macon georgia telegrap t; · buck skin, black and white silk^nd linen gloves, sus penders, a...

MACON GEORGIA TELEGRAP T; DRUGS 3^r e shixnss.&c, J fresh supply just Received by J. II. & XV. s: ELLIS, Masonic Hall, Colton Atenue. Among which are the following MEDICINES, Arc. Sulphate Quinine (french) Canlhurides, Fly stone, Colocynth, Court plaister. Castor oil (fresh) Sweet oil do Charcoal, pulv. Corks velvet, Calomel, Antimony, Aloes, Rheubarb, Jalap, Digitalis, Opium, Prepared Chalk, Acetate lead, do cupri, do Zinc, Arseniate potossa, Ether sulphuric, do nitric, Nitrate silver, do potossa, Phosphate soda, do iron, Sulphate iron, do potossa, , do soda, do magnesia, Berate soda, Phosphorus, Manna flake, Ointment hyd. potossa,! do Iodine, do Veratrine, do Itch, Oxide mercury, Extract Jalap' do Butternut, Hyosciamus, Gentian, Belladonna, Taraxici, Rhubarb. Nux Vomica, Ilhatania, Cicuta, Glycyrrhiza. do do do do do do do do do Gum Arabic, Sulphate Morphine, Acetate do Iodine. Acetic acid, Oxalic do Citric do Prusslb do Tartaric do Ammonia, do (Aromspts) Antimonialis pulv Veratrine, Strychnine Emetine, Rheubarbine, Croton Tiglium, Serale cornutum, Oil Sinapine, Oil cantliaridin, Pyroligneons Acid, Hydriotale Potassa, Peperine. Oil black pepper, Irish moss, Musk. Chloride soda, Citrated kali. Chloride Lime, Medical mustard, in pots, Opium deniircotized, Cyanuret potassium, Comp. Tonic extract. Carrageen, (prepared) Spigclia comp extract, . Blue moss, Precip. ext. bark, Peruvian do Calisaya do Toxa ' do Red do Chamomile flowers, Senna. Uv# Ursi, Ilorehound, Sage, African Cayenne, Bayberry bark (powd) Blood root, do Colchicum, do Gulden***], Slippery Elm (powd) Qunssia, Gentian (powd) Cort. Aurant (powd) Lobelia and seed. Hemlock, Skunk cabbage, Squills, Gamboge, Hops, Mezcriuir, Alkanet riot, Cortcasgarilla, do sassafras, Ladiesslipper, Golden thread, Saffron, Cinnamon bark, Powdered ginger. Root do Curcuma, Mustard seed, Mace, Cloves, Nutmegs, Caraway seed, Anise *' do Coriander <1* Arrow root. Aqua Fortis, Anodyne (Hoffmans) Borax, Black lead, Brimstone, Blue stone, Juniper berries, Cubeb do Oxide bismuth, Bees wax, Burgundy pitch, Balsam copivi, do tnlu, do Pern, Blacx drop, PATENT MEDICINES, dfcc. Leespills. Compt lld ext Pink Root, Opodeldoc, by G. W. Carpenter, Chapmans anti-dyspeptic Dalbys carminative. a° do do do do Camphor, Scammony, Myrrh, Asafcctida, Gniac, Pearl Barley, Syringes, Honey, Otto roses, Magnesia, calcd do carb. Isinglass, Quicksilver, Seidlitz powders, Soda do Saratoga do Sponge, Tamarinds, Wafers, Sarsaparilla, Red precipitate, White do Black do Pcarlash, Anuatta, Indigo, Spanish float, Logwood, Fustic, Copperas, Spanish brown, Venetian red. Madder, Fig blue, Nutgalls, Alum, Cochineal, Spts Turpentino. Venice do Starch, Salt Tartar, Sal Ammoniac, Glue, Rosin, Jujube paste. do Pills, Peters' do Hunters' pills, HoopeH's do Andersons do British oil, Batemans drops, Thompson's .ye water, Godfreys cordial. Salts lemon, Worm tea, Effervescing magnesia, Botanical drops. Swaims Panacea, Indians do Ess Iceland Moss, Cough Mixture, Fluid ext sarsaparilla, Syr Liver-vort. Comp sarsap. Bleaching Liquid, Meads Pills, Issue plaisters, Elixer life, Ginger beer powders, Medicated Oil silk, Digestive Elixer, Pile remedy, Chlorine tocth wash, Bay ruin, BaDain honey. Cough Lozenges, Extract coffee, Cullens liquid magnesia, Potters cntliolican, Rowans Tonic Mixture, Relies Vegetable specific, Oil Wormseed. Ext Buchu, cubebs Sc Ext. Bonesct. Tonic Extract. copivi PERFUMERY A. BRUSHES, Ac Ilair Powder, Anuond paste, Pearl do Ground paint brushes, Rouge, do sash do Milk of Roses, Oval Varnish do Cold cream, Camel hair Cream Almonds. Badgers hair Florida water, various sizes Graining do do do do assd do do do do do do silver wire, do do do Cologne do do do Flesh lavender do do do Horse Rose do do do Hair Bearsoil, Nail Wards hair oil, Comb Marrow Pomatum, Tooth Orange Flower Water, do Macassar oil, Cloth Spirit of Rose, Scrubbing Camphor soap, ' Shoe Musk' do Emollient do Windsor do \ do do Brown, '.Wash Balls, Curling fluid, Antique oil, Inp Halve, (Persian Otto Shaving do Rose.) Shaving oil, Tooth powder, (superior) Powder Puff* and boxes, Erosive do Preston salts. Extract Bergamot, Smelling bottles, do Rose, Tapers, do Musk, Dutch cologne, Honey Water, Atkinsons Depilatory. Shaving cakes, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac. Amputating cases, Cupping glasses, Prepanning instruments, do do with *- do Wanted to Hire :iOO JVegroes, T HE Contractor* for graduating the Monroe Rail Road, (between Macon and Forsyth, Ga.) will hire 300 or more Negroes to work on said Road. For able bodied fellow* £16 per month will be giv en, and a proportionable amount for boys and women The payment of the wages, and good treatment of the negroes will bo guarantied bv the Bail Road Com- pany. ' DANIEL GRIFFIN, May IS lm____________ Resident Ewgiuccr. S imnier Goods. J UST Received by ISAAC NEWHALL, . Bales of Brown shirtings do white do do Bed Tick, do Brown Drili, do Buckskin fancies, Stermonts Constitution Twills,Rouen Cssitr.eres, Colton Hose. A Hose, Gents fine Boots and shoes. Youths do Childrens do Ladiesfine shoes of everv des- cription 25 Case of Hats, Wool, napped, fine Satin, Beaver and Fttr, 100 Palm leaf do on the most reasonable terms. April 28 44 Lime For Sale. A PPLY to WILLIAM DANIEL, who has made arrangements for a quantity, and will be deliv- ered at his shop, or by the load, at any place in the city for cash. April 25 44 WM. DANIEL Comprehensive Commentary. •Oil sale at the store of J. H. & W. S. ELLIS. Agents and subscribers will cal] and get their copies. April 6 41_____ _________ F NEW SPRING CLOTHING. HORACE FITCH I S new opening at the store opposite the Washing- Hall. a new and handsome assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing) which has boeu made up by L. Fitch, and will be Sold cheap for cash, consisting in part of * Super black, brown, green and olive camblett f. Coats, *• " *• dress Coats, 11 •• bombazine, f. do. " *dress d*. " •' summer cloth. Brown and white grass linen frock coats Sc coattees, Brown and white German and French linen do. do. black and green bomazine coats, pants. French & German lin. do blk & green camblett do lasting & Circassian do olive & brown do do Dutch and rnixt do br\vn&white grasslin do white and buff utersailles do do drilling do vests, I do do imp. cord do do do valentia do linen Sc doe skin do fig. Sc rib. utersailles do crape dril. & honey comb plad & spotted do do pants. do & figd shelly do merino, casiuier, lasting do English it French silk do cantooiis and ccrd do blk & figd velvet do cloth «fc casiutere . do Florentine and bombazine with a general assortment do of common do with a good assortment of white & grass linnet! short common do Fine littnen and cotton shirts, liutien aud cotton drawers, Augola nett si arts and drawers, «tc. &c. Also, storks, collars, bosoms, gloves, cotton, random, linen, black and white silk half hose, black .horse skin, buck skin, black and white silk^nd linen gloves, sus- penders, a variety, Spittilficld, pongee, flag and ban- dia hdkfs. Italian plaid, figd and red bordered cravats, white do. stripe rousian belts, braces, fine brown liuen. (for childrensaprons) blue, black and green broad cloths, white drilling, bombazine, and merino cassi- insrc, fine palm leaf bats, common do, childrens leg- horn do. and caps, also, a large assortment of JTats, Shoes, Hoots. Ssc. which I invite my friends and public to give me a call at the store next door to W. h. Johnson. Gentlemen wishing their clothes made to measure at the North, by leaving their measure with me can have them made in the best and most fashionable style, inarch 31 40 HORACE FITCH. N. B. Those that have not settled up their last yearsaccount will not forget that I want niv dues. II. F. CENTRAL HOTEL, Macon. Georgia. T I11S establishment is now under the control of the subscribers, who pledge themselves to ren- der comfortable those who may call on them, j PETER J. WILLIAMS, Feb 25 35 JOHN D. RAMEY. WASHINGTON HALL. THE Subscribers have taken that com- modious and well known public house in (111 UvW the City of Macon,the Washington Hall, lately occupied by Mr. M. D. Huson.By the unremitting attention of both of them, they flatter themselves that their House will ob- tain for t'hent a general patronage from the Public.— They have secured the valuable services of a Lady, whose reputation as a manager of a public house, is inferior to no one in the State. Their tables will be furnished with the best the coun- try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors. The Stables are attended by careful and experienced Ostlers. MUSTIAN & MOTT. Feb 5 1835 36 GLOBE TAVERN, Clinton, Tones County, Ga. I ^IJE Subscribers (late proprietors of the Clinton Hotel,) 'ender our thunks to our friends aud patrons for past encouragement, aud respectfully beg leave to announce to the public, that we have temoved to the commodious House knowu as the globe tavern, situated in the busiuess part of the town, and fronting the Court-House. Having leased this stand for several years, with the intention of renewing the lease or of pur- chasing the property, we consider ourselves per- manently located, aud shall continue to improve our aeeomodatious as the comfort of customers shall require. Our House is now open for the rcceptiou of Travellers or Boarders. We shall at all times endeavor to keep such a House, as will ensure public patronage; and we hope to afford such ac- commodations as will prove satisfactory to those who call on its. The usual great promises of good TABLES, BARS. &c. we thiuk unnecessary to particular- ize.—Good Lots and other conveniences for Dro- vers, readily furnished. WOOD & WEEKES. January 20, 1834 19 tf REMOVAL. J.A.&S. S. VIRGIN Watch Makers It Jeicellers, Would inform their friends and the public, that they have remov- ed their establishment to Cotton Avenue, to the store recently oc- cupied by J H & W S Ellis,drug- gists. where they will be happy to serve any who may favor them with a call. They have in addition to their former stock, just received from New York a large and splendid assortment of Watches, Jewelry, £ic. of the latest fashions, which they will sell cheap for cashconsisting of gold and silver levers, anchor es- capement, duplex, lepiuc, alarm and vertical Watch- es, of the best quality; gold, silver and steel guard Chains, Heals aud Keys, Ear Knobsand Drops, Breast Pins, Fiugcr Rings, gold, silver and steel Spectacles, gold and silver ever Yitnted Pencils, silver table, tea, salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and cream Ladlesall of which will be warranted free from alloy ; silver Cups, butter Knives. Castors, sil- ver plated and bronzed Candlesticks, Trays aud Sttuf- ers, Musical Boxes, Accordions, Flutes, Flngcoletts, Fifes. Drums, See. Swords, sword Canes, Knives and Pistols, among which is Rngglespocket Rifle, that will shoot fifty yards with precision; Gold Foil, Den- tist Files, shell, silver, gilt and horn Combs, Card ca- ses, Pocket Books and Purses, silver Snuff boxes, sil- ver Toys, silver Thimbles, Scissors, coral, gilt and glass Beads, steel Pens, and a variety of other articles I usually kept in their line. N. B. We have the best of materials for repairing Watches of all kinds. 3. S. Vs practical knowledge of the business induces him to think that he can. and willgive satisfaction to all who may entrust their work in his hands. Spoons See- engraved- Oct- 1 >1 Jletr Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, JOST RECEIVED BV WTO. H. 2TORDSALL. A T the new Fire Proof Buildings, corner of .Mul- berry and Second streets, including the follow- ing : Summer cloth, Bombazine, Grass Cloth, Grass and Brown l.ineu Circassian and Rottati Cassitnere FROCK COATS. Summer .Cloth, twilled Merino, grass Cloth, gross aud brown Linen, and Ronan Cassitnere COATEES. Summer Cloth, Bombazine, Knuinet, Cyprus, wor- sted and Valentia Crape, Napoleon Cord, Angola Cas- simere, brown and grass Linen and Drilling Fancy Drilling, Pongee, .Mexican mixt, Ronan Cassitnere and Jeans PANTALOONS. Boys summer Cloth, grass Cloth, brown linen, and Rouan Cassitnere FROCK COATS, COATEES and PANTALOONS. as she is known to be so, or is parte White and huff grass Cloth, huff and brown Linen, necessary attention will be paid to prevent accidents Pongee, Rouan Cassitnere and Jeans ROUND JACK- or escapes, but no liability for either. ETS. j JOHN L. MUSTIAN A large assortment of fancy VESTS. Fine Linen Shirts, Silk under Shirts and Drawers, &e. &c <Src. MINER. THIS beautiful and thorough bred horse, the property of Geo. B. Robert- son, will stand the present season at the stable of Mustian & Mott, Macon, aud _______ ___is now ready to serve mares at Fifteen Dollars the leap; Thirty Dollars the season, payable the first of July, at which time the season will expire; One Dollar cash, to the groom for each mare ; Fifty Dollars to insurca mare to be in foal, payable as soon d with. Eve T HE Subscribers have resumed the . Drug Dusiness, at their old stand, formerly El- lis, Shptwell & Co. lately occupied by Mr Win G. Brown, opposite the Central Hotel, under the firm of H. & J. SHOTWELL, who intend keeping a very general assortment of Goods peculiar to their line of business, together with a great variety of miscellaneous articles that may be dilBcult to be found elsewhere. Their Stock is now very extensive, having received by late arrivals nearly all their Fall and winter supplies a general enumera- tion of which could not be given in an advertisement. Some of the Articles received are, (Drugs & Medicines,) Rochelle Salts, Hellebore, Iceland Moss, Flos Ben- zoine, Juniper Berries, Lapis Calaminnris, Henrys Magnesia, Madder. Mace, Cayenne Jepper, Black Pepper, Alspicc, Hemlock Bark, Bayberry do, Poplar do, Cinnamon do, Golden Seal, Sumac, Scm. Anisi, Aqua Antonia F F F, Sulph Quinine, Sago. Gum Guiac. Indian Turnip, Skunk Cabbage, Hops, Pep- permint Lozenges. Oil Spruce, Acidulated Lemon Drops, Coriander Seed, C. P. Castor Oil, Cort Au- rant, Cherry tree Bark, White Vitriol, Muriatic Acid, Pink Root, Gunt Myrrh, Seed Lac, Seneka oil, Lob- elia, Lemon Balm, Sweet Balm, Ext Colocynth, Pul. Gut Arabic. Ground Race Ginger, Balsam Fir, Pearl Barley, refined Boiax, Bole Armenian, Cera Alba, Lunar Caustic. Cloves, Prepared Chalk, Cubebs, Ca- nella Alba, Rust of Iron, Sup. Carb. Soda, Castor, Calamus Root, Cowhage, Mazerion, Sassafras, Bals- am Honey, Cumfrey Root. Dragons Blood, Oil Lav- ender, Union, Bergamot. Ext Bark, dp Liverwort, Stricnine, Emetine, Digitalis, F.ltn Barit, Flos of El- der, Ext Hyoscyamus, Flax seed, Fowlers Solution, Henbane, Uva Ursi, Camphor, Kino, Scammony Aleppo, Gold Thread. Hydriodate Potass, Mustard Seed, Spts Nitre, Oil Wormseed. Croton Oil, Olive Oil, Bismuth, Oil silk, Sanfbrds Bark, Tamarinds, Gum Copal, Syrup of Liverwort, Turkey Opium, Cai-tharides, Flowers of Chamomile, Oil Pepper- mint, Bermuda Arrow Root, sugar Lead, Refined I,i- uoricc, Ergot. Nux Vomica, Corrosive sublimate. Iloes, Gum Arabic, Precipitate, spts Hartshorn, Carb Potass, Alcohol, sarsaparilla, Epsom salts, Nitric Acid, .Ether, Alspice, Pepper, Tartarised Antimony, As- phaltuin, Adhesive Plaster, Acetate of Potass, Bnls- Copaiva, refined Borax, snake Root. Cubebs, Rhubarb, Ipecac, sem Carui, Cream Tartar, Nut Galls, Isinglass, Magnesia, Mercurial Ointment, Blue Pill, sulphate Quinine, Conserve Roses, Black Drop, Jujube Paste, sal Ammoniac, Bay Rum, Oil Cinna- mon. Acetate Morphine, sulph do. Comp Ext Bucha, do of Liver Wort, Ext sarsaparilla, Ext Pink Root, Cotnp Ext Cubebs, Piperiue, Iodine, Butlers Maguc- sia. Kreosote, Assafcctida, Nutmegs, Tapioca, Manna. Oil Rosemary, Canadian Balsam, F.xt Valerian, salt Pctre, Glaubers salts. Concentrated spts Ammonia. faints. Due Stuffs, Oils, 250 kegs White Lead in oil 25 do Venetian Red dp 30 do Spanish Brown do 2000 lbs Soap Stone Paint do G kegs Yellow Ochre do 20 canisters Verdigris do 900 lbs Spanish Brown dry 200 lbs Venetian Red do 800 lbs Yellow Ochre do ♦500 lbs Spanish Whiting do Red Lead, Chrome Green, Kings Yellow, Verdi- gris, Prussian Blue, Stone Ochre, Rose Pink, Lith- arge, Spanish Pumice Stone, Unibar, Lamp Black, Ivorv do, Chinese Vermillion, Black Lead, Chalk, do Red, Carmine, Water Colors assd sizes boxes, Drop Lake, Spanish Float Indigo,Calcd Plaster, Wa- ter Lime, Terra de Sienna, Green Blue and Black Paint mixt, Blue Brown & Green Smalts, Frostings, Blue White Brown and Purple. Gold Bronze, Car-, mine Saucers, Pink do. Logwood in sticks, do ground and chapped, Fustic, Madder. Camwood, rod San- ders, Copperas, Brazilletto Wood, Annatlo. 300 gals Linseed Oil 400 do Sperm Oil fall strained 350 do do do winter do 160 do Spirits Turpentine 300 do Train Oil <l 1 bbl Liver Oil, do Neats Foot 1 bbl Copal Varnish, Japan do Black do. Picture Varnish. Coach do. Patent and Compound Medicines Swaims Vermifuge, do Panacea, Thompsons Eye Water, Greens Tonic Mixture, Rowans Tonic Mix- ture, (for t(ie fever and ague ) Ilarkem Oil, Gowlauds Lotion, Potter's Catholicon, Barclays Comp. Sarsa- parrilla and Cubcbs; Dalbys Carminative, British Oil, Opodeldoc, Judkins Ointment, Lees W. Bilious Pills, N. L. Turlingtons Balsam, -Batemans Drops Dutts •/, ItcrilF Sale. O N the first Tuesday in JULY next, will be sold before the court house door in the town of Jackson, Butts county, within the legal hours of sale, Lot of laud No. 42, in the fourth district of original ly Monroe now Butts county, county, containing 20:7. acres more or less, levied on as the property of Jehu . W. Hutchinson, by virtue of a Fi Fa from a justicescourt of Bibb county, in favor of II. L. Towns vs Je- hu YV. Hutchinson, property pointed out by the plain- tiff's attorney, levied on and returned to me by a cou- tsable. May 14 J. XV. WATKINS, Sheriff , Campbell Sheriff Sale. ^*^N the first Tuesday in JULY next, will be sold be- F OUR months after date, application will be m to the honorable Inferior court ofJackson cr 6 ty when sitting as a court of Ordinary for leave Lot No. (203) two hundred and three in the Ah ? trict of formerly Cherokee now Waiker county r the benefit of the heirs of I.ttcy Archer deceas»s^or march 17. 1836 38p JOHN A. WALIHxjL WALl£^m, I t Ul a months afterdate application wij| be~~~' to the honorable Inferior Court of, Stewart n'a<!c ty, when sitting for quinary purposes, for leave |C°Un the negroes belonging (o the estate of Benjamin F°\mU son, a minor, deceased, March 22,1836 THOMAS S. CHAPPELL.) WILLIAM NELSON, \ddm'r,. _ fore the court house door in Campbellton. Campbell yjiQUR months after date,opplicatiotMvj|nir~~Y county, between the usual hours of sale; the followingpro- j}1 to the honorable the inferior court nf r m33e * ___ .4.. ...i__ ru*.________ i:_....__ Ul *3VeW(* petty: One lot of land. No. 695, in the first district and third section of originally Cherokee now Campbell county, levied on as the property of William Kiutbro and Etheldred Auston, to satisfy a Fi Fa from, Camp- bell superior court, one in favor of David Clinton vs William Kimbro, and one in favor David Clinton vs William Kimbro and Efltpldrcd Auston, both issued from Campbell Superior court. Lots No. 962, G and 10. iti the 18th district and se- cond section of originally Cobb but now Campbell county, levied on as the property of P. J. Murray, by execution issued from the superior cout of Hall coun- ty, in favor of the officers oi the court vs P. J. Mur- rayproperty pointed out by an attorney. Lot No. 678, in the 18th district and second section of originally Cobb now Campbell county, levied on as the property of Smith Wells, principal, and Berrian Williams security, levied on by a Fi Fa from a justices court of Walton county, in favor ol James R. Garrett vs Smith Wells and Berriar Williams securitypoin- ted out by Berrian Williams. The haif of let No 6.9, in the eighth district of ori- ginally Cowctq now Campbell coilnty, as the property pf Thomas Papp, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued front a jus- ticescourt of Campbell county, in favor of James G. Lyle, vs Thomas Pace—levied on and returned'to me by Isaac. Burson constable, property panned out by John Hue, plaintiff8 attorney. " May 26 DAVID D. SMITH, Sheriff. Also trill be sold as above, Lot of laud No 142, in the eighth district originally Coweta uow Campbell countylevied on as the pro- perty of William H. House, to satisfy an execution in favor of Josee Dunn, which was obtained against the said House in Troup county, September term, 1830,. in favor of said Jpsee Dunnproperty pointed out by' plaintiff. Lot and a half qfjaud, No not known, it being the possession wherepn George Harriss widow uow lives, in Campbell countylevied on as the property of the estate of George Harris, to satisfy an execution in fa- vor of L B Wattsproperty pointed out by the admin- istrator. May 23. JOHV- CAKLTON Pep Sh'ff. county, when sitting for ordinary purposes f0i-7elte te ■»!) part of the real estate of Abner Chainni/J e?tfi of said county, deceased. May 8 - 47 pionwillis Champion,, _______ FRANCIS CHAMPION, Admn TO OUR. months after dap; application will JT to tlto honorable Inferior Court ^ arposi II late . tho honorable Inferior Court of CaaS county when sitting for ordinary purposes forint*, sell the real estate of William Sewell late of silH *10 ty deceased. L S THOMAS, Adn??"' June 9, 1836 50 a,r* tibUihilA: Houston fotitity. ~ ■WT® HEREAS Shadrnck Dennard and Sam,., If Felder apply for letters of Admi istraPoT1'1 tho estate of Henry Felkel, deceased: cn These are therefore to cite and admonish alient s' gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased tob, Aj appear at my office within the time prescribed by lCK, shew cause if any they hare, why said lcturs shcMnotb grauted. Given under my hand at office May 23 ts-'r, CHARLES H. R1CF.: c7^ , cry Paont feather Brooms, do do Dusters, do do Brushes, Fitch Tools, Counter Brushes, Hat do Crumb do F. I\ LEWIS,- MEDt'MGJJX'T T»H£jOH. T IIE subscriber has just received a .-upply of Spring and SuininerClotbing, mad; of the best materials, wliicii he will sell low for cash. * lie iuvites persons to give him a call. Tailoring Dusiness done as usual at his shop with despatch, and in the neatest manner. He tenders his warmest thanks for past patronage, and will endeavor to deserv e a contin- uance of the same. F. F. LEWIS. April 21 43 Mulberry st. opposite Central Hotel. N. B. Those indebted will call and pay their dueshe must have money to meet the demands a* gainst him.__________________ F. F. L. Pratts Nipple Shields. T HE Medical College ofGeorgia at Augusta have gi. c«i their opinio.i of the superiority of Doctor Pratts Sipple Shield to any thing el*c hitherto offered for tlie same purpose, which opinion can be presented if necessaty to physicians and others. The opinion of Dr Baber aud other physicians in Macon who have examined the instrument, accords with that of Doctor Dewces and the Medical College of Georgia. The Instrument is for sale in Macon by the subscriber only, price $5, with printed directions. 11. LOOMIS. Sign of the Golden Mortar, Mulberry street Certificate, of Doctor Detcees " Doctor Elijah 1rajt: Dear sirAs I feel it a mat- ter of i ,'icli public importance to possess a means of lessening the terrible sufferings ofsore nipples, I have much pleasure in being able to say that the Shieldyou offer for the preventing and the cure of this mala- dy, is better adapted to this purpose than any I have heretofore seen. In the two or three instances I have known them to be used, much satisfaction has been expressed ; »nd I have no hesitation to believe it will generally succeed. I am so well persuaded oif this at tliis moment, that I cannot forbear to express a wish that cur city through the various apothecaries may bn supplied with them. I cm yours, &c. ,f*iMaddphia, 13/* Jan. 1834.. Ws. P. Deweks.jDissecting I Pocket cases, Spring Lancets, Evansthumb do Dentistscases, Teath keys uo do air pumps, Gum elastic catheters, Silver do Scton Needles, Spring isneetidadas, Tooth claws, (moveable but- Gum Lancets, Medical spoone, Scales and Weights, Teeth Files. 'tons, Scarificators, iftscess Lancets, Tourniquets, The subscribers isten J keeping a fhll assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES. PAINTS, OILS. SHOP FURNrrURE, &e. consisting of all articles in the H wM. h. bukdsalju AS Just received a new and extensive .as- sortment of Heady-made Clothing. Superfine bine, black, invisible green. Adelaid, olive brown and green Broadcloth Dress Goats, Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock Coats, Superfine blue, olive, green and mix'd Cloth Coattees, and blue, steel mixd and fancy colored Sattinet Coattees and Frock Coats. Snper. blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, Mack and fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons. Youths cloth and sallinet Dress and Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black and blue Cacsimere. black and colored Velvet, black Floriniine, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valentia. English Silk, colored and white Merseilles Toilinet, Swansdown and Sattinet Vests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth & Patersham Box Coats. Lyon Skit* Overcoats, Fine Uncn Shirts. Collars. Bosoms, Socks. &e Description—.MINER is a beautiful dark brown, with remarkably black legs mane and tail. 15 hands 2 inches high, 5years old this spring, of fine muscle and well formed in all particulars. .Miner is halfbrother to the celebrated race- iwn* A.p, 1*. who is die favorite of the South. See Turf Register for tKe pedigree or Mousienr Tonson and Collier. I do certify that the bay horse which I have sold to Mr. George B. Robertson, will be five years old this spring, and that he was got by Mr. Win. R. Johnsons horse Touson.Jiis dam Brenda, the dun of the cele- brated race horse Collier, formerly owned by Wm. Fin- ney and myself. The above (Miner.) I trained the spring he was three years old; his first stakes at Fair- fieldfirst heat ini. 55s. for which he did uut contend; second beat, he was beaten by Mr. Hares black colt (now Black Heath) by about half a length, in the un- precedented time of lm. 51s. (see Turf Register.)Having an extraordinary opiniou of .Miners speed and durability, and tills being the best 2d heat I had then, or have ever yet witnessed, over any Course South ol' the Long Island Course, N. York, 1 purchased Mr Hares Black Heath. The next fall I trained them to- gether. and whs under the firm conviction, from pri vate trials, that Miner was the best of the two, and as an evidence of ttia fact, I refused $1750 for half of Mi- ner, aud sold to Mr Richard Adams the whole of Black Heath for 2500, the next day. The spring he was four I trained him again. In contending for the J. C. Purse over the Broad Rock Course, be letdown in the second heat; though let down he was well upIre- uetle winning, Tobaconist distanced. I have no doubt nature intended him for a first rate four mile horse, but from some injury which 1 never cottld ac- count for, he was unfortunate. This last race see Tutf Register. JOHK IIETII. Coal Pitts, Chesterfield co. Va. Jan. 24,1636. I sold the darn of Miner to Geo. \V Johnson.sou of Mr. W. K. Johnson, when 15 years old, for the sum of$1500cash. JOHN HETH. I have also sold the half of two fillies, one when a year oid, the other when two, foi $2000 cash, both out of the dam of Miner. . JOHN llETH. I am well acquainted with the bay horse Miner, now the property of .Mr. George B Robertson, and have been from the time of foaling to the present dayHe was get by my horse Monsieur Tonson, out of Bren- da, and will be five years old tliis sjiring, 1836. This mare Brenda is qow the property of my son George, and has some very promising colts, and is now in foal to Eclipse. She is also the dam of Collier by Sir Charles, who has run into distinction ill Virginia. I hare seen this horse Miner, while in training, and kuow that he was considered very promising, aud that Mr. John Hcth, who trained him, thought highly of him, and valued him highly I have also seen hint run, and perform admirably well, and I thought high- ly of him as a race horse, lie is certainly of fine ap- pearance, great durability and of fine family. Given under my hand, this 17th Januarv. 1836. April 14 42___________Iv. R. JOHNSON. James II. Cooke, Copartnership. T HE undersigned have formed a connexion for the transaction of general FACTORAGE line .icc'cs-ary for the supply eFnhyridan.! KnriSZ j ChyU,Cr or Families. They will be supplied with the be*t that 1 t^e ®rtn °y COOMBS &, I)OU(«HTl. can be selected out of the New-York and Philadelphia markets. Orders from Merchant* and Physicians, will receive prompt attention. i J«n. 23 31 J. H. & w. 3. ELI.IS Savannah. June 1 50 JOHN S. COOMBS. E. W. DOUGHTY. Hire White f.ead and Jjnseed Oil (or sale april 26 44 by J. II.£e \V. S. LLLIS. .1*0. 100, Droadicay Jl'etc Torh, OFFERS for sale every description of Cabinet Furniture, such as Sofas, Sideboards, Bureaus, Ta- bles, Divans, Chairs, Looking Glasses, Bedstcds, hair M- ttressea, and every arti- cle in the furnishing line, which will be sold low for cash or on time. Goods pack* d for shipping at short notice. April 21 43_____ 3m___________________ NEW GOODS. J UST RECEIVED an extensive stock of . Spring Goods, | including a splendid assortment of Muslins, Ging- ham- French Prints. Hosiery &c rch figured Silks, which will he sqld on accomodating terms. April 18 43 CRAFT LJLWla Henrys Aromatic Vinegar, entiun, Ilygean Syrup, Meads Pills, Walkers Drops, Morrisnus Pills, Wests Pills. Rheumatic Medicine, Sphon's Digestive Elixir, Littles Lotion, Nipple Salve, Bleaching liquid, Mustard, Citrate of Kale Consumption Specific, Cerate of Copaiva, Cosmetic Cold Cream, Hays L'nimcnt, Chapman's Mixture, Bullards Oil of Soap, Scotts Pills, Hamiltons Worm Lozenges, Judkins Specific Ointment, Scotch Oint- ment, Hoffmans Anodyne. Surgical and Medical Instruments Pocket Instrument* in Cases, Silver Spring Lan- cets. JExaML£jC0WQ thumb Lancets. Obstetrical Instru- t.ients. Fox s SpringTurnfeeys, Teeth Forceps, Cup- ping glasses, Tweezers, Surgical Needles, Gum Elas- tic Syringes, Metalic do, Stetheoscopes, Apothecaries Scales and weights, Spatulas nssd, Mctalic Stall's aud Souuds, Hair Sieves. Medical Spoons. Hritsins Ground Paint Brushes assorted sizes, Varnish do, Sash Tools do, Badgers Hair Blenders Graining do, Camels Hairdo, Fancy and plain Hair Brushes assor- ted, Palters do do, Cloth do do, (Lit Crumb Brushes. Hearth do, Dusting do, Shoo do, Hat- tersBrushes, Ta'.-le do, Flesh do, Shaving do, Fur- niture Brushes. Witisk Brooms, do Brushes. Glass Ware, Store Turnitnrc. Window Glass Window Glass assorted sizes from 7 by 9 to 22 by 28 inches. Coach Glass, do Picture Looking Glass Plates, Tincture Bottles from £ pint to 2 gallons, do Specie assorted sizes, Salt Mouth do, > to 8 oz Vials, Ground stoppers White and Green Vials assorted, Nursing Bottles, Globe Bottles. Graduate Measures, Glass Funnels, Retorts and Reservoirs, Proof Glasses (Drum Vials, Otto of Rose Vials, Pungents Tubes or Fjllers, Glass Unips, with shades, do without shades, Glass Candlesticks, Suspending Lamps, witii shades, extra shades. Cologne, teater Fancy articles, Soaps Double distilled Cologne Water in tuncy and plain Bottles, Florida Water, Milk of Roses. Orange Flow- er Water, Lavender, Harrogate salts. Pearl Powder, Pomatum. Macassar Oil, Rose water, Oil of Roses, Musk, German Cologne water, Honey water, Preston salts, Antique Oil, Transparent wafers, llingeuts, (cut glass,) Metalic shaving Boxes, Camels Ilair Pen- cils, Wash Balls, Otto of Rose Vials, Variegated snap* do Transparent for shnving, Rose soap, do Cinnamon do Ceylon, English Windsor, soda soap. Court Pias- ter, Teeth powder. Mif&ellancnus Kitchens Patent Cocoa, Lucifer Matches, Bar soap, Variegated do, Turpentine, Fine and Coarse sponge, Coxs Currying Knives, Clay Pipes, do Glazed, Lamp Glasses, Lamp Wick, Bees Wax, Diamonds, French Chalk, Etnerv coarse and fine, Black saud, Pearlash. Castilegoap, Scotch, Kappicand Macaboy snuff, sha- ving Boxes, Honey, Glue, Blacking, Lemon syrup, Barbers shaving Cakes,.Chloride Lime. Wafers, Ta- pers scaling Wax, starch, sandPaper, Indelible Ink, Corks, Cork Wood, Violins, do strings, Bellows, Ma- gic Matches, Swifts, Bath Brick, shellac. Garden Seeds, Herps, Flotvcr Seeds. Onion, Beet, Turnip, Carrot, Parsnip, Cucumber, Watermelon, Muskmelon, (beautiful) squash, Pump- kin, Lettuce, Raddish, Cabbage, Brocoli, Ct nlitlowcr, Kale, Pepper, Peppergras, Cress, Tomato, Vegeta- lid Cc' Carroll Micrilf Kale. W ILL be sold at Carrollton, Carroll county, on the first Tuesday in JULY next, within the law- ful hours of sale, Lot of laud. No 197, in the ninth district of Carroll county, levied on as the property of James McCart- ney, to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa in favor of Thomas McGuire and William Beall vssaid James McCartnev. April 21 44 JOHN DEAN, Sheriff Fayette ShcrilF Sale. "jj'j® EFOItK the court house in Fayetteville, Fayette JgJkJ county, on the first Tuesday in JULY next, will be sold, within the lawful hours of sale, One negro boy by the name of David, about twenty- live years of age, levied 011 as the property of John D Mann ty sundry Fi Fas in favor of Thomas Byron and others, levied on and returned to me by a constable 101 j acres, being half of lot No 139,75 acres, being part nf lot 150. both in the 4th district of originally j Henry now Fayette countylevied on as the proper- ! ty of Seaborn late by an execution in favor of Alan- j son Glass, Asa Hulsey and Elisha Hill, commissioners, , vs. Hamlin D- Matty, principal, and Seaborn I'ute aud | William Pate, securities. May 20 A LFK ED BRdWN, Dcp. Sh'ff. j Also, will be sold as abate, The west half offraction of land No 144, in the 7th j district of Fayette couutylevied on as the property of John Angling sen. by an execution in favor of John Burkelevied on and returned to me by a bailiff. One fourth part of Jot No 20, in the 7th district of Fayette countylevied on as the property of Edward Kent by an execution in favor ot Rice P KnoJes aud otherslevied on aud returned to me by a constable. Mary Knowlesinterest in lot No 102, in the 5th dis- trict of originally Heuty now in Fayette county* levied on by an execution in fiiygr of \V W Coker vs B H Denson and Mary Knoleslevied on aud. returned to me by a constable. Mav 20 ANDREW McBRIDF. herifT S IX months after date. I shall anniTlaTiioTir.- cesof the Inferior Court of Jones county fiJ?' for ordinary purposes, for Dismission front the cu ° Juue4 n,P Guardian. Paints, Van ishes, Ax-. - IIITE LEAD, Venetian tied, Chrome Yellow Varnish, Picture Varnish, also Window Glass, Faint Brushes, s-r Feb 18 35 By J. HAD, s. lujs JLamp Oil. Gallons Winter strained Lamp Oil very handsomejust received ami for s,ii Jan. 14. 30 oriiejust received ami for £a|l by II. &J. SHOTWELL Opposite the Central field. Candle Factory A Provision Store. FBI HE undersigned takes this method of iiifonuinf JL his former patrons and friends and the puhk generally, that he lias again commenced bn.<iiii(-*,n,>ar his old stand, on Cherry street, where he will be h:q. py to execute their orders. - Fine Caudles by* the box or pound, constantly f„r sale,very cheap.* Also, Meal. Bacpn, Ilmter Lard, Onions, Fruit, and almost every thing in the ion line. To those of his creditors who have so kindly indulg- ed him, he returns Iris sincere thanks, and expects shortly to bo aide to satisfy all their claims, feb. 18. 3-1 * D. DAI.MF.YDA A Giit.EABLY to an order of the honorable ute Infe- rior Courtfor the county of Twiggs, when sitting as a court ofordinary, will be sold on thefirst Tuesday in JUL Y next, before the Court House door in Marion county, within the usual hours of sale. Lot of Land No. 90, in the 4th District of said coun- ty, sold as the property of James Doshazo, deceased Terms on the day. 31 RICHARD DF.S1IAZO. Admr •Unction and Commission Business. t Take this method of informing iny friends and tiw public generally, that I have taian up the abet business, and respectfully solicit a shite of patnmn't. All Goods consigned to me sliatt be strictly attended to. according to directions. dec 24 26_______ _ C. L. HOWLAND. For Sale, 950.000 !S»rL„. 61 lihds St. Croix Sugar of snpcrior-qKaUtv, 50 hags Coftee, 45,000 lbs Swede Iron. - , 100 kegs Nails, asserted, - 25 hhds choice Molasses. 150 whole and half bids Canal and Richmond Flour, 5 pipes pure II. Gin and C. Brandy warranted pure and three years old, 20 bbk old Alonongahala Whiskey, 5 proc-f, 75 bbls pure Rum, and 20 Gin, April fi 41 DAVID RALSTON. .<f 'll > WiC -macks: and Beer-: Almatnckslcr iL/ bv J. II. & W. 8- ELLIS- bv Mav 12 45 Wimloic Glass. S By 10, 10 by 12. 12 by 18 3 Just received and for sale bv mav 19 CHAS. CAMPBFI.T,. Cotton Osiiatiurgs trad t ants. ■Qi LARGE supply of the above, of the liestqaalitj IxL from the Scull Shoal factory, for sale by May 12 45 CRAFT &. LEWIS. O N the first Tuesday in JULY next, will be sold «t McDonongh, Henry county, the interest of John M. D. Taylor, deceased, also, the interest of No- ah W. Taylor, a minot, in lot No. 197, in the 7th dis- trict of Henry county, sold by order of the court ofor- dinary of Butts county, for the benefit of said minor, and the distributees of said deceased April 7,1636. CHARLES BAILEY , Admr of Swaims Panacea. Indian Panacea M* OTTED'S C%I THOB ICO.Y, \ stipolv just racd bv II «V I SHOTWELL^ Ragging. PIECES heavv Hemp, for sale hv Mav 12 45 CRAFT* LEWIS- Goods at Cost. ALES of Blankets, Flannels, coarse Cloths, Drill, Domestic Cottons, Satinetts, Hats, Snoes, Negro Cioths The most of the above ate well adapted for 7;or) John M. D. Taylor, decd.and Guardian for Noah destined for Florida ..r the Creek Nation, .-inrlirc:> W. Taylor._____ 42________________________ j fered lor sale at cost till the first of June, by Alav 19 V\ thefirst Tuesday in AUGUST next, trill be sold jp before the court house, in Grecnrillc, Meriwether county, u ithin the legal hours, under an order of the In- ferior court of Bibb county. Three-fifths of lot of land No. 16, in the eighth dis- trict formerly Troup now Meriwether county, sold as the property of the orphans of William Pace, may 5 45p SEBOURN HIXSON. Guardian. 47 ISAAC NEWHALL /< -N the first Tuesday in JULY next, will be suta Oe- Bfigging and Iron. ~ Pit-cos heavy Hemp Bagging 10 tons Iron assorted 25 bills Flour 15 hhds AIclasses Just received end f-wsulci'? may 19 CHAS. CA.VPIUTL Summer Clothing F almost every descri-niou, Mav 5 45 *G. W. PRICE * Co. MayVi 45 LBS'prime Bacon, 2000 lbs Lard, For sale bv CRAFT A LFAV)C-_ Carriages, Piano Fortes, At- A l-EW fine toned Piano Fortes; three q>'taw new built Carriages, for sale bv April 16 43 CRAFT & fore the court House in Macon, under an order of the Inferior Court of Bibb county, sitting for ordinary purposes, 4| acres, being a part of fractional lot No. 45. West Alacon reserve, with the improvements be- ing the place where tho late Joseph Wood resided at the time of his decease,'(being No. 13, of Windsor Park.) Also. 4 acres, being 0 part of lot No. 02, West Ma-1 eon Reserve, (and No. 10, of Windsor Park)—sold as 1 r In the property of the orphans of said Joseph Wood, for* Y V-f ^nC V tin- benefit of all concerned. Y ApnhM____4.?____ May,12 40 REBECCA WOOD. Guardin'* Georgia Candles, *tOXE8 Georgia tallow candles, 10' do sperm 60. 250 galls, best Lamp Oil, 300 do Linceed Oil, . , , ,- r With a variety of Groceries, just received"1', le bv march9-37 CHARLES CAMPtoif.u-, Fen Dollars ltewa"1.STRAYED from the *u?cnI^rn Valuable JEand tor Sale. O N thefirst Tuesday in AUGUST next, will be sold before the court house door in the town of Perry, Lot of land No. 54, in the 14th district of Houston comity, sold by order of the honorable the inferior court of Houston county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, it being tho real estate of Joel Jackson, de ceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors. Terms of sale, 12 months credit. Mav 14 48 JOHN ROBERTSON.atTmr. ble Oyster, solid Celery, summer savory, Parsley, F OUR months after date application will be made to the inferior cnnrt of Butts count}, when sit-* ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of James Ander- son, lute of Butts county, deceased. May 27 49 DAVIS) KIM BELL. > 'ale JOHN ANDERSON, - Admr F OUR months after date application .will he made to the inferior court of Henry county when sit- ting for ordinary purposes, for Itiavc to sell the lauds belonging to' the estate of Wiley Heflin, late of said county, decensed. WILEY* J. HEFLIN. June 2 49 Ex'or. "BIOl'll months after date application \vill#hemade If1 to the honorable the inferior court of Butts coun- ty when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot No 28, jn the 3d district of Coweta county, for tho benofitof the orphans of William Payne, deceased. May 28 49 ABNF.R BANKSTON. Guar. jlOUR months after date, application will be made to the Inferior court of Houston comity, "for leave to sell the real estate of William S. Brunson, late of saidconnty, deceased. THOMAS POLLOCK, Feb 10 33 admr. the 15th of February last. 3 BAY HORSE, about« yea.* ^ ttt the left eve, and - a right hindToot Said kor£- ^ til Coweta county, hv John Bailey. 1 Y,ce.aid ward willbe given, if delivered to me®Ljvcd. auv.infurmatloii respecting him thanklni.'ren Macon, June ® «f 11 B' . wili °!i: For Sale. . A comfortable dwelling hea i>0p|ar buildings comjdeie, situated Jes»|itfsi street and Colton Avena#, 3 , situation with one or two ,0,!' 3 (W ter, will be sold on reasonable t-« cash. Por terms apply in -Macon to . viy[,. Mav->6 4ft WM Thitne, Lavender, Basil, Lemon Balm, Early Corn, Early Peas, Pole Peas, Bunch Beans, Pole do, Lima &c. several varieties of each, also an assortment of FIXJWER SEEDS, Herbs, and Grassseeds, all care- fully put up by flic Shakers and warranted Fresh, ac- j cor.ipanied by a Treatise on Gardening. &c. ; county, while sitting as a court of ordinary, for leave Intending to be permanently engaged in this busin- to sell all the real estate of Jesse D. McIntosh. late of ; ess. the subscribers will use every exertion iu their said county, deceased, this 24th February, J836. 36 in t-ouilnv ■* ....wtl.l, MA aI* /,! d U U U I? A 11 A dAkIV F OUR months after date application u ill be made to the honorable the Inferior court of Fayette power, to render it worthy the patronage of their old i and new customers. Orders hy etter will meet the same attention as if made in person. IIARVF.Y SHOTWELL, JACOB tfHOT.WELL. Painting ofeven-, description carried on by ....................... 8*-* --------- ------>TVV D. B. HFAD, Admr. _______ MARGi\«ET L McINTOSIT,Admrx. I,10U It month- after date application will he made J5/ to the inferior court of Pike county, s'rting fer ' ordinary purposes, for lenve to sell the land and no-- Kice TIERCES Rice for sale by nJ)(;Ej. *- IIRAMAK* Store formerly occupied l>v T T Y-----" RcwTGoods.. .eir ofcd T HE subscribers are nowreceiv>n3 i rf, apply of SPRING GOODS. coasM . great variety of Fancy and staple Dry e,':' Their customers, and the public getter.) . fully invited to call. ... OT,,r£, & Co-, April4 41 GEORGE IV ^ * ifljtii®* F OR Fever and Ague-Rowans Quinine Mixture, for sale bv anril 96 44_________ J. IT. <* Yl------- /f9 ip-. Wines vfarch ID 37 WM ------- Fittest style**™?.L Y EO. A. G A ture, an if*- on oanu, aiiu rttllieu t assortment of the abov® j. Ujuuioi jr IC«»C ID Cell IIICT I/IIIU dliU lll> ' JH_ .lt lltIGj Mix ueawnmvu' " , f ' gross of Frederick Sessions, la|e of said county, de-1 which for siyty and quality cannot e iuarcb 1. •c.-nseH MnvlO ASA KFSSinVS A.lmV* than usual ill this market. Macon Jan, 14. 29 II. &.J. SHOTWELL. ceased. MaylO ASA (SESSIONS, Admr. prices lowe* titan usual in this

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Page 1: MACON GEORGIA TELEGRAP T; · buck skin, black and white silk^nd linen gloves, sus penders, a variety, Spittilficld, pongee, flag and ban- dia hdkfs. Italian plaid, fig’d and red


DRUGS3^r e shixnss.&c,

J fresh supply just Received by

J. II. & XV. s: ELLIS,

Masonic Hall, Colton Atenue.

Among which are the following

MEDICINES, Arc.Sulphate Quinine (french) Canlhurides,

Fly stone,Colocynth,Court plaister.Castor oil (fresh) Sweet oil do Charcoal, pulv.Corks velvet, Calomel,Antimony,Aloes,Rheubarb,Jalap,Digitalis,Opium,Prepared Chalk, Acetate lead, ■

do cupri, do Zinc,

Arseniate potossa, Ether sulphuric,

do nitric,Nitrate silver,

do potossa, Phosphate soda,

do iron, Sulphate iron,

do potossa, , do soda, do magnesia,

Berate soda, Phosphorus,Manna flake,Ointment hyd. potossa,!

do Iodine, do Veratrine, do Itch,

Oxide mercury,Extract Jalap'

do Butternut, Hyosciamus, Gentian, Belladonna, Taraxici, Rhubarb.Nux Vomica, Ilhatania, Cicuta, Glycyrrhiza.


Gum Arabic,

Sulphate Morphine,Acetate do Iodine.Acetic acid,Oxalic do Citric do Prusslb do Tartaric do Ammonia,

do (Aromspts)Antimonialis pulv Vera trine,Strychnine Emetine,Rheubarbine,Croton Tiglium,Serale cornutum,Oil Sinapine,Oil cantliaridin,Pyroligneons Acid,Hydriotale Potassa,Peperine.Oil black pepper,Irish moss,Musk.Chloride soda,Citrated kali.Chloride Lime,Medical mustard, in pots,Opium deniircotized,Cyanuret potassium,Comp. Tonic extract.Carrageen, (prepared)Spigclia comp extract, .Blue moss,Precip. ext. bark,Peruvian doCalisaya doToxa ' doRed doChamomile flowers,Senna.Uv# Ursi,Ilorehound,Sage,

African Cayenne,Bayberry bark (pow’d)Blood root, doColchicum, doGulden***],Slippery Elm (pow’d)Qunssia,Gentian (pow’d)Cort. Aurant (pow’d)Lobelia and seed.Hemlock,Skunk cabbage,Squills,Gamboge,Hops,Mezcriuir,Alkanet riot,Cortcasgarilla, do sassafras,

Ladies’ slipper,Golden thread,Saffron,Cinnamon bark,Powdered ginger.Root doCurcuma,Mustard seed,Mace,Cloves,Nutmegs,Caraway seed,Anise *' do Coriander <1*Arrow root.Aqua Fortis,Anodyne (Hoffman’s)Borax,Black lead,Brimstone,Blue stone,Juniper berries,Cubeb do Oxide bismuth,Bees wax,Burgundy pitch,Balsam copivi,

do tnlu, do Pern,

Blacx drop,PATENT MEDICINES, dfcc.

Lees’ pills. Compt ll’d ex’t Pink Root,Opodeldoc, by G. W. Carpenter,Chapman’s anti-dyspeptic Dalby’s carminative.


Camphor, Scammony, Myrrh, Asafcctida, Gniac,

Pearl Barley, Syringes,Honey,Otto roses,Magnesia, calc’d

do carb. Isinglass, Quicksilver,Seidlitz powders, Soda do Saratoga do Sponge,Tamarinds,W afers,Sarsaparilla,Red precipitate, White do Black do Pcarlash,Anuatta,Indigo, Spanish float, Logwood,Fustic,Copperas,Spanish brown, Venetian red. Madder,Fig blue,Nutgalls,Alum,Cochineal,Spts Turpentino. Venice do Starch,Salt Tartar,Sal Ammoniac,Glue,Rosin,Jujube paste.


Peters’ ' do Hunters' pills, HoopeH's do Anderson’s do British oil,Bateman’s drops, Thompson's .ye water, Godfrey’s cordial.Salts lemon,Worm tea,Effervescing magnesia, Botanical drops. Swaim’s Panacea, Indian’s do Ess Iceland Moss, Cough Mixture,Fluid ext sarsaparilla, Syr Liver-vort.Comp sarsap.

Bleaching Liquid,Mead’s Pills,Issue plaisters,Elixer life,Ginger beer powders, Medicated Oil silk, Digestive Elixer,Pile remedy,Chlorine tocth wash,Bay ruin,BaDain honey.Cough Lozenges,Extract coffee,Cullen’s liquid magnesia, Potter’s cntliolican, Rowan’s Tonic Mixture, Relies Vegetable specific, Oil Wormseed.Ext Buchu,

cubebs Sc Ext. Bonesct.Tonic Extract.copivi

PERFUMERY A. BRUSHES, AcIlair Powder, Anuond paste,Pearl do Ground paint brushes,Rouge, do sash doMilk of Roses, Oval Varnish doCold cream, Camel hairCream Almonds. Badger’s hairFlorida water, various sizes Graining

do do do do ass’d do do

• do do do

do silver wire, do do do

Cologne do do do Fleshlavender do do do HorseRose do do do HairBears’ oil, NailWard’s hair oil, CombMarrow Pomatum, ToothOrange Flower Water, doMacassar oil, ClothSpirit of Rose, ScrubbingCamphor soap, ' ShoeMusk' doEmollient do Windsor do

\ do do Brown,'.Wash Balls,Curling fluid,Antique oil,Inp Halve, (Persian Otto Shaving do

Rose.) Shaving oil,Tooth powder, (superior) Powder Puff* and boxes, Erosive do Preston salts.Extract Bergamot, Smelling bottles,

do Rose, Tapers,do Musk, Dutch cologne,

Honey Water, Atkinson’s Depilatory.Shaving cakes,

SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac.Amputating cases, ’Cupping glasses,’Prepanning instruments, do do with *” - do •

Wanted to Hire :iOO JVegroes,

THE Contractor* for graduating the Monroe Rail Road, (between Macon and Forsyth, Ga.) will

hire 300 or more Negroes to work on said Road.For able bodied fellow* £16 per month will be giv

en, and a proportionable amount for boys and women The payment of the wages, and good treatment of

the negroes will bo guarantied bv the Bail Road Com­pany. ' DANIEL GRIFFIN,

May IS lm____________ Resident Ewgiuccr.S imnier Goods.JUST Received by ISAAC NEWHALL, .

Bales of Brown shirtings do white do do Bed Tick, do Brown Drili, do Buckskin fancies, Stermonts Constitution Twills,Rouen Cssitr.eres, Colton Hose. A Hose, Gent’s fine Boots and shoes. Youth’s do Children’s do Ladies’ fine shoes of everv des­

cription25 Case of Hats, Wool, napped, fine Satin, Beaver and Fttr, 100 Palm leaf do on the most

reasonable terms. April 28 44Lime For Sale.

APPLY to WILLIAM DANIEL, who has made arrangements for a quantity, and will be deliv­

ered at his shop, or by the load, at any place in the city for cash. April 25 44 WM. DANIEL

Comprehensive Commentary.•Oil sale at the store of J. H. & W. S. ELLIS.

Agents and subscribers will cal] and get their copies. April 6 41_____ _________FNEW SPRING CLOTHING.

HORACE FITCHIS new opening at the store opposite the Washing- Hall. a new and handsome assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing)

which has boeu made up by L. Fitch, and will be Sold cheap for cash, consisting in part of *Super black, brown, green and olive camblett f. Coats,

*• “ " *• “ “ dress Coats,“ “ 11 •• “ bombazine, f. do.“ “ " “ “ *‘ dress d*.“ " •' “ “ summer cloth.

Brown and white grass linen frock coats Sc coattees, Brown and white German and French linen do. do. black and green bomazine coats,

pants. French & German lin. do bl’k & green camblett do lasting & Circassian doolive & brown do do Dutch and rnixt dobr\vn&white grasslin do white and buff utersailles

do do drilling do vests,I do do imp. cord do do do valentia do linen Sc doe skin do fig. Sc rib. utersailles do ’ crape dril. & honey comb plad & spotted do do

pants. do & fig’d shelly do merino, casiuier, lasting do English it French silk do cantooiis and ccrd do bl’k & fig’d velvet do cloth «fc casiutere . do Florentine and bombazine with a general assortment do

of common do with a good assortment of white & grass linnet! short common do

Fine littnen and cotton shirts, liutien aud cotton drawers, Augola nett si arts and drawers, «tc. &c.

Also, storks, collars, bosoms, gloves, cotton, random, linen, black and white silk half hose, black .horse skin, buck skin, black and white silk^nd linen gloves, sus­penders, a variety, Spittilficld, pongee, flag and ban- dia hdkfs. Italian plaid, fig’d and red bordered cravats, white do. stripe rousian belts, braces, fine brown liuen. (for childrens’ aprons) blue, black and green broad cloths, white drilling, bombazine, and merino cassi- insrc, fine palm leaf bats, common do, children’s leg­horn do. and caps, also, a large assortment of

JTats, Shoes, Hoots. Ss’c. which I invite my friends and public to give me a call at the store next door to W. h. Johnson.

Gentlemen wishing their clothes made to measure at the North, by leaving their measure with me can have them made in the best and most fashionable style,

inarch 31 40 HORACE FITCH.N. B. Those that have not settled up their last years’

account will not forget that I want niv dues. II. F.

CENTRAL HOTEL,Macon. Georgia.

TI11S establishment is now under the control of the subscribers, who pledge themselves to ren­

der comfortable those who may call on them, jPETER J. WILLIAMS,


THE Subscribers have taken that com­modious and well known public house in

(111 UvW the City of Macon,—the Washington Hall, lately occupied by Mr. M. D. Huson.— By the unremitting attention of both of

them, they flatter themselves that their House will ob­tain for t'hent a general patronage from the Public.— They have secured the valuable services of a Lady, whose reputation as a manager of a public house, is inferior to no one in the State.

Their tables will be furnished with the best the coun­try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors.

The Stables are attended by careful and experienced Ostlers. MUSTIAN & MOTT.

Feb 5 1835 36

GLOBE TAVERN,Clinton, Tones County, Ga.

I^IJE Subscribers (late proprietors of the Clinton Hotel,) 'ender our thunks to our

friends aud patrons for past encouragement, aud respectfully beg leave to announce to the public, that we have temoved to the commodious House knowu as the

globe tavern,situated in the busiuess part of the town, and fronting the Court-House.

Having leased this stand for several years, with the intention of renewing the lease or of pur­chasing the property, we consider ourselves per­manently located, aud shall continue to improve our aeeomodatious as the comfort of customers shall require.

Our House is now open for the rcceptiou of Travellers or Boarders. We shall at all times endeavor to keep such a House, as will ensure public patronage; and we hope to afford such ac­commodations as will prove satisfactory to those who call on its.

The usual great promises of good TABLES, BARS. &c. we thiuk unnecessary to particular­ize.—Good Lots and other conveniences for Dro­vers, readily furnished.

WOOD & WEEKES. January 20, 1834 19 tf


Watch Makers It Jeicellers, Would inform their friends and

the public, that they have remov­ed their establishment to Cotton Avenue, to the store recently oc­cupied by J H & W S Ellis,drug­gists. where they will be happy to

serve any who may favor them with a call. They have in addition to their former stock, just received from New York a large and splendid assortment of

Watches, Jewelry, £ic.of the latest fashions, which they will sell cheap for cash—consisting of gold and silver levers, anchor es­capement, duplex, lepiuc, alarm and vertical Watch­es, of the best quality; gold, silver and steel guard Chains, Heals aud Keys, Ear Knobsand Drops, Breast Pins, Fiugcr Rings, gold, silver and steel Spectacles, gold and silver ever Yitnted Pencils, silver table, tea, salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and cream Ladles—all of which will be warranted free from alloy ; silver Cups, butter Knives. Castors, sil­ver plated and bronzed Candlesticks, Trays aud Sttuf- ers, Musical Boxes, Accordions, Flutes, Flngcoletts, Fifes. Drums, See. Swords, sword Canes, Knives and Pistols, among which is Rnggles’ pocket Rifle, that will shoot fifty yards with precision; Gold Foil, Den­tist Files, shell, silver, gilt and horn Combs, Card ca­ses, Pocket Books and Purses, silver Snuff boxes, sil­ver Toys, silver Thimbles, Scissors, coral, gilt and glass Beads, steel Pens, and a variety of other articles I usually kept in their line.

N. B. We have the best of materials for repairing Watches of all kinds. 3. S. V’s practical knowledge of the business induces him to think that he can. and willgive satisfaction to all who may entrust their work in his hands. Spoons See- engraved- Oct- 1



AT the new Fire Proof Buildings, corner of .Mul­berry and Second streets, including the follow­

ing :Summer cloth, Bombazine, Grass Cloth, Grass and

Brown l.ineu Circassian and Rottati Cassitnere FROCK COATS.

Summer .Cloth, twilled Merino, grass Cloth, gross aud brown Linen, and Ronan Cassitnere COATEES.

Summer Cloth, Bombazine, Knuinet, Cyprus, wor­sted and Valentia Crape, Napoleon Cord, Angola Cas- simere, brown and grass Linen and Drilling Fancy Drilling, Pongee, .Mexican mixt, Ronan Cassitnere and Jeans PANTALOONS.

Boys summer Cloth, grass Cloth, brown linen, and Rouan Cassitnere FROCK COATS, COATEESand PANTALOONS. as she is known to be so, or is parte

White and huff grass Cloth, huff and brown Linen, necessary attention will be paid to prevent accidents Pongee, Rouan Cassitnere and Jeans ROUND JACK- or escapes, but no liability for either.ETS. j JOHN L. MUSTIAN

A large assortment of fancy VESTS.Fine Linen Shirts, Silk under Shirts and Drawers,

&e. &c <Src.

MINER.THIS beautiful and thorough bred

horse, the property of Geo. B. Robert­son, will stand the present season at the stable of Mustian & Mott, Macon, aud

__________is now ready to serve mares at FifteenDollars the leap; Thirty Dollars the season, payable the first of July, at which time the season will expire; One Dollar cash, to the groom for each mare ; Fifty Dollars to insurca mare to be in foal, payable as soon

d with. Eve

THE Subscribers have resumed the . Drug Dusiness, at their old stand, formerly El­

lis, Shptwell & Co. lately occupied by Mr Win G. Brown, opposite the Central Hotel, under the firm of

H. & J. SHOTWELL,who intend keeping a very general assortment of Goods peculiar to their line of business, together with a great variety of miscellaneous articles that may be dilBcult to be found elsewhere. Their Stock is now very extensive, having received by late arrivals nearly all their Fall and winter supplies a general enumera­tion of which could not be given in an advertisement. Some of the Articles received are,

(Drugs & Medicines,)Rochelle Salts, Hellebore, Iceland Moss, Flos Ben-

zoine, Juniper Berries, Lapis Calaminnris, Henry’s Magnesia, Madder. Mace, Cayenne J’epper, Black Pepper, Alspicc, Hemlock Bark, Bayberry do, Poplar do, Cinnamon do, Golden Seal, Sumac, Scm. Anisi, Aqua Antonia F F F, Sulph Quinine, Sago. Gum Guiac. Indian Turnip, Skunk Cabbage, Hops, Pep­permint Lozenges. Oil Spruce, Acidulated Lemon Drops, Coriander Seed, C. P. Castor Oil, Cort Au­rant, Cherry tree Bark, White Vitriol, Muriatic Acid, Pink Root, Gunt Myrrh, Seed Lac, Seneka oil, Lob­elia, Lemon Balm, Sweet Balm, Ext Colocynth, Pul. Gut Arabic. Ground Race Ginger, Balsam Fir, Pearl Barley, refined Boiax, Bole Armenian, Cera Alba, Lunar Caustic. Cloves, Prepared Chalk, Cubebs, Ca- nella Alba, Rust of Iron, Sup. Carb. Soda, Castor, Calamus Root, Cowhage, Mazerion, Sassafras, Bals­am Honey, Cumfrey Root. Dragons Blood, Oil Lav­ender, Union, Bergamot. Ext Bark, dp Liverwort, Stricnine, Emetine, Digitalis, F.ltn Barit, Flos of El­der, Ext Hyoscyamus, Flax seed, Fowlers Solution, Henbane, Uva Ursi, Camphor, Kino, Scammony Aleppo, Gold Thread. Hydriodate Potass, Mustard Seed, Spts Nitre, Oil Wormseed. Croton Oil, Olive Oil, Bismuth, Oil silk, Sanfbrds Bark, Tamarinds, Gum Copal, Syrup of Liverwort, Turkey Opium, Cai-tharides, Flowers of Chamomile, Oil Pepper­mint, Bermuda Arrow Root, sugar Lead, Refined I,i- uoricc, Ergot. Nux Vomica, Corrosive sublimate. Iloes, Gum Arabic, Precipitate, spts Hartshorn, Carb

Potass’, Alcohol, sarsaparilla, Epsom salts, Nitric Acid, .Ether, Alspice, Pepper, Tartarised Antimony, As- phaltuin, Adhesive Plaster, Acetate of Potass, Bnls-

Copaiva, refined Borax, snake Root. Cubebs, Rhubarb, Ipecac, sem Carui, Cream Tartar, Nut Galls, Isinglass, Magnesia, Mercurial Ointment, Blue Pill, sulphate Quinine, Conserve Roses, Black Drop, Jujube Paste, sal Ammoniac, Bay Rum, Oil Cinna­mon. Acetate Morphine, sulph do. Comp Ext Bucha, do of Liver Wort, Ext sarsaparilla, Ext Pink Root, Cotnp Ext Cubebs, Piperiue, Iodine, Butler’s Maguc- sia. Kreosote, Assafcctida, Nutmegs, Tapioca, Manna. Oil Rosemary, Canadian Balsam, F.xt Valerian, salt Pctre, Glaubers salts. Concentrated spts Ammonia.

faints. Due Stuffs, Oils,250 kegs White Lead in oil 25 do Venetian Red dp 30 do Spanish Brown do

2000 lbs Soap Stone Paint do G kegs Yellow Ochre do

20 canisters Verdigris do 900 lbs Spanish Brown dry 200 lbs Venetian Red do 800 lbs Yellow Ochre do

♦500 lbs Spanish Whiting do Red Lead, Chrome Green, Kings Yellow, Verdi­

gris, Prussian Blue, Stone Ochre, Rose Pink, Lith­arge, Spanish Pumice Stone, Unibar, Lamp Black, Ivorv do, Chinese Vermillion, Black Lead, Chalk, do Red, Carmine, Water Colors assd sizes boxes, Drop Lake, Spanish Float Indigo,Calc’d Plaster, Wa­ter Lime, Terra de Sienna, Green Blue and Black Paint mixt, Blue Brown & Green Smalts, Frostings, Blue White Brown and Purple. Gold Bronze, Car-, mine Saucers, Pink do. Logwood in sticks, do ground and chapped, Fustic, Madder. Camwood, rod San­ders, Copperas, Brazilletto Wood, Annatlo.

300 gals Linseed Oil 400 do Sperm Oil fall strained 350 do do do winter do 160 do Spirits Turpentine 300 do Train Oil <l

1 bbl Liver Oil, ■ do Neats Foot 1 bbl Copal Varnish, Japan do Black do. Picture Varnish. Coach do.

Patent and Compound MedicinesSwaims Vermifuge, do Panacea, Thompson’s Eye

Water, Green’s Tonic Mixture, Rowan’s Tonic Mix­ture, (for t(ie fever and ague ) Ilarkem Oil, Gowlaud’s Lotion, Potter's Catholicon, Barclay’s Comp. Sarsa- parrilla and Cubcbs; Dalby’s Carminative, British Oil, Opodeldoc, Judkin’s Ointment, Lee’s W. Bilious Pills, N. L. Turlingtons Balsam, -Bateman’s Drops

Dutts •/, ItcrilF Sale.

ON the first Tuesday in JULY next, will be sold before the court house door in the town of Jackson,

Butts county, within the legal hours of sale,Lot of laud No. 42, in the fourth district of original

ly Monroe now Butts county, county, containing 20:7. acres more or less, levied on as the property of Jehu . W. Hutchinson, by virtue of a Fi Fa from a justices’ court of Bibb county, in favor of II. L. Towns vs Je­hu YV. Hutchinson, property pointed out by the plain­tiff's attorney, levied on and returned to me by a cou- tsable. May 14 J. XV. WATKINS, Sheriff ,

Campbell Sheriff Sale.^*^N the first Tuesday in JULY next, will be sold be-

FOUR months after date, application will be m to the honorable Inferior court of Jackson cr 6

ty when sitting as a court of Ordinary for leave Lot No. (203) two hundred and three in the ‘Ah ? trict of formerly Cherokee now Waiker county r the benefit of the heirs of I.ttcy Archer deceas»s^’ or march 17. 1836 38p JOHN A. WALIHxjLWALl£^m‘,

It Ul a months afterdate application wij| be~~~' to the honorable Inferior Court of, Stewart n'a<!c

ty, when sitting for quinary purposes, for leave |C°Un the negroes belonging (o the estate of Benjamin F°\mU son, a minor, deceased, March 22,1836


_ fore the court house door in Campbellton. Campbell yjiQUR months after date,opplicatiotMvj|nir~~’Y county, between the usual hours of sale; the following pro- j}1 to the honorable the inferior court nf r m33e* ___ .4.. ...i__ru*.________ i:_....__ Ul *3VeW(*petty:

One lot of land. No. 695, in the first district and ■ third section of originally Cherokee now Campbell county, levied on as the property of William Kiutbro and Etheldred Auston, to satisfy a Fi Fa from, Camp­bell superior court, one in favor of David Clinton vs William Kimbro, and one in favor David Clinton vs William Kimbro and Efltpldrcd Auston, both issued from Campbell Superior court.• Lots No. 962, G and 10. iti the 18th district and se­cond section of originally Cobb but now Campbell county, levied on as the property of P. J. Murray, by execution issued from the superior cout of Hall coun­ty, in favor of the officers oi the court vs P. J. Mur­ray—property pointed out by an attorney.

Lot No. 678, in the 18th district and second section of originally Cobb now Campbell county, levied on as the property of Smith Wells, principal, and Berrian Williams security, levied on by a Fi Fa from a justices court of Walton county, in favor ol James R. Garrett vs Smith Wells and Berriar Williams security—poin­ted out by Berrian Williams.

The haif of let No 6.9, in the eighth district of ori­ginally Cowctq now Campbell coilnty, as the property pf Thomas Papp, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued front a jus­tices’court of Campbell county, in favor of James G. Lyle, vs Thomas Pace—levied on and returned'to me by Isaac. Burson constable, property panned out by John Hue, plaintiff’8 attorney. "

May 26 DAVID D. SMITH, Sheriff.Also trill be sold as above,

Lot of laud No 142, in the eighth district originally Coweta uow Campbell county—levied on as the pro­perty of William H. House, to satisfy an execution in favor of Josee Dunn, which was obtained against the said House in Troup county, September term, 1830,. in favor of said Jpsee Dunn—property pointed out by' plaintiff.

Lot and a half qfjaud, No not known, it being the possession wherepn George Harris’s widow uow lives, in Campbell county—levied on as the property of the estate of George Harris, to satisfy an execution in fa­vor of L B Watts—property pointed out by the admin­istrator. May 23. JOH’V- CAKLTON Pep Sh'ff.

county, when sitting for ordinary purposes f0i-7elte te ■»!) part of the real estate of Abner Chainni/J e?tfi of said county, deceased. May 8 - 47 pion’

willis Champion,,_______ FRANCIS CHAMPION, Adm’n

TO OUR. months after dap; application will JT to tlto honorable Inferior Court ^

arposi II late

. tho honorable Inferior Court of CaaS county when sitting for ordinary purposes forint*, sell the real estate of William Sewell late of silH „ *10 ty deceased. L S THOMAS, Adn??"'

June 9, 1836 50 ”a“,r*tibUihilA: Houston fotitity. ~ —■WT® HERE AS Shadrnck Dennard and Sam,., If Felder apply for letters of Admi istraPoT1'1

tho estate of Henry Felkel, deceased: cnThese are therefore to cite and admonish alient s'

gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased tob, Aj appear at my office within the time prescribed by lCK, shew cause if any they hare, why said lcturs shcMnotb grauted.

Given under my hand at office May 23 ts-'r, CHARLES H. R1CF.: c7^ ,


Pa’ont feather Brooms, do do Dusters, do do Brushes,

Fitch Tools,Counter Brushes,Hat doCrumb do


TIIE subscriber has just received a .-upply of Spring and SuininerClotbing,

mad; of the best materials, wliicii he will sell low for cash. * lie iuvites persons to give him a call.

Tailoring Dusiness done as usual at his shop with despatch, and in the neatest manner. He tenders his warmest thanks for past patronage, and will endeavor to deserv e a contin­uance of the same. F. F. LEWIS.

April 21 43 Mulberry st. opposite Central Hotel.N. B. Those indebted will call and pay their

dues—he must have money to meet the demands a*gainst him.__________________ F. F. L.

• Pratt’s Nipple Shields.

THE Medical College ofGeorgia at Augusta have gi. c«i their opinio.i of the superiority of Doctor

Pratt’s Sipple Shield to any thing el*c hitherto offered for tlie same purpose, which opinion can be presented if necessaty to physicians and others. The opinion of Dr Baber aud other physicians in Macon who have examined the instrument, accords with that of Doctor Dewces and the Medical College of Georgia. The Instrument is for sale in Macon by the subscriber only, price $5, with printed directions. 11. LOOMIS.

Sign of the Golden ■Mortar, Mulberry street Certificate, of Doctor Detcees

" Doctor Elijah 1‘rajt: Dear sir—As I feel it a mat­ter of i ,'icli public importance to possess a means of lessening the terrible sufferings ofsore nipples, I have much pleasure in being able to say that the “ Shield’’ you offer for the preventing and the cure of this mala­dy, is better adapted to this purpose than any I have heretofore seen. In the two or three instances I have known them to be used, much satisfaction has been expressed ; »nd I have no hesitation to believe it will generally succeed. I am so well persuaded oif this at tliis moment, that I cannot forbear to express a wish that cur city through the various apothecaries may bn supplied with them. I cm yours, &c.

,f*iMaddphia, 13/* Jan. 1834.. Ws. P. Deweks.j’

Dissecting I Pocket cases, Spring Lancets, Evans’ thumb do Dentists’ cases, Teath keys

uo do


Gum elastic catheters, Silver doScton Needles, Spring isneetidadas, Tooth claws,

(moveable but- Gum Lancets,Medical spoone, Scales and Weights, Teeth Files.

'tons,Scarificators, iftscess Lancets,Tourniquets,

The subscribers isten J keeping a fhll assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES. PAINTS, OILS. SHOP FURNrrURE, &e. consisting of all articles in the

HwM. h. bukdsaljuAS Just received a new and extensive .as­

sortment ofHeady-made Clothing.

Superfine bine, black, invisible green. Adelaid, olive brown and green Broadcloth Dress Goats,

Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock Coats,

Superfine blue, olive, green and mix'd Cloth Coattees, and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinet Coattees and Frock Coats.

Snper. blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons,

Blue, Mack and fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons. Youth’s cloth and sallinet Dress and Frock Coats,

do do do Pantaloons,Black and blue Cacsimere. black and colored Velvet,

black Floriniine, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valentia. English Silk, colored and white Merseilles Toilinet, Swansdown and Sattinet Vests

Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats,Mixed, brown Cloth & Patersham Box Coats.Lyon Skit* Overcoats,Fine Uncn Shirts. Collars. Bosoms, Socks. &e

Description—.MINER is a beautiful dark brown, with remarkably black legs mane and tail. 15 hands 2 inches high, 5years old this spring, of fine muscle and well formed in all particulars. .Miner is half brother to the celebrated race- iwn* A.p, 1*. who is die favorite of the South. See Turf Register for tKe pedigree or Mousienr Tonson and Collier.

I do certify that the bay horse which I have sold to Mr. George B. Robertson, will be five years old this spring, and that he was got by Mr. Win. R. Johnson’s horse Touson.Jiis dam Brenda, the dun of the cele­brated race horse Collier, formerly owned by Wm. Fin­ney and myself. The above (Miner.) I trained the spring he was three years old; his first stakes at Fair- field—first heat ini. 55s. for which he did uut contend; second beat, he was beaten by Mr. Hare’s black colt (now Black Heath) by about half a length, in the un­precedented time of lm. 51s. (see Turf Register.)— Having an extraordinary opiniou of .Miner’s speed and durability, and tills being the best 2d heat I had then, or have ever yet witnessed, over any Course South ol' the Long Island Course, N. York, 1 purchased Mr Hare’s Black Heath. The next fall I trained them to­gether. and whs under the firm conviction, from pri vate trials, that Miner was the best of the two, and as an evidence of ttia fact, I refused $1750 for half of Mi­ner, aud sold to Mr Richard Adams the whole of Black Heath for 2500, the next day. The spring he was four I trained him again. In contending for the J. C. Purse over the Broad Rock Course, be letdown in the second heat; though let down he was well up—Ire- uetle winning, Tobaconist distanced. I have no doubt nature intended him for a first rate four mile horse, but from some injury which 1 never cottld ac­count for, he was unfortunate. This last race see Tutf Register. JOHK IIETII.

Coal Pitts, Chesterfield co. Va. Jan. 24,1636.I sold the darn of Miner to Geo. \V Johnson.sou of

Mr. W. K. Johnson, when 15 years old, for the sum of$1500cash. JOHN HETH.

I have also sold the half of two fillies, one when ayear oid, the other when two, foi $2000 cash, both out of the dam of Miner. . JOHN llETH.

I am well acquainted with the bay horse Miner, now the property of .Mr. George B Robertson, and have been from the time of foaling to the present day—He was get by my horse Monsieur Tonson, out of Bren­da, and will be five years old tliis sjiring, 1836. This mare Brenda is qow the property of my son George, and has some very promising colts, and is now in foal to Eclipse. She is also the dam of Collier by Sir Charles, who has run into distinction ill Virginia. I hare seen this horse Miner, while in training, and kuow that he was considered very promising, aud that Mr. John Hcth, who trained him, thought highly of him, and valued him highly I have also seen hint run, and perform admirably well, and I thought high­ly of him as a race horse, lie is certainly of fine ap­pearance, great durability and of fine family. Given under my hand, this 17th Januarv. 1836.

April 14 42___________Iv. R. JOHNSON.James II. Cooke,


THE undersigned have formed a connexion for the transaction of • general FACTORAGE

line .icc'cs-ary for the supply “eFnhyridan.! KnriSZ j Chy’ ‘U“,Cror Families. They will be supplied with the be*t that 1 t^e ®rtn °y COOMBS &, I)OU(«HTl. can be selected out of the New-York and Philadelphia markets. Orders from Merchant* and Physicians, • will receive prompt attention. i

J«n. 23 31 J. H. & w. 3. ELI.IS

Savannah. June 1 50JOHN S. COOMBS. E. W. DOUGHTY.

Hire White f.ead and Jjnseed Oil (or sale april 26 44 by J. II.£e \V. S. LLLIS.

.1*0. 100, Droadicay Jl'etc Torh,OFFERS for sale every description of

Cabinet Furniture,such as Sofas, Sideboards, Bureaus, Ta­bles, Divans, Chairs, Looking Glasses, Bedstcds, hair M- ttressea, and every arti­cle in the furnishing line, which will be sold low for cash or on time.

Goods pack* d for shipping at short notice.April 21 43_____ 3m___________________

NEW GOODS.JUST RECEIVED an extensive stock of . Spring Goods,

| including a splendid assortment of Muslins, Ging­ham- French Prints. Hosiery &c rch figured Silks, which will he sqld on accomodating terms.

April 18 43 CRAFT LJLWla

Henry’s Aromatic Vinegar, entiun, Ilygean Syrup, Mead’s Pills, Walker’s Drops, Morrisnu’s Pills, West’s Pills. Rheumatic Medicine, Sphon's Digestive Elixir, Little’s Lotion, Nipple Salve, Bleaching liquid, Mustard, Citrate of Kale Consumption Specific, Cerate of Copaiva, Cosmetic Cold Cream, Hays L'nimcnt, Chapman's Mixture, Bullard’s Oil of Soap, Scotts Pills, Hamilton’s Worm Lozenges, Judkin’s Specific Ointment, Scotch Oint­ment, Hoffman’s Anodyne.Surgical and Medical Instruments

Pocket Instrument* in Cases, Silver Spring Lan­cets. JExaML£jC0WQ thumb Lancets. Obstetrical Instru- t.ients. Fox s SpringTurnfeeys, Teeth Forceps, Cup­ping glasses, Tweezers, Surgical Needles, Gum Elas­tic Syringes, Metalic do, Stetheoscopes, Apothecaries Scales and weights, Spatulas nss’d, Mctalic Stall's aud Souuds, Hair Sieves. Medical Spoons.

Hr it sinsGround Paint Brushes assorted sizes, Varnish do,

Sash Tools do, Badger’s Hair Blenders Graining do, Camels Hairdo, Fancy and plain Hair Brushes assor­ted, Palters do do, Cloth do do, (Lit Crumb Brushes. Hearth do, Dusting do, Shoo do, Hat­ters’ Brushes, Ta'.-le do, Flesh do, Shaving do, Fur­niture Brushes. Witisk Brooms, do Brushes.

Glass Ware, Store Turnitnrc.Window Glass

Window Glass assorted sizes from 7 by 9 to 22 by 28 inches. Coach Glass, do Picture Looking Glass Plates, Tincture Bottles from £ pint to 2 gallons, do Specie assorted sizes, Salt Mouth do, > to 8 oz Vials, Ground stoppers White and Green Vials assorted, Nursing Bottles, Globe Bottles. Graduate Measures, Glass Funnels, Retorts and Reservoirs, Proof Glasses (Drum Vials, Otto of Rose Vials, Pungents Tubes or Fjllers, Glass Unips, with shades, do without shades, Glass Candlesticks, Suspending Lamps, witii shades, extra shades.Cologne, tea ter Fancy articles, Soaps

Double distilled Cologne Water in tuncy and plain Bottles, Florida Water, Milk of Roses. Orange Flow­er Water, Lavender, Harrogate salts. Pearl Powder, Pomatum. Macassar Oil, Rose water, Oil of Roses, Musk, German Cologne water, Honey water, Preston salts, Antique Oil, Transparent wafers, l’lingeuts, (cut glass,) Metalic shaving Boxes, Camels Ilair Pen­cils, Wash Balls, Otto of Rose Vials, Variegated snap* do Transparent for shnving, Rose soap, do Cinnamon do Ceylon, English Windsor, soda soap. Court Pias­ter, Teeth powder.

Mif&ellancnus Kitchen’s Patent Cocoa, Lucifer Matches, Bar soap,

Variegated do, Turpentine, Fine and Coarse sponge, Cox’s Currying Knives, Clay Pipes, do Glazed, Lamp Glasses, Lamp Wick, Bees W’ax, Diamonds, French Chalk, Etnerv coarse and fine, Black saud, Pearlash. Castilegoap, Scotch, Kappicand Macaboy snuff, sha­ving Boxes, Honey, Glue, Blacking, Lemon syrup, Barbers shaving Cakes,.Chloride Lime. Wafers, Ta­pers scaling Wax, starch, sandPaper, Indelible Ink, Corks, Cork Wood, Violins, do strings, Bellows, Ma­gic Matches, Swifts, Bath Brick, shellac.Garden Seeds, Herps, Flotvcr Seeds. Onion, Beet, Turnip, Carrot, Parsnip, Cucumber,

Watermelon, Muskmelon, (beautiful) squash, Pump­kin, Lettuce, Raddish, Cabbage, Brocoli, Ct nlitlowcr, Kale, Pepper, Peppergras, Cress, Tomato, Vegeta-

lid Cc'

Carroll Micrilf Kale.

WILL be sold at Carrollton, Carroll county, on the first Tuesday in JULY next, within the law­ful hours of sale,

Lot of laud. No 197, in the ninth district of Carroll county, levied on as the property of James McCart­ney, to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa in favor of Thomas McGuire and William Beall vssaid James McCartnev.

April 21 44 JOHN DEAN, SheriffFayette ShcrilF Sale.

"jj'j® EFOItK the court house in Fayetteville, Fayette JgJkJ county, on the first Tuesday in JULY next, will be sold, within the lawful hours of sale,

One negro boy by the name of David, about twenty- live years of age, levied 011 as the property of John D Mann ty sundry Fi Fas in favor of Thomas Byron and others, levied on and returned to me by a constable

101 j acres, being half of lot No 139,75 acres, being part nf lot 150. both in the 4th district of originally j Henry now Fayette county—levied on as the proper- ! ty of Seaborn l’ate by an execution in favor of Alan- j son Glass, Asa Hulsey and Elisha Hill, commissioners, , vs. Hamlin D- Matty, principal, and Seaborn I'ute aud | William Pate, securities. May 20

A LFK ED BRdWN, Dcp. Sh'ff. j Also, will be sold as abate,

The west half offraction of land No 144, in the 7th j district of Fayette couuty—levied on as the property of John Angling sen. by an execution in favor of John Burke—levied on and returned to me by a bailiff.

One fourth part of Jot No 20, in the 7th district of Fayette county—levied on as the property of Edward Kent by an execution in favor ot Rice P KnoJes aud others—levied on aud returned to me by a constable.

Mary Knowles’interest in lot No 102, in the 5th dis­trict of originally Heuty now in Fayette county* levied on by an execution in fiiygr of \V W Coker vs B H Denson and Mary Knoles—levied on aud. returned to me by a constable. Mav 20


SIX months after date. I shall anniTlaTiioTir.- cesof the Inferior Court of Jones county fiJ?'

for ordinary purposes, for Dismission front the cu °

Juue4 n,P Guardian.Paints, Van ishes, Ax-. -

IIITE LEAD, Venetian tied, Chrome Yellow

Varnish, Picture Varnish, also Window Glass, Faint Brushes, s-rFeb 18 35 By J. HAD, s. lujs

JLamp Oil.Gallons Winter strained Lamp Oil very handsome—just received ami for s,ii

Jan. 14. 30

oriie—just received ami for £a|lby II. &J. SHOTWELL

Opposite the Central field.Candle Factory A Provision Store.FBI HE undersigned takes this method of iiifonuinf JL his former patrons and friends and the puhk

generally, that he lias again commenced bn.<iiii(-*,n,>ar his old stand, on Cherry street, where he will be h:q. py to execute their orders. -

Fine Caudles by* the box or pound, constantly f„r sale,very cheap.* Also, Meal. Bacpn, Ilmter Lard, Onions, Fruit, and almost every thing in the ion line.

To those of his creditors who have so kindly indulg­ed him, he returns Iris sincere thanks, and expects shortly to bo aide to satisfy all their claims,

feb. 18. 3-1 * D. DAI.MF.YDA

AGiit.EABLY to an order of the honorable ute Infe­rior Court for the county of Twiggs, when sitting

as a court of ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in JUL Y next, before the Court House door in Marion county, within the usual hours of sale.

Lot of Land No. 90, in the 4th District of said coun­ty, sold as the property of James Doshazo, deceased Terms on the day.

t» 31 RICHARD DF.S1IAZO. Adm’r

•Unction and Commission Business.

tTake this method of informing iny friends and tiw public generally, that I have taian up the abet • business, and respectfully solicit a shite of patnmn't.

All Goods consigned to me sliatt be strictly attended to. according to directions.

dec 24 26_______ _ C. L. HOWLAND.For Sale,

950.000 !S»rL„.61 lihds St. Croix Sugar of snpcrior-qKaUtv, 50 hags Coftee,

45,000 lbs Swede Iron. - ,100 kegs Nails, asserted,

- 25 hhds choice Molasses.150 whole and half bids Canal and Richmond

Flour,5 pipes pure II. Gin and C. Brandy warranted

pure and three years old,20 bbk old Alonongahala Whiskey, 5 proc-f,75 bbls pure Rum, and 20 Gin,

April fi 41 DAVID RALSTON..<f 'll > WiC -macks: and Beer-: Almatnckslcr iL/ bv J. II. & W. 8- ELLIS-bv

Mav 12 45Wimloic Glass.

S By 10, 10 by 12. 12 by 18 3 Just received and for sale bv mav 19 CHAS. CAMPBFI.T,.

Cotton Osiiatiurgs trad t ants.■Qi LARGE supply of the above, of the liestqaalitj

IxL from the Scull Shoal factory, for sale by May 12 45 CRAFT &. LEWIS.

ON the first Tuesday in JULY next, will be sold «t McDonongh, Henry county, the interest of

John M. D. Taylor, deceased, also, the interest of No­ah W. Taylor, a minot, in lot No. 197, in the 7th dis­trict of Henry county, sold by order of the court ofor- dinary of Butts county, for the benefit of said minor, and the distributees of said deceased April 7,1636.


Swaim’s Panacea. Indian Panacea M* O TTED'S C%I THOB ICO.Y,

\ stipolv just rac’d bv II «V I SHOTWELL^Ragging.

PIECES heavv Hemp, for sale hv Mav 12 45 CRAFT* LEWIS-

Goods at Cost.ALES of Blankets, Flannels, coarse Cloths, Drill, Domestic Cottons, Satinetts,Hats, Snoes, Negro Cioths

The most of the above ate well adapted for 7;or) John M. D. Taylor, dec’d.and Guardian for Noah destined for Florida ..r the Creek Nation, .-inrlirc:>W. Taylor._____ 42________________________ j fered lor sale at cost till the first of June, by

Alav 19V\ thefirst Tuesday in AUGUST next, trill be sold jp before the court house, in Grecnrillc, Meriwether

county, u ithin the legal hours, under an order of the In­ferior court of Bibb county.

Three-fifths of lot of land No. 16, in the eighth dis­trict formerly Troup now Meriwether county, sold as the property of the orphans of William Pace,

may 5 45p SEBOURN HIXSON. Guardian.


/< -N the first Tuesday in JULY next, will be suta Oe-

Bfigging and Iron. ~Pit-cos heavy Hemp Bagging 10 tons Iron assorted

25 bills Flour15 hhds AIclasses Just received end f-wsulci'?

may 19 CHAS. CA.VPIUTLSummer Clothing

F almost every descri-niou,Mav 5 45 *G. W. PRICE * Co.

MayVi 45

LBS'prime Bacon,2000 lbs Lard,

For sale bv CRAFT A LFAV)C-_Carriages, Piano Fortes, At-

A l-’EW fine toned Piano Fortes; three q>'taw new built Carriages, for sale bv

April 16 43 “ CRAFT &

fore the court House in Macon, under an order of the Inferior Court of Bibb county, sitting for ordinary purposes,

4| acres, being a part of fractional lot No. 45. West Alacon reserve, with the improvements be­ing the place where tho late Joseph Wood resided at the time of his decease,'(being No. 13, of Windsor Park.)

Also. 4 acres, being 0 part of lot No. 02, West Ma-1 eon Reserve, (and No. 10, of Windsor Park)—sold as 1 r Inthe property of the orphans of said Joseph Wood, for* Y V-f ^nC Vtin- benefit of all concerned. Y ApnhM____4.?____

May,12 40 REBECCA WOOD. Guardin'* Georgia Candles,*tOXE8 Georgia tallow candles,10' do sperm 60.

250 galls, best Lamp Oil,300 do Linceed Oil, . , , ,- r

With a variety of Groceries, just received"1', le bv march9-37 CHARLES CAMPtoif.u-,

Fen Dollars ltewa"1.’STRAYED from the *u'»?cnI^rn

Valuable JEand tor Sale.

ON thefirst Tuesday in AUGUST next, will be sold before the court house door in the town of Perry,

Lot of land No. 54, in the 14th district of Houston comity, sold by order of the honorable the inferior court of Houston county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, it being tho real estate of Joel Jackson, de ceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors. Terms of sale, 12 months credit.

Mav 14 48 JOHN ROBERTSON.atTmr.

ble Oyster, solid Celery, summer savory, Parsley,

FOUR months after date application will be made to the inferior cnnrt of Butts count}’, when sit-*

ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of James Ander­son, lute of Butts county, deceased. May 27 49




FOUR months after date application .will he made to the inferior court of Henry county when sit­

ting for ordinary purposes, for Itiavc to sell the lauds belonging to' the estate of Wiley Heflin, late of said county, decensed. WILEY* J. HEFLIN.

June 2 49 Ex'or."BIOl'll months after date application \vill#hemade If1 to the honorable the inferior court of Butts coun­ty when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot No 28, jn the 3d district of Coweta county, for tho benofitof the orphans of William Payne, deceased.

May 28 49 ABNF.R BANKSTON. Guar.jlOUR months after date, application will be made

to the Inferior court of Houston comity, "for leave to sell the real estate of William S. Brunson, late of saidconnty, deceased. THOMAS POLLOCK,

Feb 10 33 adm’r.

the 15th of February last. 3 BAY HORSE, about« yea.* ^ ttt the left eve, and - a right hindToot Said kor£- ^

til Coweta county, hv John Bailey. 1 Y,ce.aid ward willbe given, if delivered to me®Ljvcd. auv.infurmatloii respecting him thanklni.'ren

Macon, June ® «f 11 B'

. wili °!i:For Sale. .A comfortable dwelling he a i>0p|ar

buildings comjdeie, situated Jes»|itfsi street and Colton A vena#, 3 , situation with one or two ,0,!' 3 (W ter, will be sold on reasonable t-«

cash. Por terms apply in -Macon to . viy[,. Mav->6 4ft WM

Thitne, Lavender, Basil, Lemon Balm, Early Corn,Early Peas, Pole Peas, Bunch Beans, Pole do, Lima &c. several varieties of each, also an assortment of FIXJWER SEEDS, Herbs, and Grassseeds, all care- fully put up by flic Shakers and warranted Fresh, ac- jcor.ipanied by a Treatise on Gardening. &c. ; county, while sitting as a court of ordinary, for leave

Intending to be permanently engaged in this busin- to sell all the real estate of Jesse D. McIntosh. late of ; ess. the subscribers will use every exertion iu their said county, deceased, this 24th February, J836. 36

in t-ouilnv ■* ....wtl.l, MA aI* /,! d U U U I? A 11 A d A k IV

FOUR months after date application u ill be made to the honorable the Inferior court of Fayette

power, to render it worthy the patronage of their old i and new customers. Orders hy etter will meet the same attention as if made in person.


Painting of even-, description carried on by .......................8*-* --------- ------>TVV

D. B. HFAD, Adm’r._______ MARGi\«ET L McINTOSIT,Adm’rx.

I,10U It month- after date application will he madeJ5/ to the inferior court of Pike county, s'rting fer ' ordinary purposes, for lenve to sell the land and no--

KiceTIERCES Rice for sale by nJ)(;Ej.

*- — IIRAMAK*Store formerly occupied l>v T T Y-----"

RcwTGoods.. .eir ofcd

THE subscribers are nowreceiv>n3 i rf, apply of SPRING GOODS. coasM .

great variety ofFancy and staple Dry e,':'

Their customers, and the public getter.) .fully invited to call. „ ... OT,,r£, & Co-,

April4 41 GEORGE IV ^ * ifljtii®*

FOR Fever and Ague-Rowan’s —Quinine Mixture, for sale bv

anril 96 44_________ J. IT. <* Yl—-—------/f9 ip-. Wines

vfarch ID 37 WM -------Fittest style**™?.L Y EO. A.G

Ature, an

if*-on oanu, aiiu rttllieu t

assortment of the abov® j.Ujuuioi jr IC«»C ID Cell IIICT I/IIIU dliU lll> ' JH_ .lt lltIGj Mix ueawnmvu' " , f 'gross of Frederick Sessions, la|e of said county, de-1 which for siyty and quality cannot e ■ iuarcb 1.

•c.-nseH MnvlO ASA KFSSinVS A.lmV* than usual ill this market.Macon Jan, 14. 29 II. &.J. SHOTWELL. ceased. MaylO ASA (SESSIONS, Adm’r. prices lowe* titan usual in this