lt. · german trainine act . up to 9 march , 25 , 801 · by claiming british planes h ad a tta cked...

Lt. · attack on a British steamer . A Borlin dispatch countered by claiming British planes had a tta cked an German ship . 1, 270,000 men , have been registered by Great Britain under tho Military Trainine Act . Up to 9 March, 25 , 801 persons had been registered provisionally as conscientious objectors . Diamonds, Russian reports said that on e of the world 's largest diamond fields had been discovered in the Ural Mountains . An rucpedition is beine sent to investigate it by the Soviet Academy of Sciences . Q UEEN UARY , sailed from Now York harbor today, casting loose at 8z 22 A .M. Danish Steamer MINSK , was sunk off Scottish Northeast coast on Tuesday night, i t was learned when nino members of the crew were landed at a Scottish port today . Eleven members or the crew 118re listed as missing . French Cabinet, The new cabinet was annoWloed officially today wi th Paul Reynaud prwuier and foreign minister . Daladier was named as Minister of llar and National Defe nse and Camil le Chautemps was named the now vioe premier .

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Lt.· attack on a British steamer. A Borlin dispatch countered

by claiming British planes had attacked an un~d German


1 ,270,000 men, have been registered by Great Britain

under tho Military Trainine Act . Up to 9 March, 25 ,801

persons had been registered provisionally as conscientious

objectors .

Diamonds, Russian reports said that one of the world ' s

largest diamond fields had been discovered in the Ural

Mountains . An rucpedition is beine sent to investigate it

by the Soviet Academy of Sciences .

QUEEN UARY, sailed from Now York harbor today, casting

loose at 8z22 A.M.

Danish Steamer MINSK , was sunk off Scottish Northeast

coast on Tuesday night, i t was learned when nino members

of the crew were landed at a Scottish port today. Eleven

members or the crew 118re listed as missing .

French Cabinet, The new cabinet was annoWloed officially

today wit h Paul Reynaud prwuier and foreign minister.

Daladier was named as Minister of llar and National

Defense and Camille Chautemps was named the now vioe


Go;dfi~¥J" SECRETARY OF THE NAVY 22 March 1940

Total Enlisted Strength, 21 March • •••••••• 135,177

Fleet Reservists (Enl isted) on active duty ... 2,899

Other Reservists 11 n n n ... 938

Total • •••• • • • • 3,837

Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) • •• • • • • ••• • 269

Aggregate Discharges n n u • • • • • • • • . • • 86 .

Net Increase • • • • • 183

Retired Officers returned to active duty a s of 22 March :

Line Officers 303 Staff Officers 100 Warrant Officers _J.g

Total 435

Naval Reservists ordered to active duty for enforcement

of neutrality pat rol as of 22 Marchi Number Number Number

Officers Allo'li8d Obligated Ordered Aviation Instructors 150 150 66 Distri ct Patrol Planes 128 0 0 Naval Intelligence 100 63 61 Miscellaneous 192 162 . 136 Ens . and Lieuts . (jg)

rltb Fleet 200 200 llO Merchant Marine and

Lieut . D-V(G) 100 100 ....§i Total Office rs 8?o 675 458

Men District Patrol Planes 340 340 340 Communications 120 75 75 M:l:soellaneous 2QQ .§.94; 670

Total Men 1.360 1.309 1085

~· 1\&Jor Gene$ C~, of the UArlno C<>rpo hu Nturnod

h<>a irulpoc\.ioo or Purio Iolond and r.porlo U.. de!-. .

hllttallona , both new o.ncl old, and equipment in excellent

t:•• Orlaarl• Drrdock. 1e n~ in t.he Qu1t ot :.:oxlco, haY1Dc

lAtely clear«! the aoutb or tho W,,as.lo&1pp1 River. T'be

u,.!oclt u bo1nf; '-<! co;;oorc1&117.

O .~.s. OWT, (aioe,_por) haa beoln oubatituted rcr tho

lli.AI!l!LY in accOt>panJinc t ho HE&lOif,

r .. r:an shiN , ~C 1D the t:•1t.em &uilpbere tot.l

5~. Only 2 in u.s. territorial watorn, tbfJ

PAUI.M FP.IIIllUCit in Boat.oo, and tho Allll/.CA in Port l:Mr-

clades, Plor14a.

~l Av-iation Cadot6 , h&vo been appointed tor tllcht train­

inc at l'aneacola in U.. cl&Bs e"""'uinc ~~ llarcb. Tboae

cadets cOM trc:a 12 an.auoo barse• 1a all pute or


J!,f.~. !!ICI!t· (SS202) 11 ..Ww.ct tc bo l.aiii>Cbad at lho

llovy Yard, Port.SJ:aOUth, on n Kay.

S.lec-t1C!l lto!.rd•· .A Board t.o r-eo~ officer• tor J'll"'-

..,uan tc u.. cra6a or c-=~or in the llorchaDt ~:&rine

ReS«:rt'Wl Will convene 1n t be rravy Department on l April.

ottieera ot U.""UCt.ica Co~ tGr ~oe..nt. to tbe

rank ot lieuWn.t.ot. c~r aM U •utenADt.

Conma.ncnal Party, 1 t.1.MTory has baen ~ to include

"" .,.m1,aht. otop at 5a4 S&l'ndor City inotead c! G1la'­

m&la City on ~Horch .

Rlpl'!M1'ltatl!!t , MN.t &n4 V.pusoa ~ct to depart. b-oa

Jt1ald tor Pena.cola to4&.T and tor AnacoatJ.a tc.orrow 110rn-

inc ·

Priee Index r~ t t.t wook onding 16 ~eh wau 78.a, orr

. l troe a ._k a(Oo Thl.o 11 tbJ.rd COMOCUtiVO 1111e10lcly

ll:!noh Cabi.nO;t-. Pre:der Pnul Re)naud ' 1 now govo:rnnent woo

en ot'f'ic.ial Tote of coal'i"-noe ot 269 to 156, w1\.b 110

not Totinc in tJ>e O...~r or DoJNtiaa today, Attar tho

vot., ~yn&ud celled a meeUng ot the C4binet t.o eonnider

the aituatian retu1tinc h<>a tho ..U Tots.

n- W!£ at Sot, A Britiab IIUlo>o.rine, ponetntinc tho

the klt.ic, aant, C,rMA a·~p ~ • .4,947

tone . t t. wae tt. tirat C.raan I:llll'Ch.o.ntlntm to ._tits


end by a British submarine torpedo during the war. The

fOO>IERHEIN wns sunk just inside the Kattegat. German naval

forces have sunk 32, €:1}4 tons of shipping in 3 days, the

High Coiiii!lD.Ild asserted . Two Danish ships. were sent to the

bottom today, making a total of 7 neutral ships lost in

the last 2 clays. Six, and probably seven, were victims

of torpedoes . Latest Danish losses were the CHRISTIAfiS-

BORG, 3 , 270 tons, and CHERKOV, 11026 tons . Other vesoels

lost in the last 4S hours •re the Danish ships BOTHAL,

21 109 tons; VIKING, l ,l5S tons; MINSK, 1 , 229 tons, and

ALGIERS, 1 , 654 tons . Also the SVINTA, 1 , 267 tons, was . . .

torpedoed . A Gennan submarine was bel.ieved destroyed

in the North Sea by the British trawler STAR OF .PEACE .

Anglo-American relations , may be improved by a sW.bllshing

a contraband control base at Halifax, Nova Scotia, ·there-

by keeping American ships out of the combat zone. Re­

vision of tho method of inspecting mails on American

carriers wa's also being considered along with partial

resumption of American tobacco, pork, and apple purchases.

Bureau af C. & R,, announces the following award: Con-

tr~ct to Jonwal Construction Co. , Inc., New York City,

for complatina tba hanaar at the Naval Aviatioh Base ,

Floyd Bennett Field, for t.'230, 6oO ,

\::: U • RKPOki' TO '1'HE SECB'l'ARY OF THE KA VY 25 March 1940

Total Enlisted Strength, 23 March ••••••••• 135,411

Fleet llllservists (Enlisted) on active duty ••• 2, 899

Other Reservists n n " It ••• 938

Total ••••••••• 3, 837 . A~gregate Enlistments (last 24 hours} •••••••••• 192

Aggregate Discharges n n n •••••••••• 128

Net Increase • • • • 64

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 25 March:

Line Officers 303 starr Officers 100 Warrant Officers ~

total 43S . .. Jaftl IW.,.viste ordered to acti'N dut)" for aforoell!nt

ot.;;aeu..Uty patJool as of 23 llarohz Number

· orr1~n Aviation Instructors

'Dle\rietfatro1.PlaDea Naval Intelligence llie•Ua•ou .Ens. and Lieuts. (jg)

witA:FJ..t llerchant llarine and

loiMlt. D-oV (G) Total Oftioers

• J!!A

Di•'tr16t; Patrol P~• COIIIIIIlUJlica tions llieoel.l..amou8 Total Yen


150 128 100 192


100 870

Number O'llligated

150 0

63 163


100 7fi6

Number Qrdered

66 0

61 11.4



3.· Bureau of Yards and Docks,

l ' I the followine '

beon cade: j

contract has

• Completion of ~~nrs at the Naval Air Station, Banana

Rivet", Florlda, awarded t o the Sm1 th and Pew Construe-

t ion Co. , of Atlanta, Geol"gia, for $86,981. TilDe of

completion, 120 days.

Ships of t he 11. s. Antarctic Service, the BEAR and NORTH

STAR have departed from the East Base, llargueri te Bay,

Palmer Land, for the United Statas. The BEAR will pro-

ceed via Capa Born t o Punta Arenas, Chile, and then to

t he United States. Tba NO!ttll STAR will proceed to Val-, Chile, and then to Seattle, Washington .

u.s.s. IU.IRANT (DD402) is scbadul.ed to bold filial trials

off Rockland,, and baavy displacement st&ndardiza­

tioo runs under tba Board of Inspection and 6\lrft;r, be-

ginnin{: 9 April and lasting about 5 da3'&· About 1.3 April

the IIAIRA!IT will ""turn to Boston for post trial euai­

nationa and c~letion of Wavy Yard work in preparation

to join u.s. :n-t. After test torpedo .t:irings at !low­

port and 9 da3's a t Navy Yard, Wa.shingtoo, UAIRANT will

~ about 18 ll&,;y and report t o CinCUS for dut;y in

destroyer battle force after reaching the Canal Zane •

.b u.s.s. SAil ffiA..ijCISCQ, reported for duty in Cruiser D1v1-

sian 6, Scouting Far oe, on 24 March •

NOKOMIS (harbor tug), will depart Navy Yard, Charleston ,

19 April for duty in the 14th Naval District, e scorted

by t he V:SGA (cargo ship) as far as San Diego,.. an­

other vessel will be designated for Iurther escort to

Pearl Harbor.

U.S. S. MUSTIN (0041.3), On completion of Navy Yard avail­

ab111 t y on 10 April and after test torpedo firings .at

Newport , will visit the Naval Academy in connect~on with

.-1m of Board of Visitors , 29 April, departing 3 llay

for San Diego via Norfolk, Guantanamo, and Canal Zone .

On depart~~re Canal Zooe the MUSTIN will report to CinCUS

for dut;y in Destro~r Battle Foroe . It is expected t he

RJWI., (00412) and ROWAN (DD405) will. be read;r to depart

Norfplk on 7 ll&,;y f or the West Coast. If these vassels

a:nt ""!lily it is desired that the llliSTIN proceed in com-

pan;r w1 tb t bem.

ConfT'!ss1Q9!U Partz, arrived Anacostia in the ovaning of

23 .March.

Se!!ata Mllltary Affairs Comcd.ttaa, cons idared todsy a

resolution by Senator La Follette calling for an investi-

!z. gation or allied purchaaes of Dn t,pes or .lllarican made


War at S!a, Great Bri'tain, by 'torpedoing 'two German mer-

chant.-n close to 1;be Danish coaat, bas started a new

pbaae of i:ts blockade in which warships will oper ate along

the .3 lllile line of DIIU'tral Scand1Mvian territorial waters,

i1; was indicated. Germany's 2,189 ton EIJitJND HUGO STllfNES

was addM to the torpedoed BEDIZRNBEDI (previously Mpor­

ted) • The Bri tisb lost the 'trawler LOCH ASSITER, sunk by

a mine, It is British ri.ew that Gel'IIIBl\Y bas violated '

international law by nwt.ral as •11 as alUed

ships without wam1ng wbeii8Ver opporlunity otftmtd. TheN

is aent1nwnt in Bri'ta1D that tbe dictates ot lnPMn1tJ' alooa shouJ.4 control her s1n!dng of Gerll8n ships,

regardless of law. ~ Danish ste..-r BRITTA, 1,146 tons,

bas -.n 8\IDk in thlt AUantio, •st of the Orkneys. It

was 7th Danish wssel tnmk in tbe past welt.

British Goti11"DMDt reorganisatioll, was .aphasised again

toda,- by London oawspapers which sai4 auch was imminent.

It ut•d t.ek- for granted that in an,- cban&8 Winston Churchill would be intrusted with more responsibility and tb&t he aight be put in cbe..ra- ot all tb ..... fichting 8e!'V'ices, Araq, Ne:ry, and Air Foroe, Chamberlain might also insti 1;ute a small war inner cabinet to ccnsidar only big, it was said.

I •


\:~ 26 March 1940

~tal Bn.loi.s.~ ~trength,. 25 March o o .. o o o o o 135,631

Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on activa duty o o o 21 896 . . . .

Other Reservists n n n n 0 0 0 944

Total o•••••••o 3,840

Agmgate .Enlistments (last 48 hours) o •••• o o •• o. ,249

Aggregate Discharges n n n ........... ~ Net Increase ••• o • 218

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 2Q March:

Line Officers 301 Staff Officers 100 Warrant Officers ~

Total 4.33

Naval Reservists ordered to activa duty for enforcelmlllt

of neutrality patrol as of 25 llarchz Number Number Number

Officers Allo._d Oblis;ated Ordered Aviation Instructors 150 150 66 District Patrol Planes 128 0 0 Naval Intelligence 100 6.3 61 lliscellaneous 192 163 144 Ens. and Lieuts. (jg)

rlth Fleet 200 200 110 Merchant Marine and

~ Lieut. D.-V(G) 100 100 - 1li6 Total Officers 870

~ .340 .340 .340 District Pat rol Planes

OoiiiiiiUllications 120 75 75

Miscellaneous 2QQ ~ 670 -Total lien 1.360 1.309 1085

2. -ll!cruiting ActirlU.s tar .U •nclinc 23 llarch1

NUJ:Iber of appllconts accopted for first enllstoent, 8::?,3 :

Number of !irat onliatmonts ·····••••••• ••• • •• • •• 594 !lwuber of ~nliatnlents lrl.thin threo eonths

(continuoUll eorvico) • • • • . • . • • • • 54 Nlllllber of ~nliat-nts under brokon eerviee • • • • 26

· · ·T~t&l !nlistoents ••.••. . . . •.•.. 674

S 1 & A. ·lleports, o11 contract has IlDen made wi tb llacLeod

und Coopany, ·Ino. , Cor 837,810 poWido of manila fiblre

(Abeca) ·a~ •a uoit price of $0.056 per pound, total

$.46,817 .36, Gradel &, I, and n. n. .. pricoos ren..ct a

drop in tho !IW'lcot from the b1f1b peAk or Crtlde E, $0.145;

Grade I, $0.135; Grade Ji, to. l.225, per poUlld, reportod

about October lat at the title tboo Procurc;..,nt Divisio.'\ 1ras ~

in tbe IIIU'loot tor tbe purchase or a large quantity of

MD1la fibre tar tba accUIIIUlatioo of a stock of atr&tegic

materials .

PT6 to Finland, the modifications of the l avy cootrncts

invol vad in the aa.le or a motor torpedo .boe t of tba .tn­

knom as Navy PT6 to the 1'1nn1sh Ccmm>Dent ha"" t.en

conDII!llmllted . The 111eains Industries, Inc. , holding con­

tract fer tho hull, has ref\llldod tho partial payt>enta

made on this boat, toptber witb intereot tor tba U.

• ~.

the f\lllda ...,re in the poa.,.aaion of the c0111p&n1', t.1rus

dischArgina the 'lien on the bull and fi tt1njls. Tho

Packard llotor Car Company baa likewise refunded tho. par­

tial pe)'108llts cadc on the angines, thus discharging the

lien and relansinc thea to the interested parties for. tbe

'installation of the hull built by tba l!iggins Industries,

Inc. T1h1l.e no particulnr difficulties wre e ncOWitered in

tr.e con~on of this transaction, the urgency rreces­

site.tad n~rous conferonou and priority correspondcltQII

-to brine the JMtter to a 8\ICoossful concluaion.

llew Or leMa DrYdock, beinlr towed co~~Dercially 1 is 1118kina

about 5.8 knots headway, aDd is now off the Soutb Coast

Of Cube.

Faet Probln 21, will begin on 2 April and will be tul.l.y

CO!IIploted by 17 !la;r.

Midohil?l!!l!n's Cruiee, (previously reported) baa been

appraft<l, but diploantic ~ts are not yat coo-


TTPI\ BUSH, Tbe llerritt-Cb.&pciAll Coap!IJly, aal:""llllrs, ba.,.

had 4~ines out trying to pull bar oft tbe oando south

of Acapulco . List 1a 18°1 .,. •• are heavy, a.o.d abe is in

grav. dan&~~tr or breok1n& up. Tbe crew ia jettieooin&

it· the cargo . No word has been received as to the condition

of that par;t of it belonging to tbe Navy.

U,s.s . TRITON (SS201) , was successfully l aunched at Navy

Yard, Portsmouth, on 25 March.

U,S.S. S!AWOLF (SS197) will hold trials off Provincetown,

Uass., beginning 27 Karch. The SEAI'IOLF will operate sub-

merged on the outer and inner standardization course~ and

will also run various su'tlllergad speed trials.

U,S,S. HOUSTON, is now listed as AUGUSTA's reli9f in the

Orient, pl'obably nsrl fall . The date is not yet definite.

u.s.s. KLLIOT, (DD146) will convey to Nulege, Lower Calif-

ornia, a party of ten with Dr. Whitney in charge, all

Americans, to observa tbe eclipse of the sun on ? April.

Time of arrival at llulege will be 5 April, leaving on g


Medicine and Sursen, An exam1 nation of medical studants

for appoint..nt to internships in the Medical Corps will

be held at all naval hospitals and at Naval Medic,al School

Washington, beginning 26 June . This examin,ation is limited

to I!IBdic&l students who will be available for appointment

upon graduation from •dical school in June, 1941· Can­didates for internships must be between the ages of 21 and .32 ,.us at the time o~ appointment and students of schools listed as Class "A• by the Council of Medical Education of the tm.rican Medical Association.

· I II 1 I .& GiCIIf MftcJct M SECRETARY OF THE NAVY Zl llarch 1940

Total Enlisted Strength, 26 March ••••••••• 135, 819 .

Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty ••• 2,896

Other Reservists n " n


n •••



3, 840

Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours} ••••••••••• 302

Aggregate Discharges n n n ..•..••••.. 1M

Net Increase ••••• 188

. .

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 27 Karch:

Line Officers .301 Staff Officers 100 Warrant Officers ~

Total 4.3.3

Naval Reaervists ordered to aoti.,. duty for enforcement

of neutrality patrol aa of 26 Jlarcha Number Number Nulitier

Officer s Allcw:d Qbl1Rated Ordelfd Aviation Instructors 150 150 Di1triot Patrol Planes 128 0 0 Naval Intelligence 100 6.3 6.2 Miaoell&Deous 192 181 147 Ens . and Lieuts. (jg}

with Fleet 200 200 110 Marchant Llarine and

Lieut. D-V(G) 100 100 ....§.2 Total Officers 870 b94 470

He District Patrol Planes .340 .340 340 COIIIIII\Inieations 120 75 75 Jlboellaneous

1~ .m 670 Total Men 1.309 1085

_?.. u.s.s. KING (IID242), AD uplollion yeatet'd.a,:r af'ternoon

that was probably e&wsed b;r ~can escapin& rr .. a tank,

cl.moliahed the fon-ard part of tho efter deck houtJe.

Richard Karl Oehlort, fireman let class wna nppcrontly

blown overboard . His body wae not recovered. Charles

!clward UcCoy, Jr., aachiniat•s cate, 2nd class, and

Gorol.d Edward Bagg, fi.rulan bt class, suffered o:ultiple

bruises, cuts, and shock. FoUl" others on boerd suffered

minor cuts and shock.

u.s.s. ACUS!IllET (ocean goins tug), with lighter 187 ar­

rived Annapolis .

U,S,S, BAIICROIT, Nn~ Yard, R" Iork hns rwquuted that

date or cc.pletion be tiX'tes>ded to )lllay.

u,s.s • .,.AYO (DD422) 1 wna launched yesterday, :Z6 larch,

at Quincy, l&uaaehwletta.

peaDiv 65 (AAROll 1'1ARD, BUCIWIAII, HALE, and CROW!liNSitiKLD)

will set underlla;r 27 llnrch and pro~ to Na.,. Yard, New

York, tor scheduled. interi.a overhaul. Upon cOIIJ)letion,

about 20 April, this d1Tbion ...Ul return to Jtey 11eat.

l!!dicine and Surcerz, 8 offioors, volunteer ro­

sen., have qualifad as aviation medical examiners in

olaaa completed at Pensacola . They will serve in T&rioua

l· aotivitiea. AD additional olaas for fll'obabl:r 10 a.d1oal

,......,. officers w1ll c""""oe at Pensacola 1 .lla;r.

Oerman Steamer AL'l\IARK, which bad bean lying 1n the

J oeesinc Fiord off the Coast or Norwny, since Britioh

destroyer rescued merchantcen priaollors fro,. it 01) 16

February, 1a reported 011 ita way to a Corman Baltj,c pqrt,

A Cenan pilot waa said to be on boerd to guide the

ALnwut throll&h the 1111ne falda.

f""'tor Bop! , of the Senate Naval Affairs COIIII!Iittee

cbarpd that the present national e~~~phasis on arllllllUent

~ •pared national econo~ to an abnormal hish fll'o­

fit• while acrlculture ne being ~~eglected. !Ia

8USPBted the gOWOlDWilt llllla ito 0'111 an:a, tbat Wit­

em fart~era had lost theJ.r marut.e while artiBI!lllllt llllkere

Pl'ofi ted both abroad and in doubling the nation's de-

Go~nt Qfticers, in Boston 11Mtatigetod l:'\lO>Ors to­

dey t.bat. crew ..,bars of the scuttled Conan pocket

battleship AOORAL GRAF SI'IZ had been IIIIUgglad int.o

thio country troa South Amarica.

Wnr at S!41 The Norwegian Ste~r COQUET!, 3, 794 tone,

en route t.o South America , wns sunk in the North Sea •

·!· The British oil tanloer DAGHESTAN, 5,742 tons .sank in the

North ·Sea. The British steamer CASTLE MOOR, 6,574 tons,

bound from Philadelphia to a British port was listed as'

overdue today, having sailed f r om Philadelphia on 2 Feb-


u.s.s. THRESHER (SS200) 1 was launched at the plant of the

Electric Boat Company, Groton, Connecticut, today.

French Destroyer RAILLET:JSE , was sunk, said a dispatch

from Tangiers to the Giornale d' I talia, after. a 'rlolent

explosion split the ship in two on laa'rlng Casablanca.

100 men 'lllre reported l ost and a number of others injured.

'l'hlt' cause of the explosion was not confirmed in Paris .

The RAILLBUSE is of tbe ADROIT class, with a tonnage of

1,378, and a speed of 34 knots.

Bureau of Yards and Docks, announces the following con-

tract: For completion of hangar at tbe Naval Reserve

A'rlation Base, Squantum, Mass., awarded to Grande &

Volpe, Inc., Malden, Mass., tor the sua ot t;203 ,000.00.

Time: 150 calendar days , except that all work in connec­

tion rl th the sliding door tracks shall be completed

within 90 calen.dar days • .

Sumner l'lellas, is due to arri"N back in the United States

at 1 P.M. tomorrow.

• A~nttal Oil ftT TO THB SBCRETARY OF THE NAVY . . 28 March 1940

Total Enlisted Streneth, 27 March • • • • • .. • • 135, 789

Fl.Mt Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty ••• 2, 892

Other Reservists n n n n ••• 949

Total •••••••••

Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) ••••••••••• 132

Aggregate DischarS!s n n 11 ••••••••••• 101

Net Increase • • • • • 31

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 28 Uarch:

Line Officers 301 Staff Officers 100 Warrant Officers .....B

Total. 43.3

Naval Reservists ~red to active duty for en!~nt

of neutrality patrol as of 27 Jlarclu Number

Officers Aviation Instructors District Patrol Planes Naval Intelligenoe llisoel]aneous Ens. and Liauts . (jg)

with Fleet Merchant Marine and

Lieut. D-V(G) Total Officers

lien District Patrol Planes Communications Miscellaneous Total Men


150 128 100 192


100 87o

340 120


Number Obl1pted

150 0

6.3 181


AQ9. 694

.340 75

m 1.309

Number Qrdered

66 0

62 147 .


...§.i 470

.340 75

670 1085

£. o.s.s. LIVEl!!l)l!l {DD429), scbedulAod to ~ launched a t the

plant of the Bath Iron \'/orb on 3 A\II:WSt is tbe tirst

vasoel in tha U.S. Nnvy to bo lUIJlled ntter a Chaplain,

u,s.s. IIIWl, Byrd Kxpedition, is exporinclng IIOUntainoua

seas in a gale in her trip !lorth tr0111 the Antarctic, 250 southwest or Capo Horn .

Propelling U<lchinorx. for each of 2 s:oall soaplADe tenders,

bide will be roceivad until 10 April, whon thoy will be

opened publicly.

Conmaaional Partr, and Li.outenant Brandley o.rrived at

Anacoatia trOJJ Panama this .orning.

International Sea Plano Baee , at tbe !leY York ltunicipal

Airport, La Guardia Field, will be doodica ted 31 larch

with tbe inauguration oe:rw-'e• for 'l'r&lla&tl&Dtic Air

Serrtce. Adml.ral. ste.rk, Admiral Towore , and Lieutenant

Smedberg 'Ifill at terld.

U, S,S, liiClliT/11 baa COIIPleted aucoeaerully polt repair

ruJ.l power triale. No exoeeeiw vibration oa expe.ri­

anoo<.i at any •s--d· Re~s by the pb1 Jade)pbi& Navy

Yard and the trials ..... entirely aatisfai:tory, concur-

red in by Bureau of Bngi.Mering and llavy Yard NPftMD-

tatin e.

llacbiJ>o;rz S!?!lO! Ventilation, In edclition to tbe study ·l ·

to ~ conducted in the SIMS, a etud7 of conditions

will probably ~ conducted in e. heavy cruisar of Cruioer

Divieion 7. Teets on the SD!S w1ll be cooaploted about

4 /Ja.y, If a cruiser i s made nvai.lable for a period .or

about 5 days, the SillS w1ll be directed to transfe r ol>­

aerwra to tbe cruiser designated on complotion or d.a­

tro~r testa. Teets on snts w1ll laat about 2 -ke,

ab&rking authoriMd o~ aaeiil*l to MlGe this

study a bout :a April at ley l'iest.

U, S,tl, llAI!LG!!EI! 1 w1ll rlait Navy lard, llaahitlgton, tro.

29 ll&rch to 8 April, end w1ll ~ available for inspec­

tion by inteNsted rep..-s.ntetiVIIe of Navy Department

Bureaus durin& this period.

Bureau of Suppl.iAos and Accounts, reports the Department

of Labor All Comodity Prioe In4a for .-1< end1.n& 23

larch was 77.9, the 4th consecutift ~decline and

the lo•et it hDJJ been sinoa 2 Saptember 1939.

Teetiaonial Dinner, to Rear Admiral John Schof1o~, US!IR

will be bald at tbe J.ri:IY-«avy Countl·y Club oc ~ !Jay.

Adciral Schofield w1ll retire oo l April .

!!tn.l li!!!!l"!! PolleY Board, w1ll adj o=n oo 30 llarch •

·it· Western Front, 7 British Hurricane fighting planes at-

tacked 31 German planes, and shot down 5 and probably 6

Messerschmidts and 1 Dornier, it was announced today by

the British Air Force in France.

H. G. Wells, today accuaed the Chamberlain Government of

only "playing about rlth the war" and warned that "if 191e

don't end the war, the war wil.l end us. n

Bank of Brazil, announced it would not the pound

sterling, effective tomorrow. The measure was said to be


Air llinistr;y, London, confirmed officially the shootini

down of a British plane by Dutch fighter craft. One

British officer was found dead, four otbers parachuted

to safety.

German Sul:marine tr-21, 'INtnt agro~d off the Coast of

Norway today, and was being towd to ltristiansand for in­

ternment by the Norwegian Navy. U-21 in Jane's is de­

scribed ad of 250 tons, 3 - 21" tubes, carrying 6 tor-


Lester P. Barlow, conferred rlth Army and Navy officials


Tend for Air Station, Key West, a bill was introduced by ~~· cannon today authorizing purchase of 62 acNe for

5,000 on the Gulf of Mazico.

C• j t I f'1 ( \it&zit.J;AL, samt'lARY OF THE NAVY 29 March 191.0

Total Enlisted Strength, 28 March ••••• • • • • 135,763

Fleet Reservists (Rn11ated) on actift duty • • • 2,893

Other Reservists • " n


n • • •

••• • •••••



Aggregate Discharges (last 24 hours) ••••• • •••••• 163

Aggregate Enlistments n n n . .

• ••••• •• • •• • 132

Net Decrease • • • • • 31

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 29 Karch:

Line Offioers 301 starr ottioers 100 Warrant Ottioers _Jl

,.,..,, 433 . . . Naval Reaervists ordered to actift du~y tor enf'oroe•nt

ot MUtralltr patrol as ot :28 lfarcha Number Number lflim't!er

Oi:fioere A~loag Qhl12&ted ~ Aviation Instructors 150 150 District Patro~ Planas 128 0 0

Naval Intelligence 100 63 ' 61 llisoellaneous 192 184 152 Ina. and Lieuts. (jg}

with Fleet 200 200 ll2

Merchant Marine and Lieut . D-V(G} 100 lOO ..M. - -

Total Officers 870 697 479

I!!! 340 3/i) 340 District Patrol Planas

COIIIIIIUllica tiona 120 75 75 MisoeJJaneous m m m ;[otal Man ]J60 1309 1085

~· U, S,S, NIJ!I4 (00424), laUDcbin8 date baa been 80t tor

18 Kay at Bat.'l Iron \'forks.

S,S, 'rlliii!R I!DS!!, is expected to break up into a total.

lou oft Acapulco, llarlco, Salvqing ot t1>e cugo 18 now

going on and wUl c011tinue for 2 or .3 - lui. No wol"d bas

been racoiftd concerning tl>e Navy carEJo on board .

U, S, B, SIMS (DD409) 1 apJ)Ql'ently stripped an intoi:'IIOdiate . . . prealf\ll'e turbine today and luls been ol"darod bllclc to llavy

Ial"d, BoatOil, for repairs , Knocldne in obatt, vibrating,

and clickinG noi~~es lead to tn. bello! turbine baa been


U,S ,S, DIXD (dlo&tro1'Jr ._...) 1 prella'""r1 trials are

u.s.s. !!OUSt91!1 dlotinitely das1snntad aa Nliet t111r

AUOUS'tA in tl>e .Uiotic station nbout 15 Naftaber,

u.s.S, CMUMONT, (Naval Transportation s.rYica) 1 sailing

date l>eld up tor a f .. days {previously reportad ae 30

llarch), to load extra equipment at llortolk which was a:­

!*ltad to 1>e talcan aboard in Charleston,

Cien.('l»gos . cw.,, City officials ba.,. a:tandlod an invita­

tion for u.s. Naval ,...,.ls to visit Cs-tuegoa durin&

oarnl.'ral, froa 2.3 llarch to 22 April , C..-ndlor

l· Squadroa haa bMD authorbed to ael>e4ula rlsib upon dipla.tio not1t1oat1oa direct to .u.riean lllbeas7,


U,S ,S, CU!!IISS (AV4) 1 118&plane tender, 1o sche4ulad to be

launcl>ed at tn. plant of tl>e New York Shiplnd Jd1 "I Cor­

poration, Camden, N , J , 1 on 20 Aprll . It is n&.llllld attar

Glenn R. Ourtiaa •

ll'ar· at Sea, Tl>e llorwgian ate&lll8hip BURGOS, .3, 220 toos,

·baa bMD eunlc ott: tl>e cut Coast ot England, Ita ONY

was aaftd, A. Oenlan II1Cb C-.nd C'(lal!lllpi~ aseertad

that a.r.n plaMa had attaclcad aDd dispersed a Britiah

•ttin& tire to CDt , and 6 otl>ers.

Alao .a repl1lrt -pt tbrcou&:b Jwoopa toda7 tba t tn. Ce%'11&11

·111«h Seaa I"laat waa tek1ng to - to ohall"'!~P Britain

for t1>e first t,_; ainca Jutland. Tile ,.pert originated

in aa. and waa dlon1ed by Gorun sources,

Gerlle.n Shipp, in tl>e Netl>erlands Bast Indies are loNiin(

coal and car~o and preparinc to lea.,. harbor for a break

tbroueh t1>e .Ll.l.ied blockade 1 1t was asserted in & d18p&tch

trca B&tarla, At laaat 6 ships including .3 pueenpr

liDars ara preperin& tor tl>e run. Ships na.d ....,. tl>e

~· J NORIIW1K, 7,750 ~ ~BURG, 6,200 toosJ VOOTWD,

, 6,608 tons; CASSEL, 61/111 toad; BS-CWN, 5,158 ton&J and

/ I NAUYBERG, 5,878 tons. the VOGTLAND, CASSEL, and ESSEN

are liners. . . Bureau ot Yards and Docks, has awarded the following con­

tracts: . . For Barracks and Mess Hall at the Haval .Beaerva 'viation Base, Squantum, llass., awarded to John Rugo &: Son, Inc., Dol'ohester, lllaas., $90,800. Time, 1.20 calendar dayB .

For Magazines at tb. laval Air Station, Jacksonville,Fls.., has been awarded to Smith&: Pew Construction Co. , Atlanta, O.orgia, $26,795. on., 120 calendar dqe.

For C0111pl•tion of Hangar at tba lf&ftl Station, 187 l'leat, • Florida, has been awa.rO.d to tbll W.P. Thurston Cplllpall71

Richmond va., tor $189,000. T1ae 150 calendar da;rs, except that all work in connection with tbe sliding door 1:racks aball - ccmpleted within 60 ' calendar days.

For electrical Distr"lbatioa S7B'tea for Dey Dock No. 3, at tbll Nav,y Yard, llare leland, California, to Cory&: .Toelln, Ino., ~ Hawthorne, San Francisco, Calif., tor $901 800. Time, 160 calendar daya.

Ger!IBn Propy!u!da, 1oudapea!rers on tb. Rhine front ls.un-•

cblld a "Love th7 n.eighbor" program today. Tbe French

replied with macbin.e gw1 and artillery fire.

high in February', of $28,9951 673, tbe Dtpe.rtllllnt of

Ocaaeroe reported. This was a 4f1l, increaae cmtr FebruarY, . 1939.