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A new eBook presented by Maintenance Design Group


Page 1: Maintenance Facility Design

Maintenance Facility Design



Page 2: Maintenance Facility Design


Table of ContentsFirm Profile 3 PM: What is the cost of doing nothing? 4By Don Leidy and Mark Ellis

Bus parking - inside and out 5By Ken Booth and Sheena Zimmerman

Maintenance doesn’t have to be the “pits” 6By Ken Booth

Polyurea coating – Could it save your wash bay? 7By Mark Ellis and Justin Tripp

Giving bus maintenance a lift 8By Ken Booth

Keeping your buses clean – vacuum systems 9By Jared Weismantel

Tire storage solutions for maintenance facilities 10By James Bond III

Multistory bus operations and maintenance facilities 11By Jon Holler

Best repair bay configuration 12By Mark Ellis

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Page 3: Maintenance Facility Design | BUSRIDE MAINTENANCE 3

Let’s face it. Most transit agencies work with stretched facility budgets. Yet you need the best building your budget can buy. Defining what that looks like can be difficult, especially if you don’t design facilities on a daily basis.

The articles in this eBook will help you get on the right track to your best facility. You’ll find questions to ask, insight on hot topics, tips to enhance operations, and the secret to keeping your facility and equipment in top operating condition.

Whether you’re building a new facility, renovating an existing one, or relocating your maintenance functions, you’ll find information that will equip you to make confident decisions. And by following some basic guidelines, you’ll deliver a project that meets the needs of your stakeholders today, tomorrow, and for years to come.

About Maintenance Design GroupMaintenance Design Group is the leading transportation

and maintenance facility planning and design firm in the U.S. A specialty consulting firm, MDG focuses exclusively on transit, public works, utility, educational, and governmental operations and maintenance facilities. With MDG, you get national experts in the planning and design of transportation facilities. You tap into the “best of the best” approaches and perspectives across hundreds of projects. And, quite simply, you get the best facility for your operations.

Services include:

• Programming• Site Analysis and Selection• Master Planning• Conceptual Design• Process Piping• Equipment Industrial Design• Building Systems Engineering (MEP)• Design-Build Bridging Documents• Value Engineering• Facility Maintenance Plans

Solutions no one ever dreamed ofMDG consultants blend innovative approaches and

emerging technologies to come up with new ideas. In fact, we’ve developed many industry firsts that are now industry standards.

We’ve been involved in the planning and design of more than 650 facilities – and that translates to unparalleled experience. But don’t expect a cookie cutter approach. Your project is unique in its requirements, challenges, and opportunities, so we make sure your solution is just as unique. One way we do this is through our design charrette process. Using this process, you get a completely customized facility concept, and stakeholder consensus on it, in just a few days.

Friends for lifeClients often come back for our help across multiple

projects over many years; we’re friends for life. As an MDG client, you join a strong community of agencies, companies, and organizations that have trusted us with their projects, employees, and futures.

Interested in a customized facility that works for you today – and tomorrow? Have an operations or maintenance facility question you’d like answered? Just want to know more? Let’s chat.

Maintenance Design GroupExcellence in Facility Design

The articles in this eBook will help you get on the right track to your best facility.

Page 4: Maintenance Facility Design


Maintenance Design Group completed a facility maintenance plan for Capital Area Transit’s Raleigh, NC, maintenance facility.

Photo by Jerry Blow Architectural Photography. Architecture by Williard Stewart Caliendo Architects, PA.

PM: What is the cost of doing nothing?By Don Leidy and Mark Ellis

Money talks, and when a public entity discovers how much time, energy and money it can save with a comprehensive facility maintenance plan, money practically screams. However, properly and vigilantly conducted facility maintenance is not just about saving money. A comprehensive facility maintenance plan also extends the functional life of building systems and equipment. Unfortunately, not everyone quite understands that perspective.

No one would ever dream of buying a vehicle — a personal car or an agency’s bus — and running it for 20 years without ever changing the oil. Similarly, the facility itself requires the same attention to preventive maintenance (PM) as does the fleet. The rationale is to increase the overall life of a facility and its equipment by catching potential problems before they require emergency repair —reactive maintenance. Simply put, it is more cost effective to repair than to replace.

Maintenance plans save expenses

From tightening belts to cleaning housings, greasing bearings to checking weatherproofing, practically every element of a facility requires some degree of regular attention. A comprehensive, work order-driven PM schedule provides continuous regularly scheduled service to the facility and the equipment it houses.

PM work orders, developed by facility maintenance experts from manufacturers’ operations and maintenance manuals along with architectural and engineering specifications for the building and its elements, provide the basis of an optimized maintenance schedule. Rotational scheduling and an easy-to-apply work-order methodology makes it much easier to distribute the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual tasks when they come due.

The true value of PM is best seen in specific scenarios. Consider a vehicle washer. One of the most expensive and maintenance-intensive pieces of equipment, vehicle washers can cost up to $250,000 to purchase and install. A manufacturer-supplied written checklist dictates daily preventive maintenance required to properly maintain this complex and completely automated machine. That maintenance checklist must be completed, dated, and signed every day, proving that the maintenance work was done. The manufacturer knows that without this maintenance, it cannot guarantee the machine’s effectiveness and reliability. That is precisely why manufacturers provide a written checklist.

Make PM a priority

PM for bus facilities has not always been a priority, though it was always included in the FTA’s triennial review. The recent push to bring public infrastructure into a state of good repair has upped the importance of asset management and preventive maintenance.

The mission statement of nearly every transportation company is to get safe, clean buses on the street to move people from point A to point B. Only recently was the connection made between cost-effective reliable service and asset management/facility maintenance. This is different today because we have learned the value that a good facility PM program creates.

Driven by new technology

As technology progresses, so too does preventive maintenance technology. With more and more operations and maintenance manuals arriving on CD-ROM, PM experts can now quickly and easily incorporate that information into the PM plan. Generating work orders and PM schedules using advanced PM software, PM specialists now make state-of-the-art, computerized PM management widely available to all owners — basically anyone willing to institute a PM plan. But technology doesn’t stop there.

A basic level of facility maintenance planning is essential to maintain a primary level of readiness. Advancing to the more sophisticated levels of maintenance all depends on the facility and the equipment being maintained. Higher levels of PM become much more common where the facility and equipment is more advanced.

What is most important is making the leap from reactive maintenance to the first level of preventive maintenance. After that, refinements to implement predictive maintenance practices progress naturally to the asset management process.

As hard as it is to believe, many maintenance facilities still have no PM plan in place. But this is changing by the day as more decision makers around the country see the tremendous value and return that PM provides. PM programs only grow in popularity as agencies continue to implement plans that extend the lives of their facilities.

Don Leidy is managing principal and Mark Ellis is Central Region manager for Maintenance Design Group (Denver, Houston, Baltimore, Los Angeles) – a recognized leader in bus and motorcoach maintenance facility design. They have been preparing facility maintenance plans for over 30 years. To learn more about their capabilities and to gain valuable insights and information, please visit

MaintenanceFacility Design

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Bus parking—inside outBy Ken Booth and Sheena Zimmerman

Interior versus exterior bus parking has become a hot topic for transit providers in cold weather climates. Proponents of interior storage assert that warmer, sheltered parking improves and extends the life of the buses, makes maintenance easier, reduces fuel consumption and carbon emissions, and enhances worker morale and productivity. Critics argue that the construction, energy and maintenance costs are prohibitive. When evaluating indoor versus outdoor bus parking, there are several factors to consider.

Initial cost

While the design of interior bus parking is basic and does not require expansive infrastructure, it does involve significant capital expenditure for the structure. Even the most basic building will need exhaust ventilation, adequate lighting, space for vehicle maneuvers, and heating to prevent vehicles and components from freezing.

Exterior bus parking is not without cost. Depending on the agency’s fleet size, significant site acreage could be needed as well as additional paving, increased site drainage and retention ponds. In addition, outdoor parking has increased requirements for site lighting, security devices and infrastructure for engine block heaters.

Lifecycle cost

The above initial costs are all direct costs at the outset of the bus parking decision. However, there are many lifecycle costs that come into play. The interior bus parking will require ongoing maintenance and upkeep - like any other building - to keep it functioning well and servicing the agency for its anticipated lifetime.

Exterior parking lifecycle costs, while not as evident, can add up over time. Of most significance is the wear and tear on the buses themselves. Doors, windows, hydraulic systems, tires and the body of the bus itself will all wear out much faster when stored in extreme temperature and weather. When buses are stored outside, they often run overnight or for hours in the early morning to be ready for operations on very cold mornings. This additional run time produces more wear on the engines and increases fuel costs.

According to the staff for Southern Teton Area Rapid Transit (START), Jackson, WY, when it is extremely cold, buses must be left running all night. On ordinary winter nights with less

extreme temperatures, buses must be started an hour or two before a shift to ensure they are warm enough to run. The agency estimated it used an additional 8,000 gallons of fuel per year and created 170,000 pounds of unnecessary carbon emissions. By storing buses indoors, both the amount of fuel and carbon emissions are reduced considerably.

Finally, exterior parking increases staff time for snow removal from pavement and buses. The cost of the extra work hours for these tasks, compounded with the increased risk for employee accidents due to ice, snow and cold temperatures, all add into the lifecycle costs of exterior parking.

Non-monetary impacts

While bottom line costs are usually the driving factor in facility decisions, there are several less quantifiable impacts to parking buses outside. Due to site layout requirements and necessary infrastructure for engine block heaters, agencies have less flexibility for building, circulation and parking layout. It can also limit future facility expansion on the site.

Operationally, storing buses in an interior heated building with good lighting provides a more favorable work environment and improves employee morale. It also benefits the agency’s clients, allowing for quicker access to buses and reducing loss of productivity associated with preparing buses for operation.

Indoor parking also impacts the surrounding community. When buses are prepped for service indoors, the associated noise from buses backing up, headlight glare and bus exhaust are less intrusive on neighbors. This is true in the case of START, whose neighbors include an upscale hotel and residences.

The final non-monetary impact is becoming more frequently cited - carbon emissions. In addition to significantly reducing fuel costs, not running bus engines all night and for extra hours cuts carbon emissions. This improves air quality in communities prone to thermal inversion and smog, and for the planet as a whole.

Because every agency is unique, bus parking solutions should always be tailored to meet each agency’s specific requirements. However, it is imperative to take into account all costs - initial construction, lifecycle, bus maintenance and replacement, and fuel - as well as the intangibles of employee satisfaction, safety and impact on the environment and surrounding community.

Ken Booth, Mountain Region manager, and Sheena Zimmerman, facility designer, for Maintenance Design Group – a nationally recognized leader in bus maintenance facility design – have worked with over 100 agencies to plan and design their facilities. To learn more about their capabilities, please visit

Interior bus parking extends vehicle life, reduces fuel consumption and enhances productivity. Photo: Gayle Babcock – Architectural Imageworks, LLC

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Maintenance doesn’t have to be the “pits”

By Ken Booth

Preventive maintenance (PM)/inspection bays, or “pits” as they are often called, play a very vital role in making any maintenance facility more efficient. An agency’s maintenance approach, as well as their mechanics’ preferences often drive how the undercarriage of a bus is accessed. Typical PM/inspection bays may be designed and configured in several ways. Each has its advantages and disadvantages depending on the application, vehicle size, safety requirements and how mechanics will use the space. Below are some of the most often-used configurations for these work spaces, as well as factors to consider when selecting which is best for your bus maintenance facility.


The walk-in pit maintenance bay is a quick and easy setup where the bus operator just drives over it. The operating/upkeep costs once the pit is installed are minimal. It is also possible to have more than one bus on the pit at a time depending on the length of the vehicles and the pit. Work can be completed both above and below the bus at the same time. The disadvantages are that the walk-in pit is a fixed depth, meaning maintenance techs of different height may not be able to work in an ergonomic position or will need to use step stools or ladders. These pits also require lighting systems placed along the entire length of the walls to provide adequate light, and ventilation to prevent buildup of heavier than air gases. Walk-in pits also do not have a set stopping point to keep a bus from parking over the stairs, which are located at the end of the pit. When this occurs, it can prevent a technician from exiting the pit during an emergency.


Like the walk-in pit, duck-under pits have a quick and easy setup, above and below bus simultaneous access, and minimal operating costs once the pit is installed. However, duck-under pits have a more advanced design than the walk-in pit, giving technicians access through two entrance and exit points on the side of the pit rather than just one at the end. This makes it safer for the technician to exit in case of an emergency. But duck-under pits still require ventilation for possible buildup of gasses,

functional equipment like stools and ladders to accommodate technicians of different heights, and adequate lighting for the entire length of the pit.


The lower level work area (LLWA) concept provides some great improvements over the walk-in and duck-under pits by providing a code-compliant “basement area” equipped with a mobile lift work platform. Technicians can adjust the position and height of the work platform for their comfort, meaning shorter employees do not have to balance on buckets or stepstools to

reach their work areas, and taller employees do not have to strain their necks, backs, and knees trying to reach their tasks. Instead, they can each adjust the platform to a proper height for a safe working environment. This enables a technician of any height to work on any area beneath a low floor or standard floor bus. Lighting is attached to the lift and travels with the technician to ensure that the work area is always well lit, alleviating the need for extensive, full-pit-length lighting systems. Maintenance

Design Group (MDG) developed this concept and worked with the manufacturer to design the mobile lift work platform.

At the end of the day, budget often drives the design of PM/inspection bays. Walk-in and duck-under pits are often the first option. With proper ventilation, netting, stepping stools, and lighting these inspection pits can get the job done and give a long service life with minimal maintenance. Other options, like the LLWA, give agencies alternatives which may provide more lasting benefits like higher employee satisfaction and safer, more ergonomic work conditions.

Ken Booth, Mountain Region manager for Maintenance Design Group (Denver, Houston, Baltimore, Los Angeles) – a recognized leader in bus maintenance facility design – has worked with transit agencies throughout the US and Canada to plan and design their facilities. To learn more about MDG’s capabilities and to gain valuable insights and information, please visit

A lower level work area (LLWA) concept provides some great improvements over walk-in and duck-under pits.

MaintenanceFacility Design

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Polyurea coating - Could it save your wash bay?

By Mark Ellis and Justin Tripp

The use of polyurea coatings in maintenance facilities has been increasing in popularity for the past decade, although their use in automotive and facility applications has been around for nearly 30 years. Traditionally, polyurea coatings have been used to line the inside of truck beds to protect the underlying metal from weather and other corrosive elements, and to provide for easier clean up. This principle also applies when polyurea coatings are used on wash bay floors and walls in maintenance facilities. Not only does the coating protect the underlying floors and walls, but it also allows for ease of cleaning these surfaces.

What is polyurea?Polyurea is a chemical mixture of an isocyanate compound

and a resin blend. When these two chemicals are mixed and introduced to compressed air, they form a hardened rubber-like compound that, when applied correctly and dried, forms a completely sealed coating that is impervious and easy to clean.

How is it applied?The most common way to apply a polyurea coating to a surface

is by spraying it with special equipment. The preferred method to quickly cover large areas like wash bays is by using a machine that draws the chemicals from two separate drums into a paint-like sprayer. Since the chemicals come from bulk supply drums, it expedites the coating process. Also, this application machine has a control panel that adjusts the speed of the chemical mix along with how much air is being released. This helps deliver the coating in a consistent even layer.

What are the benefits?

Paint, epoxy and other coatings are the traditional ways to protect surfaces in harsh wash and maintenance facility areas. However, when these coatings are used in a wash bay or a maintenance pit where they are exposed to grease, dirt and moisture, they begin to lose their protective qualities. Paint begins to fade and flake away over time and with repetitive exposure to a pressure washer. Paint also scratches and releases very easily, exposing the underlying surface to moisture and contaminants.

Polyurea coatings, unlike traditional paints and coatings, hold up against abrasion, corrosion, pressure washing and temperature changes. In addition to protecting the surface, polyurea also strengthens the structure because it is a solid coating across the entire area without gaps or end points. The material is somewhat flexible and allows for expansion and contraction with weather changes, and it completely seals

so no moisture will penetrate through to the surface that is being protected. Polyurea coatings also protect against many chemicals that can pass through paint. As for cleaning, grease and dirt are easily washed away with a pressure washer, leaving the coating completely intact. As is popular with paint, polyurea coating can be dyed to match the preferred wall and floor color scheme in a facility.

What is the downside?While there are many upsides to using polyurea coatings on

wash bay surfaces, it is not the cheapest option. On average, 1/8-inch polyurea coating in basic black costs about $2.50 per square foot for the material, not including the application labor. Thicker application coating and custom colors will increase the price.

Applying the coating is also not as easy as rolling paint on the walls. There are necessary personal safety equipment requirements including using a full breathing mask and a protective jump suit to be worn during application. Overspray on surrounding surfaces can also be a problem, so surrounding areas that are not being coated must be completely covered and sealed with plastic to protect them from overspray.

Overall, polyurea coatings are a good investment for your wash bays and other harsh maintenance environments because of the long lasting protection they give to the building surfaces and structure and the ease of cleaning. Polyurea coatings also are impervious to moisture and most chemical damage and can withstand both physical and environmental trauma. In addition, the ability to customize the color adds a professional touch that will last the life of the facility with limited upkeep or maintenance.

Mark Ellis, central region manager, and Justin Tripp, facility designer for Maintenance Design Group have worked with transit agencies throughout the U.S. to plan and design their bus maintenance facilities. To learn more about MDG’s capabilities and to gain valuable insights and information, please visit

Polyurea coatings hold up against abrasion, corrosion, pressure washing and temperature changes.

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MaintenanceFacility Design

Giving bus maintenance a lift

By Ken Booth

Selecting the type of lift needed for a bus maintenance facility depends on many factors. What is the type, weight wheelbase, and number of axles on the bus being maintained? What types of maintenance tasks will be performed? How much space is available in the bays? Is the lift going into a new or existing facility? How much flexibility is needed? What’s the budget? Once you have the answers to these questions, you can begin to compare the three basic heavy-duty lifting systems described below.

Axle/frame engaging liftsAxle/frame engaging lifts are extremely useful

in bus maintenance operations as they allow unobstructed access to all wheel areas and any component or system under a bus. The modern design allows simplified controls to position the lifting units to multiple preprogrammed vehicle wheel-bases.

Within this style of in-ground hydraulic/mechanical lift there are two basic types, both featuring an axle-engaging, fixed rear lifting unit with movable front and/or middle lifting units and an above-ground control console. One type has a scissor actuating mechanism that is completely removable and re-locatable and can be installed in an ultra-shallow 34–inch-deep concrete containment pit below the finished floor. The other type has a multi-stage cylinder requiring a 72–inch-deep containment enclosure design.

Axle/frame engaging lifts are one of the more expensive types of lifts and require multiple adaptors to lift a mixed fleet of vehicles. They may require three lifting units if a vehicle has three axles. Also, a drain with an oil/water separator is typically required to evacuate any water that enters the lift containment box.

Platform liftsPlatform lifts are great for quickly lifting buses to perform

inspections, oil changes and other fast service maintenance functions. These lifts are an alternative to installing a lower level work area as they can be flush mounted directly to the shop floor. They are the only suitable lift for use in a wash bay if properly treated with water resistant coatings. These lifts can also be used in conjunction with alignment systems.

There are three types of platform lifts. The first operates in a vertical motion and can be installed on the floor surface or

flush mounted with the floor. The second, a parallelogram lift, has a pantograph motion that moves both vertically and horizontally as the lift raises. These lifts require a 16–inch-deep recessed concrete floor. The third type is a four-post lift that is surface mounted directly to the shop floor and requires ramps to access the platforms.

Platform lifts have capacities ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 pounds and can accommodate vehicles with a wheel base up to 46 feet long. The lifts engage a vehicle at the tires, and can include a 32,000 pound jacking beam to lift the tires off the ramp.

Platform lifts are expensive to install and the ramps impede access to some areas of the

vehicle. Also, if surface mounted, the lift will require drive-on ramps of 8 to 10 feet necessitating a longer bay. Recessed lifts leave a void in the floor in which tools or other items can fall, however, pit covers are available to remedy this on some models.

Mobile liftsMobile lifts are the most flexible of the three types of heavy-

duty lifts. These lifts can be used in multiple bays if used in conjunction with mobile jack-stands, and can accommodate any vehicle wheelbase length. They are the easiest to install as they just plug in, and they don’t require any foundation mounting or pits. This type of lift is ideal for installation in an existing shop or for agencies with tight equipment budgets.

The mobile lift engages the vehicle at the tires and requires a lifting column at each of the vehicle’s wheels. If lifting an articulated bus, a total of six columns is required. Each column has a typical minimum lifting capacity of 18,000 pounds and a lifting height of 70 inches. The lifts have the option of battery operated and/or wireless communication between the columns permitting safe, synchronized lifting. The lifts can be moved to another bay if portable jack stands are used.

Mobile lifts require a longer set up time when lifting a vehicle, occupy more floor area and may require additional storage space. They also impede maintenance around the wheel area of the vehicle.

Ken Booth, Mountain Region manager for Maintenance Design Group (MDG) has worked with transit agencies throughout the US and Canada to plan and design their bus maintenance facilities. To learn more about MDG’s capabilities and to gain valuable insights and information, please visit

Platform lifts can be flush mounted to the shop floor.

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Keeping your buses clean - vacuum systems

By Jared Weismantel

Part of servicing a bus fleet means regular vacuuming to keep buses clean for passengers and to extend the useful life of the interior surfaces. The larger the fleet, the more variables that enter into the decision of selecting the best vacuum system for an agency. Considerations include length of service cycle, number of vehicles, type of vehicles, cleaning staff, and stationing of the vacuum system.

There are three main types of commercial vacuum systems for keeping bus fleets clean. Here we will explore them briefly, along with some of the pros and cons of each.

Canister-type vacuum The canister-type vacuum is a small, contained unit located on

the service island with a typical maximum hose length of 25 feet and is similar to those found at gas stations. Dust and dirt from the bus floor is swept toward the bus doors, then the canister vacuum is used to extract the dust and dirt. While relatively inexpensive and requiring only a small amount of space on a service island or housekeeping pad, the small size means that the canister needs to be emptied frequently to a nearby trash receptacle. Also, the short hose length does not allow for full- bus vacuuming. This system can be appropriate for smaller fleets with limited service island space and service budgets. Another advantage is the ability to quickly service and replace an entire canister if necessary.

Central vacuum systemHoused on the central service island, a central vacuum system

requires the service tech to simply unwind the vacuum hose and walk, unencumbered, the entire length of the bus to extract dust and dirt with the vacuum. While one of the quickest, easiest, and best for the health and safety of the technician, the central vacuum system has some drawbacks, the first being price. Equipment alone is nearly 10 times more costly than a canister-type vacuum system. In addition, the service island requires a minimum of 300 square feet for the vacuum equipment plus additional space for the vacuum hose reel. This system also has significant energy demands, and as a single system, if it is down for service, all stations are unavailable. Also, because the hose traverses the whole bus, it can rub against doors and seats resulting in wear and tear and possible damage to the vacuum hoses, bus doors, and the seats over time.

Bellows systemThe bellows system involves aligning the bus door with the

bellows on the service island. The tech, wearing protective eye, ear and breathing apparatus enters the bus and uses compressed air to blow dust and dirt towards the bellows. In addition to cost and space required on the service island for the bellows equipment, this system has some other drawbacks. Technicians are required to work within the vortex of the vacuum and need extra time to put on effective health and safety gear. As dust and dirt is blown towards the bellows, some of it ends up on the bus seats as well as potentially in the electronics of the dashboard, farebox, destination sign, etc. The bellows system also requires wider service islands to fit the equipment. The equipment may require frequent and sometimes costly service or repair.

As with any piece of service or maintenance equipment, each agency needs to carefully evaluate a number of factors before making a purchase decision. In addition to cost, service time, facility size and layout, as health and welfare of employees all need to be considered.

Jared Weismantel is a facility designer with Maintenance Design Group. He has worked with transit agencies throughout the U.S. to help plan and design their bus maintenance facilities. To learn more about MDG’s capabilities and to gain valuable insights and information, please visit

Central vacuum system, Springfield, MO.

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MaintenanceFacility Design

Tire storage solutions for maintenance facilitiesBy James Bond III

A bus maintenance facility is not complete without a tire shop. With the tire shop comes the need to efficiently store tires for easy access and retrieval. While the optimum solution is to store the majority of the inventory at the tire supplier’s warehouse and have them delivered on a regular basis, there will still be a need to have tire storage on hand to accommodate emergency tire replacement.

There are several solutions to tire storage, ranging from sophisticated mechanical systems to custom-fabricated storage racks. While each has its advantages, selection usually depends on the agency’s budget, space needs and number of buses that need to be supported. It is important to note that local fire codes dictate how many tires can be stored in one room. Sometimes the number of tires stored may be increased if there are increased fire protection measures. Some fire codes also dictate how high the tires can be stored.

Tire carouselTire carousel storage systems are one of the more advanced

ways to store and organize tires. They can be operated with

Tire carousel storage systems are one of the more advanced ways to store and organize tires.

minimal effort by one person for easy tire retrieval. The technician simply rotates the carrier frames, locates the desired set of tires, stops at the proper position, and then removes the tires safely and efficiently at ground level, all at the touch of a button. In addition to increased efficiency, the system reduces the risk of injuries by letting the machine do the lifting.

Tire carousels are a very efficient type of storage system, requiring minimal floor space. The small footprint of the carousel takes advantage of vertical space instead of floor space. They are also available in lockable, weatherproof models for placement outside. The tire carousel enables the agency to keep an accurate count of inventory since all tires are visible, and in one place.

There are a few downsides to tire carousels. As an automated piece of equipment, they require periodic maintenance. This means tires are not accessible during repairs or if the power is out. As with any equipment with moving parts, safety protocol is necessary to prevent injuries while the machine is in motion.

Fabricated tire racksFabricated racks are an economical, durable and low

maintenance tire storage option. They can be custom made to meet specific needs for storage capacity, space availability, and room configuration. They can be built vertically up to three tiers high for increased capacity. However, fabricated tire racks require additional equipment, such as a fork lift or pallet jack, for tire retrieval. This presents the potential for injuries due to dropped tires during the retrieval process. Depending on configuration, the racks can take up significant floor space, and racks need to be anchored in place to a wall.

Stacking tire racksStacking tire racks allow for vertical storage of entire racks

of tires rather than just individual tires, producing time savings when moving large quantities of tires at one time. The racks can be stacked as high as needed, taking advantage of the vertical volume in a shop and freeing up floor space. The stacks also make it easy and efficient to move a whole rack of tires for shipment or relocation within the shop, rather than moving tires individually.

A fork lift is necessary for retrieval and relocation of racks. Tire retrieval from higher levels of the stacking racks can pose hazards, especially if the racks are stacked full or without much room to maneuver. Because of the stacked configuration, bottom tires can get a flat spot if stored for too long.

The tire shop is an important aspect of a successful bus maintenance operation. This makes a safe and efficient tire storage solution essential. While individual agency requirements and local fire code will inform your decision, it is important to perform due diligence to make sure the selected system provides the best benefits for your agency.

James Bond III is a senior facility designer with Maintenance Design Group. He has worked with transit agencies throughout the US to help plan and design their bus maintenance facilities. To learn more about MDG’s capabilities and to gain valuable insights and information, please visit

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Multistory bus operations and maintenance facilitiesBy Jon Holler

Site selection for a bus operations and maintenance facility is often governed by available parcels relative to routes or other facilities in the system. These criteria often result in less than favorable site conditions for configuring an efficient and functional building. In some situations, the most viable option is a multistory facility. This type of configuration has a number of benefits, but also introduces some drawbacks to a conventional facility where all bus operations and maintenance occur on one, at-grade level.

While there are many different ways to configure the program spaces in a multistory facility, there are pros and cons to consider for each type of space located on an upper level. This analysis starts with identifying the least flexible spaces for ground level location, then works down to those spaces that have more flexibility for fitting elsewhere in the building program.

Maintenance bays require efficient, safe circulation, simple organization of support spaces, and robust infrastructure to support functional activities. These high bay spaces need ample daylighting and task lighting, dedicated ventilation, integrated process piping, and durable heavy duty construction. They have the least flexibility in configuration and placement, and the need for lifts or lower level work areas significantly limits what can be put both above and below this space. In addition, moisture, thermal and acoustical impacts of maintenance functions greatly restrict any occupied spaces that could be located below.

Fuel, fare and wash can more easily be located on structured levels, though consideration for circulation, waterproofing, drainage and spill containment needs to be addressed. Fueling on upper levels brings in more costly fire protection and piping measures, while fare retrieval is more easily accommodated with little or no changes. It is not advisable to have bus queuing on a ramp, for these functions.

Bus storage requires extensive building or site area and circulation space. Because buses require more vertical space, careful consideration is needed for storage on lower structure levels. Clear, direct

and uninterrupted access from service functions is important and can be well suited to upper level locations. Storage space has significant fluctuation in use and performance with the space nearly empty during the day and nearly full overnight. A rooftop location can be good solution, as it mitigates ventilation and lighting requirements since most activity takes place during daylight hours.

Car parking is a flexible program space that can be located on multiple levels throughout a structure. It can be stretched out lineally without significant losses in functional efficiency, and can be partially day lit and naturally ventilated, even on levels other than the rooftop. Also, it functions in lower floor to floor heights than what would be required for buses.

Administration space can fit into more flexible locations within the facility and can work around existing structures as necessary. Daylighting strategies can still be effective even on a second level

Bus operations spaces such as dispatch and drivers’ rooms can be located on the same upper level as bus storage, and still be efficient. If ground level dispatch is preferred, it should be connected via vertical circulation with the bus operations spaces above.

Each solution for bus operations and maintenance is unique. When faced with a limited site, a multistory facility can be a viable option, but requires careful analysis of program and work flow for maximum safety, efficiency and productivity.

Jon Holler is a senior facility design manager and the Southeast regional manager with Maintenance Design Group. He has worked with transit agencies throughout the US to help plan and design their bus maintenance facilities. To learn more about MDG’s capabilities and to gain valuable insights and information, please visit

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MaintenanceFacility Design

By Mark Ellis

Considering a new bus maintenance facility? The highest impact decisions you make may be related to the bus repair bay.

A well-designed bus repair bay enhances your operation and the effectiveness and efficiency of your maintenance technicians. As such, your design professionals need to consider the types of buses maintained and the level and type of maintenance performed. Design criteria should document the following parameters and elements for a safe, effective, and efficient work area.

Bay size. Though it may seem basic, getting this right can mean the difference between a functional facility and a constant headache. When sizing your bus repair bay, consider the following:

• Bay width: Bays need adequate work clearance around the entire bus – and that includes the sides. Too often, width is compromised during design, resulting in a bay that can’t accommodate basic equipment movement, portable lifts, or rooftop access ladders. The typical standard for bay width, (considering most buses are 8 feet, 6 inches wide) is 20 feet. This provides 5 feet, 9 inches of space on each side of the bus, or 11 feet, 6 inches between buses in adjacent bays. Keep the space between bays clear. Clutter can significantly hinder workspace effectiveness. Place dedicated portable equipment storage areas throughout the facility to eliminate clutter.

• Bay length: You need safe and adequate circulation space around the front of the bus. But bay length is actually determined more by the back of the bus, depending on how you access the bay. Most fixed route transit buses, over-the-road commuter buses, and tour coaches feature a rear engine. To accommodate engine compartment access for bus technicians, most modern bus maintenance facilities are configured using a “back-in” philosophy. With tools like back-up floor graphics and lift spotting dishes, backing into a repair bay is safe and effective. Pulling a bus out, with a 180-degree view of exterior traffic patterns, is safer than backing out blind for up to 40 feet. When a back-in philosophy is used, generally accepted bay length standards call for 5 feet between the overhead door and the front of the bus and another 10 feet at the rear. These standards yield a bay that’s 55 feet long for a 40-foot bus and 60 feet long for a 45-foot bus. If your fleet includes 60-foot articulated buses, your bay length will increase to 75 feet.

• Overhead clearance: Overhead clearance contributes greatly to both immediate and long-term effectiveness. Bus

lifts are mandatory in most bus maintenance operations. All lifting systems (in-ground, platform, and mobile lift columns) require adequate clearance with no overhead obstructions. If a bus repair bay lacks the proper overhead clearance, you may not be able to lift the bus. A typical overhead clearance standard for modern bus maintenance facilities is 19 feet, determined by adding three factors together:• 11 feet - the average height of a commuter coach • 6 feet - the average lifting height of most heavy-duty bus

lift systems • 2 feet - the clearance between the top of the bus and building

structure, ducts, lights, etc.

Functional column placement: Placement of structural columns during design can help you achieve the best repair bay configuration. For instance, you can functionally place columns between every bay, 6 feet, 6 inches from the central aisle. The columns can support lubrication reel banks and vehicle exhaust reels above while providing a perfect location for workbenches and convenient access to compressed air and electrical outlets below.

Today’s design professionals can incorporate your fleet data to show the bay configuration and clearances in a three-dimensional computer model. With this, you can confidently place functional support systems, like overhead lubrication distribution system reels, vehicle exhaust reels, lighting, and heating systems.

The proper bay configuration, clearances, and equipment will help determine the size of your facility and the ultimate effectiveness of your bus repair area. Taking the time to think through these elements, along with the functional adjacencies to the surrounding support spaces, will pay off in creating a facility that works for you.

Mark Ellis, central region manager and senior facility design manager for Maintenance Design Group, has worked with transit agencies throughout the U.S. to plan and design their bus maintenance facilities. To learn more about MDG’s capabilities and to gain valuable insights and information, please visit

When sizing a bus repair bay, consider bay width, bay length and overhead clearance.

Best repair bay configuration