Álvaro gómez iñesta (may, 2016) introduction...quantum cryptography Álvaro gómez iñesta (may,...

QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY Álvaro Gómez Iñesta (May, 2016) INTRODUCTION Nowadays, private communication is fundamental in most parts of our daily routines. E.g. we need to transfer money to a company when we buy something or we want to speak to our relatives every day. But there are even more important kinds of confidential information, such as state, military, business, judicial or medical secrets [1]. Here is where cryptography arises. It can be defined as a method of providing information security by preventing unintended recipients from coming to know private information by encryption, a special application of coding [2]. The basic idea is that in order to transmit secret information (known as plaintext message), it has to be cyphered using a key. When the cyphered text (cryptogram or ciphertext) arrives to the receiver, he can decrypt it with the key. For instance, if we want to tell HELLO in a secret way to someone, we can use a key consisting in changing each letter by the following in alphabetical order: we send the cryptogram IFMMP, which the receiver can decode to get HELLO. A more realistic case would be the transmission of computational information as bits. A very simple example can be the message 10100, cyphered by dividing by 10 (key). The receiver will have to multiply the ciphertext he received (1010) by the key to get the original plaintext. The main problem in “classical” cryptography is that an eavesdropper can also get the cryptogram and decrypt the message by performing an exhaustive search over all possible keys. There are very different and complex protocols of cryptography (and some of them are confidential), but they are still part of physical systems that can be eavesdropped and decrypted by an external agent. The most complicated cryptograms (those using operations with large prime numbers, for example) can be decrypted in really long times (even many years). However, a quantum computer could do this in a much shorter time. Then, for very important information (state, military, etc.) or when we have fully functioning quantum computers, a completely secure communication protocol would be needed. The solution to this problem is in the quantum world. Quantum cryptography offers the possibility to create a private communication. It is also a wide field, where lots of protocols can be used too (one-time pad with single photon emission, 1 entangled photons, etc.). We will focus on the BB84 quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol (invented by Bennett and Brassard in 1984), which is based on the one-time pad technique. QUANTUM KEY DISTRIBUTION: BB84 PROTOCOL 2 Here we are going to explore the BB84 protocol. The situation is the following: a person A (the transmitter) wants to send some information to B (the receiver), while an eavesdropper E is trying to spy them. Let’s call them Alice, Bob and Eve, as it is usual to do. BB84 is a QKD protocol: the goal is to create a private key for Alice and Bob. Hence, we just want to create that key that will encode our plaintext, which can be then sent through a conventional channel. The procedure is explained in the following lines. Alice has a light source able to emit single-photons. This photons will have a random polarization state expressed in one of two possible bases: horizontal-vertical (HV) {|,|} or diagonal (D) {|,|}. Each basis has two eigenvectors as the polarization state of a photon constitutes a Hilbert space of dimension 2. The use of non-orthogonal states (HV and D bases) increases the security of the protocol due to the no-cloning theorem. It states that not a single universal unitary operator U exists on HAHB such that for all normalized states |φA and |eB in H, U(|φA|eB)=e iα(φ,e) |φA|φB. Hence, Eve cannot create a copy of each photon to measure one and See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-time_pad for more information about one-time pad. 1 All the theory developed in this section just gives a general idea of this issue, which cannot have a fully detailed 2 develop in these few lines. The full theory is more mathematically complex, since it uses statistical tools to evaluate the if transmission succeeded.

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Page 1: Álvaro Gómez Iñesta (May, 2016) INTRODUCTION...QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY Álvaro Gómez Iñesta (May, 2016) INTRODUCTION Nowadays, private communication is fundamental in most parts


Álvaro Gómez Iñesta (May, 2016)

INTRODUCTION Nowadays, private communication is fundamental in most parts of our daily routines. E.g. we need to transfer money to a company when we buy something or we want to speak to our relatives every day. But there are even more important kinds of confidential information, such as state, military, business, judicial or medical secrets [1]. Here is where cryptography arises. It can be defined as a method of providing information security by preventing unintended recipients from coming to know private information by encryption, a special application of coding [2]. The basic idea is that in order to transmit secret information (known as plaintext message), it has to be cyphered using a key. When the cyphered text (cryptogram or ciphertext) arrives to the receiver, he can decrypt it with the key. For instance, if we want to tell HELLO in a secret way to someone, we can use a key consisting in changing each letter by the following in alphabetical order: we send the cryptogram IFMMP, which the receiver can decode to get HELLO. A more realistic case would be the transmission of computational information as bits. A very simple example can be the message 10100, cyphered by dividing by 10 (key). The receiver will have to multiply the ciphertext he received (1010) by the key to get the original plaintext. The main problem in “classical” cryptography is that an eavesdropper can also get the cryptogram and decrypt the message by performing an exhaustive search over all possible keys. There are very different and complex protocols of cryptography (and some of them are confidential), but they are still part of physical systems that can be eavesdropped and decrypted by an external agent. The most complicated cryptograms (those using operations with large prime numbers, for example) can be decrypted in really long times (even many years). However, a quantum computer could do this in a much shorter time. Then, for very important information (state, military, etc.) or when we have fully functioning quantum computers, a completely secure communication protocol would be needed. The solution to this problem is in the quantum world. Quantum cryptography offers the possibility to create a private communication. It is also a wide field, where lots of protocols can be used too (one-time pad with single photon emission, 1

entangled photons, etc.). We will focus on the BB84 quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol (invented by Bennett and Brassard in 1984), which is based on the one-time pad technique.


Here we are going to explore the BB84 protocol. The situation is the following: a person A (the transmitter) wants to send some information to B (the receiver), while an eavesdropper E is trying to spy them. Let’s call them Alice, Bob and Eve, as it is usual to do. BB84 is a QKD protocol: the goal is to create a private key for Alice and Bob. Hence, we just want to create that key that will encode our plaintext, which can be then sent through a conventional channel. The procedure is explained in the following lines. Alice has a light source able to emit single-photons. This photons will have a random polarization state expressed in one of two possible bases: horizontal-vertical (HV) {|→⟩,|↑⟩} or diagonal (D) {|↘⟩,|↗⟩}. Each basis has two eigenvectors as the polarization state of a photon constitutes a Hilbert space of dimension 2. The use of non-orthogonal states (HV and D bases) increases the security of the protocol due to the no-cloning theorem. It states that not a single universal unitary operator U exists on HA⊗HB such that for all normalized states |φ⟩A and |e⟩B in H, U(|φ⟩A|e⟩B)=eiα(φ,e)|φ⟩A|φ⟩B. Hence, Eve cannot create a copy of each photon to measure one and

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-time_pad for more information about one-time pad.1

All the theory developed in this section just gives a general idea of this issue, which cannot have a fully detailed 2

develop in these few lines. The full theory is more mathematically complex, since it uses statistical tools to evaluate the if transmission succeeded.

Page 2: Álvaro Gómez Iñesta (May, 2016) INTRODUCTION...QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY Álvaro Gómez Iñesta (May, 2016) INTRODUCTION Nowadays, private communication is fundamental in most parts

www.azucarconsal.wordpress.com Álvaro Gómez Iñesta

send the other to Bob. On the other hand, Alice knows the state of each photon and will assign a bit to it: 0 for |→⟩ and |↘⟩, 1 for |↑⟩ and |↗⟩. When Bob receives the photons, he will measure them using a detector on HV or D basis, also chosen randomly. Then, he will get a string of bits (the assignment of 0 and 1 is the same) which differs from Alice’s. Now Bob has a ‘raw key’ that must be ‘sifted’. The process of ‘key sifting’ consists in sharing the sequence of bases used by Alice and Bob (but not the string of bits obtained!) through a classical (not quantum) channel. If they used the same basis, the bit shared in that measurement will be the same for them. Therefore, they will only keep bits for which they used the same basis. When they discard the rest of bits, it will remain the ‘sifted key’.

If Eve tries to measure the state of each bit, she will induce state projection and/or decoherence of transmitted qubits and so give rise to observable effects [2]. This will introduce errors in the key (discrepancies between Alice’s and Bob’s keys) that have to be detected in a statistical study after key sifting. As an example, assume that Alice sent a photon with vertical polarization (bit of value 1). We show the results of Eve’s and Bob’s measurements in the following table (only the case when Alice and Bob use the same basis is contemplated since otherwise the bit will be removed from the raw key and we do not need to care about it):

Hence, if Eve tries to measure the photons’ states, she will obtain no information since she does not know which was the base used by Alice (Eve can neither clone the state due to the no-cloning theorem). This will also mean that, even if Alice and Bob used the same basis, the bit obtained was different with, in principle, a 25% probability. Then, before establishing a key, they will have to execute classical authentication protocols to see if the sifted key they obtain is the same and that there are no errors. However, the QKD channel is not perfect so it can also introduce errors in the results: it will be important to characterize it in order to know if the communication was eavesdropped or if an error was caused by the channel.

Fig. 1 - BB84 protocol scheme. [Credit: http://timerime.com/en/event/2804300/Se+crea+el+primer+protocolo+de+Cifrado+Cuntico+BB84/]

Alice’s basis Alice’s bit Eve’s

basis Eve’s bit Probability Bob’s basis Bob’s bit Probability

HV 1

HV 1 100 % HV 1 100 %

D0 50 %

HV0 50 %

1 50 % 1 50 %

Probability Bob got a 0 25 % Error

Probability Bob got a 1 75 % Good result but maybe eavesdropped

Page 3: Álvaro Gómez Iñesta (May, 2016) INTRODUCTION...QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY Álvaro Gómez Iñesta (May, 2016) INTRODUCTION Nowadays, private communication is fundamental in most parts

www.azucarconsal.wordpress.com Álvaro Gómez Iñesta

IMPLEMENTATION OF QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY IN REAL SYSTEMS Different facts exist that make the implementation of a QKD system using a protocol similar to BB84 more difficult (we are not studying methods with entangled photons), such as the non-existence of ideal single photon sources, dispersive phenomena in the quantum channel (e.g. polarization mode dispersion or PMD) or identical detector efficiency for HV and D polarization states (dark counts are also a problem). These problems affect the QBER (quantum bit error rate, ratio between wrong and total number of detections), increasing its value, while the accepted one is below ~3% (remember that an eavesdropping would produce an error of about 25%). One way to emit single photons is to use a pulsed laser with very low intensity (typically ~0.1 photons per pulse) such that the probability of emitting 2 or more photons in the same pulse is really small. Another interesting way is that discussed in [3]: photons generated by an adiabatically driven stimulated Raman transitions in a Rb atom. The advantage of the latter is that it can be used in a reversible way: this setup may also act as a detector. It is summarized in figure 2.

On the other hand, most of the research so far uses optical fibers as a quantum channel to guide the photons from Alice to Bob. When linearly polarized light travels through the fiber its polarization orientation is changed and the degree of polarization (ratio of polarized to non-polarized light) may also vary, degrading the signal. Hence, manual polarization controllers are used to recover the polarization state at the output of the fiber. The channel must also protect the photons from environmental noise that may increase QBER. One phenomenon that can totally destroy the quantum communication is PMD, which consists in the presence of two different group velocities for two orthogonal polarization modes. It can delay photons sent with an specific polarization so they overlap with the following one, forcing us to decrease the rate of transmission if we want to distinguish them. It grows with the square root of the fiber length (the longer the fiber is, the higher this effect is) and has values of 0.1-1ps/km1/2. PMD can fortunately be avoided using a laser source with a coherence time larger than the largest delay introduced by PMD. Finally, it would be very useful to use already working fibers for QKD. For example, the Group of Applied Physics of University of Geneva managed to establish a quantum key at standard telecom wavelength (1300nm) using installed cables and very weak laser pulses of 0.12 photons per pulse [4]. The last of the key components for QKD is the single-photon detector, which is commonly made of avalanche photodiodes, made of semiconductor materials (Si, Ge or InGaAs, depending on the wavelength). They are operated in Geiger mode, in which the applied potential exceeds the breakdown voltage, leading an electron avalanche (a current) when a photon arrives. In this section we have just briefly discussed the photon emitter, channel and detector. However, there are also other fundamental components in QKD systems, such as beam splitters, electro-optical modulators, wave plates or electronic devices for signal processing. As a final remark, each QKD setup requires different devices combinations so the number of possible systems is huge. Many of them are being studied to improve QKD protocols, which will be fundamental to protect communication from eavesdropping with quantum computers, as we

Fig. 2 - Scheme of the experiment in [3]. (A) Energy levels and transitions studied in 85Rb. The atomic states labeled |u⟩, |e⟩, and |g⟩ are involved in the Raman process, and the states |0⟩ and |1⟩ denote the photon number in the cavity. (B) Setup: a cloud of atoms is released from a magneto-optical trap and falls through a cavity below with a velocity of 2m/s. The interaction time of a single atom with the TEM00 mode of the cavity (waist w0=35µm) amounts to about 17’5µs. The pump and recycling lasers are collinear and overlap with the cavity mode. Photons emitted from the cavity are detected by a pair of photodiodes with a quantum efficiency of 50% [3].

Page 4: Álvaro Gómez Iñesta (May, 2016) INTRODUCTION...QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY Álvaro Gómez Iñesta (May, 2016) INTRODUCTION Nowadays, private communication is fundamental in most parts

www.azucarconsal.wordpress.com Álvaro Gómez Iñesta

said in the introduction. Nevertheless, we have explained in these lines the bases of quantum cryptography, in which are supported all those possible setups.

REFERENCES [1] V. V. Yaschenko, Cryptography: An Introduction (Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 18), chapter 1 (1.1.The subject of cryptography), pp. 3-10, American Mathematical Society (2000). [2] G. Jaeger, Quantum information: an overview, chapter 12 (Quantum key distribution), pp. 191-201, Springer (2007). [3] A. Kuhn, M. Hennrich and G. Rempe, Deterministic Single-Photon Source for Distributed Quantum Networking, Physical Review Letters, Volume 89, Number 6 (2002). [4] A. Muller, H. Zbinden and N. Gisin, Quantum cryptography over 23 km in installed under-lake telecom fibre, Europhysics Letters, pp. 335-339 (1995).