blo bottllng plant; gooa referenc.. P. O. Box 194, Marlon, Va._ REG1STBRED DRUGGIST WANTS regular rellef work; very best ref¬ erences. Address QUININE, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. _\^_ WANTED..POSITION AS BOQKKEEP- er and accountant clerk; slxteen years' experlepce; age thlrty-llvo; best of references. J. N. S., 819 North Twenty-suventli Street. WANTEl^'Tc^rrlON BY YOUNG MAN; energetlc, Industrlous and sobor; can give good reference. Addre.B E 112. care Tlmes-Dlspatch. FxmfRrib'NCED AND CAPABLE ;OF- (Icq man wants posltlon whero the-.-Q is _lntiie\.< for udvancement. Address-^ F 218. care Tlmes-Dlspatch. YOUNG^3l\n7~wTtIfsOME EXPERT-' ence, wants posltlon In gonts' fur- riiKhing or dry tjoods establlshment; referenceH furnlshed. Address F 10 l, care Tlmes-Dispittch. ?__»elp {Efflantefe, Jfemale. WaSJ TECC^Y CTC.NfCf""CO LO 11 El^GffUJS of good character for llght iiuinufao- lurlng work; good hours uml atendy ' emplpyinerit- wlll hu puiu whllo learnlng. Api>ly at t.uce to 510 North Twelfth Street. WANTED, STRONG, fiBALTIlY QU _¦? of-tow,n woman ns nttendant for In- valld; good whkoh. Addrcsa E 106. caro TimeH-Dlsyutch, ' WAOT ONE CENT A WORD. $el|> __.arti.&. itfemale. :^v?rfififfft~_i_^^ hou«ok__pcr; to supervlse servnnls and rniiritctlttg, and to help wlth Hfwlng m a country homo, wlth all uioiicrii convi'iileiiees; on electrlc llne, neitr tlie city; wlll bo treated as member or l'nmlly (no chlldreni; ona proferred who csteunts n. pluns- nnt homu nbovo moro eompcnsatlon, Address, stutlug sulsu-y uxpeclcd, ugo uud referonues; utuerwlse, no atten- tlon pald to reply. P. O. Box 818, Rjchmond, Va. , \_ LADYeS AND GIRLS, ANYWltEKK. cnn tiirn *. l_ to *"l.s weekly wrltiny udv, htters for uanthonie. Send lou for rorms nnd l'ull instruuilons; no muru money required; no can- vusslng. AMEuICAss -MLES CO., Dipl. ii. Doinwnro City. Dol. __=,__ WANTED, EXPERIENCED. FEMALE sitnogrnphcr and olltco glrl for largo iiiiuimai'iuivr; qiiicknesH,. experience nnd Inteillgnnco absolutuly essentinl. Applv C. F. SAUI_R CO., between 8 nnd io A. M., 10 to 14 South Twenty- llrst Street._ WANTED. YOUNG LADIES AND girls to make paper boxes. Thoso wno are experlenced ln tlie buslness deslrcd. steady .mployment and good wnges. Apply io THE RAN- DOLPH PAPER liUX CO., 1307-1311 Ross Street._ WANT_D, TEN WOMEN FOR A SUM- me'r resort In New Jersey.four cooks und six waltresses; tno very best wages; transportatlon furnlsh¬ ed. Call or wrlte at once, SOUTH¬ ERN INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, 211'. North Slxth *3'1'eet.__ WaWeD. FORTY''WAITRK-SES the comlng summer. Appiy by wrltlug nnd give reference io J. W. BELL, Manager Roekbi'lrtge Alum Sprlngs, Inc._ _ oi'iTiTJvron wanted for "private swltchboard; must bo thoroughly competent to handle board wlth 2u stations; good salary; permanent po¬ sltlon; none but experlenced opera- tor need apply. Apply Manager'* offlce, Cohen Company. between 9 and 10 Monday mc-rnjins._thlrd lluor. wCNTEDr~ATFEW GOOD LADY CAN- vassers for Petersburg to demon- strate a specialty neoded ln every house; prefer thoso wllling to travol; good chance to mako money. Apply Room 13 1-2 Chamber of Commeroe. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn good income correspondlng for newspapers; experience unnccessary. Send for partlculars. PRESS SYN- DICATE. 735; Ljgkport, N. Y*. WANTED. TWO WHITE NURSES; good wages. Address II 275, care Tlmes-Dlspatch._ WANTED. EXPERIEls'CED WAIT- ress, neat appearance, energetlc. Ap¬ ply KIRKWOOD'S, 4JM East Broad. ANY I>FfETUGENT AND INDUS- trlous person can earn $20 per weelc. No experienco necessary. For par¬ tlculars address H 276. caro Tlmes-. Dispatch._ lad7T-:s7"makl* bibs in spare time; $7 to $14 weekly: niaterlal and instructions sent. Addressed enve- lope lirings partlculars. LAMB, Mgr.. 40 North' Twelfth Street, Phll¬ adelphla._ WANTED. 467 WOMEN FOR COOKS and charnbermalds at largo wages ln New Y'ork, New Jorsey; transporta¬ tlon furnlshed. Apply or wrlte SOUTHERN INTELLIGENCE OF¬ FICE. 211',_ North Slxth ..treet. GIRLS WANTED TO MAKE CIGARS and cheroots; steady work; good wages: R-arners paid well while be¬ ing taught. Apply WHITLOCK BRANCH. F. C. Co., Twenty-thlrd and Cary Streets, Richmond. Va. WANTEI>,::_WOMAN TO COOK AND help in cleanlng; must llve on prem- ises. Apply 323 North Harrison. WANTED^ EXPERIENCED WHITE woman to cook for f_mily; references oxchanged. J. J. FRETWELL, An¬ derson. S. C. WANTED. A LADY AS HOUSEKEEP- er durlng the sesslon of the'.State Sumin.r Institute ln July; experience necessary. 50 to 60 at table. Ad¬ dress THE DORMITORY", Fredericks- burg, Va._ WANTED, REL'ABLE COOK AND A nurse to go to country for the sura- mcr. Apply 309 AVest Franklin. iBHtuanoits. (Manttb, jrcmal-. want"el\ _y a mT-Dle-aG-Td' lady, position. In the mountalns of Virginia or seashore as housekeeper or companlon; references exchanged. Address G 222. care Tlmes-Dlspatch, Richmond, Va. WANTED, A POSITION TO -TAKE charge of newspaper stand ln hotel or as cashler, or to manage llnen- room ln hotel; best of references, lf deslred. Address I_,A. P., 712 North Avenue, Bari.on Heights, Va. YO U N G L A D~Y STENOGRAPHER, three years' experience, deslres po¬ sltlon ln or ou,t city; use any ma-' chlne; famillar with files and oftl.e work ln general. Address A 40, care Tlmes-Dlspatch._¦ YOUNG LADY OF REFINEMEN.T DE- slreg posltlon as companlon for an elderly or invalid lady; references exchanged. Address B 727, care Times-Dispatch. _j_ COLORED WOMAN WANTS PLACE by week or day; public or prlvate work. 715 North Thlrd. WANTED, BY AN EXPERIENCED' offlce woman, position at once. Ad¬ dress G 221, care Times-Dispatch. UNTJe!*GRADUATE NURSES AND caretakers supplied. NURSES' DI- RECTORY', 700 East Marshall. 'Phona 6089._'¦__' WANTED, STfUATION AS TELE- phone glrl, or llllng and bllling clerk; experlenced. Address K 361, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. WANT_Td. BY 'A YOUNG LADY OF conslderable experience, a position as stenographer; general offlce work preferred; best references, Address C 112, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. WANTED^ TC- ASsfsT LADY IN boardlng or roomlng house. Address F .06. care Tlmes-Dlspatch. WAN _*_rX~"A'^OD COOK. MALE^Sil female; good wages pald; references required. Address G 259, care Tlmes- Dlspatch. _. ~a__enW <_&ante&. l Ll0l^iYr^TAliT^-C5tJ IN A P___XS- ant, protltable manufacturlng busl¬ ness of your own; no mechaiilcal ablllty. exparlenae or capltal re¬ quired. I supply all materlal, teach you how to do the work and. asslst you In selllng the goods; oxcluslve territory; good proflts; big demand; bo your own boss. Write to-day and secure your territory. H. M, Sl.EEti, Dept. S8, Quincy, 111._.' EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS OUR now Positlvo Sprlng Tenslon, Self- Sharpening Shears; money-maker for ugents; sample palr and partlculars, with cataloguo of 100 other houso- hold necessitlos, b.v mall for 35 centa; UO statnps. MILFORD SPECIALTY __CO., MUford, Conn. ___, ACTIVE AOENTS MAKE $33 TO J100 weekly selllng flrst practlcal stand- ard, two-hand keyboard, vlslble wrlt¬ lug portriblo $15 typewrlter ever sold. Doos work llke $100 maohlnes. Everybody wants one. Bf_f proflts; easy sales; oxcluslve territory. Get full partlculars to-day, Dept. -T. D., JUNIOR TYPEWRITER CO.. 831 Broadway, New York,_ AGENTS.50 PER CENT, COMMISSTON: 'big seller; ufimplo frno. OSCAR LEE, T-1237 Cornoll, lndlanapola^ Intl._ STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! LEGITIMATE and sure; affldavlt $12 an hour; no capltal. Wrlto H. H. HUUIIES, Val- doatu, Ga. ¦¦''"¦'A- h.¦''-¦ T _ c. ONB "C_NT A WORD. £_tnt* __ian._b. AGENTS.WRIT_"nOW^"f^R^FiTee' aainplo of "work und termsi Star Harness Mender; 25. seller out, we make other milclc-sellSng nene.i- sitles. COLUMBIA NOV. MFG. CO., st. lxiiiis,: j AGENTS. MEN Oli \VOAIEN, CAN make |5 to $10 dally selling our Bpe- clalty; usedlncvury household. Wrlto to-duy for ftilT parlloulnrs. BED¬ FORD TRAD1NO CO., 2.38 Marlon Avenue, New -York, N. Y. fio. da7'lv~eX_ily~~\iaT5e~¥e_ling I new hlgh-grade hnntl-ptilntcd photo art speelalty; unusual Idea. One man imule $1,000 in 14 weeks. A, A. NU'i- TER,' Mgr., 461 Curroll Avonue, Chlcago. AGENTS.l7B'*M_~*,'tHLY; COM-INA* tlou rolling pin; nlno artlcles com- blned; llghtning seller; eamplo free. FORSHEE MFG. CO., Box 557, Day- ton, Ohlo. AGENTS.-MOST ATTRACTIVE I-RO posltlon; our self-genoratlng gai burners for kerosene lamps; brllliant gasllght; llberal Inducements; de- scriptlon froe. SIMPLEX GASLIOHT CO., 23 Pnrk How. Now York. "LENS-WIPE,!! THE NEW ANTISEP- tl_ eyeglass .cleaner; best seller out: blg- profits; send 10c. for samples nnd terms. CRAWFORD MFG. CO., 769' South Slxtoenth, Phlladelphla. "PNEUMATOL" (AIR GERHliClDEi, $1.00; protects homes from contag- lous diseases; odorlcss, non-polson- ouo; agonts' prbflt 300 per cent; samplo 2Go. PNEUMATOL CHEMI¬ CAL CO., 1119 Manchester Road', _t. Louls, Mo. MILWAUKEE FRUTT ,IAR HOLD.ER and cover wrench; every woman w'no cuns frult *>ylll buy; free samples; blg profits; innny othor hnt sellers. At. EDC.REN CO.. Mllwntikee. WK AGENTS.MACK'S I\VTENT~~T~fC~~~ box is tho greatest trade stlmulator over invented. and can bo used where the slot niachlnes have been pra- hlblted; saloon and clgar store mon buy lt on slfjht; brand-new-and a - gold mlne for agents. Write for particulars. COVINGTON NOVELTY CO.. Covlngton. Ky._ AGENTS CAN EASILY MAKE $5.00 por day najndllng our t/ip-to-da/te. nameplates, number plates, slgns, etc; samples free. ACME ENGRAV- ING CO.. Boston, Mass,_ A~TiTGH-CI_.SS HOSIERY CONCERN requlfes the servlces of ambitlous representatlve ln every terrltory In the Unlted States: sold only through agents (no stores); excluslve torrl- tory; llberal commlsslon; makes a permanent, prpfltablo business; ex- perlenced agents preferred. Address KROSSKNIT MFG. CO.. 176 East 127th Street, Department A. S'. New York Clty._ AGENTS AND DISTRICT MANAGERS wanted In cltles nnd towns ln Vir¬ ginia; $5 to $20 per day to rlght men. S. S. & D. CO., 509 1-2 Craw¬ ford Street. Portsmouth, Va. AGENTS.NEW. MARVELOUSLY RICH fleld; 200 per cent. prolit; wanted o'y every home, farm and factory; every county rlght, is a gold mlne; no deposit; season just open¬ lng. JAMES H. STEWART, General Manager, 142 Mtchlgan Street, To- ledo, O. THE" KEMPER-THOMAS COMPANY, of Clnclnnatl, Ohlo, wants for the Virglnia Tldewater and the Stato ot Dglaware a flrst-class man to handle tho best selling prop- osltion on the road of advertis¬ ing calendars, doniestlc and lmport- ed, noveltles and leather goods. Ap¬ ply Immedlately. Commlssions very, llberal._" SUCCESS ALMOST CERTAIN SELLTNSI merchaatllse by mall; make severai" thousand dollars annually; new and itnproved plan: we furnlsh everything and show you how; $25 to $100 neces¬ sary. J. &.P. LACKEY, 2232LaSalle Street, Chlcago. A~5~.NTS TO HANDLE BIGGEST money-maklng flre extingulshers. Special ,«rtartlng offer; excluslve ter¬ rltory; $75 t. $300 per monta. BAD- GER CHEMICAL MFG. CO., Mllwau- kce, Wls, i' \. '¦. AGENTS, SEND 100 FOR TRIAL packago of Edwards's Ammonla Dry Cleaning Soap, a 25c household re- peater. Clean your old gloves, straw liat.s, ties, etc.,-llke new. W_.inean business, and want to prove tt. Agents colnlng money. EDWARDS CHEMICAL CO., Statlon P, Clncln¬ natl, O. v AGENTS WANTED; NEW PATENTED s'peclaltles needed ln overyV home: easy selling kind; big profits; -$5.00 daily easlly made. A. KNIGHT, Turln, Ga._. AGENTS. HERE'S A GOLD MINE FOR you! Yes, we meant it. Absolutely new; never sold before. Ideal sum¬ mer proposltion for Iadles or gents; $3 to $5 a day easlly made worklng only part time. Captaln "Jack O'Con- nell, Mlchigan.sold 164 in three days. You want it. Rlsk a postal for full lnformatlon and free offer.. FOOTE MFG. CO., 99 Main, Dayton, Ohlo. AGENTS COIN MONEY; NEW SANI- tary alumlnum hose, drawers and sleeve supporters and 25 other fast- selllng speclaltles; sample 15c. THOMAS , SPECIALTY CO., West Clieshire, Conn. AGENTS.$300 EVERY MONTH SELL- lng our-wonderful 7-pleee kltchen set. Send for sworn statement of $12 dally prolit; .outflt free. THOMAS MFG. CO.. 3020. Dayton. O. AGENTS.SELL POULTRY ROUP cure;' sells to every. poultryman; make'$4 to $8 a day. Write to-day. POULTRY REMEDY CO.. 'Dept. 2, 114 N. Second. Sprlngfleld, IU._ STOP WOMEN AND MEN, HURRY! Seven now, useful' fast sellers; 30 others to select from; blg profits. Write Cor $2 free offer and partlcu¬ iars. FAIR MFG. CO., Box 875, Ra- clne, Wis. .-.-'.. ";' AGENTS WANTED, BIG MONEY, EX- penses paid, no experience requlred; portraits, bromldes. photo plllow tops, 30c; frames at factory prices; credit glven; catalogue and samples free. Department 141, RITTER ART STUDIO, 819 W. van Buren, Chlcago. AGENTS.FORTUNE MAKER: WON- derfui self-worklng washer; does the washingby Itself; riins automatically by water; works pressure; saves all tlie hard work of wash day; new In¬ ventlon; sales, unprecedented; .agents wanted wlio oa.n handle hlgh-olasa proposltion; excluslve' terrltory; $300 no'T$400 por month. THE EAGLE MFG. CO., Sole Mfgrs.,:Dept. 683, Cln¬ clnnatl, Q._________________ AGENTS-~~WONDERFUL INVENTION, Canchester lncandoscent.. ikoroscne lamp; burns wlth or wlthout mantlo; ten tlmos brlghter than electrlclty/ gas or acotylene, at one-tenth.'cost; burner flts all standard lamps; saves 75 per cent. oll; no trlmming wtcks;, $10 dally. Beware of imitations. Agents' outflt froe. CANCHESTER L1GHT CO., 26 State Street,.Dept, 99/ Chlcago._, \_ IN SIX MONTHS A BOY MADE $1,00S.S3 selling our soap and tollet comblua- tlons. Are you dolng as well? Bo~ come a Davls agent. Work six hour* r-^__lX. and you can make $-0o a montir, no experience. necossary Wrlte'to-day. DAVIS SOAP WORKS, 440 Carroll Avonue, Chlcago. JUST OUT. LOW-PRICED, 3-LB.MOP; turn crank to wrlng; hands keep clean; women all buy; 150 per oont. prolit; excluslve terrltory glven; catalogue free. U. S. MOP CO. 816 Main Streot, Lotpslc, O. AGENTS, LQOK! YOUR CHANCE! IF. you want to learp of ten of tho bost, newost, hottest sellors on tho mar¬ ket oach inonth, send us your name and permanent ndareas, nothing more. It wlll cost you nothing. Only agents and general ngents anawer, as our proposltion la foi* tliem alone, not curlolsRy;_pker». A. 'poatnl wlll do. AdriTOBii WAONFiR- PORTEOUS CO., indlanapollB, Ind, WANT, ONB C_NT A WORD, Bgente ©Hanteb. A -OO-T" INSURANCE' "AGENT*" IN every clty ln Virglnia where not al¬ ready repreaented. Llberal contruots, embracing all the reforms in llfo, accldont and health insurance. Top uoniinlflHlons, llberal reriewals, exclu- Hive.torrltnry If doslred. RICHMOND 1N9URANCH AGENCY (INC), HOi ' Eaat ain.in_ Street, Itlchmond. AGENTS"WANT_D TO HANULE TH 10 Mnglc LaUndfy. -Vuldle. Send 10 cents for samplo and terms to. ngonts. C. P. CO. Box 801, Rich- inond, Va. ¦doli.itor* anb 4__lr_m.11. Ti_^I^NG^SA LEHX-EN^'^VN^PE'dI no-experience needed. We nsslHtyjii to securo oinployment. Wo are i-i- cclvlng more cnlls tlian ovor for our graduutes, and are placlng dally wlth the. best flrmslh the coun¬ try. -cores Who formorly earned from $25 to $76 a month now earn from $100 to $600 a month and e.- penses. lf you want to be a sales¬ man, our froe booK, "A Kntght of the Grlp," wlu ahow you how. Wnte nearost ofTlce for lt to-day. 681),' NATIONAL SALESMAN'S TRAtNING ASbOCtATION, Chlea?-v>, New York. Kunsaa Clty, Mlnneapolls, San Franclsco._ * TRAVELING SALESMErT TO SELL our blankets, llannela" and dress fabrlcs dlrect to rotal] stores; good commlsslon; deslrable slde line. SOUTH PHILA. WOOLEN CO., Box 1341. Phlladelphla. A CAPABLE SALESMAN CAN MAKE $150 to"$200' per month commlssloiiM wlth our line, and spend overy nlght ln'Rlchmond. Address D 138, care Tlmes-OlKpatch. WAN1~ED~ ~F]R~t7c_"sS" STOCK salcsman to act ns general sales manager in thelr respectlve cities or neorby towns; llberal remunera- tlon to rlght parlies. II. W. COBB. 433 Real Estato Trust Bldg., Phlla¬ delphla. ' , CIGAR SALESMAN WANTED IN~Y~5uli locality to represent us; experience unnecessary; $110 per month and ox- penses. Write for particulars. MON- ARCH CIGAR CO.. St. Louls,: Mo. SIDE LINE SPECIALTY SALESMEN to soll hlgh-grado cottage dlnner sot to dry. goods, grocery. furnlture stores for adverttalnH: purposes ln small towns; blg repent or.lera; '.arge commlsslon; staie- permanent ad¬ dress. THE BUSINESS BUILDER CORPORATION, Desk 46, St. Louls, Mo. '_- WANTED, HIGH-CLASS GENERAL agents to organlze sales force "and handie sale ot new nnd winning spe- clalty extenslvely advertised. Sales raplaly lncreaslng. Exceptionallv profltahlo . busines.- can bo obtained ln each clty and dlstrict by rlght man. Glve full detalls concernlng yourself flrst letter. THE PRO- CIRESS CO., Rand-McNally Bldg., Chlcago._ WANTED. SALESMAN. NOW COVER- lng regular terrltory. tor a proflt- able slde llno that sellsfto the drug. furnlture and hardware trade. Ad¬ dress, stnting terrltory covered, Box 675, Atlanta, Ga._ WITH MY SPECIAL PROPOS-1TION I'll coach you to easlly earn $200 per month. C. L. ROWE, State <fc Grlswold, Dotrolt, Mlch._ SALESMAN, EXPERIENCED IN ANY line, to sell general trado ln Virglnia, An unexcelled speclalty proposltion. Commlsslons wlth $35 weekly ad¬ vance for expemSes. THE CONTI- NENTAL JEWELRY COMPANY', uieveland, Ohlo. S A L E S MEN EVER_^vll_R"i3--$l5.o"o dally taklng orders $20 autom_tlc soda fountaln: money every day; regular or slde line; experience un¬ necessary. MANUFACTURER. 1764 Aberoeen Street Phlladelphla. Pa. SALESMEN (EXPERIENCEDJ; STA- ple line, wlth speclally talklng polnts; new; big commlsslons. F. W. MAIN. 95 lowa City. lowa._ SALESMEN. EXPERIENCED. STA- pl« line, with speclulty talking polnts; B«w; blg commlsslons. F. W, MAIN. 95, lowa CHy, lowa.. W-AT-nrHD~ SOL1CITORS TO SEtL stock for old line llfo insurance com¬ pany; organizod by businoss mon; fine contract; permanent posltlon. NATIONAL RESERVE DIFIC INSUR¬ ANCE CO., 313-15 Llggett Bldg., St. Louls, Mo. CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER Virglnia with staple line; high com¬ mlsslons, wlth $100 monthly advance; permanent posltlon to right man. JESS II. SM1TH CO.. Detroit, Mlch. SALESMAN WANTED TO~~~ELL TO* grocers, drugglsts and confectloners; $100 per month and expenses. CALI¬ FORNIA CIDER AND EXTRACT .O., St. Louls, Mo. SALESMEN.RESIDENT SALES MAN- ager wanted to represent us to sell our line; llberal comniission contract to immediate appllcants. NON-IN- TOXICATING BEVERAGE CO., Cln- clnnatl, O. v_ SALESMEN, EXPERIENCED, STAPLE line, with specialty talklng polnts; new; big commlsslons. F. W. MAIN. 95, lowa Clty. lowa._ : SALESMEN.BEST COMMISSION OF- fer on carth; new; all retallers; sam. ples, coati, pocket. "BOSTON," lowa Clty, lowa. _--¦ $rofe__;umal f^tipWismtth. zMo^^^H^ii^M^T^^my^ys^AtX parts'of the Unlted States, and espe- clally ln the great and prosperous West. If you want a better posl¬ tlon, apply at once'for our reglstra- tlon blanks and llterature. THE WESTERN. TEACHERS' ASSOCIA¬ TION. Oklahoma Clty. t - THE PRESIDENT OF A LARGE State Normal wrltes: "Speclally do I Wlsh to thank you for character-bf teachers furnished us. They have proved satlsfactory ln every respect." See "Our Plan." SOUTHERN TEACHERS' AGENCY, Columbia, S. C. _. ,, -' ." ¦: WANTED, TEACHERS FOR SCHOOLS and schools f ir- teachers. THE VIR-' GINIA TEACHERS' BUREAU, Rev. R. W. Crldlln, Manager, 33 East Tenth Street, Manchester, Va. 'Phone B578. ¦. : WANTED, 50 MALE PRINCIPALS FOR Hlgh Schools.. Address VIRGINIA TEACHERS' BUREAU, Manchester,' Va; -------- ftilitatton*, ffrotes-ional. _RAD_A_3~tAT_Trc*^^ Macon Woman's College desires posl¬ tlon to teachsosslon 1909-10. Pub¬ llc or lilgli. school preferred, ... Ad- dress A 36, care.Tlmes-Dlspatch. Jtoartmig. -dtfTltf-R^lts^oTi^^ the lummer'can obtaln oxcollent liv¬ lng aocommodatlons ln a lar'ge, oool houso, dxcluslvo nelghborhood,' near Central Park; excellent service; Solthorn cooking. MR8. CLAIRE .-PRICHA'RD RUSSEL, 114 West Sav- enty-slxth Street, New, York. WANTED. COUl-LK TO BOARD IN spmll prlvate family; deliBhtful su¬ burban liome, convenlent to clty; coiiipn.nlonn.blo partlea espeolally de- sirod; bost references; reasono.ln_ tormn. B 00, care Tlmes-Dlspatah. FIRST-OLAS8 ACCOMlSbDATlON FOR poriTianont, translent and table board. ers; speelal orrangament for table boarders. MRS. HORACE VVELL- FORD JONES, 200 East' FranKlln btroet, _s_' .___ STlSKES PU'ZBR~PERMANJ9NT\ AND tranalont board, The Hanovor, 100 Franklin Stroet, West, Rlchmond, Va. 150-165 East Thlrty-aeventlv Street, 'New York Clty. '"v :.¦;.¦' OCCUPANTS WORFRONT ROOM. SEO* ond floor, wlth hoard.ln small fam- Ry. 115 South .ThU'U. 4'hoiiO'5B13. WANT ONK C'BNT A WORD, Ptoaroing. w^N¥i_iri^'^£Airi'^*rr\86^fti\^' stont boatdei. for large, cool, boau- tlful rooms; also table boarders. lo:i East Otac'e. '_ _ "tlle" sObTJETT,'* 611 EAST FRANK- lln. For rent, nlr.o, large,-.well fur¬ nlshed rooms, front and back; prl-1 Vate bath; dellghtful porehes. Call und luspect my rooms. 'Phone No. 2172. BOARDERS WANTED, COAIFORTA- ble, alry roonfu, .wllli bath, hot and cold .water and modern coiivcnlenceaf no children. For terms and lnfor- matlon, apply to MRS. W. M. JAR- MAN, Box 21, Crozet, Vn. WANTED, ONE OR TWO COUPLES TO boui-tl durlng Kummer In West End, on We«th_mpton car llne; Inrgu rooms, modern convenlences, wlth nice, shndy lawn. 'Phone 6298. Ad- dreaa B 66, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. WANTED, PERMANENT, TRANSi_!NT nnd tablo boarders. 1011 East Mnr- ahall. TWO DELIGHTFUL ROOMS. ALSO tablo boarders. 6 West Franklin Hfreet. ForHreNT,--TWO VERY COM FORTA- bly furnlshed rooms, cool and pleas¬ ant. wlth board. Strletly prlvate .family; use ot phone. Two baths ln the house. 217 East Maln. GENTLEMEN WHOSE FAMILIBS ARE leavlng the city wlll nnd nveals to sult thelr buslness hours at 2U1 East Cary Street. BOA RD-ER8 WANTED AT 318 EAST Franklin Street for nice front rooms on second floor; tablo nnd trans- slents also wa*nted. WANTED, -PERMANENT,¦', TRANSIENT nnd table boarders. 302 East Grace Street. FURNLSHED ^6<5mH~WITH BOARD; also, tablo bonrders. 718 East Mar- shall. _._I WANTED, A COUPLE TO OCCUPY, wlth board, a nlcely furnlshed room. MISS B.. 7 fciouth Beach. _ BOARDERS WANTED FOR FURNIBH- cd front room and unfurnlshed back pnrlor. 723 West Maln. DELIGHTFUL ROOMS AND EXCEL- lent tablo board. 210 East Graoo Street. DESIRABLE ROOMS, WITH OR WITH- out board; central locallty. Phono No. 6804;__^ ROOMS AND BOARD.LARGE. brlght rooms, wlth board; roasonablo rates. 104 North Flfth Street. WANTED."A FEW BOARDERS: TERMS reasonable. 923 East Marshall Street. 1005 _5AST MARSHALL STREET. Rooms and board. M"RS. SMITH,.¦'. 301 EAST GRACE Street. Rooms. wlth board. . JBa&tb tZZHanteD. KfXTr-A^r wfir^si?__r_iWt^j get board nnd lodglng wlth some nice prlvate fnmlly on Hermltagn Road or ln Glnter Park. convenlent to car llne; best of references can be given. Address K 358, care Tlm.B- Dlspatch. WANTED? BY YOUNG MARRIBD couple. after Juno 15, room and bonrd ln deslrable locallty; prlvate family preferred. Address F 190, . caro /TimeB-Dispatch. Room* for jRenL. fWC^C^SIsli'ED ROOMS ON^FTitST floor; prlvate bath; use of telephon1.-; house centrally located: good uelgh- borhood: ront reasonable to right party; possesslon June 1. Tablo board lf deslrod. Address G 257, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. THE STIEFF CAN BE PURCHASED by you on easy terms lf desircd di¬ rect from the manufacturer, mlnus of tlie dealor's proflt. SETTLED COUPLE DESIRES TWO OR three rooms, unfurnlshed, South Broad, August 15; prlvate family, with board, or near board; references exchanged; state terms. Address G 234, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. DELIGHTFUL ROOMS. LARGE AND alry, oyerlooklng Llbby Park and rlver; well .furnlshed; good location; prlvate family; terms reasonable. Address .1 315, caroTimes-Dlspatcn. MUSICAL 'ARTISTS PRISfIsR^HE Stlcff plano._ ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. every convenlence, slngle or double. Call at 108 North Elghth Street. FOR RENT, A PLEASANT SECOND- story front room, extra slze; threo large wlndows; convenlent to bath and phone, Apply after 4 P. M. 12 South Flrst IF Y^)Tj~6wN A STIEFF PIANO YOU may be justlv proud. If you do not own one you are mlsslng much plcas- ¦ure ln your home._. FOR RENT, FURNISHED OR UNFUR- nlshed, at reasonable rates, several large, nice, brlght rooms; convenlent .to bath. 408 East Cary Street. FOR RENT. ROOMS, FURNISHED yR unfurnlshed, ,to ladles or gentlemeu; moderate rates. 10 South Flrst Street._ THE STIEFF SELF-PLAYER. AN IN- strument whlch enables an- one to play wlth the greatest accuracy of the most dlfflcull works of the great artists._;_. WANTED, TO RENT NICE, LARGE front room to two young men, wlth or without board, ln prlvate family; bath, 'phone and central location. Address C 102.. care Times-Dispatch. FOR RENT. TO GENTLEMEN, LARGE, deslrable, furnlshed rooms; electrlc llghts, bath and use of 'phone. Ap¬ ply 206 East Grace, second flat. iNICELY FURNISHED SEC«ND-STORY room at 512 East Grace, opposite Westmoreland Clt*b.\_' HANDSOME DOUBLE PARLORS, FUR- nlshed as parlor and bedrooms, or'sbp- arately as bedrooms, to gents, ladles or couple; flne bath; cheap. F 1S8, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. IN SELECTTNG A PIANO AN IM- portant nolnt to custom/»rs is du¬ rabllity, for whlch thef Stleff Is noted. l ._ THREE CONNBCTING ROOMS. AP- ply 505 East Grace. FOR RENT, NEAT FURNISHED ROOM centrally located. "Address F 214, care Tl'nes-piapatch. FOR RENT, HOUSE, EIGHT ROOMS, newly palnted and papered; porce- laln bath; rent reduced. Apply 107 West Maln. THREE GONNECTING ROOMS; WA- ter, prlvate'bath; $8 per month. 111 South Beacli Street. > FOR RENT, SEVERAL NICE ROOMS. Apply.840.Weat Grace Street.. FOR RENT, LARGE, COOL'FURNISH- ed room, 508 North Street. FOR R"ENT, THREE CONNECTING ¦; rooms. 514 .North Flfth ptreet. FURNISHED ROOMS, CENTRALLY located. 109 North'Seventh Street.- LARGE AND SMALL NICELY FUR- nlshed rooms; 'phone, bath. 814 East Clay. __L__________v/ '_ Jftata for fcent. FOR^^NTr^LAT^JG. S.^AT^StT'P. South Thlrd. Street; nlne rooms; possesslon at once. Apply Room 30, Chamber of Comroerce. deTigThtful- FLAT. BRIGHT AND cool. VIRGINIA BUILDING, corner Flfth and Maln. See Janltor. FOR RENT, BEAUTIFUL NEW SIX- room Hat; bath, pantry, /ront and slde porch; prlvate entrance; modern convenlenceB. 16 South Harrison Streot. ..¦¦..' FOR.RENT, CHOICE FLAT ON BAR- tori Heights; flve large, brl**¦¦"**. rooms; porcelaln balh, olectrlo Ughts, hot and cold water. 601 Nopth Avenue. '.:¦/¦'¦'¦: - f WANT ONE) CBNT A WOnD, __riattf (or _Rent. V;oir^ENT, FOUR^6^>^ND"i_1vT*L .e.ond'story llat, 3ut)6 East Broad Streot. frontlng Chlmboray.o Park. FOR"RENT, A FLAT ON SECONTj _____,r __._J2 WoW- Grace Street. THRJSE ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEBP^ Ing, furnlshed or unfurnlsliod; very reasonable. 837. Wogt Oraue. FOR RENT FOR SUMMER, CHEAP- cst apartment ln city; central; all cotivonleiice... Address K 336, care '.Im.B-Dlr.pat.h. : FOUR-ROO"M FLAT; M'6lTERN~_ON^ v^nlehces; centrally located; uuex- plrcd leuse; very cheap, 'Plume __77_fl()-L. _._',_! J FOIt RENT, DES1RABLE._LAT,iALL modern cuuvenlenceu. Apply 7o/ VlrglnlH Avenue, Barton Heights, Vn. FORcRENT, .FLAT. THREE" BRlGHT rooms and porch; bath udjolnlrtg; central. Address K 360, care Tlines- Dlspatch. ALL OR PARTOF DE8IRABLB FLAT on West Grace. Speclal tnducements lo deslrable party. Address K 351, carp Tlmes-Dlspatch. TWO FLATS FOR RENT. NO. 4 SOUTH Flfth Htrp'-t. % DELIG HTFU L SECON li-STORY FUlf^ nlshed llat. wlth nice yard, for tho Burnmer months or longer, on Grace. E 108. caro Tlmos-Dlspatch. FOR RENT, FLAT oT^TmTrHI. BRIGHT rooms and alcovo, lu West End; neiv houso; cheap to u deslrable party. Address E 176, caro Tlmea-Dlspatch. FOR RENT^LAT OF THREE LARGE rooms, wlth prlvntc batii and every modern convonloii'-o: reasonable ron- _tal. Apply to 'phone 134-J, for 'rent, flat'' Four hdbM_; prlvnta bath; $15 per month. Apply __ 107 West Maln Street, . FOR RENT, irOR.SUMMER MONTHS, furnlshed house, Thlrd Strpot, be¬ tween Maln nnd Canal; torms rea¬ sonable. Address II 277, care Tlmes- Dlspatoh._ FOR RENT, DURING SUMMER ' months, nlcely furnlshed flat, 11 vo rooms, Barton Avenue, Barton Heights; electrlc llghts, 'phone, bath, otc; to couple without chlldren. "PhonojneL_ FOR RENT," FLAT OF FIVE ROOMS, Apply 2412 Stuart Avenue._ FIRST-CLASS 9-ROOM SECOND FL\T. 14 North Thlrd Street. FLAT OF FOUlTT.AROE ADJOINING rooms, wlth bath on second floor: rent reasonable. Apply 803 East Street. For-rT3~nt.~a flat of f6T*r~7jn"T furnlshed rooms: prlvate bath; cen¬ tral location. Address E 172, caro Tlmes-Dlspatch. TOR"TRF7N^Tl5"Ec63rD h-l/SovTTUAr ot four rooms nnd bath arljolnlng; $15 per month. 1103 Floyd Avenue. 'Phone 7277. -Aooir.s $_ianteb. SETTr*rrT^_uTLE?^N6'^C i IIIJ5REN. want three unfurnlshed connectlng 'rooms, second-story. wlth board. ln prlvate family; location on Franklin or Grace, between Flrst and Harri¬ son Streets. Answer, stattng termu. to A 37, caro Times-Dispatch. Ref¬ erences exchanged. WANTED, ¦:FU.RNISHED," OR UNFUR- nished room, with or without board. west of Seventh nnd south of Broad. Address G 233, care Tlmes-Dlsp-itch. ftummcr Woaybtt&. SUMMER BOARDERs"^WANTED AT Atanthus, three and a half mlles west of Orangc; healthy locallty; new house, bathroom. hot and cold water, ga« llghts. good fare and ;tc- commodatlons; dally mall; terms Y> per week; no consumptlves or small children. Address MRS. THOMAS WINSLOW. Orangc. Va. Route 1. OCEAN V1EW VA., THE WARNER Cottage; convenlently located to all polnts of amusements; spaclous shado verandas and grounds; excel- lent boating, batliing and flshlng; all modern convenlences: excellent table. MRS. E. B. WARNER, Pro- prletess. ._______ WANTED,*. BOARDERS, JUNE 15, AT The Oaks;.largo yard; cool rooms; flne water; on suburbs of Loulsa; rtfteen. mlnutes walk from. station; terms $25 per month. Address MRS. CilAS. DONNALLY, Loulsa, Va. ___. SUMMER BOARDERS; DELIGHTFUL location; beautiful scenery; near Crozet, ln Bluo Ridge Mountains; long dlstance telephone connection. AdtTress MRS. JOHN A. WINE. Yan¬ cey/Mlljs^'a._ COUNTRY BOARD AT CHERICOKB." near-Richmond. 'Phone, largo yard. Terms reasonable. MISS CAPERTON, Palls, Va._ THE ROCKBR1DGB INN, GOSHEN. Va., ls now open for guests; elova- , tlon 1,800 feet; excellent lithia water and service unsurpasscd. Rates. $5 to $8 per week. For partl¬ culars wrlte _.:_?. GUINN, Proprletor, Goshon, Va._ pfOOM FOR BOARDERS AT MRS. MARIA S. TACKEY'S, Natural Bridge, Va. -_ WANTED, TWO COUPLES FOR THE summer ln a qulet, prlvate libme on tho car Hne; good shade. 'Phone 6213. WANTED. A FEW SUMMER BOARD- ers; g6od country fare; good water and shade; healthy location: chil¬ dren preferred. Address POSTMAS- TER, Nebletts, Va. .- "_____. WANTED, BOARDERS IN COUNTRY home; good country fare; sprlng wa¬ ter and shade. For terms, apply to MRS. J. A. G. DAVIS, Greenwood, Albemarle county, Va.- WANTED. BOARDERS.. JUNE 15. AT The Oaks; large yard; cool rooms; llne water; on suburbs, of Loulsa; flftoen mlnutes' walk from station; torms $25 per month. Address MRS. CHAS. DONNALLY", Loulsa, Va.. le noeZTUottage. BON AIR, VA. Booklet and i-ates on appHcatlo-n. WANTED, SUMMER BOARDERS, FIF. teen mlles' from Richmond. onratl-. road; convenlent scJtiedulo for busl¬ ness men; location hlgh-and healthy; splondld *^-ater. Address K 338. care Tlmes-Dlapatch._ sTlMlriE_r~BOARb AT OCEAN VIEW. Mrs. A. F. Cralg and Mrs. J. W. Sale wlll open the Barr cottago Juno 1; large, alry- rooms; elegant table. Address MRS. CRAIG, 317 West Grace Street. Coal anb l_loo&. _To15kT%1^!E'~T5eLI^^ hundred: half-cord long plne, $3.00; half-oord sawed, $2,50; ton of best stovo coal, $6.50; lump spllnt, $4.50, for cash, Coal and wood dry and undor shelteiv TYLER & RYAN, Llnden and Cary. 'Phone 1979. SAWED PINE WOOD AT $2.25, $2.50 and $2.75 per half-cord. Your order sollolte'd. VAUGHAN & BAUGHAN, oftlce and yard, 819 Brook Avenue, 'Plione 6812, A MAN "WHO STUDIES WOOD TO burn all day can pleoso you. I have orlgnal growth plne and oak as low as $2.00 half-oord thls weok. Yard 1201 West Broad. 'Phones 1069, 1320 LONG'S. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH.ONE-HaL'f ton stovo anthraolte, one-quartor cord sawed plne wood oh samo load, $4.88; one-half ton spllnt lump, ono- quarter cord sawed plne wood' and _same load, $3,S8, CITY COAL CU LOOK! THAN.1C YOU. DID YOU~KNOW* 75 por cent. of the peoplo of Rich¬ mond burn North Carolina wood? ]. ls chouper even nt the' same prlce. AVo. are hoadqiiartors. Our slabs ar_ flne for cooklng. Try a small .order, .Phone .9.3, 'NORTH CAROLINA WOOD AND. COAL CO,

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W&ant Sb. »nt__.ONB CENT PER WOHD when uall In

.dvltice. No Ad, takon for less than TEN:.IiN-_.

NO AD3. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN'._w_.NTY.FlVE CENTS when phoned In or

chnrged at tho count cr.

FOR BUSINESS CONTRACT. Phone 40U''for'tha WANT AD. MAN lo coll.

ft,osr anu jruuuu.Lo.r. ?':(.¦.! k!v >.»".-¦'. j'.'i.;~-f_"i "\v"_ ¦"> >

SOUtllel 11 StUCK 1 HI'ClH uinl pu.i-oni.efjj anu Uncit iij oimii lairvUi ..luraui, .1

watcli ciiuiui, \. m, ttuym .vicii 1'iu-boiiIo IctiL-is on one mui: anu coni-

¦¦.': 'inandery entblom un tno oinur.^

5>.>reward lf returned 10 STaCK*[HOUSE, Soutliern St.cki.ur_._

LOSl" Ss A T U RD A Y~AFTI_RNOON,cdinlng from uall game, miver-iittii-dlo umbrella; mltiais "1~ L. \\." Re-

; fciturn to V ncui.siA- cAVtuLUiACriEMlCAL C'U., liiourunc. uepui't-nient. ior icward.

_0StT"ON SEVENTH"~ STREET, BE-tween Grace hhu tsioau, or on Broadsstreet car, or .eivven car uiie unu

j-iormitnge Goit uiub, wiu« go.tibracelet. Reward if returned to iuiEast Grace Street^_

STRAYED*~TO~ MY PLACE, BROWNhorse, wlth whlte spot ln lace.Uivner can get same by provlng'property and payiug for tnis uii,

1'UA'i' BRUS., lu.iiiund I'urk^_LOST, ON" HULL ST1Te_T, GOLD 1'l.N,

witli liaiiu.-. "_l.i«--," engnivuu; ul*o,on Uull aircet car or ilull atruel,gold li.itpin, wltu .nniethyst jseltiiig.Reward u' remriiud to 'J CowaruiuAvenue, or 'phone 4421._

PARTYWILL WHO 1'ICKKD UPwntch" in I.apltol Square Saturdayovemng- please return same to 511 1-2North Flfth. Reward._

LOST, GOLD BRACELET AT KE__K-voir Park or on Main street ear.Return to lOIt East Cary. Reward.

liOST, BETWEEN MILLER & RHOADSanii Mosby Co.'s store, an A. K. lv.

fraternlty pln. Reward lf returnodto Unlverslty College of Medicine.

^eip Mtaiueo, Jtlaic.A-V^^VI^ErT^^VV^NTED..THERE

are mnnv poaltlons open tor a..

writers anu advertising managera.balaries run as hlgh as *U.U«jo a

year. V\"e can teacn you aaveriislngin your spare time and at a lowcost. Abllitv to read and write i.ndumbition io.-ucce.-l are all J'ou.n«"'write lo-uay ior "Two liunurtd ._ i-

llon Dollar Advertising Booklet^wmcli gives luil paruculars. 1. c.

S., Box _l»-A, acrantun. Pa.__;___7v_0_r_riiiTri-R SEX. CAN MAl_H dally all year raising mushrowm.for hotels aud restaurants witn my

epawn in cellars, sheds, boxes, etc.

Free lllustrated ln.tructlon bookb-t.HIRAM BARTON. 329 West _orty-elghth Street, New "iork.

ANY INTELLIGEN'i" PERSON MAYearn good lncome corresponding ior

ncwspapers; experience unnecessary.Send for particulars. PRESa alN-D1CATE. 735, Lockport.__N_. Y._

CIVIL S_RVlc_ EMPLOYES AREpald well for easy work; examina-tluiis. of all kinds soon; expert ad¬vice. s_mple questions and Bookletlo.. descril-ing positions and lelllngeasiest and quickest way to secureihem free. Writ? now. WASHING¬TON CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL,Washington. D. C-_

COJtl" 6 al TO rTs."THE BEST IScheapesu" cave time and money bylearning linotype operating at ihe'PRACTICAL SCHOOL. -44 WestTwenty-third Street. New York.Send fc-r proypectus._

i_UoK~WANTEO.A GOOD NEGRUman cook for camp. Apply to PIED-MONT CONPTRUCTION CO., nearNew Pumphouse. Richmond. Con¬structlon of fiume._

¦'C<»___Ct1nG AGENCY WANTS MENwitli flrst-class references to solicitaccounts of merchants and physi-clans in Virginia and North Caro¬llna: hicheFi coinmissions paid.MANAGER. Box r,6S, Rlchmond. Va.

GOVERNMENT POSIY1ONS..EXAM lna'tlons held soon ln Rlchmond. Clr-cular 1SS. giving full particulars asto s-alarles. positions. dates of ex-aminations, sample questlons pre-vlously used, etc sent free by NA¬TIONAL CORRESPONDENCE INSTI-TUTE. V\_shlngton. D. C._

INTERNAL REVENUE EXAMINA-tions wni be held in thls and othercitles September l. Many men need-ed. Full particulars free. Ask forBooklet A. S. WASHINGTON CIVILSERVICE SCHOOL, Washington, D.C._._

I WANT TO START YOU IN BUSI-nesy. Spare time, at home. Mostingenious money-maker ever devised.Free particulars. F. E. ABBOTT,Desk D. D., Omaha, Neb.

'. MAN WANTE_T~IN OR WITHIN 100miles of Richmond to manage brancaoffice of IM.000,000 corporatlon; nocanvVsslng and no book agents orpeddlers need answer. This is ahigh-class business openlng to manwho will faithfully handle our CU3-tomers, and ?100 a month ls assure'lto tndustrlous person. Honesty moreessentlai than expeiiences. Refer¬ences required. Address IRVINOLESHER. .Secretary. Room I4.-D, 46

. West Monroe Street, Chlcago, 111.M_N WANTED, YOUNG, STROSa

"... account Incroasing business on rall-roads, l'or tiremen or brakemen; ix-

,; perlence unnecessary; good pay; $75to $100 monthly; promoted to con-ductor or engineer, $150, $200 nionih-

'^ ly. Call Monday, forenoon or even¬lng. or address RAILWAY ASSOCiA-TION. 1013 East Main Street.

.MEN WANTED, YO_NO STRONgTi robust. account increasing buslneaa

on railroads, for firemen or brake¬men; experience unnecessary; goo.lpay; $75 to $100 monthly; conductor or engint-er. $150, $2u0

a nionthly. Call, forenoon or evenlng,or address RATLWAY ASSOCIATION,1013 Kast Main Street.

MEN TO MAKE $10 TO $'.'0 DAILY:.- cleanlng monuments; llght nlng pro*^.cess; experience unnecessary. Ad¬dress M. HETZLER, Box 4.2. AngolaInd.

¦ALESMAN WANTED..A MAN WIIOcan successfully handle one of Rlch-mond's best real estate proposliioiiH.To the man with the necessary iw-perlence and ability tlie salary willbe very attractlve. Write. givingage, experience, present employmont

¦and references. Address L .00 care'Tlmes-Dlspatch.

iALESMEN EARN $2,000 TO $10,000sjvyoarly. We teach sulesmanshlp bymall ln six ivi><-ks aiul secure youposltlon as traveling salesman wlth... rellable tlrm, Write. for free boo'.t,."How Salesiuen Succecd." BRAD-BTREET SYSTEM, Ucpt. 51, Roche*.-

-.',' tor, N. Y._fRAVELINO SALE_MBN EArTw"FR03i" $2,000 to $5,000 a year and expense3Write for our free book, "How tcSucceed as a Salesman,' and secun

poBltlon. as '.ravellng salesmai: wlth a reliablt* flrm. BRADSTREE'IJy. 6YSTEM, Rpcheatgr, N. Y.Wan"__d. btout WHITE BOY Tt

asslst porter. lllOJIOasi t.taiy Slreeii -WANTED, .Pm_T~CLA_S~IN.SU RANCl¦'.'''man.1 Address INTERNA'lMONAlr'';AVTOMOaiLE LEAGUE, Buifalo, ^';¦.¦_.._^__l\ WANTED. PLASTKRER" ,TO LEAVI

.'¦' town for about a week or ten ilsyi%¦'¦' Addres. A 43, care Tlmes-Dlspatui



rjtylp «25Jantcb. _ilalr.

WXW.Jj^CTncI IRTsa3i t §. a n' 11! k .*, 1.employ.r, pays big wagbs, never cutswages-nor dlsohnigcs Help ln hrirdtlmes; glveo n full tnonth's yn._tl.ilwlth pny; rcwnrils ollletonry by pro-motlon; only coininon siMio-l educa¬tlon nectled' to got one of thoso duslr-tthle llfo posltions: exnmlnntlons lnevery Stntr. soon. Our free booit,'.The F.n.y Bosa," glvcU full Informa-tion regnrdlng posltions In nll »lo-pnrttnonts of thu goverrttnent nndhow to obtnin them. No tultlon reountll appointed. COMMKKC1AL COU-

. RE8PONDENCE SCHOOLS. 1408 Com-merclitl Bullding. tt.', N. Y.

f*.".'. MOTORvCYCDB OR HORSE ANDluiggy fttrnlHhed our sulesiuen fortrtiv.'llng, and WO pay you ln nildl-tlon $S5 por monih nnd expensos, totake ordei-R for thi' greatest portrulihouso in tho world. You wlll r«-celve, postpald, n beautiful 16x20reproductlon of oll pnintlng In nn-swor to thls nd. Wrlte for partlcu¬lars. 11. D. MARTEL. Dept. 956.Chlengo.


WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED REG1S-tered or reglstered assl.stani drusr-glst, who hns $2,000 lo $4,000 10Invest In a thoroughly ostabllsiv-dpny Ing drug buslness': best locationln Norfolk, dolng big prescrlptkmbuslness. Address EUZYMOL. dox


to learn nnd enpable of nctlng asour representative; no cnnvasslng orrollcitlng; good Income nssurcd. Ad¬dress NATIONAL .CO-OFEliATlVKREALTY CO.. S17 Mnrden Bullding.Washlngton. D. C.

WANTED, COLORED. MAN TO WORKsmnll poultry farm; must havo gOO.lreferences. understnnd caro of stockand poultry. JOHN A. GOODW1N.Second Street Rbnd, lllghland Park.

WANTED. "MEN~roT.i:AlVN""BAHBKKtrade; only fow week*- required;wagos nfter Ilrst month: steady oo-sitlon guaranteed. "Wrlte for cntn-loguc. MOLEIi'S BARBER COL-

_LEOE. 207 Bowory. New York Clly.WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED LIFJfl

insurance man as distrlct mnnag.rfor Richmond nnd vlclnlty, wlthheadquarters ln Richmond; salaryand commlsslon to right mnn. Ap¬ply, stntlng age, uxpertencc and ref-erences, Lock Box 672. Norfolk, Va.

WANTED. AT ONCE, THIRTY TIRST-class carpenters for out-of-townwork. Apply Monday between S nnd10 o'clock to J. W. HALL. No. 126East Broad Street

WANTED. A TOUXG MAN FOR OF-fice; one that knows all about thelumber buslness. and one that cancommand some trnde; that Is a.hustlers. ENERGY, caro Tlme.-Dls-patch._

%V"aNTED. THREE HUhTIJNG SPEctalty salesmeti for VIrglnia andNorth Carolina; good proposltlon tothe right men. Apply Room 13 l-_Chamber of Comtherce. j

WANTED,. A ~FlRST-CLASS -MAN TOwork as blacksmitli and niachlnl.t.Wrlte at once to EMPOR1A MA-CHINE CO. Kmporla. Va. _j

$90 A MONTH. $7» EXPENSE ALLOW-ance to start. to put out merchan--ise and grocerv catalogues. Mallorder house. AMERICAN HOMESf PPLY CO.. Desk 46. Chicago. III._

WANTED. FOUR FIRST-CLASS CAN-vassers, $2-$2.50 per day, Mondaymorning. 120 West Cary.

waT^e'j57"ra7_avay maid clerks,post-oflice clerks, carrters; salary$600 tt> $1,600; examlnatlons in Rli-ii-mond soon; preparatlon free. Writefor schedule. FRANKLIN 1N.VI-TCTE. Dcpt. 310-B, Rochcster, N. Y.

WANTED. A GOOD-BCsiNEs"_' MAN-ager for a weckly religious paper atonce: give references and staie s_l-uxy in first Ictier. Address WEEK-LY. care Times-Dispatch.

$1S TO.-:* WEEKLY WORKING FORus al home in spare linie; experienceunnec-.-ssa.ry; n_ insurance, trav.:-ing or canv-ssir.g. BENEDICT CO..Xarbcrth. Pa._

WANTED, A FIRST-CL^sS RESTAU-rant cook; whlte prcferred; goodwages to right man. Apply, withreferences, lo 1S17 East Main Street,

WANTED, A NEAT. BrTghImJkFICEboy. Apply in own handwriting, sial-ing age and salary expected. M.,Box 7T._

WANTED, A GOOD CYLINDER-PREoSfeeder: must be competent. WIL-LIAMS PRINTING CO.. 11-13-15 NorthFourteenth Street, city.

WANTED, YOUNG MEN TO PREPARKfor post-office clerks, carrlers andrailway mall clerk positlons; goodpay, short hours, pleasant work;spler.dld opportunities for advance-ment. Partlculars free. SPRINO-FIH1.D SCHOOL FOR MA1L SEU-VICE, Sprlngneld. Mass._j-entuatums a*_iau.Efl. itlate.

PO.SITION WANTED"'___f*TEMBER 1or October 1, l"»09;-~3__* bookkeeperof twelve year8';re*_°_*Iehco; pla.eeof reaponKibllity and'irust in baiii*.or other offlce work pxet'erred; hav_never lost a posltlon and have higlt-est references from all eritploy.ra;at present employed; work for moJ-eraie salary; prefer Richmond orvlclnlty; wlll" be glad to call orwrlte at once. K 355, care Tlm.s-Dispaich.

WANTED, SITL'TCtIOnI COUNTRYstore; middle-<iged man; slngle; ex-perlenced; inuderate salary; refer-enc&s. Address C S6, care Tlmcs-Dispatch.

WANTED, POSITION BY A MARRIEDman, capable of Ulling a responsibleplace ln any buslness. Can glvc.rir.t-class references. Address D 120,care Tip-es-Dlspatch.

WANTED, POSITION AS CITY SALES-man by young marrled man, experl-enced tn salesmanshlp; gilt-edgo ref¬erences; salary no object untll abll-Ity is demonstraled. Address G 251,care Tlmes-Dlspatch.

BOOKKEEPER; FAMILIAR WI't'Hall classes of accounts, accurate andreliable; no bad hablts; can startat once. Address K 346, care Times-Dispatch.

YOUNG MAN NINETEEN*'YEARS OLD;good habits, would llke posltlon asstenographer or offlce work of anykind; would also substltute; goodreferences. Address F 213, careTlmes-Dlspatch.

WANTiCD, A POSITION BY EXPEK1-onced bottler and mlxer wlth rella-blo bottllng plant; gooa referenc..P. O. Box 194, Marlon, Va._

REG1STBRED DRUGGIST WANTSregular rellef work; very best ref¬erences. Address QUININE, careTlmes-Dlspatch. _\^_

WANTED..POSITION AS BOQKKEEP-er and accountant clerk; slxteenyears' experlepce; age thlrty-llvo;best of references. J. N. S., 819 NorthTwenty-suventli Street.

WANTEl^'Tc^rrlON BY YOUNG MAN;energetlc, Industrlous and sobor; cangive good reference. Addre.B E Tlmes-Dlspatch.

FxmfRrib'NCED AND CAPABLE ;OF-(Icq man wants posltlon whero the-.-Qis _lntiie\.< for udvancement. Address-^F 218. care Tlmes-Dlspatch.

YOUNG^3l\n7~wTtIfsOME EXPERT-'ence, wants posltlon In gonts' fur-riiKhing or dry tjoods establlshment;referenceH furnlshed. Address F 10 l,care Tlmes-Dispittch.

?__»elp {Efflantefe, Jfemale.WaSJTECC^Y CTC.NfCf""COLO 11El^GffUJS

of good character for llght iiuinufao-lurlng work; good hours uml atendy' emplpyinerit- wlll hu puiu whllolearnlng. Api>ly at t.uce to 510 NorthTwelfth Street.

WANTED, STRONG, fiBALTIlY QU _¦?of-tow,n woman ns nttendant for In-valld; good whkoh. Addrcsa E 106.caro TimeH-Dlsyutch, '


$el|> __.arti.&. itfemale.:^v?rfififfft~_i_^^hou«ok__pcr; to supervlse servnnlsand rniiritctlttg, and to help wlthHfwlng m a country homo, wlth alluioiicrii convi'iileiiees; on electrlc llne,neitr tlie city; wlll bo treated asmember or l'nmlly (no chlldreni;ona proferred who csteunts n. pluns-nnt homu nbovo moro eompcnsatlon,Address, stutlug sulsu-y uxpeclcd, ugouud referonues; utuerwlse, no atten-tlon pald to reply. P. O. Box 818,Rjchmond, Va., \_

LADYeS AND GIRLS, ANYWltEKK.cnn tiirn *. l_ to *"l.s weekly wrltinyudv, htters for uanthonie. Send loufor rorms nnd l'ull instruuilons;no muru money required; no can-vusslng. AMEuICAss -MLES CO.,Dipl. ii. Doinwnro City. Dol. __=,__

WANTED, EXPERIENCED. FEMALEsitnogrnphcr and olltco glrl for largoiiiiuimai'iuivr; qiiicknesH,. experiencennd Inteillgnnco absolutuly essentinl.Applv C. F. SAUI_R CO., between 8nnd io A. M., 10 to 14 South Twenty-llrst Street._

WANTED. YOUNG LADIES ANDgirls to make paper boxes. Thosowno are experlenced ln tlie buslnessdeslrcd. steady .mployment andgood wnges. Apply io THE RAN-DOLPH PAPER liUX CO., 1307-1311Ross Street._

WANT_D, TEN WOMEN FOR A SUM-me'r resort In New Jersey.fourcooks und six waltresses; tno verybest wages; transportatlon furnlsh¬ed. Call or wrlte at once, SOUTH¬ERN INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, 211'.North Slxth *3'1'eet.__

WaWeD. FORTY''WAITRK-SES thecomlng summer. Appiy by wrltlugnnd give reference io J. W. BELL,Manager Roekbi'lrtge Alum Sprlngs,Inc._ _

oi'iTiTJvron wanted for "privateswltchboard; must bo thoroughlycompetent to handle board wlth 2ustations; good salary; permanent po¬sltlon; none but experlenced opera-tor need apply. Apply Manager'*offlce, Cohen Company. between 9 and10 Monday mc-rnjins._thlrd lluor.

wCNTEDr~ATFEW GOOD LADY CAN-vassers for Petersburg to demon-strate a specialty neoded ln everyhouse; prefer thoso wllling to travol;good chance to mako money. ApplyRoom 13 1-2 Chamber of Commeroe.

ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAYearn good income correspondlng fornewspapers; experience unnccessary.Send for partlculars. PRESS SYN-DICATE. 735; Ljgkport, N. Y*.

WANTED. TWO WHITE NURSES;good wages. Address II 275, care


ress, neat appearance, energetlc. Ap¬ply KIRKWOOD'S, 4JM East Broad.

ANY I>FfETUGENT AND INDUS-trlous person can earn $20 per weelc.No experienco necessary. For par¬tlculars address H 276. caro Tlmes-.Dispatch._

lad7T-:s7"makl* bibs in sparetime; $7 to $14 weekly: niaterlal andinstructions sent. Addressed enve-lope lirings partlculars. LAMB,Mgr.. 40 North' Twelfth Street, Phll¬adelphla._

WANTED. 467 WOMEN FOR COOKSand charnbermalds at largo wages lnNew Y'ork, New Jorsey; transporta¬tlon furnlshed. Apply or wrlteSOUTHERN INTELLIGENCE OF¬FICE. 211',_ North Slxth ..treet.

GIRLS WANTED TO MAKE CIGARSand cheroots; steady work; goodwages: R-arners paid well while be¬ing taught. Apply WHITLOCKBRANCH. F. C. Co., Twenty-thlrdand Cary Streets, Richmond. Va.

WANTEI>,::_WOMAN TO COOK ANDhelp in cleanlng; must llve on prem-ises. Apply 323 North Harrison.

WANTED^ EXPERIENCED WHITEwoman to cook for f_mily; referencesoxchanged. J. J. FRETWELL, An¬derson. S. C.

WANTED. A LADY AS HOUSEKEEP-er durlng the sesslon of the'.StateSumin.r Institute ln July; experiencenecessary. 50 to 60 at table. Ad¬dress THE DORMITORY", Fredericks-burg, Va._

WANTED, REL'ABLE COOK AND Anurse to go to country for the sura-mcr. Apply 309 AVest Franklin.

iBHtuanoits. (Manttb, jrcmal-.want"el\ _y a mT-Dle-aG-Td'

lady, position. In the mountalns ofVirginia or seashore as housekeeperor companlon; references exchanged.Address G 222. care Tlmes-Dlspatch,Richmond, Va.

WANTED, A POSITION TO -TAKEcharge of newspaper stand ln hotelor as cashler, or to manage llnen-room ln hotel; best of references, lfdeslred. Address I_,A. P., 712 NorthAvenue, Bari.on Heights, Va.

YO U N G L A D~Y STENOGRAPHER,three years' experience, deslres po¬sltlon ln or ou,t city; use any ma-'chlne; famillar with files and oftl.ework ln general. Address A 40, care


slreg posltlon as companlon for anelderly or invalid lady; referencesexchanged. Address B 727, careTimes-Dispatch. _j_

COLORED WOMAN WANTS PLACEby week or day; public or prlvatework. 715 North Thlrd.

WANTED, BY AN EXPERIENCED'offlce woman, position at once. Ad¬dress G 221, care Times-Dispatch.

UNTJe!*GRADUATE NURSES ANDcaretakers supplied. NURSES' DI-RECTORY', 700 East Marshall. 'Phona6089._'¦__'

WANTED, STfUATION AS TELE-phone glrl, or llllng and bllling clerk;experlenced. Address K 361, careTlmes-Dlspatch.

WANT_Td. BY 'A YOUNG LADY OFconslderable experience, a positionas stenographer; general offlce workpreferred; best references, AddressC 112, care Tlmes-Dlspatch.

WANTED^ TC- ASsfsT LADY INboardlng or roomlng house. AddressF .06. care Tlmes-Dlspatch.

WAN _*_rX~"A'^OD COOK. MALE^Silfemale; good wages pald; referencesrequired. Address G 259, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. _.

~a__enW <_&ante&. l

Ll0l^iYr^TAliT^-C5tJ IN A P___XS-ant, protltable manufacturlng busl¬ness of your own; no mechaiilcalablllty. exparlenae or capltal re¬

quired. I supply all materlal, teachyou how to do the work and. asslstyou In selllng the goods; oxcluslveterritory; good proflts; big demand;bo your own boss. Write to-day andsecure your territory. H. M, Sl.EEti,Dept. S8, Quincy, 111._.'

EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS OURnow Positlvo Sprlng Tenslon, Self-Sharpening Shears; money-maker forugents; sample palr and partlculars,with cataloguo of 100 other houso-hold necessitlos, b.v mall for 35 centa;UO statnps. MILFORD SPECIALTY

__CO., MUford, Conn.___,

ACTIVE AOENTS MAKE $33 TO J100weekly selllng flrst practlcal stand-ard, two-hand keyboard, vlslble wrlt¬lug portriblo $15 typewrlter ever sold.Doos work llke $100 maohlnes.Everybody wants one. Bf_f proflts;easy sales; oxcluslve territory. Getfull partlculars to-day, Dept. -T. D.,JUNIOR TYPEWRITER CO.. 831Broadway, New York,_

AGENTS.50 PER CENT, COMMISSTON:'big seller; ufimplo frno. OSCARLEE, T-1237 Cornoll, lndlanapola^Intl._

STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! LEGITIMATEand sure; affldavlt $12 an hour; nocapltal. Wrlto H. H. HUUIIES, Val-doatu, Ga.

¦¦''"¦'A- h.¦''-¦

T_ c.


£_tnt* __ian._b.AGENTS.WRIT_"nOW^"f^R^FiTee'

aainplo of "work und termsi StarHarness Mender; 25. seller out,we make other milclc-sellSng nene.i-sitles. COLUMBIA NOV. MFG. CO.,st. lxiiiis,: j

AGENTS. MEN Oli \VOAIEN, CANmake |5 to $10 dally selling our Bpe-clalty; usedlncvury household. Wrltoto-duy for ftilT parlloulnrs. BED¬FORD TRAD1NO CO., 2.38 MarlonAvenue, New -York, N. Y.

fio. da7'lv~eX_ily~~\iaT5e~¥e_lingI new hlgh-grade hnntl-ptilntcd photoart speelalty; unusual Idea. One manimule $1,000 in 14 weeks. A, A. NU'i-TER,' Mgr., 461 Curroll Avonue,Chlcago.

AGENTS.l7B'*M_~*,'tHLY; COM-INA*tlou rolling pin; nlno artlcles com-blned; llghtning seller; eamplo free.FORSHEE MFG. CO., Box 557, Day-ton, Ohlo.

AGENTS.-MOST ATTRACTIVE I-ROposltlon; our self-genoratlng gaiburners for kerosene lamps; brllliantgasllght; llberal Inducements; de-scriptlon froe. SIMPLEX GASLIOHTCO., 23 Pnrk How. Now York.

"LENS-WIPE,!! THE NEW ANTISEP-tl_ eyeglass .cleaner; best seller out:blg- profits; send 10c. for samples nndterms. CRAWFORD MFG. CO., 769'South Slxtoenth, Phlladelphla.

"PNEUMATOL" (AIR GERHliClDEi,$1.00; protects homes from contag-lous diseases; odorlcss, non-polson-ouo; agonts' prbflt 300 per cent;samplo 2Go. PNEUMATOL CHEMI¬CAL CO., 1119 Manchester Road', _t.Louls, Mo.

MILWAUKEE FRUTT ,IAR HOLD.ERand cover wrench; every woman w'nocuns frult *>ylll buy; free samples;blg profits; innny othor hnt sellers.At. EDC.REN CO.. Mllwntikee. WK

AGENTS.MACK'S I\VTENT~~T~fC~~~box is tho greatest trade stlmulatorover invented. and can bo used wherethe slot niachlnes have been pra-hlblted; saloon and clgar store monbuy lt on slfjht; brand-new-and a

- gold mlne for agents. Write forparticulars. COVINGTON NOVELTYCO.. Covlngton. Ky._

AGENTS CAN EASILY MAKE $5.00por day najndllng our t/ip-to-da/te.nameplates, number plates, slgns,etc; samples free. ACME ENGRAV-ING CO.. Boston, Mass,_

A~TiTGH-CI_.SS HOSIERY CONCERNrequlfes the servlces of ambitlousrepresentatlve ln every terrltory Inthe Unlted States: sold only throughagents (no stores); excluslve torrl-tory; llberal commlsslon; makes apermanent, prpfltablo business; ex-perlenced agents preferred. AddressKROSSKNIT MFG. CO.. 176 East127th Street, Department A. S'. NewYork Clty._

AGENTS AND DISTRICT MANAGERSwanted In cltles nnd towns ln Vir¬ginia; $5 to $20 per day to rlghtmen. S. S. & D. CO., 509 1-2 Craw¬ford Street. Portsmouth, Va.

AGENTS.NEW. MARVELOUSLY RICHfleld; 200 per cent. prolit; wanted o'yevery home, farm and factory; everycounty rlght, is a gold mlne;no deposit; season just open¬lng. JAMES H. STEWART, GeneralManager, 142 Mtchlgan Street, To-ledo, O.

THE" KEMPER-THOMAS COMPANY,of Clnclnnatl, Ohlo, wants for theVirglnia Tldewater and the Statoot Dglaware a flrst-class manto handle tho best selling prop-osltion on the road of advertis¬ing calendars, doniestlc and lmport-ed, noveltles and leather goods. Ap¬ply Immedlately. Commlssions very,llberal._"

SUCCESS ALMOST CERTAIN SELLTNSImerchaatllse by mall; make severai"thousand dollars annually; new anditnproved plan: we furnlsh everythingand show you how; $25 to $100 neces¬sary. J. &.P. LACKEY, 2232LaSalleStreet, Chlcago.

A~5~.NTS TO HANDLE BIGGESTmoney-maklng flre extingulshers.Special ,«rtartlng offer; excluslve ter¬rltory; $75 t. $300 per monta. BAD-GER CHEMICAL MFG. CO., Mllwau-kce, Wls, i' \. '¦.

AGENTS, SEND 100 FOR TRIALpackago of Edwards's Ammonla DryCleaning Soap, a 25c household re-peater. Clean your old gloves, strawliat.s, ties, etc.,-llke new. W_.ineanbusiness, and want to prove tt.Agents colnlng money. EDWARDSCHEMICAL CO., Statlon P, Clncln¬natl, O. v

AGENTS WANTED; NEW PATENTEDs'peclaltles needed ln overyV home:easy selling kind; big profits; -$5.00daily easlly made. A. KNIGHT,Turln, Ga._.

AGENTS. HERE'S A GOLD MINE FORyou! Yes, we meant it. Absolutelynew; never sold before. Ideal sum¬mer proposltion for Iadles or gents;$3 to $5 a day easlly made worklngonly part time. Captaln "Jack O'Con-nell, Mlchigan.sold 164 in three days.You want it. Rlsk a postal for fulllnformatlon and free offer.. FOOTEMFG. CO., 99 Main, Dayton, Ohlo.

AGENTS COIN MONEY; NEW SANI-tary alumlnum hose, drawers andsleeve supporters and 25 other fast-selllng speclaltles; sample 15c.THOMAS , SPECIALTY CO., WestClieshire, Conn.

AGENTS.$300 EVERY MONTH SELL-lng our-wonderful 7-pleee kltchenset. Send for sworn statement of $12dally prolit; .outflt free. THOMASMFG. CO.. 3020. Dayton. O.

AGENTS.SELL POULTRY ROUPcure;' sells to every. poultryman;make'$4 to $8 a day. Write to-day.POULTRY REMEDY CO.. 'Dept. 2,114 N. Second. Sprlngfleld, IU._

STOP WOMEN AND MEN, HURRY!Seven now, useful' fast sellers; 30others to select from; blg profits.Write Cor $2 free offer and partlcu¬iars. FAIR MFG. CO., Box 875, Ra-clne, Wis. .-.-'.. ";'

AGENTS WANTED, BIG MONEY, EX-penses paid, no experience requlred;portraits, bromldes. photo plllowtops, 30c; frames at factory prices;credit glven; catalogue and samplesfree. Department 141, RITTER ARTSTUDIO, 819 W. van Buren, Chlcago.

AGENTS.FORTUNE MAKER: WON-derfui self-worklng washer; does thewashingby Itself; riins automaticallyby water; works pressure; saves alltlie hard work of wash day; new In¬ventlon; sales, unprecedented; .agentswanted wlio oa.n handle hlgh-olasaproposltion; excluslve' terrltory; $300no'T$400 por month. THE EAGLEMFG. CO., Sole Mfgrs.,:Dept. 683, Cln¬clnnatl, Q._________________

AGENTS-~~WONDERFUL INVENTION,Canchester lncandoscent.. ikoroscnelamp; burns wlth or wlthout mantlo;ten tlmos brlghter than electrlclty/gas or acotylene, at one-tenth.'cost;burner flts all standard lamps; saves75 per cent. oll; no trlmming wtcks;,$10 dally. Beware of imitations.Agents' outflt froe. CANCHESTERL1GHT CO., 26 State Street,.Dept, 99/Chlcago._, \_

IN SIX MONTHS A BOY MADE $1,00S.S3selling our soap and tollet comblua-tlons. Are you dolng as well? Bo~come a Davls agent. Work six hour*

r-^__lX. and you can make $-0o amontir, no experience. necossaryWrlte'to-day. DAVIS SOAP WORKS,440 Carroll Avonue, Chlcago.

JUST OUT. LOW-PRICED, 3-LB.MOP;turn crank to wrlng; hands keepclean; women all buy; 150 per oont.prolit; excluslve terrltory glven;catalogue free. U. S. MOP CO. 816Main Streot, Lotpslc, O.

AGENTS, LQOK! YOUR CHANCE! want to learp of ten of tho bost,newost, hottest sellors on tho mar¬ket oach inonth, send us your nameand permanent ndareas, nothingmore. It wlll cost you nothing.Only agents and general ngents na.ilanawer, as our proposltion la foi*tliem alone, not curlolsRy;_pker». A.'poatnl wlll do. AdriTOBii WAONFiR-PORTEOUS CO., indlanapollB, Ind,


Bgente ©Hanteb.A -OO-T" INSURANCE' "AGENT*" IN

every clty ln Virglnia where not al¬ready repreaented. Llberal contruots,embracing all the reforms in llfo,accldont and health insurance. TopuoniinlflHlons, llberal reriewals, exclu-Hive.torrltnry If doslred. RICHMOND1N9URANCH AGENCY (INC), HOi' Eaat ain.in_ Street, Itlchmond.

AGENTS"WANT_D TO HANULE TH 10Mnglc LaUndfy. -Vuldle. Send 10cents for samplo and terms to.ngonts. C. P. CO. Box 801, Rich-inond, Va.

¦doli.itor* anb 4__lr_m.11.Ti_^I^NG^SA LEHX-EN^'^VN^PE'dI

no-experience needed. We nsslHtyjiito securo oinployment. Wo are i-i-cclvlng more cnlls tlian ovor for ourgraduutes, and are placlng tli.indally wlth the. best flrmslh the coun¬try. -cores Who formorly earnedfrom $25 to $76 a month now earnfrom $100 to $600 a month and e.-penses. lf you want to be a sales¬man, our froe booK, "A Kntght of theGrlp," wlu ahow you how. Wntenearost ofTlce for lt to-day.,' NATIONAL SALESMAN'STRAtNING ASbOCtATION, Chlea?-v>,New York. Kunsaa Clty, Mlnneapolls,San Franclsco._*

TRAVELING SALESMErT TO SELLour blankets, llannela" and dressfabrlcs dlrect to rotal] stores; goodcommlsslon; deslrable slde line.SOUTH PHILA. WOOLEN CO., Box1341. Phlladelphla.

A CAPABLE SALESMAN CAN MAKE$150 to"$200' per month commlssloiiMwlth our line, and spend overy nlghtln'Rlchmond. Address D 138, careTlmes-OlKpatch.

WAN1~ED~ ~F]R~t7c_"sS" STOCKsalcsman to act ns general salesmanager in thelr respectlve citiesor neorby towns; llberal remunera-

tlon to rlght parlies. II. W. COBB.433 Real Estato Trust Bldg., Phlla¬delphla. '


CIGAR SALESMAN WANTED IN~Y~5ulilocality to represent us; experienceunnecessary; $110 per month and ox-penses. Write for particulars. MON-ARCH CIGAR CO.. St. Louls,: Mo.

SIDE LINE SPECIALTY SALESMENto soll hlgh-grado cottage dlnner sotto dry. goods, grocery. furnlturestores for adverttalnH: purposes lnsmall towns; blg repent or.lera; '.argecommlsslon; staie- permanent ad¬dress. THE BUSINESS BUILDERCORPORATION, Desk 46, St. Louls,Mo. '_-

WANTED, HIGH-CLASS GENERALagents to organlze sales force "andhandie sale ot new nnd winning spe-clalty extenslvely advertised. Salesraplaly lncreaslng. Exceptionallvprofltahlo . busines.- can bo obtainedln each clty and dlstrict by rlghtman. Glve full detalls concernlngyourself flrst letter. THE PRO-CIRESS CO., Rand-McNally Bldg.,Chlcago._

WANTED. SALESMAN. NOW COVER-lng regular terrltory. tor a proflt-able slde llno that sellsfto the drug.furnlture and hardware trade. Ad¬dress, stnting terrltory covered, Box675, Atlanta, Ga._

WITH MY SPECIAL PROPOS-1TIONI'll coach you to easlly earn $200per month. C. L. ROWE, State <fcGrlswold, Dotrolt, Mlch._

SALESMAN, EXPERIENCED IN ANYline, to sell general trado ln Virglnia,An unexcelled speclalty proposltion.Commlsslons wlth $35 weekly ad¬vance for expemSes. THE CONTI-NENTAL JEWELRY COMPANY',uieveland, Ohlo.

S A L E S MEN EVER_^vll_R"i3--$l5.o"odally taklng orders $20 autom_tlcsoda fountaln: money every day;regular or slde line; experience un¬necessary. MANUFACTURER. 1764Aberoeen Street Phlladelphla. Pa.

SALESMEN (EXPERIENCEDJ; STA-ple line, wlth speclally talklngpolnts; new; big commlsslons. F. W.MAIN. 95 lowa City. lowa._

SALESMEN. EXPERIENCED. STA-pl« line, with speclulty talkingpolnts; B«w; blg commlsslons. F. W,MAIN. 95, lowa CHy, lowa..

W-AT-nrHD~ SOL1CITORS TO SEtLstock for old line llfo insurance com¬pany; organizod by businoss mon;fine contract; permanent posltlon.NATIONAL RESERVE DIFIC INSUR¬ANCE CO., 313-15 Llggett Bldg., St.Louls, Mo.

CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVERVirglnia with staple line; high com¬mlsslons, wlth $100 monthly advance;permanent posltlon to right man.JESS II. SM1TH CO.. Detroit, Mlch.

SALESMAN WANTED TO~~~ELL TO*grocers, drugglsts and confectloners;$100 per month and expenses. CALI¬FORNIA CIDER AND EXTRACT .O.,St. Louls, Mo.

SALESMEN.RESIDENT SALES MAN-ager wanted to represent us to sellour line; llberal comniission contractto immediate appllcants. NON-IN-TOXICATING BEVERAGE CO., Cln-clnnatl, O. v_

SALESMEN, EXPERIENCED, STAPLEline, with specialty talklng polnts;new; big commlsslons. F. W. MAIN.95, lowa Clty. lowa._ :

SALESMEN.BEST COMMISSION OF-fer on carth; new; all retallers; sam.ples, coati, pocket. "BOSTON," lowaClty, lowa. _--¦

$rofe__;umal f^tipWismtth.zMo^^^H^ii^M^T^^my^ys^AtX

parts'of the Unlted States, and espe-clally ln the great and prosperousWest. If you want a better posl¬tlon, apply at once'for our reglstra-tlon blanks and llterature. THEWESTERN. TEACHERS' ASSOCIA¬TION. Oklahoma Clty. t -

THE PRESIDENT OF A LARGEState Normal wrltes: "Speclally do IWlsh to thank you for character-bfteachers furnished us. They haveproved satlsfactory ln every respect."See "Our Plan." SOUTHERNTEACHERS' AGENCY, Columbia, S.

C. _. ,,-' ." ¦:

WANTED, TEACHERS FOR SCHOOLSand schools f ir- teachers. THE VIR-'GINIA TEACHERS' BUREAU, Rev.R. W. Crldlln, Manager, 33 EastTenth Street, Manchester, Va. 'PhoneB578. ¦. :

WANTED, 50 MALE PRINCIPALS FORHlgh Schools.. Address VIRGINIATEACHERS' BUREAU, Manchester,'Va;--------

ftilitatton*, ffrotes-ional._RAD_A_3~tAT_Trc*^^Macon Woman's College desires posl¬tlon to teachsosslon 1909-10. Pub¬llc or lilgli. school preferred, ... Ad-dress A 36, care.Tlmes-Dlspatch.


the lummer'can obtaln oxcollent liv¬lng aocommodatlons ln a lar'ge, ooolhouso, dxcluslvo nelghborhood,' nearCentral Park; excellent service;Solthorn cooking. MR8. CLAIRE.-PRICHA'RD RUSSEL, 114 West Sav-enty-slxth Street, New, York.

WANTED. COUl-LK TO BOARD INspmll prlvate family; deliBhtful su¬burban liome, convenlent to clty;coiiipn.nlonn.blo partlea espeolally de-sirod; bost references; reasono.ln_tormn. B 00, care Tlmes-Dlspatah.

FIRST-OLAS8 ACCOMlSbDATlON FORporiTianont, translent and table board.ers; speelal orrangament for tableboarders. MRS. HORACE VVELL-FORD JONES, 200 East' FranKllnbtroet, _s_' .___

STlSKES PU'ZBR~PERMANJ9NT\ ANDtranalont board, The Hanovor, 100Franklin Stroet, West, Rlchmond, Va.150-165 East Thlrty-aeventlv Street,

'New York Clty. '"v :.¦;.¦'OCCUPANTS WORFRONT ROOM. SEO*

ond floor, wlth hoard.ln small fam-Ry. 115 South .ThU'U. 4'hoiiO'5B13.



stont boatdei. for large, cool, boau-tlful rooms; also table boarders. lo:iEast Otac'e. '_ _"tlle" sObTJETT,'* 611 EAST FRANK-lln. For rent, nlr.o, large,-.well fur¬nlshed rooms, front and back; prl-1Vate bath; dellghtful porehes. Callund luspect my rooms. 'Phone No.2172.

BOARDERS WANTED, COAIFORTA-ble, alry roonfu, .wllli bath, hot andcold .water and modern coiivcnlenceafno children. For terms and lnfor-matlon, apply to MRS. W. M. JAR-MAN, Box 21, Crozet, Vn.

WANTED, ONE OR TWO COUPLES TOboui-tl durlng Kummer In West End,on We«th_mpton car llne; Inrgurooms, modern convenlences, wlthnice, shndy lawn. 'Phone 6298. Ad-dreaa B 66, care Tlmes-Dlspatch.

WANTED, PERMANENT, TRANSi_!NTnnd tablo boarders. 1011 East Mnr-ahall.

TWO DELIGHTFUL ROOMS. ALSOtablo boarders. 6 West FranklinHfreet.

ForHreNT,--TWO VERY COMFORTA-bly furnlshed rooms, cool and pleas¬ant. wlth board. Strletly; use ot phone. Two baths lnthe house. 217 East Maln.

GENTLEMEN WHOSE FAMILIBS AREleavlng the city wlll nnd nveals tosult thelr buslness hours at 2U1 EastCary Street.

BOARD-ER8 WANTED AT 318 EASTFranklin Street for nice front roomson second floor; tablo nnd trans-slents also wa*nted.

WANTED, -PERMANENT,¦', TRANSIENTnnd table boarders. 302 East GraceStreet.

FURNLSHED ^6<5mH~WITH BOARD;also, tablo bonrders. 718 East Mar-shall. _._I

WANTED, A COUPLE TO OCCUPY,wlth board, a nlcely furnlshed room.MISS B.. 7 fciouth Beach.


BOARDERS WANTED FOR FURNIBH-cd front room and unfurnlshed backpnrlor. 723 West Maln.

DELIGHTFUL ROOMS AND EXCEL-lent tablo board. 210 East GraooStreet.

DESIRABLE ROOMS, WITH OR WITH-out board; central locallty. PhonoNo. 6804;__^

ROOMS AND BOARD.LARGE.brlght rooms, wlth board; roasonablorates. 104 North Flfth Street.

WANTED."A FEW BOARDERS: TERMSreasonable. 923 East MarshallStreet.

1005 _5AST MARSHALL STREET.Rooms and board.

M"RS. SMITH,.¦'. 301 EAST GRACEStreet. Rooms. wlth board.

. JBa&tb tZZHanteD.KfXTr-A^rwfir^si?__r_iWt^jget board nnd lodglng wlth somenice prlvate fnmlly on HermltagnRoad or ln Glnter Park. convenlentto car llne; best of references canbe given. Address K 358, care Tlm.B-Dlspatch.

WANTED? BY YOUNG MARRIBDcouple. after Juno 15, room andbonrd ln deslrable locallty; prlvatefamily preferred. Address F 190,

. caro /TimeB-Dispatch.

Room* for jRenL.fWC^C^SIsli'ED ROOMS ON^FTitST

floor; prlvate bath; use of telephon1.-;house centrally located: good uelgh-borhood: ront reasonable to rightparty; possesslon June 1. Tablo boardlf deslrod. Address G 257, careTlmes-Dlspatch.

THE STIEFF CAN BE PURCHASEDby you on easy terms lf desircd di¬rect from the manufacturer, mlnus oftlie dealor's proflt.

SETTLED COUPLE DESIRES TWO ORthree rooms, unfurnlshed, SouthBroad, August 15; prlvate family,with board, or near board; referencesexchanged; state terms. Address G234, care Tlmes-Dlspatch.

DELIGHTFUL ROOMS. LARGE ANDalry, oyerlooklng Llbby Park andrlver; well .furnlshed; good location;prlvate family; terms reasonable.Address .1 315, caroTimes-Dlspatcn.


ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS.every convenlence, slngle or double.Call at 108 North Elghth Street.

FOR RENT, A PLEASANT SECOND-story front room, extra slze; threolarge wlndows; convenlent to bathand phone, Apply after 4 P. M. 12South Flrst

IF Y^)Tj~6wN A STIEFF PIANO YOUmay be justlv proud. If you do notown one you are mlsslng much plcas-¦ure ln your home._.FOR RENT, FURNISHED OR UNFUR-

nlshed, at reasonable rates, severallarge, nice, brlght rooms; bath. 408 East Cary Street.

FOR RENT. ROOMS, FURNISHED yRunfurnlshed, ,to ladles or gentlemeu;moderate rates. 10 South FlrstStreet._

THE STIEFF SELF-PLAYER. AN IN-strument whlch enables an- one toplay wlth the greatest accuracy ofthe most dlfflcull works of the greatartists._;_.

WANTED, TO RENT NICE, LARGEfront room to two young men, wlthor without board, ln prlvate family;bath, 'phone and central location.Address C 102.. care Times-Dispatch.

FOR RENT. TO GENTLEMEN, LARGE,deslrable, furnlshed rooms; electrlcllghts, bath and use of 'phone. Ap¬ply 206 East Grace, second flat.

iNICELY FURNISHED SEC«ND-STORYroom at 512 East Grace, oppositeWestmoreland Clt*b.\_'

HANDSOME DOUBLE PARLORS, FUR-nlshed as parlor and bedrooms, or'sbp-arately as bedrooms, to gents, ladlesor couple; flne bath; cheap. F 1S8,care Tlmes-Dlspatch.

IN SELECTTNG A PIANO AN IM-portant nolnt to custom/»rs is du¬rabllity, for whlch thef Stleff Isnoted. l



FOR RENT, NEAT FURNISHED ROOMcentrally located. "Address F 214,care Tl'nes-piapatch.

FOR RENT, HOUSE, EIGHT ROOMS,newly palnted and papered; porce-laln bath; rent reduced. Apply 107West Maln.

THREE GONNECTING ROOMS; WA-ter, prlvate'bath; $8 per month. 111South Beacli Street. >

FOR RENT, SEVERAL NICE ROOMS.Apply.840.Weat Grace Street..

FOR RENT, LARGE, COOL'FURNISH-ed room, 508 North Street.


located. 109 North'Seventh Street.-LARGE AND SMALL NICELY FUR-nlshed rooms; 'phone, bath. 814 EastClay. __L__________v/ '_

Jftata for fcent.FOR^^NTr^LAT^JG. S.^AT^StT'P.South Thlrd. Street; nlne rooms;possesslon at once. Apply Room 30,Chamber of Comroerce.

deTigThtful- FLAT. BRIGHT ANDcool. VIRGINIA BUILDING, cornerFlfth and Maln. See Janltor.

FOR RENT, BEAUTIFUL NEW SIX-room Hat; bath, pantry, /ront andslde porch; prlvate entrance; modernconvenlenceB. 16 South HarrisonStreot. ..¦¦..'

FOR.RENT, CHOICE FLAT ON BAR-tori Heights; flve large, brl**¦¦"**. rooms;porcelaln balh, olectrlo Ughts, hotand cold water. 601 Nopth Avenue.


- f


__riattf (or _Rent.V;oir^ENT, FOUR^6^>^ND"i_1vT*L.e.ond'story llat, 3ut)6 East BroadStreot. frontlng Chlmboray.o Park.


Ing, furnlshed or unfurnlsliod; veryreasonable. 837. Wogt Oraue.

FOR RENT FOR SUMMER, CHEAP-cst apartment ln city; central; allcotivonleiice... Address K 336, care'.Im.B-Dlr.pat.h. :

FOUR-ROO"M FLAT; M'6lTERN~_ON^v^nlehces; centrally located; uuex-plrcd leuse; very cheap, 'Plume

__77_fl()-L. _._',_!JFOIt RENT, DES1RABLE._LAT,iALLmodern cuuvenlenceu. Apply 7o/VlrglnlH Avenue, Barton Heights, Vn.

FORcRENT, .FLAT. THREE" BRlGHTrooms and porch; bath udjolnlrtg;central. Address K 360, care Tlines-Dlspatch.

ALL OR PARTOF DE8IRABLB FLATon West Grace. Speclal tnducementslo deslrable party. Address K 351,carp Tlmes-Dlspatch.


DELIGHTFU L SECON li-STORY FUlf^nlshed llat. wlth nice yard, for thoBurnmer months or longer, on Grace.E 108. caro Tlmos-Dlspatch.

FOR RENT, FLAT oT^TmTrHI. BRIGHTrooms and alcovo, lu West End; neivhouso; cheap to u deslrable party.Address E 176, caro Tlmea-Dlspatch.

FOR RENT^LAT OF THREE LARGErooms, wlth prlvntc batii and everymodern convonloii'-o: reasonable ron-

_tal. Apply to 'phone 134-J,for 'rent, flat'' Four hdbM_;

prlvnta bath; $15 per month. Apply__

107 West Maln Street, .

FOR RENT, irOR.SUMMER MONTHS,furnlshed house, Thlrd Strpot, be¬tween Maln nnd Canal; torms rea¬sonable. Address II 277, care Tlmes-Dlspatoh._

FOR RENT, DURING SUMMER' months, nlcely furnlshed flat, 11 vo

rooms, Barton Avenue, BartonHeights; electrlc llghts, 'phone, bath,otc; to couple without chlldren."PhonojneL_

FOR RENT," FLAT OF FIVE ROOMS,Apply 2412 Stuart Avenue._

FIRST-CLASS 9-ROOM SECOND FL\T.14 North Thlrd Street.

FLAT OF FOUlTT.AROE ADJOININGrooms, wlth bath on second floor:rent reasonable. Apply 803 Street.

For-rT3~nt.~a flat of f6T*r~7jn"Tfurnlshed rooms: prlvate bath; cen¬tral location. Address E 172, caroTlmes-Dlspatch.

TOR"TRF7N^Tl5"Ec63rD h-l/SovTTUArot four rooms nnd bath arljolnlng;$15 per month. 1103 Floyd Avenue.'Phone 7277.

-Aooir.s $_ianteb.SETTr*rrT^_uTLE?^N6'^C i IIIJ5REN.want three unfurnlshed connectlng'rooms, second-story. wlth board. lnprlvate family; location on Franklinor Grace, between Flrst and Harri¬son Streets. Answer, stattng A 37, caro Times-Dispatch. Ref¬erences exchanged.

WANTED, ¦:FU.RNISHED," OR UNFUR-nished room, with or without board.west of Seventh nnd south of Broad.Address G 233, care Tlmes-Dlsp-itch.


Atanthus, three and a half mlleswest of Orangc; healthy locallty;new house, bathroom. hot and coldwater, ga« llghts. good fare and ;tc-commodatlons; dally mall; terms Y>per week; no consumptlves or smallchildren. Address MRS. THOMASWINSLOW. Orangc. Va. Route 1.

OCEAN V1EW VA., THE WARNERCottage; convenlently located to allpolnts of amusements; spaclousshado verandas and grounds; excel-lent boating, batliing and flshlng;all modern convenlences: excellenttable. MRS. E. B. WARNER, Pro-prletess. ._______

WANTED,*. BOARDERS, JUNE 15, ATThe Oaks;.largo yard; cool rooms; flnewater; on suburbs of Loulsa; rtfteen.mlnutes walk from. station; terms $25per month. Address MRS. CilAS.DONNALLY, Loulsa, Va.


location; beautiful scenery; nearCrozet, ln Bluo Ridge Mountains;long dlstance telephone connection.AdtTress MRS. JOHN A. WINE. Yan¬cey/Mlljs^'a._

COUNTRY BOARD AT CHERICOKB."near-Richmond. 'Phone, largo yard.Terms reasonable. MISS CAPERTON,Palls, Va._

THE ROCKBR1DGB INN, GOSHEN.Va., ls now open for guests; elova-

, tlon 1,800 feet; excellent lithiawater and service unsurpasscd.Rates. $5 to $8 per week. For partl¬culars wrlte _.:_?. GUINN, Proprletor,Goshon, Va._


WANTED, TWO COUPLES FOR THEsummer ln a qulet, prlvate libme ontho car Hne; good shade. 'Phone 6213.

WANTED. A FEW SUMMER BOARD-ers; g6od country fare; good waterand shade; healthy location: chil¬dren preferred. Address POSTMAS-TER, Nebletts, Va. .- "_____.

WANTED, BOARDERS IN COUNTRYhome; good country fare; sprlng wa¬ter and shade. For terms, apply toMRS. J. A. G. DAVIS, Greenwood,Albemarle county, Va.-

WANTED. BOARDERS.. JUNE 15. ATThe Oaks; large yard; cool rooms;llne water; on suburbs, of Loulsa;flftoen mlnutes' walk from station;torms $25 per month. Address MRS.CHAS. DONNALLY", Loulsa, Va..

le noeZTUottage. BON AIR, VA.Booklet and i-ates on appHcatlo-n.

WANTED, SUMMER BOARDERS, FIF.teen mlles' from Richmond. onratl-.road; convenlent scJtiedulo for busl¬ness men; location hlgh-and healthy;splondld *^-ater. Address K 338. care

Tlmes-Dlapatch._sTlMlriE_r~BOARb AT OCEAN VIEW.Mrs. A. F. Cralg and Mrs. J. W.Sale wlll open the Barr cottagoJuno 1; large, alry- rooms; eleganttable. Address MRS. CRAIG, 317West Grace Street.

Coal anb l_loo&._To15kT%1^!E'~T5eLI^^

hundred: half-cord long plne, $3.00;half-oord sawed, $2,50; ton of beststovo coal, $6.50; lump spllnt, $4.50,for cash, Coal and wood dry andundor shelteiv TYLER & RYAN,Llnden and Cary. 'Phone 1979.

SAWED PINE WOOD AT $2.25, $2.50and $2.75 per half-cord. Your ordersollolte'd. VAUGHAN & BAUGHAN,oftlce and yard, 819 Brook Avenue,'Plione 6812,

A MAN "WHO STUDIES WOOD TOburn all day can pleoso you. I haveorlgnal growth plne and oak as lowas $2.00 half-oord thls weok. Yard1201 West Broad. 'Phones 1069, 1320LONG'S.

YOUR MONEY'S WORTH.ONE-HaL'fton stovo anthraolte, one-quartorcord sawed plne wood oh samo load,$4.88; one-half ton spllnt lump, ono-quarter cord sawed plne wood' and


75 por cent. of the peoplo of Rich¬mond burn North Carolina wood? ].ls chouper even nt the' same prlce.AVo. are hoadqiiartors. Our slabs ar_flne for cooklng. Try a small .order,.Phone .9.3, 'NORTH CAROLINAWOOD AND. COAL CO,