lts covid-19 testing serviceshensive, turnkey, end-to-end solutions for the collection, testing, and...

Longview Internaonal Technology Soluons, Inc. (LTS) delivers compre- hensive, turnkey, end-to-end soluons for the collecon, tesng, and reporng of the COVID-19 virus. We are an acknowledged and award-winning mul-ISO/CMMI Level 3 appraised services firm focused on the delivery of best-in-class healthcare, program management, and security soluons. Our 15 years of federal government experience affords us the ability to provide COVID-19 tesng services to any federal, state, county, city, or educaonal client. LTS has successfully combined its mission-crical specimen collecon and laboratory soluons with our extensive experse in healthcare, project manage- ment, technology, analycs, and site setup. LTS delivers industry-leading COVID-19 tesng services, SARS-CoV-2 laboratory and reporng experse, and experienced COVID-19 medical and tesng personnel. LTS’ Core Services Offerings – COVID-19 Tesng Services COVID-19 Test Site Planning and Site Setup LTS currently operates permanent, walk-up, mobile, and drive-through tesng sites naonwide and has deployed and operates "supersi- tes" capable of administering over 1,000 tests per day per site. Specimen Collecon LTS manages COVID-19 tesng sites that average twice the specimen collecon capacity of typical collecon teams. Test Kits & Test Specimen Laboratory Services LTS provides test kits and industry-leading diagnosc and serologic tesng for SARS-CoV-2. LTS' one-step Reverse Transcriptase – Polymerase Chain Reacon (RT-PCR) system combines high-processivity Invitrogen SuperScript IV RT and high-fidelity Invitrogen Planum SuperFi DNA Polymerase to provide superior one-step RT-PCR performance and total anbody detecon for SARS-CoV-2, even in asymptomac paents. Our tesng and laboratory services maximize tesng throughout, ensure the integrity of the specimens collect- ed, and return rapid test results to paents. We currently average six (6) minutes per test from paent registraon to specimen collecon. LTS’ Specialty Services – COVID-19 Providing Cerfied Medical Personnel LTS combines our COVID-19 tesng soluons with a large, experienced, and cerfied medical tesng staff that meets the industry's highest training requirements and performance standards. Logiscs and Warehousing LTS' logiscal soluon includes the transportaon and long term storage of test site equipment and materials including the sourcing and delivery of the PPE required for all paents, test site and specimen collecon personnel. COVID-19 Test Site Management LTS is a recognized expert in the management of government contracts and has transioned a number of our experienced federal project and program managers to supervisory roles in support of our PPE and COVID-19 tesng mission. P 12930 Worldgate Drive, Suite 300, Herndon, VA 20170 | q (703) 657-5500 | E [email protected] 80,000+ Tests Per Day LTS’ naonwide laboratory tesng capac- ity is greater than 80,000 tests per day. Personal Protecve Equipment (PPE) LTS is an authorized reseller for numerous FDA-approved original equipment manufactur- ers (OEMs). We provide rapid access to the U.S.-based PPE required to support any-size tesng environment(s) in any U.S. locaon(s). Our Growing, Naonal Footprint LTS is currently providing PPE and/or COVID-19 Test Soluons for the states of Texas, Michigan, Rhode Island, North Carolina, and South Carolina. LTS COVID-19 Tesng Services LTS has grown to provide our COVID-19 tesng services to 15% of the U.S. populaon

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Post on 20-Feb-2021




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  • Longview International Technology Solutions, Inc. (LTS) delivers compre-hensive, turnkey, end-to-end solutions for the collection, testing, and reporting of the COVID-19 virus. We are an acknowledged and award-winning multi-ISO/CMMI Level 3 appraised services firm focused on the delivery of best-in-class healthcare, program management, and security solutions. Our 15 years of federal government experience affords us the ability to provide COVID-19 testing services to any federal, state, county, city, or educational client.

    LTS has successfully combined its mission-critical specimen collection and laboratory solutions with our extensive expertise in healthcare, project manage-ment, technology, analytics, and site setup. LTS delivers industry-leading COVID-19 testing services, SARS-CoV-2 laboratory and reporting expertise, and experienced COVID-19 medical and testing personnel.

    LTS’ Core Services Offerings – COVID-19 Testing Services COVID-19 Test Site Planning and Site Setup

    LTS currently operates permanent, walk-up, mobile, and drive-through testing sites nationwide and has deployed and operates "supersi-tes" capable of administering over 1,000 tests per day per site.

    Specimen CollectionLTS manages COVID-19 testing sites that average twice the specimen collection capacity of typical collection teams.

    Test Kits & Test Specimen Laboratory ServicesLTS provides test kits and industry-leading diagnostic and serologic testing for SARS-CoV-2. LTS' one-step Reverse Transcriptase – Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) system combines high-processivity Invitrogen SuperScript IV RT and high-fidelity Invitrogen Platinum SuperFi DNA Polymerase to provide superior one-step RT-PCR performance and total antibody detection for SARS-CoV-2, even in asymptomatic patients. Our testing and laboratory services maximize testing throughout, ensure the integrity of the specimens collect-ed, and return rapid test results to patients. We currently average six (6) minutes per test from patient registration to specimen collection.

    LTS’ Specialty Services – COVID-19 Providing Certified Medical Personnel

    LTS combines our COVID-19 testing solutions with a large, experienced, and certified medical testing staff that meets the industry's highest training requirements and performance standards.

    Logistics and WarehousingLTS' logistical solution includes the transportation and long term storage of test site equipment and materials including the sourcing and delivery of the PPE required for all patients, test site and specimen collection personnel.

    COVID-19 Test Site ManagementLTS is a recognized expert in the management of government contracts and has transitioned a number of our experienced federal project and program managers to supervisory roles in support of our PPE and COVID-19 testing mission.

    P 12930 Worldgate Drive, Suite 300, Herndon, VA 20170 | q (703) 657-5500 | E [email protected]

    80,000+ Tests Per DayLTS’ nationwide laboratory testing capac-ity is greater than 80,000 tests per day.

    Personal ProtectiveEquipment (PPE)

    LTS is an authorized reseller for numerous FDA-approved original equipment manufactur-ers (OEMs). We provide rapid access to the U.S.-based PPE required to support any-size

    testing environment(s) in any U.S. location(s).

    Our Growing, NationalFootprint

    LTS is currently providing PPE and/or COVID-19 Test Solutions for the states of Texas, Michigan, Rhode Island, North

    Carolina, and South Carolina.

    LTS COVID-19 Testing ServicesLTS has grown to provide our COVID-19 testing services to 15% of the U.S. population