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Magnetic Message Template Copyright @ Cindy Schulson, p. 1

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Magnetic Message Template

Copyright @ Cindy Schulson, p. 1

The Power of Your Message

A powerful message is the most valuable resource you can have if you want to stand out in your niche.

Especially online, where you have less than 3 seconds to capture someone’s attention.

Think about it. You go to someone’s website and in less than 3 seconds you know if they’ve grabbed your attention or not. Yes, you’ll look at their logo and layout and colors - those things are important.

But your message is what really grabs people’s attention and keeps them engaged in what you have to say.

It’s how you create your distinct personal brand and connects people with you.

Magnetic Message Template

Copyright @ Cindy Schulson, p. 2

What Kind of Messages Do You Need?

It’s important to understand that there are different kinds of messages you need for your business. Each has it’s own use.

Most of the time when we hear about messaging, it’s about your Marketing Message. But that’s the second kind of message you need.

In fact, if you really want to stand out then you want to start with a different kind of message first.

Your Core Message

The first kind of message you want to create is what I call your Core Message.

Your Core Message is the message that lets people know what you stand for. It’s the big idea you want to share with the world. It’s what captures the core of who you are and what you’re all about.

Your Core Message is not what you do, but why you do it.

Magnetic Message Template

Copyright @ Cindy Schulson, p. 3

It’s bold and thought provoking and creates an emotional connection with people.

Behind every grand brand is a strong Core Message.

The power of your Core Message is that it allows you to take a stand by making your position clear.

And think about it. We’re only inspired to take real action by those who take a stand!

Yes, when you take a stand you will turn some people off. And that’s okay. The right people will be attracted to your message and to you - quirks and all.

Your Core Message completely eliminates any competition. Because while there will be other people who do what you do, there is no one else who does what you and has the same position - Core Message - as you.

Magnetic Message Template

Copyright @ Cindy Schulson, p. 4

Your Marketing Message

The second kind of message you want to create is your Marketing Message.

Your Marketing Message is what we most commonly hear about when we learn about messaging and it is very important.

So what exactly is a Marketing Message.

Your Marketing Message is as a phrase that grabs your prospect’s attention and instantly communicates your unique value.

It’s what allows you to explain what you do and who you help, so anybody hearing or seeing your message will understand your value and how it relates to their specific goal or problem.

Because people want to know what you can do for them. They want to know that you understand them and can help them.

Not having a clear Marketing Message means you’re at a competitive disadvantage. Your potential clients won’t get a good sense of what you do and why they should work with you.

Magnetic Message Template

Copyright @ Cindy Schulson, p. 5

In order to create a powerful Marketing Message you have to learn to think and act like your ideal clients.

You have to understand their biggest frustrations and desires.

You also have to be clear about the solutions you provide and the outcomes you help them achieve.

And you have to understand why they should work with you.

Once you are clear about those things, putting together your Marketing Message is really easy.

Magnetic Message Template

Copyright @ Cindy Schulson, p. 6

Marketing Message Template

Here’s a really simple but effective template you can use to create your own Marketing Message.

“I help/show/inspire (other powerful word)

_______________ (target market)who ________________ (main

challenge or goal)to __________________ (solution you

provide)so they can __________________

(result you help them achieve).

Magnetic Message Template

Copyright @ Cindy Schulson, p. 7

You’ll want to have different versions of your message for different scenarios, including a short version and a long version.

Long Versions

“You know how some ____ (target market) struggle with _____ (problem), which makes them feel _______(frustration)? What I do is ___ (solution), so they can ____ (benefits). What makes me different is ___ (point of differentiation).”


"I work with __________(target market) who struggle with __________ (challenges) and would like to ______________ (results and benefits). What makes me different is _________(point of differentiation) and because of this, clients receive ___________ (benefits and outcome ).”


“I _______(action verb such as show, teach, help __________ (negative emotion such as frustrated, overwhelmed, struggling) ___________ (target market) who want to _____________ (goal), how to _______ (solution) so they can _______ (benefits)

Magnetic Message Template

Copyright @ Cindy Schulson, p. 8

Short Versions

"I _____ (action verb such as show, teach, help) _______ (target market) _______ (desired result)


“I help ________________ (target market) to ________________ (solution) so they can ________________ (outcome).


“I help ________________ (target market) to _______________ (solution) so they don’t have to ________________ (pain point).

Remember - your message isn’t something you repeat like a robot. Get comfortable with the heart of your message and give yourself the freedom to refine and evolve it.

Magnetic Message Template

Copyright @ Cindy Schulson, p. 9

Marketing Message Criteria

Once you’ve created your Marketing Message you want to make sure it meets certain criteria.

It should be clear, concise, jargon free and easy to understand. You don’t want people to have to work hard to understand what you’re saying. You want to speak your target market’s language.

Your Marketing Message should also be memorable and inspire emotion and curiosity. And above all, it has to be authentic and true to who you are.

That’s where the power of your Core Message comes into play.

Magnetic Message Template

Copyright @ Cindy Schulson, p. 10

Use Your Core Message to Make Your Message Magnetic

Your Core Message is the secret weapon you will use to bring your Marketing Message to life so you can grab the spotlight in a way that is totally unique and true to who you are.

Your Core Message is like magic fairy dust. You can sprinkle it on all of your marketing and transform it from boring to captivating. It’s like magic. And I’ve seen it happen again and again.

You see, your typical Marketing Message is from the “outside in”. It communicates who you help, what solution you provide, the results you help people achieve.

And those are important things to communicate. But they aren’t enough to really stand out.

Your Core Message is from the “inside out”. It reveals WHY you do what you do.

Magnetic Message Template

Copyright @ Cindy Schulson, p. 11

When you use your Core Message to shape your Marketing Message, you are completely unique. There is absolutely no one else who does what you do AND takes the same stand as you. This is what creates your unique voice. It’s what separates the leaders from copycat marketers.

Magnetic Message Template

Copyright @ Cindy Schulson, p. 12

Creating your Magnetic Message is going to revolutionize your business.

Let me give you an example.

When I met Bonnie she was a nutritionist who was dependent on insurance companies for her business and she hated it. Bonnie was passionate about helping chronic dieters break free of the pain of dieting and get the healthy body they love by embracing a mindful approach to eating.

Here’s what Bonnie shared about how getting her message and positioning clear have transformed her business.

“My new messaging has helped me be clear on who I help and what I’m helping them achieve. It has helped me be able to communicate this to potential JV partners and to my clients. When I am clear on my Core Message, it shines through to my clients and I see the light bulbs go off for them. I’ve already attracted 16 new long term clients thanks to my new messaging and am creating new programs so I can earn more leveraged income”

This is such powerful stuff.

Magnetic Message Template

Copyright @ Cindy Schulson, p. 13

Remember this.

Your message is not just words and it’s not just a marketing slogan. It is also who you are.

When your message is congruent with who you are and what you stand for, your authenticity rings clear. Marketing becomes easier and more natural. And the right people will raise their hands, inspired and excited to work with you.

Magnetic Message Template

Copyright @ Cindy Schulson, p. 14

Your Next Step

Make sure you register for your free training that will bring this template to life for you, with rich training and valuable examples you can model to create your own authentic, client-attracting message!

Click here to register now! You’ll be able to choose the date and time that work for you.

Magnetic Message Template

Copyright @ Cindy Schulson, p. 15

Meet Cindy

Cindy Schulson helps coaches, consultants and other service professionals transform their brilliance into magnetic messaging and multiple streams of income. Cindy has worked in Strategic Communications for such companies as Coca-Cola and Visa.  She loves helping her clients sort through their “brain dump” of ideas, and discover the golden nuggets that make them shine in their own completely unique way. Cindy is well know for her down-to-earth, no-hype approach – what you see is what you get! Her love of adventure has led her to live and work in five countries, and she continues to bring that adventurous spirit to both her business and life.

Learn more at

Magnetic Message Template

Copyright @ Cindy Schulson, p. 16