made of natural water. - muji · products is also used in the making of sake. the natural water...

Made of natural water.

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Page 1: Made of natural water. - Muji · products is also used in the making of sake. The natural water sourced from Kamaishi and used in MUJI skincare products are also used as drinking

Made of natural water.

Page 2: Made of natural water. - Muji · products is also used in the making of sake. The natural water sourced from Kamaishi and used in MUJI skincare products are also used as drinking

The most abundant ingredient in toners, lot ions and the base of sk incare

products is water. And, this is the main reason why MUJI emphasizes so much

on “water quality”.

MUJI’s quest for quality water brought them to natural water that springs from

caves of Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture in Japan. Rain and snow that fall over this

area seep down into the mountains and passes through the thick bed of rocks

for many decades and get f i l tered down to very f ine water part icles with very

minimal impurities. It tastes great and drinkable as it is.

The pH of water most suited to our skin is similar to the pH of our tears which is

slightly alkaline. MUJI uses this ultra-soft water that can penetrate deep down

to the sub-layer of our skin abundantly as an ingredient in its skincare products.

Water that tastes great is gentle to our skin.

Use our skincare products during your morning and night skincare routine.

Just as spr ing entered Tokyo, we took the

Tohoku Shinkansen Line and headed up north.

It took us about 1.5 hours from Shin-hanamaki

Station interchange using the Kamaishi Line to

reach the foot of Kitakami mountain range that

run north-south towards the Sanr iku Coast.

We could see Mt. Omine. The thr iv ing virgin

forest of beech and oak trees is sti l l covered

i n wh i t eness . Even a t t h i s snow-cove red

region, i f one look closely, you can see that

spr ing is s lowly creeping in. Walking on the

snow towards the smal l creek and dipping

our hands into its water, a small shriek came

out of us. The water was cold. A true sign of

melting snow.

Where does this water come from and where is it

heading? We will have to ask the people of Iwate

on the source of this water, its uses and those

using it. Our interesting journey is about to begin.

Visiting Iwate Prefecture, the source

of our water




Iwate Prefecture




Mt. Omine



The main ingredient in skincare product is water.And, this is why MUJI is so particular about it.

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Page 3: Made of natural water. - Muji · products is also used in the making of sake. The natural water sourced from Kamaishi and used in MUJI skincare products are also used as drinking

4 5

There is only nature on the 1,147m Mt. Omine.

An untouched thr iv ing virgin forest for as far as

one can see, not a s ing le man-made object in

sight. The best environment for water intake point.

Hiking up the mountain, there are small streams

here and there and a wi ld deer gazing strangely

at us. The rain and melted snow that fall over this

area are f i l tered s lowly over decades of years

through the layers of limestone, magnetic ore that

is the source of i ron, and granites. The water is

polished and perfected over these years.

This mountain used to be an excavation mountain

for iron ore and many tunnels have been dug here

for that purpose. The tunnel that leads to the water

intake point is 600m below the mountain top. 20

minutes and 3km inwards on the tram from the

tunnel entrance brought us to a deep underground

world. Quietly but assuredly, water forms out from

between the rocks.

At the water intake point, stainless steel pipes are

inserted into the rock and the water is col lected

without the use of any water pumps and purely

on natural pressure. The col lected water is not

exposed to air at all as it is directly sent into water

col lect ing conta iners for t ransportat ion to the

manufacturing plant for skincare products.

Over the decades, 600m under the ground, water is slowly forming.

Deep and long tunnels excavated within thick

bedrocks. Temperature and humidity is consistent

throughout the year.

If one hikes up the mountain, one will see

fresh mountain streams of melted snow.

Tunnel entrance. On the tram heading into

the water sampling point 3km inwards.



Mt. Omine

Elevation 1,147m

Limestone and clay slate

Magnetic Iron Ore

Elevation 550m


Tunnel Entrance





The collected water will undergo heat

treatment for 9 seconds at 125 degrees

and filled into the tank without being

exposed to air at all. The 1000 litre water collecting containers. A new

inner lining is used every time.

Bountiful water from between the rocks.

We tasted it on our palms and it was

easy to drink and tasted great.

Page 4: Made of natural water. - Muji · products is also used in the making of sake. The natural water sourced from Kamaishi and used in MUJI skincare products are also used as drinking

The same natural water used in the skincare products is also used in the making of sake.

The natu ra l wate r sourced f rom Kamaish i and

used in MUJI skincare products are also used as

drinking water and in raw ingredients for processed

food items. It is also used in secondary ingredients

for salted rice malt, soba and udon. It has received

wide accolades. Qual i ty of water is v i ta l in the

mak ing o f bee r and sake . Sake b rewer ies a re

located in regions with good water. Iwate itself is

not an exception. This region has been well known

as a sake producer.

Daisuke Tsuboi who works at a beer brewery in

Tono c i ty says tha t i t uses natura l water f rom

Kamaishi to brew beer. In fact, Tono city is Japan’s

top producer of hop, the raw ingredient for beer.

“In beer making, all you have to do is add in yeast,

hop and sweet wor t in the tank. Then you add

water and pray that i t goes wel l . The ingredients

are important.”

A s K a m a i s h i n a t u r a l w a t e r h a s v e r y l i t t l e

minerals needed in the fermentation process, the

fermentation is therefore slower. For that reason, a

beer that is mild with a gentle taste and fragrance

can be produced.

Susumu Nizato who manages a sake brewery at

Kamaishi says that they use this water as its feed

water. The slow fermentation in beer making also

worry Mori at first; but at the end of his trials and

errors, a unique sake with mellow with a refreshing

taste was produced. Even in the sake brewery

now, rice malt, steamed rice and water are being

added for an unrefined fermentation. A light sweet

smel l waf ts th rough the who le brewery . I f we

strain our ear enough, we can hear the bubbl ing

sound of fermentation. This is a brewing process

adjusted to sui t the water instead of the usual

boiling. Slowly and unrushed, a taste cultured only

at that moment.

(Left) Tsuboi checking the beer fermentation tank.

(Top right) With the power of yeast, an unrefined process that

produces sugar and alcohol.

At the end of the fermentation, it will become raw sake.

(Bottom right) Freshly filtered sake. A slightly

yellow-tinged clear liquid filling up the tank.

(Left) The connection between water and dyeing

is complex. It is said that dyeing a light color in

winter is most difficult.

(Bottom) Uses machines that have been used for

more than 60 years that operates rhythmically.

The 4 livelihoods circling around Iwate water

Learning about the lives of Iwate residents in close living with water.

Dyeing with water, washing with water.

Homespun is a home-based technique of dyeing,

spinning and weaving of raw wool by hand, which

creates a warm fabric that is luxuriously f inished.

Iwate prefecture f i l ls 90% of the national share in

this industry and water plays an important part in it.

We vis i ted Nakamura’s workshop bui l t in 1919 in

the city of Morioka. It is operated by Kazumasa, the

fourth generation helped by his family members and

few workers. Using a wel l-used vintage wooden

weaving machine to create beaut i fu l designs is

the role of Fumiko who uses MUJI’s sensitive skin

series toner.

Dad, Hiroyuki, is the person-in-charge for dyeing.

His curious nature keeps him researching. He has

cut-outs from fashion magazines in his notebook

and blending ratio of dyes that he tries to replicate

in his dye notebook. He already has more than 40

notebooks. He joyful ly shared with us that plant

dyes using the bark of apple tree taken in winter

when nutr ients are amply stored in the tree wi l l

give a beautiful rose colour.

We joined Hiroyuki and Kazumasa at the dyeing

process. Local well water is boiled in a very huge

pot into which the dye and ammonium acetate

are added. When the sheep wool is d ipped in

as the water is heated up, the acet ic acid that

controls the dyeing wil l gradually evaporate and

the dye w i l l rema in on the woo l . The woo l i s

turned frequently in the pot and after several tens

of minutes; the once white wool has turned into

fresh purple wool. The dyed hot water has also

turned to almost colourless.6 7

Page 5: Made of natural water. - Muji · products is also used in the making of sake. The natural water sourced from Kamaishi and used in MUJI skincare products are also used as drinking

Everyone ga the rs a t the counte r i n the morning. It seems like a second living room of the Seki family.

There are many coffee shops in the town of Moriok.

“Maybe because the water is tasty?” That was what Motohiro Seki who operates a café in Morioka city told us. Seki’s coffee-making technique is unique. He doesn’t move the pot but rather, he moves the neru f i l te r to brew cof fee . The cof fee i s smooth and r i ch i n tas te . A f te r h i s un i ve rs i t y graduation, he trained at a café in Tokyo for about 3 years. He inher i ted the café ran by his parents and one of the reasons he decided to convert the café to one that also roast its own coffee was the good water of Morioka. Before the café opens for business in the morning, his parents, wife and 3 chi ldren would gather around the counter. Whi le Seki brew coffee, h is daughter, Yoshino, warms the mi lk by his s ide. Due to her recent interest in skincare, she becomes the topic of conversat ion. At the table across, h is wife and second daughter, Manahana, pleasantly chat while packing the baked breads by their side. A very nice smel l of coffee wafts through the café. Soon, the café is ready to open for the day.

Hot spring baths made for different moods and health benefits.

U p s t r e a m o f T o y o s a w a D a m f r o m Hanamaki Station, r ight in the middle of Iwate, Hanamaki hot spring cluster awaits. Each guest house here has a di f ferent n a m e f o r i t s h o t s p r i n g b e c a u s e t h e sources of the hot springs are different and therefore, the water content of each hot spr ing is a lso di f ferent. V is i tors to the hot spring cluster will choose the hot spring to enter depending on their mood or the k ind of heal th benef i ts they are looking for . What an envious luxury. I t is said that f ishermen in the olden days would come to their favourite hot spring to recover from fatigue after a long fishing tr ip. As for us, we visit the hot spring at the innermost end of the hot spring cluster - Namari Hot Spring.

The special i ty of th is hot spr ing as ment ioned in the fa i ry ta le by Kenj i Miyasawa t i t led “Nametoko Yama no Kuma” is hakuen-no-yu, the deepest rock hot tub in Japan. The hot water oozing out from the hot spring f i l ls in the oval hot tub and one has to stay standing in the hot tub. It feels somewhat strange standing in a hot tub and making conversations about people here having good skin texture. Today was snowing and a man laughs off saying that i t would be best to dip in the hot tub the whole day in such weather.

Although you may not be able to enjoy a long bath in a standing hot tub, you can still feel refreshed from the hot water all around your body.

T h e b a k e d b r e a d s f r o m S e k i ’ s b a k e r y

neighbour. The concept behind is , to bake

bread that goes well with coffee.

When spring comes, it is time to draw water.

Hirayama and his wife l ive in a residential area within Morioka city. One part of their h o m e h a s b e e n t u r n e d t o a p r o v i s i o n shop that his wife, Kayoko manages. She sel ls local goods and products made by close friends and relatives. It is also their home. Spring is an excitement for Kayoko. This is the t ime she goes to draw water f rom Iwateyama Shr ine o f f Sh izuku ish i town northwest of Morioka. She uses this water to make tea and cook. The normal roasted green tea feels very smooth and mel low when brewed with this water. On the other hand, Kitsuchi has his shop in the town centre of Mor ioka. Even here, there is spr ing water that residents use in the i r da i ly l i fe . The pur i f ied water in Daijiji Shrine off Nataya-cho designed in a stairway-form has its roles all determined a l ready . The water a t the top p la t fo rm is for dr inking fol lowed by r ice-washing, vegetable and dish-washing, and f inal ly for clothes-washing. Water indicates the arr ival of spr ing and water a lso sustains human activit ies. The people in Iwate l ive in togetherness with water.

A of door separates the home and shop. A cup of tea

changes the mood of these two people.

8 9

Page 6: Made of natural water. - Muji · products is also used in the making of sake. The natural water sourced from Kamaishi and used in MUJI skincare products are also used as drinking

Grapefruit seed extract

Common purslane extract

Sensitive Skin Series


A hypo-allergenic skincare range formulated for delicate, sensitive skin.

Sensitive skin is caused likely by dehydration or stress factors. MUJI Sensitive Skin Series gently protects and achieve healthy, moisturized skin.

•Fragrance-free •No colouring •No mineral oil •Paraben-free •Alcohol-free •Allergy tested (Depending on the level of allergy)

Dispensed in soft foam. Made from 100% plant-based cleansing ingredients.

Face Soap

Portable (50ml)





Dispensed in soft foam. Made from 100% plant-based cleansing ingredients.

Face Soap

Refill (180ml)





Light Toning Water • Light 200ml

Portable (50ml)

Large (400ml)






Light Toning Water • Moisture200ml

Portable (50ml)

Large (400ml)






Light Toning Water • High Moisture200ml

Portable (50ml)

Large (400ml)






Hypoal lergenic toning water range, protects delicate skin from dehydration.

Use after apply ing toning water to add extra moisture to your skin. Keeps dry skin soft and moist.

Moisturizing Milk High Moisture

Portable (50ml)





Moisturizing Milk Moisture

Portable (50ml)





Moisturizing Milk Light

Portable (50ml)





For one time use.

High Moisture Toning Water & Moisturizing Milk Set

Each 3ml S$1.6015007981

Hypoa l l e rgen ic sun sc reen , gen t le even on delicate skin. Easy to use push pump dispenser type.

Sun Screen SPF27 PA++150ml S$23.0015252589

Toner, moistur iz ing mi lk and serum, al l made into one moistur iz ing gel . After washing your f ace , app l y t h i s essence to comp le te you r skincare routine.

All in One Essence

Portable (30g)





Apply th is as the f ina l s tep to your sk incare rout ine. I t locks in the moisture prov ided by toning water and milk into the skin effectively.

Moisturizing Cream50g S$16.9076448693

Soft touch sheet mask that fits the face.

Sheet Mask5 sheets S$17.9076313380

P r o t e c t s d e l i c a t e , s e n s i t i v e h a n d s f r o m dehydrat ion. I t spreads out smoothly onto the skin.

Hand Cream50g S$6.6015214785

Brings intense moisture to dehydrated skin on your body. I t spreads out smoothly onto the skin.

Body Milk200ml S$13.0015214815


•Lipidure®*(Polyquaternium -51)

•Hyaluronic acid Na

Protects your skin from dehydration with rich grapefruit seed extract, which is a natural moisturiser, combined with portulaca oleracea (common purslane) extract as its skin protecting ingredient.


•For skin that is sensitive to change in physical health and weather.•For skin that develops itchiness or rashes caused by UV rays or dryness.•For people who desire a skincare regime that includes daily generous application of facial toner.

(For illustration purposes only)

Natural Plant Ingredients

Functional ingredients (Moisturizing ingredients)



Special Care

10 11

Page 7: Made of natural water. - Muji · products is also used in the making of sake. The natural water sourced from Kamaishi and used in MUJI skincare products are also used as drinking

•Lipidure *(Polyquaternium-51) •Hyaluronic acid Na •Hyaluronic acid hydrolysis

•Hydrolyzed collagen •Water-soluble collagen

Anti-Aging Skincare Series


Muji anti-aging skincare series provides elasticity and moisture to dry skin or skin that shows signs of ageing.

Formulated with 10 natural plant-based ingredients and 5 moisturizing functional ingredients, keep skin moist and luminous.

•Fragrance-free •No colouring •No mineral oil

*Anti-Aging care: Skincare in accordance with the age

Replenishes moisture to skin. Good for day skincare as well. Keeps skin hydrated and younger looking, fresh skin.

Moisturizing Cream50g S$23.9076947974


Replenishes moisture to skin. It is an ult imate moisturizer for night skincare. Apply a generous amount before going to bed.

High Moisturizing Cream45g76948469

Its consistency resembles that of serum. Prevent signs of aging and dryness. Achieves supple and smooth skin.

Moisturizing Essence Lotion200ml S$29.9076948520

A cream with rich texture. Effective for dehydrated skin treatment on targeted areas.

Moisturizing Cream50g S$29.9076948537

Cleansing Gel Cream

Gel cream type, leaving the skin moist after cleansing. Apply the gel while massaging the entire face so as to allow it to blend with makeup.

150g S$21.9076948506

Light Toning Water • Light200ml

Portable (50ml)

Large (400ml)






Toner, moisturizing milk and serum, all made into one moisturizing gel.Enriched with great skincare ingredients for a complete skincare regime.

All in One Essence

Portable (30g)





Soft touch sheet mask that fits the face.

Sheet Mask5 sheets S$21.9076313434

Apply around eye area which shows signs of ageing, such as dryness or lost of firmness.

Moisturizing Essence30g S$23.9076948476

Light Toning Water • Moisture200ml

Portable (50ml)







Moisture Face Soap

High moisture series face wash – makes your skin bouncy and smooth.

100g S$14.9076948513

Pomegranate LemonApricotPeachRaspberry

Rose LavenderCalendulaArnicaChamomile

Formulated with 10 kinds of good skincare ingredients including a generous amount of ar in ica which works to moistur ize and t ighten sk in , and pomegranate which creates a firm and elastic skin.

•For mature skin in your 30s and older•For dry skin or skin showing aging signs

(For illustration purpose only)


Natural plant ingredients

5 Functional Components (Moisturizing ingredients)




12 13

Special Care

Page 8: Made of natural water. - Muji · products is also used in the making of sake. The natural water sourced from Kamaishi and used in MUJI skincare products are also used as drinking

Find the facial cleanser and face soap suitable for your skin. Select from a range of mild to deep cleansing type.

•Fragrance-free •No colouring •No mineral oil

Deeply and thoroughly removes makeup. Formulated with olive oil and jojoba oil. Great skin absorption. Works well even when using it with wet hands.

Mild Oil Cleansing200ml

Portable (50ml)

Large (400ml)






Gel-type cleanser - The skin feels f resh after using it.

Mild Gel Cleansing 120g

Portable (30g)

Large (200g)






For those concerned about oil content. Combined with apricot fruit juice and peach leaf extract as moisturizing ingredients.

Oil-free Liquid Cleansing

Portable (50ml)





Cream type makeup remover - leaving the skin clean and moist after cleansing. Ideal for dehydrated skin.

Mild Cream Cleansing150g S$17.9076450481

A makeup remover - gentle for sensitive eyes, yet removes makeup deeply and thoroughly without leaving greasy residue.

Mild Eye Make up Remover93ml S$13.0018158683

An emulsion type cleanser - blends well with makeup, reducing the burden on the skin. Leaves in moisture after use.

Mild Milk Cleansing200ml S$17.9076450474

Fine, creamy rich-lathering foam delicately cleanses the face, leaving the skin clean and moist.

Mild Face Soap Moisture

Portable (30g)





A face wash foam – gently cleanses the face while maintaining natural moisture.

Mild Face Soap

Portable (30g)





A face wash foam - effectively lifts away surface oil and pore-clogging impurities.

Mild Scrub Face Soap

Portable (30g)





Whitening Series03 Facial Cleansers & Soaps04Whitening Skincare Series prevents brown blemishes and freckles caused by sunburn.

Vitamin C derivative and Vitamin E derivative, which are active ingredients, suppress the production of melanin and prevents brown blemishes and freckles caused by sunburn. Formulated with yeast extract and citrus unshiu extract to promote clear complexion.

•Fragrance-free •No-colouring •No mineral oil

F o r m u l a t e d w i t h a g e n e r o u s a m o u n t o f apricot juice (great skincare ingredients) and carrot juice (toning ingredients)


Non sticky. Good to help keep skin moisturized during the day.

Whitening Essence*50ml18730117

Put after application of toner, helps to boost skin moisture.

Whitening Moisturizing Milk*

Portable (50ml)





Whitening Toning Water Moist*

Portable (50ml)





Whitening Toning Water Light*

Portable (50ml)





Formulated with keratin-lifting ingredients, washes away excess oil and keratin.

Face Soap100g S$8.9018158478

* Quasi-drug

•For people who love sports or outdoor activities •For people who are concern about brown blemishes/freckles that are getting prominent•For people who want to start whitening regimen from cleansing to special care

Carrot JuiceApricot

(For illustration purpose only)


Natural plant ingredients

• Lipidure®* (Polyquaternium-51) • Hyaluronic acid Na

Functional Ingredients (Moisturizing ingredients)





Face Soap

14 15

Page 9: Made of natural water. - Muji · products is also used in the making of sake. The natural water sourced from Kamaishi and used in MUJI skincare products are also used as drinking

16 17

Massage method

For facial or massage use to keep skin moisturized

Using Essent ia l Oi l b lend of Jojoba, Ol ive and Sesame oi l as a base; emitt ing natural fragrance. It can be applied to the entire body.




Massage oil with Rose essential oil blend emitting a sweet and deep aroma.

Massage oil with Lavender essential oil blend which has a relaxing scent.

Pour about 20 cent coin size of

oil on palm. Apply on entire face,

avoiding eye area and massage

thoroughly. Remove leftover oil

on face with a cotton pad.

Using your fingertip, press down

towards the direction of Lymph

area, massage at ease.

Massage towards the inner arm Lymph area

Massage towards upper thigh

Massage towards the back of knee Lymph area

Begin to massage the sole of

foot from heel area towards

toes and upwards to knee and

thigh in the direction towards

Lymph area.

Massage oil with Neroli essential oil blend emitting a fruity fragrance.








Aging Care Series Toning Water Moisture, Aging Care Series Toning Water High Moisture, Aging Care Series Moist Essence Lotion, Sensitive Skin Series Light Toning Water High Moisture, Organic Series Moisturizing Lotion, Organic Series Whitening Essence, Whitening Toning Water High Moisture

<To customers using Atomiser head and Spray head (including Trigger type)>

Use Pump Head instead of Atomiser Head/ Spray Head for the fol lowing products that contains ingredients of high viscosity:

Toning Water • Moisturizing Milk

Toning Water

Toning Water

Make your own face pack by dipping lot ion sheet into face lotion.

Lotion SheetS$1.60S$5.90S$1.90

Spray • Pump Head

For toning water bott les. A replaceable head for spreading mist extensively. Tr igger type al lows you to hold and push easily and steadily.

Spray Head, Trigger TypeS$3.9015252725

For toning water/milk bottles. Replaceable pump head for dispensing toning lotion and milk with just one push.

Pump Head


For toning water bott les. Replaceable atomiser head for mist-spraying.

Atomiser Head


Lotion SheetLotion sheets allow you to do facial packs easily using toners available at home.

Compressed Face Lotion Sheet (5pcs)

Compressed Face Lotion Sheet (20pcs)

Lotion Sheet for Parts (20pcs)




Face Massage Body Massage

•Face Care

•Body Care

After facial wash and after applying toning water; put 2-3 drops of oil on palm, apply sparingly on face. It helps to prevent water vaporisation and keeps skin moisturized.

Can be applied for Dry Feet, Dry Hands, and Dry or Brittle Hair.


Massage Oil05 Face Care Items06

Page 10: Made of natural water. - Muji · products is also used in the making of sake. The natural water sourced from Kamaishi and used in MUJI skincare products are also used as drinking

18 19

Item Map by Skin Type

Feature Recommended

Cleansing Protection Special CarePreparation



ve S






ng S








e S



A hypoallergenic skincare range formulated for delicate, sensitive skin.

Whitening Skincare Series prevents brown blemishes and freckles caused by sunburn.

•For skin that is sensitive to changes in physical health and weather.•For skin that develops itchiness or rashes caused by UV rays or dryness.•For people who desire a skincare regime that includes daily generous application of facial toner.

•For mature skin in your 30s and over •For dry skin or skin showing aging signs

•For people who love sports or outdoor activities•For people who are concern about brown blemishes/ freckles that are getting prominent•For people who want to start whitening skincare regimen from cleansing to special care

Cleansing GelCream

MoistureFace Soap

Light Toning Water- Light

*Whitening Toning Water - Moist

*Whitening Toning Water - Light

*Whitening Moisturizing Milk

Face Soap (Refill Available)

Face Soap Milk

All in OneEssence


Sun Screen

Toner Milk, Moisturizer

Moisturizing Milk- Light

Moisturizing Milk- Moisture

Moisturizing Milk- High Moisture

Light ToningWater- Light

Light ToningWater

- Moisture

Light ToningWater

- High Moisture

Anti-aging skincare series provides elasticity and moisture to dry skin or skin that is showing aging signs.

*Anti-Aging care: Skincare in accordance with the age.

All in OneEssence


High MoisturizingCream



Aging CareSheet Mask

MoisturizingEssence Lotion

Face Soap *Whitening Essence




* Quasi-drug

Sensitive SkinSheet Mask

Hand CreamBody Milk


al C







al C



& S

oap Find the facial cleanser soap suitable for

your skin. Select from a range of mild to deep cleansing type.

Can be used on Face, Body and Hair.For facial or massage use to keep skin moisturized.



Deep CleansingMild



e O


Mild CreamCleansing

Rose Lavender Neroli

Mild MilkCleansing

Oil-free LiquidCleansing

Milk GelCleansing

Mild OilCleansing

Mild Eye MakeupRemover

Mild ScrubFace Soap

MildFace Soap

Mild Face SoapMoisture

Page 11: Made of natural water. - Muji · products is also used in the making of sake. The natural water sourced from Kamaishi and used in MUJI skincare products are also used as drinking

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2014 © MUJI (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. All product and price information are correct as of print, and may be subject to change. Any dimensions quoted are for guidance only. All products are subject to availability. Refer to in-store display for latest updated pricing. All Rights Reserved. Published May 2014.