make up policy

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Post on 06-Jan-2016




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Make up policy and procedures- practicum

Integrated students (1st, 2nd, 3rd semesters) are required to complete a practicum assignment. They are required twice a semester to turn in their work at their course survey/review sessions- once approximately 6-7 weeks into the semester (midterm) and again in week 14-15 (final). Practicum is then reviewed and graded within 2-3 weeks, and students are notified via their AMDA email of their grade status. Grades are also posted in the AMDA portal.

Practicum must be typed or photocopied and turned in at the course review sessions, or via email to [email protected]. It is the students responsibility to make sure their name, class section and number are written on every page of the document, and that the document is stapled together. If the practicum is being sent via email, it must be in a separate Word, Pages, or PDF document template ; it may not be sent in the body of an email. The student must ensure that their name is in the title of the electronic document, as well as on every page.

If a student fails to meet the requirement of practicum and/or turn it in on time, the individual will receive an incomplete grade for practicum. An incomplete grade will turn into a failing grade if proper steps are not taken to make up the missed work.

A make up assignment is given if: the student fails to turn in the work completed at the midterm, or from the midterm to the final; if the practicum is illegible; if the practicum turned in at the midterm or final does not meet the minimum requirements.

The student will be notified via email to inform them of an incomplete grade. The make-up assignment must be completed according to instructions, by the due date specified, and it must be sent to the practicum instructor via email.

There is only ONE incomplete make-up allowed for three semesters. Once a student has completed and passed the make-up, their grade will be modified to PASS. The student will not be offered another make-up assignment free of charge.

If the make-up assignment is not turned in on time or completed according to the instructions, the incomplete grade will become a failing grade. A student may also fail if they do not turn in 14 weeks of a completed practicum.

Each semester has a different failing grade make-up assignment. In order to complete this assignment and pass practicum, a student must pay an additional fee of $500.

If a student fails to make up the failing grade assignment, they are officially failing practicum. Failure to pass practicum means a failure to graduate. They must meet with education to discuss steps to rectify the grade.