m8 nombor rekreasi

Tutorial 3 Nombor Rekreasi Urutan Fibonacci dan Golden ratio Petak ajaib Penyelesaian Masalah Wah Mong Weh Jabatan Matematik

Upload: alvinham

Post on 18-Dec-2015




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M8 Nombor Rekreasi


  • Tutorial 3

    Nombor RekreasiUrutan Fibonacci dan Golden ratioPetak ajaibPenyelesaian MasalahWah Mong WehJabatan MatematikIPG KSAH

  • Nombor Fibonacci Dalam Matematik, Urutan Fibonacci adalah seperti berikut:


  • Fibonacci numberThe first two Fibonacci numbers are 0 and 1, and each remaining number is the sum of the previous two :1 + 1 = 21 + 2 = 32 + 3 = 53 + 5 = 8.

  • Fibonacci numberIn mathematics terms, the sequence F of Fibonacci numbers is defined by the recurrence relation

    Fn-2 + Fn -1= Fn

  • Strategies for Problem SolvingTry simpler problemsGuess a patternTest the patternExplain ( if possible)Use the pattern

  • Mathematical Notesrabbits problem

    Bees family tree

  • Golden RectanglesA Golden Rectangle in which the ratio of the length to the width is the Golden Ratio.

    In other words, if one side of a Golden Rectangle is 2 unit long, the other side will be 2 * (1.62) = 3.24 unit

  • Golden RectanglesThis number (1.618..) is called the golden ratio.A rectangle that satisfies this proportion for finding the golden ratio is called a golden rectangle.

  • Golden Rectangles.

    Construction of Golden Rectangle

  • Fibonacci SequenceIn the Fibonacci Sequence, suppose we consider the ratios of the successive terms, as you go farther and farther to the right, the ratio of the term will get closer and closer to the Golden Ratio

  • Fibonacci Sequence


  • Magic Square/ Petak Ajaib

    A magic square is an arrangement of the number from 1 to n^2 ( n-square) in an n x n matrix, with each number occurring exactly once, and the sum of the entries of any row, any column or any main diagonal is the same.

  • Examples of Magic Squares One of the most famous magic squares is that of Albrecht Drer. It was created in 1514 and is shown below 15141496712510118163213

  • Drers Square As you can see from the square, the total of each row, column, diagonal and small square is 34. You can also see that the year it was made (1514) appears in the squareHere is the year

  • Some More Magic SquaresThe total for each row, column etc. is 15816357492The total for each row, column here is 50


  • Magic SquareThe value of the sums can be shown to be
