lower extrmities pelvis femur tibia,fibula tarsals, metatarsals phalanges

Lower Extrmities Pelvis Femur Tibia,Fibula Tarsals, Metatarsals Phalanges

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Page 1: Lower Extrmities Pelvis Femur Tibia,Fibula Tarsals, Metatarsals Phalanges

Lower Extrmities




Tarsals, Metatarsals


Page 2: Lower Extrmities Pelvis Femur Tibia,Fibula Tarsals, Metatarsals Phalanges

Pelvis(Coxal Bone)

• Iliac Crest: upper, curving boundary of ilium

• Ilium: Upper flaring portion

• Ischium: Lower, posterior portion

• Pubic bone (pubis): Medial, anterior section

• Acetabulum: Hip socket; formed by union of ilium, ischium, and pubis.

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Pelvis cont.

• Iliac spines:

• A. Anterior superior: Prominent projection at anterior end of iliac crest; can be flelt externally as “point” of hip.

• B. Anterior inferior: Less prominent projection short distance below anterior superior spine.

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Pelvis cont.

• C. Posterior superior: At posterior end of iliac crest.

• D. Posterior inferior: Just below posterior superior spine.

• Greater Sciatic Notch: Large notch on posterior surface of ilium just below posterior inferior spine.

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Pelvis cont.• Spine of Ischium: pointed projection just

above tuberosity.

• Obtuator foramen: large hole in anterior surface of os coxa; formed by pubis and ischium; largest foramen in body.

• Ischial Tuberosity: Large rough, quadrilaterial process forming inferior part of ischium.

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Pelvis cont.• Ramus of Ischium: Lower part of Ischium

• Superior Ramus of Pubis: Part of pubis lying between symphysis and acetabulum; forms upper part of obturator foramen.

• Inferior Ramus of Pubis: Part extending dowwn from symphysis unites with ischium.

• Pubis: lower part of pelvis.

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Pelvis cont.• Pubic tubercle: Rounded process at end of


• Pubic crest: Upper margin of superior ramus.

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FemurThigh bone; largest bone in body

• Head: rounded upper end of bone; fits into acetabulum.

• Neck: Constricted portion just below head.

• Greater Trochanter: Protuberance located inferiorly and laterally to head.

• Lesser Trochanter: Small protuberance located inferiorly and medially to greater.

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Femur cont.• Intertorchanteric line: Line extending

between greater and lesser trochanter.

• Condyles: Large, rounded bulges at distal end of femur, one medial and one lateral.

• Epicondyles: Blunt projections from the sides of the condyles; one on the medial aspect and on the lateral aspect.

• Adductor tubercle: Small projection just above medial condyle; marks termination of medial supracondylar ridge.

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Femur cont.• Trochlea: Smooth depression between

condyles on anterior surface; articulates with patella.

• Intercondyloid fossa: Deep depression between condyles on posterior surface; cruciate ligaments that help bind femur to tibia lodge in this notch.

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Kneecap; largest sesamoid bone of the body; embedded in tendon of

quadriceps femoris muscle.

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TibiaShin bone

• Condyles: bulging prominences at proximal end of tibia; upper surfaces concave for articulation with femur.

• Intercondylar eminence: Upward projection on articular surface between condyles.

• Crest: Sharp ridge on anterior surface.

• Tibial tuberosity: Projection in midline on anterior surface.

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Tibia cont.• Medial malleolus: Rounded downward

projection at distal end of tibia; forms prominence on medial surface of ankle.

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FibulaLong, slender bone of lateral side of lower leg

• Lateral malleolus: Rounded prominence at distal end of fibula; forms proninence on lateral surface of ankle.

• Head: Prominence on proximal end of Fibula; articulates with lateral surface of tibia.

• This is the non weight bearing bone of the lower leg.

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Tarsalsbones that form heel and proximal or

posterior half of foot.

• Calcaneus: heel bone

• Talus: Uppermost of tarsals; articulates with tibia and fibula; boxed in by medial and lateral malleolus.

• Navicular: articulates with the talus and cuneiforms I, II, & III

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Tarsals cont.

• Cuneiforms: form arch of foot; Numbered I,II, & III; articulate with navicular and Metatarsals

• Cuboid: forms side of ankle; articulates with calcaneus and IV & V Metatarsals.

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• Long bones of the foot

• Numbered like the metacarpals of the hand.

• I - big toe through V - little toe

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• Miniature long bones of the toes; two in each great toe; three in other toes.