magazine details and planning

Colour Scheme I have chosen these certain colours because each one can at least be put again another colour to contrast it. On all magazines colours are carefully chosen for each element so everything that need to be seen by a reader is seen instantly. Each colour will either stand again a black or white background. Reds are a neutral colour, they can either be bright to draw in attention or be darker so they do not take full focus off an image or piece of text which has more importance. It is the same again with the blue, although this can be seen as a more masculine colour. But blue is a very basic colour which women to tend to wear as well as men, therefore this colour is gender neutral. Purple to me is mostly a female colour choice, so for this it would be chosen to be featured on a page where a photo of a woman is present. This is to not make the page seem to masculine to have a woman featured on it. However it can not be too girly because my target market are not the normal sort of girly women. Bright yellow is seen on a large amount of rock magazines, this is because it is gender neutral and stands out very strongly against a darker background. Then we have black and white together, these are very basic colours to make words and images stand out. Black is a typical background colour and white is more used for text, or they could be used alongside other colours to make them stand out. Also these colours give a sense of professionalism and make them more sophisticated. Apart from the bright yellow which is purely Puffs Headline/ Masthead Text/Headline Background Headline/ Masthead Masthead/ Headline Masthead Background The house style will carry through the cover and contents page, but beyond that the scheme will change to better fit the style and gender of the artist. For example a pop punk band would mean that I’d use more bright colours. That would be bright blues, yellows, white and maybe even pinks. But for a heavier style band it would include the use of black, white, dark reds, dark purples and

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Post on 21-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Magazine Details and Planning

Colour Scheme I have chosen these certain colours because each one can at least be put again another colour to contrast it. On all magazines colours are carefully chosen for each element so everything that need to be seen by a reader is seen instantly. Each colour will either stand again a black or white background. Reds are a neutral colour, they can either be bright to draw in attention or be darker so they do not take full focus off an image or piece of text which has more importance. It is the same again with the blue, although this can be seen as a more masculine colour. But blue is a very basic colour which women to tend to wear as well as men, therefore this colour is gender neutral. Purple to me is mostly a female colour choice, so for this it would be chosen to be featured on a page where a photo of a woman is present. This is to not make the page seem to masculine to have a woman featured on it. However it can not be too girly because my target market are not the normal sort of girly women. Bright yellow is seen on a large amount of rock magazines, this is because it is gender neutral and stands out very strongly against a darker background. Then we have black and white together, these are very basic colours to make words and images stand out. Black is a typical background colour and white is more used for text, or they could be used alongside other colours to make them stand out. Also these colours give a sense of professionalism and make them more sophisticated. Apart from the bright yellow which is purely used to get the attention of the reader. These colours have been chosen because these are the type of colours I would expect my target market to where. Therefore they are more likely to buy based on the fact that the colour scheme appeals to them. Therefore they know that it may contain something within it that also appeals to their taste and personality.









The house style will carry through the cover and contents page, but beyond that the scheme will change to better fit the style and gender of the artist. For example a pop punk band would mean that I’d use more bright colours. That would be bright blues, yellows, white and maybe even pinks. But for a heavier style band it would include the use of black, white, dark reds, dark purples and dark blues.

Page 2: Magazine Details and Planning

Fonts These fonts on the left have been taken from FontSpace online. These are some ideas at what I could use for the masthead of the cover page. I am following the ideas of Kerrang , which is to use something very bold but which looks broken up. This gives the impression of rebellion, which reflects the target audience, which is that they are not people who conform to a social norm. Also people who read magazines which I have associated with mine tend to live within a urban environment. These types of fonts look like urban street art, which means that they will associate this magazine with where they live, so it appeals to them even more.

For the masthead of the inside pages I will probably use more basic, bold fonts to draw attention but not make the page appear too busy. Then for the text going alongside it will also be a basic font. A font that you would normally find in any magazine, as it will give a more professional look to the inside pages. I will then break up the wording into paragraphs in order to make it look as if there is not as much text. This is to keep the attention of the reader, as they will think that there is not as much to read as there actually is.

Page 3: Magazine Details and Planning

Price, Paper Quality, Size and Release Date

With magazines the quality of the actual paper and how it is bound together influences the price of it. For mine because I would use low quality in order to make it as affordable as possible. So it would cost £2.20 the same as a Kerrang magazine, which is one that uses low quality paper and bounds it together with staples. The price must be low so my target market can afford to buy

To me when I think of paper quality from lowest to highest we have Enquirer, Kerrang, RockSound and then Vogue. So me the price of RockSound is way too high for my readers hence why they are not as popular as the leader Kerrang. So it ensure popularity I must keep my price at an affordable rate. So the quality of its paper and how it is bound must be the same of Kerrang, so the price to be produced is the same as Kerrang. But I do not want it to be as cheap looking as the Enquirer because the paper resembles a newspaper, which is not how a music magazine should look.

For the size of the magazine to keep price down it will be the same size as Kerrang and contain the same amount of paper. Which each page will be 21cm X 29.5cm, with 32 pages.

The magazine I would like for it to be released on a monthly basis. This is because having a weekly magazine would mean a lot of people would have to be behind the magazine, also it reduces the time frame and the quality of the writing and stories are of a less quality. As I have seen with Kerrang who seem to repeat the same sorts of stories and contain a small amount of different bands. I would like my own to be more diverse, with a wide variety of bands and different storylines. Also it is difficult to keep up with a weekly magazine, as it is a lot of money to spend and it can be hard to obtain each issue. It means that its time on the shelf is longer and it gives it more time to be recognised and purchased.