soap front cover deconstructions


Upload: sophiemckenna

Post on 27-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Soap front cover deconstructions


Page 2: Soap front cover deconstructions

Date: Date in the top right hand corner so audience can see when the magazine was released/when the next release will be. Radio Times – weekly

Masthead: Masthead always remains the same making it easily accessible for the audience.Lower case lettering.

Features: List of features down the side of magazine , not anchored on the star because they are different related features.

Main feature: Main feature includes a big close up of the connected star with an anchored caption to give audience more information of what’s inside.

Banner: The word is capitalised ‘FREEVIEW’ shows that the publisher understands and caters for audience’s needs.

Website: Directly above the masthead. Gives the reader another way to access the brand.

Star: The star David Tennant fills up the majority of the front cover being the only image of it. Looking directly into the camera smiling persuading them to buy it.

Caption: Caption relating to main feature of ‘Doctor who’ so is also anchored on the star implying this. More information telling reader what feature is about - ‘Single Father Sunday BBC1’ and ‘David Tennant feeling broody’.

Barcode, price and region: Barcode, price and region in bottom right hand corner. Tells audience how much the magazine costs - £1.10.

Colour scheme: Colour scheme of just the three colours red, white and black. Pulls the front cover together making everything look as if it's all linked together and is correctly placed.

Page 3: Soap front cover deconstructions


Mainly one single image and usually star is looking at the camera. Star over the masthead because the star has a bigger name that magazine. ‘Classy look’

Page 4: Soap front cover deconstructions

Masthead: Masthead always remains in the same font – looking like it has been hand written or even written in lipstick appealing to a young female target audience.

Features: List of other features down the side of magazine , anchored on Kim’s dress but just misses her leg so implies the features of different to the image.

Colour scheme: Mainly three colours black/grey, orange and white. Makes the magazine look neat and well put together. This particular magazine looks even classier by the colours blending in to one another.

Star: Kim and Kourtney appear to be fighting over a handbag attracting the target audience.Kim intersects start of masthead implying she’s an inspirational figure and more well-known than her sister.

Date: Date in the top corner, tidily positioned around the masthead again making the magazine have a ‘classy look’.

Caption: Caption underneath subtitle giving more information on main feature, persuading audience to buy it.

Main feature: Kardashian sisters, Kim and Kourtney. The image of them both covers the whole of the magazine and with text between the two links to the article.

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Only one star who is looking directly at camera. Star over the masthead again because the star has a bigger name that magazine. ‘Classy look’

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Masthead: Masthead always in same position, font and colour of white. Stands out on any background so makes it easy for audience to find.

Features: Different features places around the cover – trying to fit as many in as possible whilst maintaining a classy look.

Main feature: Main feature includes Lost characters with a clearly anchored subtitle on the main character.

Colour scheme: Colour scheme of blue yellow and white pulling the cover all together to create an overall classy look.

Banner: The banner states that the magazine is ‘best for sky & virgin’ two main popular TV services – catering for a wide target audience.

Date: Date precisely placed around masthead and doesn’t appear out of place on the cover because of where it’s positioned.

Star: Four stars from the programme Lost all feature on the cover. Clearly shows the hierarchy of the characters by how they are positioned – who’s in front of who.

Website: Website just below masthead, giving audience more access to TV&Satellite Week

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Multiple images and features on cover. One main image however taking up the majority of the page. Classy look as all features are neatly placed around the cover

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Button: Button in top left hand corner saying ‘2 weeks revealed’ (always on soaplife cover) implying the magazine is value for its money worth

Masthead: Masthead big and red – easily seen and is always the same so therefore recognisable to audience

Features: A total of 6 features. Cramming in as much information they can to make it seem that the magazine is worth buying

Main feature: Main feature is a mid close up with the main characters at the front and sub character behind

Colour scheme: Lots of colours – making the magazine bright and stand out and again look as busy as possible Barcode, price and region:

Barcode, price and region in bottom right hand corner. Tells audience how much the magazine costs

Banner: Even more soap stories in the banner from Corrie – Soaplife trying to cram as much information as possible on the cover.

Website: Website in the corner of magazine – another way the audience can access the brand

Star: Lots of stars but main stars have specifically been photographed for the magazine whereas others are of clips from the soap.

Caption: Caption ‘WHO WILL BE DADDY?’ in capital lettering to catch eyes and gets straight to the point of the storyline behind it – easy for audience to understand

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Various stars and features. ‘Trashy look’ although crams as much information is as possible to make audience believe they’re getting value for their money.