lp 5: ethical theories presentation m/1:30 justine ziegel, dan fellenz, justin enfelt march 23, 2009


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Page 1: LP 5: ETHICAL THEORIES PRESENTATION M/1:30 Justine Ziegel, Dan Fellenz, Justin Enfelt March 23, 2009



Justine Ziegel, Dan Fellenz, Justin Enfelt

March 23, 2009

Page 2: LP 5: ETHICAL THEORIES PRESENTATION M/1:30 Justine Ziegel, Dan Fellenz, Justin Enfelt March 23, 2009

Utilitarianism Perspective

“Of any actions, the most ethical one will produce the greatest balance of benefits

over harms.”

Page 3: LP 5: ETHICAL THEORIES PRESENTATION M/1:30 Justine Ziegel, Dan Fellenz, Justin Enfelt March 23, 2009

Who were two contributors?

John Stuart Mill Louis P. Pojman

Page 4: LP 5: ETHICAL THEORIES PRESENTATION M/1:30 Justine Ziegel, Dan Fellenz, Justin Enfelt March 23, 2009

John Stuart Mill

Born in the Pentonville area of London , eldest son of philosopher and historian James Mill. 1807-1873

Page 5: LP 5: ETHICAL THEORIES PRESENTATION M/1:30 Justine Ziegel, Dan Fellenz, Justin Enfelt March 23, 2009


System focuses only on consequences Defends utilitarianism, the view that the

supreme principle of morality is to act so as to produce as much happiness as possible, each person counting equally.

Page 6: LP 5: ETHICAL THEORIES PRESENTATION M/1:30 Justine Ziegel, Dan Fellenz, Justin Enfelt March 23, 2009

Louis P. Pojman

Grew up in Cicero, IL

Earned Bachelor’s Degree from Nyack College and New Brunswick Theological Seminary and a Ph. D in Ethics


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Was Professor of Philosophy at the US Military Academy

Explained the grounds on which utilitarianism has been attacked and the possible responses available to its defenders.

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One’s happiness might be at the expense of someone else’s happiness.

We think that a fool satisfied is just as good or better off than a genius dissatisfied.

Page 9: LP 5: ETHICAL THEORIES PRESENTATION M/1:30 Justine Ziegel, Dan Fellenz, Justin Enfelt March 23, 2009


Explained the grounds on which Utilitarianism has been attacked and the

possible responses available to its defenders.

Page 10: LP 5: ETHICAL THEORIES PRESENTATION M/1:30 Justine Ziegel, Dan Fellenz, Justin Enfelt March 23, 2009

Current Ethical Dilemma: Liberty

•Stuart’s view on liberty: An individual should be free to do as they wish unless they harm others.

•The point is: no one was free before America liberated Iraq.

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Two Classical Types of Utilitarianism

Act Utilitarianism: An act is right if and if only if it results in as much good as any

available alternative

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Rule Utilitarianism

Rule Utilitarianism : An act is right if and only if it is required by a rule that is itself

a member of a set of rules whose acceptance would lead to greater utility for society than any available alternative

Page 13: LP 5: ETHICAL THEORIES PRESENTATION M/1:30 Justine Ziegel, Dan Fellenz, Justin Enfelt March 23, 2009


Explained the grounds on which Utilitarianism has been attacked and the

possible responses available to its defenders.

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Review Questions

Who were two contributors that were discussed in our presentation?

What was the main point or philosophy of Utilitarianism?

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It is an important philosophy because it stood the test of time and is practiced in

modern day society.