m-bts photo checklist (3g) outdoor - suryani sudirman [ email ]

3. Site Documentation M-BTS PHOTO CHECKLIST (3G) OUTDOOR Poin t Item 3G 1 Site Location 2 GPS Coordinate 3 Cabinet and Tower 4 BTS Cabinet 5 Overview of inside the cabinet 6 FEP from Outside Cabinet 7 Jumper Installation Outdoor Cabinet 8 Feeder bending 9 EGB at Horizontal Tray 10 ACPDB Internal View 11 MCB at ACPDB 12 Rectifier 13 MCB at Rectifier Cabinet 14 Antenna Mechanical & Electrical Tilting Sector 1 15 Antenna Mechanical & Electrical Tilting Sector 2 16 Antenna Mechanical & Electrical Tilting Sector 3 17 Azimuth & Panoramic Sector 1 18 Azimuth & Panoramic Sector 2 19 Azimuth & Panoramic Sector 3 PT. HUAWEI SERVICE PT. HUAWEI TECH INVESTMENT

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Page 1: M-bts Photo Checklist (3g) Outdoor - Suryani Sudirman [ Email ]

3. Site Documentation


Point Item 3G

1 Site Location

2 GPS Coordinate

3 Cabinet and Tower

4 BTS Cabinet

5 Overview of inside the cabinet

6 FEP from Outside Cabinet

7 Jumper Installation Outdoor Cabinet

8 Feeder bending

9 EGB at Horizontal Tray

10 ACPDB Internal View


12 Rectifier

13 MCB at Rectifier Cabinet

14 Antenna Mechanical & Electrical Tilting Sector 1

15 Antenna Mechanical & Electrical Tilting Sector 2

16 Antenna Mechanical & Electrical Tilting Sector 3

17 Azimuth & Panoramic Sector 1

18 Azimuth & Panoramic Sector 2

19 Azimuth & Panoramic Sector 3


Page 2: M-bts Photo Checklist (3g) Outdoor - Suryani Sudirman [ Email ]

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1 Site Location Photo of Overall Site View ( Zoom Out ).

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2 GPS Coordinate Photo of GPS showing Longitude and Lattitude on site

Page 3: M-bts Photo Checklist (3g) Outdoor - Suryani Sudirman [ Email ]

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3 Cabinet and Tower Photo of site compound showing cabinet & tower.

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4 BTS CabinetPhoto of overall BTS Close Door and Open Door (Cabinet showing all modules)

Page 4: M-bts Photo Checklist (3g) Outdoor - Suryani Sudirman [ Email ]

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6 FEP from Outside CabinetPhoto of FEP from outside of cabinet (jumper bottom must installed first & Use Macro Mode).

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5 Overview of inside the cabinet Photo of overall BTS cabinet showing all modules

Page 5: M-bts Photo Checklist (3g) Outdoor - Suryani Sudirman [ Email ]


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7Jumper Installation Outdoor Cabinet

Photo of jumper bottom installation including labels, and connection between jumper & feeder.

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8 Feeder bendingPhoto of feeder bending at horizontal & vertical tray. (Side view)

Page 6: M-bts Photo Checklist (3g) Outdoor - Suryani Sudirman [ Email ]


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9 EGB at Horizontal TrayPhoto of external grounding bar at horizontal tray, including the grounding cable connections and labels.

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10 ACPDB Internal View Photo of ACPDB, door of ACPDB must be open.

Page 7: M-bts Photo Checklist (3g) Outdoor - Suryani Sudirman [ Email ]


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11 MCB at ACPDBPhoto of rectifier MCB ratings in ACPDB. (Macro mode)

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12 Rectifier Photo of rectifier. Rectifier’ door must be opened

Page 8: M-bts Photo Checklist (3g) Outdoor - Suryani Sudirman [ Email ]

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13 MCB at Rectifier CabinetPhoto of the all the MCB in rectifier including labels. (Macro mode)

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14Antenna Mechanical & Electrical Tilting Sector 1

Photo of angle meter placed at the back of the antenna clearly shows the degree of tilt&Photo of Electrical Tilting ( Macro Mode).

Page 9: M-bts Photo Checklist (3g) Outdoor - Suryani Sudirman [ Email ]

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15Antenna Mechanical & Electrical Tilting Sector 2

Photo of angle meter placed at the back of the antenna clearly shows the degree of tilt&Photo of Electrical Tilting ( Macro Mode).

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16Antenna Mechanical & Electrical Tilting Sector 3

Photo of angle meter placed at the back of the antenna clearly shows the degree of tilt&Photo of Electrical Tilting ( Macro Mode).

Page 10: M-bts Photo Checklist (3g) Outdoor - Suryani Sudirman [ Email ]

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17 Azimuth &Panoramic Sector 1 Photo of panoramic Sector 1

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18 Azimuth &Panoramic Sector 2 Photo of panoramic Sector 2

Page 11: M-bts Photo Checklist (3g) Outdoor - Suryani Sudirman [ Email ]

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19 Azimuth &Panoramic Sector 3 Photo of panoramic Sector 3

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20 RRU Sector 1 Jumper on RRU Sector 1

Page 12: M-bts Photo Checklist (3g) Outdoor - Suryani Sudirman [ Email ]

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21 RRU Sector 2 Jumper on RRU Sector 2

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22 RRU Sector 3 Jumper on RRU Sector 3

Page 13: M-bts Photo Checklist (3g) Outdoor - Suryani Sudirman [ Email ]

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23 CPRI RRU Sektor1 PGND RRU Sector 1

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24 CPRI RRU Sektor 2 PGND RRU Sector 2

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25 CPRI RRU Sektor3 PGND RRU Sector 3