magazine soap front covers

Website Main Feature Anchoring onto Rihanna, implying it’s about her. word ‘RED’ combined with the fact her hair, dress and lips are red also proves this Masthead, behind the main star, perhaps because she is bigger and more popular than the brand Word Fabulous makes us assume the magazine is about fashion. Although it’s about TV, font makes it look as though it’s written in lipsticks, appealing to a female audience Date Feature Mid-shot of Star, eye contact portrays a seductive look, combined with the words ‘sex symbol’ creates a representation of her, her in red also connotes sex Main star is also very popular, for a specific audience, the magazine is guaranteed an audience as she has a lot of fans.

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Post on 11-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Magazine soap front covers


Main FeatureAnchoring onto Rihanna, implying it’s about her. word ‘RED’ combined with the fact her hair, dress and lips are red also proves this

Masthead, behind the main star, perhaps because she is bigger and more popular than the brand

Word Fabulous makes us assume the magazine is about fashion. Although it’s about TV, font makes it look as though it’s written in lipsticks, appealing to a female audience



Mid-shot of Star, eye contact portrays a seductive look, combined with the words ‘sex symbol’ creates a representation of her, her in red also connotes sex

Main star is also very popular, for a specific audience, the magazine is guaranteed an audience as she has a lot of fans.

Page 2: Magazine soap front covers


Date and priceFeature, ‘UK’s best’ the superlative ‘best’ suggests that no other magazine in the country has better ‘digital listings’ than them

Eye contact

Long mid-shot of star, Unconventional as there is lots of space around him

Main feature, anchoring onto the star showing he’s involved, central, big, eye catching

Pull-put quote, next to the star as it’s about him

Tab, Bright colour, word ‘FREE’ large catches consumers attention


The fact David Craig is the main star indicates that it’s aimed at an adult audience and perhaps action fans as he is seen as an action icon

Page 3: Magazine soap front covers

Sky and Virgin are big respectable brands, creates brand loyalty and acquires status


Barcode and price, price

slightly more expensive than others, suggesting perhaps a middle class audience

Main star, mid-shot, eye contactVery popular star, guaranteed audience

Button, red catches attention


Main starts name anchoring him

Button, feature, ‘NEW’ shows the

magazine has fresh information, makes consumer want to read

Wintery colours, and star in a warm jacket, represents the summer season is ending

‘NEW SEASON PREVIEW’ makes you feel like you are gaining information that not many people have if you buy the magazine

‘sun sets on sun hill’ Alliteration makes it sound snappy

Page 4: Magazine soap front covers


All very bright colours, draws consumers eyes in, suggests the magazine is for a younger audience

Button, feature‘Joe’s dead!’ Very short and snappy, dramatic makes consumer want to read inside to find out more

Main stars, Mid-shot of two stars, eye contact draws consumer in, the fact they are back to back represents rivalry and conflict which we assume foreshadows the storyline the characters are in

Main feature, this combined with the stars serious facial expression suggests there is a serious dramatic storyline enticing consumer to read more



Price, in a zigzag box drawing attention to how cheap the magazine is

As the price is cheap it shows that the audience is younger as they don’t have much money to spend on magazines