mail merge wizard - city university of new york

Mail Merge Wizard Start Microsoft Word and open the document MailMerge in your Exploring Word folder. Save the document with the name Letter in your Exploring Word folder. Go to the next slide.

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Page 1: Mail Merge Wizard - City University of New York

Mail Merge Wizard

• Start Microsoft Word and open the document MailMerge in your Exploring Word folder.

• Save the document with the name Letter in your Exploring Word folder.

• Go to the next slide.

Page 2: Mail Merge Wizard - City University of New York

Mail Merge Wizard

•Click the Mailings tab on the ribbon bar.

•Go to the next slide.

Page 3: Mail Merge Wizard - City University of New York

Mail Merge Wizard

•Click Start Mail Merge in the Start Mail Merge group to pull down the Start Mail Merge menu.

•Click on Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard to launch the Mail Merge Wizard task pane to the right of the Letter document.

•Go to the next slide.

Page 4: Mail Merge Wizard - City University of New York

Mail Merge Wizard

•Notice at the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane it says Step 1 of 6.

•There are 6 steps to the Mail Merge Wizard.

•You need to complete all six steps to successfully complete the mail merge.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard - Step 1 •Select document type - By default, Letters is the type of document selected.

•You select the type of document that closely matches the current document open.

•For this exercise, leave the document type as Letters.

•Once your selection is made, click Next: Starting document underneath Step 1 of 6 at the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard - Step 2 •Select starting document - Use the current document is the default choice selected.

•In most cases, the default choice is the one you want unless you are going to start with a different document.

•For this exercise, the default choice is the one you want.

•Once your selection is made, click Next: Select recipients underneath Step 2 of 6 at the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard - Step 3

•Use an existing list is the default choice selected.

•For this exercise, you don’t have an existing list.

•Therefore, you select Type a new list.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard - Step 3

•Notice the middle of the Mail Merge task pane changes to the Type a new list section.

•Click Create… in the Type a new list section of the Mail Merge task pane.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard - Step 3

•The New Address List dialog box pops up.

•Click the Customize Columns… button in the New Address List dialog box.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard - Step 3

•The Customize Address List dialog box pops up.

•Here, you add, delete, or rename fields as needed.

•You can also change the order of the fields in the list by moving a field up or moving a field down.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard - Step 3 •For this exercise, you only need the following fields:

Title, First Name, Last Name, Company Name, Address, City, State, and ZIP Code. •Therefore, you need to delete the following fields:

Address Line 2, Country or Region, Home Phone, Work Phone, and E-mail Address. •For each of these fields, click on the field name and then click the Delete button. •Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard - Step 3

•You also need to rename the Address Line 1 field to Address.

•Click on the Address Line 1 field name and then click the Rename button to rename the field to Address.

•Once you’ve finished modifying the fields, click the OK button in the Customize Address List dialog box.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard - Step 3 •You are now back at the New Address List dialog box.

•Starting with the first field, type in something and then press the Tab key to move to the next field to the right.

•Make up a name, company name, and address for the first recipient; for the field Title, type in a title: Mr., Mrs., or Ms.

•After you type in something for the last field, ZIP Code, do not press the Tab key.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard - Step 3 •When you reach the last field, ZIP Code, you perform one of two actions. •Action 1: If you want to add a new recipient, you click the New Entry button and add the next recipient. •For this exercise, you have to add two more entries for a total of three recipients. •Click the New Entry button and make up a name, company name, and address for the second recipient. •Then, click the New Entry button and make up a name, company name, and address for the third recipient. •Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard - Step 3

•Once you type a zip code for the third recipient’s Zip Code field, you are now ready to perform Action 2.

•Action 2: Performed after entering your last recipient; you click the OK button in the New Address List dialog box to save the recipients into a database file.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard - Step 3 •The Save Address List dialog box pops up.

•Select the correct place to save the file; for this exercise, your Exploring Word folder.

•Type the specified filename into the File Name textbox. For this exercise, the filename is Data.

•Finally, click the Save button in the Save Address List dialog box.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard - Step 3

•The Mail Merge Recipients dialog box pops up.

•Click the OK button in the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box to go back to the document.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard - Step 3

•Click Next: Write your letter underneath Step 3 of 6 at the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard - Step 4

•In this exercise, square bracketed items in the document show you where to place the merge fields.

•Square bracketed items would never exist in an occurrence of mail merge outside of this course.

•A square bracketed item is text surrounded by a pair of square brackets, [ ]. For example, [Title].

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard - Step 4 •You replace each square bracketed item with its appropriate merge field. •For example, replace [Title] with the Title merge field. •Select the [Title] next to [First Name]. •Make sure you select the square brackets as well as the text inside them. •Do not select any text, including spaces, outside the square bracketed item. •Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard - Step 4 •Click the Insert Merge Field down arrow in the Write & Insert Fields group to pull down the Insert Merge Field menu. •In the pull-down menu, click on the merge field with the same name as the square bracketed item selected. •Since [Title] is selected, click the Title merge field. •Repeat this same process for each remaining square bracketed item in the document; 10 more, up to [Company Name] in the first sentence. •Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard - Step 4

•Click Next: Preview your letters underneath Step 4 of 6 at the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard – Step 5

•Skip step 5 and move on to step 6 in order to complete the mail merge.

•Click Next: Complete the merge underneath Step 5 of 6 at the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard – Step 6

•Click Edit Individual letters… in the Merge section of the Mail Merge task pane.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard – Step 6

•The Merge to New Document dialog box pops up.

•Make sure All is selected.

•Click the OK button in the Merge to New Document dialog box.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard – Step 6 •Microsoft Word performs the mail merge; creating a new document containing a separate letter for each recipient you entered during step 3 of the mail merge wizard. •Scroll to each page to see the letter for each recipient. •Notice the temporary name of the new document (Letters1) in the title bar of Microsoft Word. •Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar to save this newly created document. •Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard – Step 6 •The Save As dialog box pops up.

•Select the correct place to save the file; for this exercise, your Exploring Word folder.

•Type the specified filename into the File Name textbox. For this exercise, the filename is Merged.

•Finally, click the Save button in the Save As dialog box.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard – Step 6

•Close the document Merged.

•Go to the next slide.

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Mail Merge Wizard – Step 6

•Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar to save the document Letter.

•Close the document Letter.

•Exit Microsoft Word.