mall.poetrey dedication project.time will tell

TIME WILL TELL By Rachel Mall Dedicated to Abigail Shireen A Poetry Dedication Project

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By Rachel Mall

Dedicated to Abigail Shireen

A Poetry Dedication Project

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My dear sister, Abigail Shireen Mall, I chose to dedicate this

piece to you because of all the laughs you bring me. I spend

75% of my life laughing, and 50% of that time is spent with

you. We are two crazy people who can‟t seem to catch a break.

We laugh, we cry, we joke, we sing, (badly) and most of all

genuinely love and care for one another. In the following pages

you will find poems I have written for your entertainment, as

well as famous published poems that I hope will send you a

great message. I hope you learn something from what‟s in here

and you keep and cherish it forever. I love you, and here‟s what

I have to say….

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Whether your three years older or seven years younger

A sister is a sister, we‟ll always be

You are irreplaceable, splendiferous and contagious

I hold the lock you are the key

We always laugh, we sometimes speak in silence

With our eyes and our expression

We never turn violent

For a true friend never gets red

They are humble and understanding

There for advice, or for a place to lean your head

With a true friend you‟ll never have to worry about hurting their feelings

If you do, they will be quick to come with healings

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I picked this poem because of the first four lines, as well as the last two. In the first four

lines it talks about us being able to enjoy each other‟s company despite the age gap between us,

and also how I feel towards you. “Whether your three years older or seven years younger, a

sister is a sister, we‟ll always be.” There‟s no other person I would rather want as my sister and I

think this poem says that very well. Yes, we do fight sometimes, but who doesn‟t? At least when

we fight we do it out of love and don‟t actually mean the things that we say. That‟s where the

last two lines come in. They talk about forgiveness, and that‟s something that both me and you

do very well. “With a true friend you‟ll never have to worry about hurting their feelings, if you

do, they will be quick to come with healings.” I can never hold a grudge over you and I would

hope that you can‟t over me. You are dearer to me then you could possibly imagine, and even

though we are sisters, I would consider you one of my best friends too.

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Now that the flowers are blooming and the weather is warming

We‟ll no longer be boxed inside this house

We‟ll be free to run and play

Just like we did back in the day

And I know things won‟t be exactly the same

But we‟ll keep it simple with just playing in the rain

I‟ll try not to be long and come back to you soon

College is a bore anyways, you're my moon!

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I included this poem because of its resemblance to our inside jokes. : ) “The weather is

warming up so we‟ll no longer be stuck inside the house.” “Homeschoolers don‟t have social

lives.” I think our favorite time of year is spring when we start to see the flowers blooming,

and the days getting longer. That just means we‟re getting closer to summer and we‟ll no

longer have to be indoors, doing school, until three o‟ clock in the afternoon. Yes, maybe one

day we‟ll look back and thank mom and dad for choosing this schooling option for us, but,

until then, we‟ll continue to look forward to the days when we can actually be free of the

bondage that holds us to these four walls. Granted, in the summer we both get pretty lazy

anyways and end up staying home most of the time : ) but, at least there isn‟t a reason for

staying home besides our own choice. As far as the last part of the poem, I wrote that because

maybe if we weren‟t homeschooled, our education could not have been the best. Basically

what I‟m trying to say is, I‟d settle for no snow days and being what society may call as

“sheltered,” for a diploma and protection from the different harms of the world, would you?

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Two hearts go together like fleece and a sweater

Chocolate and strawberries

A mom kissing a wound, saying “Is it better?”

You and I go together like something you can‟t even describe

It will leave you breathless even paralyzed

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I included, “Silly Poem,” because it describes us and gives readers a taste of our personalities.

The poem is very random, like us, and quirky. We laugh countless times throughout the day about

the most randomness, stupidest, and silliest things, that it‟s probably not even normal. That‟s another

reason why I included that poem. Like us, it‟s not very normal, yet somehow, I think the poem fits

together and shows some character. The average reader may not get the poem at first, but if they

read this, hopefully it will come into focus for them. I didn‟t write it so that it would make perfect

sense, or have some significant poetic meaning behind it. It‟s just a random, silly poem, that reminds

me of all our “moments” and I want you to be able to look at it when you‟re having a rough day.

Make sure you read it over and over again, and laugh historically. Not necessarily at the poem itself,

but at what it resembles. You and me both acting silly as usual, or just me, who sometimes has to be

embarrassing to get you to smile, who makes you laugh when you‟re feeling down, and who rewards

you with frozen yogurt when you clean our room.

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The memories we‟ve already had

I wouldn‟t take any back

They‟ve made us who we are today

I love you so much

I say it all the time and it may start to lose its meaning

But you deserve to hear it often

I look forward to what‟s in store

The journeys we‟ll take

Let‟s start the engine

And maybe I‟ll graduate!

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Okay, so I know that I‟m not planning on going away for college, but, I wanted to include this

poem because even though I‟m staying put, my maturity level and responsibilities are getting

higher, as are yours. I wanted to let you know, that no matter how old we both get I‟m always

going to be here for you and the journey‟s we take together will just become more epic. The

innocence we had when we were younger was cute but now as were getting older we have to be

wiser and understand the consequences to our actions. I want to see you grow up to be a mature,

young, Godly women and think before you act. Like I said in the poem, the memories we have

together are priceless and I wouldn‟t take any back. As we look to the future, I pray that we will

have many more memories to come, but that they will be honoring and glorifying unto the Lord,

and that you will actually learn something from them. Also know that it is okay to make mistakes,

because after all, you learn from them. Don‟t look back and regret anything. If your mind‟s telling

you yes, but your hearts telling you no, stop what you‟re doing and give me a ring. I‟ll give you my

advice and you can take it from there. I love you so much, and I can‟t wait to see what‟s in store.


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I can‟t believe how big you‟re getting

You‟re going to be taller than me!

Stop the clock and go back a few years

Now let me take a look and see

Wow, how time has flown by

I remember when you were a baby with tears in your eyes

Looking up to me instead of towering over

Maybe if I‟m lucky you‟ll shrink when you‟re older

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The poem “Growing Pains,” is probably my favorite. Do you remember that picture

we use to have? It was of the two of us and we were wearing identical outfits, but in

different sizes? Well I can still remember the day it was taken. I‟m going to guess that I

was around eleven or twelve which would have made you around five. I was about two

feet taller, and the string bean, while you were this chubby little bunny. Now, almost

seven years later, you‟re as skinny as a pole and I have to go to the gym. (What‟s that all

about?!) You can now easily fit into my shoes, which, by the way, is annoying, and almost

everybody is saying you‟re going to be taller than me. I can‟t believe how fast time is

going by, and yes, this is going to sound cliché but, in the blink of an eye you‟re all

grown up! I included this poem so that you‟ll hopefully be able to read it one day, and

just stop what you‟re doing. Really appreciate every single moment of your life because

you‟ll never be able to get those moments back. You can reminisce and wish, but never

fully relive.

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A Dream

In visions of the dark night

I have dreamed of joy departed-

But a waking dream of life and light

Hath left me broken-hearted.

Ah! what is not a dream by day

To him whose eyes are cast

On things around him with a ray

Turned back upon the past?

That holy dream- that holy dream,

While all the world were chiding,

Hath cheered me as a lovely beam

A lonely spirit guiding.

What though that light, thro' storm and night,

So trembled from afar-

What could there be more purely bright

In Truth's day-star?

Edgar Allan Poe

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You get the sense of sadness when you read this poem by Edgar Allan Poe. He talks about having a dream, a dream with a

bright light that‟s shining in front of his face, and then waking to realize that it‟s gone. The one thing I want you to take out of

this poem is that if you‟re ever ambitious about something, don‟t give up on it, or else become regretful.

I really don‟t want to see you wasting your whole life by just taking it day by day and not really setting your mind to

anything you can achieve. If you‟re passionate about something, go after it. Don‟t be that scared person I was and take a chance

every now and then. Edgar writes, “In visions of the dark night, I have dreamed of joy departed – But a waking dream of life

and light, hath left me broken-hearted.” Don‟t let your future become a dream that vanishes when you open your eyes. Find

your passion, be ambitious, and let the papers fly.

However, make sure your being wise about the choices you make. Meditate on certain things and only do them if you feel

in your heart it‟s the right thing to do. Don‟t act on impulse because that could be a bad idea. I talk about wanting you to make

the most of your life; however, I don‟t want to see you do anything stupid either. If for some reason you can‟t find anything that

you want to achieve, or can‟t find motivation to achieve it, then possibly you‟re not looking in the right direction. Re-evaluate

some things and pray about your situation. The Lord will lead you on the right path; you just have to be patient and willing.

At the end of the poem I think the author is realizing that he needs to chase after this bright light. It‟s so bright that even

through night and storms it shines through. When you‟re having a rough day and your light seems to be fading, Stop what you‟re

doing, take a deep breath, and remember why you fell in love with your passion in the first place.

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A Time to Talk

When a friend calls to me from the road

And slows his horse to a meaning walk,

I don't stand still and look around

On all the hills I haven't hoed,

And shout from where I am, What is it?

No, not as there is a time to talk.

I thrust my hoe in the mellow ground,

Blade-end up and five feet tall,

And plod: I go up to the stone wall

For a friendly visit.

Robert Frost

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What I want you to mostly get out of this poem is that if a friend needs you, put aside what you‟re doing in that moment

and try to realize that your friend needs help, and called you. I know you are not a selfish person to begin with, but especially

when it comes to friends and loved ones, I want you to be as much a help to them as you are to me. It really works in the poem

when the poet explains that he will not just stand there in place and shout from where he is, “what is it?” He will stop what he‟s

doing and go see what it is that his friend needs.

Also, it‟s not just the fact that you‟re helping that matters, it‟s the attitude you do it in as well. Be happy when you help

people out! It‟s an awesome feeling and sometimes you can benefit from it more than you think. Remember that story we heard

about Tim and Sharon? Tim‟s friend was moving and needed help lifting the heavier furniture. Grudgingly, Tim offered to help,

but the whole day he was wishing he was anywhere but there. After a while, another friend came to help out with moving some

boxes and her name was Sharon. Tim thought Sharon was gorgeous and long story short, they ended up getting married. Tim

went into the day with a bad attitude and it turns out if it weren‟t for him helping out his friend he would have never met his

future wife.

When you‟re a joy to be around and are dependable, more people will gravitate towards you and grow to love you. Not for

your looks, or popularity, but for your personality and helping hand. Don‟t expect anything in return, but if offered something

say, “Thank You,” and leave it at that. However, make sure whoever you‟re helping knows you‟re doing it because you want to,

not because you have to.

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Be Not Sad

Be not sad because all men

Prefer a lying clamour before you:

Sweetheart, be at peace again -- -

Can they dishonour you?

They are sadder than all tears;

Their lives ascend as a continual sigh.

Proudly answer to their tears:

As they deny, deny.

James Joyce

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I think what this poem is talking about is bullies and people bringing you down. The one line says, “They are sadder

than all tears; their lives ascend as a continual sigh.” I want you to re-read that line over and over again, and never forget it.

People are selfish and arrogant, and will come at you in this world. As you grow older, you will come to find this even

more. My advice to you is to remember that like the poet says, their lives are probably way worse than yours. Remember that

they are struggling, and their way of releasing steam is by treating people the way they are actually being treated at home, or in

their own lives. Although it hurts to be called names and it is annoying, don‟t let it get to you. Live your life and pray for

those who are mistreating you.

I think if the poet were still alive he would probably tell fans that one thing he would want to include in this particular

poem is, to not return with a revengeful backlash at someone who has hurt you. Remember that if you let things that people

tell you get to your head, and you start treating them or others around you bad, then you‟re no worse than them. Continue to

breath, and maybe even try to know your bully and befriend him or her. All they really may want is someone who cares.

“Sweetheart, be at peace again, can they dishonor you?” The answer is, no, they cant. Keep your head held high, kid.

Don‟t let them get to you and keep moving forward. Don‟t even waste your time with worrying about them or with fear. You

have protection from someone who is far more powerful than your bully. Love you!

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BEAUTY crowds me till I die,

Beauty, mercy have on me!

But if I expire today,

Let it be in sight of thee.

Emily Dickinson

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“BEAUTY crowds me till I die, Beauty, mercy have on me! But if I expire today, let it be in sight of thee.” This poem for

me, is one of the most beautiful, straightforward, yet simplistic poem ever. With only four stanzas, it tells so much. It‟s simply


My interpretation of this poem is this: That even though you have outer beauty, all of that should be undesirable if it‟s

not aimed toward the Lord. It‟s not a bad thing to be beautiful, nor is it bad for you to want to strive to be pretty. However, its

weather or not you‟re striving for the right kind of beautiful that matters. What I mean is, don‟t focus all your energy on trying

to look desirable. If you want to buy nice clothing and wear makeup that‟s one thing, but if you‟re not doing it for the right

reasons, I‟m afraid you‟re not doing it right at all. You should want to glorify God in everything that you do, if you‟re hearts

not in the right place, you could only be trying to glorify yourself when getting dressed in the morning. Think about the kind

of message you‟re sending out when you wear certain clothes, or look a certain way. If it‟s one that‟s drawing attention to

yourself, then rethink your priorities. Don‟t get lost in this world of fashion and always looking your best. Be humble and


“BEAUTY crowds me till I die, Beauty, mercy have on me! But if I expire today, let it be in sight of thee.” No one is

perfect and we both know that everything we do is defiled with sin, but that doesn‟t mean we have to stop striving to be

glorifying unto the Lord. Beauty is all people see sometimes, beauty on the outside, what a person‟s wearing, but its beauty on

the inside that I care about, as well as God.

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When the green woods laugh with the voice of joy,

And the dimpling stream runs laughing by;

When the air does laugh with our merry wit,

And the green hill laughs with the noise of it;

when the meadows laugh with lively green,

And the grasshopper laughs in the merry scene,

When Mary and Susan and Emily

With their sweet round mouths sing "Ha, ha he!"

When the painted birds laugh in the shade,

Where our table with cherries and nuts is spread:

Come live, and be merry, and join with me,

To sing the sweet chorus of "Ha, ha, he!“

William Blake

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This poem is all about laughter. I just can‟t seem to read it with a straight face. My smile fills my face and I want yours to shine


Life is short, sometimes shorter then we think. Take it all in and laugh! Don‟t take things too seriously. When things do get

tough, take a deep breath and relax. The poet talks about animals. and nature laughing. and having a good time. I believe that‟s a

metaphor to look around at the beauty that God has placed in this earth and truly be grateful for it. How can anyone be miserable

on a place like this? Where beauty touches the sky and you don‟t even have to get in your car and drive somewhere to find it.

Remember all the good moments that you‟ve had in your life, and don‟t let the bad overshadow those. Things happen for a reason,

and that reason is to either teach you a lesson, or better yourself. So don‟t get mad or frustrated. Lean on the Lord and try to

understand why. Thank him for everything that he has already done for you, and for the fact that there is so much beauty in this


“When the painted birds laugh in the shade, Where our table with cherries and nuts is spread: Come live, and be merry, and

join with me, to sing the sweet chorus of „ha, ha, he‟!” Take this world in and explore it. You don‟t have to be stuck in this small

town. When you‟re ready, step outside and find your joy. Find your joy, and then help others find it too. Be that light in the

darkness, and never stop being you. Glorify God, keep your faith strong, breath, and just keep pushing forward.

I love you and hope you enjoyed this!

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Blake, William. "Laughing Song." n.pag. Quotations. Web. 24 May 2013.


Dickinson, Emily. "Beauty Crowds Me." Hello Poetry(1654): n.pag. Poems. Web. 24 May

2013. <>.

Frost, Robert. "A Time To Talk." Poem Hunter (1916): n.pag. Poems. Web. 24 May 2013.


Joyce, James. "Be Not Sad." Poem Hunter 1941. n.pag. Poems. Web. 24 May 2013.


Poe, Edgar Allan. “A Dream." Poetry Foundation (1849): n.pag. Poems and Poets. Web. 24

May 2013. <