lord shiva ,become tripuraraari , excellent team

Lord Shiva ,Become Tripuraraari with Excellent Team work

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Post on 19-Aug-2015



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Lord Shiva ,Become Tripuraraari with Excellent Team work

Who is Tripurasur Tripurasura is a collective name given to the three Hindu demons Vidyunmali, Tarakaksha and Kamlaksha great devotee of Lord Shiva ,who were sons of the demon Tarakasur he has been killed by lord Shiva son Kartikaya (Scand). These three began to perform tapasya. For a hundred years they meditated standing only on one leg. For a thousand more years they lived on air and meditated. They stood on their heads and meditated in this posture for yet another thousand years. Brahma was pleased at this difficult tapasya. He appeared before them and said, "What boon do you want?" "Make us immortal", answered Tarakasura’s sons. "I can’t make you immortal", replied Brahma. "I don’t have the power. Ask for something else instead". "Very well", then, said Viyunamali, Tarakaksha and Kamalaksha. "Grant us the following: Let three forts be made. The first will be of gold, the second of silver and the third of iron. We will live in these forts for a thousand years. These forts built in different worlds shall align once in every 1000 years. This combined fort will be called Tripura. And if anyone can then destroy Tripura with only a single arrow that shall be the death destined for us".

Brahma granted unusual boon . There was a danava named Maya who was very good at building work. Brahma asked him to build the forts. The golden fort was built in heaven, the silver one in the sky and the iron one on earth. Tarakaksha got the golden fort, Kamalaksha the silver one and Vidyunmali the iron one. Each of the forts was a big as a city and had many palaces and vimanas (space vehicles) inside. The demons populated the three forts and began to flourish. The demigods did not like this at all. They first went to Brahma, but Brahma said he could not help them. After all, the demons had got Tripura thanks to his boon. The gods then went to Shiva for help. But Shiva said that the demons were doing nothing wrong. As long as that was the case, he did not see why the demigods were so bothered. They next went to Vishnu, who suggested that if the problem was that the demons were doing nothing wrong, then the solution was to persuade them to become sinners. Out of his powers Vishnu created a man. This man’s head was shaven, his clothes were faded and he carried a wooden water-pot in his hands. He covered his mouth with a piece of cloth and approached Vishnu. "What are my orders?" he asked Vishnu.

Lord Shiva Engage Devatas , Excellent team work

"Let me explain to you why you have been created", replied Vishnu. "I will teach you a religion that is completely against the Vedas. You will then get the impression that there is no svarga (heaven) and no naraka (hell) and that both heaven and hell are on earth. You will not believe that rewards and punishments for deeds committed on earth are meted out after death. Go to Tripura and teach the demons this religion, which they are dislodged from the righteous path. Then we will do something about Tripura. The being did as he had been asked to. He and four of his disciples went to a forest that was near Tripura and began to preach. They were trained by Vishnu himself. Therefore, their teachings were convincing and they had many converts. Even the sage Narada got confused and was converted. In fact, it was Narada who carried news of this wonderful new religion to king Vidyunmati. King, he said, there is a wonderful new teacher with a wonderful new religion. I have never heard before. I have got converted. Since the great sage Narada had been converted. Vidyunmati also accepted the new religion, and in due course, so did Tarakaksha and Kamalaksha. The demons gave up revering the Vedas, they stopped worshipping Shiva’s linga. Gods then went to Shiva and began to pray to him. When Shiva appeared, they told him that the demons had now become evil and should be destroyed. They had even stopped worshipping Shiva’s linga.

Shiva agreed to destroy Tripura. Vishvakarma was the architect of the gods. Shiva called Vishvakarma and asked him to make a suitable chariot, bow and arrow. The chariot was made entirely out of gold. Brahma himself became the charioteer and the chariot was speedily driven towards Tripura. The gods accompanied Shiva with diverse weapons. By then a thousand years had passed so that the three forts had become a single Tripura. Shiva installed a divine weapon known as pashupatiastra(the arrow of pashupati- another name given to Lord Shiva ) into his arrow and shot it at Tripura. The arrow burnt up Tripura into ashes in a split second. While the celebrations were going on, the shaven-heads religious teachers arrived. "What are we supposed to do now?" they asked. Brahma and Vishnu told them to go the desert where there are no humans. The last of the four eras was kaliyuga and in kaliyuga, evil would reign supreme. When kaliyuga arrived, they were to come back and begin their teaching afresh. And once they reached at their peak god will take rebirth and will wipe them from earth and once again the world will be free from all kinds of demons.

How Lord Shiva skills, Engage to All DevtasTripurasur is very Power full ,But Shiva can kill him alone with full of ease with out any help ,But this would not be team work as a leader Lord Shiva decided to taught true management lessons with core values to all devtas how to build a team with partnership ,engage every single person of team members as per his expertise utilized them accordingly to perform as a team work he took advised of Board of Director’s (Lord Vishnu ,Lord Bharma ,Lord Ganesh JI ,Parvati Ji, Indra etc.) with all davetas and make perfect strategy to accomplishment his mission with transparency .As a Leader He recognized talents of each one use all small tools ,resources avaliable

Lord Shiva took meeting and made plan how and when he will execute plan since this was very herculean task and timing was so important ,he asked to make perfect ultra model chariot. This chariot made with the help of all devatas ,Lord Shiva god of animals so he asked Lord Vishnu and Bharma and Nandi to become Knight of Chariots Since he is having big Nuclear fussion bomb Pashupatrasta so he need special launcher to launch Pashupatasta .Then bow Vijaya was specially made by Vishvakarman for Lord Shiva to destroy the city of Tripura. Lord Shiva destroyed Tripura by firing Pashupatastra from Vijaya.This bow itself be part of Himalya and Sheshnag as stings and tip of the arrow him self Agni .Its clear massage for any leader or Head of company to have such a leader who believes to work as team part of team who can recognized great talents engage very early in projects and execute with proper timing flawlessly.

Lord Shiva Skills Building a Team To Engage each & every team members is a art .we have to understand the process of engage we can learn it to having proper feed back of each employee know his strength and weakness and act accordingly .for any project we have to engage channelized all departments of Corporate identify talents and how to use in effective proper manner .n order for your company to prosper, you must figure out how to build a team that works well together. That can be a difficult task. After all, creating a team means bringing together people with different skill sets and varied personalities to work towards a common goal--a complex undertaking. eam-building activities can be a powerful way to unite a group, develop strengths, and address weaknesses – but only if the exercises are planned and carried out strategically. In other words, there has to be a real purpose behind your decision to do the exercise – for example, improving the team's problem-solving or creativity skills – rather than because you felt like giving your people a nice day out of the office.

Play to Individual Strengths You need to understand what each individual member's strengths are and put each person in a place to shine .It is very rare that an employee can improve upon a deficiency, especially if that deficiency is a part of their nature. If a team member isn't good at details, they will never be good at details. You need to decide if they do the rest of their job well and if so, partner them with someone else who can help shore up their deficiency. Encourage TransparencyTeams are a lot like families, and you need to let them work things out on their own. When things start to go awry, bring together those who aren't getting along and make them work through their concerns. Don't let them put you in the middle of a he said/she said situation. Your primary job is to help team members understand each other better

Establish Ground Rules Your team needs to know how you like to operate. I'm a solution oriented manager. I am fine with talking about problems with a project or an approach, but I insist that everyone contribute ideas for resolution. When issues arise, and they will, I don't want to get caught up in whose fault it is, or why it happened. I prefer to take time to do that at an established and appropriate time later. I am known to say, "Don't bring me a problem without a solution" and, "I don't want to know why we can't do it, Let Them Know You Have Their BackI want to focus on how we can."As the leader of a team, your team members must know that you have their back and that you are their greatest supporter. I see my primary job to remove obstacles that are in my team's way and to be there to support them when issues arise with a customer or other internal groups. When you team members know they have your unconditional support, they can move forward with confidence

Lord Shiva skills for Motivates others Help your team get comfortable with risk Encourage your team to take risks? The very idea is enough to make many CEOs shudder. Because you shoulder the responsibility of keeping performance high for the entire organization, sometimes you may be risk averse. Even acknowledging the existence of risk requires you to admit that you don’t have all the answers. That doesn’t sit well with the image of you as a fearless, confident leader. CEOs who hone their skills at engaging with risk—who learn to acknowledge the fear and overcome that emotion—can also help others summon their courage and unleash tremendous potential.

The first step in building a highly motivated team is providing interesting work, which is well organized to meet the needs and desires of team members. No matter how self-motivated a person is, how challenging the goals he or she sets, or how wonderful the rewards, if the work is badly designed, it will be hard to motivate people and work will be less than ideal. Effective motivators understand that work design has a strong impact on performance. When a person finds a job inherently unsatisfying, there's not much you can do to motivate him or her. Job design and enrichment combine to match characteristics of the job with workers' skills and interests: The more variety, challenge and autonomy there is to a job, the more intrinsically satisfying it will be.

Lord Shiva, Think Small And Agile

When you are confident that the work you provide is well organized, the next thing to do is to ensure that workers have clear and attainable goals that they're working to achieve. Managing the goal setting process is essential for creating a highly motivating environment. The effectiveness of goal setting in motivation is a well-recognized fact, and by making goals specific, consistent, and appropriately challenging, you can set goals that are powerfully motivating. As such, the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound) acronym helps you define effective goals. Motivational techniques should bring out the best in people. That means they should build on an individual's strengths and minimize his or her weaknesses.

There are certainly some common denominators in motivation, like fair wages, decent working conditions, a sense of camaraderie with co-workers, and a good relationship with one’s supervisor. established that even if these sorts of things are not necessarily motivating in themselves, they have to be present in order to even think about enhancing motivation. However, the assumption in most modern workplaces is that these lower order, "hygiene" factors are being met, and that people are seeking the things that provide real motivation. These are things like challenging work, control, growth opportunities, and recognition for a job well done. The surface reason most often cited for using the two-pizza rule is that it keeps teams agile and fast–and it does. But there’s a deeper reason it works. When teams consist of a dozen people or fewer, each team member is more likely to care about the others, and members are far more likely to share information. They are also far more likely to come to the aid of another team member. If the mission is important enough, they’ll even sacrifice themselves.

Team Building



Planning / Adaptability

Problem solving/Productivity

Self Learning


Thank you By: Ashu Dubey

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