making a sermon outline

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Post on 22-May-2015




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  • 1. By Kelvin S. Jones
    For Introduction to Homileticsat Burmese Bible School
    Reference: Introduction to Homiletics by Donald E. Demaray
    Making a Sermon Outline

2. Think About Your Purpose
Sermon plan gives direction.
Study the chosen text
What is the response you hope for?
Know, feel and do
3. Write Out Your Key Thought
4. Choose your points
Did I stick to the topic?
Are the points held together in some way?Do they seem a unity?
How many points?
What is the best sequence?
Can I enhance them by parallelism?
Can I enhance them by alliteration?
Have I stated them in a way that takes advantage of movement in the text?
Have I stated them in a way that helps with the visualization of the message?
5. The Key Word Method
6. The Expository Outline
What is it?The sermon organization is controlled by the organization of the text itself.
7. Class Exercise Psalm 1
Series is called: Wisdom In the Psalms
What key things do you notice in the Psalm that will help you in making a sermon about it?
Write a key thought:
What will your main points be?
What is the best order for them?
In what form will they communicate best?