maae3300 midterm 2013 student

NAME: ________________________________________ STUDENT NUMBER: _____________________ 1 of 13 C A R L E T O N U N I V E R S I T Y Department Name & Course Number: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 3300 - Fluid Mechanics II Instructors: Daniel Feszty and Cynthia A. Cruickshank INSTRUCTIONS – READ CAREFULLY: This is an individual assignment. You may not collaborate with any other individual, or plagiarise their work. Suspected collaboration or plagiarism will be dealt with according to Carleton University’s Academic Integrity Policy. The midterm assignment consists of theory based multiple choice questions as well as some that require calculations. You may use the course textbook and any material posted on cuLearn, including course notes and PA questions, to answer the midterm assignment. All other written materials are forbidden, as are any other electronic materials. Given that this is a take-home exam, answers are expected to be quite thorough. Depending on your speed and skill, it is estimated that this exam should take you approximately three hours to complete. You may not work with other students on your answers. Answers must be clearly written and complete. If you have doubts about the meaning or completeness of a question, supply the material you believe you need to answer the question and state your assumptions at the beginning of your answer. Show all your work. Unless a problem explicitly states “no explanation required”, please try to write as detailed an explanation as possible. Answers to questions without justifications will be counted as wrong. Put a box, preferably in colored ink, around your final answer. Finally, in your solution, you will need to add references to your property tables (textbook and table number) if they are required to solve a question. The midterm assignment is due on Tuesday, November 5 th at 2:00 pm. The exam shall be dropped off in a marked drop box at the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) Office (room ME 3135). Please note that the MAE Office is open from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm on weekdays and is closed during lunch hour from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm. Print and staple the entire midterm booklet. This booklet has 13 pages. Late midterms will not be accepted under any circumstances. Midterms submitted in class or via email will not be accepted. During the 24 hour period, the professors and TAs will not be available to answer any questions about the midterm. Remember, if you have any doubts about the meaning of a question, state your assumptions and proceed. HONOUR STATEMENT: I have neither given nor received any help on this exam, and I have not discussed the exam with anyone. I attest that all of the answers are my own work. My signature below indicates that I neither gave nor received unauthorized assistance on this assignment. Student Printed Name Student Signature SECTION Questions Value of Each Question Total Section 1: Multiple Choice Questions (no explanation required) 1-18 1 mark 18 marks Section 2: Multiple Choice Questions (full solution and/or detailed explanation required) 19-24 3 marks 18 marks TOTAL 36 marks 24 HOUR TAKE HOME MIDTERM ASSIGNMENT NOVEMBER 4, 2013

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fluids midterm


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NAME: ________________________________________ STUDENT NUMBER: _____________________

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Department Name & Course Number: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 3300 - Fluid Mechanics II Instructors: Daniel Feszty and Cynthia A. Cruickshank


This is an individual assignment. You may not collaborate with any other individual, or plagiarise their work. Suspected collaboration or plagiarism will be dealt with according to Carleton University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

The midterm assignment consists of theory based multiple choice questions as well as some that require calculations. You may use the course textbook and any material posted on cuLearn, including course notes and PA questions, to answer the midterm assignment. All other written materials are forbidden, as are any other electronic materials.

Given that this is a take-home exam, answers are expected to be quite thorough. Depending on your speed and skill, it is estimated that this exam should take you approximately three hours to complete. You may not work with other students on your answers. Answers must be clearly written and complete. If you have doubts about the meaning or completeness of a question, supply the material you believe you need to answer the question and state your assumptions at the beginning of your answer. Show all your work. Unless a problem explicitly states “no explanation required”, please try to write as detailed an explanation as possible. Answers to questions without justifications will be counted as wrong. Put a box, preferably in colored ink, around your final answer. Finally, in your solution, you will need to add references to your property tables (textbook and table number) if they are required to solve a question.

The midterm assignment is due on Tuesday, November 5th at 2:00 pm. The exam shall be dropped off in a marked drop box at the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) Office (room ME 3135). Please note that the MAE Office is open from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm on weekdays and is closed during lunch hour from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm.

Print and staple the entire midterm booklet. This booklet has 13 pages. Late midterms will not be accepted under any circumstances. Midterms submitted in class or via email will not be accepted.

During the 24 hour period, the professors and TAs will not be available to answer any questions about the midterm. Remember, if you have any doubts about the meaning of a question, state your assumptions and proceed.


I have neither given nor received any help on this exam, and I have not discussed the exam with anyone. I attest that all of the answers are my own work. My signature below indicates that I neither gave nor received unauthorized assistance on this assignment.

Student Printed Name Student Signature

SECTION Questions Value of Each Question Total

Section 1: Multiple Choice Questions (no explanation required) 1-18 1 mark 18 marks

Section 2: Multiple Choice Questions (full solution and/or detailed explanation required) 19-24 3 marks 18 marks

TOTAL 36 marks


NOVEMBER 4, 2013

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Section 1: Multiple Choice Questions (no explanation required).

1. Combine power �̇�, diameter 𝑑, pressure drop ∆𝑝, and average velocity 𝑉 into a dimensionless group. Which of the combinations below would be the correct Π-group?

a) �̇�/ 𝑑2𝑉 ∆𝑝 b) �̇�/ 𝑉 ∆𝑝 c) �̇� 𝑑/ 𝑉 ∆𝑝 d) �̇�/𝑑 𝑉 ∆𝑝

2. Combine angular velocity ω, viscosity μ, diameter d, and density ρ into a dimensionless group. Which of

the combinations below would be the correct Π-group?

a) ω ρ d / μ b) ω ρ d4 / μ c) ω ρ d2 / μ d) ω2 ρ d / μ

3. It is proposed that the velocity of a flow depends on diameter 𝑑, length ℓ, gravity 𝑔, rotational

speed 𝜔, and viscosity 𝜇. In a dimensionless analysis of a flow velocity, which of the following could be omitted?

a) 𝜇 b) 𝜔 c) 𝑔 d) both ℓ and 𝑑

4. The head loss due to friction between fluid and a pipe can be expressed as:

𝐻𝐿 =𝑉2


In this expression, which term(s) are pure constants? You may select more than one answer, but you will get points for this question only if all correct answers are indicated.

a) HL b) 1/2, exponent 2 c) 𝑔 d) f

5. In the head loss expression shown in Question 4, which term(s) would be dimensional constants?

a) HL b) 1/2, exponent 2 c) 𝑔 d) f

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6. The number of scaling variables in any given problem cannot exceed:

a) 5 b) 4 c) 3 d) 2

7. If we want to test a scaled model ship in a tow tank, then which non-dimensional groups shall be the same between the prototype and the model?

a) Re and We b) Fr and We c) Re and Fr d) Re only

8. A 1:10 scaled model of an aircraft wing is to be tested in a wind tunnel. If the wind tunnel test section speed is set up in a way, so that for an air particle to cover the distance of the model length takes the same time than it does for the full-size prototype aircraft, then:

a) the model and the prototype are kinematically similar b) the model and the prototype are kinematically dissimilar c) the model and the prototype are dynamically similar d) the model and the prototype are geometrically dissimilar

9. The top speed of an F1 car is about 350 km/h. During the aerodynamic design of this car, the variation of the pressure and velocity between two points along a streamline needs to be determined. If we assume that the air temperature is 15°C and that the ratio of specific heats is 1.4, and the gas constant is 287.053 J/kg/K, then for this F1 car’s aerodynamic design:

a) Bernoulli equation can be used b) Bernoulli equation cannot be used

10. If one wants to measure the entropy change of a system, then the experiment should feature sensors measuring:

a) entropy directly b) pressure change only c) temperature change only d) both pressure change and temperature change

11. If one wants to measure the enthalpy change of a system, then the experiment should feature sensors measuring:

a) enthalpy directly b) pressure change only c) temperature change only d) both pressure change and temperature change

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12. Let’s assume that water flows in a pipe at such conditions that it undergoes a phase change to steam. In this case, the isentropic flow relations derived for compressible flows:

a) can be used b) cannot be used c) can only be used if the flow is compressible d) can only be used if the flow is incompressible

13. The statement that “specific heat ratio of a fluid in a flow with large temperature gradients is constant” is:

a) true b) false c) true only if the flow is compressible d) false only if the flow is incompressible

14. The typical range of specific heat ratio for gases is between:

a) 0.1 – 0.17 b) 1.0 – 1.7 c) 2.0 – 2.7

15. Consider the flow depicted in Fig. 1. If the velocity at point A is lower than the speed of sound, then the velocity variation of a particle moving along the streamline going through point A will follow the curve indicated by:

a) curve “a” b) curve “b” c) curve “c”

Fig. 1. Velocity distribution along the stagnation streamline of the flow around a cylinder.

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16. Air flows in a duct, which is properly insulated, and no heat is added or extracted and no shaft work is added or extracted. Measurements are taken at two locations, (A) and (B). At point (A), the following properties were recorded: 358 kPa and 1.180 kg/m3. At point (B), on the other hand, 45 kPa and +3°C were measured. Can the isentropic flow relations be applied for the flow inside this duct?

a) Yes b) No

17. On October 28, 2012, the Fishing Pier in Ocean City was damaged due to Hurricane Sandy. At least

100 ft of the fishing pier was destroyed due to hurricane force winds and high water. A new pier design has been proposed to replace the famous Maryland boardwalk. This new design is to be studied in a water channel to simulate forces due to hurricanes. Using a 1:20 scale model, what velocity should be selected in the model study to simulate a water speed of 15 m/s?

a) 2.67 m/s b) 3.35 m/s c) 4.27 m/s d) 5.91 m/s

18. To match the Reynolds number in an air flow and a water flow using the same size model, which flow

will require the higher flow speed? How much higher must it be? Assume an air and water temperature of 20oC.

a) Water will require the higher flow speed (by 1.5 times). b) Water will require the higher flow speed (by 15 times). c) Air will require the higher flow speed (by 1.5 times). d) Air will require the higher flow speed (by 15 times). e) Since the model is the same size for both flows, the velocity will also be the same.

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Section 2: Multiple Choice Questions (full solution and/or detailed explanation required) 19. A thin jet stream of liquid breaks up into many separate droplets. It is proposed that the resulting droplet

diameter 𝑑 depends on liquid density 𝜌, viscosity 𝜇, and surface tension 𝜎, as well as the liquid jet speed 𝑉 and diameter 𝐷. Using the Buckingham Pi Theorem, determine the dimensionless Π terms that characterize this process.

a) Π1 = 𝑑/𝐷 Π2 = 𝜌𝑉𝐷/𝜇 Π3 = 𝜌𝑉𝐷2/𝜎 b) Π1 = 𝑑/𝐷 Π2 = 𝜌𝑉𝐷/𝜎 Π3 = 𝜌𝑉2𝐷/𝜇 c) Π1 = 𝐷/𝑑 Π2 = 𝜇/𝜌𝑉𝐷 Π3 = 𝜌𝑉𝐷/𝜎 d) Π1 = 𝐷/𝑑 Π2 = 𝜇/𝜌𝑉𝐷 Π3 = 𝜎/𝜌𝑉2𝐷


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20. Five kilograms of air is cooled in a tank from 250oC to 50oC. The initial pressure is 3 MPa. Calculate the change in entropy, in J/K. For this question, assume air behaves as an ideal gas with constant specific heats, and that standard air conditions are present (15oC and 𝑘 = 1.4).

a) - 1468 J/K b) - 1205 J/K c) - 346 J/K d) - 1725 J/K


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21. You extend your hand out of a car window, perpendicular to the airflow. Assuming that the air pressure on the entire front surface is stagnation pressure (with respect to car coordinates), with atmospheric pressure on the rear surface, estimate the net force on your hand when driving at 30 mph. For this question, assume that the area of your hand is 153 cm2 and the density of the air is 0.00238 slug/ft3.

a) 0.379 lbf b) 0.760 lbf c) 0.095 lbf d) 0.189 lbf


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22. Consider the design of the sonar of a unique deep-ocean submarine, which is proposed to operate at the most extreme ocean depths on Earth, where pressure is 1100 atm. The pressure-density relation for sea-water can be approximated by a curve-fit equation of the state for liquids, i.e.,

with 𝐵 = 3000 and 𝑛 = 7, and where 𝑝o and 𝜌o are the standard atmospheric values (𝑝o = 101325 Pa, 𝜌o = 1000 kg/m3). Use this relation to estimate the speed of sound in water at this extreme depth.

a) 1910 m/s b) 1670 m/s c) 1103 m/s d) 341 m/s


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23. A large wind turbine with a blade width (also called blade chord) of 1.8 m, and a nominal rotational frequency of 20 rpm (1 rpm = 1 min-1) is designed to operate at 18 km/h wind speed and to generate 500 kW of power. A 1:15 scaled model is to be constructed and tested in a wind tunnel before investing into the full-size wind turbine’s manufacturing.

Part (1): What airspeed should be used in the wind tunnel, if the Reynolds number is based on the model blade width as the length scale and a Reynolds number of at least 105 should be achieved in the scaled model tests.

Part (2): What rotational frequency should be used in the wind tunnel if Strouhal number equivalency is to be maintained?

Part (3): What is the power output expected from the model?

You may consider that both the prototype and the model operate in air with a density of 1.225 kg/m3 and a dynamic viscosity of 1.81 x 10-5 kg/m s.

Part (1): The wind tunnel speed will be:

a) 52 km/h b) 44 km/h c) 18 km/h d) 7 km/h

Part (2): The rotational frequency is going to be:

a) 20 rpm b) 213 rpm c) 739 rpm d) 822 rpm

Part (3): The power output is going to be:

a) 5.7 kW b) 16 kW c) 33 kW d) 47 kW


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24. Consider the design of a new fighter jet aircraft, which has a length of 15 m and is suppose to fly with a 710 m/s cruise speed at 10,000 m altitude (for which 𝑝 = 26,416 Pa, 𝜌 = 0.4125 kg/m3, 𝑇 = 223.16 K, 𝜇 = 1.53 x 10-5 kg/m s, 𝑘 = 1.4, 𝑅 = 287.053 J/kgK). A 1:25 scaled model is to be tested in a pressurized Helium wind tunnel at 20°C (𝜇 = 1.97 x 10-5 kg/m s, 𝑘 = 1.66, 𝑅 = 2077 J/kgK).

Part (1): What would be the appropriate wind tunnel pressure?

a) 23.8 atm b) 19.5 atm c) 9.3 atm d) 1.4 atm

Part (2): Will full dynamic similarity be achieved?

a) Yes, since both Ma and Re are matched. b) Yes, since Re similarity and geometric similarity is maintained. c) No, since the ratio of specific heats (𝑘) is different for air and Helium. d) No, since the temperature is different for air and Helium.


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