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LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. Office la Train's Opera House Slock. Three Cents Per Copy VOLUME XXV. LOWELL, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5 . 1800. NUMBER 35. OUR LAW-MAKERS Proo»edtosa of the rifty-Pbit Oon- ffrese at Washlastoa. I tntroAanxl •n4 n< Md Adopted - NNIBUU-) «• I>.UY inriTK. WinnwoTos. Fell. '85.—In thp ScnttA y®»terdfcy billa wore introduced to kmend tbc int'T-Sut^ com men* act ud to MUbllsh In every county of e»ch of tbc M-Toral S u t e « a VnlW Kute* npririiUiiral di>pot.imr>-. u> be under tbe oontrol of tbc Ti«»Kory Ito- partment. WAfflrwr.Tfis, Feb. 8®.—A bill «-u puaed in tbe Senate TetMrdty prsntlnj pension of $100 » monUi to the widow of M«jor-Oenor»l Judwin Kilp,trick. Bills weiy- rcponed to provide for « gfD- er*l iysum of reservoirs for irripkUng tbe »rld Isndx of the wont: autboHtinff tbe purchase of (fold and ailverbu'iliun to tbe amount of KM0.000 a moTitb and the issue of Treesury notos in payment thereof; for pnhllc bnildinjfa at Dead- wood. S. P. cmoooj, and Sioux Falla, & D. (8260, IOC). W MBIMTO*. FeK In the Senate yesterday t»-i my-ri* pension and pn- r a t e h i l l s w e r e iiB««od, and the lilalr ed- noatiorial bill was further diacuHsed. Vas*rjl<*OT!, Feb. sa—Tbe 'Senate ywterday passed a bill approprlatln(r t^,B00 lor a monument to Chris- topher Columbus, to be erected in "Washlnfrvm. The hill to declare unlawful trust" and oombinations in re- straint of tvade and produotinn was oonsiderod. A bill was introduced for the eMUhUshiuent of a bureau of animal Industry to prevent tbe exporta- tion of diueaw-d uattle and to provide for the suppression and crtirpation of plenro-pneumonia and other contagious diseases amon? domestic animals. W ASwireTON, March 1.—In the Sen- ate yesterday Senator Inpalis was elect- ed President pro tern.. Vim.. President Morton beinp shsent. TTte dependent pension hi'I v.an discussed. The House bill for tbe appnintment of nelocatea to the Madrid international industrial con- lerenoe was passed. Adjourned to tbe#d. norsB. •WABHIIKITOS. Feb. ST.,—Tn the House yesterday the time was occupied in hal- lotlnf for a slte for the world's fair. Cbi- f*go being cboson as the place on tbe eifbth ballot, the vote standing: Chl- oego. 157; New York, 107; St. Louis, 85; WMlfahigton. 18. W A suiMiT'ix, Feb. 20.—In the House yesterday hills wore passed authorising the director of the mint to perfect and beauUfy the existing designs on coins: eoastltuting Minneapolis a sub-port for the oollectiun district of Minnesota: to disoontinue tbe coinage of the SI tnd Si rold pieces and the three-cent 'nickel liUoe. and autborlxing the {'resident to appoint delegates to the international Industrial oonfernnce to he held at Mad- rid April 1, l»mi. A biU was reported •jpropriating 325,000 for a mounment to William Henry Harrison, the grand- fathsr of Pri^ild-nt Harrison, at North Bend. 0. WasitretiTott, Feb. 87.—In tbe House yesterday the urgency deUeiunpy bill (9sa,IUUl,8i::i was re|Hirtoil. Sills were Introduced reviving the prade of U e n - tenant-Oeneral: to prevent the adul- teration of food and drugs and barter- Inf of food or drugs in and between tbe States and Territories; providing that all the waters In the Halted Statea shall he used for purposos of irstgetlon. WASHINSTON FeK 88.—In tbe Hotwe yesterday tlx- contested election case cf Atkinson (Itep.l versus I'ondleton (Cam.), from West .Virginia was de- clared In favor of Atkinson. A kill Introduced to amend the world's falr^ill •e as to roflUire st losst two of tbe board of control to be women. KAmirmiTim, Maroh 1.—In tbe House yesterdny the rinHnlnncr --jmrnprl.Unn hill (K!4,11511. noil) was passed, and tbe amy appmnrlutior. hill ($24,458,230) was wporled A hill was iotroduood author- ising a ponUMin bridge acrosc the Mis- sissippi at D.ivenport, la At the even- ing session forty-five private pension hUls were passed. FROM WASHINGTON. DJOK HAWES HANGED. TLW Nbtrd Murdfinir of HI* Wife and TIT, ObUdrsu KaerutMl at MlnnUicham, Ala. Bmureuiuu, Ala.. March 1. —Jiiok Bawes was bunged (restorday lor -the nurdur ol bis wife and two children on Seoember 4, 1RHK. He made a state- ment thut a previous confession was trae. He suld be paid John Wylie 930 to put bis wife and ohlldwn ^)Ut of the way, because his wife mfttsed to leave -as promised, having heard of bis intendei marriage to another wuimin, Tbe trap Ml at U:80; life was exilnot In thirteen tain- ales. ;-'.P fHawm murdorrd hit wife snd two dauftb tera, drowning .'.IUI In an arUBulal lake near BtRdBSharr li Iteeemhnr, UH. Two tagrs alter Ua rommtsalon of tbr Wtmr tie nmrrlwl a young girl named Btory. ul CJlumtxu. Uiaa., and was oo bi» wdllne tour when arrested. Attempts werr mode to lynch hlmaDd mulled b> a riot, th" nhiTlir ami tin poiiac Urlagintu W* mob and Ullllus twolrc eltluna. He waa trird, sonvldted and untenoed to death, and OL Jan- Barj UM»«t Jurtjre Mcfilnllan. or the Buproma Ooart, Tendrns! a declaloo afflrmlns the vor- ^iet.) Hwnrn Into Offlno. DU MOINKS, la. Fob. 28.—Governor Boies and iileutenunt-Oovernor Poy- Bfisr were dilly sworn Into office yiwtur- iayiin toe premnot- of a great throng of people. In his inuiigurai address tbe new Oovornor udvoc itod railroad logis- —f 1 'MUtib. ihe Improvement of the public eohool nynbim and methods of taxation, and inveighed strongly agalust the State's prohibition laws. IndiHDaM Indi-btadnsw. IKDIANAI'IIUS, ind., March 1.—Tbe total bonded debt of the .MS cities .and towns of the Htnt-' for the yeur ending June 80,1889, arcotdlng to roporu just oompleted, wen 1 88.B00,t>5n; total float- ing debt. S;IN<;.I40; total uluking fund, $338,134; totul ma d e b t , 8U,043,140. yiwnei- 4'-f< , pl» ihe Invltatloa. BCHUN, .Murub 1.—hVamm, fo.lowing the Initiativ of Lni;lnnd. bos accopteu TOE inviiiiiion to |-ii:-uiii|iaiu iu VUU^MJ.' lir ron? ASK YOUB FRIENDS ABOUT IT Tour distressing cough can lie cured. VJts know it becuuse Kemp's Balsam within the past few years Ims cured so many coughs and colds in this comniu- tiiry. Its remarbablr sale hus been won entirely by 1(8 genuine merit. Ask some friend who bus used u-what-U thinks of KenipVBsiaam. There »B DO medicine so pure, none so effective. Large bottles We. and f l at all druggists. Sample bottle free. Prof. Lotsstte's Memory Syetem U Creat- I A Dattr Inumt M AIL WASHTTOTO?:. Feb. 27,—The Houm sommittce on territories t»s decided to •eport favorably the hill for the admis- taos of Idaho. A minority report will probably 1* presented. WASHIKOTON. Feb. 3S. — Attomey- Oeneral Miller has appointed DeWitt C. Cram to 1* Astistani United StaU.s At- torney for the Norili rn district of Iowa WASHIKOTOK. Feh. 88.—Commodore George B. White, Cl.ief of the Bureau of Varda and Docks in the Navy Depart- ment, died suddenly at his home of an attack of apoplexy. He was refrarded as one of the moat efficient officers la the service WARHiKiiTos, Feh 28.—Mr. Pendle- ton, of West Virginia whom the House unseated Thursday, propo-te* to carry the case to the Supreme Conn on the ground that iwi votes is a oonstilutlonal quorum and that the Speaker has no lawful right to count any one present who was not voting. Thia will furnish the test that the Democraia Lave been anxious to make as to the constitution- ality of the rules recently adopted by the RepuMlcaiiS «id tbe mlingi of Speaker Beod on this auhject. WASHISOTOX, Feb. 2S. Ex-Presi- dent Cleveland has sold ftak View, his oonn try home near this «uy. to F. G. Newlanda, tbe reprenentntive of a Cali- fornia syndicte ahich has been buying largely ol suburban property in this Tlotnlty. Tbe price paid was n«R,ooo, which nets Mr. Cleveland a profit of ahost #100,000 over tbe price be paid lor the property and the cost of improve- ments during toe four year* be owned it. WASfftNfiTo*, March 1. — SeoreUry Windom has issued orders for the es- Ullishment of an immigrant landing depot on Bedloe'a Island. New York harbor, and arrangements will at once hs made for the construction of t h e neoessary buildings WASHIXOTOS, March I.—Secretary Windom has accepted tbe bid of the North American Commercial Company for the exclusive right to the seal 6«h [ erles on the islands of Si. Paul and St. I (Jeorfo, Alaska. I'nder tbe terms of I the lease the Government will secure a j revenue of about Sl.000,lll«l per year, as ! against 5M»,000 uudei the present lease ! to the Alaska Commercial Compuny. | WASHWeTO*. March L—In the cor- : rldor of t h e House of liepresentatlves S isterday ex-Congressman Taulhee, of entuoky, waa shot tn tbe lace and dan- ferously wounded by Charles Kinosid. | oorrespondent of the Ixiutsx-ille Timoa , An old grudge was tbe cause. I WAHitntfiTn*. March 8.—In theHouas Saturday the bill providing for an Assist- antSeoretary of War was passed—yesa 188; nays, 100. Tbe oont«.»u«l election case of Feathers tone va. ("ate, from the First Arkatma - district, was called up. 'Mr. Haugen (Wia) made the open ing speech in favor of the contestant Mr. Outhwalte (O.! took the Boor, but la view of the small .at-tendaiioe of metn- be» the House adjourned. WABHIROTOH, March 8.—Ihe monthly Statommu of tbe public debt shows that It was decreased •luring tbe month of Fehruarv tbe sum of ^ ••5U,488.6e. Tbe total debt less cash In i..- treasury March 1 w a s 81,084,547,2511.48. WssnWKOTOK, Maroh 8,-Klncald, who shot ex-Congrvssman Taulhee in tbe face. Is out on SiOiiO hail Taulboe'a condition is very favorable. THE ARIZONA HORROR. An Awmi Sonu, of llmolatlon ID th, Tal- W Mwfipt by t h , l?nloiwd Watera ml th. Walnol tiro., liMin. PUSKIX, A. T., March 8.—True re- ports from Walnut Grove dam show oonolusively that the work of oonstruo- tion was very faulty. Tbe company's aate, oonUiinlug tlu.oou, whiuh was token six miles on the rushing waters, waa recovered Friday. Tbe steel boiler used at tHe lower dam waa foond thirty miles below, crushed like a dtove-pipe. There are no traces to be seen of either of the dams. Tbe town of Seymour is wiped out; not one stons stands to mark Its site. Since the flood a number of nuggets of gold have boon found down the canyon. A piece of iron four Inches square and thirty iaohss long, used to anchor the tower at the upper dam. was picked up forty miles below. For a distance of thirty-live miles tbe canyon la strewn with bedding, dead horses, cattle and hogs, .broken wagons, and. in fact, •very thing used by the settlers In the valley. Hundreda of men are search- ing for and burying tbe dead and secur- ing tbe living. It is said the dam will aotbs rebuilt. HOWLING BLASTS. Jur the Munlrr of Hla SVIf,. LMCTUITON, -Ky., Fob. «8.—Thomas' O'Brien, tbe murderer of Bettie Shea was banged at 11:55 yesterday morning. Bd had secretly married Bnttlf in IHri, and afterward becntneengaged to a Miss Mattle Lougblln. Henle nloaded with blm to make bis marriage with her pub- j lie, but be repeatedly refused and Unal- , ly killed her during tbe nlgbtof March 1 81, 1880. Dr. Blaokeiul. Won III. Salt,. 1 XUWMIX, March 1.—Sir Morel Muckon- sio, tbc famous English physician, has secured judgments sgainst the London Times and SL James' (iusette in libel j suits brought against them for '.heir | criticisms of his trentmont of tho late Emporor Frederick, of Germany. He was avr.rdi d S75U damage* against the former and S7.5U0 a g u l u s l the latter P»PO*. i toand a Drsok. AKAOONIIA. Mont., Maroh 1.—It Is re- ported thut D break has been discovered in tho Hooky Mountains near Wory's Fork, aud.that the Oreat Northern in- tends to constructs line from Anaconda Mont., dlreci to Sun Frunclaco, Cal. Allied by Ol.lrairo NoelalUta. BRIIUN, March L—It Is said that In the mceut elections the SoolallHtfi wore aided bj contrlbuilons from America, ospoolal'-y from Ohlcugo. Tho Hoolalist gain is now pstimutod at 500,000 votos. Two Ttinuaanil Mun on Htrlk,. LIVKUPOOU Feb. 28.—Two thousand men employed on tbe north docks In thls oltv have struck in nonsenuenco of their doninnil for higher ivuges for uu- lixullng jmiln hninir refused. What is the difTerence between B duck wilb one v. lng and a duck with two? Only tbe difTerence of a pinion. UV want every one to paw an opinion on Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. It needs but one trial. K is. C. MBDU'INE On.—SI* months handling heavy limbont. As a resuli ago my back was terribly strained by handling heavy timbers. As a result my kidneys became badly affected, causing me distrese and interfering with my huainesM cenerully. Your F. E 0. Kidney Remedy'Wss totely recommend- ed end the uae <if>one libltie has effer tually nured me. A, J, SIUJUAN. IB Niolmlo Ptftk, Rochester, N. V. Tornadoes Create Havoc in lis South and West. Hit* Wlod. Came Ontrartloa at Property la fart, •! A I.II.D.M, Other States a—c%aB tr wixo. Mrvmis Tenn., PeK t7.—Browns- villa Tenn., six miles, northesat ol Memphis, on the Louisville A Nash- vills road, was struck by a cyclone at 4 o'clock Tuesday morning. Half of the business houses of tbe town were ua- roofed and maay male rial l_v damaged, while several buildings are in a total state of destmction. KKATmzv. Tenn., Feh 27.—A cy- clone yimterday wrecked Wintlow ft Band's bank building, resulting in seri- ous injuries to six persons. Hov Sruixtts, Ark., Feb. *7.—The old observator.v and a cumber of frame houses here were wrecked hy a mrnado yester- day. and in tbe region round about a number of farm-houses were dsstroyed. Mirvrms, T«nn., Feb. 8S.—At5o clock Wt Iniitsy aftemoon a hnsvr wind and rain-storm str jek Torranoe, Miss., doing an Immense amount of damage. Tbe front of L L Jones t Sons' store was torn sway, and Van Hoser's dry-goods store was wTecked snd blown across the railroad FVnce* and bama were leveled to the ground. Heavy rain is still lall- ing and the streets are flooded. CASTmaar. Miss, March 1,—A cyclone eansed considerabledamuse bere Thurs- day. The court-house wa* first Trtrook and the eupola, ohimneys and roofing carried away. Several residences were demolished, including that of C P. Brennan. The Brennan family, oonsist- ing of tbe husband, wife snd four ohil- drea were buried in the debris. AH were severely butt, one ef tbe children hsving since died of its injuries. N«w Om.rAVS, March 1. — A told norther prevailed in the vicinity of Austin, Tex., Tbuisday uight snd the mercury went down to 90 degrees below sero. Growing corn, oata, fruit and vegetables were dastroyed and hun- dreds of fig trees were killed. A north wind is Wowing in M isMissippi and the temperature hss fsll"n to tbe freeting point Tbe fruit snd vegetable crops will probably Buffer, SATAVKAR, Ga., March R.—Ths first hard freese of the winter here occurred Sunday morning. The daniBtre to trnok crops nan not be estimated. Liffht snow, the first in many years, fell Susdsy morning. ST. Lons, Maroh S.—I>ports from Northern I'exss say that hundreds of rsnge cattle have been frosen to death duniflg tbe presost cold spell, and that unlaw tbe weather speedily moderates the loss of stock m ill be severe. PESSACOI.A, Fla, Maroh a—A IdlUng frost occurred bore Sunday morning do- stroylug, in all preVabllity. the fruit nrop throughout this county, fieporta tiom WofcU't-n I'lorida are to the effect that she fruit crop in that section is badly damaged and will probably bs a total loss SaarnxK, Tenn., March 8 —Late re- poi'ts from tbe lowor Cumberland river represent much distress on tbe low lands. Nearly 1,500 people have been compelled on amount of the fiood to drive their stock ou high ground, and many of them have been compelled to leave their own homes for more ele- vated positions The Kdgelleld A Nashville Manutaot- uring Company was obliged to close its •hops on sfcoount of hack water. Tbe Prewitt X Spun- Company havoadoroe ot hsnds engaged In removing lumber and making tbe rafts iaxi ;o the 'banks of t b e rivor. The loss by flood will seaoh from (700,000 to $1,000,000. Ken- tucky lumber companiea will be tbe heaviest losers. TAiXAUUbA, Ala., March E.—-A tarri- bl» atorm passed oyer this section, de- struction marking its on tire course. Port- unstely it did not pass tbrouch a thickly populated pnrt of the town. Houses were blown down and boardn and luama aud rafters earned a oousidorable distance. Trees were snapped off or lorn from tho ground by tbe roots, flows, horses and other domnstlc animals were killed, and a numbur of pnuplu living in (be homes blows down were seriously injured, but .noao.fatally. LOT AT SEA. A Terrible Marine Dtoaeter ported from Australia. R®. DEATH IN THE STORM. | TarrlMe T*l. • •Hntltataoa In rarUoaa nf KKOsas. 1 WICHITA. Kan., March I.-Tbe met* j enry oontinnes u> hover aboui ten de- 1 gress below rer«>. * hicli is two degrees colder than it «a> at any tinic last year. { It is now certain that the fruit crop In MICHIGAN STATE NEWS. MICHIGAN ODD-FELLOWS. The r.raad Ixxlce la SMMOO at Ionia Hen, (Woan—noMhtm of Rebrkah. At the r<'<*nt session in loms of the firand I^odge, I. O O. F.. the AWTTJ. l/.ss or i.trp. Lmroos. March 8.—A dispatch re- oelved heft autes that the British (Junta, which sailod from Acs- this Stat^ this year .N almost totally de- follov lagoffiners were obosen; Charles stroyed. and the * inter a beat is badly . H. Haskias. Jackson, grand mas- dsmaged. ^ ter: (ieorge H. Shearer, Hay City. Tbe news from the Son th senst indi- 1 deputy grand matter; H. H. Heinmaa, cstcs great suffering of cattle in tbe ^ Xegaunse, crand warden: E. H. Whit- Cherokee strip and in the sestern part ney. l-ansin?. grand secretary: B. D. i of the State. Cold wrsther so late in ' Pntchard. Allegan, grand treasurer; tralian poru for London, has been lost i the season was not expected and feed j H. w Kroater, fharlevoli, representa- ataaa. The number of penwna drowned ta» been oonsomod. Msny htndred i Uve to sowreign grand lodge is aot defiaitely knowr., l«i Ue dis- bead of cattle hsve already died, and patch ssy» that a foarful number pci^ should the hlitiard oonUnue a few days isbed I osttlemen say the l<ms will he as great The repnrt of the loss of the British I as that sustained eight years ago steamer Quetta Is cenflnned at Lleyds. j The situation in Morton. Stevens and Tbe advices retelvd there state that 164 ! Hodpemsn oeuaties is pitishle. The lives were lost. Th- stestnw struck a i authorities here have a measag# rock not shoK-n on tbe clmrt at • o'clock i freni the ooentv commissioners of Friday night near Somerset, In the Torres straits, at the nortbera extrem Uy of Australia snd sa.nk in three miaotes. TbeQueita was a vessel of t,tM tons burden. A dispatch from Brishann. Queens- land, says thst tbe Quel'a b a d SSO souls on hoard, of whom no wore saved, in- cioding the captain and several offioers. RAGING RIVERS. Nxw Om.t n vh. March 1.—Tbe ievees ef the Fifth I Louisiana district are being sorely pressed by the wind and water, hut the people in charge believe that they will bold. A report ws« brought to town last night of the killiTig in Chicot County. Ark., of two white men a a d a negro who were caught cutting A private levee is Oak B'-nd. fifteen miles below Vicksburc, * as broken by the storm Thuradar sftemoon. The T. J. Williams and Newton Landing plantations are orerflowed in eonse- quenoe, and tbe Oak Bend, Diamond and Freelands plantations are partially ianadated. Acyclom caused considerable damage at CarUiage. Miss.. Thursday. Tbe •onrt-honse was first struck and tbe espola, ohiiBiieys snd roofing carried •way. Severaj resld-nm-s wore demol- ished, including that of C. P. Brennan. Tbe Breansn family, con-osf nc of the husband, wllo snd four children, were buried in the debris. All were severely hurt, out ot tbe cbl'drcn ha dug since died of Us injuries. EX-GOVERNOR ENGLISH DEAD. Stevens stst.nc that their greatest and most pressinc nee,l is for fuel. Tbe fuel has all been consumed, and the in- tense cold has caught many people who have a scanty supply of pnovtaiona without fuel Most of the supplies sent to tbe distressed districts hsve consisted of corn and flour, and now that it has been reoeived there is no fuel to cook it aiUi. The sei-tioomost in need of aid is from fifty to 100 miles from railroads. Tbe distrlbutiagcom- mittee in Stevens has had out many wagons and agents looking after the poor, but tbe oold is so intense thst it is impossible to mak»- long driven In the northwe-stem part ol Stems County Sam Woodsdale. his wife and three children were found dead Thursday. Two men — Ira Oan- field and Henry Wedd who lived in the western iiart of t b e county were also found virlims of the bliaiard. It is believed S C Campbell was caught in the storm Wednesday night and per- ished while trying to reach Woodsdala He has many friends and relatives near Zanesville, O. In Morton County two deaths have been reported. Efforts are msde to supply relief as in Stevens County. A boiler in the bath-room of the bar- THE PAN-AMERICANS. ber-shopof Hall * Naffle at Big Rapids Th. Coiifrrooc at Wa.hmeto.. Win Freb- e^pioded recrntly, fatally Injuring Joe ably Anieer, EnrtT In «prtl-*i; Oou.u, Shiw. empltrrrt in the sh^p, and stcn- or sever. I tmpnrtt.wi Rrpsns. ] lilng FreJ Sfarns who was takiag a WawrnwiTns, Ma-^-h 8,—The delo-;b»th at the tims. The parJtion he- gates to the Intem..',onr .l American ocfti- twecn the halb-rofim and shop was badly ferenoe ar- b. pnnlntr to talk abnut.demoraUi/'d. windows were hadly sbat- llnal adiournmcnt, »hlch will p-ehatly1*w«d and a big bole was blown tl^ough •— 1 v " t t o floor ta the hank over the balh-aoom The State cmv-nlion of Dauphters of Rehekab aasaleo in session Mrs. M. A. Dowling, Weat Bay City, presided. The secretary. Sarah Gamer Millard, re- ports 5,1.00 members and US lodge*, a gain of l.J>(Ki m e m b e r s and S9 lodges in Michigan. Mrs. R. D Cain, of looia. was elected president Health to Mlrhirmn. Reports to tbe State Board of Health by fifty-nine observers In different part* of the State tor the week ended February sa indiutxed that measles, consumption of tbe lungs and u.fiam- matlon of the kidneys Increased, snd cholers morbus, typho-mslsrial fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria, hiflammatio-j of tbs boa-els and pneumonia decreased in area of prevaleaee. Diphtheria was reported at tweots^six piaoes. soarlel fever at thirly-wne, typhoid fever at thirteen and measles at thirty-two places A *««•». to rb»riUm. The a-ill of the late John & Miner, the retired Detroit lumber merchant, was filed for probate the other day. It disposes of a large esvate, estimated at upwards of $700,POO. Mr. Miaer leaves his widow $iD,00ft, an annual allowance of (8.000, and li* homestead and house- hold^ifcv.ts. Bishop XVorthington re- oeivesAiaooo lor aarrying on church week in Nebraska, and tbc remainder of the estate is bequeathed to various obarltable institations. «*o Ceeeeetlret rolltltilao m air* I-BWW, Away la New Harao. Jitw Hsvr*, Oonn.. March Ex- Governor James Edward English died at his residence in this city Sundsy. Early last week be oontrncted a ssvere oold which rapidly developed into pneu- Ue was 76 years of age and a widov. anl one son. fOennral Enrllsli bart a aatlnual rapatatloa da polllloal and Uuasclal droit-. In 4110 he .aw slaatMl u> Coiurrvss. unit waajwoleoled tn aaullurii a il.lru unmluatinD. In IMT hs Oovcnor ot Counrctlrut ovnr Boa, K Hawley, aufl was twice u Ueea- & KHS he waa Kirrobura tiy Oovnrnor IngnTSoIl to IUI tbe vanancy Is the TfnlteA B»n«a Senate eauHsd St the Heath ot Hon. at. rmry Kr. Eaetttb lew--, arammecf and •l.oau.oni At tbe time .arhla Jastb he waa prmldiuu or aireotor In bwilu* % LUnitMtr ol WTnifa^tiH^ J A FAMILY WIPED OUT. Father, Mother and Two Cblldroa Mur- dered by Indian Torrltory Ontlawa. KAXSAS Cm', Ma. March 1.—The Globe's Oklahoma iiud. T. I spi.uialsays: "Newa from Shawnee, a town thirty of this mty. says that dnnd Iwrtit.s of a man named bis wife and two nbiidrvu were found Thursday a few miles west of Shawnee. They had been working on the new Choctaw railroad and wore vetunuug to their claim a few miles fzom this .oity when they were killed, i t is supposed lor their money, by the aatlaa-a that latest tbe Pottawatamle •TMarvaUon. There is no elew to tbe take place ahout ApriL Nearly ail tbe committees have made their seporta and several of them have already been adopted. The oorrrmttee on monetary convention will make two ra- ports, one of whinh wili seoojumend the coinage of a common silver dollar so ba tbe legal tend-'r in oouimerr^al trassno- lions between the oitid-ns of the sev- eral nations The other report, prepared and presented by Mr. Oooiidce of the United States delegation, will recom- mend tbe issue of certiflctsn- by the United States upon any bullion that may be deposed in the United States Treasury by the cituceus or authouties of tbe Central and South Amaritian States. These reports are l«th in the bauds ot tb" printer aud Will be submitted for action very soon. Tbe n-^iru. of tbe oonunitxer on railway communiuatieu. sanitary ragulations and weights and mcasurss have Imen already adopted by the oon- forence, while tbc reports of tbe oom- mitcee on patent, and trudc-marks and international lau sr.- ri.gular orders lor the consideration of tbe couferenue. MlntoUT Ntw Yoiiii. Feb. 2K.—The United Stati's sW'amt-r £nt>-rpriae, from the European station. brinB-'nir rbe body ol George H. Ptaidieum. laie 1 nit"d atatss Minister to llerlm. oas.e to uimhor ofl Twenty-six tb street, in the N o r t h river. Tburmiay afierii'.oii. 'Jibe body «f ex- Mlalster Pendleton will Iw brought ashore to-day. Noin-uMUMl f.» VMnuor. DES MOIVKS, ]»., March K —S. BatUe Greek obailonges any city in the UaiMd StatM ef 1K«00 inhabitants to abow the following reeord: Every rent of taxes aiwessed in BanleOeek for the winter of has been paid, and the dty trrasitrer has rt tunted a clean Ux-roll. Besides this tbe city has paid this winter $s,oo<i principal on tbe school indebtedness. flhnrt bat TTrm«. Beports from all over the State show that maple troos arc ready lor tbe sugar- maker. Sebastian Sommer was spotred by a hay-fork near Bay City recently and died from the efffeets of tbe injury. Two Insurance policcs on tbe life of John B. Lead better, of Bay City, hmounting to f 1 LOO(s e x p i r e d a few days hefort his death recently. The Southwestern Michigan Fair As- sociation will bald its spring meeuag at Klhree RiversfmmJuae 1J to June CO The Boom Company of Muskegon recently sold the tug IraO. Smith to tbe Barry Bros, for 85,000 Tbe host will l»e UHod in Chicago traffic. 3'be City Council of Bollaod has ap- pnoprtatedbLioo for dredging ihe har- bor, tbe work to be done in March. Oeorgs H. Jacks, sn ex-deputy United "Stases marshal of Muskegon, was re- cently aent to Jackson prison for Bve years on a charge of larceny. Moses Thrash and A. G. Collar fell into the shaft of the new coal mine at •iebowaing tbe other day and wore TO Mmrlu HmmuWm TarllT NEW YUUK, Feb. 28.—The Htatament Is tulngruphed from Ottawa that ths Canadian customs uriff is to be re- vised. Tbs .most uupurtant change esld te be projeoied Is an increase of from fllty to seveuty-llve mints a barrel of the duty on whf^t; also the removal -of t h e duty on corn. A'4 for the rarniora. •PITHKK, K. D.. Feb. 28.—The South Dakota Legislature bus passed a law providing for she relief by the oom- mlssioners of the suvural countias of farmsrs dostituto of secdrgtaln by fur- nishing not to exceed seventy-five busbulB to euiih person who applleu lor aisiitanco. A Cosily Blaao. CHIOAOO, March 1.—A tlisostrous con- flogrstlon visited the little to-.m of Kuu- sington. 111., at an early hour this morning, wtp'mg out a large section of tbe businoss portion of the town. A damage o' DBarly VAO.UBO was done be- fore the Oamcs could lie cheeked. TWO MEN KILLED. -«MB1 WTWIII OK tlie Tolotf- a A u s arbor Head at tthturm, Mlak. ITHACA, Mich., March 1.—A wrcck oc- j ourrod here at 7 o'clock Friday mumlnf oa tbs Toledo A Aun Arbor railroad. OasiMfcrht train ran iuto thersar end •afraaortsr, Ailling Conductor J. Baright mU tbe AMmaa, Villiam Farroll, of ilnftoeor Boadin? was sohad- i aydajured sbat he can not recover and Awe of tbs ssaluoion wore btdly Injured, ' but not fatally. One engine and a iozon ear* •wore dlsablpd. I a TWaoiiorV «iMpiiiiito C««p, OBCATO*, -Ind., Feb 28. — Bohert 1 Bompsey, sent to tbe Michigan City peniientisry by the circuit court of , Adams County in charge of Deputy Shorifl Lotvuiu usuapud by leaping from aa Erie A Wosiorn passctigor train be- twoon Sapbwtor and Plymouth. The | train was luanlng at the rale of tbirly i miles aa -hour. No tracus have been i found of h i m . 4 TS A Mlssr'a Ii»"tl. by Stamlloa. BOSTON, March 1.—Chsrles Tuft, a familiar Qgurv ahout Cambridge street, died Friday from tho eBscts of starva- tion and improper earn. He was an eo- centric mlsnr and left some W0.000 In gold and snmiritlos in a cupboard that was hare of bread. A llu.l Wro.'U. BWIIK, 111., F e b . 96.—A Milwaukee A St Paul freight collided with a slock train at Salt Crnok Thursday morning. Twelve earn of tbe stock train were de- molished, much stock killed, two por- BOBS f a t a l l y I n j u r e d and two boys badly hurt rorinpd * Cumblnv. BOSTON, Ma/uli 1.—A oombiuation of all the granite eona.rns in New Eu- f'-r.a lo. um-u in wins mty yostorday. and it wus decided to pay for all work by the hour aflur May 1. "I um Sir Oruole, unU -whe..'. ojien my lips let no dog burit." I nm a henefnrtor lo the huoian race, gruator tlmu he w ho bus taken cities, hullt roniln anil nuule the liuhtning tospeak, 1 have done more thiin these, 1 have killed pain, and my iimne-is Hulvutluti -Oil, LOOK TO STOBB HEAliT, Mm. Oharles Oreenwood, of Indinn- had what'tliG'dootorR'culled, a»- ms, hut she gut little relief until BIID took Dr. Mile's new titmi, which soon made her lone winded, stopped the |iam in chest, Bwolllng of ankles, cough, .pai- piiatlon, etc, F-iUl a. Toiter ft Looks. ' W. W. Aalrr'i. Urrat IVmlth. VUIIK, Fob. 28. —Tbe admlsslonto jwohaWof the will ol the lute John Jacob Aslor makes W Uhun; '.Valdoi-t Aator the aaealtbisstounn tn America, if not in the ; world. Tbeestates of John Jacob Astor and William Waldorf Astor, consol- idated by Wodni-sdoy's pnsieedlng, are believed to be eqtilvaUmt to vory nearly gOfrCTOteB iper bu 1300,000.000. Jtumorad t^ptnrr of Hlln.tl, PORH.ANII, Ore., March 1.—A report reached here Friday ovuuing that Sheriff Delger, of Win look, had arrested Sil- ! cott, the dofaultlng uasbier of the Ser- ' jroant-at-AiuiB of the Uouso, at Tolorto, town on the line of the Northern Pa- cific railroad between bore and Tacoma. in tbe Senate of the United States. touii* t.liioolu live*. CHICAOO, Feb. 28. — Young Abraham Lincoln, son of Mr. Rolurt T. Lincoln, United States Minister loi.reat ilritain, who was roponed in cablegrams to Chi- cago papors to hsve died st London Thursday night, still lives. THE MARKETS. N««r Voas. Maroh 1 LTVE B7CK-:iC-Cholor Sicon. , N A. « A IB FliOuS—Uiwu to Obnlr.' Pateou WireAT-.Ku.S Hrd (I. o, b.l.. Way 0Oini-3io.lt White OATK-Vo t Whtlo MVE-WiMUirn POUK—Now Jli-s. LAHD-flwmi CHEUSE •ft'OOL—Kuaiv.alc f.'iru A'.ifi BBEVSB-Stalppuu- su-uro 1>>W, Suwliurs PaeOen. .......... BaUhoM' b'.-ors Hulls nnfiS—LIVU—CUKHI to Cliulr.t. SHEEP 'JUITTfX-CroaiiieT^ i.oot to Cbi.tci- Hair}' EOOR—Piesh - S B O O U OOICS— Hurl Balbwoikiai; Orookea. Uulux around ihr World. •BOSTON, March K.—(ieorge Francis Train left this uity ut miduighiiaat night for a trip uround tbe world, which he expects to complete in sixty days. The I'Mllurt* l l r r n r d . Yonu. March 1.—The hualuess failures througbout the country mport- cd ur to VrU'ty i-imil«'red 1101, ugiilust 271 last week. LOOSE'S BED 01.0 VER PILE CUBE Sick Headache. Dyspepsia, Indigestion Oomitipution, 2fir tier box, li boxes lur $1. For sule by l i J N T i .H'JNTEB. lluokloir. Arum nal... FAlTS WOUTfl KNOWING. In all diseuses of Ihe iiasul muoous tnenibrane ilie remedv used muut Is.mon- irriiHtitia. The roedloal profeniion Ims lieim slow to learn this. Nntliinu sntis- j fiicion- nan 'M- Hccc.iii|>li~i.ed with The Best BAEVE in the world for cuts,' douches, snuffs, powil.-n. or syringes ; BruisaB, Sorea, UlcerB, Salt BbouTn, Fe-1 IM-CIIUSC t h e y are till irritnthiR, do not vor Son*, TottarjOlmpiiedflandB, €hil- thoroughly reach the ultented surfscue blaius. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, snd should be abnnioned ns worse than andpwitlvelyaumi PUes, or nopuy re-i failures, A multitude of pemons who quired. ItiB«uurutileed to give porlent hml for yenrv home all t h e worry and satiflfactiou. or money refunded. Price j pou. thut cstarrh oan infliot, testify to Sfiomus per bo* Pur sule by Hunt & I MKIICHI c u r e s w r n i u g l u by Kit 's Ovam Hunter BALCC. Ki'su v,-, of Lucas County, late camiidaie j tilbd. Beth were married men for Lieutenant-iiovcrnor, wasnominavfl j ^ ilson Patterson was dangerously Saturday night by the I>emoeratic joint 1 mounded in a fight with Sam Crother at legislative caucus tosucceed Mr. Allison 7,11 want ee tbe other evening, Williani Brotherton. of Battle Creek, claims to lie 10a years old. Tbe Epwurtb Leagun. tbe new youut .people's society of uic Methodist Eplsco- 7ial chiirob. is grow inc in Michigan very rapidly. A Decatur yfttrth bit a railroad tor- pedo with a hammer recently to see if it would go riff; it did, and so did a part of the young experimenter's Jaw. The bouse of oorrection at Detroit evood $1.'..1W) more than expenses last year. aad Sin.OOO of kbuamouat has been paldta^he oity troasumr. An asmirnment was recently made .by tbe Oebhard Paper Company, doing business at Dotvoit. In a reoent Qgbt bctweca Stanley March and Mil'on Jlailey. u?ou about 14 veara each, at Gregory, the latter was fatally stabbed. Marshal Malam, of Three filvotv who killed a tramp some weeks srro while tnslcingan nrrcs*., has been held for trial lor mu-dor iu the sum ol 51,500. At Iron Uiiuntain rccuntly A. John- son walked into a shaft on the soound level and fell -eighty feet and was in- stantly killed The Cold watorCart Company at Ceild- water recently mortgaged Its plant for for the beneCt of orcditors. George Ciliary, a J a m hand noar Hills, dale, rooou-od uraarecontly that by the death of an unole in Canada bs had fallen hoir to C104UM1 Alexis Cotjtiillard. the millioniu re manufaemrer of South Send, Ind., died recently in the sanitarium In Battle Creek. During a rooottt blizzard nt Hsncook the large carriage works of C.Meite wore burned, and tbe busiucss part of itbe town Just esuaiMid destruction by uhanoe At tUHifwxiut ineeunir <u s n e superiu- teaduDts of tbe poor at Big Uapids it was asked if there were any old sntdiers in tbo poor-liougos of the State. Hills- dale rrpi.rUHl tbreh. Isabella four and Mecosta one. lieasuus were givun why most of these were not in the SoldiorE' Homo K.-erything Iu tht- Imest aud nohbiuHl Btthv of piuitiiigs and suitings at Smith's The mosl fastidious cannot luii to IM' suited MRK—VnM LAED-Bt.am .FiiOI'U- VS'huut 1'utuuU ... Winter PuU'Uts . Ilshc.r*' StralKliis OIUrK—Whuut, Nil. 1- oasli .. C.im, No. 2 Oota No t'caali atye. No a oiuh Bi.rli'v, Nn ii Niirtbwestiiru. Lt'MIIKfi- (^ininii.u Iire-KHd Sldlnr KloorUiR Cunimi.n llnards fVliclov Lath HUimloa KANSiVS CI'lT. OATTLE—fti—rs.... Btookur.. und Kocd.-i, BOOS—All RruOeh Hulk aUEEl'-llmi Utookcra anu h: u-r- OMAHA. CATTLE -Host Uiilluiii. . BUUS i ITOl (cl7W ai in £:«« oo I;I ui «in eo 11 Ml (M4 00 « a. at i » fee ttfau K1 Bl «t 4 D VU fell 41 a w s TTU a7»tS'««8 ii mi a i-i, cw a, 4 a, •B tO C -i 10 >11 41-4 Ift r. hi a it HOME FOOLISH I'E'iPLE Allow II couch In run until It get- lieyoml ihe reach ol nieiliuii.i. Tlu-y often SHV "Oh it «ill war nwny." but In iiitstt cases it winn- them away Otitlld <hey IM- indui-ed to try the fUcocsMI tnedi nine culled Keiop't- HIIIKIIIII, which if sold on a iKisliive guar-uitee to cure, they would iuililfdiepily see the exoelluut of- fset after tukinc the llwt dose. Price BOo. and $1. Trud size frte. At all dniggistu. FOR NOVELTIES- GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, TINWARE, HOSIERY, THREADS, NEEDLES, PINS, ETC., GO TO McPHERSON'S BAZAAR. I s T E W Lumber Yard. FRED MISSES, I.K1LEB Di LUIBER, LATH & SBINGlES. Yard at rear of Train's Hotel. L o w e l L M i c h . O M A S ; . L A W S T E R , ru •fiarTon cw n a t i o n a l h o t e l . SetrH-Q.H I K R^WT. Fir.! CI*'- Isiarfl snrt Rikinikat u>.ry auj Ferd small la O To Invalid and Wounaed SOLDIERS! Tie u: •iiTsifned »t request of tnMiy |- InvcJid SMiiCtitn, has qualified and i-een udinmed u* practioe j m the Interior Department, 1 \ra all the I crenus thereof and i« now FIEIUI IS P TDSBCZK Claims, ibosMhatauty heentiUed to PEN- MOS and BOUNTY. MILTON M. PERRY. CLEARING OUT SALE OF GLOVES, ETC. for the Balance of February. We intend to sell al! our Gloves and Mittens and have our stock dosed out before Feb. ist, if we have to GIVE THEM AWAY! Hog Skin Gloves, Calf " " Mittens from Gloves " CALL AND SEE. 75c to $1 50 to 75c 20 to 75c 25c Up Milton M. Perry, Attorney A Counselor a t L a w Train't Hall Slack, - Uwell, Mich. >|..-< ial brtei.noii pven to Oollectifmt Omwj-aticinp, Ixiaus and Sale ol i^«il Estate. F R A N K C. ALGER. Atiomo* nt Ln-w. Coikctions Given Pro npt Attcndos MC'SXY TO LOAN IT CITEKEKT RATES. AM) IS.-intASCE VHTTAS. rInnu IHwk. I OtTElu Mica C X T T FOREMAN & TALBOT. PP.OP'S, Onlerf tor r-a^Hiureir or Bacmin- loft at Train'a Hotel. I'avis Boiwr nr tl.e Bun Ttarn will rrcelve |irimi|ii niu iiUim. AT J.E.LEE'S HEAT l A i l E I On il.r llriAgn, will alwava br fnunfl tbr QbalOHilt ruu. nf llli«!, PUh and I'oul. tn- In their I«.MKI.II«. at ITicea AIwk3> lieiuioiial.le. J. E. LEE. - Lowell, Mich. A. Fisher & Co. Western Michigan Business College <£8TABLISKED 7 YEARS.) (ihenard-Hartman Building, - Fountain St. GRAND RAPIDS INBTKUCTION (JIVES IK Book-Keeping, Short-Hand, Telegraphy, Pen- munship and Business Forms. J. IT. LEAN, attf. niiNnn'AL ^ USE > Flavor C H .PEARSON & C9.*~ —• BALTIMORE. Mp. Subscribe to the JC^URNAL ' for some friend at a distance. P I S O ' S C U R E • F O R BEST COUGH MEDICINE. Rocommcnticd by Physiciuus. Ciirtfe where all else fulls. Pleiisiuil and ogrecohk to the tasic. Chil- dren take it without objection. Sulci h v ull druggists. C O N S U M P T 1 O K

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Page 1: LOWELL JOURNAL.lowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1890/03_March/03-05-1890.pdf · LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. Office la Train's Opera House Slock. Three Cents Per Copy VOLUME

LOWELL JOURNAL. O n e Dollar a Year. Office la Train's Opera House Slock. Three Cents Per Copy

VOLUME X X V . L O W E L L , M I C H I G A N , W E D N E S D A Y , M A R C H 5 . 1800. NUMBER 35.


P r o o » e d t o s a of t h e r i f t y - P b i t O o n -ffrese a t W a s h l a s t o a .

I tntroAanxl •n4 n< Md Adopted -


i n r i T K . W i n n w o T o s . Fell. '85.—In thp ScnttA

y®»terdfcy billa wore introduced to kmend tbc in t 'T-Su t^ com m e n * act u d to M U b l l s h In every county of e»ch of tbc M-Toral S u t e « a V n l W K u t e * npririiUiiral di>pot.imr>-. u> be under t b e oontrol of tbc Ti«»Kory Ito-pa r tmen t .

WAfflrwr.Tfis, Feb. 8®.—A bill « - u p u a e d in t b e Senate TetMrdty p r s n t l n j • pension of $100 » monUi to t h e widow of M«jor-Oenor»l Judwin Ki lp , t r ick . Bi l l s weiy- r cponed to provide for « gfD-er*l i y s u m of reservoirs for irripkUng t b e »rld Isndx of the wont: autboHtinff t b e purchase of (fold and ailverbu'iliun to t b e amoun t of KM0.000 a moTitb and t h e issue of Treesury notos in payment t he reo f ; fo r pnh l lc bnildinjfa at Dead-wood. S. P . c m o o o j , and Sioux Falla, & D . (8260 , IOC).

W M B I M T O * . FeK In t h e Senate yes te rday t»-i my- r i* pension and p n -r a t e h i l l s were iiB««od, and the l i lalr ed-noatiorial bill was fur ther diacuHsed.

Vas*rjl<*OT!, Feb. s a — T b e 'Senate y w t e r d a y passed a bill approprlatln(r t ^ , B 0 0 lor a monument to Chris-tophe r Columbus, to be erected in "Washlnfrvm. The hill to declare un lawfu l t ru s t " and oombinations in re-s t r a in t of tvade and produotinn was oonsiderod. A bill was introduced for t h e eMUhUshiuent of a bureau of animal Industry to p revent tbe exporta-t ion of diueaw-d uattle and to provide for t h e suppression and c r t i r p a t i o n of plenro-pneumonia and other contagious diseases amon? domestic animals .

W AS w i r e TON, March 1.—In the Sen-a t e yes terday Senator Inpal is was elect-ed P r e s i d e n t p ro tern.. Vim.. President Morton beinp shsent. TTte dependent pens ion h i ' I v.an discussed. The House bill for t b e appnintment of nelocatea to t h e Madrid international industrial con-lerenoe was passed. Adjourned to tbe#d.

norsB. •WABHIIKITOS. Feb. ST.,—Tn the House

yes te rday the time was occupied in hal-l o t l n f for a slte for the world's fair. Cbi-f*go being cboson as the place on tbe e i f b t h ballot, the vote s tanding: Chl-oego. 157; New York, 107; St. Louis, 85; WMlfahigton. 18.

W A suiMiT'ix, Feb. 20.—In the House yes te rday hi l l s wore passed authoris ing t h e d i rec tor of the mint to perfect and b e a u U f y the exis t ing designs on coins: e o a s t l t u t i n g Minneapolis a sub-port for t h e oollectiun district of Minnesota: to disoont inue tbe coinage of the SI t nd Si ro ld pieces and the three-cent 'nickel liUoe. and autborlxing the {'resident to appoin t delegates to the in ternat ional Indus t r i a l oonfernnce to he held a t Mad-r i d A p r i l 1, l»mi. A biU was reported • j p r o p r i a t i n g 325,000 for a mounment to Wi l l i am Henry Harrison, the grand-f a t h s r of Pri^ild-nt Harrison, a t North Bend . 0.

WasitretiTott , Feb. 87.—In tbe House yes t e rday the urgency deUeiunpy bill (9sa,IUUl,8i::i was re|Hirtoil. S i l l s were In t roduced reviving the prade of U e n -tenan t -Oenera l : to prevent the adul-t e r a t i on of food and drugs and barter-In f of food or drugs in and between tbe S t a t e s and Terr i tor ies; providing t h a t a l l t h e waters In the Ha l t ed Statea shal l h e used for purposos of irstgetlon.

WASHINSTON F e K 88.—In tbe Hotwe yes t e rday tlx- contested election case cf A tk inson (Itep.l versus I 'ondleton (Cam.), from West .Vi rg in ia was de-c l a red In favor of Atkinson. A kill Introduced to amend t h e world's f a l r ^ i l l • e as to roflUire s t losst t w o of t b e board of control to be women.

KAmirmiTim, Maroh 1.—In tbe House yes terdny the rinHnlnncr --jmrnprl.Unn h i l l (K!4,11511. noil) was passed, and t b e a m y appmnrlutior. hill ($24,458,230) was w p o r l e d A hill was iotroduood author-ising a ponUMin bridge acrosc the Mis-sissippi at D.ivenport, l a At the even-ing session forty-five pr iva te pension hUls were passed.

F R O M W A S H I N G T O N .

D J O K H A W E S H A N G E D .

TLW Nbtrd Murdfinir of HI* Wife and TIT, ObUdrsu KaerutMl at MlnnUicham, Ala. B m u r e u i u u , Ala.. March 1. —Jiiok

B a w e s was bunged (restorday lo r -the n u r d u r ol bis wife and two children on Seoember 4, 1RHK. He made a s tate-m e n t thu t a previous confession was t r a e . He suld be paid J o h n W y l i e 930 to put bis wi fe and o h l l d w n ^)Ut of the way, because h i s wife mfttsed to leave -as promised, h a v i n g heard of bis i n t e n d e i marr iage t o another wuimin, T b e trap Ml a t U:80; l i fe was exi lnot In th i r teen tain-a l e s .

;-'.P fHawm murdorrd hit wife snd two dauftb tera, drowning .'.IUI In an arUBulal lake near BtRdBSharr li Iteeemhnr, UH. Two tagrs alter Ua rommtsalon of tbr Wtmr tie nmrrlwl a young girl named Btory. ul CJlumtxu. Uiaa., and was oo bi» wdl lne tour when arrested. Attempts werr mode to lynch hlmaDd mul led b> a riot, th" nhiTlir ami tin poiiac Urlagintu W* mob and Ullllus twolrc eltluna. He waa trird, sonvldted and untenoed to death, and OL Jan-Barj UM»«t Jurtjre Mcfilnllan. or the Buproma Ooart, Tendrns! a declaloo afflrmlns the vor-^iet.)

Hwnrn Into Offlno. D U MOINKS, l a . Fob. 28.—Governor

Boies and ii leutenunt-Oovernor Poy-Bfisr were dilly sworn Into office yiwtur-i a y i i n toe premnot- of a great throng of people. In his inuiigurai address t b e new Oovornor udvoc itod railroad logis-

—f1 'MUtib. ihe Improvement of the public eohool nynbim and methods of taxat ion, a n d inveighed strongly agalust the S ta te ' s prohibition laws.

IndiHDaM Indi-btadnsw. I K D I A N A I ' I I U S , i n d . , M a r c h 1 . — T b e

t o t a l bonded debt of t h e .MS cities .and towns of the Htnt-' for t h e yeur ending J u n e 80,1889, arcotdlng to roporu just oompleted, wen1 88.B00,t>5n; total float-i n g debt. S;IN<;.I40; total uluking fund, $338,134; totul m a debt , 8U,043,140.

yiwnei- 4'-f<,pl» ihe Invltatloa. BCHUN, .Murub 1.—hVamm, fo. lowing

t h e I n i t i a t i v of Lni;lnnd. bos accopteu TOE inviiiiiion to |-ii:-uiii|iaiu iu VUU^MJ.' l i r ron?

A S K Y O U B F R I E N D S ABOUT I T T o u r distressing cough can lie cured.

VJts know it becuuse Kemp 's Balsam wi th in the past few years Ims cured so m a n y coughs and colds in this comniu-tiiry. I ts remarbabl r sale hus been won ent i re ly by 1(8 genuine meri t . Ask some fr iend who bus used u - w h a t - U th inks of KenipVBsiaam. The re »B DO medicine so pure, none so effective. Large bott les We. and f l at all druggists . Sample bottle free.

Prof. Lotsstte's Memory Syetem U Creat-


A Dattr I n u m t M AIL

WASHTTOTO?:. Feb. 27,—The Houm sommi t tce on terr i tor ies t » s decided to •epor t favorably the hill for the admis-taos of Idaho. A minori ty report will probably 1* presented.

WASHIKOTON. Feb. 3S. — At tomey-Oeneral Mil ler has appointed DeWit t C. Cram t o 1* Ast is tani United StaU.s At-torney for t h e N o r i l i rn d i s t r ic t of Iowa

WASHIKOTOK. Feh. 88.—Commodore George B. Whi te , Cl.ief of the Bureau of Varda and Docks in the Navy Depart-ment , died suddenly at his home of an at tack of apoplexy. He was refrarded a s one of the moat efficient officers l a t h e service

WARHiKiiTos, Feh 28.—Mr. Pendle-ton, of West V i r g i n i a whom t h e House unseated Thursday, propo-te* to carry the case to t h e Supreme Conn on t h e ground tha t iwi votes is a oonst i lut lonal quorum and t h a t the Speaker has no lawful r igh t to count any one present who was not voting. Thia will fu rn i sh the test tha t the Democraia Lave been anxious to make as to the const i tut ion-al i ty of the ru les recently adopted by t h e RepuMlcaiiS « i d tbe m l i n g i of Speaker Beod on th is auhject.

W A S H I S O T O X , Feb. 2S. Ex-Presi-d e n t Cleveland has sold ftak View, h is oonn try home near this «uy . t o F. G. Newlanda, t b e reprenentntive of a Cali-fornia s y n d i c t e ah i ch has been buying largely ol suburban proper ty in t h i s Tlotnlty. T b e price paid was n«R,ooo, which ne ts Mr. Cleveland a profit of ahos t #100,000 over tbe price be paid lor the property and t h e cost of improve-men t s dur ing toe four year* be owned i t .

WASfftNfiTo*, March 1. — SeoreUry Windom has issued orders for the es-U l l i s h m e n t of an immigrant l and ing depot on Bedloe'a Island. New York harbor, and a r rangements will at once hs made for the construction of t h e neoessary buildings

WASHIXOTOS, March I.—Secretary Windom has accepted t b e bid of t h e N o r t h American Commercial Company for t h e exclusive r i g h t to the seal 6«h

[ er les on the islands of Si. Pau l and St. I (Jeorfo, Alaska. I 'nder t b e terms of I the lease t h e Government will secure a j revenue of about Sl.000,lll«l per year, as ! against 5M»,000 uudei the present lease ! to the Alaska Commercial Compuny. | WASHWeTO*. March L—In the cor-: r ldor of t h e House of l iepresenta t lves

Sisterday ex-Congressman Taulhee, of entuoky, waa shot tn tbe lace and dan-

fe rous ly wounded by Charles Kinosid. | oorrespondent of the Ixiutsx-ille T imoa , An old grudge was tbe cause. I WAHitntfiTn*. March 8.—In t h e H o u a s

Saturday t h e bill providing for an Assist-a n t S e o r e t a r y of War was passed—yesa 188; nays, 100. Tbe oont«.»u«l election case of F e a t h e r s tone va. ("ate, from t h e F i r s t Arkatma - district, was called up.

' M r . Haugen (Wia) made the open ing speech in favor of the con tes t an t Mr. Outhwal te (O.! took t h e Boor, bu t la view of t h e small .at-tendaiioe of metn-b e » t h e House adjourned.

WABHIROTOH, March 8 .—Ihe monthly Statommu of tbe public debt shows t h a t I t was decreased •luring tbe month of Fehruarv t b e sum of ^ ••5U,488.6e. Tbe to ta l debt less cash In i. .- treasury M a r c h 1 w a s 81,084,547,2511.48.

WssnWKOTOK, Maroh 8 , - K l n c a l d , who shot ex-Congrvssman Taulhee in tbe face. Is out on SiOiiO h a i l Taulboe'a condition is very favorable.


An Awmi Sonu, of llmolatlon ID t h , Tal-W Mwfipt by t h , l?nloiwd Watera ml t h . Walnol tiro., liMin. PUSKIX, A. T., March 8.—True re-

ports from Walnut Grove dam show oonolusively t h a t the work of oonstruo-tion was very faulty. Tbe company's

aa te , oonUiinlug tlu.oou, whiuh was token six miles on the rushing waters, waa recovered Friday. Tbe s tee l boiler used a t tHe lower dam waa foond t h i r t y miles below, crushed l ike a dtove-pipe. There are no traces to be seen of e i t he r of the dams. Tbe town of Seymour is wiped out; not one s tons s tands t o mark Its site. Since the flood a number of nuggets of gold have boon found down the canyon. A piece of iron four Inches square and thi r ty iaohss long , used to anchor the tower a t the upper dam. was picked up forty mi les below. For a dis tance of thirty-live miles tbe canyon la strewn w i t h bedding, dead horses, cat t le and hogs, .broken wagons, and. in fact, •ve ry th ing used by the set t lers In the valley. Hundreda of men are search-ing for and burying tbe dead and secur-ing tbe living. I t is said the dam will a o t b s r ebu i l t .


Jur the Munlrr of Hla SVIf,. LMCTUITON, -Ky., Fob. «8.—Thomas'

O'Brien, tbe murderer of Bet t ie S h e a was banged a t 11:55 yesterday morning. Bd had secret ly married Bnttlf in IHri, and a f te rward becntneengaged to a Miss Mat t l e Lougbl ln . Hen le nloaded with blm to m a k e bis marriage with her pub-

j lie, but be repeatedly refused and Unal-, ly ki l led h e r dur ing tbe n lgb to f March 1 81, 1880.

Dr. Blaokeiul. Won III. Salt,. 1 XUWMIX, March 1.—Sir Morel Muckon-

sio, tbc famous English physician, has secured judgments sga ins t the London Times and SL James ' (iusette in libel

j su i t s b rought aga ins t them for '.heir | cr i t icisms of his t rentmont of tho

la te Emporor Frederick, of Germany. He was avr.rdi d S75U damage* aga ins t the fo rmer and S7.5U0 agulus l the la t te r P»PO*.

i toand a Drsok. • AKAOONIIA. Mont., Maroh 1.—It Is re-

ported thu t D break has been discovered in tho Hooky Mountains near Wory's Fork, a u d . t h a t the Oreat Nor thern in-tends to cons t ruc t s l ine from Anaconda Mont., d l rec i to Sun Frunclaco, Cal.

Allied by Ol.lrairo NoelalUta. BRIIUN, March L—It Is said t h a t In

the m c e u t elections the SoolallHtfi wore aided b j contr lbui lons from America, ospoolal'-y from Ohlcugo. T h o Hoolalist gain is now pstimutod a t 500,000 votos.

Two Ttinuaanil Mun on Htrlk,. LIVKUPOOU F e b . 2 8 . — T w o t h o u s a n d

men employed on tbe north docks In thls o l tv have struck in nonsenuenco of their doninnil for higher ivuges for uu-lixullng jmiln hninir refused.

W h a t is the difTerence between B duck wilb one v. lng and a duck wi th two? Only t b e difTerence of a pinion. UV want every one to paw an opinion on Dr. Bull 's Cough Syrup. I t needs but one t r ia l .

K is. C. MBDU'INE On.—SI* m o n t h s

hand l ing heavy limbont. As a resuli ago m y back was terribly strained by hand l ing heavy timbers. As a result my kidneys became badly affected, caus ing m e distrese and interfer ing wi th my huainesM cenerully. Y o u r F. E 0 . Kidney Remedy'Wss totely recommend-ed e n d the uae <if>one libltie has effer tually nured me. A, J , SIUJUAN.

IB Niolmlo Ptf tk , Rochester, N . V .

T o r n a d o e s C r e a t e H a v o c in l i s S o u t h a n d W e s t .

H i t * Wlod. Came O n t r a r t l o a at Property la f a r t , • ! A I.II.D.M,

Other States

a—c%aB tr wixo. M r v m i s Tenn., PeK t7.—Browns-

v i l l a Tenn. , six miles, nor thesa t ol Memphis, on the Louisvil le A Nash-vil ls road, was struck by a cyclone a t 4 o'clock Tuesday morning. Half of the business houses of tbe town were ua-roofed and maay male rial l_v damaged, while several buildings are in a to ta l s t a t e of destmct ion.

KKATmzv. Tenn., F e h 27.—A cy-clone yimterday wrecked Wint low ft Band's bank building, resu l t ing in seri-ous in ju r i e s to six persons.

Hov Sruixt ts , Ark., Feb. *7.—The old observator.v and a cumber of f rame houses h e r e were wrecked hy a mrnado yester-day. and in tbe region round about a number of farm-houses were dsstroyed.

Mirvrms , T«nn., Feb. 8S.—At5o clock Wt I n i i t s y a f t emoon a hnsv r wind and rain-storm str jek Torranoe, Miss., doing an Immense amount of damage. Tbe f ront of L L Jones t Sons' s tore was to rn sway, and Van Hoser 's dry-goods s tore was wTecked snd blown across the railroad FVnce* and bama were leveled to the ground. Heavy rain is s t i l l lal l-ing a n d the s t ree ts are flooded.

CASTmaar. Miss , March 1,—A cyclone eansed cons iderab ledamuse bere Thurs-day. The court-house wa* first Trtrook and the eupola, ohimneys and roofing carr ied away. Several residences were demolished, including tha t of C P. Brennan. The Brennan family , oonsist-ing of tbe husband, wi fe snd fou r ohil-d r e a were buried in t h e debris. AH were severely bu t t , one ef tbe chi ldren h s v i n g since died of i ts injuries .

N«w Om.rAVS, March 1. — A told no r the r prevailed in the vicini ty of Austin, Tex. , Tbuisday u igh t s n d t h e mercury went down to 90 degrees below sero. Growing corn, oata, f r u i t a n d vegetables were dastroyed a n d hun-dreds of fig trees were ki l led. A nor th wind is Wowing in M isMissippi and t h e tempera ture hss f s l l "n to tbe f r ee t i ng p o i n t Tbe f ru i t snd vegetable crops wi l l probably Buffer,

SATAVKAR, Ga., March R.—Ths first hard freese of t h e win ter here occurred Sunday morning. The daniBtre to trnok crops nan not be es t imated. Liffht snow, t h e first in many years, f e l l S u s d s y morning.

ST. L o n s , Maroh S.—I>ports f rom Northern I ' exss say t h a t hundreds of r s n g e ca t t le have been f rosen to dea th duniflg tbe presost cold spell, and t h a t un law tbe weather speedily moderates t h e loss of stock m ill be severe.

PESSACOI.A, F l a , Maroh a — A IdlUng frost occurred bore Sunday morning do-stroylug, in al l preVabllity. the f r u i t nrop throughout th is county, fieporta t iom WofcU't-n I'lorida are to t h e effect t h a t she f ru i t crop in tha t section is badly damaged and will probably bs a to ta l loss

S a a r n x K , Tenn., March 8 —Late re-poi'ts from tbe lowor Cumberland river represent much distress on tbe low lands. Nearly 1,500 people have been compelled on a m o u n t of the fiood to dr ive their stock ou high ground, and many of them have been compelled to l eave the i r own homes for more e l e -va ted posi t ions

The Kdgelleld A Nashvi l le Manutaot-ur ing Company was obliged to close its • h o p s on sfcoount of hack water. T b e P r e w i t t X Spun- Company havoado roe ot hsnds engaged In removing lumber and making tbe ra f t s iaxi ;o t h e 'banks of t b e rivor. The loss by flood will seaoh from (700,000 to $1,000,000. Ken-tucky lumber companiea will be tbe heaviest losers.

TAiXAUUbA, Ala., March E.—-A tarri-bl» atorm passed oyer th is section, de-struct ion marking its on tire course. Port-uns te ly it did not pass tbrouch a th ick ly populated pnrt of the town. Houses were blown down and boardn and luama aud r a f t e r s earned a oousidorable distance. Trees were snapped off or lorn from tho ground by tbe roots, flows, horses and o the r domnstlc animals were ki l led, and a numbur of pnuplu l iving i n (be h o m e s blows down were ser iously injured, bu t .noao.fatally.


A T e r r i b l e M a r i n e D t o a e t e r p o r t e d f r o m A u s t r a l i a .



| TarrlMe T*l. • •Hntltataoa In rarUoaa nf KKOsas.

1 WICHITA. Kan., March I . - T b e met* j enry oontinnes u> hover aboui ten de-1 gress below rer«>. * hicli is two degrees

colder than it «a> at any tinic last year . { I t is now certain tha t the f ru i t crop In


M I C H I G A N O D D - F E L L O W S .

The r.raad Ixxlce la SMMOO at Ionia H e n , ( W o a n — n o M h t m of Rebrkah. At the r<'<*nt session in l o m s of

the firand I^odge, I. O O. F.. the

AWTTJ. l / . s s o r i . t rp . L m r o o s . March 8.—A dispatch re-

oelved h e f t a u t e s tha t t h e Brit ish (Junta , which sailod f rom Acs-

th i s Sta t^ th is year .N almost total ly de- follov lagoff iners were obosen; Charles stroyed. and the * in te r a beat is badly . H. Haskias. Jackson, grand mas-dsmaged. ^ ter: (ieorge H . Shearer, Hay City.

T b e news from t h e Son th sens t indi- 1 deputy grand ma t t e r ; H. H. Heinmaa, cs tcs great suffer ing of ca t t le in t b e ^ Xegaunse, c rand warden: E. H. Whit-Cherokee str ip and in the s e s t e r n par t ney. l-ansin?. grand secretary: B. D.

i of t h e State. Cold w r s t h e r so la te in ' Pn tcha rd . Allegan, grand t reasurer ; t ra l ian p o r u for London, has been lost i t h e season was not expected and feed j H. w Kroater , f h a r l e v o l i , representa-a t a a a . The number of penwna drowned t a » been oonsomod. Msny h t n d r e d i Uve to sowre ign grand lodge is a o t defiai tely knowr., l « i U e dis- bead of ca t t le hsve a l ready died, and patch ssy» that a foa r fu l number pci^ should the h l i t i a rd oonUnue a few d a y s isbed I os t t lemen say the l<ms will he as g rea t

T h e repnr t of the loss of t h e Br i t i sh I as tha t sustained e igh t years a g o s teamer Quet ta Is cenf lnned at Lleyds. j The situation in Morton. Stevens and T b e advices r e t e l v d there s t a t e t h a t 164 ! Hodpemsn oeuat ies is p i t ishle . T h e l ives were lost . T h - s t e s t n w s t ruck a i authori t ies here have a measag# rock not shoK-n on tbe clmrt at • o'clock i freni the ooentv commissioners of Fr iday night near Somerset , In the Torres strai ts , a t t h e no r tbe ra ext rem Uy of Aus t r a l i a s n d sa.nk in th ree miao tes . T b e Q u e i t a was a vessel of t , t M tons burden.

A dispatch from Brishann. Queens-land, says t h s t t b e Q u e l ' a bad SSO souls on hoard, of whom n o wore saved, in-cioding the captain and several offioers.


Nxw Om.t n vh. March 1.—Tbe ievees ef t h e F i f t h I Louisiana d is t r ic t a r e be ing sorely pressed by t h e wind and water, hu t the people in cha rge bel ieve t h a t they will bold. A repor t ws« brought to town last n igh t of t h e killiTig in Chicot County. Ark., of two whi te men a a d a negro who were caugh t cu t t i ng

A pr iva te levee i s Oak B'-nd. fifteen miles below Vicksburc, * as broken by t h e storm T h u r a d a r s f t e m o o n . The T. J . Wil l iams and Newton Landing p lan ta t ions are orerflowed in eonse-quenoe, and t b e Oak Bend, Diamond and Freelands p lan ta t ions are par t ia l ly ianada ted .

Acyclom caused considerable damage a t CarUiage. Miss.. Thursday. Tbe •onrt-honse was first s t ruck and t b e espola , ohiiBiieys snd roofing carried • w a y . Severaj resld-nm-s wore demol-ished, including tha t of C. P. Brennan. Tbe Breansn family , con-osf n c of t h e husband, wllo s n d four children, were buried in t h e debris. All were severely hur t , ou t ot tbe cbl 'drcn h a d u g since d i ed of Us in jur ies .


Stevens s t s t . n c tha t the i r g r ea t e s t and most pressinc nee,l is for fuel . Tbe fue l has all been consumed, and t h e in-tense cold has caught many people who have a scanty supply of pnovtaiona without f u e l Most of the suppl ies sent to tbe distressed dis t r ic ts h s v e consisted of corn and flour, and now t h a t it has been reoeived there is no fuel to cook i t a iUi . The sei- t ioomost in need of aid is f rom fifty to 100 mi les from railroads. Tbe d i s t r l b u t i a g c o m -mi t tee in Stevens has had ou t many wagons and agents looking a f t e r t h e poor, but tbe oold is so intense t h s t i t is impossible to mak»- long driven

In the northwe-stem part ol S t e m s County Sam Woodsdale. his wife and three children were found dead Thursday. Two men — I ra Oan-field and Henry Wedd — who lived in the western iiart of t b e county were also found v i r l ims of the bliaiard. I t is believed S C Campbell was caugh t in the storm Wednesday night and per-ished while t ry ing to reach Woodsda la He has many f r iends and re la t ives nea r Zanesville, O. In Morton County two deaths have been reported. Effor ts a r e m s d e to supply relief as in S tevens County.

A boiler in t h e bath-room of t h e bar-T H E P A N - A M E R I C A N S . ber-shopof Hall * Naffle at B ig Rapids

T h . Coiifrrooc at Wa.hmeto. . Win Freb- e^pioded recrn t ly , fatal ly In ju r ing Joe ably Anieer , EnrtT In «pr t l -* i ; Oou .u , Sh iw . e m p l t r r r t in t h e sh^p, and s tcn-or sever. I tmpnrtt.wi R r p s n s . ] lilng F r e J S f a r n s who was tak iag a WawrnwiTns, Ma-^-h 8,—The de lo - ;b» th at the t ims . The p a r J t i o n he-

gates to the Intem.. ' ,onr . l American ocfti- twecn t h e halb-rofim and shop was badly ferenoe a r - b. p n n l n t r to t a lk abnut .demoraUi / 'd . windows were hadly sbat-llnal adiournmcnt, »h lch will p - e h a t l y 1 * w « d a n d a big bole was blown t l^ough — — • — 1 v " — t t o floor t a the h a n k over the balh-aoom

The S ta te c m v - n l i o n of Dauphters of Rehekab a a s a l e o in session Mrs. M. A. Dowling, Weat Bay City, presided. The secretary. Sarah Gamer Millard, re-ports 5,1.00 member s and US lodge*, a gain of l.J>(Ki members and S9 lodges in Michigan. Mrs. R. D Cain, of looia. was elected p r e s i d e n t

Health to Mlrhirmn. Reports to t b e S ta te Board of Heal th

by fifty-nine observers In different part* of the S t a t e tor the week ended February sa indiutxed t h a t measles, consumption of t b e lungs and u.fiam-matlon of the k idneys Increased, snd cholers morbus, typho-mslsrial fever, typhoid fever, d iphther ia , hif lammatio-j of t b s boa-els and pneumonia decreased in a r e a of prevaleaee. Diphtheria was reported a t tweots^six piaoes. soarlel fever a t thirly-wne, typhoid fever a t th i r teen and measles at thir ty-two places

A * « « • » . to rb»riUm. The a-ill of t h e l a t e John & Miner,

the re t i red Detroit lumber merchant, was filed fo r probate t h e o ther day. I t disposes of a l a rge esvate, est imated a t upwards of $700,POO. Mr. Miaer leaves h is widow $iD,00ft, a n annual allowance of (8.000, and l i * homestead a n d house-hold^ifcv.ts. Bishop XVorthington re-oeivesAiaooo lo r aar ry ing on church week in Nebraska, and tbc remainder of the e s t a t e is bequeathed to various obarl table ins t i ta t ions .

«*o Ceeeeet lret rolltltilao m ai r* I-BWW, Away la New Harao.

J i t w H s v r * , Oonn. . March Ex-Governor J ames Edward Engl i sh d ied a t h i s residence in t h i s city Sundsy. E a r l y last week be oontrncted a ssvere oold which rapidly developed in to pneu-

Ue was 76 years of age and a widov. a n l one son.

fOennral Enrllsli bart a aatlnual rapatatloa da polllloal and Uuasclal droit-. In 4110 he . a w slaatMl u> Coiurrvss. unit waajwoleoled tn

aaullurii a il.lru unmluatinD. In IMT hs Oovcnor ot Counrctlrut ovnr Boa,

K Hawley, aufl was twice u Ueea-& KHS he waa Kirrobura tiy Oovnrnor

IngnTSoIl to IUI tbe vanancy Is the TfnlteA B»n«a Senate eauHsd St the Heath ot Hon. a t . rmry Kr. Eaetttb lew--, arammecf

and •l.oau.oni At tbe time .a rh la Jastb he waa prmldiuu or aireotor In

bwilu* % LUnitMtr ol WTnifa^tiH^ J

A F A M I L Y W I P E D O U T .

Father, Mother and Two Cblldroa Mur-dered by Indian Torrltory Ontlawa.

KAXSAS C m ' , M a . March 1.—The Globe's Oklahoma iiud. T. I spi .uialsays: "Newa f rom Shawnee, a town th i r ty

of t h i s mty. says t h a t dnnd Iwrtit.s of a man named

bis wi fe and two nbiidrvu were found Thursday a few miles wes t of Shawnee. T h e y had been working on the new Choctaw railroad and wore ve tunuug to t he i r claim a few mi les fzom this .oity when they were k i l led ,

i t is supposed lor t he i r money, by t h e aatlaa-a t h a t l a tes t tbe Pot tawatamle •TMarvaUon. The re is no elew to t b e

take place ahout ApriL Near ly a i l tbe committees h a v e made the i r seporta and several of them have a l ready been adopted. The oorrrmttee on monetary convention will make two ra-ports, one of whinh wili seoojumend the coinage of a common silver do l l a r so ba t b e legal tend-'r in oouimerr^al trassno-l ions between the oitid-ns of the sev-e ra l na t ions The o t h e r report, prepared and presented by Mr. Oooiidce of the United States de legat ion , will recom-mend tbe issue of certif lctsn- by t h e United States upon any bull ion tha t may be d e p o s e d in the Uni ted Sta tes Treasury by the cituceus or a u t h o u t i e s of tbe Central a n d South Amaritian States. These reports a r e l « t h in the bauds ot tb" pr in ter aud Will be submitted for action very soon. Tbe n - ^ i r u . of tbe oonunitxer on railway communiuatieu. sani tary ragulations and weights and mcasurss have Imen a l ready adopted by the oon-forence, while tbc reports of tbe oom-mitcee on patent , and trudc-marks and in ternat ional lau sr.- ri.gular orders lor t h e consideration of tbe couferenue.

MlntoUT N t w Yoiiii. Feb. 2K.—The United

Stati 's sW'amt-r £nt>-rpriae, from the European stat ion. brinB-'nir rbe body ol George H. Ptaidieum. laie 1 ni t"d a t a t s s Minister to l ler lm. oas.e to uimhor ofl Twenty-six tb street, in the Nor th river. Tburmiay afierii '.oii. 'Jibe body «f ex-Mlals ter Pendleton will Iw brought ashore to-day.

Noin-uMUMl f.» VMnuor. DES MOIVKS, ]»., March K —S.

Ba tUe Greek obailonges a n y city in t h e UaiMd S t a t M ef 1K«00 inhabi tan ts t o abow t h e following reeord: Every rent of t axes aiwessed in B a n l e O e e k for the w i n t e r of has been paid, and t h e d t y t r ras i t rer has rt tunted a clean Ux-roll . Besides th is tbe city has paid th is win ter $s,oo<i principal on t b e school indebtedness .

flhnrt bat TTrm«. Be ports from all over the State show

t h a t maple troos a rc ready lor tbe sugar-maker .

Sebast ian Sommer was spotred by a hay-fork n e a r Bay City recent ly and died from the efffeets of tbe in jury .

Two Insurance policcs on t b e l i f e of John B. Lead better, of Bay City, hmount ing to f 1 LOO(s expired a few days he fo r t h is dea th recently.

The Sou thwes te rn Michigan Fair As-sociation wi l l ba ld i t s spr ing m e e u a g a t Klhree R i v e r s f m m J u a e 1J to J u n e CO

The Boom Company of Muskegon recently sold the t u g I raO. Smi th to tbe Barry Bros, for 85,000 Tbe host will l»e UHod in Chicago traffic.

3'be City Council of Bollaod has ap-pnopr ta t edbLioo for dredging ihe har -bor, tbe work to be done in March.

Oeorgs H. J a c k s , s n ex-deputy United "Stases marsha l of Muskegon, was re-cent ly aen t t o Jackson prison for Bve years on a charge of larceny.

Moses T h r a s h and A. G. Collar fel l into the s h a f t of the new coal mine at •iebowaing tbe other day and wore

TO Mmrlu HmmuWm TarllT NEW YUUK, Feb. 28.—The Htatament

Is tulngruphed from Ottawa t h a t t h s Canadian customs u r i f f is to be re-vised. T b s .most u u p u r t a n t change esld te be projeoied Is an increase of from fllty to seveuty-llve mints a barrel of t h e duty o n whf^ t ; also the removal -of t h e duty on corn.

A'4 for the rarniora. •PITHKK, K. D.. Feb. 28.—The South

Dakota Legislature bus passed a law providing f o r she rel ief by the oom-mlssioners of t h e suvural countias of fa rmsrs dosti tuto of secdrgtaln by fur-nishing not to exceed seventy-five busbulB to euiih person who applleu lor aisii tanco.

A Cosily Blaao. CHIOAOO, March 1.—A tlisostrous con-

flogrstlon visited the l i t t l e to-.m of Kuu-sington. 111., at an early h o u r th is morning, wtp'mg out a large section of t b e businoss portion of the town. A damage o ' DBarly VAO.UBO was done be-fore the Oamcs could lie cheeked.

T W O M E N K I L L E D .

-«MB1 WTWIII OK tlie Tolotf- a A us a rbor Head at tthturm, Mlak.

ITHACA, Mich., March 1.—A wrcck oc-j ourrod here a t 7 o'clock Fr iday m u m l n f

oa t b s Toledo A Aun Arbor rai l road. Oas iMfcrh t t ra in ran i u t o t h e r s a r end •afraaortsr , A i l l i ng Conductor J . Ba r igh t m U tbe AMmaa, V i l l i a m Farroll , of

i l n f t o e o r Boadin? was s o h a d -i ayda ju r ed sba t h e can not recover and Awe of t b s ssaluoion wore b td ly In jured,

' but not f a t a l ly . One engine and a iozon ear* •wore dlsablpd.

I a TWaoiiorV «iMpiiiiito C««p, OBCATO*, -Ind., F e b 28. — Bohert

1 Bompsey, sent to tbe Michigan City peni ient i s ry by t h e circuit court of

, Adams County in charge of Deputy Shorifl Lotvuiu usuapud by leaping from a a Er ie A Wosiorn passctigor train be-twoon S a p b w t o r and Plymouth. T h e

| t r a in was l u a n l n g a t the r a l e of tb i r ly i m i l e s a a -hour. No tracus have been i found of h i m .

4 TS

A Mlssr'a Ii»"tl. by S t a m l l o a . BOSTON, March 1.—Chsrles T u f t , a

fami l ia r Qgurv ahout Cambridge street , died Friday f rom tho eBscts of s tarva-tion and improper earn. He was an eo-centric mlsnr and l e f t some W0.000 In gold and snmiritlos in a cupboard tha t was h a r e of bread.

A llu.l Wro.'U. BWIIK, 111., Feb. 96.—A Milwaukee A

S t Paul f re ight collided with a slock train a t Salt Crnok Thursday morning. Twelve earn of tbe stock train were de-molished, much stock killed, two por-BOBS fatal ly Injured and two boys badly h u r t

rorinpd * Cumblnv. BOSTON, Ma/uli 1.—A oombiuation of

al l the g ran i te eona . rns in New Eu-f ' - r . a lo. um-u in wins mty yostorday. and it wus decided to pay for all work by the hour aflur May 1.

" I um Sir Oruole, unU -whe.. ' . ojien my lips let no dog burit." I nm a henefnr tor lo the huoian race, gruator tlmu he w ho bus taken cities, hullt roniln anil nuule the l iuhtning tospeak , 1 have done more thiin these, 1 have killed pain, and my iimne-is Hulvutluti -Oil,


Mm. Oharles Oreenwood, of Indinn-had what'tliG'dootorR'culled, a»-

ms , hut she gut little relief unti l BIID took Dr. Mile's new titmi, which soon made her lone winded , stopped the |iam in chest, Bwolllng of ankles , cough, .pai-piiatlon, etc, F-iUl a . To i t e r ft Looks. '

W. W. Aalrr'i. Urrat IVmlth. VUIIK, Fob. 28. —Tbe admlsslonto

jwohaWof the w i l l ol the lute John Jacob Aslor makes W Uhun; '.Valdoi-t Aator the aaealtbisstounn t n America, if n o t in t h e

; world. T b e e s t a t e s of J o h n Jacob Astor a n d William Waldorf Astor, consol-idated by Wodni-sdoy's pnsieedlng, are believed to be eqtilvaUmt to vory near ly gOfrCTOteB iper bu 1300,000.000.

Jtumorad t ^ p t n r r of Hlln.tl, PORH.ANII, Ore., March 1.—A r e p o r t

reached here Fr iday ovuuing tha t Sheriff Delger, of Win look, had arrested Sil-

! cott, the dofaul t lng uasbier of the Ser-' jroant-at-AiuiB of the Uouso, at Tolorto,

• town on the l ine of the Nor thern Pa-cific railroad between bore and Tacoma.

in t b e Senate of t h e United States.

toui i* t.liioolu live*. CHICAOO, Feb. 28. — Young Abraham

Lincoln, son of Mr. Rolur t T. Lincoln, United Sta tes Minis ter l o i . r ea t i l r i tain, who was roponed in cablegrams to Chi-cago papors to hsve died s t London Thursday night , s t i l l lives.

T H E M A R K E T S .

N««r Voas. Maroh 1 LTVE B7CK-:iC-Cholor Sicon. , N A. « A IB

FliOuS—Uiwu to Obnlr.' Pateou

WireAT-.Ku.S Hrd (I. o, b.l.. Way

0Oini-3io.lt White OATK-Vo t Whtlo MVE-WiMUirn POUK—Now Jli-s. LAHD-flwmi CHEUSE •ft'OOL—Kuaiv.alc

f.'iru A'.ifi BBEVSB-Stalppuu- su-uro

1>>W, Suwliurs PaeOen. . . . . . . . . . . BaUhoM' b'.-ors Hulls

nnfiS—LIVU—CUKHI to Cliulr.t. SHEEP 'JUITTfX-CroaiiieT^

i.oot to Cbi.tci- Hair}' EOOR—Piesh -S B O O U OOICS—

Hurl Balbwoikiai; Orookea.

Uulux a round ihr World. •BOSTON, March K.—(ieorge Francis

Tra in l e f t t h i s uity ut m i d u i g h i i a a t n igh t for a t r ip uround tbe world, which h e expects to complete in s ix ty days.

The I'Mllurt* l lrrnrd. Yonu . March 1.—The hualuess

fa i lures througbout t h e country mport-cd u r to VrU'ty i-imil«'red 1101, ugiilust 271 last week.


Sick Headache. Dyspepsia, Indigest ion Oomitipution, 2fir tier box, li boxes lur $1. For sule by l i J N T i .H 'JNTEB.

l luokloir . A r u m n a l . . .

F A l T S W O U T f l K N O W I N G .

In all diseuses of Ihe iiasul muoous tnenibrane ilie remedv used muut Is.mon-irriiHtitia. The roedloal profeniion Ims lieim slow to learn this. Nntli inu sntis-

j fiicion- nan 'M- Hccc.iii|>li~i.ed with The Best BAEVE in t h e world for c u t s , ' douches, snuffs , powil.-n. or syringes

; BruisaB, Sorea, UlcerB, Sal t BbouTn, Fe-1 IM-CIIUSC they are till irritnthiR, do not vor Son* , Tot ta r jOlmpi iedf landB, €h i l - thoroughly reach the ultented s u r f s cue blaius. Corns, a n d al l Sk in Erupt ions , snd should be abnnioned ns worse than a n d p w i t l v e l y a u m i PUes, or n o p u y re- i failures, A mul t i tude of pemons who quired. I t iB«uurut i leed to give porlent hml for yenrv h o m e all t h e worry and satiflfactiou. or money re funded . Pr ice j pou. thut c s t a r rh oan infliot, testify to Sfiomus per bo* Pur sule by H u n t & I MKIICHI cures wrniuglu by Kit 's O v a m H u n t e r BALCC.

Ki'su v,-, of Lucas County, late camiidaie j t i l b d . Be th were marr ied men for Lieutenant- i iovcrnor , wasnominav f l j ^ ilson Pat terson was dangerously Saturday n ight by the I>emoeratic joint 1 mounded in a f ight with Sam Crother a t legislat ive caucus tosucceed Mr. Allison 7,11 w a n t ee t b e o ther evening,

Will iani Brother ton. of Ba t t l e Creek, claims to lie 10a years old.

Tbe Epwur tb Leagun. tbe new y o u u t .people's society of uic Methodist Eplsco-7ial chiirob. i s grow inc in Michigan very rapidly.

A Decatur yfttrth b i t a railroad tor-pedo wi th a hammer recent ly to see if i t would go riff; it did, and s o did a par t of the young exper imenter ' s Jaw.

The bouse of oorrection a t Detroit e v o o d $1.'..1W) more than expenses last year. a a d Sin.OOO of k b u a m o u a t has been p a l d t a ^ h e oity t roasumr .

An asmirnment was recent ly made .by t b e Oebhard Paper Company, doing business a t Dotvoit.

In a reoent Qgbt bctweca Stanley March and Mi l 'on Jlailey. u?ou about 14 veara each, a t Gregory, t h e la t te r was f a t a l l y s t abbed .

Marshal Malam, of Three filvotv who kil led a t r a m p some weeks srro while t n s l c ingan nrrcs*., has been he ld for trial lor mu-dor iu the sum ol 51,500.

At Iron Uiiuntain rccuntly A. John-son walked into a shaf t on t h e soound level and fel l -eighty fee t and was in-s tant ly k i l l e d

The Cold watorCar t Company at Ceild-water recent ly mortgaged Its p l an t for

for the beneCt of orcditors. George Ciliary, a J a m hand noar Hil ls ,

dale, rooou-od u r a a r e c o n t l y t h a t by t h e death of an unole in Canada b s had fal len h o i r t o C104UM1

Alexis Cotjtiillard. the million iu re manufaemre r of South Send, Ind., died recently in the sani tar ium In Ba t t l e Creek.

During a rooottt blizzard nt Hsncook the large carr iage works of C . M e i t e wore burned, a n d tbe busiucss par t of itbe town Jus t esuaiMid destruction by uhanoe

A t tUHifwxiut ineeunir <u sne super iu-teaduDts of t b e poor at Big Uapids i t was a s k e d if there were any old sntdiers in tbo poor-liougos of t h e State. Hills-dale rrpi.rUHl tbreh. Isabella four and Mecosta one. lieasuus were givun why most of these were not in the SoldiorE' Homo

K.-erything Iu tht- Imest aud nohbiuHl Bt thv of piuitiiigs and suitings a t Smith ' s The mosl fastidious cannot luii to IM' sui ted

MRK—VnM LAED-Bt.am .FiiOI'U- VS'huut 1'utuuU . . .

Winter PuU'Uts . Ilshc.r*' StralKliis

OIUrK—Whuut, Nil. 1- oasli .. C.im, No. 2 Oota No t'caali atye. No a oiuh Bi.rli'v, Nn ii Niirtbwestiiru.

Lt'MIIKfi-(^ininii.u Iire-KHd Sldlnr KloorUiR Cunimi.n llnards fVliclov Lath HUimloa

KANSiVS CI'lT. OATTLE—fti—rs....

Btookur.. und Kocd.-i, BOOS—All RruOeh

Hulk aUEEl ' - l lmi

Utookcra anu h: u-r-OMAHA.

CATTLE -Host Uiilluiii. .


i ITOl (cl7W ai in £:«« oo I;I ui « in eo 11 Ml (M4 00 « a. at i » f e e ttfau

K1 Bl «t 4 D VU fell 41 a w s TTU a 7 » t S ' « « 8 ii mi a i-i, c w a, 4 a,

•B tO C -i 10 >11 41-4 Ift

r. hi a i t

HOME FOOLISH I ' E ' i P L E Allow II couch In run until It get- lieyoml ihe reach ol nieiliuii.i. Tlu-y often SHV " O h it « i l l w a r nwny." but In iiitstt cases it winn- them away Otitlld <hey IM- indui-ed to try the fUcocsMI tnedi nine culled Keiop't- HIIIKIIIII, which if sold on a iKisliive guar-uitee to cure, t h e y would iuililfdiepily see the exoelluut of-fset a f t e r tuk inc the llwt dose. Pr ice BOo. and $1. Trud size frte. At all dniggistu.













I s T E W

Lumber Yard. FRED MISSES,



Yard at r ea r of Train's Hotel .

L o w e l L M i c h .

O M A S ; . L A W S T E R ,

ru •fiarTon cw

n a t i o n a l h o t e l . S e t r H - Q . H I K R^WT.

Fir.! CI*'- Isiarfl snrt Rikinikat

u > . r y a u j Ferd s m a l l la O

T o I n v a l i d a n d W o u n a e d

S O L D I E R S ! Tie u : •iiTsifned »t request of tnMiy

|- InvcJid SMiiCtitn, has qualified and i-een u d i n m e d u* practioe

j m t h e

Interior Department , 1 \ra all t h e I c renus thereof and i« now

FIEIUI IS PTDSBCZK Claims, i b o s M h a t a u t y heent iUed to PEN-

M O S a n d BOUNTY.

M I L T O N M . P E R R Y .






E T C .

f o r the Balance of February.

W e intend to sell al! our Gloves and Mittens and have our stock d o s e d out before Feb. ist , if we have to


A W A Y !

Hog Skin Gloves, Calf " " Mittens from Gloves "


S E E .

75c to $1 50 to 75c 20 to 75c

25c Up

M i l t o n M. P e r r y , A t t o r n e y A C o u n s e l o r a t L a w

Train't Hall Slack, - Uwell, Mich.

>|..-< ial brtei.noii p v e n to Oollectifmt O m w j - a t i c i n p , Ixiaus and Sale

ol i^«il Estate.

F R A N K C . A L G E R .

A t i o m o * n t L n - w .

C o i k c t i o n s G i v e n P r o n p t A t t c n d o s


A M ) I S . - i n t A S C E V H T T A S .

r Innu IHwk. — I O t T E l u M i c a


F O R E M A N & T A L B O T . PP.OP'S, Onlerf tor r-a^Hiureir or Bacmin- loft at Train'a

Hotel. I'avis Boiwr nr tl.e Bun Ttarn will rrcelve |irimi|ii niu iiUim.

AT J.E.LEE'S HEAT l A i l E I On il.r llriAgn, will alwava br fnunfl tbr

QbalOHilt ruu. nf llli«!, PUh and I'oul. tn- In their I«.MKI.II«. at ITicea

AIwk3> lieiuioiial.le. J . E . L E E . - Lowell, Mich.

A. Fisher & Co.

Western Michigan

Business C o l l e g e < £ 8 T A B L I S K E D 7 YEARS. )

(ihenard-Hartman Building, - Fountain St.



Book-Keeping, Short-Hand, Telegraphy, Pen-

munship and Business Forms.

J. IT. L E A N , attf. ni iNnn'AL




C H .PEARSON & C9.*~

—• B A L T I M O R E . Mp.

Subscribe to the JC^URNAL

' for some friend at a distance.

P I S O ' S C U R E • F O R B E S T C O U G H M E D I C I N E .

R o c o m m c n t i c d b y P h y s i c i u u s . Ci i r t fe w h e r e al l

e l se ful ls . Ple i is iui l a n d o g r e c o h k t o t h e tas ic . C h i l -d r e n t a k e it w i t h o u t o b j e c t i o n . Sulci h v ull d r u g g i s t s .

C O N S U M P T 1 O K

Page 2: LOWELL JOURNAL.lowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1890/03_March/03-05-1890.pdf · LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. Office la Train's Opera House Slock. Three Cents Per Copy VOLUME

L O W K L L J O U R N A L ; W E D N E S D A Y M A R C H 5 , 1 8 9 0

B u s i n e s s C a r d s . L O W E L L J O U R N A L


JU W. VOOKO. Phx«lrl»n mill Rnr- ! , i con . OflJce orer Y«t®r * I ' ok'« "tot*.

Oc. MrDAJCSELU M D.. rtijrtnwj and . ?ar*TOO. Offlcc 46 Dtldft St.

MC. ORKKSF M. U , Pl.jnl<n»r anl 8ur-• feon. Offlor over ScotnUarlware.

Wr . BROOKS, r h j t l d a n and Sat-Ktmn. Ufflre orrr M. RUI> D"« tlorr

Offlce Houn -8 to 10 a. m., t to 4 and 7 to f p. m.


M U M D S M T V M N S U T , AT

L O W E L L , K E N T C O . , M I C H . — n —

C H A R L E S Q U I C K .

S u b s c r i p l l o n $ 1 . 0 0 a Y e a r .


XLBERT JACKHOX. Altornrjt fnd goUd-tor. Orerbowrll Sutooal Bank.


BG. WILSON. Contractor and bulMer . Bnadrpcr JT Hud n o LowU. Mich,


JO. SCOTT. Hardware. Baih Doot* anl . Glaaa. Bulldrrt Hard«air a tpeclallr.

Opyodt. For**t MIU;.

UHN GILES £ C ioaa. Orockarr, *c.

dcCABTY, Bank Block

Local budnM Itenu 5 cenU per line each In-•ertlun.

Ureal tdrrrtltemnitf al (Utate price* Cardi of Thanks M cenU each, racardlcai ot

the number ot ttoea. All Itenu Intended to boneflt any ooe'i bud-

noaa will be charted for at adTenUlnj ratea. Rraolutiont ot coodoleoce. 11.50. Marriage, death and birth natlcea free.

' Card* In Directory Column, f l par line per 1 rear. ! Carvlt ot I In. In Pirectory, fJ per year. I Ratm tor larger adrertiietnrnU made known

at the offlc*.

| OHM GILES A CO., Orooerte* and PtotU

.«eC ABTY. Wboleaule and ReUll tlrocer.


O v e r F o u r t h N a t i o n a l B a n k , Canal Street Telepbone So. 40:.


u « o r . a i w . • w a i a . u i . ' U H U N T & D A V I S ,

Abstracts of Title, Real Estate, Loan and General Intunnce Agentj.


w» ». TJTxn. CEO. cui rurro*. r i i x i W aurx

TateDm, ClappertoD & Hine. COUNSELORS AT L A W ,

ornca: G R A N D R A P I D S .

75 Lyon St. Court Block. M I C H . SMaal Atteotloe to Probate Butloea

State OaBmlMI »

D r . E . D . M c Q U E E N , Resident Teterlaary Sunru i . ,

aradnate ot Ontarto Wtennaiy tvlh**- TMOO to Canada, protn^nitl l ;

AlUsds to all Di ieues cf H e n i i a r i Cattla Boepltal tor Lame and Waraaed HOTM. CalU

will noMre prompt attentloo n«hl or *1 -r O r n C K AT P E R R I V 8 UTKKV MARS-

s . p . H I C K S . A t t o r n e y , t x w i n s C o l l e c t l « > i i - i i n d

I D H U r a n e e .

MONEY to LOAN on REAL ESTATE SECURITY In iDim ot r s » and upward* M


L O W E L L . - HICH.

H E N R Y N. S T O N E , I n s u r a n c e A g e n t ,

O t f i c r wi th B o w n c , C o m b * ^ S i r i k c r ,

L O W E L L . M I C H .

••ullriM Wnt l en at . the. L««e«t Pilee«.

. j B . . H E . R B B H T ,


H n e S a i l s , O v e r t c a i s a n a T r c : s e R

J lral IKwr W « I Eiprr— n « . » -

P B G K H A M ' S


For Cold*. Cw««fca. l l oa t»e r r . . « (..•op-loc Touch. Crwap. Sh'.wld br liaind la rrery booaeboM IVaiai-t. S»fe "TtaU. Always rrly ufoc it tor CtaUiwV T W and ' j k c Troobe«. Cota iM po op*aK». «k«» aT»*.tla. tbr da«rrmo» rftrrt o(l«. i«ul«t« -fc^ niziare* prrptreo f.* »iutt»ar* l"rtuM-t«s Ka»*lbe l-blldrwn. a bntjlr t/vday You ma) orrd n to iu»hi Sold bj all Dnmhea.

F I F T Y D O S E S 2 0 C E N T S .

m m

" lymmiKd yee ewli lh* —W*** <rt*% to < Ka ' »• Par t l aaa .

m s x m SOLD 15 LOWELL BY



YEITERd LOOK. V B t < 4 H . u n .



the Cure

E L Y ' S C R E A M B A L M

Ciezn&cs t h e N a s a l l ' a t» .agr t . A -lays I n d a m a t i o n . H e a l s t h e S->'e-. R e s t o r e s t h t Senses of T a t e . Smel l a n d H e a r i n c -

A ^at«<le U a j p l i r ^ l B t a rack Beatrtl and U *xr . r»bj» . P r t rvMe . a* I>rwc£l»U mt by Mail. ELY KE THEBfi. SI W a m r St . Srw )wk .



I « Juiuic T n Caica-c o L u . i Nr«. <

r t a n a t Wtat i r rn -j W . rrj.f a , ! tiit . Um.V*i--nae h-vr -•/ Til-, i u all Tbe •mrmci o*• ja r r i r r .n, iwio« in T M DULT N.W AaS stra. ym omj : »« l a

ial.tn.n« Do . i N t . J UR W , . J , _ . T

U till BS.!: * Ti. •Ittnelt ^ : . . . . t l k , ^yity iif nt

a r a B M e n o t v , -M- ,!,£ a c m l ^ mi l i

i . Cra tes a o b t s A


completed its firbt yea r of t h e conduct of the affaire of this nat ion and it !l a good t ime to t a k e a retrospective view of the way th ings have gone. In the eloction tha t placed the Republican par-ty agnin in power, the people pronounc-ed against the f ree t rade acts of the for -mer adminintrat ion a c d in favor of a cont inuance of the policy of t h e Hopub-liran Pa r t* aa ilMimmatrated by their

twenty-f ive years rule. Has it followed t b e diction of those w h o returned it to power? American honor, interests, and influence abroad have been looke 1 af ter . The questions left over f rom the la.-t ad-ministrat ion have bevn handled in a masterful way and by i u firmness in a»-»Tt ing its rights has restored security to the fishermen in t h e pursui t of their calling. Atfalrs in t h e B e h n n g Sea have r e n m e d their wonted serenity and violatiuns are becoming few and far be-tween. In t h e t rea tment with o ther Nations in regard to Samoa, this aduiin-istration had succeeded to a state of a f -fai is tha t were hard to overcome and yet , in less than three months a f t e r ii had entered oflice. it was successful in having the guvernment lestorvd and oa r rights conceded lo us.

The Republican Pa r ty declared for a roduction of t h e Treasury receipts to the basis of actual espendi tu rvs that a rijeid economy will j u s t i f y ; but tha t this re-duct ion must be made so as to give e f -fective protection to t h e products of la-bor. The President has reiterated, both in his inauguml and hia t i n t annual messages, this doctr ine, and the com-mittee on W a j s and Mmna has been en-d«aTuring lo enact it. Of course there is a diffeience of metliods, but none of gen-eral intention.

In tbe admiselon of the four new States it Itas only cumvdod to them their r i g b u , but a 'ben we remember that for four y t ^ r s t b e j had been knock-ing for admission and it haa been denied them, the contras t is glowing in favor nf the |•resent adinmis t ra t ion , while otb^r TeiTi:ories a re mak ing pn-parat iuns for an early appl ic i t lon for s tatehood.

Our Navy, which wa« th» only de-

p i r t m e n l tha t did not re t rograde dur ing the last a d m i n u t r a t i o n (which waa ow-ing to the chief ta inship being in t h e hands of a young man whose ardor they could not suppreos). is fa r t U coming one of the bent, as is te«tilied by the im-

prt*aion produced by ou r squadron now in foreign waters .

The Civd Service Act is finding s taunch eupportwn in th is admin i s t r a -tion and while it i s a beoefit for wbich the democrats c la im all prai<e. It wv .

originated by t h e Republicans, carried by them and signed by a RepuMlcan President, Chester A. Ar thu r , who also ap|<ointed t h e first commission under

the preeent Act . Mr. Pendleton, a prominent democrat , mt ro luce-l the Act,

but did so. AS he had it appear in t h e records, "by request ,"

Taken all in all the record of the first year 's work is all tha t e j o l d bo wi-hed The confidence of t b e m a n u f a c t u n r is restored, the coun t ry seems to have en-tered up^n a n era of prosperity and con-ten tment u the order of Ihe d a y . W i t h tbe year past all a r e satUtied and the praspocts for the c o m i n c year a re br igh t .

FARM laborers in England nxnpla io that they cannot suppor t themselres and ihose dependent on them on the wages -bey are receiving and are asking for an increase. They now ge . t lng from 9 to 10 tb i l l ingt <f3.25 to 50/ per week and ' boarding ihemselves." They ask for a n increase in wages to per wee t . How would t h e f a n e laborers of U k h i g a n like to work fo r per week and pay for the i r own board. E d g i n g and wa«h inf?— Ddroit TnlTaic.

To Wkot Ha— l - » -There baa arr ived f m t u Alexandria al

Livrrp-.-l. by tbe •teatu.-r P.iarus. a con-• ignment of nesr iy twen ty loos of cats, numbering aocne ISO.OW. taken out of a a auciect sub^ -na r . - i n cau" cemrlery . dis-covered about 100 miiea f rom Cairo by sn Egyptian fellah. He accidentally fell in io lbece joe te r r . ax td found ii complete-ly fillrd wiili cala . every one of which Lad been sepora t^y e i cb i l i o td ai>d dress-ed in cloth a f t e r lite manucrof Egyptian mummiea. and all iaid out in rowa Bpeomecs of (besr have la-m taken by Mr. Moore, cu ra to r of tb r U-.<-rp.xJ mu-seum, w b t r e tbey can be - » f i - In a a a e o t t imes tbe E ^ r p t i a n cal waa lur ied with ail Itrmors, Mil tbo*eor4>>i^md l/> Mrwra. LevingV«i A Co.. ol L i v e q c n l . a f ter be-ing pc rc l^sed iti K^rvjrt AI f l & M | * r too. will U.-used in lu icouuut ry f . « fertiiixing purp ise i .—Excbauge .

f cu led by laalialloa <—id. A well know n ftdenlific gentirtuan has

b t«s e r n e n m e s t i n g uti a metal tocrm-bling c -ld f o r nearly a year , and has oow got ii down a i m o a to perfection. He suimbied on it ax tird accidentally while anaiyzing socae metals, and when h s lealized wliat he had found be w e s t lo wort" and srion prrdoced a metal which purrie* tlae U s : of jewelers, it u heavy a - gold a n d to all appearances is the precioos metal iUelL When t b e gold una is applied to it t h e acid boils up a little, hot gives DO o the r evideuce tha t tbe metal is o the r t han gttid. and when wiped ofl no mark o r spot i« left, as is the case when ihe lest b applied to brass. I t can be m s n n f a r t u r e d a t a compara-tively small cor t .—Lotdoo Court Jncr -nsL

A Oxitf-oDlal TTlauw. Aoor.cding lo Kr . lL-<aot Jobono. a

Coontci icat wea r i e r observer, who h a t oceopiled a meieurcJogxal record m a s ing fa r back into tbe last c r a t a r y . Uiia it a tort of aeatennial aayac

" I have t-be rxvjrd at uurmt and |)te aealber (ut one bendred year> p t e t January waa much l i t e the January ' 4 !7M- Darin j; tbe mootii of Fcbniar t 1TW. tbere were toaow f a l b wbicb atuount-•d to aboui Jwrnly inches and ibe TtasbiT wss f i d — r e r r severb. l u j a a uaiy. :7VJ. r V t e « - j e t d j t i r e * d i v a . i u t oMd be tcrujod acid, wtalrr da / a .


bsethli pretty, traclle thing That sncoe bird has mads:

With what careful (aihiontof Every twlc was laid 1

Filled with happy son* by day. And by nlcbt with real.

Xo« t h bat that uaeleas thing— A dr»ert*d Beat!

Bee yon empty dwelllnf place; One* It waa a home:

Childrre's happy, dandr* feet In and out did come.

Now tlie curtains dose are drawn. Death hath been a curat;

There no *tep U heard; 'ill but— "A defc-rted Katl"

Wherr hare Down the Joyotti birds That the neat did woarsl

Tell me why. so fair a ptaee. Did IU inmalM lean?

Do they mna IU ahelterln* wall Wkass ihey look their rwtt

Do they line In udneas for Thrir d.werted nestT

Kay: on aroot and idadmse wlaj. Did Ihey take their Olfht;

Ear In minny lands they «inx Songs ut true delixbI:

Pitiful would be their cry. Sad each feathered beoast.

Should the; now be fcenid to seak Their deaertcd nest!

To the dear on«« "gone before" m m an earthly home.

Wait upon the "shining share" TiD we too shall come:

In that safe and bleat aboda. Sow t)vy *101! and rest ;

Would'st thou call them lack to claim Their "deeerted nrat?" - n ien Percy In Good Housekeeptag.




Blah Perfume, of Dainty llloaaoma That r i l l the Air Dartas Ihe SWOB of lea U UM Xortb—Sociable TaUehaaacaaa-Pat Nam as of FlorMa's Towns.

Every place of prominence in Florida has t s di-tinctive pet name, which is used by Its patrtotjc inhabitants nearly as often as ia IU proper geographical title. Fernandina is " tb s Gate Q ty , " Jacksonville "the MetropoHs," St. Au^tutine "the Anrieot City," Palatka "the Gem Otv ," Orlando "tbe rbenomenal CltT," Cedar Keys "tbe Florida Venice," and •o oo through a long catalogue. Tallahaaee is " the Floral City," or, to Include tbe full fomrala. "the Floral City of tbe Land at Rowers." Why this fonnnls is appropriate Is evident even in tbe depth of what by a poetic fiction is In Florida called "winter." Nearly every h-ose In the straggling, roomy town b bidden lo a tangled sob tropical m a n of trees, shubbt r j and vines, floating from whidi are (tringers of tbe gray Spanish moaa Tbe rich pert nine of tbc jestamines scant tbs peaceful inland air, and |h* brilliant Unaaosns of tbe begonias and oleanders born along tbs r r e e o and In tbe gardens; tbe rats rtaervs their rrimwui for February and tbe punctOi-out "Spanish bayonets," with their keen pocnls. guard for tbe later aunmer tbe secrst of Uy ir wonder ul white b«arta. Kull. even Ir the winter at i u diKOntent tbe Floral Q t y gives ample indications of tbe glonnos sum-mer before It snd tbe profosioo of i u food, partial gifts from our generoos Mother Naturs.

n o r m AID raoruL Tbe stranger within tbe gates of TaHabassee

b a t once imprtased with the social character of the citizens. It. as bs monters along ooa of tbe billy highways landing out into tbs "back country," bs chances to speak to a Floridian engaged in pruning a pearh orcbard, tbe native will laave his tree, d u n b the figxag ft-oce stretching along tbs road and sit in bospitabie dignity on its top«no.t rail. The Taliabaarao has hb opportunity now Hs Imparts • iformaUon in tbe most suave man-fc-r and wQl not let h b victim escape for half so boor. Should tbe dinner or tea UlTs ring-ing break in upon hb didactic conversatioa, be boapiiaUy insists c p n taking bis captive to tbs family aatmbly. If tbe cordial invi-tatioo be accepted, tbe visitor has a golden cbsnre to view tbe arcbitectareand domestic arrasgemeobof tbe quaint homesteads.

S xoe at the bnuses are bttle old style eot-lag»a, suggestive ot tbe green lanes and chalk bills of Kent, with queer gablta and deep domed windows, hidden brfeind mounticg rnaasss of shrubbery. Others are Lrick struct-n n s of ibe Doric style, with spreading porb-oos and while wooden pillars. Occassonally a rebc of tbe early French occupation may be sacn. built flush against the street, with Ur decaying porta oocbcre, loner court sad rear garden Oocaaooally, too, may ha a n a a blank aalied, dteaal buiidmg, with a a odd overhanging jalouba, the mocummt of itt Spanish conaructor.

In tbe realm of boues Ifery tb* spirit el Isbarr falre jv^sadea. Uospttalily b spca-tsneocs snd of the uneevess kind, but it k moor of s pleasure than of Ibe doty b often b a m o c g tbe thnf ty matrons of New Eng-land. for here tbe superviboa of ssrrsats b all that there b to tbe datba of tbe bocaewifa.

Anoent aboriginal legends and later tabs o f t b a S f a n b h ocmpatioa make TaUahassee as tooed plana Where tbe stale canbol, a formal itractnre of a n i g h t lines and prim anglr- with Doric eolmnnt, oow stands, ths Setninoieand YemasM ncbamsburied tbe hairbK and smoked tb* pipe of peace two ceotsr in ago. Here tbe Spanish iar»iers of their soil built Fort St. Lub, tbe nuns sf which are among the towo^scarkaitba Hers Andrew Jackson, after takiag formal pcasra-sion, ia ISn , of tbe newly ceded provbtce of Spain, placed tt* chief military post. Four nuba lo tbe cast b Lake Lafayette, lying la the midrt of a txrge tauto ot 0,000 arres, giitsi to the marquis in rscoguitioa of hb as-sistance during tbe rrrolnU m. To tbe west b the Marat plantatke, occupied until her deal t by the Priaoass Hurst , tb* daughter telaw of tbe One* cavalry b a t b r in UM Na poleonic campaigns, Joachim Moral, king of Saplta, and brocber-in-bw of tbe l i u b cor-porai. The grave cf tbe prtnoea can be sees •n tbe Epbcnpal eemetary.

Kxju rmcm TB* -BAC* ootnmnr." According lo the e e o n cf ISA, tbe popu-

lation of Ta^ahsssee was 1900, about AO per cent, being of shades ranging from i n V f h b ink to paaae cream. On Satunbys tbe pupo-iatioc doubles owia^ u ta* advent of asgross from tbe "back c o u t t r ; w b o coos to pur-c b a n provbi^xu for tbe msuing week. Tbe vtetorreome with abttSe mflk and booay, a few vegt«ables and f**ercc tn i After sell ing tbe»r fmda -a aad tuyiag gywvrbs. tbey view tbe crbau g k r b a TSey favw a nor-tberner wiih thetr esfadal coti&Miaa, and show much cariosity rrgarding nonhsra peb-b e s One Saturday afurn-xo rereojy a reoersWe darsry with gricdad wool m p s c v fully Aimed m* at a street c t n y r and ia-qtdrol if 1 knew Mr. Blaine personally. On reobving a negauve reply, be exdabaa l m

"Why. boaa. you does CUB from de n o r f r Bterde riders will be inturaatil t o k a r a

ths t in Tallahassn fa keeled oee of tbe three wbss idsbs <f tbctfata. It b a flc^rishiag erganiBtioc ef twdws a i e B b a a

T k o n g h T i n i k s m i faaCewdn— mfln to tbs north of tbeceuntbs (Putnam, Marion, Ottres, Hnmau io sad Paaro, powiag tbe basvicat crop) U orargss, y«c n snipa awaral tbomanl hoxea ansually. A Pstc.sn county grower vuiung at tb* capstal <MUmatas tbs crop of tbe flat* st boxes, or. in ru iad nnmberv IK.OUJM*-

Wbiiftim New Engbad sbfrers throvtgh Its anneal vtutabon cf pUar Uazanb , F k r Ida's nortbrrn tier cf eocoum fa reaftng wealth from its growth of rweet aad Irish

Tk* stae to whieb Irak potatoes grow ia this soil bsaeatcbing incmbUa S p e o w e s are . .•banai:., exhibatod wbkb c m barely bs ^unmfd inUia (ackmaaAra. Tn*reenjJaiat b a o t bJrxiaeMly made by Serf T o r t er^-bgnees thai tbe vegetsbks of uertain lots are too brge for tbr vade.—TiiHahaaase Ccr. Sew Ycr t Tribaaa

GO^U -even i\ c r - i ^A

Pr*, a f t l i as M a c Wad. I« fc . Kr-ars.il} l>~"«er»^ U s d w s . m I tweuM.

A c - n / m a o e waa bebi » ' ^ C r a n d Pacific t e ^ j r r i i y Le twenj t w o t^i inese noWetoeri arel l a o r r -presniubvev of t h e mining mtrhintrj Una <4 F r a w r A Cfaal-tD'rv. witij tbe ivsolt that Bruotiali 'AS were f i n u a l l t e m e n d into kiukiDg to l ist cooMrocuMi of a IKlHOamp mill ia t b e naooi .u in . at China. I b e n u ^ m t n Je ot tbe deal n ia r be u n d m b x s l a h t * h is ( i t e t « l that Use mill, with all i t . machla-e t y ai'd a p ^ ^ . U u o b t a , will oust not f a r j f r om U.WJ.'.W T b a s a m will i n d ode

l b * anrwaaana-

ment that such a ^i^antlc mill was to be built in Cliina astounded even the mcm-beni of the firm, well posted as they are in all matters port .lining to mining and mining machinery. They had no idea tha t there was enough gold iM/arinx rock In Cliina to pay for the erection of a ( t amp mill of any sira. They were in-formed by the Chini-sr noblemen thai there lias be«'n discovered in the hear t of China the richest and most extensive gold bearing lead in the world.

There is an old story in Chinese history to the effect that at one t ime, many cen-turies ago. there was t remendous excite-ment over the discovery of gold in the Tai-Slian. Bat a f t e r a t ime the gold gave out, and al though the industrious Celestials continued to dig for several years their profits were very small. Fi-nally the senrcli for Ihe yellow grains was entirely given up. The Chinese did not know very much about mining in those days. They did not know tliat by crushing the rocks and treat ing the re-sulting dust with chemicals the hidden gold could be released. Now they know all about the methods of gold produc-tion. Chinamen rushed




Forty Millions Spent la a Vain Effort ol Kxtennlnailoa—Heavy Daaiac* to Crops and Ifhaep—P.rrela. Waasals aud Btoata


"Tbe rabbit pest Is the greatest evil that has afflicted the Australasian colonist*," said Mr, J, W. Baker, who haa spent nveral yean In that country, "aud, perhaps, no greater evil has ever come upon any country. To

In this stale will have t o be so equipped by J a n . I . 1832.—New York Telegram.

I t ia said that more than 12,000 letters and manuscripts have have been plac-d in the hands of Col. W . C. Cliurcli, to l a used in making his biography of J o h n ! Er icss jn . This aeems almost incredible.

The Spanish have a proverb: " W o -mau loves with her ear, but man wi th ! his eye." Persuaf ive wooing captures a ; woman 's heart, while an a t i rac t lve ap-pearance conquerH the m m To re ta in man 's affection and s e c u m endur ing | happiness, a woman shou ld l i easchnrn i -ing in married life as in the days of be-witching maidenhood. He rcsp l lva t lng

ersdlcate It from New ZeaUnd has been the weapons are a fair and blooming com-1

A . R . H E N D R I X ,


S t e a m & H o i W a t e r H e a t e r s S t e a m F i t t ing a n d P u m p R e p a i r i n g ,

I R T I F I C I I L STONE WALKS, FLAGGING, ETC Any perscfii Intendlnt •«> lay walks, I

thine ' tfthata. '- will Ondlt lo their fntenal logs! my prlees

I V A I I work a t Lowest Living Rates, a n d Sal-isfautioa guaranteed. | I2

constant aim of the governinent and people, aad ths ways and means devised and put In operatinn to tbb end have been unnierous and ingenious. A rabbit department has been established in the government, with a superintendent in charge, local boards have hem created and private enterprise* have been aft oo foot, all having one common object in view—th* axtermlnatkio of the rabbita.

"The sheep fanners of New Zealand were principally from England, and wars food of

to California j the ways of tbe old country, and It fa said dur ing the gold excitement and a few y e a n later rushed to Australia. They re turned to their homes with money and knowledge.

About tmo years a^o -ome Chinese prospectors entered the Tai Shan moun-tains determined to find gold bearing qu.-rtz if it existed in the coun t ry . Be-fore the first week of their sesreh was ended they found significant outcrop-ping*. A little later the} discovered the great lead which u now known to be of almost fabulous value. One of tlieee men was Leng Chen, a m a c who had had con t iderable experience In mining and pros-pect ing in California, a n d who knew the wisdom of silence. They kept very still about the find unti l a company had been formed and a d e a r ti t le to a large t ract of land secured. Some crude s t a m p mill* were erected, and the c rushing and re-duction of quar tz was begun. From the outset the production of gold was enor-mous, and it is stated tha t not a ton of ore has been t reated that has yielded less than <7u0. In par t icular cases the ore haa yielded as much as 810.000 to the ton. The new* of the lucky mining venture spread rapidly in China, but fo r some reason has lieen kept f rom the world.

A t rus t , controlling about e ighty mile* of land in the gold count ry , sent Chu U n g Kwan and Tong Sing Kou to this country lo make preliminary arrange-ments for the purchase of the ncc r s s i r r machinery to Iwgin operations on a mod-ern t n d gigin'.ic scale.

When a reporter was admit ted to the room the distingul-died arr ivals occupied he found Chu l i n g Kwan at t i red in the full dree* of a Chinese mandar in . Every garment upon him was made of the soft-est and shiniest of silk. Tong Sing Kou wore American dress. Tong Sing lived in America many ycare, and at tended American schools. H e speaks English very fiueutly.

"Our proprrty a t one point U within sixteen mile* of t h e sea coast ," said he, " and it is not more than twenty miles to a good port, "rtie land owned by the companiea is all in Uie county of Ning-Hoi, in the province of Shan-Tung. If you are not fami l ia r with the geography of China, I will tell you that Ihe mine* are on a peninsula across the Corean sea f rom the Peninsula of Core* and directly WML"

Toog Sing opened a vali-e, unrolled a chamol* skin and exhibited his speci-mens. "You will see." he said, " t h a t tbe gold b qui te coarse in t h e * speci-mens- It is not so throughout lite lead. In soose places it b exceeding fine and again it b found in nuggets. The stream* wbich run through tbe mounta ins wash out gold acd 5.000 people m a k e a living by cradling the sand in tbe bed of one river. After every heavy raiu the sup-ply of gold dust in tbo river bed is re-plenuhed. 1 believe tha t in a very few y e a n the mine* will be tho most valuable In Uie world. We contemplate erecting tbe finest plant in the world. There was a differeoce of opinion among the *tock-b o l d e n as to whether it would be better lo erect one SCO-stamp mill or th ree 100-s t amp mills. W e have asked Fraaer A Chalmers to make est imates oo both propositions. Tbe stock in t h e minini; oocnpanics b held by upper class China-men. MOM of the stockholders a re gov-ernmeot officials, but tbe government of Ihe Chinese empire doe* not in any way own o r control the mine*. The com-panies a re eeaentiallv ; ri- a te corpora-tions "—Chicago Hei

A Fat M.d*. Club. The fa t men of Brusseb h a r e Just

formed themselves into a c lub which they roondly call " L e Club de* Cent Kilo*," t h a t being the min imum weigh t of each member. A hundred kilo* a r e equal lo 2S0 pounds oa r w d g h L T h n ? a r e already thi r ty members, aud on S u n d a y s they dr ive out to a res taurant a little way f rom tbe town and dine together. By good cheer they at ta ined their noble propor-tions. and by good cheer tbey mean l o r e t a in them. So f a r everything lias goo* off most banooaiuoaiy, fo r " m e n who are fat and scant of brea th" a r e pro-rerbtally good hutbored. It b your pale, lean man wbo "get* angry and breaks t W i > * s . " - O n c e a W M t

that rabbits were introduced for th* ' a popular amnssnMnt ot tho Old World.

But it b of l i t tb consequence now M to why | or how the rabbits ware intredoced; tt b 1 certain that they came. They were brought

from England and Scotland and from Tas-mania, and were turned loon upon the coun-try. There a n several kinds—the silver

; gray, tba silver brown, and now and then would be found tbe black and white furred,

, but all bekinglng »" Uie great rahhit family and destined to be seen and felt la New Zea-land. When It fa consider® 1 that rsbUla bra*d from six to twelve time* a year, tbe enormocs lacreosr that cams from Ibe rab-bits t in t introduced b not surprising. I t b certain thst nothing h is so overran a coun-try since the locusts invaded Egypt


I " I t fa difflcult to estimate the great damage don* to that young colony by rrhbi ta Tb* peats have eaten out the ranges so that the capacity for raising sheep has been greatly liswesn i l The sheep have fallen off in num-ber, sad the km has been hnmenn, running op Into the mlllioas. It b much easier to give an estimate of the money expended in destroying tbe pests than tbe amount de-stroyed by them. At the Aunralaaian stock confsreoce held in Sydney in October, 1890, It was shown that the rabbit nuisance n a a more serious than was usually believed. The carrying capacity of the land had been re-

! dnced a third, and the fleeces had decreased from I pound to IX pounds per fleeo in the weight Tbe lambing percentog* had de-crearjd from SO lo 40 percen t , while the death rata bad Incraaaed from S, 4 and » to «, 10. II, 13 and 13 per owit

"In IBS what B know as UM 'rabbit act ' became a bw. Since then the government has espanded annually $35,000 oo crown lands (govennacnt land) alooe. One of the deie-gates to tbe Australasian stock confereoce.

The pay r d l of c O c e r s and sailors in tbe United State* I j tvy th is yea r will s n o a n t to nearly eight mill ions of dol-lars. Tbe feeding and clothing at th* men will cost another mill inn a n d a half . T h b e t t imale doe* not i n d o d e tbe e tne t r s and men of t b e r e renoe cu t te r service.

TW 1—.S.J DM. a BeroU Tblac-A bi-ge oraagoaUag wss very mach at-

tsrbed la hb master and to tbe baby boy, wbo was tb* pet of lbs wbob family. One day a i r e acddenly l eo i e out in the bexne. aad everybody was runninz here and therw to put it out, whib Us* b u b boy I n h b n n r -sory v*s almose forgutten. and w h o Ihey tbooght of him tbe rtairean waa all ia Saxuea. W h a t m l d b e doeel As t i»y w « e looking up and - .exbr ing , a b r g e hairy hand aad arm opeo*d Use sriadow. sad pnecnUy tb* mootey appeared with a * baby Lu his arms.

Slexion, aofl and s|Hitless hands, free-om f rom skin and scalp impuritiee. |

pimples, chapping, and t h e pixweninnof the bloom of perfect henl ih . Cole'sCnr-bolisope, the per fec t medicinial toi le t , 1

I •••till and nu raen - soap in her salvation. Pr ice 25 cents. Sold l:y all dniggisis . i

EFFECTS O F MODERN LIFE. | Eminent au thor i ty unanimously ogrve

t h a t the high prvsure methods of mod- , ern life a r e rapidly m a k i n g us a ntco of helpless invahds—subject to all manner | of nervous affections, headache, iusani-1 ty, dizziness, neuralgia , hackache, hys-teria, nervous t roubles of Ihe hear t , i s tomach , kidneys, bra in , etc. Ladies ' and gent lemen who a r e thus afflicted, o r who are compelled to keep late hours , do much mental or physical wort;, w h o |

S H E R M A N , T H E . J E L W R L k E k R ,

L o a d e d f o r B e a r I Not much l ime to t a lk , but lota to aell gnoda.

• A U S T D O O O D S ! T h e 1

( p r o p e r ^ t h i n g , " t h i s y e a r , is O L D S I L V E R , w h i c h we h a v e in a worry or f r t about business or domes- ; g r e a t v a r i e t y of s ty les , a l so N o v e l t i e s in O x y d i r e t l G o o d s , F l a t W a r e in tic troubles, should remember t h a t no | o l d S i lve r , E t c h e d , Pea r l H a n d l e d T a b l e a n d T e a K n i v e s , F r u i t Kn ives ,

l n W O ^ I , , I N i l P i cks , S te r l ing Si lver P ieces , H a t e s , S p o o n s a n d F o r k s . O o l d Fi l led

blues, induce t ranqui l aleep* relieve i"Tn H " n , i n g C a s e , S t e m W i n d W a t c h e s , $20 a n d U p ; C o l d Fi l led O p e n F a c e o r build n o th-. bmin and nervous a j s - 1 S t e m Wind W a t c h e s , >15 a n d U p , t em, r s Dr. Mile's g rea t discovery, the I restorat ive nervine. I t coniains n o ' op ium or morphine. Trial boiile f ree a t Yeiler A Looks Drug Siore.

A d n . i i ' . l H t r a t r l x S a l e .

STATfc OF K 'OBldAM. OontT of locla-sa ! la the matlev of t h . Xstate ot

And Anything Else in the Line of Fine Jewelry.

S H E R M A N , T h e J e w e l e r .

DOUOAL McNAl'OHTOS. Dsceaaed. Nctkefa

order of the eMate ot said Dot«al kcNaachUxi. nuiK>raUe Judf . of Prubcue for the Cm

Ice to hereby itven, that in uuisuance ot an rraoIedtolheundrr>i*nr<l,sdmiiusIrsiili ; estate ot said Do«wal McNsnrbtoi^ by Uie |

rablo Judge of Pmbate for the Com-ly of lot.la oa Ibe Tib day of February. A D. I»>. | there *111 be sold at public reodoe. to the I hifbest bidder, at the premise, m the Township of Csi.ror. lo tbe County of KM». la saU Sisle. on the tXh day ot April, A. In the afternoon of I bat

... UM. at I o'doca day. ibe folio. In*

deeenbed property, lo wit: Tbe East hall of Ibe j Couth Weat quarter of Section aumior thirty thrae (SI). Town etrht (§1. Xortb .1 Kanre lea

County of Kent aad Bute of MlthUan. KATK MCXAUIHTDN.

AOBlnlstralriz ' X - T

A DXIXISTHATR1X 8ALE.-ln th . Matter ot i V the Estate - 4

HAOUAl WESBROOK, Sotke Is hereby rlreo that I shsll

wll st Public Aisctlos, t> tbe b«tMt Udder, on fisrvscsr mt Str* DAI or Ms sea, A. D. i m ,

at 10 o'clock, in Uw f.wtoooo, at ibe front door of the Probate • -fflce, la tbe Otv ot Grand I la Ibe CouatT ot Krai. In tbe State of Ml puranaat to Ijcri . .- and autbun<y xranied lo n«-

" • ' * ~ - a a o . A D . IWO. byilie:



Bed Room Suits Cheap ! a s t h e C h e a p e s t , a n d w e w i l l g i v e

^ A s t o n i s h i n g Low P n c e s i n P a i l o r G o o d s

a n d Couches . land 'ku le^ sm] beb-s In Ibe County of Kent. !


expended annually by private Indiwl- ; t h r ^ [ h , i tnie,e« or Wtaie <i .W-n a b During tbe last eight yean there has cravd, la or to lhai certain ptrce or pare-1 of been expended the sum of <12,000,000, and a very much larger sum from th" bnEinning of the warfare, but how much il difflcult to

"At tba Australasian conference Mr. J . D. Lance, a member ot the parliament of New Zealand aad a delegala, Uuaght up tbe rab-bit pest, and in the course of hb address raid ' that a wnml l t e" of loth bousw of the New 7<ol«nd parliament conrvtervd tbe question for two months, and bgfalatka followed the artVn cf tfie oommitl/w» A bill waspoaed which, whik he could not say that It was p r-fsct, was, Mverthelan, a step In the right <U-rectioo. H« said tbat feucing wasooe of tbe great ekcnenUof SUCOM, but in New Zealand 1 toeing was difflcult oo account of the motm-tainous backbone running through the in-fested bland, parts of which were art precipi-Uxa aad rocky tbat Ihey could not get a pack-horse into a very b rge area, and potoned grain could not be carried there. Thereupon, tbey cocM not ase that on thes* mountainous regioeu It was pns ihk to carry out fencing to any extant There srere spots, boworer, where It couid be done. In tbe nortbern por-Uoa fencing eoull be erected, and there ft was propiaed that it ibould b . done, but la tbe southern portioo fencing would be star* difflcult, but tbey hoped to find a fairly good country over which to carry fencing, aad bs thought If they did so tbey would save that cuuntry from being overrun. If a fence were trected aad tbe g n a t wars of rabbits stiouid oocne against It wubout any oppositka. it would never keep tbe rabbits bade.

m t a x r a o m o D c c x n "Therefore they proposed In build hols a t

certain Intervsls along tbe fsae . a l Tarrying a^eordiag to t bena tnno f t h . coun-try, and lo b a r . two men in each hut to breed ferrets as largely as tb.y could and tarn the. j cut on the country to make away with tbe machly despbed rabbi t Tbe guv-trnmenl doss not allow ibe aa tun l eoenks of tbs labUt Ui be destroyed by dogs or ctber^ wbe. Ferrets would aot live without plenty ot water, and in on* par t of the country, owing lo a lack of water, they bad beenms nssriy exterminated in a few aoe ths ' l ima

-Tbe oxnmittM eramtnerl a number of wftnasiii and all w « « in favor of l b . In-trodoclloci of stoats aad weasab a* ibe mod effecUv* remedy for t h . evil, aad t b . eota-miUce recocnnmded that t b a . aninKfa U largely Imported. Upon araminslion lata tbe matter. Mr. Lance found that tbe wit-nsssns favoring stoats aad wesstb were brgeiy ibstp nimn. or in a r e s way eoa nsctod with pastoral indtatry. Tbe egn-oaltunJ lamurs si most to a man werwop-poasd to the faitroductka ot stoau and wi—r Ii. as they tboughl they would be im-tmcUr* to poultry. Oat* a n siost tasfol ia

pewar b all penba-bslit/ will b . braught to b w t o ksep down

" • iac fa valaabb in keeping of r a a b i a a a d f a n u e b n -

sorted to by tb* asUvaa. Tbe moat sffica-doos mssns of ssiag poboa was in pbo^bor-b s d o a t a Tbera fa danger of S n f r o a th* a** of tt during tba snmmw taoalbs when t b . grass fa dry. Tber* has aot basa a aton* toft unturned to find oat ta t ter means for tbc dastractioa of tbe _tibita.

" I have here given tbe sabttaana cf t b . re-marks of Mr. Laace *o as to ooarsy aa idea of tbs troabte. Use e z p n s and asBoysoee of t b . rabbit pest Large n am ben of men bare bean hired from Um. to tins, to make war opon the rabbita. These men are < oiled -rabbitera.' and it fa said these •rabUtan ' •noouraged rabbiu la arery way. so as to be abk to bold tbeb p d lions, for wubout Use rabbit their oocupatsonwoBld be gooa Tbey have been known lo kill she stoats aad fer-rets ao aa lo give th* rabbits an opportunity to iaosaae tbetr o a a b n . Tb* be.

aad w a oonseqaenliy ahnirtbal. Ooa of tbs

I -jaarler of the Xorth East qoarterof HeCUoo si.leea (141,10 Town w.eu (7i, t North of Kaiure nine (*i West, containlnc tuny I •«. acre, more or len. of tunlar land.

Dated, Pebruary loth. A D It*) MkXllSA Wg*BROOK.

(Kat) AdalnMrstilx. ,

PROBATE ORDI3. Stateof MWil.-an.county of Kast a At a « * a of the Procate

Coon for aaM County of Kent, held at Uie Pn. bale Office is tb* City of Urand Kaptds. oa the tOth day o' Frbrusry in the year ooe tbouaaad riyhl bund red and ninety.

-"ynn E. I'ertlns, Judje of Probate In tha matter c/ihe eatau. of

TALESTtXE KRAFT, Deceased. Barbara U. Kraft harinc filed la this cnur a

petition prayln* tbat the admlnlstratloo of said esLsto may be man led lo Uermav Kraft

ll Is Ordered, tbat PalBAT. Tax tlsr osv or Maaca. SKIT.

at tea o'clock in Ihe forraaoa, at said Probate OOce. be appointed for beariaz a id patItioo

And M ia tuftfaer ordered, thai a copy of thia or-der be published threj SURVMIV* week* pre vtous to said day nt hearing, la ibe Lowiu. Joes

s p ^ t r printed aad drculatla* In aafcl

CVRCS E. PKKKtXS (A true copy.) Judge of Probate

a B. Msaca, lJ4wf)

County U 1


STATE OF MICHIOAK. Ihe Circuit Court for the County ot Kesi-Ia Chancery.

PaiLsa. M. Uooorsocaa. CcaploiaaBV vs.

GlLUCsD & Gooootorua. Defeodaat Sermteeelh Judicial ClrcuU, U Chaneery. n i t pendlnc ia arcult Oourt tor Oiaaly of Keol. In r tssncty. ai Oiand Rapids, on the Sth day of Jsnoary, lO).

In thto Cause It appeennc t roa sOdani oa file that Defendant OOleod H. Ooodeoougb. is a mid rat ef thu Male, bit his wbeoabouU a n unknown, therefore, oa matioei of Albert Jacksoa. Sobctfor for (Venplalnsnl. It to ordered that defeodaat eater his appesraaca la a id caaae. on or bef«cr three moaths from the dale of thaonhr , aad taat wftbla Iweat. days tbe COenpUteaat can»-this order In be pobUshed la tbe Lowell Jocaxsu «ak' pubiirailoci to be roe

each weeft for six weeks la sue WILUaM E.(iRilVE.

lonalenici*d Orcultjodce and entered by me,

Faurs P. CaarTsrTTs,

ZZttSSTtor ^ CARPI AX a SALE-In Ihe Matter of lha


l & T T R E S S E S AND SPRINGS IN A I L STYLES, Cheaper than tney were ever sold before.

A Full Line of Center Tables and SUnds, ficlcres and Frames. ALSO A COMPLETE L I N E OF U N D E K T A K I K G OOODS,

At Coons & McNaughton's.




Mioora Notice to hcteby riven tbat I stall aril st Pul-'lc Aoctsoo, lo tae h%be*t bidder, en Wseaiaosv. TWS tn osv or A m u A U i re ,

at M o'clock, la Ibe foreoooa. at the froat door of the Probata 0f6ce, la tbe City of'.raad Bawd., la tbe OWBtv of Keel, m tb . Spate of Mirt^aa.

«• lha SS-J: day of Jaiscaiy, A ' |T MO by the Probata Court of Kent Couty, Mkbfaaa. all of the right, tale, inlereat or eatale ofsaidMlanra. ia or to thst eertala piece or pare lof toad t t l . ated aad being la Ibe Oouay of Kent. Male of

and deaenbed sa "


TV East tweoty (Kj acre* of the North East I oaaner of the North East qusrter of Sertloa I tSterw fill, la Towa seven iTs Xorth of Raaza alacOi West

Dated February Ikb, A D IIT. AIJCEUBEOWX,

«w« , - "

O r d e r o f P a b l i c a t l o n .

STAT* OF MmiOAN, The OrenU Ooart lor theCuuaty of Kent: InCi an.-ery.

Ataass ioaof a i d Ooart. held st tb- Ctoart House, la the dty of Urasd Kapida. tasaldenaa-ty. an tbe Ibe m day of February. A. D. MB

Pnaeat H a Marsdea C. Burcb. CtrcnU Jodje.


public expsoa wss aotbiag eompared with tbat incurred by prtvats iadividsab Ha

aad csrefnUy dmibed down over tbe pcerh cakubisd Uiat a quarter of a milliou ponrvb aad tenught tbe child safely lo his nurv*. tad Uen annually expettkd, wtib-Nolwiy ebs ocuH have done It, f t» a man ool n r i n a l ^ tb* umct g r a a s a d tali-csaxot chml' bke a m'nkey, sad to dc4 near- fa* oe ia l b . condition of * s e p . - - « t I>wfa ly » •Uv* Yoa may imagto* ho* lbs BagcbUe. fsbhfnl creature was prsbadaad p^.ud a f u c ibst. Tbb is a t r u . story, aad l b . child wbo waaaved was the young Marquis of EUdam —KatUswar Tfana.

A P r i M ml Um W-rtd. A m o t t popular priest of New York b

Father Ducey. During t h e post year h b hair has tu rned lo a cr isp a n d silvery white, acd it adds a certain heoevoJeooe t o h b a lways amiable face . There b jus t a suxgeotirenee* of the clerical c tn of a pnes t 's a t t i r e about Fa the r Ducey's eoat, else lie would he taken for a man of the world o r a n Irish orator . H b theory b tha t a d e r g y m a n should be

abuot among h b parish ioners, a a d go where they go. Hence he dines s t Use Brunswick, the Hoffman house, a a d o ther popular res taurants , b a r i r t o r to the R u a i a n l a t h s u ? town, a n d a proco-

iaent figure geoeraUy Wherever New A tahob t ioo la the office of the stata Yorker . onogre,-»le—New York Sun | railroad c o a i m b ^ show, tha t t o e T r a r .

u r . , , , * 5 , 4 3 treigfct c a n equipped wi th auto-M a s t e n o f cowQng TCMIS a r e Hading mat ic o o u p k n oo l c / ISO^TSsocb c a n in

M u f o r t m t h e good ice f re ight* offer ing a s . ars-the dif lescnt nu l road) wholly o r I r a n Kennebec p o r t a A fine qual i ty of p u t ] , within t b b state . These anio-pood ice has been barvrs ied a a d t b e ioe couplers w a n brought intc u a e u n -d e a k r * are arm ready t o f o r w a r d it to d e r t l i e b v . / 1984. which p r o v d e d f o r d t i e a a o o l h To New York f L » s a d f r s * t h e put t ing of such c o a p l c n oo sH new whar fage b offered: Norfolk is t aken i t t« I l t o r old coca reoalred. I n

A letter was received f rom l o a n Tur-ner , of I h b d t y . reciting the par t iculars of a tidal w a r e tha t swept over Sand Isl-and on the IJ th n i t Turner , with Jo-seph Allen aad J o h n B/yzm, were en-gaged in get t ing d r i f t l imber off tbe beech oo the w e * end of the b l a n d , when about S o'clock t h e wind * h i f u d to d o - east, the water* of Mobile bay a n d the Gulf of Mexico met one another , and in fire minutes ihe b land was fire feet under water . They were dr iven f r o m ooe bill to another , and a t Ust found a f iece of scsDtling AI.J drove i t in the ground, to which thev d u n g unt i l t h e water snbs ided. -MoWle Ccr. New Or-leans T imc^ Democra t

Defeodaat it appnsrlac fr. m affdant oc

Ibe defradaai. Gerard Vaadewbei*. b ideal it itto • 'ate bet ia a m i Sea i of

ibeeMyof W^dw^Chnsda. Oa motion of A. E. Rood. Coaplalnaat. » bcitnr. U is cvde.ed thai Use sapesKsav ' 4 a i d noamUea t defsn-dant Gevarl Tsndeebrrr. be entered hervia wMLin foar w » i b s f r o a tbe dale or thto order, and. la caae of his aptvanacr, caoae hi. asue.r to the bfll of oanpia. nt to br Sled, aad a ropy iVteof lo be a t rod oath* Coat blsaa|-a «c6c •M .ULO. l - m j i i j i after r.-rrtc- s= t±3 sf a ee-^ nid Bill aad Bottoe of tbto o^e r : aad to drfanb thereof, aaid M wfll he lakea ascoafto-sed by aaid w e r»eHeoi delendant.

Sad M Is further onlend, tbat a itrfu | |fu«« daystbeOosaptaisani caawanotioeef Uls or drr to he puninbrd ia U>e Luwstx J o m u . a aew^9 >prr printed, putlabid and ciic uianaz to ssid ceooey. and thai said pahheaiioa b* oaalln

in earb werk for six weeks to or that he cause a copy of t ha order

— . aid Boa-reedret Ue-f»*?»al si toaat t w « i y days beftre tha Ua*

prwrribed for hia spposraocc. MAHSUESC BURf-H.

lirccit Jod(e. Eaamiaed. coonteraienrd. aad ralrred by a>e. i

Coaszurs L Hscvzv. KecHter. By ioarm J I n z v . Depwty. ,

A r r a r s E Eoott CVaqdaiM«'a b o h o t o r ^ A INERR^RJ —MOTML.

Josxra J . Ei tar . Deputy a gbter. j


Toile Du'nordes Seersuekefs, GINGHAMS. INDIGO BLOES, k

V E R Y A T T R A C T I V E , C O M E a n d S E E T H E M

No n a : TO THE CUED TOE* fiui. y MtrMssa. county ot Kur - aL No- i

tfce 4 beeroy rin*. tbat by aa o ^ T ot tha ' ITrAm'r ecauttor Uwoounlycd Km. madeoa IbelbAr day <J Fehnssry. A. D. IU0. mi mcmtlm j f r a a ihat dale were attowsd for mdstcest'.. tee- ! a a t Uwir dabos « * M Ih* o u t . of

MITHAEL K L a S Z T . tol* ef aaid coonty. decaasd. and thai all cndiues ( / sa id -Wmed an-mialrrd l o a r a t u

to said Prohste enurt. al t h . r n t o i e

| 1 ; Baltituare, W t a b i n g t o a s a d I h i b d e l - enrdaac* with t h e Btttofastic ea r coop- ' oS&'j&olildBrCO.! phia a: (1.19. T< b i n l i a g b w o f b a t / e a r ai l f r e igh t ca rs I

r to the dty of Grand iU(4da. I aodaflowaape o a o r b e f a e l h e l S U i d ^ ori

AapM next aad Ibat acch d s i s a wOl b* heard i befae* mU court oa Tuadsy, lb* {nth day ' ofaugMSoext a We-doek la IbstOnaoae <i

te^Fchraary ISth, A D . MM. CTEC8E PERKINS

Jotae of Probate, j


UOMvaa for lb* ssl* of X a iaa r Suek! aeody rtM^mesdraaraateed. HALailT AMU EX-F E S S O paid to i a e n a f a i a e a . Ap»dy at

• . Y .

vCVT' •KM#'--


Burlington Black Hose, This dye is Guaranteed to be

A B S O L U T E L Y F A S T !

Does not crock nor turn green, and

Is Free From All Poisonous Substances.

Prices from 8c to 50c.

The Best 25c Hose in the Market

E. R COLLAR, - Lyon Block. I " - -

mtewmmn n i T m ""'-^.hsssr.


L O W K L L . I O I J K N A L : W E D N B S D A Y , M A R C H 1 8 9 0 .

a. i. sown. a. A cons . DIS'L m i x s a .

B o w n e . C o m b s & S t r i k e r .

BANKERS, Lowell. - Michigan. Transact a General nmik ing Busin<i«

and Issue Draftn available iu all par t* of the World.


. L O W E L L

Business Men's Association.

Regulaf l leetine ' i Firtl Thunday In every month, at B. C- Smilh't rtore.

A . W . W E E K E S , P r e s .

C n r C n l a -Seve ra l choice f a rms lo-r o r 0 3 1 6 . Keene. Vergen-n«*, Bowne and Boston. Abe several h'mse* a n d lota in the village of Lowell. Oan sui t al l classes of customer*. For f u r t h e r par t lculare inquire a t the office of 8. P . HICKS, i tf over Weet 4 Co's d r u f utore

m *r*i. ' •

m . Ww

? 5 f ; v


New Mi lks C o w s ^ h W i w the h ighes t price In cash. Drop a postal t > mo a n d I will call a t once.

J . A DASIELB, Lowell, Mich., P. O. Bo* 270


L y o n Block, Lowell , Mich.

A General BankinR Butinett Conducted.

T y . A -Ki-V! m.n.3. COJtT.Wt maSTM.

llraTU gold en all Poralca CMnlriea-


H E R E A N D T H E R E .

Old pape r s 85 centa per 100, a t thia office.

Eva Tidd b very aick wi th p leuro-p n e u m o n i a .

Uncta H i r am Austin b very low, f rom a kidney diff iculty.

Only a few more t icket* lef t on the Por t ra i t a t Ptiilley's.

March c a m e in like a lion and b hold-ing ita g r i p pretty well.

Mrs. J Hinds , of Holly, visited a t R. Vai iDyke 's over Sunday .

Miss Mate Althen is Tblt ing Grand Bspids f r i ends t h b week.

Mrs. E m m a E a l i n g . « f Toronto, Can. , i-i v b i t i n g her aunt , Mrs. K. B. Hun te r .

Next Sunday the Pastor b to be a t Lyons in exchange wi th Brother Wood-house.

L H Cheeseman, of Detroit, put in Sa tu rday and Sunday wilb Lowell f neod* .

The finest | 4 pants to measure ever shown in town fo r the money, nt


V " ' nr

Mrs. Jo* . K . Falrchllds, of Drayton, D i k . , m a d e her f n e n d s a short visit l i f t week, a,

^ o e r e d o t h e h o y a get those e legant vett i? W h y nt Smith 's , he haa some lovaiy pat terns .

A. J , G o w k A Son a r e offering some specia ' Inducements , t h a t it will he worth y o u r whi l e to look np .

Oood m a n wanted: w h o unders tands t b e c a r e of stock and can milk and care fo r 10 o r U cows, morn ing and n i g h t ( S t f ) D . E . S r a u u .

We received a communica t ion f rom •ome person. " I n the Val ley ," w h o f a i b

sign their name, henoe w s Oo not pr int i t We mus t , k n o w w b o "writes out uuf respesdese^ .

Bev. J . T . Hosted is suffer ing f rom qu i t e a severe at tack of t h e grippe, and was unab le lo at tend the Doanl ut Edu ca t ion meet ing Sa tu rday n ight or fill bw pu lp i t tiuuiUj.—Trltgram-Heruld.

F r a n k McOarvey. a n employee of the O . B . Panel aad Vaneer Worka. was killed a t the factory. Fr iday, by being

At ruck wi th a block, th rown f rom a s a w . H e M Ihe third Tictim of a faial accident t h e r e in the past two months .

Los t Fr iday Wgh t Mr. a n d Mrs. M N. H i n e celebrated the seventh annlvemar) of t he i r m a m a g e , aaobtrd by numerous i r i e p d s a n d r ebuve* . The evening w a ' n o s t en joyeb ly spent and the gue»to depo r t ed wishing m a a y happy return* t o the i r host and hosirwe.

Special meettoga a t t h e Baptist chn .ch roat ioue t h e coming week- Brotiwr

'•/•a Wood boose is a genial soul, and maker QHc/ r i eod* whereve r be goes. All a re inv i t

L cd to t h e meetings, no t to he s p e c u i o r s ly. k i t p s r u d p a n u . Come to be J a n d to bo a he lp t o others.

M b s L a u r a Ooa Id, of Fallaosburgh comple ted her three, months te rm of wir i t# / school , a t Fox ' s f> bcKiih<«se la-l F r i d a y , Feb ttth In the evening the sct iotara gave s n e u t e r t a m m e n t , con a k t l n g of Dialognea, Reci i sHon. s n d

'Sooga . Notwiilsctariding the unfavor ab le w e a x b e r t h e tcbooihouse was well

' fllled.aod the program was carried ooi in a very a b k manner .

T h e sma l l -pox pa t i en t a t the city ho* p i u l h a o b e e o d i s c h a r g e d , b e i n g e n t i r e l v

have develop, d


c u r e d . N o other A f t e r considerable InvestigsUon the board h a s concluded t h a t he caugh t the d i s e n e f r o m a j o u n g man f rom Mus krg«>f! w i t h whom he slept for several n l g h U . There were several esse* at t i iat c i t y a t t h e t ime and t h . vimng

a f t e r w a r d s c a m e d >wn wi th the ,— Tdrgra tn- Herald.

Severa l weeks ago a Caro merchan t sblppcd acar ioed o f e g g s t o B n f f a l o . An e m p l o y e e had wr i t t en the merchant ' s n a m e o n one of the eggs. T h . . (Arties-l a r e g g fel l in to the hands ot an heirew w b o b do ing t h e dbb -wash ing ac t a t a Buf fa lo hotel, a n d she f m m e d b t d ; w r o t e t o t b e Caro man , suggest ing a correspondence. Aa t h e merchant b m a v n e d a n d baa several wel l -grown ch i ld ren , he haa hsen compelled lo fore-gu use pleasure.

H e r e ' a j o n r chance! F o r m a n A A l d r k h have a f a r m of I M acre*, in So. Dakota. U miles f rom P lank ton , a d t y of 4.000 i n b a b i t s o t s and t b e county seat : there b s f o u s e house, s tory and a half , a f r a m e g r a n a r y , fntao barn , and Agood well: b w a n eld settled c o u n t y . 80 acre* im-proved and all good l i lbWe land, not * toot of waste land on t h e f a r m a n d lira w i t h i n GO rods of tbe r iver . They will t r a d e f o r a f a r m or o the r good property n t a r L o w d l .

T h a moo ih iy repor t of books d r a w n roai Uw l i b r a r y , t h b mon th , b as


E b t o e y , 7S 3

17 85

«7fl 63 6 -

t 12 . 887


Looks as though we might have some I Ice yet .

| t ' n c l e Ruwpll Smith is visiting his brother, in Ind.

Miss Allie Oarr ick, of Ionia, was in town t h b week .

Our gnods arc all s t andard makes. A. J Uowk A Son.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Lyhnrk^r rejoice over the arrival of a m-w boy.

Miss Lizzie Terwi l l igeranent liu.i week vb i t ing f r iend* m S n n ..ac.

The W . C. T. U. « i l | mee t wiih Mrs, C. Jobnoon, Fr iday, a t 2 ^ 0 P . M.

Mr*, and Mb* Jenn ie Chnmpenoy f sjient Sunday with Ionia relatives.

! Mr. and Mrs. W . S . Coleman ,of Gd , i Rapiib, were in town over Sunday .

Miss I^-na Boise, of Siirai-ac, vjsile<i j Mis* Lizzie Terwill iger over Sunday .

i Order you r cuhinets nt once, and get a chance on t h e portrait , al Plulley's.

Sirs. Harvey Livingston, of Ada, WHS a guest of Mm. M. N. Hine . lost week.

! We offer nothing lint w h a t we are pre-pared lo ca r ry out . A J . How k & Son.

j Suits t o ineasme for $18 in latest | spring styles , and (It guaran teed , a t ' Snulh 's .

You have o n e c h a m - c i n t w e n t y lo get a l i f e nl/ .e p o r t r a i t I n t o , a t Plnlley's .

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Huie. of Grand K.i|ilib. s | ieui Sunday wi th Mr. and Mrs. C H Hine.

J . E. L*e went to Gd. Kapids vester-d s y . bi see aliout ge t t ing life fo r next nuiumer 's use.

Mr*. F r a n k Alger re tu rned , Friday, from a visit with tier siste r, Mrs. G. W . Schneider , a t Albion.

('ale<lonia people a-e intoxicatwl wi th th'- exc i t ement of that fasc ina t ing game " S n a p and Catch em."

Mr*. A. B. Ransford and Mrs. AUle Cover- re tu rned , yesterday, f rom a v b i t with Gd. Rapids relatives.

(.'lark H Glenson, a Grand Rapid* a i torney, was in town Monday, in the i n i e n a t of (he L, and H Rai lway .

You h a v e to wear Boot* or Shoes and it is lo you r advan tage to buy of " T h e Old Keliablc." A. J . Howk £ Ron.

Messrs. W. M Chapman . J II. Adam* and II. N. Sione were elected trustees

f the Congregal ional c h u r c h , Monday,

A b i u t t w e n t y members of l^iwell I^slge No. 90 F. & A. M. go to Lake Odes-a, to-day. to ins t i tu te a Lodge there,

Ar thu r Morgan, ou r effi.-ient n ight patrol, had the mis for tune lo fall and oreak h i . collar bone, last Sunday morn lug.

No t rouble , hut a pleasure to show the flue i m p o n e d and dixnestic goods we have in o u r brand new spr ing styles at Smith ' s .

Eli Pa rdee , formerly of Bowne , now of Oanislota, N. Y., is vis i t ing his old t ime f r i ends and neighbors in t h b vi-cinity t h i s week.

Christ ina Livii igitoo. wife of Mose* Livingston, of Buwne. died a t her home Monday, f rom an absccai, a t tho age of 05 } ears, 10 months .

Chan. Al lhen fir* moved into his new store, wh ich he has had flited up e legant ly , Ihe shelving being of Ash and flnbhed in Ihe na tu ia l wood.

The Ladies of the Shakespeare Club will give a n old t ime " D e e s t n c k Skule"

•Ihe la t te r pa r t of th is mon th . Date and program will be announced Uter .

I have a large two s lo iy house and two Iota, wi th well and cistern, b in good repair, wh ich I wish lo sell or iraile fitr a ' a r m or f a r m stock. Enqui re ai this office. 33*6

Krneat H u n t went lo Grand Kapids, vesierday (Tueaday), to t a k e the ex-aminat ion, given hy t h e S ta le Board of Pha rmacy , fo r registrat ion aa a co t t pe -umt P h a r m s c f e t .

No. I , Vol. 1. of the Michigan Rreruit. comes to ou r table. I l b published in the •merest of t h e S O. V. and W . R C , of Michigan, by J . D. D. LaMore and Fred Edie, a t Casoovia.

Tlie y o u n g ladies s r e very much sur-prised to learn, ths t there is s young man in town wbo spends tweniy-l lve dollars a sersson, on ice cream or any oilier oonfectiona, for the young ladies.

Hon. J . W . H ine j of ihe Delroi Trilmne. a n d our honored predeceasor on • he JOURNAL, was in town a few days last week, call ing on h b o l d t ime fr iends snd e n j o y i n g himself by tak ing a well earned vacation.

The S e g w u n Social CInb met wi th Mrs. J o h n Kopf , last Sa tu rday night . I t . wss a surprise, of course ; there is one ;

peculiar f ea tu re , tba t I h b c lub hss, only those m e m b e r s w h o have enter ta ined are posted In t h e affairs of the c lub. They a lways h a r e a good t ime,

C. J . C h u r c h and wife, of Greenville, »p»nt Sa tu rday and S u n d a y wi th their son, Chas . They lef t , Monday, for Detroit , whe re they will a t t end the re-o puoo tender, d to J . B. Mulliken, the retiring General Manager of the D , L. a N. and C. dt W. M. Rai lways.

An»on M. Jones , of Mbhawaka , Ind , waa in t o w n t h b week. H t was on h b flnt t r i p a f t e r a long a n d serious sick-ness. Whi le here he caugh t cold and was conOnnl to Ihe house a couple of days . H e left for home yesterday, being compelled to abandon his tr ip.

Mr. a n d Mrs. Daniel Oliver re turned to Belding last week, a f t e r an extended r b l t a n d sick nes*. Thev came to assist in n u r a m g their sua . A. D. Oliver, when he was so n e k . and were taken sick iheii iMlvts a f t e rward , and have only just r e c j v e r e l *uflkienily to enable them t o return.

Do ya.u want a fine new home? You can ge t one oo ihe Wesi Side, very cheap, on a n y rerms. Will t ake small cash pat ment down, or one o r two good sound horses, al<out 1100 lbs, and buggy and harness, as rtrrt p a y m e n t . See S. P . Hicks, b . w e l l , or J . D Ell inwo sl. No. 1 Lafaye t te Ave., Detroit . Mich (33w-i)

Last T h u n d a y night t h e C o n t i n e n u l Concert Co., by special request gave one more pe r fo rmance a n d was assisted uy Messrs. Geo Barber a n d Ed. Bonar—our local musical team and t n c k musicians— who surprised theii f r isnds, by tneir p laying on numerous namelew. in. tru-iiients, such as violins built f rom cigar l>ixes and banjo* m a d e f rom tin dippers, and were the fea ture of t h e show.

Died—At her residence, in the t own-ship of Lowell, F r iday , Feb. 28th, Theodoaia, wife of Aaron Bunce, a t the - g i oi " I The fo iv** ' wa- held f rom the house. Monday, I h e 3 d i n s i . , Ktv. IL W . Powell offi b l i n g . and Ihe remain* were interred in tbe Town Line iVmete ry . Mrs. Bunce was a member of t h e B a p l b t church , a thorough chri*-nan woman , beloved by all. She came to t h b par t of Michigan 24 years ago. and leave* a large circle of fr iends t o mourn , • ith her husband and daugh te r , her I ooa.

Uerfaert Ward , the Afr ican explorer, in collaboration wi th D. D Bidwell, begin* in Ihe Sew York Ledger ot March 1. a aerie* of valuable a n d enter taining article* descr ip t i re of a canoe j o "rney of 2.5CO miles on t h e Upper Congo A more romanUc and *lart l ing experience could hardly be conceived of than the explorer '* ad venturous trip, wi th h b thir-ty reck lei* Zanzibans and five Soudan soldiers, in two w a r canoes, through ihe hea r t of equatorial Af r i ca , rang-d by bands of cannibals, and infcsied with g igan t ic and ferocious beast* and rep-tiles. s c a n elv famil iar to even the nal-urmlbt. Of his s t range adventures in t h e wildest recesses of all tha t wild and u n k n o w n region, tlie explorer gives a s ingula r ly thr i l l ing n a r r a u r e in the ser-ies w h i c h prove ol engroasing interest to e v e r y Uvoughtful reader . The ai t i d e s are i l lustrated b y n u m e r o u s large cuts, e n g r a v e d f rom photographs take-- by Mr. W a r d himself.

The Old Folks.

The annual re union of the Old Resi-denta Association, a t the Davb House, lass n ight , was a blooming succeaa. The old timurs began to ga ther early in the

evening and hand ahakings and how-d'ye-do's were part icipated In v<ry e x -tensively, a good many of the partici-piinta not having met since the la-t m j e l i n g . Tho early pa r t of ihe evening was devoted entirely to vbi t ing. a n d , judg ing f rom the hear ty b u m s of laugh ler, and the br ight looks on the faces, all were en joving themselves.

At 8 o 'chs k the crowd was called to order by the Pres. , J . M Mathewson, In a verv neat speech. Af te r Ihe address proper, he gave a shor t story of l i b l i fe und experiences in an early day . iu which he said tha t he made the first barrels that were made In this section, and woo followed by Ihe Rev. Mr. Ed-UIUIKU, Dr. Peckham, of Freepoi t , Rola'rt Hardy end others. Ai the meet-ing progrenml the in l e r t i l became l ive-lier, one story brought out anoiher . and a couple of hours were spent in the muut social manner . All responded, of course 10 the . a i l of sup|ier, hut even here reminiscence could not be choked off . notwi ihs ianding tho ar ray of goodies before them. In tho mean t ime the younger people were tr ipping the light taniostic, to il e lively old l ime music fu rmd ied by Messrs Stocking, Rohinson, Cluflin and Howe, and by llm way, w h a t music could belter serve Ihe purpose. Slocking nnd Claflin's band having been organized upwards of 85 years ago.

There were 35 (lersoru came down from l-'reeport on the af ternoon t r am, to lake par t In the fesiivitlea.

Eighty-nine t ickets were sold for tho dance and over 200 persons part icipated.

The Treasurer 's report sliowed a bal-ance of jao on hand and t h b ga lher ing will increase Ihe surplus . The old offi-cers were re-elected, J . M Mathewson, President; H . Nash, Secretary; N. B. B b l n , Treasurer.

A r . Yon Oolnc West?

Mr. VanValkei lierg received a letter from his brother in law who live* u t Hocghlon, So. Dakota, f r om which w e glean Ihe fol lowing Interwiliug facta: H e put in 75 acres of wheat , which yield-ed him 1-41 bu and aold for 80.'. per bu . wiih 2 lbs. dockage; 25 seres to oat* and it yielded 7 bu. , and 10 acre*of corn f rom which he got 28 bu. of ears . This is Ihe average, not only in Brown Co., hul in both North and South Dakota . Those fa rmers favorably located on the river bottoms, got f rom 8 to 7 bu. -f wheat to t h e acre The railroad have l>een very magnan imous and have brought in coal, corn and oata f ree of f reight . The county buys the coal a n d d i ' i r ibutes it. T h n e who are able, have to puy w hai il costs a t Ihe inlnes, while 11 is given to ihos« who are unable lo pav lor II They a r e having a hard l ime lo get me l r stock th rough the wint- r . as fodder is very sea r e - and those who have il to sell demand such exhorb i tan t prices. So many of t h e farmers are kill-ing and selling their slock, and it is in such poor oondfiion tha t it brings next to nothing. The only hope they have is in imga i i on and they are wa tch ing climely to nee what the government will do. Artesian wel'a are s t ruck a t a depth of about 800 feet and It b t hough t that two wefb will Irrigate a township. The crop failure b complete, and all a r e suffer ing severely f rom il ,

A Dastardly Demi.

I a*t Sa turday as D. J . Hanmer , was driving near W b n e r Bro*. mill, one of the wheels os h b road ca r t c a m e off, th rowing him out , bnt luckily not in jur -ing him. The horse was stopped before being able to get away . On examin ing the ca r t It was discovered tha t tbo axe l near the wheel had been cut nearly in two and tha t it wa* the breaking of tbe ba l -ance tha t cauv-d t h e accident. W h o would du eo dast-udly a dee I b be-yond our comprehensioc, and lo have it happen to Den b qu i te siart l iug. as he does not know of an enemy on ear th . lot alone one *o vindict ive as to do a deed like this

Aa Important U a a t l o o .

How in obtain a business educat ion b one of the imiiortani questions of the day. A* the Grand Rapids Biumeas Col-lege 1* not excelled for thoroughne*s by any similar insti tution in the coun t ry , would it not be advisable to send fo r their College Jou rna l , and f a m i l b r i z e tourself with the advantages offered by Ibis business college of nat ional reputa-tion. ^

A llolUa's Long Urllt at Sea. Mr. Wi' . lbm Jones, while walking .,n

Ibe beach nf Ihe Nariva Cocal, noticed a bottle which hail been waUied ashore h . tho waves. Ue opened it and found it lo oonlain a scrap of paper, which be forwarded to the office of t h b paper. Tbe following waa writ ten In German oc one aids, the other having written across It the date " 2 September 1889" and t ' i e signatures T. Schlinger and Au*t. Licht-maroae;

" T h e German bark Joaepb Haydn, Capt. H. Pllieger, f r om Bremen, find* It-*clf today in aouth lat i tude 7 drg . M mln. and west longitude 12 deg. 43 min. , where Ihe crew ha* thrown t h b bottle overboard on the Sedan day, 1888. All on board well. On the voyage f r o m Singapore to Marseilba. 2 September 1889."

T b . wri ter or writer* ware evidently patriotic Germans, f rom tlie nae of the anniversary of Sedan a* a dale. They have, however, rendered a greater *erv-ice to science t han to national feeling, a* the point iu Ihe Sooth Atlantic where Ihey threw the b o t t b wa* not f a r we*t-ward f rom the b l a n d of Aacension. T h b *how* that Ihe ocean cur ren t which bore it along over well nigh 4,000 miles In five month*, and laid It gently with Ita menagt.- on our eastern coast, mus t have traveled at the same rate (nearly th i r ty miles a day) as the equatorial cur-rent flowing above the West Indies f rom t h " Gulf of Mexico eastward to tlie At-lantic. The direction of Ibe cur ren t f rom the South Atlant ic which carried the bottle here waa, therefore, northwest-erly.—Port-of-Spoin Gazette.

Captured a 'Gator. An alligator, said by experts to be 7IJ

years old, b oa exhibition a t Thunder-boll, and ed lb t s universal interest on ac-count of the prominence of l is captors , who went duck hunting, and came very near being carried off by the venerable saurian last Thursday.

The alligator wa* captured near "All i -gator puiiJ," near W a n a w , nade r the fol-lowing circumstances: Dr. J . Eddy, of Fall River, Mas*.; Frank Eddy, of Boston, and Uslier Parsons, of New York, were duck hunting, and one of tlie par ty shot a duck and wa* approaching Ihe dead fowl, when Ihe alligator suddenly crawled out and d b p i t e d tbe right of peasession. Dr. Eddy, a f t e r a hasty glance a t the huge fellow, concluded the alligator, by tbe right of eminent domain, ought tc have the duck, a n d , it b aaid, began to increase the d b t a n c e between himself and tlie wicked looking saurian.

Tbe Bostonian and young Parsons a t first thought were of ll<o same opinion, and for awhile it looked aa if tbe alliga-tor would have it all h b own way , but before il reached Ihe water with th* duck courage returned to Ihe party, and one of tliem put a rifle ball in the aos rian's mouth, w hich stunned it , s n d be-fore il recovered conacuiusnce* i t war made a be! pleas prisoner, taken on board Ike yacht and brought in t r iumph to Thunderbolt , where i tappears to be none the worse fur the aliot. except tha t ii b in captivity. Tbe Irio of spo rumen a n very proud of their niurning's bun t , and on their return north will l ake their prize with them.—Savannah Newa.


A t the lost meet ing of t h e W st Mich-igan Farmers Club held in Grand Rap Kb, the Hon. Charles Oarfleld g i v e a very tolling talk upon the moral influ-ences of the distr ic ' school, or perha|si the immoral influences. He struck a re spona.ve chord, and the discussion tha t followed sl owed tha t ihe general feel-ing is tha t the envlronmenls 'of tht- aver age school ground aro any th ing but ele-vat ing. and in many cases aro morally deplet ing and d isa ' i rous . W e are apt to cha rge these un fo r tuna t e conditiona up-on tho teacher . Oftenl i raos they belong there ; but many t imes one might as well a t t e m p t to fill a headless barrel by pouring in at tho bung as to a t t empt to teach m o r n b and mannera amid the surroundings which we mee t . The out buildings on two-thi rds of, our school ground a r e not in a good con-di t ion, while) many of them are simply sickening. They are o f ten ao located tha t they in f i f e obscenity nnd Immoral -ity. They are somet imes near together with no division of the ground leading to them, while In a few cases they are bull i together. In one case there ia but one apur iment which mus t bo used by all. Sume have no doors; some are near the road; in abort, there seems to be a discouraging thoughtleaanee* in the ma t t e r . Again, pupil* of known i m -moral i ty a re al lowed in the acliool, a l though they daily violate every b w ol the school and tho Uacher reports I hem re|ieiitedly lo t h e officrre. These pupils know their power and of ten take {•articular pride in teaching small p u -pils vice* loo vile to ment ion. We have k n o w n one pn/nf to pollute almost an e n t i r e acliool. This class of p u p i b b not confined ent i re ly to boya. The vb-i t ing officer found one school which waa a total fai lure, a l though t augh t by a teacher of aucceesful experience. The cause of fai lure was one youn^ iroman. The visitor sent word lo the officera t h a t their school would be a fai lure aa long as t h a t person remained in t h e school. The officera knew it and yet did not have Ihe moral courage to send her home. They had aympai by for her par-ent-.; but thev forgot t h a t aympaihy and (lull/ were due other parents as well, h il any wonder tha t . In a j c h achools, boys forget to be g t m l e m e n : that girls no homi to "Mothe r " with cheeka flam-ing with indignation, and tha t they pre-fe r to slay a l -home ra ther lhan submit to indignities. In one district, every girl ha i been wi thd rawn f rom school ou account of the ungemlemanly condui t of t h e boys; and complsinla are heard on all sides. Officers, parents and teachers, theee th ings ought not s o l o be. l e t us uni te to p u r i f y the surroundings and the moral atiii<«phere of our schools, Offloen should sc.- to it tha t every th ing b in proper condillon when school c o m -mences, and then i n s b t t h a t the teacher •ee tha t they are fcepf no, 7>acA<r«»h->ald inspect ihe ent i re g rounds each n ight before leaving the premises and report improper condit ions t h a t she cannot correct . She ahould know by personal oliservaiion what pupils do upon the grounds, and check, a l once, i inpro-prieties. Parenlt ahould Instill in t h e minds of their chi ldren a d b g u s t for indecencies. They ahould visit Ihe school with eyes and eara open, and help Ihe teacher to elevate the moral tone of the pupils. It b only by uni ted effort tha t these deplorable conditions can be remedied.


SHOE STORE W e take p leasure in an- i

pounc ing to the citizens of 1

Lowell and vicinity, tha t w e : |

have r e m o v e d ou r s tock of

Boots A N D

Lowell Markets.

Bailey $0 Corn, W Whea l , white, 75 W h e a t red. 75 Oata 22 B>e 88 Hian. per ton 11.00 Middlings, per ton 13 00 Corn Heal, per ton 16.00 Jorn A Oata, . . . . 17.00 Bui te r 13 E«K» 12 Poiatoe* 30 Applw 50 Poultry dressed 7-9

Teachers' ExaoilDatioas.

The Spring Examina t ions for the public scnouls nf Kent Co,, will be held in Ihe Grand Rapids City Hall, on t h e following dates: March Otli, March 28lh and April 23th.

Applicants fo r first or second grade* mus t a t tend on March 6lh.

Those intending to teach must have regular certificates. Specials will not be granted .

By order of County Board nf School E x a m i n e r s , A . HAMU.N SMITH.



The Books and Accounta nf the late firm of Howk and Bostwick are in our hand* for aet t lement . All indebted will please call and set t le a t once.

A . I . H O W K & B O X

I have recentl Jersey Bull, w b . . . . — r

purposes a t my f a r m i mile west of the d e p o L W . O. JUBY.

ve recently purchased a ~ire-bred Bull, which I will keep for atock

E U P E P S Y .

This b w h a t you ought to have, in fact , you mual have it, t o ful ly en joy life. Thouaands arc aearclnng for it dai ly, and mourn ing because they find It n o t . Thousam's upon lbon<ands of dollar* are *pent annual ly by our people in Ihe hope i h a l they may a t t a in th is boon. And ye t il may be had by al l . We gua ran tee tha t Electric Bitters, if used according lo directiona and the use preabted in, will br ing Oood Digeatlon and oust the demon DyspepUa and in-aloll instead Eupepsy. We recommend Electric Bliteni for Dysp^pab and all disease* of Liver. S iomacn and Kid ney a. Sold ai 50c. and | 100 per bottle by H u n t ft Hun te r . Druggbta .


L I F E .

I t wa* jus t a n ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but i t saved her life. Sbe was in tbe last s tages of consump-tion. told by physician* that ahe wa* in-curable and could live only a abort t ime; she weighed less lhan *eventy pounds. On a piecc of wrapping paper she read of Dr. K i n g ' s New Dbcovenr , a n d got a sample ; it helped her, *he bought a large bottle, it helped he r more, bought ano the r a n d grew bet ter fast , continued its use and b n o w st rung, l ieai thy, ro*y. p lump, weighing 140 pounds. For ful ler particulara aend s t amp to W . H. Cole, Druggist , Fo r t Smi th . Trial bottles of this wonder fu l Discovery a t H u n t Hunter '* Drug Store.

P I L E S ! P I L E S ! P I L E S !

Dr. W i l l b m ' * Ind i an Pile Oin tment b t h e only *ure cure fo r Blind, Bleeding o r I tching Piles ever dbcovered . I i never fails to cure old rhrnnic raae* of long • landing.

J v J g e C o o n a , Mayaville. Ky . , aaya: " D r . Wi l lbm 'a Ind ian Pile O i n t m e n t cured m e a f t e r y e a n o' suffer ing."

Judge Coffinbury. Cleveland, 0 . ,*ay*: " I hove found by experience tha t Dr , William'* Ind ian Pile Oin tment give* immediate and pe rmanen t relierf."

We have hundreds of such test imo-nials Du not auffer an i n a u n t longer, sold by all d ruggis t s a t 50c and f l p e r box. (88yl)

E I L E R T S D A Y L I G H T L I V E R PILLS are a boon t o a u f f e n r a f r o m Sirk-beoiiachea. Soa r Stomach, To»p.d Liver oral Indigestion, Bugar -cnobd . plena e c t to lake and warranted to go th rough by dayl ight .

Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorix

When Bafcy was sick, wo gatt her Castorla. Whea sh* wa; a Child, she otod for Castorto, When sh . bocaos* R a . ita etuat lo Oaatcrta, Whai sh . had CUUno. t h . cave U

Shoes f rom the city of J ackson , t o !

this vi l lage and have p l a c e d ,

them in the



Admission to Pa rk , Only 15 centa.



W e have leased this bui ld- 1 Boga rdus Special ty Co. , AT 1 RAIN'S OPERA HOUSE, EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK,

i n g f o r a t e r m o f y e a r s , a n d ) Giving an ent i re change ol Program each n i g h t

intend to make this store al Mr, Bcfardos, Champion Qflick Shot of ihe World, p e r m a n e n t f ixture in y o u r

town. W e have faith in Train's Driving Park, Saturday, March 8th, at 2:30 P. M.

Lowell and its fu tu re p rosper -

ity, a n d t ha t a



will be apprec ia ted by its

citizens. W e would be pleas-

ed to have you call a n d see

us. W e a r e anxious to culti-

vate y o u r acqua in tance and it

will be a p leasure to show you

our g o o d s and quote prices.

W e m a k e a special ty of

L A D I E S F I N E S H O E S ,

and h a n d l e manufac tu re r ' s

l ines exclusively. W e shall

e n d e a v o r b y hones t lair dea l -

ing and war ran t ing all g o o d s

sold, t c b e ' j u s t a s r ep resen ted ,

t o mer i t a l a rge share of y o u r

pa t ronage .

Y o u r s V e r y Respec t fu l ly .

' Pure Drugs,

| Stationery,

• Perfumes,

I Toilet Articles,

Artists Supplies,

Patent Medicines,

Miscellaneous Books,

School Hooks,


Autograph and Scrap Albums.

Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.


W, 8. Winegars.

D r . Owen's E l e c t r i c Beit* FOR MM m o WOMAN

Cum •k.ujtUa. VrWfeta OH-

eefUlel. Kr-uai Kihaiuik*. Qtma real D.M M;. *4. VHM

Imcrttftry. fa#** tyah.BrrsiiMU WrukftM*. I'M*

I'.lMj impmrcd .luff. 1. |«i tlM • %r**« nrelalat (IfKtBlsatl KnMMtMB. !«* miUI or Mrnmr f • rrv o* rlmrtrl»y whkli

MlwHlalraA/Ml • 'V*! ••lurr I j rralorv mrmk mrguat Ut • ' 1 • sr.

E M P T R g J J t a S H W * ' A 0 f J a d«» ..f .iwasra sf... rsiusbi* InlormsUon and meon. asu-fiK-iu ia rDifliah. o*nnsn. s-i.li.h snd Xorwtgisa 0 1 owe* B a | c a s s i a ISJ SU'.e 5t.Clilcaao.Ul

Ladies Fine Shoes. Two-Hnodred and Fitly Pairs of Oray Brothera, H. S. Robin*on A Bur t enshaw, Field, Thayer A Co., L. P. ROM and other Fine Dongola and French Kid Shoes, Original Price f rom 13 00 to

F V O O .

Only $2.00.

One Hundred Pairs OP

F INE DONGOLA Odd lota, flnt price f rom $2.50 to fl.SO

Only $1 .75

M at Tbis. Ladies Fine Shoes, Genuine Dongola,

wa r r an t ed aolid th roughout . Cheap a t $2.50 per pair. Price Unti l Sold,

Only $1 .00

NEW GOODS. Our New Ooods H a v e u rnved . I n c l u d -

ing a Full Line of

G r a y Brothers , D r e w & Se lby .

H . S . Rob inson & Co's,

Se l t / & Schwab ,

and others, which we offer a t prices to

suit t h e times.

R E M E M B E R !

All Goods Are Warranted to be Jus t a s Represented.

Never but once be fo re h s r e wo had u Kile of this kind and those who were fo r tuna te enough to get Ihe henellt be-fo ie will r imeniber tha t wha t w e say in regard to the goods a n d prices a re

Men's Fine Shoes, Two-BMdred Pairs


MEN'S F1NESHOES, Such as J a m e s Mean's $3.00 Shoe,

RindKe, Bert sell A Co's $4 50 Shoes. Oeo. W, Cady. L P . Ross. Field, Thayer and Co.. and other nute-d makes will all go in this hale, at

F f o m S l lo 1.50 be low O r i g i n a l Price This is the Best Bargain ever offered

in Men's Fine Shoes in Lowell.



Every Pair of Veal Calf in Congress, | i lut ton and Bals. solid th roughou t , will ' g o a t

From $1.25 to $1.50.

Our Whole Stock of

W I N T E R GOODS Must go nt some price.

A Full Line of

Boston Rubber ShoeCo. Goods Always on Hand.

r v u n n u D O N 0 T F A I L T 0 A T T E N D THIS SALE. L . l . t l U u L C Remfember the Place. SIGN OF T H E BIG SHOE, at the

Old Reliable Boot Shoe Store. McCARTY


A b a r r e l o f O h i o L i m e

A b u s h e l of C l o v e r Seed

A S m o k e d H a m , p e r 11)

A S m o k e d S h o u l d e r pe r l b . . .

O n e P o u n d of T e a D u s t . . . .

Ei i ;hi P o u n d s of T e a D u s t . . .

T r y m y F i n e T e a

G r a n u l a t e d S u g a r , in IOO lb .

lo l s , p e r l b

O r 1 4 lbs

Yel low C S u g a r 20 lbs

P u r e B u c k w h e a t F l o u r pe r l b .

F i n e F a m i l y S y r u p pe r p a i l . . .

Fine F a m i l y S y n i p p e r k e g . .

N e w M a p l e S u g a r p e r lb

A C o r d o f W o o d , de l iv . 1.00


• 335

. . 0 8

. . 0 7

. .15

. . 1.00

• *5

• 07

. 1 . 0 0

. I.OO-

. .02

. . 8 0

. . 1.25

9 t o ll

t o 1 . 5 0

R E M O V E D ! I have removed ray stock of Clothing. Hats

and Caps, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Ac, from my present location. Corner Store Train's Opera House Block.

O N M A R C H 5TH,

I a m a l w a y s r e a d y t o b u y

Pork, Beef, Beans, Hides, Pelts, Furs, Potatoes, Corn, Oats,

a n d a n y t h i n g else a f a r m e r h a s t o sell .



Where I will be pleased to meet you all.


L O W E L L ,



Page 3: LOWELL JOURNAL.lowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1890/03_March/03-05-1890.pdf · LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. Office la Train's Opera House Slock. Three Cents Per Copy VOLUME

(ijOWTCtL JOURNAL: ^«DNKSI)AY.'UARC!7 6, 1690.


Bowne Centre.

The friondh of Mr. s n d Mrs. A. Mc-Dia rmld . w h o met a t thoir residence l»Bl Fr iday evening, en joyed the warm Bugar very much .

Mr. Bacon IR vis i t ing F . C. Bacon, his brother , who Is teaohing a v e r - success-ful t e r m of school a t Uie Cent re .

Mr. Charl ie Liv ings ton closed a very successful t e rm of school, In the East Bowne District, last F r iday . The schol am presented h im w i t h a photograpl a lbum, as a token of their esteem.

POWDER Absolutely Pure.

Thin powder nrTor T»nr«. A Mur el n( pur ty. K'-enKth «ml. whllreomiMiBiw. Mun< eooo

•mlml thin llir anlUury kln(l». inrt rsnnol be •old In co nprllllnnwIUi the multlliiil- of low Imtt. *hnrl welulil slum or phosphsle iMiwders. sold onlr In rsn*. Royal lltklntr I'owder Oo. 108 Wall Bl., N. Y. I* « )

P # A L L A N S ^



lee t

dly, they now have a , and s t " ' Tnixv .

increasing rani •neiuU-iship of nearly seventy._nnil still m a r e to join soon.

If there is a busy man in town, it is B. C. Smith , tho tailor, and ho Is will-ing to keep r igh t on busyinR hinisell making you r clothes.

t ings, who •ign mission-*rjll start for

T h e e e Cooda C o n t a i n t h e L r n v r a o r Needle* of t h e P i n e T r e e .

Dae them for a pleasant smoke and spcedv relief tor INFLUENZA. ACUTL UNO CHRONIC CATARRH. CLEROYHEN S SORE THROAT. HAT FEVER. ASTHMA AND ALL BRONCHIAL DISEASES: they are f ree f rom odulluration, an nothing Is US.HI in their manufacturo bu t tho DCST OT TOBACCO and FRESH PINE NEEDLES



HUMPHREYS' TirHc«nMl*n' lSraSIorirn3rttmraM^nd caratullr pr»pared prrwrtptlain: tuniroi nmiy TI«»» It PRL'ALFPNWWRWIILNUROMMIID foniwr IblrtrfianItfed by Uie people. Every 'tneir «pe-MOr U a tpeelal cure for Uie dUeMr named.

TSwae SpecKlca cure wlllinui dnMng, pur*-Im,-or rrdudnc Ihe ijtletn. nnd ari' In fad and Owl'beaaTerelgu reBiedleaafllie\V arid.

LurorranarALSoa. ccaa*. mien, 'ever*, CDDftatlOB. lnlUmmiUon> Coraie, Wonn Ferer, Worm C'ollc-

I Celle, urTeethlnnnr Inrann kea, »r Chll lri n or AdulU

e r ^ iirijilnk-. UlllooiCoUc

IK, &VIRUUU-IIR,R«CEOI hea. BlrklleiuUche. VertUn,^ (a . lUIIoiu Mnuitch I • ed or Pa infu l I'erlode .

aliea. too Prtifniie Period*. . . . « »a»i l oiwli, I'lfflrult Omllilin:

E C I F I C S !»e rmin r3 io^ inu rM»i ! i r r lien, lUInd or laifduin . »h l l i a l«y . nr Snn-.or Weak K'e»..

.rrfc, Influenia. c-ild In UM-!.• ad . oplaar CoMnh. Vlulmi (^>u«la.,

Oiipretted nrealblne blaeharaea. Imnalnd Hearinir fnla . Enlarged <IUnd», S»el1tn>

_ Tal DcMllty.PhyHeal Wf«kDoa< Dropav, and S^anl) Heeretlni SemWekarM. ^Irknro frini .".laiw

IfebflTu He®1"*1 ""eak-naM. or Iiivnlunlary Dlwlmrt I

are Moalb, Canker . r i na r r Wemkaeaa. Wutiliw Bed alBfaf Per iod . . wiibSM.ai Tfraaea ofihi-llcan,l'idiii;«ii<>iif ;alle*ay, .st vitu.' Jjjaw I l au iaer la . rVrniledhartTlir'ai hronlr Conpc.llon. * Riupllant

•(glaia. or Hem IKXtpak . ULiirncru' Nxra i . ,™

V!,v. \VX.7.L"V. 0 V \ .

^ V A H u L ^ j . .

IJCMHHKEYH' VETERINARY fiPEClFICS -n flaedbyall ownereorna raeand C a u

• uf lir. Ilufiiplin-yj' J on treatmeni nnd

Unne*. CalUe. Sheep. Mium*


Mm. J . M. H a d ley, of H has been interested in forei, arj- work for some t ime China in a few days to devote seven years to actual labor among the |ia-gans.

Mrs. Wm. Lee. of Bowne. received n s t roke of paralysis in l.er right side last Monday inorning at fl o'clock and it was thought by her physician and fr iends tha t she could not recover, but at th is wri t ing she Is grudually Im-proving. Dr. Sayles a t t end ing .

The lucky numbers in the O. A. R drawing were 13—X—102. Highest number drew the watch, next highest set silver plated table spoons and the remaining n u m b e r took the hand lamp. Chas. Sampeon, Mrs. J . W . Oodf re r and Geo. Hat ton held the re-spective numbers .—fleraW.

Parnall Polnla.

Thanks to the Editor for favors receiv-ed.

J o h n Whi t e and fiinnly expect to move to Dakota t o m e t ime this week.

To Mr. and Mrs. R. Talbot , a son.

The funera l of Mrs. Nooning, of ( id . Rapids, formerly of th is place, wh ich was held here Feb. 25, a t the Catholic church . Bev. Fa ther Crumley officiating, was largely a t tended. The dectasvd was a sister-in-law of Edward Flynn.

W m . Boj len ' s family are all recover-ing f rom t h e measles.

We learn there is to be a union m e n -ing of the P . of 1. ut the Alton church March 15, ten o'clock sharp . A picnic d inner . All fa rmers a rc cordially Invit-ed. A good program, two good speak-ers and a good t ime m general .

W e expect s la ighing soon. Some are ou t with tells on their horses with buggies.

South Lowell I tenu.

Mrs. l i z z i e Beed. ol Qd. Rapids, spent Sunday with her parenta, Mr. a n d Xrs . J acob Yei ter.

Mr. Elmer Richardson and wife, of South Boston, .hjjfldayed with Jno . (Jhrittie 's people, the lut tcr 's parents .

Henry Yeiter s tar ted wi th his goods last Tuesday for his new home iu Isu be I In county . Airs. Yeiter remained here a few days, on account of the serious illnesa of her mother , Mrs. M. Liviugston.

We will leave the notice of the wed ding of Johnn ie Ritteiiger for the West Lowell Lorteapomieni to write, a» she seems to have been wait ing for a n op-por tuni ty to du ao for qui te a while. We will say tliat you r loris is our gain, as tne bride u< |u i l e well known in this vicinity ami i» vary highly esteemed. "Success to Johnnie." '

The Misses Sum, of Ionia, spent Sun day wi th Jno . R i l t engo r s family.

Mrs. B. Easterday is qui te sick at pre-sent wri t ing.

Mrs. Regla, of Hast ings , ha - been making her sister, Mrs. Marv Yei ter , u visit the past week. Bo-

I l lghest marke t pr i re paid for Pelts and Pure a t the Lowell Woolen Mills.

8 . D. Godfrey r l i l t ed a t Six Lakes last week.

Thomas Condon has purchased a thor-oughbred Clydesdale stallion f rom some Canadian par t ies .

Mrs. J a m e s Aldrich, front Bowne Cen-ter, visited her father , N. Godf rey , last week.

Elder Dunbar , from Ohio, preached in Elder Gray 's place last Sunday .

The school closed on' last Fr iday wi th very nice recitations f rom nearly kX of the scholar*. Miss Misner and also from some of the visit.'re present. As Miss Misner is to remain in the iieighborliood this week some of her pupils p lanned a nice little surprise party for her, which WHS given a t Mrs. Alice Brown's, her boarding place, on Monday evening, March 8U. A very pleasant evening was posse.!, and as ull were seatinl for s u p -tier Mrs. Carl, in behalf of t h e company. In a few well chosen words presented Miss Misner with a lovely napk in ring, that she may carry to her homo a pleas-ant remlndi-r of the t ime spent with us. Miss Misner responded, expressing her sincerest t hanks to all.

To see Smith ' s goods and prices is to buy, for he will not be undersold.


J . D. Woodworth ' s two youngest lioys. Nelson and Edward, s tar ted f rom Clarks-ville on A'eduesday. with a ca r contain-ing a s|>an of horses one cow and house-hold coods, for Marietta. Ga. The next day the rest of the family took the train at Elmdale for the same place.

Andy and Elery Trowbridge and Riley King star ted lor "the land of the Dakota s the first of the week.

A part of the ties have arr ived for the side track a t this place.

George P lummer moved upon Mr. F . King 's f a r m to-day.

Mrs. H . Farnham is the last victim of the grip here. She is on t h e gain at present.

Old papers, for sale a t t h i s oflice, 5c. per dozen.

'. J o h n Ashley, j t-adera on a small acala were accuitomed to ' i c e P r p M . ' 0 .n c t" ^ I do boaineai la not tlaturltig In iu result to tho

Or.Bul: '# Cough Syrup , ,.„i:u ror a s c .

Mra. Allen'a Qolden Hhlr V/arh. faiplan Fact-HlMch. Mitnmi IMII . ;.ir SmlDplailliebeit. Ruraa.r-r «u;«tlooaihalr. IIiDf drmlnf. .Ml> .1 wliolnale and retail. Send I n. •mini. 1 r LliatJaifJcln-ulai. Full'.votM- -It FLTOIT. MBS R. W. AU.*.V,T1"V -WAIDAv..I»Taun.l-ViKd< ljuru, , ,im


wLen amicted with Throat and l-miR Troubles.

Only 2FT CIH. * Bottle at I)ruECI«t».



•nike the famous IIUTV- Urarnl Baker Ulanl.-1»

WANTED Men to take nrdeiv fur Surnerj- >-1ork. on Salary or Commladon. 1 oin make a aurcwafnl

SALESMAN of any one who will work and follow iu> instrur-Uons. Will furrlah hnndH-ime outtli fr—, jiul pay your wUury or ooilitnlnluii evi-rj week. Write for terni» ut one .

E. O. Oil AH AM, Nur«er>ni«ii. Itochi-stei N. V.

Lowell & Has t ings H, R. T I M E T A B L E :

TRAINS SOUTH. I^are l^iwell. ":8fi a a

Elmdale. 7-40 a w Arrive at Freejiort. B;I0 a a

TRAINS NORTH. I<ea*e Free twin. Arri»e at Elmdals.


9:45 a >1 I0;i"4l A a 10:10 a a

.13" r a 5JB r a 0:05 p a

(lUmii) H, F. CI.ARK, Prop

I • lh«- world. UfrnuAM. and it. htirodar o r •Miftortf-Uwawiii ••ndrm t

I ta Cuh -l»o -oil#

t<ii.sal tmrpram make Maf cf Ik. .hm.- All todoIN •• lo th y*. Ml g—d, to

r-b- •«"- wtmr ' fU •»***** J**. IM We-

Inff 9f tkU •d»««*•••>l « Ik. •Dtoll MMl t>r tkstola.

I f TW rvt ftT*a tk .^f»»<«efUre*^d

»k^allk#iM#'kptM«fltob-i«k ll M • CTM-I. dosiklf Miv lei--Utaertitrsm We «lll al»o»ka»x«ahow r j

mm Mka n«<u 9 3 u s I o a dar al I'MI. m-oi Ike nait.wr"

Adr. it«m«.

Hock Hunt ley und fami ly . from Ovid, were here last week visiting relatives.

Miss T inkham, f rom Wisconsin, has been visiting a t C. 0 . Tinkham's for the last two weeks.

John Smi th has moved his boots, shoes and ready made clothing into his d rug and grocery store, as Smith & Bristol thought the one building large enough for both.

The Ada Male Quar te t te gave a con-cert ui tho Baptist church , last T h a n day evening.

Miss Ncllio Labarge . who has heen spending the win ter a t Ovid, re turned home last Tbursday.

L. Burns had nine h i tching jiostB set at the f ron t and one side of his store, la«t week, his being the only P. or I . store in town.

Wil l and Sid Headley went hun t ing ln«t Sa tu rday , and caught 15 rabbits.

Miss F rank te Washburn is spending a few days a t Cusca le.

A dance was held a t Mr. Huggins ' lust Fr iday night , twenty two couple being present. A very pleasant t ime is reported.

Rev. Mr. Dayton is holding protracted meetings a t the M. E. chtiruh, assisted by Rev. Mr. Miodleton.

Schreiner has an immense stock of e legant robes which he will sell a t cost.

The Foui- Corner.,

There are ra the r rough roads at this wr i t ing .

The P . of 1. Lodge a t Alto, now numbers nearly 100. At the lust meet -ing 18 new members were taken in. They are m e w i n g with great euccess. better than t hey will in six months f rom now.

There will bo a n ight cap social at Mrs. Houghton ' s , on Friday evening, March " th . All a re invited to a t tend.

A pension defect ive wjw in Alio on Wednesday , t ak ing applications for pensions.

R. Andrews a n d J . Har t lev attended the G. A. R. meet ing at Lowell lust week.

I h e surprise pa r ly for Jenn ie Cbatter-don was well a t t endod and u good tnno IB reported by those who at tended.

M. Streeter. w h o has been very aick. is s lowly recovering.

Ed . Marr is work ing for E. L. Curtias.

John Carlisle, of Grand Rapids, ia visiting a t Isaac Bt annan's .

Phil . Har t ley captured n badger tha t weighed 264b8.

It is now the flnt of March, so Imys. beware. Do no t spear tiah on idcEwen Lake, for f aa r of the result, as the deputy in a ferocions man and will pull any one he catchee nt that work .

I t is rumored abouv that two P. of I . i men are going to s ta r t u store ut Me-I C o r d i . PETER.

To any subscriber who will come and pay all a r rearages and u year in ad-vance w e will send a copy of the Cream-

• rr/z—a paper publlBhed in the interests of the but ter makers—for a year , jiost paid, fur 1C cents.

Alton A10ma.

Chas. Madison, Sr . . is qnlto sick with inf lammation of the kidneys. Dr. Young's f rom Lowell is a t t end ing hint.

E . Schuyler f rom Kalamazoo Is vinlt-m g a t Silas Chrisman's .

We did not know that Tuesday was the 14tli of March until wo saw our last week's items.

Byron Beecher and fami ly moved near Detroit, on Monday, where he will work lor his a u n t .

More at tended the Council titan rfe expected, considering t b e roads. Next one Ui be a t South Lowell, in four weeks, and will be public.

J D. Woodworth and family went to their southern *hume lust week. Miss Carrie Fiirnhum went also.

Miss Alice Lever ••losed a successful term of school in ' the N o r t h Bell District, r r u l a y . und will teuch t h e spr ing t e n n .

W e bear many repor ts about S. W. Towl's insurance, and one is. we are sorry t o say . ' tha t he has not got it.

You can get the finest worsted pants for #9 a t B. C. Sttiith's.

KallaaabuiKh Locala.

Miss Loura Gould closed her winter term of school, ut Fox 's Corners, last Friday, with an exhibit ion in the even ing. An enjoyable t ime wa* had by all present.

Will Oood sell, of Black River, is visit-ing relatives and friends th is week.

Miss May H u n t e r returned from u four weeks visit lo Canada, last Satt ir dav. and commenced he r Spr ing t e n n of ' school , in the Yerkes District, this week.

QiiHrterly meeting will be held In the school bouse, next Sa tu rday , a t 2:30 p. tn. Preaching by Rev. Goulds, ol Ionia.

Miss Alice Myers has recovered from IJI grippe. That epidemic is rapidly dying out .

The W . C. T. U. gave a New England Supper , ot the residence of Mr. Moon, on Fr iday evening. Tbe a t tendance was small , but those present en joyed a very pleasant evening. GYPSY.

Don Monks has a genuine woolly horse.

The Pat rons of Indus t ry in the vicin-ity of L i k e Odessa, have decided to buy tlietr goods where they please, so we are informed.

A. W . Goodell says tha t no twi ths tand-ing his sickness, all t h e taxes are col-lected on personal p roper ty but flic.

George Dewight , w h o was tried In the circuit court at Ionia last week, for assault upon J a m e s Meaney, was con-victed and sentenced t o be imprison-ed in tho suite prison a t Jackson, for the period of twenty-l ive years. Dr-wight was u prisoner in the 8 . H. of C.. and the assault, which was an aggru vated one, was m a d e upon a fellow prisoner. He came originally f rom Clinton county and h a d over eight yea rs j e t to serve In the r e fo rma to ry . H e is said to bo the hardest cr iminal ever tried in t h e Ionia circuit .

Tom Gates and Lewis Eddy , of Berlin, a re a couple of young men whuae names haye ap|>eared In t h e Loco/ before in a not very complimentary l ight , were at one of the en te r t a inmen t s at Shaw ' s hall last week, and in company wi ih Merrill Horton. of the sume township , made a disturbance. The t r io were taken iu charge by Marshal Hubbell , and were lodged in the village lockup, where tbey were kept unti l some of their surp lus whiskey worked off a n d were then re-least d tin their promise to Ihe marshal thut they would come in town as early as Saturday morn ing and settle up the mat te r , l iut i n Sa tu rday inorning thev failed to show up and a war ran t was is-sued for their anen t . On their convict Ion they weie fined by Jus t ice Aldrich to pay a fine of one dollar each, togeth-e r with the costs and in dt laull Of the paymen t of the same tliey were to lie tmprliioned in the coun ty jai l at Ionia fo r ten days. Hor ton pahl his ussest. ment but Gates and Eddy had to take the jnl l end of the penalty.—Local.

There is no guess work about It—It is a reality tha t Smi th , tbe tailor, has the finest line of sui t ings, pan t ings and ov-ercoatings ever shown in Lowell , anil he is making ' h e m u p for very low prices.

Gratta n Oalherluga.

Thanks to our Sou th Boston fr iend fo r kind words.

Mrs. P . McCanley sold 10 chickens la i t week, br inging her $5 HI, live weight . Got ahead of thieves. (See warn ing from " T h e Four Comers , " iu JocitNAL. Feh. 20)

W e a U t c d l s s t week thm Mr. Wes t , of Ohio, had iiurcnased the Grat tan Hotel. Mrs. West s fa ther . Edward Allen, also f r o m Ohio, is the purchaser , while Mr. Wes t is negotiat ing wi th A. d e m o n s , one mile east of the Centre, for his fa rm, in view of a home for hiinself and fami ly . We are glad to learn Mr. C. will not leave ou r t o u n , for they a r e a pioneer family.

It. A . Weekes closed a very hncrRjaf,.! t e r m of school in t b e Mason District . Feb. 28th.

Several of ou r f a rmers have filled the i r ice houses f rom a small lake, which is sheltered by high banks on the south . Larger , more exposed lakes, a re o|ien.

Mr. and L'rs. George Smith great ly County

iting Mr. a man , old friends a t Ensley, last week.

very happy Fr iday, a t tho p i w p o c t of a sletghride. Only a n inch of unow fell.

The "Weekes-Mooney Case"—put over f rom t ime to t ime—hut lately tried in t h e Ionia Circuit Court , has been decided in favor of Joh r I Weekes. of Ora t t an . H e is daily ro<-eivinu congratula t ions f rom friends, or t h e decision.

Our respecW pioneer. Nelson Holmes, now venefablo In years and experience, was elected president of the Washmpton Club, held at Gieenville, Feb 22nd 1890. This Club was born and christened in Gra t tan , while t h e annual mee t ings were held with its members, unli l ita increasing members outgrew the ac-commodat ions of anv private house, since which t ime it has been held a t Hotels. W m . Lessiter was elected Guard ; Me* Wm. Gardner, aid-red a Orat tan boy. he lived so close to our i cwn llne in earlier years.

Messrs. J . E . Richardson and L. Byrne, of Grand Rapids, were visitors a t H. Lossiter's, March 2d,

H . Green, Mr. and Mrs. John Ashley. Mr. and Mrs. W m . Lessiter, wi th o t h t r friends, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Bar rage near Greenville, Feb. 87th.

W e were inTi f 'd to join the b i r tbda} par ty . Maerh Ist. in honor of Mr. a n d Mr*, l i . Green, they having reached t h e following milestones in life: Mrs. O. was "2 year* old. Feb. 2Sth1 F r iday , nnd Mr. G. was 70 years old. March 1st. Sa turday , so they hud a united celobra-tion. As our heal th would not pe rmi t of a t tendance, will give part iculars n e x t week.

Mrs. J o h n Richardson, who removed f rom Grat tan to Grand Rapids, a year ago, has had, seemingly, hear t disease for years. Lately an at tack so prostrated her , tha t the family thought deoth was surely a t hand. T w o physicians were summoned, w h o wod it was a peculiar case of s tomach trouble, p ronounc ing her heart "al l r i gh t . " Tke t hough t of hear t disease has bung over her l ike a dark cloud, but alio is now fast recover Ing.

The Gra t tan Amateur s played "Solon Shingle ," etc. , before a fu l l bouse last Fr idav evening. Receipts | 2 5 . The crowd then ad journed to the Hal l , pass-ing several hours in dancing. The play was held in Gra t tan chttreh. MAUD.




Old Home* Rave Tbalr Teeth riled. Thalr Hair Dyad a <llo»j l lruno, and the SUIT Jo in t . Umbered So That Tbey Can He

Palmed Off ITpon the Cnsn.peeltnc-

Yea. ths mvlntiler 1* abroad In the bind. "Tricks In all Iradetoxoepl oun.1 ' laugliingly spoke a horseman recently to a Pott reporter who happened to irltnew a transaction not loo commcadablo to tho spokesman. An In-vtstlgatloo as to tbe manner in which thrae

A llarkDian'. Nerve. John ( 'aulev. u haolanaii. aver ted a

disaster lo bis equlp ige , himself nnd his fare one tuoining, no doubt saving tho lives exposed and laid the foundat ion of his fortunes under circumstances pecu-liar to life in the great metropolis. H e lives in Brooklyn, owns his own back and drives over every morning to a s tand at the oity hall.

Just before 6 o'clock, Edward Husklns, a cattle and horse rnnchman of Sydney , Neb., t'iok Cauley's hack to go to the northeast portion of town. W h e n Eigh-ti-enth street and Fourth avenue was reached the hack was going at a rapid pace.

Suddenly a gong resounded M i i n d the hack, and Cauley turned to see a chemi-cal engine turning into the avenue f r o n Serenteenth street, with tbe horses at a gallop. The hack was on tbe l e f t side of Ihe street under headway not lo be checked within a dozen yards. A furni -ture truck and wagon coining down filled the-ollier half of the street. It was the thought of an instant to Cauley tha t he must cut around the corner to the right and leave the chemical f ree to its toma-dolike course up the avunoe. Another eugine now appeared, with its horses on

dead run. Destruction seemed Inevitable. Oau-

ley was already thrown back upon the roof of his vehicle with all his weight and strength upon the lines, but the roll-ing hack wus pusliing upon tbc heels of his horses, and ita impetus was assured to carry it into the middle of the croes street. There doom awaited il In the shape of u great , brass, fire breathing engine. I t was a moment of fa te , and Cauley was equal to it. With the same ! dextrous stress tha t he intended to apply | in rounding tbe corner he turned his plunging horses Into tlie gut te r , over the high curb with a f r igh t fu l leap und surge of the springs, across tho wulk and head-long through the folding doors of a dry goods store. There, quivering with their full length within Uie store, t b c horses were halted. The engines, narrowly paaMDg each other , swept on with a cheer for the heck.

At the Hoffman house later on Mr. Haakins aaid: " 1 was scared, but when I saw my driver backing the horeea out of 4he store, without a hair tu rned , and apolrgizing to the excited store people for his iutrusion, 1 waa s truck with ad-miration. I was white, and when I saw that not a cent 's damage had been done, and the driver waa saying coolly, ' I t ' s all right, sir; no harni done!" 1 made up my mind that u man of his nerve with horses was u muti for me. Anyhow, 1 owed him sometliiag. I 've bought his hack and given it to bis brother , and I 'm going to take him down into No Man's Land to superintend a herd of 1,400 head of horses.'-—Now York Tele-gram.

Monej- for tha Conga State. The k ing of tlie Belgians is In a diffl-

cully, and looks to the anti-slavery con-ference to help him out of iu For somo years his majesty has been paying no less than 1X0.000 per a n n u m ou t of his privy p u n * to support the ndnilnistra-tion of the Congo state. Tlie Belgian .parliament will not rel ieve him of a far th ing of this heavy charge. By an agreement of the Euro|ieati powers the king is forbidden to recoup liimself by tin impoaiiiun of oustopis duties upon the Congo. Tbe posliion liae liecome serious, nnd the drain UI>OII the king's private resources can no longer be Isime. He hopes, therefore, that theiinti-slavery congress may make u recommendation U> the powers U> reconsider their decision, nnd in the iiUeresis of civilization und good order to allow the collection of moderate dues within the Congo state.— Chicugo Herald.

nwn following this calling for a UveUbood. While every oecupotlon U supposed to have some degree rcapeotabillty atUclwd to It, and there are, no doubt, many hoMSt "•-n engaged In the livery and HJO btulneB, hir-ing a u l boarding of boraee. It has become a notorious fact that there are a class of men Vkc Xolkiw it lo small daallugk, moat of nhom in tbeir operations border on the line of .rasoajity, and, to say tho leeut/show what knavery and trickery can aocumpllsh, and keep ttosu who w i t to it beyond the reach of criminal prosecution. Now and then they become over roolWent, emboklenad, by their suooesaBs, and dsliherately rob some poor victim, and thru frighten him beyond daring tomaks anyatteiopt to recover.ht- confli-cn ted. pr" petty.

Ut THS CAPITAL. In this oity oan be found a nutnber.of men

Whoeall themsslvoshorse traden Boaio of tbcra have neither boram nor stable, while the

atock oLtho others wtil range between one MdtoUadnaeohanssa Many of these men locata nasr tbe CBBtor market and bazaar,

,«kon> they Had oottnirytnnn who can lie ehsated and rabbed with their eyra wide open;also where opportunitiea are conrtantly .being presented for .deals and trades Tbe taan with.a few hases and the stable, •smsll or large,.will work in with the one without either, and thry will qqii-i ly form a oombinauon when a chance preeeati itself of th»ir bettering themselvea. Somo of the old bulla that are on hand, and to be oper-ated with, have been obtained for little or no money consideration, and it is astoniah-ing how rapidly thsy change ownership, Ot-Ung theoircnmstancaand neceasitha of the

T H E BEST IN T H E W O R L D . Senator Henry C. Nelson, of New

York, wri tes : • •SENATE O H AMUEP., A L B A S T , N . Y . I

April 4. H*.V f On tbo 27lh of February , 1888,1 wus

taken with a violent pain in tbe region of the kidneys 1 suuered such agony that I could hardly stand tip ASH-OII aa possible 1 npplled two AUIOOCK'8 I'OR Ol's PL.A'TERS, one over eiich kidney, and laid down. In an hour , to my sur-rnise nnd del ight , the pain hud vanished and 1 was well 1 wore (lie plasters for a day or two as a precaution, and then rem-'-ved t l iem. I have lie*n using AU. COCK'S PORCH'S PLAKTRHS i n m y f a m i l y for the last ten yeir>. and have a lways found them t h e quickest and best ex t emnl remedy for colds,Ntrains and rln-u-iiintic affectiot s. From my experience 1 believe Ihey aro tho best phiaters in t h e world."

AIXCOCR'B PORCH PLASTERS a n - p u r e l y vegetable. They are mild but effective, sure and quick in their act ion, and nb-solutely hurtnlesB.

Beware ol imitations, and do noi In-deceived b y misrepresentat ion. Ask for AI.I-COCK'S a n d let n o s o l i d t a t l r <• " planation induce you to accept a sub s t l tute .

A L i . c o c K ' f i CORN AND B U S I O ; : SHIEI.DS ffect quick and certain relief.


Il you ge t short of b rea ih , h a v e f lnt tvriiig, pain in side, f a i n t o r h u n g r y s|iells. swoolen ankles, e tc . , you have hear t disease, and don ' t fail to t ake Dr. Mile's New Cure. Sold a t Yei te r & Looks d r u g store.


is a positive specific for all forms of ihe disease. Blind, Bleeding, I tching, Ul-tvra led and Protradl* g Pi les .—Price 80c. For sale by H U N T dt H U N T E R .

H U D S O N ' S V-

" O F T H E -


aura- Nui. mm mon ura lumier. oav the sharpen got hold of his horse. Ui appeared, leaving tho worthless anh hi. hands. ThosUwk Dsed In this ct

I th .known that one hone waa bandied and claimed by Ovp different men aa ita owner in two days. I t flgur*d during that .period lo Ave trsdea, tsily one of which was sucocasfnl. aud than the faraier, having let

get hold of his hone, they dis-ilmai in

cheat'ng is doctored for. tho purpoata of deception. I t is known that to mltiead as to the age of somaof thtse veteran hunss, whoso servicen

i thnoid entitle them to a place ou toe retired list in tho pasture fl.'Ja. havo had to submit

.to a Qiing down ot teeth, that tho year marks mighl U> destroyed. Inauother inxtanco tbe

.fetioobi were neatly cut and trimmed, the Irogs clqsned and politlicd, sun toes set up lo hide all appearance of wenknft* in those points aad give the imprsssion that the horae waa ali rlgiu in front.

Still and lamo shoulders, to which an ani-mal may hefuhject, have boeu temporarily limbervd in unlet to trade the nnnana horse off. When tht, new owner atfnip ' .s to work the animal be quickly disouvers the irarmi-tion and fraud put upon him and brings back tho burse, complaining of tho decepUou. He W coolly informed that tbe horae was not lame when traded, but that tbo mishap oc-curred sinoe and he muit make tho beat of it. The horse bo received ia proven as repre-snnted, and tho dealer comes out $W or more ahead on the trick.

Obloring of the bone's hair is also practiced for the purpose of faoilltaUng trade. It might be supixsed that this would have no wo'giit in such matten, bat in some cases it b very important as to tho looks of tho horse. Bya process used among thedishoaest t radsn the hone is fitted out in a bright, cloov suit of <bair, which will last for a few days, ur until water strikes it, when it will entirely disapiiear.

COMM THAT FADE Then it nill lwdiscuvorcd that the animal

has a coat liadly •.unbumt and worn, any-thing bat soft asd plwaiing Generally three,

-four, or half a dozen men participate iu the effort to -cllact a trade, and the innucencu thsy pretend to show regarding hnnes i< re-freshing to witnes. Scliemcsof all kimlsare daviasd, comUnatiuns effected and Jobs put up to cheat tho unkuapecttng. If not lo actual-ly rob men willing to make trades of thoir henet .or glre.tbem in exohnnge a wortblw, patched up animal under lha fal-Rhuod told snd dtseHption placed U J I O I I tliem

Tbaneiglibnrbood nf Kiilernth street and Louislanu avenue and 11 street, tbenco up to C street. '• ••ween Tcntli and Eleventh strests, has Uvn mo aueue nf anumherof thcav ras-cally transactions Catuilrymoi, more psr ticulnrly tbe younger ones. ar» wlacted to operate upon by tho traders, who atari on a very plausihlv plan. A stranger hapjiens near, and stops to look at the niunlrymauSi horse, admirer tbu auiuiol and wants to know if ho is formic. In this manner the Ice ia broken .for a touversation, aad the stranger suggesU thal ho has a horse and wiUroaUe a trade Holias not. I sit a lie liko that atnounU to nothing in a horiRi trade

He goes away reprsscntlng that ho will bring the bone, commits his confederate.who loans him a plug ihal haa Jiod a different owner tor every trade attempted to havo teen mad" fpr.a week. U has been worked

Upon DotU preaonUiblo, and ia shown to the oounf rrnau in Its .beat light. About this timo mateanger appears ou tho ground, ep-

f t a n t l y iwoguamtsd with either party. Be ia soon followed by one or two more. Tbey icarn tho t e rn* propowd by the profea-

.swnal trader, and t o tneir mind it looks like agood offer, llotb horsta amitpreacnte.! M entirely noumi. and,«4aUafaotory trial is to te made before tbe bargain is considered

Be sure to call and see t h e elegant stock of New Spr ing Goods a t Smith ' s .

E I L K B T ' S E X T R A C T O F T A R 4 : W I L D CBEBRY is a safe, reliable nnd pleasant remedy fo r Coogh. Colds, Bronchit is , As lbma, a n d all throat t roubles ; will re-lieve a n d benefit cotieumption. Try il a n d Ui convinced. Every bottle war-ranted; prioe 50c. and one dollar per bottle. Sold by all druggis ts . Prepared by the E inmer t Propr ie ta ry Co., Chica-go, HI.

b R . J A Q U E S ' GERMAN WORM C A K E S destroy woruiB nnd remove tliem Irotn the system. Safe (.leasum nnd effective.

H A P P Y HOME BLOOD P U R I F I E R is Ihe People* Popu la r Medicine lor pur-i fy ing t h e blood; prevent ing or cur ing Dyspepsia, Btlliousness, Headache. Doils a n d all Fevers and Malarial Disea-

s. Pr ice 50c. nnd one dollar per bottle.

U N C L E SAM'S N E R V E & BONE LINIMENT will relieveSpra'ns.Bruises. Neuralgia and Rheu iaa t i sm. Sold by all druggists.

UNCLE SAM'S CONDITION POW DER will cure Dt-letnper, Coughs. Odds , Fevere and most of tbe diseases tw which Horses, Cat t le , Sheep, Hogs and Poul t ry are subject . Sold by all druggists . .

Mothers will find P r . Wlnchel l ' s Teelbtng Sy rup just t h e meilicine to have in the house for the chi ldren; it will cure Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat , and Regula te the Bowels. Try il.

en joyed a t tending t h e Newaygo County Grange, also visi t ing Mr. and Mrs. Hill-

Chris. Peterson, a Dane, working for P MoCaitley, was severely kicked by a horse. Fell. 28tli. No bones broken, but he has to stay In the house a t p re -sent. Mr. P . is u fine player ou the accordion, ao can whi le away the tedious ho-irs with music.

Tho "Beau t i fu l " is a great curiosity this winter . The young people were

TntTtd oo the Atlantic. The recent terrible stortus tha t huve

swept the Atlantic, some of them certi-fied lo bv t ea captuinu who have been on salt wuter all their lives to be tho worst tho; have ever seen, have demonstra ted tliat the great ocean steamers, with thoir capacity for hundreds of passengers, are. humanely B|ieaking, absolutely safe. These storms, of unprecedented sevority, have in no case been sufficient to dinable one of these shi|iK. Of course there is danger always. There is danger from, accident—fire or collision; but, barr ing that , and looking to t h e s tanchnras of the ships, there is ussuranoe that t b e present floating palaces will reach.port about as certainly a» they s ta r t fo r it.— Indianapolis News.


by ••.»cai applications, as tbey cannot reacn the diseased port ion of Ihe ear. There is only one way to cure Deafnesa. and that is by const i tut ional remedies. Deafness is cauonl by &n inflamed oop- !

dition of the mucous l ining of the Eu aUuhian Tube. When th is tube goiti tnflumed you huve u j -umbl ing sound or iroperfect heat ing, ami when ii is entire-ly closed Deafness is the result, and un-less t h e in f l ammat ion .can be token out and this tube restored lo its normal con-dition, hearing will be destroyed forever; niuo cases out of len -are caused h\ cs ta r rh . w s j c h is no th ing hut RO in-flamed condition of t h e icncous surfaces.

We .will gi w Oim-Hundred Dollere for

Ca ta r rh Cure. Send fo r circular*, free. F. J . CHEBSY & Co.. Toledo, 0 .

iJSTSold by DrngglsU, 75c-

EMOki pin. ol tli. a I'.b., Ptt^iiMtiuisifv rnrs, tent mi •imllsetl.ni ti, I V

•«UAU«. » J RUTH A . . . 5«R VUTK.

f . L e . 3 E M £ E Y KIDNCV D L O O D

• d-LIVCK l i . r o A B o m r , s " < r ? s £5 TRYITTO-OAY

W h e t i s " F . E . € . " ?

IT 13 a l i a n a l e s s . v c g e t n b l e prcpar-u i lon , <if tl- ' inotihtnitt-l p o w e r l a a l l f o r m s of K i d n e y disease, a n d

t ' i e m a n y d isorders w h i c h a t fend K i d n e y t ronl i le . T h e s e a r o n a m e d l e g i o n . If t h e K i d n e y d e r u n g e m c n t b e cured , t h e n t h e s e Set iondary oil-C-ents d i s a p p e a r b e c a u s e t h e y a ro m e r e effrctn of false KCt 'nrv u c t f o n , and not original Causes of suflarlqg. T h o u s a n d s of peop le sitfTcr fo r y e r r s f r o m these S e c o n d a n - e f fec t s of Kid-n e y disease, w h i c h Is unsuspec ted b e c a u s e t h e K i d n e y itself m a y be far gone with diseato n n d yo t gWe the pa t ient no pain. B e w a r e 1 T h e sov-

e re ign cor rec tor of all t h i a o i l ia i s


If tttey can make a big saving. We have not the space to continue to quote prices.

f . £ j G . 3 E « KIDNEYl BLOOD,

l A L I V t l JO A BOTTLE. SIX FOR V* T i y i 7 T > D a v

If the countryman hsalUt** and appean dfctasliaad to aorea. .one of .Uie atrangen will tay, aothatbo can tear: "I'll t ry aud get Ibis boras niyself If this mau don't get hliu. He ia worth more money than that." That prove* a helper for the trader, end It is de-cided to try tho hone. During Ibis perform-ance ths ronatrymaoV hone dlaappean aad

• ho ts left with the plug as o suhstilute. If ho objects ha it met with on oath end informed that I tUaaqsa ro trade. The straogen chime Id for tho horse ahani, and the greeny jet wonted oo all aides.

Another way is to make lira bargain and carry tbo man about a mils away to get the mcoey prrwlasd to be paid in the trade. Of oomve the dummy man won't be there, and nehber will the hone bo where be 1 eft it when tegetateck. Jastaart, however, will be found an old timer, whoso uaofulnesa has long sincc departed. Be in votes the aid of the police, andtheavidanoe against him wili bo over-whslming, witnisini springing up for tbo terse trader Ukoanuarooms, to tha; it was a square trade and that tho countryman was eatlsflsd, while the truth is that he never got a dollar and hia bono was virtaelly stolen firum blm.—Washington Post

S B E T E L L S H E R FRIENDS. OsnTLEMBN:—The Zoa-Phorn which

you sent m e some t ime ago, greatly heneflied me, so nuicb so tha t I have bteu visiting some w h o I k n o w need It, and telling them about it. I used to live in Michigan unt i l i vears ago. and I know tbo reputation of Zoo Pbora there . Thia ia how I came t o tend so fa r fo r it. I n o w k n o w i t n worth bv my own ex-

I live nea r t b e Normal School And room a g r e a t m a n y lady s tu-

dents. I learn of a g n a t many who need jus t t p e h n f r iend as Zon-Phora. I s e v e r Ir*) a n opportuni ty to recom-mend i t io t hem, because, you see, I believe i t will do all t h a t you claim fo r i t . Your s reepoclfolly,

MBS. N . til'TOBUiSON. 808 Bo. Hope St . . Los Angeles, Cal.

P. '6 .—Petroleum Balm is good, too. A box of it cured my aon of a Ball R h e u m sore of-a year 's s tanding.

DIltNUKNNKSS—Liur«"< IIA.BIT—In all the World there 1* hnt one Car . ,

lir. i iniurn' OuldSD HpcClSo. Itcao MglTea la a cup of tea or ooffoe wilb-

out Ibe knowkdee of the person toklnr ll.effeet-las a speedy and permanent iiurt, whether Ihe ponon hi a mudoirto dnater or sa slcshnjln wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been

ClndEnall, O.

Family F A R C O ' S / "Boi TlD', School Shoei

for Boys and Sirlt, Heeled or WsSjc Heel.

S-atoIflli • l .SS UtoUK 1.5ti l loa 1.76

»Hto 6H S-OO

iO'S H S h e i

itlwnen ^ g g g s

I i d j w . Msa'saj..!


Donjoln or doai. Button, Opera, or Common Ssnsa.

and Flexthle. 'arrantad Uo me*



n u n c HAnc I T o r m i c s

cet*. Humors, Bores, Uleera, Swi lilacs. a n « n . AM'esses. Blood PtriMolac, StJl

Ilottle. or 0 Jlottles tor f i

CLOVK: v.v, , UoU'ttU &L-.U.

• H T O n S T T X



You will find what you want and it will be

Cheaper Than YonEveiTlioitglit It could be sold for.


Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats AND FURNISHING GOODS

Displayed in our Show Windows. Also the Big Bargains we Offer in Bx)ts and Shoea This Stock will not last always,

NOW'S THE TIME TO TAKE ADVANTAGE of these Money Saving Offers.

J. L. HUDSON, L O W E L L , - M I C H .


It Is To Your Advantage! To buy your goods where you can gel t h e best fo r the least money.

Furniture Retailed A T

Wholesale Priues, Wb Manufacture Our Own Goods and Give Customers the Benefit of it.

It made of ihnrourhly kiln Our Furniture - " - " W i l l Astonish Y o a !

N. B. -A full line of Cofflns, Caske'e, Btiroudii, eic alw.iyn on haad. LOWELL. MICH,

OH MOTHER! Robertson & Son's Hen Has Laid an E<


She can't talk o r sho would sny:

CUT AND RUN TO ROBERTSON S SON'S SHOE If you need a n y t h i n g in

BOOTS, SHOES OR RUBBER COODS Bultalilc- for such wea ther as w e are now having .

Their Stock is Large and Their Profits Small. C u s t o m e n will a lways find them

A l w a y s R e a d y T o S h o w G o o d s , An »h«T arv conftdeot thai tbnlr guodn a m



Up to the Times IN QUALITY.

Down to Bottom ON PE

Their Spr ing Ooods are arr iving and tney have been selected wi th great ca re .

Detroit, G'dBafen&Hilfnnkee R A 7 I . . W A V


KABT AND WEHT In effeet Oetober#, 18*8

PAH0KNUEB TitANB WEST LeaTe, So.#. No.l. No l. No.6. No.ll Mixed

a.m. a m. p.m. p.m. noon. ton la, 6:10 U:4» 8<3 fAO 1100

Lowell, r.-M fs™' 8:30 10:07 PI-.B

G.H*pldj, 0 40 »-M 4:10 10:40 1:80 PA88KSOEU TltADfi EAST

Leave. Ko.4, No.6. No.8. Ko.10 Ko.14. Mlxel a. m- a- m. p. m. p. tn. a- in.

G.Raplda. 0:80 LO'JO 8:43 10:U 11:45 p. ni-

LowaU, 7A) 10A5 4M I1:C0 1SS

Ionia, 7»45 l l « 430 I8-87 S * Niunbtrs » aad 10 run dally all o.her train,

dally tjumiay ptpepted. Nicnben 4 aad 5 do not run west of Grind

llirouKh ilckeln to all Prinotnal poinU East sod Weat are on aale at Lowell (tiatloa. A. O. HKTDLAUrr. JORK W LOUD,

AJteat Lowell. Trafflo Baiu^tf.^

The Mails. o o w a WMT.

5d50a. m.—closed pouch fo r G r a n d Rapids.

18:17 .a m.—Way mai l . &B6 p. m.—Way mail .

OOZKO EAST. 731) a . m —Closed pouoh for Detra i t .

1 0 i 5 p. m . - W a y nmil. 4 4 0 P m,—Way mall .

00150 SOUTH. 7:00 a . m.—Mail by carrier . 7 a n a. m.—Mail by L. & H. R. R. 4 3 5 p. m.— '< " ••

' FROM THK BOUTa. 4 3 0 p . m.—Uail by earner , i

1031)". m . - M a i l by L & H . R . "•.00 p. m.— " " "

OOIKO BORTH. 1:30 p. ni.—Mall fo r Fa l l tasburg

Grant , Grn t t an . m o i l THE NORTH

1130 a. m.—Hall receivea f r o m plu:es.

All malls clo«>* 88 UHUUII-H aVxirc stated.

Post Office otion f rom 7 a. m . p . m. . s tandard t ime.
