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  • 8/18/2019 Main Final Document To Be printed (1).docx






    in partial fulfilment for the award of the degreeof



    by B.HARISH (13505A0402) D.SURESH (12501A0423)K.SUBRAHMANYAM (13505A0412) B.NAVEEN KUMAR (12501A0407)

    Under the Guidance ! D . C!. GANGADHAR" M.T#$!" %!.D."

    Associate Professor


    %RASAD V. %OTLURI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(Affiliated to JNTUK: Kakinada, Approved by AICTE(Accredited by N!A " NAAC and I#$ Certified Instit%tion

    Kan%r%, &i'aya ada)*+ -.2015-2016


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    T/is is to certify t/at t/is pro'ect report entitled 'SIMULATION OF SOFT ARE DEFINED

    RADIO FOR OFDM TRANSCEIVERS IN VHDL is a bonafide ork 'ointly done by


    .NAVEEN KUMAR(12501A0407) carried o%t %nder 0y 1%idance and s%pervision and is

    s%b0itted in partial f%lfil0ent of t/e re2%ire0ents for t/e a ard of t/e de1ree of !ac/elor of

    Tec/nolo1y in E3ECT4$NIC# AN5 C$66UNICATI$N EN7INEE4IN7 by Ja a/arlal

    Ne/r% Tec/nolo1ical University Kakinada, d%rin1 t/e acade0ic year2015*201+.

    S,- / # !# G , # S,- / # !# HOD

    (D .C!.G/ -/ !/ " M.T#$!" %!.D.) (D .%.R/ #6! K / " M.E" %!.D.)

    Associate Professor Professor and 8$5


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    9irst and fore0ost e sincerely sal%te o%r estee0ed instit%tion%RASAD V. %OTLURISIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY for 1ivin1 t/is 1olden opport%nity for f%lfillin1 o%r ar0 drea0s of beco0in1 an en1ineer.

    e /ereby e;press sincere 1ratit%de to o%r principalD . K.SIVA8I BABU" 6.TEC8,

    P/.5. /o /as rendered %s /is constant enco%ra1e0ent and val%able s%11estions in 0akin1 o%r pro'ect ork s%ccessf%l.

    e are also t/ankf%l to o%r 8ead of t/e 5epart0entD . %. R/ #6! K / " 6.E, andP/.5. for /is constant enco%ra1e0ent and val%able s%pport t/ro%1/o%t t/e co%rse of o%r pro'ect


    e are 1lad to e;press deep sense of 1ratit%de toM . C!. G/ -/ !/ " 6.Tec/, P/.5.,Associate Professor, o%r 1%ide for /is 1%idance and co)operation in co0pletin1 t/is pro'ectreport s%ccessf%lly.

    e t/ank one and all /o /ave rendered /elp directly or indirectly in t/e co0pletion of pro'ect ork s%ccessf%lly.

    % #$ A66 $,/ #69

    !.8A4I#8 ( +

    5.#U4E#8 (

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    Orth " na# Fre$uenc% Di&i'i n Mu#ti(#e)in" *OFDM+ i' a tran',i''i ntechni$ue -hich en'ure' e.cient uti#i/ati n ! the '(ectru, 0% a## -in" &er#a( ! carrier'1 OFDM i' a c ,0inati n ! , du#ati n and ,u#ti(#e)in" that i' u'ed in the

    tran',i''i n ! in! r,ati n and data1 C ,(ared -ith the ther -ire#e''tran',i''i n techni$ue' #i2e Fre$uenc% Di&i'i n Mu#ti(#e Acce'' *FDMA+3 C deDi&i'i n Mu#ti(#e Acce'' *CDMA+3 OFDM ha' nu,er u' ad&anta"e' #i2e hi"h '(ectra#den'it%3 it' r 0u'tne'' t channe# !adin"3 it' a0i#it% t &erc ,e 'e&era# radii,(air,ent !act r' 'uch a' e4ect ! AWGN3 i,(u#'e n i'e3 ,u#ti(ath !adin"3 etc1Due t thi' it 5nd' -ide a((#icati n in Di"ita# Audi 6r adca'tin" *DA6+3 Di"ita#Vide 6r adca'tin" *DV6+3 and Wire#e'' LAN1 M 't ! the -ire#e'' LAN 'tandard' #i2eIEEE 7891::a r IEEE 7891::" u'e the OFDM a' the ,ain ,u#ti(#e)in" 'che,e ! r0etter u'e ! '(ectru,1 In !act in the ;G te#ec ,,unicati n '%'te, OFDMA i' the0ac20 ne ! it1

    Thi' (r

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    S.NoS.No TopicTopic Page No.Pa ge No.

    1. Chapter – 1




    1.1 hat i!


    & 1.2 #ata on O"#$……………………………………………….....................





    1.' +ac,


    5 1.5 $u tip e cce!! Techni/ue!…………………………………...............

    1.5.1 "#$ "re/uenc #i*i!ion $u tip e cce!!e!3


    1.5.2 T#$ Ti4e #i*i!ion $u tip e cce!!3


    1.5.& C#$ Code #i*i!ion $u tip e cce!!3

    ………………......... 1.5.&.1C#$

    7eneration………………………………….......... 10

    2. Chapter – 2

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    8iterature 9e*ie:…………………………………………..........................


    &. Chapter – &

    &.1 Theor ; 9e!earch Introduction……………………………..............


    &.2 O"#$

    Princip e!………………………………………………....................


    &.& "ourier


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    &. ""T ;



    &.10 dding a 7uard Period o<

    O"#$……………………………............. 2'

    4. C!/: # ; 4

    '.1 I4p e4entation o< O"#$

    S !te4……………………………............ 2

    '.2 O"#$ $ode

    @!ed…………………………………………….................. 2 '.2.1 Serie! To Para e

    con*er!ion…………………………….......... 2

    '.2.2 $odu ation o<

    #ata………………………………………............. 2

    '.2.& In*er!e "ourier


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    S nchroniBation…………………………………………................


    '.'.& Co-channe


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    +i( iograph ……………………………………………………………..............................

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    1.1 T / , , /< =,#> #$#,=, - 6,- /, # @ +1.5 FDMA 6! >, - !/ !# #/$! / > / ,6 /!# # #/$! 6# ,6 /!,$! ,6

    !/< / $?$

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    3.1 %SK 6? < / 6 ,66, / 6 $$#66,=# :!/6# 6!, 23'.1 C

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    C!/: #


    4ecently, a orld ide conver1ence /as occ%rred for t/e %se ofOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ($956 as an e0er1in1 tec/nolo1y for /i1/ data rates. In partic%lar, 0any irelessstandards ( i)6a;, IEEE@ +.

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    1.1 !/ ,6 OFDM

    $956 is a for0 of 0%lticarrier 0od%lation. An $956 si1nal consists of a n%0ber of closelyspaced 0od%lated carriers. /en 0od%lation of any for0 ) voice, data, etc. is applied to a carrier, t/ensidebands spread o%t eit/er side. It is necessary for a receiver to be able to receive t/e /ole si1nal to be

    able to s%ccessf%lly de0od%late t/e data. As a res%lt /en si1nals are trans0itted close to one anot/er t/ey 0%st be spaced so t/at t/e receiver can separate t/e0 %sin1 a filter and t/ere 0%st be a 1%ard band bet een t/e0. T/is is not t/e case it/ $956. Alt/o%1/ t/e sidebands fro0 eac/ carrier overlap, t/eycan still be received it/o%t t/e interference t/at 0i1/t be e;pected beca%se t/ey are ort/o1onal to eac/anot/er. T/is is ac/ieved by /avin1 t/e carrier spacin1 e2%al to t/e reciprocal of t/e sy0bol period.

    Fig1.1: Traditional view of receiving signals carrying modulationTo see /o $956 orks, it is necessary to look at t/e receiver. T/is acts as a bank of

    de0od%lators, translatin1 eac/ carrier do n to 5C. T/e res%ltin1 si1nal is inte1rated over t/e sy0bol period to re1enerate t/e data fro0 t/at carrier. T/e sa0e de0od%lator also de0od%lates t/e ot/er carriers.As t/e carrier spacin1 e2%al to t/e reciprocal of t/e sy0bol period 0eans t/at t/ey ill /ave a /olen%0ber of cycles in t/e sy0bol period and t/eir contrib%tion ill s%0 to ero ) in ot/er ords t/ere is nointerference contrib%tion.

    Figure1.2: OFDM Spectrum$ne re2%ire0ent of t/e $956 trans0ittin1 and receivin1 syste0s is t/at t/ey 0%st be linear.

    Any non)linearity ill ca%se interference bet een t/e carriers as a res%lt of inter)0od%lation distortion.

    T/is ill introd%ce %n anted si1nals t/at o%ld ca%se interference and i0pair t/e ort/o1onality of t/etrans0ission.

    In ter0s of t/e e2%ip0ent to be %sed t/e /i1/ peak to avera1e ratio of 0%lti)carrier syste0s s%c/as $956 re2%ires t/e 49 final a0plifier on t/e o%tp%t of t/e trans0itter to be able to /andle t/e peaks

    /ilst t/e avera1e po er is 0%c/ lo er and t/is leads to inefficiency. In so0e syste0s t/e peaks areli0ited. Alt/o%1/ t/is introd%ces distortion t/at res%lts in a /i1/er level of data errors, t/e syste0 can relyon t/e error correction to re0ove t/e0.


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    1.2 D/ / OFDM

    T/e data to be trans0itted on an $956 si1nal is spread across t/e carriers of t/e si1nal, eac/carrier takin1 part of t/e payload. T/is red%ces t/e data rate taken by eac/ carrier. T/e lo er data rate /ast/e advanta1e t/at interference fro0 reflections is 0%c/ less critical. T/is is ac/ieved by addin1 a 1%ard

    band ti0e or 1%ard interval into t/e syste0. T/is ens%res t/at t/e data is only sa0pled /en t/e si1nal isstable and no ne delayed si1nals arrive t/at o%ld alter t/e ti0in1 and p/ase of t/e si1nal.

    Figure1.3: uard !ntervalT/e distrib%tion of t/e data across a lar1e n%0ber of carriers in t/e $956 si1nal /as so0e

    f%rt/er advanta1es. N%lls ca%sed by 0%lti)pat/ effects or interference on a 1iven fre2%ency only affect as0all n%0ber of t/e carriers, t/e re0ainin1 ones bein1 received correctly. !y %sin1 error)codin1tec/ni2%es, /ic/ does 0ean addin1 f%rt/er data to t/e trans0itted si1nal, it enables 0any or all of t/ecorr%pted data to be reconstr%cted it/in t/e receiver. T/is can be done beca%se t/e error correction codeis trans0itted in a different part of t/e si1nal.

    Initial proposals for $956 ere 0ade in t/e B s and t/e - s. It /as taken 0ore t/an a 2%arter of a cent%ry for t/is tec/nolo1y to 0ove fro0 t/e researc/ do0ain to t/e ind%stry. T/e concept of $956 is2%ite si0ple b%t t/e practicality of i0ple0entin1 it /as 0any co0ple;ities. #o, it is a f%lly soft are pro'ect.

    $956 depends on $rt/o1onality principle. $rt/o1onality 0eans, it allo s t/e s%b carriers,/ic/ are ort/o1onal to eac/ ot/er, 0eanin1 t/at cross talk bet een co)c/annels is eli0inated and inter)

    carrier 1%ard bands are not re2%ired. T/is 1reatly si0plifies t/e desi1n of bot/ t/e trans0itter andreceiver, %nlike conventional 956 a separate filter for eac/ s%b c/annel is not re2%ired.

    $rt/o1onal 9re2%ency 5ivision 6%ltiple;in1 ($956 is a di1ital 0%lti carrier 0od%lationsc/e0e, /ic/ %ses a lar1e n%0ber of closely spaced ort/o1onal s%b)carriers. A sin1le strea0 of data is

    split into parallel strea0s eac/ of /ic/ is coded and 0od%lated on to a s%bcarrier, a ter0 co00only %sedin $956 syste0s.

    Eac/ s%b)carrier is 0od%lated it/ a conventional 0od%lation sc/e0e (s%c/ as 2%adrat%rea0plit%de 0od%lation at a lo sy0bol rate, 0aintainin1 data rates si0ilar to conventional sin1le carrier 0od%lation sc/e0es in t/e sa0e band idt/. T/%s t/e /i1/ bit rates seen before on a sin1le carrier isred%ced to lo er bit rates on t/e s%bcarrier.


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    In practice, $956 si1nals are 1enerated and detected %sin1 t/e 9ast 9o%rier Transfor0al1orit/0. $956 /as developed into a pop%lar sc/e0e for ideband di1ital co00%nication, ireless as

    ell as copper ires.

    Act%ally, 956 syste0s /ave been co00on for 0any decades. 8o ever, in 956, t/e carriers areall independent of eac/ ot/er. T/ere is a 1%ard period in bet een t/e0 and no overlap /atsoever. T/is

    orks ell beca%se in 956 syste0 eac/ carrier carries data 0eant for a different %ser or application. 96radio is an 956 syste0. 956 syste0s are not ideal for /at e ant for ideband syste0s. Usin1 956

    o%ld aste too 0%c/ band idt/. T/is is /ere $956 0akes sense.

    In $956, s%bcarriers overlap. T/ey are ort/o1onal beca%se t/e peak of one s%bcarrier occ%rs/en ot/er s%bcarriers are at ero. T/is is ac/ieved by reali in1 all t/e s%bcarriers to1et/er %sin1 Inverse

    9ast 9o%rier Transfor0 (I99T . T/e de0od%lator at t/e receiver parallel c/annels fro0 an 99T block. Note t/at eac/ s%bcarrier can still be 0od%lated independently.

    #ince ort/o1onality is i0portant for $956 syste0s, sync/roni ation in fre2%ency and ti0e 0%st be e;tre0ely 1ood. $nce ort/o1onality is lost e e;perience , # *$/ ,# , # # # $# (ICI . T/is is t/einterference fro0 one s%bcarrier to anot/er. T/ere is anot/er reason for ICI. Addin1 t/e 1%ard ti0e it/no trans0ission ca%ses proble0s for I99T and 99T, /ic/ res%lts in ICI. A delayed version of ones%bcarrier can interfere it/ anot/er s%bcarrier in t/e ne;t sy0bol period. T/is is avoided by e;tendin1t/e sy0bol into t/e 1%ard period t/at precedes it. T/is is kno n as a$?$

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    T/e teleco00%nications ind%stry faces t/e proble0 of providin1 telep/one services to r%ralareas, /ere t/e c%sto0er base is s0all, b%t t/e cost of installin1 a ired p/one net ork is very /i1/. $ne0et/od of red%cin1 t/e /i1/ infrastr%ct%re cost of a ired syste0 is to %se a fi;ed ireless radio net ork.T/e proble0 it/ t/is is t/at for r%ral and %rban areas, lar1e cell si es are re2%ired to 1et s%fficientcovera1e.

    F,-.1.1 s/o s t/e evol%tion of c%rrent services and net orks to t/e ai0 of co0binin1 t/e0 into a%nified t/ird 1eneration net ork. 6any c%rrently separate syste0s and services s%c/ as radio pa1in1,cordless telep/ony, satellite p/ones and private radio syste0s for co0panies etc, ill be co0bined so t/atall t/ese services ill be provided by t/ird 1eneration teleco00%nications syste0s.

    F,-. 1.49 E= < , $ # # > @6 !# # -# # / , >, # @6.C%rrently 7lobal #yste0 for 6obile teleco00%nications (7#6 tec/nolo1y is bein1 applied to

    fi;ed ireless p/one syste0s in r%ral areas. 8o ever, 7#6 %ses ti0e division 0%ltiple access (T56A ,/ic/ /as a /i1/ sy0bol rate leadin1 to proble0s it/ 0%ltipat/ ca%sin1 inter)sy0bol interference.

    #everal tec/ni2%es are %nder consideration for t/e ne;t 1eneration of di1ital p/one syste0s, it/ t/e ai0of i0provin1 cell capacity, 0%ltipat/ i00%nity, and fle;ibility. T/ese incl%de C56A and $956. !ot/t/ese tec/ni2%es co%ld be applied to providin1 a fi;ed ireless syste0 for r%ral areas. 8o ever, eac/tec/ni2%e as different properties, 0akin1 it 0ore s%ited for specific applications.

    $956 is c%rrently bein1 %sed in several ne radio broadcast syste0s incl%din1 t/e proposal for

    /i1/ definition di1ital television (85T& and di1ital a%dio broadcastin1 (5A! . 8o ever, little researc//as been done into t/e %se of $956 as a trans0ission 0et/od for 0obile teleco00%nications syste0s.In C56A, all %sers trans0it in t/e sa0e broad fre2%ency band %sin1 speciali ed codes as a basis of c/anneli ation. !ot/ t/e base station and t/e 0obile station kno t/ese codes, /ic/ are %sed to0od%late t/e data sent. $956FC$956 allo s 0any %sers to trans0it in an allocated band, bys%bdividin1 t/e available band idt/ into 0any narro band idt/ carriers. Eac/ %ser is allocated severalcarriers in /ic/ to trans0it t/eir data.


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    T/e trans0ission is 1enerated in s%c/ a ay t/at t/e carriers %sed are ort/o1onal to one anot/er,t/%s allo in1 t/e0 to be packed to1et/er 0%c/ closer t/an standard fre2%ency division 0%ltiple;in1(956 . T/is leads to $956FC$956 providin1 a /i1/ spectral efficiency.

    $rt/o1onal 9re2%ency 5ivision 6%ltiple;in1 is a sc/e0e %sed in t/e area of /i1/)data)rate0obile ireless co00%nications s%c/ as cell%lar p/ones, satellite co00%nications and di1ital a%dio broadcastin1. T/is tec/ni2%e is 0ainly %tili ed to co0bat inter)sy0bol interference.

    1.5 M < ,:

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    F,-. 1.+ 9

    FDMA 6:#$ " >!# # !# /=/, / $!/ #

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    F,-. 1. TDMA FDMA !? , " 6! >, - !/ !# / >, ! ,6 6:

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    band idt/. Part (c s/o s t/e received si1nal. T/is consists of t/e re2%ired si1nal, pl%s back1ro%nd noise,and any interference fro0 ot/er C56A %sers or radio so%rces.

    T/e received si1nal is recovered by 0%ltiplyin1 t/e si1nal by t/e ori1inal spreadin1 code. T/is process ca%ses t/e anted received si1nal to be dispread back to t/e ori1inal trans0itted data. 8o ever,all ot/er si1nals, /ic/ are %ncorrelated to t/e PN spreadin1 code %sed, beco0e 0ore spread. T/e antedsi1nal in (d is t/en filtered re0ovin1 t/e ide spread interference and noise si1nals.

    F,-. 1.109 B/6,$ CDMA G# # / , . CDMA G# # / , CDMA G# # / , 9

    C56A is ac/ieved by 0od%latin1 t/e data si1nal by a pse%do rando0 noise se2%ence (PN code ,/ic/ /as a c/ip rate /i1/er t/an t/e bit rate of t/e data. T/e PN code se2%ence is a se2%ence of ones anderos (called c/ips , /ic/ alternate in a rando0 fas/ion. T/e data is 0od%lated by 0od%lar)+ addin1 t/e

    data it/ t/e PN code se2%ence. T/is can also be done by 0%ltiplyin1 t/e si1nals, provided t/e data andPN code is represented by < and )< instead of < and .F,-. 1.11 s/o s a basic C56A trans0itter.

    F,-. 1.11 S, :

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    C!/: #


    J< Jan)Jaap van de !eek , 6a1n%s #andell , Per $la !Hor'esson ,$n #ync/roni ation in $956 #yste0s

    Usin1 t/e Cyclic Prefi;, IEEE + B

    In t/is paper, e present a data)based 0et/od for si0%ltaneo%s 6a;i0%0 3ikeli/ood (63

    sy0bol ti0in1 and carrier)fre2%ency offset esti0ation in ort/o1onal fre2%ency)division 0%ltiple;in1

    ($956 syste0s. T/e cyclic e;tension, a 1%ard space precedin1 $956 fra0es, is of decisive i0portance

    for t/is 0et/od. It is s/o n t/at t/e red%ndancy introd%ced by t/is cyclic e;tension allo s t/e esti0ation

    to be perfor0ed it/o%t additional pilots. #i0%lations s/o t/at t/e perfor0ance of t/e fre2%ency

    esti0ator is %sable in a trackin1 0ode /ile t/e ti0in1 esti0ation can be %sed in an ac2%isition 0ode.

    In t/is paper e /ave presented a si0%ltaneo%s esti0ator of ti0in1 and fre2%ency offset in

    $956 syste0s, /ic/ doesn t need pilots b%t %ses t/e red%ndancy introd%ced by t/e cyclic e;tension. It

    is derived %nder t/e ass%0ption t/at t/e c/annel only consists of additive noise. #i0%lations s/o t/at in

    a dispersive fadin1 environ0ent t/e ti0in1 esti0ator can be %sed in an ac2%isition 0ode and t/e

    fre2%ency esti0ator 0ay perfor0 ell in a trackin1 0ode. In a ireless syste0, pilots are needed for

    c/annel esti0ation. T/ese kno n sy0bols can be %sed by t/e esti0ator and /ence f%rt/er increase t/e

    perfor0ance. 4es%ltin1 sync/roni ers 0ay be /ybrid str%ct%res %sin1 bot/ pilots and cyclic prefi;. 8o

    to incorporate pilot sy0bols in s%c/ ti0in1 and fre2%ency esti0ators is not strai1/tfor ard and needs

    f%rt/er researc/.

    + 8inda i P%blis/in1 Corporation

    EU4A#IP Jo%rnal on ireless Co00%nications and Net orkin1, C. illia0s, #. 6c3a%1/lin, and 6. A.!eac/ , 4ob%st $956 Ti0in1 #ync/roni ation in 6%ltipat/ C/annels , +< April + @

    T/is paper addresses pre)99T sync/roni ation for ort/o1onal fre2%ency division 0%ltiple; ($956%nder varyin1 0%ltipat/ conditions. To ens%re t/e 0ost efficient data trans0ission possible, t/ere s/o%ld be no constraints on /o 0%c/ of t/e cyclic prefi; (CP is occ%pied by inter sy0bol interference (I#I .8ere a sol%tion for ti0in1 sync/roni ation is proposed, t/at is, rob%st even /en t/e stron1est 0%ltipat/

    co0ponents are delayed relative to t/e first arrivin1 pat/s. In t/is sit%ation, e;istin1 0et/ods perfor0 poorly, /ereas t/e sol%tion proposed %ses t/e derivative of t/e correlation f%nction and is less sensitiveto t/e c/annel i0p%lse response. In t/is paper, sync/roni ation of a 5&! sin1le)fre2%ency net ork isinvesti1ated. A refine0ent is proposed t/at %ses /e%ristic r%les based on t/e 0a;i0a of t/e correlation andderivative f%nctions to f%rt/er red%ce t/e esti0ate variance.

    T/e tec/ni2%e /as relevance to broadcast, $956A, and 3AN applications, and si0%lations are presented /ic/ co0pare t/e 0et/od it/ e;istin1 approac/es. A ne 0%ltipat/)rob%st $956 ti0in1


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    esti0ation tec/ni2%e based on t/e derivative of t/e s%00ed correlation f%nction /as been proposed andt/e perfor0ance e;a0ined for t/e 5&!)T syste0. Even in t/e orst case considered of very s/ort CPs,t/e 0et/od /as s/o n to be s%perior to t/e peak detection 0et/od. In considerin1 co0ple;ity, t/esync/roni ation al1orit/0s are do0inated by t/e correlation calc%lation, and t/e additional n%0ber of 0%ltiplications of t/e derivative and 3# fittin1 are less t/an Jo%rnal of #i1nal and Infor0ation Processin1, + , +=BF'sip.+ =! +>, P%blis/ed $nline A%1%st +

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    %sin1 C se2%ence as prea0ble. #i0%lations in t/e 6AT3A! for an A 7N c/annel s/o t/at t/e proposed 0et/od ac/ieves s%perior perfor0ance to e;istin1 tec/ni2%es in ter0s of fre2%ency acc%racyand ran1e.

    T/e 0et/od %sin1 C se2%ence as prea0ble for 9re2%ency $ffset Esti0ator enlar1es t/e ran1e of

    esti0ation to O= of s%bcarrier spacin1 for $956 based 3AN syste0. T/e acc%racy of esti0ation /asi0proved /en co0pared to ot/er 0et/ods. Co0pared to ot/er data aided tec/ni2%es si0%lated in t/is

    paper like #c/0idl, 6inn, 4en for C9$ esti0ation, t/is 0et/od 1ives better acc%racy in t/e esti0ation of

    fre2%ency offset.

    * #%n et al. EU4A#IP Jo%rnal on ireless Co00%nications and Net orkin1 +

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    c/annel trans0ission. #ince t/is proved to be diffic%lt to acco0plis/ d%rin1 t/at ti0e period, t/e sc/e0eas dee0ed as not feasible.

    8o ever, t/e advent of t/e 9o%rier Transfor0 eli0inated t/e initial co0ple;ity of t/e $956sc/e0e /ere t/e /ar0onically related fre2%encies 1enerated by 9o%rier and Inverse 9o%rier transfor0sare %sed to i0ple0ent $956 syste0s. T/e 9o%rier transfor0 is %sed in linear syste0s analysis, antennast%dies, etc., T/e Fourier transform , in essence, deco0poses or separates a avefor0 or f%nction intosin%soids of different fre2%encies /ic/ s%0 to t/e ori1inal avefor0. It identifies or distin1%is/es t/edifferent fre2%ency sin%soids and t/eir respective a0plit%des.

    T/e 9o%rier transfor0 of f(x) is defined as:

    dxe x f F x jω ω −∞

    ∞−∫ ⋅= ((

    and its inverse is denoted by:

    ∫ ∞


    ⋅= ω ω π

    ω d e F x f x j(+<


    8o ever, t/e di1ital a1e forced a c/an1e %pon t/e traditional for0 of t/e 9o%rier transfor0 to enco0passt/e discrete val%es t/at e;ist is all di1ital syste0s. T/e 0odified series as called t/e 5iscrete 9o%rier Transfor0 (59T . T/e 59T of a discrete)ti0e syste0, x(n) is defined as:



    −⋅= Χ< +

    (( N


    n N jen x π

    < ≤ ≤ N

    and its associated inverse is denoted by:


    =⋅ Χ=

    < +


    ( N


    n N


    N n x


    < ≤ n ≤ N

    8o ever, in $956, anot/er for0 of t/e 59T is %sed, called t/e 9ast 9o%rier Transfor0 (99T ,/ic/ is a 59T al1orit/0 developed in +



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    3.4 O ! - /

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    $rt/o1onal 9re2%ency 5ivision 6%ltiple;in1 ($956 is a 0%lticarrier trans0ission tec/ni2%e, /ic/divides t/e available spectr%0 into 0any carriers, eac/ one bein1 0od%lated by a lo rate data strea0.$956 is si0ilar to 956A in t/at t/e 0%ltiple %ser access is ac/ieved by s%bdividin1 t/e available band idt/ into 0%ltiple c/annels t/at are t/en allocated to %sers.

    8o ever, $956 %ses t/e spectr%0 0%c/ 0ore efficiently by spacin1 t/e c/annels 0%c/ closer to1et/er. T/is is ac/ieved by 0akin1 all t/e carriers ort/o1onal to one anot/er, preventin1 interference bet een t/e closely spaced carriers.

    Coded $rt/o1onal 9re2%ency 5ivision 6%ltiple;in1 (C$956 is t/e sa0e as $956 e;cept t/atfor ard error correction is applied to t/e si1nal before trans0ission.

    T/is is to overco0e errors in t/e trans0ission d%e to lost carriers fro0 fre2%ency selective fadin1,c/annel noise and ot/er propa1ation effects. 9or t/is disc%ssion t/e ter0s $956 and C$956 are %sedinterc/an1eably, as t/e 0ain foc%s of t/is t/esis is on $956, b%t it is ass%0ed t/at any practical syste0

    ill %se for ard error correction, t/%s o%ld be C$956.

    In 956A eac/ %ser is typically allocated a sin1le c/annel, /ic/ is %sed to trans0it all t/e %ser infor0ation. T/e band idt/ of eac/ c/annel is typically < k8 )= k8 for voice co00%nications.8o ever, t/e 0ini0%0 re2%ired band idt/ for speec/ is only = k8 . T/e allocated band idt/ is 0ade

    ider t/an t/e 0ini0%0 a0o%nt re2%ired preventin1 c/annels fro0 interferin1 it/ one anot/er. T/ise;tra band idt/ is to allo for si1nals fro0 nei1/borin1 c/annels to be filtered o%t, and to allo for anydrift in t/e center fre2%ency of t/e trans0itter or receiver. In a typical syste0 %p to * L of t/e totalspectr%0 is asted d%e to t/e e;tra spacin1 bet een c/annels.

    T/is proble0 beco0es orse as t/e c/annel band idt/ beco0es narro er, and t/e fre2%ency band increases. 6ost di1ital p/one syste0s %se vocoders to co0press t/e di1iti ed speec/. T/is allo sfor an increased syste0 capacity d%e to a red%ction in t/e band idt/ re2%ired for eac/ %ser. C%rrentvocoders re2%ire a data rate so0e /ere bet een >)

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    in t/e 956A e;a0ple. !eca%se of t/is t/ere is no 1reat need for %sers to be ti0e 0%ltiple; as in T56A,t/%s t/ere is no over/ead associated it/ s itc/in1 bet een %sers. T/e ort/o1onality of t/e carriers0eans t/at eac/ carrier /as an inte1er n%0ber of cycles over a sy0bol period.

    5%e to t/is, t/e spectr%0 of eac/ carrier /as a n%ll at t/e center fre2%ency of eac/ of t/e ot/er carriers in t/e syste0. T/is res%lts in no interference bet een t/e carriers, allo in1 t/en to be spaced asclose as t/eoretically possible. T/is overco0es t/e proble0 of over/ead carrier spacin1 re2%ired in956A. Eac/ carrier in an $956 si1nal /as a very narro band idt/ (i.e. < k8 , t/%s t/e res%ltin1sy0bol rate is lo . T/is res%lts in t/e si1nal /avin1 a /i1/ tolerance to 0%ltipat/ delay spread, as t/edelay spread 0%st be very lon1 to ca%se si1nificant I#I (e.1. * %sec .

    3.7 OFDM -# # / , 93.7 OFDM -# # / , 9

    To 1enerate $956 s%ccessf%lly t/e relations/ip bet een all t/e carriers 0%st be caref%lly

    controlled to 0aintain t/e ort/o1onality of t/e carriers. 9or t/is reason, $956 is 1enerated by firstlyc/oosin1 t/e spectr%0 re2%ired, based on t/e inp%t data, and 0od%lation sc/e0e %sed. Eac/ carrier to be

    prod%ced is assi1ned so0e data to trans0it. T/e re2%ired a0plit%de and p/ase of t/e carrier is t/en

    calc%lated based on t/e 0od%lation sc/e0e (typically differential !P#K, P#K, or A6 .

    T/e re2%ired spectr%0 is t/en converted back to its ti0e do0ain si1nal %sin1 an Inverse 9o%rier Transfor0. In 0ost applications, an Inverse 9ast 9o%rier Transfor0 (I99T is %sed. T/e I99T perfor0st/e transfor0ation very efficiently, and provides a si0ple ay of ens%rin1 t/e carrier si1nals prod%ced areort/o1onal. T/e 9ast 9o%rier Transfor0 (99T transfor0s a cyclic ti0e do0ain si1nal into its e2%ivalentfre2%ency spectr%0. T/is is done by findin1 t/e e2%ivalent avefor0, 1enerated by a s%0 of ort/o1onalsin%soidal co0ponents. T/e a0plit%de and p/ase of t/e sin%soidal co0ponents represent t/e fre2%encyspectr%0 of t/e ti0e do0ain si1nal.

    . T/e I99T perfor0s t/e reverse process, transfor0in1 a spectr%0 (a0plit%de and p/ase of eac/co0ponent into a ti0e do0ain si1nal. An I99T converts a n%0ber of co0ple; data points, of len1t/,

    /ic/ is a po er of +, into t/e ti0e do0ain si1nal of t/e sa0e n%0ber of points. Eac/ data point infre2%ency spectr%0 %sed for an 99T or I99T is called a bin. T/e ort/o1onal carriers re2%ired for t/e$956 si1nal can be easily 1enerated by settin1 t/e a0plit%de and p/ase of eac/ bin, t/en perfor0in1 t/eI99T. #ince eac/ bin of an I99T corresponds to t/e a0plit%de and p/ase of a set of ort/o1onal sin%soids,


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    t/e reverse process 1%arantees t/at t/e carriers 1enerated are ort/o1onal.

    F,-. 3.2 OFDM B< $@ D,/- /

    F,-. 3.2 s/o s t/e set%p for a basic $956 trans0itter and receiver. T/e si1nal 1enerated is a base band, t/%s t/e si1nal is filtered, t/en stepped %p in fre2%ency before trans0ittin1 t/e si1nal. $956ti0e do0ain avefor0s are c/osen s%c/ t/at 0%t%al ort/o1onality is ens%red even t/o%1/ s%b)carrier spectra 0ay overlap. Typically A6 or 5ifferential %adrat%re P/ase #/ift Keyin1 (5 P#K0od%lation sc/e0es are applied to t/e individ%al s%b carriers. To prevent I#I, t/e individ%al blocks areseparated by 1%ard intervals /erein t/e blocks are periodically e;tended.

    3. M

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    by D °. T/e oFp of t/e t o balanced 0od%lators are added in t/e adder and trans0itted.

    F,-. 3.3 AM S?6 #T/e trans0itted si1nal is t/%s 1iven by

    # (t V M< (t A cos (+Π9c t W M+ (t A sin (+Π9c t

    8ence, t/e 0%ltiple;ed si1nal consists of t/e in)p/ase co0ponent XA M< (t and t/e 2%adrat%re p/aseco0ponent XYA M+ (t .


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    If t o or 0ore bits are co0bined in so0e sy0bols, t/en t/e si1nallin1 rate ill be red%ced. T/%s, t/efre2%ency of t/e carrier needed is also red%ced. T/is red%ces t/e trans0ission c/annel !. . 8ence, beca%se of 1ro%pin1 of bits in sy0bols t/e trans0ission c/annel !. can be red%ced. In P#K t os%ccessive bits in t/e data se2%ence are 1ro%ped to1et/er. T/is red%ces t/e bits rate or si1nallin1 rate andt/%s red%ces t/e !. of t/e c/annel. In case of !P#K, e kno t/at /en sy0. C/an1es t/e level, t/e

    p/ase of t/e carrier is c/an1ed by distinct sy0bols. /en t/e sy0 is c/an1ed to ne;t sy0, t/en t/e p/ase of t/e carrier is c/an1ed by >*de1rees.

    #.N$ IFP #%ccessive bits #y0bol P/ase s/ift in carrier


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    $ne of t/e 0ost i0portant properties of $956 trans0issions is t/e rob%stness a1ainst 0%ltipat/delay spread. T/is is ac/ieved by /avin1 a lon1 sy0bol period, /ic/ 0ini0i es t/e I#I. T/e level of rob%stness, can in fact is increased even 0ore by t/e addition of a 1%ard period bF trans0itted sy0bols.T/e 1%ard period allo s ti0e for 0%ltipat/ si1 s fro0 t/e previo%s sy0bol to die a ay before t/einfor0ation fro0 t/e c%rrent sy0bol is 1at/ered.

    T/e 0ost effective 1%ard period to %se is a cyclic e;tension of t/e sy0bol. If a 0irror in ti0e, of t/e end of t/e sy0bol avefor0 is p%t at t/e start of t/e sy0bol as t/e 1%ard period, t/is effectivelye;tends t/e len1t/ of t/e sy0bol, /ile 0aintainin1 t/e ort/o1onally of t/e avefor0. Usin1 t/is cyclice;tended sy0bol t/e sa0ples re2%ired for perfor0in1 t/e 99T (to decode t/e sy0 , can be takenany /ere over t/e len1t/ of t/e sy0. T/is provides 0%ltipat/ i00%nity as ell as sy0 ti0esync/roni ation tolerance.

    As lon1 as t/e 0%ltipat/ delay ec/oes stay it/in t/e 1%ard period d%ration, t/ere is strictly noli0itation re1ardin1 t/e si1nal level of t/e ec/oes: t/ey 0ay even e;ceed t/e si1nal level of t/e s/orter pat/Z T/e si1nal ener1y fro0 all pat/s '%st adds at t/e inp%t to t/e receiver, and since t/e 99T is ener1y

    conservative, t/e /ole available po er feeds t/e decoder. If t/e delay spread is lon1er t/an t/e 1%ardinterval t/en t/ey be1ins to ca%se I#I. 8o ever, provided t/e ec/oes are s%fficiently s0all t/ey do notca%se si1nificant proble0s.

    T/is is tr%e 0ost of t/e ti0e as 0%ltipat/ ec/o s delayed lon1er t/an t/e 1%ard period ill /ave been reflected of very distant ob'ects. $t/er variations of 1%ard periods are possible. $ne possiblevariation is to /ave /alf t/e 1%ard period a cyclic e;tension of t/e sy0bol, as above, and t/e ot/er /alf a

    ero a0plit%de si1nal. T/is ill res%lt in a si1nal as s/o n inF,-.3.+.

    Usin1 t/is 0et/od t/e sy0bols can be easily identified. T/is possibly allo s for sy0bol ti0in1 to berecovered fro0 t/e si1nal, si0ply by applyin1 envelop detection. T/e disadvanta1e of %sin1 t/is 1%ard period 0et/od is t/at t/e ero period does not 1ive any 0%ltipat/ tolerance, t/%s t/e effective active 1%ard period is /alved in len1t/. It is interestin1 to note t/at t/is 1%ard period 0et/od /as not been 0entioned inany of t/e researc/ papers read, and it is still not clear /et/er sy0bol ti0in1 needs to be recovered %sin1t/is 0et/od.

    F,-. 3.+ S#$ , / OFDM 6,- /< 6! >, - 5 6?

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    C!/: #


    4.1 I :

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    4.2.2 M

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    4.3 H,-! D/ / R/ #69

    An advanta1e of t/e $956 sc/e0e is t/at it nat%rally co0bats inter)sy0bol interference /ilestill allo in1 a /i1/ data rate. In order to f%lly %nderstand t/is, e ill first take a look at a traditional

    ireless trans0ission as seen inF,-. 4.2 .

    F,-. 4.2. T / , , /< 6? < / 6 ,66,

    In a traditional trans0ission, if t/e syste0 as to /ave a /i1/ data rate t/e sy0bol len1t/ o%ld

    /ave to be s/ort t/%s 0akin1 t/e rate /i1/ as seen in t/e 9i1.>.+. T/e proble0 it/ t/is tec/ni2%e is t/atin ireless trans0ission, inter sy0bol interference presents a /%1e proble0 /en s/ort sy0bols are %sed.As seen inF,-. 4.3 , even s0all I#I cons%0es 0%c/ of t/e act%al sy0bol. In t/is e;a0ple, I#I cons%0esro%1/ly one t/ird of eac/ sy0bol. T/erefore, a lar1e portion of t/e act%al infor0ation is corr%pted.

    F,-. 4.3. Traditional sy0bol trans0ission it/ I#I

    No let s take a look at an $956 trans0ission.

    F,-. 4.4 $956 sy0bol trans0ission

    In an $956 trans0ission, t/e sy0bols do not need to be s/ort to prod%ce a /i1/ data rate. T/is isill%strated inF,- 4.4. 4ecall t/at in an $956 trans0ission, t/e infor0ation is represented in t/efre2%encies of t/e sy0bol and not t/e sy0bol itself.


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    T/erefore, t/e sy0bol 0ay be very len1t/y b%t can still can a lar1e a0o%nt of infor0ation in itsco0ponent fre2%encies. A lar1e sy0bol len1t/ is a nat%ral ay to co0bat I#I as seen in 9i1>.*. T/e I#I in9i1. is t/e sa0e len1t/ as in 9i1. b%t only cons%0es ro%1/ly one ei1/t/ of eac/ sy0bol.

    T/erefore, a lar1e portion of t/e act%al infor0ation is preserved.

    F,-. 4.5. $956 trans0ission it/ I#I

    4.4. % , ! OFDM9

    4.4.1 %#/@* *M#/ % ># R/ , 9

    An $956 si1nal 0ay e;/ibit a /i1/ instantaneo%s peak po er it/ respect to t/e avera1e si1nallevel, seein1 t/at t/e $956 si1nal is t/e s%perposition of a lar1e n%0ber of 0od%lated s%b c/annelsi1nals. In addition, /en a ti0e)do0ain si1nal 0oves fro0 a lo to a /i1/ instantaneo%s po er

    avefor0, lar1e a0plit%de s in1s are enco%ntered. In t/e conte;t, t/e peak)to)0ean po er envelopefl%ct%ates considerably, /en traversin1 t/e ori1in %pon s itc/in1 fro0 one p/asor to anot/er.

    In order to solve t/ese proble0s, t o t/in1s can be done:

    • R# $# !# :#/@* * #/ : ># / , . Usin1 a different encodin1 or 0appin1 sc/e0e before0od%lation can ac/ieve t/is.• I : =# !# / :9

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    ;1;1> C channe# Inter!erence;1;1> C channe# Inter!erence

    Co c/annel interference in cell%lar co00%nications syste0s are co0bated by co0binin1 adaptiveantenna tec/ni2%es it/ $956 trans0issions. it/ t/e aid of bea0 steerin1, it is possible to foc%s t/ereceiver s antenna bean on t/e served %ser, /ile atten%atin1 t/e co c/annel interferers. T/is is si1nificant

    since $956 is sensitive to co c/annel interferences.



    As a specification reference for 0y $956 transceiver s para0eters I %sed @ +.

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    As can be seen fro0 t/e final e;pression for Cooley)T%key al1orit/0, by %sin1 a tec/ni2%e of ti0e and fre2%ency indices re)0appin1 B>)point 99T is split into t o @)point 99Ts:

    • T/e inner @)point 99T it/ n< ti0e inde; calc%lated for a specific val%e of n+.T/ro%1/ t/e dependence on n+ val%e t/e inner @)point 99T is e0bedded in t/e o%ter @) point 99T.

    • T/e o%ter @)point 99T it/ n+ ti0e inde;. M < ,:, )point 9ast 9o%rier Transfor0 re2%ires >D nontrivial co0ple; 0%ltiplications. 8o ever, t/ereare only ei1/t %ni2%e sets of co0ple; constants /ic/ allo to co0p%te all >D 0%ltiplications it/

    conditional interc/an1e and ne1ation operations. T/is i0portant observation co0bined it/ t/erepresentation of eac/ constant in Canonical #i1ned)5i1it representation (binary ei1/tsϵ [)

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    • 6akes efficient %se of t/e spectr%0 by allo in1 overlap.• !y dividin1 t/e c/annel into narro band flat fadin1 s%b c/annels, $956 is 0ore resistant to

    fre2%ency selective fadin1s t/an sin1le carrier syste0s are.• Eli0inates I#I and I9I t/ro%1/ %se of a cyclic prefi;.• Usin1 ade2%ate c/annel codin1 and interleavin1 one can recover sy0bols lost d%e to t/e

    fre2%ency selectivity of t/e c/annel.• C/annel e2%ali ation beco0es si0pler t/an by %sin1 adaptive e2%ali ation tec/ni2%es it/ sin1lecarrier syste0s.

    • It is possible to %se 0a;i0%0 likeli/ood decodin1 it/ reasonable co0ple;ity.

    • $956 is co0p%tationally efficient by %sin1 99T tec/ni2%es to i0ple0ent t/e 0od%lation

    and de0od%lation f%nctions. Also, for 0%ltiple co00%nication c/annels, as is t/e case in di1ital

    a%dio broadcastin1 (5A! syste0s, partial 99T al1orit/0s can be %sed in order to i0ple0ent

    pro1ra0 selection and deci0ation.

    • In con'%nction it/ differential 0od%lation t/ere is no need to i0ple0ent a c/annel esti0ator.• Is less sensitive to sa0ple ti0in1 offsets t/an sin1le carrier syste0s.

    • Provides 1ood protection a1ainst co c/annel interference and i0p%lsive parasitic noise.

    • Preservation of ort/o1onality in severe 0%ltipat/.

    • Used for /i1/est speed applications.

    • #%pports dyna0ic packet access.

    • #%pport for TM and 4M diversity.

    • #%pport for:i. adaptive antenna arrays

    ii. 6IN$Fspace ti0e codin1iii. adaptive 0od%lation and toneFpo er allocation

    4.7 D,6/ =/ /-#6 OFDM9

    T/e $956 si1nal /as a noise like a0plit%de it/ a very lar1e dyna0ic ran1e, t/erefore it re2%ires

    49 po er a0plifiers it/ a /i1/ peak to avera1e po er ratio.• It is 0ore sensitive to carrier fre2%ency offset and drift t/an sin1le carrier syste0s are d%e to

    leaka1e of t/e 59T.


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    4. OFDM A::

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    "I7@9ED 5.1 >uadrature 4p itude $odu ation > $3

    "I7@9ED 5.2 INFE9SE " ST "O@9IE9 T9 NS"O9$ POINT I""T3


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    "I7@9ED 5.& " ST "O@9IE9 T9 NS"O9$ POINT ""T3

    Figure: 5.4 Demodulation of QAM

    Figure: 5.5 RTL Schematic of OFDM


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    Figure: 5.6 Simulation of OFDM


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    C!/: #


    T/e p%rpose of t/is doc%0ent as to 1ive so0e insi1/t into t/e po er of t/e $956 trans0issionsc/e0e. It /as disc%ssed not only t/e trans0ission sc/e0e itself, b%t also so0e of t/e proble0s t/at are presented in 0obile co00%nications as ell as t/e tec/ni2%es to correct t/e0.

    5i1ital Co00%nications is a rapidly 1ro in1 ind%stry and $rt/o1onal 9re2%ency 5ivision 6%ltiple;in1is on t/e forefront of t/is tec/nolo1y. $956 ill prove to revol%tioni e 0obile co00%nications byallo in1 it to be 0ore reliable and rob%st /ile 0aintainin1 t/e /i1/ data rate t/at di1italco00%nications de0ands.

    T/e n%0ber of clock cycles re2%ired is red%ced and bot/ blocks 1ives t/e final o%tp%ts as desired. 8ere,

    t/e real val%e inp%ts are 1iven to t/e 99T blocks /ile all t/e i0a1inary inp%t val%es are ero.e /ave s%ccessf%lly i0ple0ented t/e @)point I99T " 99T al1orit/0s %sin1 &853 to be %sed in t/e

    @ +.

  • 8/18/2019 Main Final Document To Be printed (1).docx


    REFRENCES• !a/ai, A., and !. #alt ber1. 6%lticarrier 5i1ital Co00%nications: T/eory and Applications of

    $956. Ne ?ork: Kl% er Acade0icFPlen%0 P%blis/ers,