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Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association (CERBA)Association d'affaires Canada Russie Eurasie (ACCRE)Канадская деловая ассоциация в России и Евразии (СЕРБА)www.cerbanet.org



Piers Cumberlege, StraightviewDirectors

Boris Aryev, Stans Energy CorpRenee Chernecki, SAITRon Denom, SNC�LavalinPaul Drager, Macleod DixonPiotr Dutkiewicz, Carleton UniversitySandy FergusonPeter Harder, Fraser Milner CasgrainNathan Hunt, Ronald A. ChisholmDon Whalen, High River Gold MinesNeil Withers, VTB



Nathan Hunt, Ronald A. ChisholmInternationalDirectors

Anatoly Andriash – Macleod Dixon LLPIan Bird – Golden Telecom, Inc.Carlo de Benedictis – ScotiabankLuc Jones – Antal Intl Ron Lewin – TerraLinkSergey Lobov – Fedorovo Resources(Barrick)Lou Naumovski – Kinross GoldCarol Patterson – Baker & McKenzieBrad Pielsticker – Mikhailovsky Devt.GroupJeffrey Sutton, KPMGNeil Withers, VTBStephen Millar [Observer], Embassyof Canada John Campbell [Observer],PricewaterhouseCoopers



Hans Gjerdrum – KUDU Industries Inc.;Directors

Richard Ball, FSI Intl.Renee Chernecki, SAIT Paul Drager – Macleod Dixon LLPPatrick Mattern, Alberta Intl,Intergovernmental & AboriginalRelationsLinda Niro – Export DevelopmentCanadaPatricia Wories, Enersul LtdPartnershipJohn Wither – EDC




John Place, Heenan Blaikie LLPBoard of DirectorsPeter Antonoff, ALM CorporationBoris Aryev, Stans Energy Corp.Lorne Cutler, Export DevelopmentCanadaMarina Dessiatkina, Sakha TradeCommissionFrank Herbert, Centerra Gold Inc.Richard Lachcik, Macleod Dixon LLPCristian Mandachescu, ScotiabankVitaly Paroshyn, Ministry ofEconomic Devt. (ON)Alina Pekarsky, Schulich School ofBusinessAlexander Shipilov, TD BankFinancial Group Donald Whalen, High River GoldMines Inc.



Ron Denom – SNC� LavalinInternationalDirectors

Pierre D'Avignon, ScotiabankDiane Dube, EDCAndrei Ivanov, MDAAndre L'Ecuyer – Rabaska Alexander Lokshin – Dana & Co.Trading Inc.Redouane Mekideche – DFAITBertrand Millot – Cordiant Edouard Namts – WE Consulting Inc.Johanne Patoine, Ministry ofEconomic Devt, Innovation andExports (QC)

CERBA News Editor: Elena Settles.Photos by: Elena Settles, BrendanScully, Natalia Gorelik, Frank Kense,CERBA News Publisher and Layout:Troy MediaCover Photo: Lake Louise, AB,Canada


Elena Settles – Regional DirectorTel: 7 (495) 735�4132Fax: 7 (495) 937�4763E�mail: [email protected]


Frank Kense – Regional DirectorTel: 1 (403) 218�4164Fax: 1 (403) 218�8727E�mail: [email protected]


Natalia Gorelik – Regional DirectorTel: 1 (416) 360�2299Fax: 1 (416) 360�8425E�mail: [email protected]


Brendan Scully – Regional DirectorTel: 1 (514) 975�3347Fax: 1 (514) 371�4605E�mail: [email protected]

Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian

Federation with responsibility for Sochi 2014 accepting

a hockey jersey souvenir during a mission visit

to Vancouver and Whistler in February 2009.

CERBA Quarterly News (summer 2009) 3

Page 4�5

Looking Back: Past CERBA Events

Page 6�7

8th Annual Charity Auction with Vladislav Tretyak

Page 8�9

Kozak Visit to Vancouver: Passing the OlympicTorch

Page 9

Message from Alexey Isakov, Russian ConsulGeneral in Montreal

Page 10�11

Cirque du Soleil Coming to Russia

Page 12�13

CERBA party: Surviving in the Era of Crisis

Page 13

Member Profile: RBS Consulting

Page 14

Member Profile: Golder Associates

Page 15

Baker & McKenzie: 20 Years in Moscow

Page 16

Kinectrics – From Workshop to World Leader

Page 17

Morgan Hunt: Brave New World – HR under NewConditions

Page 18

Visaconnection in Toronto

Page 19


Page 20

Thank�you to our Sponsors

CERBA Offices International:

CERBA Boards of Directors:

In This Issue:

CERBA Quarterly News (summer 2009)

On December 5 our traditional ChristmasNetworking Reception was held at theSwissotel, please read a complete storyabout this event on page 10.On December 11 many of our membersgathered for a breakfast brief with Head ofthe Immigration Section of the CanadianEmbassy Johanne DesLauriers entitled«De�Mystifying the Visa Process.»Johanne was sharing with the attendeessome policy issues and first�hand infor�mation regarding the Canadian immigra�

tion regulations and procedures, in light ofthe changes adopted by both Canadianand Russian authorities. Her open andfriendly attitude and pronounced willing�ness to collaborate with the Russian sideto resolve the issues preventing closermutual relations in this area was mostappreciated by the Canadians and Rus�sians. Deputy Head of the Department ofNorth America at the Ministry of ForeignAffairs (MID) Nikolay Smirnov also joinedthis meeting and delivered his remarks.On February 5, we held our 8th AnnualCharity Auction with Vladislav Tretyak,please read a complete report on page 4�5 of this Newsletter.On February 12 our sponsor Pricewater�houseCoopers invited members a Finan�cial Planning Brief on Canadian Tax Issues,which included presentations on tax issuesfor Canadian individuals residing andworking in Russia as well as a discussionon corporate and indirect tax issues foremployers.On March 5 our traditional Joint Networ�king Reception with Russo�British Cham�ber of Commerce (RBCC) took place at theMarriott Aurora. This event was generous�

ly sponsored by KPMG and we are verythankful to them for allowing us to bringclose to 300 guests together for our firstspring event. Canadian Ambassador RalphLysyshyn and HM British AmbassadorAnne Pringle delivered welcome address�es and a raffle prize lottery followed. Theguests stayed until late enjoying the net�working opportunities, live music anddance performances as well as traditionalCanadian pancakes with maple syrup.On March 25th a breakfast brief entitled«Tax Strategies for Russian Crisis Mana�gement» took place, which was sponso�red and held by CMS Russia. The topicsdiscussed included: the new face of M&A:strategies for distressed reorganizations,acquisitions and disposals, financing anddebt restructuring: how to enhance yourlevel of liquidity, and cost optimization:effective and strategic cost cutting.On March 31st the Breakfast with the Ca�nadian journalists was held, which waskindly hosted by the Embassy and spon�sored by Baker & McKenzie. The invitedjournalists were: Malcolm Gray, Canadianjournalist who has been covering Russiafor Maclean's, Southam, and the TorontoStar for 14 of the last 19 years, originally asfulltime bureau chief, but more recently asa stringer; Mark MacKinnon, Canadian jour�nalist, currently the Middle East bureauchief for Canada's newspaper The Globeand Mail and formerly the paper's Moscowcorrespondent; Ellen Pinchuk, reporter forBloomberg News and a former CTV Mos�cow Bureau Chief; Alexandra Szacka, thecurrent CBC/Radio�Canada correspon�dent in Moscow; and Fred Weir, a Cana�dian journalist specializing in Russianaffairs who is Moscow correspondent forIn These Times and regular contributor tothe Christian Science Monitor, The Inde�pendent, Canadian Press. There was tre�mendous interest in this event, it wasextremely well attended, and the discus�sion was a very engaging and useful ex�change.

December 2, 2008. CERBA, in partner�ship with the Department of ForeignAffairs and International Trade Canada,the Ontario Ministry of Economic Deve�lopment and Trade, and the CanadaMortgage and Housing Corporation, con�ducted its annual International Construc�tion Conference. The program of the conference was dedi�cated to opportunities for Canadians intwo rapidly expanding construction mar�kets, Russia and Ukraine. A large interna�tional delegation, including representa�tives from over 20 Russian and Ukrainiancompanies, chambers of commerce and

building agencies attended the confer�ence. Our full�day conference agenda pro�vided an overview of the Russian andUkrainian construction markets, and explo�red the implications of the global creditconditions to construction projects inRussia and Ukraine, energy saving in con�struction, green energy, residential andcommercial construction and the exportof Canadian building materials, machin�ery and equipment.December 2, 2008. McMillan LLP hostedour CERBA Financial Working Group meet�ing with the Representative of Vnesh�econombank in North America, AlexanderDanilov. Mr. Danilov delivered a presenta�tion on the «Role of Vnesheconombank inthe economic development and financialstabilization of Russia». The presentationprovided a profile of Vnesheconombank,key mechanisms of the state investmentpolicy, major infrastructure projects includ�ing Sochi 2014 and financial stabilization.December 9, 2008. Heenan Blaikie LLPhosted a CERBA Roundtable with Mr.Marat Safiullin, Minister of Economy of theRepublic of Tatarstan. The Republic ofTatarstan is one of the richest regions ofthe Russian Federation and a startingpoint for major oil and natural gas pipe�lines to Eastern Europe. Key industriesinclude oil production and petrochemistry,chemical and pharmaceutical sectors,aerospace, and mechanical engineering.The republic possesses high scientific andintellectual potential and is interested inengaging a variety of foreign partners insuch spheres as finance, banking, trans�portation and resource development.During the presentation Mr. Safiullin pre�sented the «Development Model for the

Republic of Tatarstan and Opportunitiesfor Foreign Partners».December 16, 2008. Scotiabank spon�sored our CERBA Holiday Party, held atthe prestigious Royal Canadian MilitaryInstitute. Over 70 members and guestsattend the event and networked in aninformal and festive setting.January 29, 2009. BMO Capital Markethosted a CERBA Financial Working Group

meeting. The agenda of the meetingincluded an update by the seven Cana�dian sub�groups on their findings, cours�es of action and current views of Russianengagement based on changes to theinternational capital markets since Spring2008, a review of the recent RussianWorking Group Meeting and preparationfor the visit of Andrey Peregudov, SeniorVice President, VTB to Toronto.February 13, 2009. Heenan Blaikie LLPhosted a special Financial Working GroupMeeting with Andrey Peregudov, SeniorVice President, VTB. The meeting wasco�chaired by Klaus Buttner, Regional VP,Export Development Canada and Mr.Peregudov. During the meeting the sevenCanadian sub�groups presented theirtopics and proposals for joint work. March 2, 2009. CERBA held its annual«Canada�Russia Mining Conference» atthe Intercontinental Hotel in Toronto. Theconference was supported andsponsored by Natural ResourcesCanada, the Ontario Ministry ofInternational Trade and Invest�ment, Foreign Affairs and Inter�national Trade Canada, ExportDevelopment Canada, the Cana�dian Association of Mining Equip�ment and Services Exporters,Department of Indian Affairs andNorthern Development, the Cana�

dian Embassy in Moscow. Kinross GoldCorporation and Macleod Dixon LLP werethe conference's Gold Sponsors. Thisyear the conference covered such topicsas investment financing, law and regula�tion, mining procurement opportunities inRussia and the CIS, regional miningopportunities in Russia and Canadiantechnology. The conference attractedmore than 80 attendees.

On the same day CERBA held a Canada�Russia Mining Working Group meetingtogether with the Russian�Canadian Inter�governmental Economic Commission.The meeting was chaired by LeonardSurges, Senior Advisor to the AssistantDeputy Minister, Minerals and MetalsSector, Natural Resources Canada andDenis Khramov, Director, Department ofState Policy on Geology and Subsoil Use,Natural Resources Russia. The discussioncovered the priority areas for Canadianinvestments in the Russian minerals sec�tor, methods of increasing the effective�ness of these investments, Russian�Canadian cooperation in the field of min�ing in the context of the global financialand economic crisis, state regulation ofsubsurface use (federal and local levels),procurement by Russia of Canadian tech�nology and equipment and environmentalmatters.March 3, 2009. Heenan Blaikie LLP host�ed the foundational meeting of theNetwork of Northern Business Associa�tions. Representatives from Khanty�Man�siysk, Yamal, Iceland, Northwest Terri�tories, Yukon, Edmonton and Alaska atten�ded the meeting. At the conclusion of themeeting, a memorandum on «Cooperationin Business Development in the North»was agreed and signed by the parties.

March 4, 2009. CERBA, in partnershipwith the Department of Indian Affairs andNorthern Development Canada (DIAND)conducted the full day roundtable discus�sion: «Business and Investment Opportu�nities in Canada's North and Russia'sNorth». The conference was held at theToronto Marriott Hotel. The program pro�vided economic overviews of Canada'sNorth, Russia's North and the Russian FarEast, Northern Canada trade strategy, andcommon trade opportunities. March 5, 2009. McMillan LLP hosted aCERBA Breakfast Brief with G. Daniel Ca�ron, Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine.This event was sponsored by Export Trader.Mr. Caron has occupied several senior po�sitions within the Government of Canadaover the past 28 years Mr. Caron gave apresentation titled «Ukraine: Trends andPerspectives.»

November 19 CERBA Roundtable withNatalia Melnichenko, Canadian Embassyin Kyiv, hosted by DFAIT Montreal Regio�nal Office.December 3 CERBA Roundtable withAlexander Danilov, VEB hosted by Desjar�dins Securities.February 6 CERBA reception for RussianDeputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak inVancouver sponsored by Bombardier,SNC�Lavalin and CMHC (see KozakMission article).February 17 CERBA Welcome receptionfor Alexey Isakov, Consul General of theRussian Federation in Montreal, hostedby SNC�Lavalin.March 2 CERBA working lunch with HEDaniel Caron, Canadian Ambassador toUkraine, hosted by Cordiant.March 2 CERBA Mining conference inToronto included Normand Bergeron,Quebec Deputy Minister of NaturalResources and representatives fromEcole Polytechnique de Montreal, newCERBA members who will be traveling toSt. Petersburg and Moscow in May.March 16 CERBA Roundtable: projectfinance across Russia with visitingRussian road construction and naturalgas delegation, with presentations byChantal Rougerie, VP SNC�LavalinCapital and Christophe Rigny, Power andHeavy Civil Works Division, hosted bySNC�Lavalin.March 17�19 Participation of ISTC,CERBA�Moscow member in Americana,environmental technologies exhibit inMontreal, as well as Globe, inviting aCERBA delegation from Russia or Ukraineto Globe 2010 business of the environ�ment exhibit in Vancouver, March 24�26.

CERBA Quarterly News (summer 2009)4 5





CERBA Quarterly News (summer 2009)6 CERBA Quarterly News (summer 2009) 7

On the 5th of February 2009 the MoscowChapter of CERBA held its 8th AnnualCharity Auction together with VladislavTretyak Foundation and the CanadianInternational Development Agency (CIDA).

We are absolutely delighted to report

that this year CERBA was more suc�

cessful than ever before – our expec�

tations were not only met; they were

considerably exceeded! We raised

over US$127,000 beating all our pre�

vious fundraising records!

This year the proceeds will be used tohelp the Engels juvenile correctional facil�ity in Saratov region, the children's tuber�culosis dispensary in Irkutsk, and othercaring for the elderly and children's insti�tutions, orphanages and social centers.From the very beginning, the joint Cana�dian�Russian Charity Auction was anessential component and one of CERBA'smost important and popular events.However the Charity Auction has not onlybeen outstanding in fundraising, as it hasalways been an example of internationalcollaboration where Canadian and Russianbusiness help under�privileged and disab�led people.The evolution of the Auction, since it wasfirst held in 2002, has been outstanding:from our first event in 2002 garnered overUSD 5,000 to benefit the Ronald McDonaldHouse charity in Moscow to 2008 when weamazingly raised over $122,000 USD to

help children's and elderly institutions,orphanages and social centers in Saratov,Irkutsk and the Russian north.This year's event took place at the leg�endary Yar restaurant. It was founded in1826, so the guests got into the atmos�phere of the early 20 century: the marblecolumns, the wonderful paintings, thepre�revolutionary photographs of the«Yar», the antique chandeliers glitteringwith gold, the ceiling and the balconiesdecorated with moldings. A famous gour�met restaurant of high society that hasfed the likes of Tolstoy and Rasputin, gor�geous halls a la Russian Empire, thesame scene where Shalyapin sang in thebeginning of the 20th century, Gypsycabaret, Hungarian chorus, equilibrists'shows… Everything there recalled thespirit of a dashing place where Russianmerchants liberally feasted the nightsaway… Perhaps the venue also inspiredthe guests?

The current instabilities in global mar�kets and the resulting tightening of cor�porate budgets made us quite concernedabout sponsorship and community par�ticipation in the Charity Auction. However,the Yar restaurant which kindly spon�sored the venue for the Auction hostedaround 250 businessmen, civil servants,diplomats, and cultural and social cam�paigners. The support was much neededand will be tremendously appreciated bythose in need that are especially vulnera�ble during these difficult times. We

would like once again to thank our

Gold and Silver sponsors: Aktis�Stroy,

Kinross, White&Case, RUZA, Scotia�

bank, Ernst&Young, Silver Bear Re�

sources, Petro�Canada, TerraLink,

SNC�Lavalin, Smolentsev & Partners,

Kauffman. These companies displayedgood corporate citizenship by associat�ing with a worthy cause supported by no�table Canadian and Russian business�people.

Those attending the dinner were spurredin their generosity by the presence ofState Duma Deputy and ice hockey leg�end Vladislav Tretyak, a triple Olympicchampion who famously stunned theCanadians with his performance for theSoviet side in the summit series in 1972.The address on behalf of the CanadianAmbassador to Russia Ralph Lysyshynwas delivered by Mr. Gilles Breton, theMinister�Counsellor (the Ambassadorsent his regrets as he was on a missionwith the Russian Vice�Prime�MinisterDmitry Kozak to visit the Olympic construc�tion for the Vancouver Winter OlympicGames�2010). A special film which showed the recipi�ents of previous Auctions' funds, lively jazzperformance together with live operamade our Auction remarkable and unfor�gettable. The address of the Head of theEngels juvenile correctional facility ofSaratov region Mr. Alexander Ryabokongot under our skin: the Auction guests felta sense of joy as they saw a real recipient,heard why the money was needed andrealised why they were there. That was avery touching moment of the evening. The $127,000 was raised from threesources: sponsorships, donations andthe sale of tickets for the raffle lottery.Among the many items up for grabs

throughout the evening were autogra�phed hockey jerseys of Canadian legendGordie Howe, a framed original paintingof Sergei Prisekin titled «Fall Images»,dinner with Vladislav Tretyak, a dinnerhosted by the Canadian Ambassador,Canadian furs, a designer's doll, round�trip business class airline tickets Mos�cow�London (courtesy of Petro�Canada),

Tissot watches (Vladislav Tretyak limitededition), excursions to the State Dumaand Bolshoi Kremlin Palace, an auto�graphed goalie stick, luxurious hotelstays and exquisite dinners, a one�yearcertificate to Grand Ballet, one of the bestMoscow's dancing schools, as well asmany items of cultural interest forCanadians and Russians. These itemswere all presented for the Silent Auction.And were all sold!The superb evening was capped by a liveauction. There were two items which wereauctioned: an exclusive Diamond GoldRing in shape of an ice rink with theinsignia of the Russian Federation in thecentre, commemorating the Russianteam winning the World Hockey Cham�pionship 2008 with a starting bid of$9,000 and an autographed hockey jer�

sey signed by the Russian side that wonthe 2008 World Champion. The Russianpopular showman Andrei Malakhovjoined us for this final part of the eveningespecially to warm up the guests andincrease the starting bids. To the amuse�ment and joy of everybody the jersey wassold for US$4,500, and the ring was soldfor an amazing sum of $13,000!Thus, the 8th Annual Charity Auction wasa great victory over the crisis, a mar�velous party, a visible event with manyhigh�level business people from bothRussia and Canada and, most signifi�cantly, a wonderful opportunity to raise somuch money in spite of the hard times.

CERBA would like to thank all sponsors

and all guests for your generosity!


Next year in Vancouver, Canada will be passing theOlympic torch to Russia for the 2014 Winter OlympicGames in Sochi.Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the RussianFederation with responsibility for Sochi 2014 led amajor delegation to Vancouver and Whistler, whichincluded Dmitry Basargin, Minister of RegionalDevelopment RF as well as the Governor of Krasnodar,and Acting Mayor of Sochi, as well as the Presidents ofthe Sochi Organizing Committee, the Russian OlympicCommittee and Olympstroy, responsible for buildingthe Sochi games, and other key officials.

The primary objective of the Kozak Mission to Canadawas to get a snapshot of Vancouver 2010 one yearbefore the games begin. With 10B$ in major infra�structure, transportation and Olympic venue to be builtand only five years remaining until 2014 a sense ofurgency is increasingly in the air. The challenge is todeliver on time, on budget, to exacting Olympic spec�ifications, and within the fragile ecosystem from Sochi on thepalm�lined Black Sea coast to the snow�capped heights of theCaucasus mountains where the sliding events will be held.

This is where the Canadian experience in building Vancouver/�Whistler 2010 becomes very attractive to a Russian delegationstasked with finding tested solutions to Sochi 2014.

The delegation visited a number of the Olympic venues in Van�couver and Whistler, including international figure skating andbobsleigh competitions, which are testing and calibrating thenew venues with major competitions before the full pressure ofthe Olympics comes to bear next year.

Deputy Prime Minister Kozak held a bilateral meeting withStockwell Day, Canadian Minister for International Trade and thePacific Gateway to discuss the state of the economic relationshipbetween Canada and Russia during which Kozak invited Day tovisit Sochi.

Later that afternoon, Kozak joined the business seminar and CERBAreception at Simon Fraser University's Wosk Centre. The seminar wasorganized by the DFAIT regional office in Vancouver with the support ofthe BC 2010 Commerce Centre, and moderated by Paul Drager, CERBANational Board. It included presentations by the CEO of VANOC, theVancouver 2010 Organizing Committee, the B.C. Department ofTransportation as well as venue and infrastructure presentations made bykey participants in the design and implementation of these projects suchas Stantec and SNC�Lavalin.

The seminar attracted not only B.C. companies, but from acrossthe CERBA network, and generated strong interest on the part ofboth the Russian delegates and Canadian companies, as evi�denced by the lively discussion period following the presentations.During the CERBA reception which was sponsored by Bom�bardier, SNC�Lavalin and CMHC, Gary Lunn, Canadian Ministerfor Sport greeted Deputy Prime Minister Kozak on behalf ofCanadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Kozak presentedsome of the opportunities for Canadian firms in helping to build

I am glad to greet all CERBA members and readers of theCERBA Quarterly News.For more than 15 years I have been dealing with North Americanissues. Being posted to the Russian Embassies in Ottawa andWashington and working at the Department of North America ofthe Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation I havehad ample opportunities to meet representatives of Canadianand US business communities.Last December I arrived in Montreal as a new Consul General ofRussia. Being responsible for the protection of the rights andinterests of the Russian citizens in Quebec and carrying outnumerous consular duties, our Consulate General is also facili�tating the promotion of bilateral economic ties. I am pleased tonote that there is common interest of both Quebec and Russiaand its regions to jointly search for new areas of mutually advan�tageous cooperation and a great potential for that in variousspheres, including economy, trade, investments, energy, infra�structure, education, culture, 2014 Sochi Olympic Games proj�

ects and others. We hope that Prime Minister Jean Charest willvisit Russia this year leading the economic mission of majorQuebec companies. This visit will give an important impetus tothe fostering of the development of our interaction.I have recently met at the CERBA Montreal Chapter with manyrepresentatives of the Quebec companies already active orseeking new economic opportunities in my country and look for�ward to further contacts with CERBA members in the future.The Russian Consulate General in Montreal is situated at 3655, Avenue du Musee, Montreal, QC, Canada, H3G 2E1. Wecan be reached by phone: (514) 843�5901 from 9.00 to 12.00,fax.: (514) 842�2012 or e�mail: [email protected]. Youcould find some useful information on Russia and consularissues on our official web site:www.montreal.mid.ru.

Mr.Alexey Isakov, Consul General of the Russian Federation in Montreal

the Sochi Olympics. These included a fleet of ecological buses,a light rail connection from the airport to Sochi as well as invest�ment projects for hotels and ski resorts, and thermal power gen�eration. Dmitry Kozak repeated the invitation to Canadian com�panies to visit Sochi in the nearest future.

As a symbol of the Vancouver�Sochi connection and a souvenir ofhis Olympic Mission to Vancouver, Minister Lunn presented DPMKozak with a gift from CERBA: a Vancouver Canucks hockey jer�sey with KOZAK #14 on the back, and 20 and 14 on the right andleft sleeves, plus the Russian K for captain on the front, given hisrole as captain of the Sochi 2014 team. The note accompanying

the gift was co�signed by CERBA National Board members pres�ent for the event from Canada's Olympic cities: Ron Denom,Montreal (1976), Paul Drager, Calgary (1988) and Sandy Fergu�son, Vancouver (2010).

In response to CERBA and CMHC plans to organize a Mission toSochi, and following Kozak's personal invitation to StockwellDay, a Canadian Trade Mission to Sochi is planned for the weekof June 22, which will also include a stop in Moscow for theCanada Russia Business Summit. The Summit is taking placeduring the week of the Moscow International Oil and Gas Exhibit(June 23�26).

CERBA Quarterly News (summer 2009) CERBA Quarterly News (summer 2009)8 9






CERBA Quarterly News (summer 2009) CERBA Quarterly News (summer 2009)10 11

In December 2008 at the press confer�

ence in Moscow an official announ�

cement was made that Cirque du Soleil

is opening a long�awaited show in Mos�

cow, Russia in October 2009. Cirque

Du Soleil is one of the most unique and

amazing spectacles you will ever wit�

ness – beyond circus, beyond theater,

it has created an entirely original form

of live entertainment. Cirque du Soleil

is a dramatic mix of circus arts and

street entertainment where anything is

possible and where the drama of life

plays itself out before our very eyes.

Cirque du Soleil is a genuine internationallegend of live shows unequalled as for itsscale, impression and popularity, dramati�cally changing the very notion of 'liveentertainment'. Cirque du Soleil has noanalogues, its shows are too special to becompared to anything at all; you shouldwatch them yourself. Cirque du Soleil hasdeveloped a new genre from the synergy

of various stage disciplines giving it its ownname – that of Cirque du Soleil.

Since its first shows presented in 1984,over 80 million spectators in over 250 citieshave been thrilled by Cirque du Soleil. In2008, 17 shows were simultaneously pre�sented around the world to over 10 millionspectators.

Cirque du Soleil started as a small compa�ny of about 70 persons to turn into one ofthe world's most influential entertainmentindustry corporations. The Cirque du SoleilInternational Headquarters is located inMontreal, Canada. It's the place where thecompany's creative team works and theworkshops provide all the necessary cos�tumes and equipment for the shows: fromhats to stage structures. Cirque du Soleileven manufactures the fabrics for stagecostumes. For example, last year theymade more than 50 kilometres of fabric for17 shows.

Cirque's regular artistic company includesabout 1,000 performers of various disci�plines with around 30% of them Russians.Cirque du Soleil employees and artistscome from over 40 nations speaking 25different languages.

The company has received such presti�gious awards as the Emmy, Drama Desk,Bambi, ACE, Gemeaux, Felix, and Rosed'Or de Montreux.

Cirque du Soleilin Russia

Cirque du Soleil plans long�term invest�

ments in Russia.

Cirque du Soleil, one of the world's mostprominent leaders in live entertainment, hasunveiled a long�term plan to establish thebrand in Russia including a big top and arenatouring shows, special events, media part�nerships and eventually a permanent show.

«We are excited about the Russian mar�ket,» says Daniel Lamarre, President andCEO of Cirque du Soleil. «Russians aresome of the world's most sophisticatedcultural citizens. The opportunities are lim�itless to create and provide high qualityentertaiment throughout Russia. We areseeing a bold cultural renaissance inRussia and we are committed to helpingtake this renaissance to the next level.From small and intimate special events tomultimillion dollar permanent shows, weare interested in finding ways to bringworld class entertainment to manyRussians».

Cirque du Soleil has partnered withGeorge and Craig Cohon to create Cirquedu Soleil RUS, a Russian LLC companyhaving the exclusive rights to the Russianterritory. George is the Founder ofMcDonald's in Canada and Russia andCraig built Coca�Cola's first operations inRussia in the early 1990s. «We see a fantastic opportunity to partnerwith many organizations throughout

Russia,» says George. «Cirque is an inter�national company that just happens to beheadquartered in Canada. The interna�tional appeal of this one�of�a�kind brand,is sensational. It is at the forefront of theentertainment scene and building thebusiness with Russians in Russia will helptake Cirque du Soleil to the next level.»

Russian artists play a very important partin the Cirque's creative life. Gilles Ste�

Croix, Senior Vice�president of CreativeContent at Cirque du Soleil explains, «Webegan working with the artistic and circuscommunity of Russia as early as 1989. Atthat time we were just a very young com�pany and we had just one production tour�ing in North America only and we were cre�ating a new production for 1990. We hadnoticed the great talent of both acrobatic

and circus artists from Russia at a festivalin Paris and we wanted to integrate andshow case this unique talent in our up�coming show. That is how it all began.Today, we have 400 artists from Russiaand many others contributing throughoutthe company.»

Cirque du Soleil Rus is a Russian Com�pany, and it will be led by Russians forRussians. Craig Cohon, Vice Chairman of

Cirque du Soleil Rus, is currently estab�lishing the operation in Moscow. «NataliaRomanova, our experienced General Di�rector and I are building a business locallythat will last. Our first step will be to bringVAREKAI, an incredible touring productionto Moscow in the fall of 2009. This flag�ship touring show, will showcase theCirque du Soleil brand and serve as astepping stone to further our businessand community development in Russia.»


Cirque du Soleil Coming to Russia

RBS has been providing audit and consultingservices at the Russian market for more than8 years. According to the annual rating by theExpert Magazine, RBS is one of the top threeRussian companies providing audit and con�sulting services. The company's mission � toprofessionally assist Russian and internation�al companies in their development � is basedupon professionalism, highest quality of serv�ices, comprehensive project implementation,focus on the final result, systemic perspective,and individual approach.

Despite the fact that the Russian audit and consulting market is still rel�atively young, RBS has already earned a great business reputation. Weoffer to our clients a wide spectrum of professional services in the fieldsof strategic and market research, merges and acquisitions, finance andinvestment consulting, structural organization and business manage�ment technologies, audit and accounting (including MSFO), consultingregarding law and taxes, risk management, evaluation, informationtechnologies, personnel management. The majority of RBS clients aretop Russian and international corporations, such as Russian Railways,Rosneft, Aeroflot, Svyazinvest, Russian Postal Service, Gazpromneft,as well as federal and regional government authorities. In these times of intense competition, RBS enjoys success in the mar�ket due to the highest quality of the services the company is offering toits clients. RBS' team of more than 600 highly trained and experiencedprofessionals is the most valuable strategic resource of the company.Exceptionally effective outcome of the projects carried out by the RBSis the result of the coordinated effort of our specialists, who can findout the most effective way of solving any task regardless of its scopeand complexity due to their reach experience in project implementa�tion in various fields of economics.

We received numerous awards in the field of audit and consulting forour achievements. We are members of Associations of Russian Banks

(ARB), Union of Moscow Banks (MBS), Russian Institute of Profes�sional Accounting and Audit (IPBR).Successful working relationship with top foreign companies – leadersin their fields – HATCH, Vision Transportation Group, Mott MacDonald,Agiplan., established by RBS long time ago, also contributes to highquality of project implementation by RBS.

Other international companies rapidly developing their positions in theRussian market, with whom we established mutually beneficial work�ing relationships include Electrolux, Weatherford, British AmericanTobacco, Bombardier, Elliott Turbomachinery, and others.

Being properly recognized and respected by the Russian businesscommunity, we made entering the international market the top priori�ty on our list. We are currently looking for clients among the largestinternational companies and NGOs. In 2007, RBS joined HorwathInternational � international audit and consulting network, which is the9th largest in the world, with annual revenue over three trillion dollars(2008), and over 500 offices in all major countries around the world.

Membership in Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association (CERBA)is the logical step in the direction of widening the geographical busi�ness scope of the company, establishment of the new business con�nections, and professional support for our partners' business devel�opment in Russia.

We hope for mutually beneficial cooperation with CERBA, and lookingforward to implementation of new ambitious and challenging projectsjointly with our future foreign partners – members of CERBA!

JSC «ACG «RBS»tel.: + 7�495�956�6850Email: [email protected] Sushchevsky Val 5 build. 3, Moscow

CERBA Quarterly News (summer 2009) CERBA Quarterly News (summer 2009)12 13

We organized a cheerful party, whichattracted many guests despite the stressfuldays of the global financial crisis. And wewouldn't be able to arrange such a festivitywithout the help of our sponsors: PwC,Barrick Gold, and Petro�Canada. And aspecial thanks to Swissotel which kindlysponsored the venue – 29th floor hall thatwe all admire for its amazing view ofMoscow. Thanks to all for your generoussupport!

The theme for the celebration was natural�ly prompted by the volatile economic situ�ation. Hence, the styling of the eveningafter the 1930s...Everyone knows that those were the timesof the Great Depression in the U.S. Howe�ver, this was also an important period thatgave birth to many notable everlastingconcepts such as jazz music, twist andCharleston dances, radio shows, great fa�shion advancements, first mass�producedcars, Charlie Chaplin, nylon and Teflon,penicillin and insulin, first washing machi�nes, first modern commercial airlinersmade by Boeing, and, of course, one shouldnot forget gangsters and bootleggers.

Contrary to popular belief, the DepressionEra was far from depressing. A great manythings came out of the challenging eco�nomic times. The organisers tried to takeacross a simple message: difficult timesare always followed by brighter times(banal, as it sounds). Light in the end ofthe tunnel? We still have to find the tunnel. The party had an exclusive dress�code:the guests were fashioning 1930s attire…The ladies were dressed in long, elegant,and backless dresses, wore Art Deco�inspired accessories and jewellery intro�duced to the high society by Coco Chanel.Everyone enjoyed the intricate lace hand�bags, hair was fixed as in 1930s – wavyand sleek. The men's costumes had thegangster influence. The gangster «busi�nessmen» wore suits, taking pride in theirwider stripes, colourful ties, topping theirextreme look with felt hats. Our 1930s fan�tastic costumes brought a true and uniquespirit to the party, making it more glam�orous and sensuous. The hall was deco�rated with the photos and pictures of theepoch to surround the guests with a spiritof the 1930s: Art�Deco buildings, memo�rable skyscrapers, trendy and chic ladiesand men, Greta Garbo, Al Capone, CharlieChaplin and so on.

The background music complementedstrikingly the spirit of the time: the «sweet»sounds of Guy Lombardo, Benny Good�man, Tommy Dorsey, the jazz and bluesselections, Louis Armstrong and FletcherHenderson.

We were taken back to the 1930s…The welcome champagne and deliciousbuffet were followed by a «1930s era quiz»:guests were invited to divide into teams,and the contest began. The teams had toanswer various questions about the dis�tinctive features of the 1930s, i.e. what isthe Whisky Gap? (the place from whichalcohol was smuggled to the U.S. duringthe Prohibition), Sam Bronfman as aCanadian bootlegger and his competitionto Al Capone, the Prime Ministers of Ca�nada throughout the Depression: Macken�zie King who took advice from the spiritualworld and regularly consulted his deadmother, all of his dead Irish terriers (whowere all named Pat), Leonardo da Vinciand his friend Franklin Delano Roosevelt(after FDR died) through seances and R.B.Bennett, a millionaire businessman, PrimeMinister of Canada whose Conservativepolicies did little to help the hardshipsfaced by Canadians, Art�Deco architec�ture, the Henry Ford first conveyor, the firstsnowmobile of A. Bombardier, CharlieChaplin films, Jazztoons and Betty Boop

as the first sex symbol. And in the last con�test the teams had real fun: the contest�ants were supposed to inhale some bal�loon gas (helium, that is) so their voicesbecame piping and thin. They had to

guess the authors ofsome well�liked quota�tions of the popularpeople of the 1930s. Both teams were veryactive, so it was noteasy to choose a win�ner. Foreseeing itbeforehand the organ�isers made a few prizesready, i.e. Canadianwhisky, a survival kit (a

vodka�matches set) and two big shoppingbags, one of them was «the stabilizationfund of Russia», another one – «the stabi�lization fund of Canada». The team which chose the «Canadianfund» received a lot of Christmas boxes fullof chocolates and some Christmas orna�ments, while the other prize winner withtheir «Russian fund» got a surprise bagwhich was… full of balloons that flew awaythe minute they opened the prize…So, now can we can better imagine what itwould be like to live in the 1930's.Sometimes stressful, sometimes worry�ing, sometimes miserable, but always fullof hope for a better time.

Christmas Gift or Survivingin the Era of CrisisOn the 7th of December the Moscow Chapter of CERBA celebrateda Christmas party «Christmas Gift or Surviving in the Era of Crisis».


Igor Pikan, RBS General Director

CERBA Quarterly News (summer 2009) 15CERBA Quarterly News (summer 2009)14

Although it has only recently established an office in St. Peters�burg, the international ground engineering and environmentalconsulting firm Golder Associates is no stranger to this part of theworld. From the early 1990s, when Russia and other parts of theFormer Soviet Union opened for foreign business involvement,Golder started to work there. Alex Gordine, Managing Director of Golder's operations in Russia,is no stranger to Russia either – born and raised in St. Petersburg,he holds engineering degrees from the St. PetersburgHydrometeorological University as well as from the University ofToronto. Alex answered some questions about Golder's plans inopening its new office.

We are an international firm of about 7,000 employees who oper�ate from more than 160 offices located throughout Africa, Asia,Australasia, Europe, North America and South America. The com�pany was founded in Canada in 1960 with a focus on geotechni�cal engineering. Since then it expanded into environmental sci�ences, geology, water management, social sciences and othertechnical fields. Internationally, Golder's annual revenue is closeto US$1 billion. The company is entirely employee�owned, whichhas built a strong feeling of pride in ownership. We take the timeto sit with our clients, understand what their business and needsare – and then find ways to meet those needs. The Golder com�panies in each country where we have operations are locallystaffed and managed, and it will be the same for the Golder oper�ation in Russia. It is incorporated as a separate entity underRussian law and will be staffed by Russians.

We had several reasons to expand into the Russian market. Onereason, which drove our expansion into other parts of the world,is that our clients asked us to. Many of our current internationalclients, particularly in mining, have come to rely on Golder andwant to be able to work with us in Russia and the FSU. The otherreason is that Russia is one of the major economies in the world,with a strong focus on the development of natural resources,which is the main area of Golder's expertise. Many Russian natu�ral resources companies have developed into global, world classbusinesses operating in various countries across the world. Wealready serve them in those countries and, as a global company,we would like to serve them in Russia as well. There are locally�developed and foreign�based consulting companies providingsome of the same services we do, but we believe that our com�bination of local knowledge and international expertise can pro�vide particular benefit to our clients.

Golder has worked in Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine,Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan and Armenia. Much of the work hasinvolved supporting the resource extraction industry. Our work inmining includes ore evaluation services, underground and open�pit mine design, rock mechanics, pit slope design, mine waste dis�posal, water management and environmental studies. In oil andgas, we have worked on pipelines on Sakhalin Island and severaloil fields in Siberia, providing mainly geotechnical and environmen�tal services. We have worked on several manufacturing sites,mostly doing environmental audits and assessments for westernclients looking for acquisition of assets and expansion into Russia.

We plan to build a company staffed and managed by Russiannationals who are familiar with the laws, language and way ofdoing business. We will emphasise support for mining, manufac�turing and on oil and gas clients.

Both are large countries – the largest and second�largest in theworld in area – and must deal with issues of distance and logistics.Both the Russian and the Canadian economies depend on extrac�tive industries. Both are northern countries, with similar climate,facing similar challenges with developing natural resources in thecold regions. Both face issues related to climate change, includ�ing a possible opening�up of their northern coasts for shipping.

Alex Gordine, Managing Director Golder Consulting (Russia)Mokhovaya Street 18, St. Petersburg, Russia, 101028e�mail: [email protected].: 7 (812) 579�9972, cell: 7 (911) 749�3192

Golder AssociatesMeets ClientNeeds in Russiaand FSU

What is Golder Associates?

Why has Golder expanded into Russia and the FSU?

What are Golder's plans?

What are the similarities between Russia and Canada?


What work has Golder done in this part of the world?


On 25 March 2009 Baker & McKenzie invitedclients and friends of the Moscow office tocelebrate together 20 years of the Firm's legalpresence in the Russian and the CIS market.John Conroy, Chairman of the Executive Com�mittee, and Rafael Jimenez�Gusi, Member ofExecutive Committee, as well as the CIS Ma�naging Partners and «pioneers» of Baker &McKenzie' Moscow office attended the recep�tion.

«Twenty years ago, Baker & McKenzie openedits Moscow office with two lawyers. Today wehave those two lawyers, another 130 + lawyersin our Moscow office and close to 300employees,» commented Carol Patterson,Managing Partner of the Moscow office.«When we started, both lawyers were fromabroad. Now almost all of our lawyers are Rus�sian. We have remained the global firm, butsince then we have become a Russian firmwith Russian lawyers representing Russianclients.»

Paul Melling, Founding Partner of the Moscowoffice said: «Baker & McKenzie came to Russiafor the same reason that we came to the AsiaPacific or Latin America – our clients brought ushere. We came to provide them with the highestquality legal services. That remains our primeobjective twenty years later and will remain ourprime objective in twenty years from now.»

About Baker & McKenzie

Founded in 1949, Baker & McKenzie is one ofthe world's largest law firms with a truly globalreach. It is a network of more than 3,900 local�ly qualified, internationally experienced lawyersadmitted to practice in nearly 250 jurisdictions,and 7,000 other professionals and staff in 69offices based in 39 countries. The Firm is notedfor its profound knowledge of the language andculture of business, strict commitment to supe�rior quality standards, and its special style ofthinking, work and communication. Global rev�enues for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008exceeded US$2.19 billion. John Conroy isChairman of the Executive Committee. Moreinformation about Baker & McKenzie can befound at www.bakernet.com.

For further details please contact:Nikolay Minashin, Public Relationsand External Communications Manager,Moscow, on +7�497�787�2700or [email protected].

Baker &McKenzie CIS Limited is a member of Baker &McKenzie International, a Swiss Verein with member lawfirms around the world. In accordance with the commonterminology used in professional service organizations,reference to a «partner» means a person who is a partner,or equivalent, in such a law firm. Similarly, reference to an«office» means an office of any such law firm.

© 2009 Baker & McKenzie. All rights reserved

CERBA Quarterly News (summer 2009) CERBA Quarterly News (summer 2009)16 17

Kinectrics – From Workshop to World Leader –Technical Innovation for the Power Industry

HR specialists were amongthe first to face the crisis, andnow they are to change them�selves drastically to addressnew conditions.

The period before the crisiscan be named «the time ofgreat budgets» when every�thing was going smoothly and

any project, even a crazy one, has a potential for success. Thatled to the dominance of «management stars» – those whochanged a job every year and always with a promotion, the socalled manager's generation based on 'growth�growth�growth'principle.

Salaries reached the heaven's level and had nothing to dowith performance. Companies were growing and creating com�plicated multi�level administrative structures. Employee�focused labour market was flourishing, and a pro with some 3�5years of relevant experience could easily find a new job within aweek.

But those times are over. The current situation can be named'moving in a mist' when nobody understands what will thetomorrow brings, and many businesses prefer to think in ashort�term. It is a real expertise crisis: the so�called expertscould not foresee the crisis, and they fail to provide any clearvision of the nearest future.

Economic crisis could not but impacted the labor market:candidates again prefer Western companies seeking for stabil�ity and career opportunities. Salaries stopped to grow, andcompensation scheme went from big bonuses to fix�orienta�tion. Alongside with a significant downsize in administrativepositions we can clearly see an increase in sales, finance andoperations. The war for talents goes on. As a new trend, we canspeak about a willingness to work for the government, not inministries though but in state business institutions.

Nevertheless, with all HR threats such as budget cutting,function simplifying and lack of strategy, I can see new oppor�tunities – a chance to better understand business and to getdeeper involved in operations and processes. There are manypositive things about the crisis including team strengtheningwithout significant costs ('super candidates are available'),employee loyalty growth, increase in efficiency, come ofWestern companies and new technologies, emerge of a newlabor market due to state business and immediate perform�ance assessment.

March 17, 2009, Moscow

Leading middle�management recruitment company

Morgan Hunt Selection has opened a new office in Saint�

Petersburg to follow its head�office operation in


Morgan Hunt Selection, in the North�Western region will pro�vide middle�management and highly skilled professional

recruitment services to Russian and multinational companies.The Saint�Petersburg office will operate in line with the compa�ny's general focus to provide staff in banking and in�housefinancial positions alongside; insurance, industrial & logistics,real estate, sales & marketing, IT & telecoms and humanresources.

Konstantin Borisov, Managing Director of Morgan HuntSelection: «A financial crisis can be a test for a recruitment busi�ness and whilst many small players are leaving the market, TheMorgan Hunt Group is continuing to enjoy new business, furtherrelationship building with existing clients and successful projectexecution for both.»

'Regional expansion and new office openings are always acrucial step in business development, and in a crisis situation,we are extremely fortunate to be expanding rather than con�tracting. We are immensely proud to experience such growth,when recruitment has been shelved by many companies. Weare sure that the new office in Saint�Petersburg will providegreater access for our clients to work with us and open newopportunities for candidates», comments Konstantin Borisov.

Julia Krizhevich is appointed Director and Partner of MorganHunt Selection in Saint�Petersburg and The North�West region.Before that Julia was responsible for building and developmentof the Financial Institutes division in the Moscow office.

«Opening a new office in Saint�Petersburg in 2009 wasplanned by The Group back at the beginning of our launch intothe Russian market, in December 2007. The very fact that wehave managed to fulfill our objectives proves our strength andstability and cements the future success of the Saint�Peters�burg team of consultants, who possess many years of experi�ence in recruitment», comments Julia Krizhevich.

«The Saint�Petersburg office will focus on middle�manage�ment and highly skilled processional recruitment projects. Themain concept of the business is to create and foster ethical rela�tions both with clients and candidates who trust Morgan HuntSelection as HR professionals', adds Julia Krizhevich.

Morgan Hunt Selection is a leading international middle�management recruitment consultancy within the Russian mar�ket, which forms part of the Morgan Hunt Group of companies.

We specialise in recruiting professional staff and havebecome a reliable partner to many international and Russianorganisations. Our business approach combines a skilful mix ofwestern and Russian recruitment practices, with an emphasisplaced on forming long�term relationships.

Our international team of directors and consultants hasgained a strong track record for executing successful recruit�ment projects in a range of business areas for leading Russianand international businesses.

Letnikovskaya St.,13, bldg. A 36 Moika EmbankmentMoscow, Russia Saint�Petersburg, RussiaTel.: 7�495�510�3333 Tel.: 7�812�336�3828Fax: 7�495�510�3333 Fax: 7�812�336�3827www.morganhuntselection.ru [email protected] [email protected]

Morgan Hunt Selection is delighted

to announce the opening of a new office

in Saint�Petersburg

From its one�workshop beginnings in Ca�nada in 1912 as the research / technicaldivision of Ontario Hydro, one of NorthAmerica's largest utilities, Kinectrics hasfocused on the development and applica�tion of advanced technologies for the powerindustry. Evolving with the industry, Kinectrics has

played an integral role as a leader indeveloping power generation and electri�cal transmission infrastructure in NorthAmerica throughout the 20th century.

To�day Kinectrics continues to excel indiverse areas of electric power generationby providing a full complement of engi�neering and testing services. For example,Kinectrics' nuclear experience rangesfrom outage support work, such as systemand component condition assessmentand generation plant building projects,through to the custom design and manu�facture of replacement parts. Key services for nuclear are EquipmentQualification and assessment of NuclearParts critical to the industry as it faces thechallenge of obsolescence. Using its capa�bilities in design and build, EquipmentQualification, Commercial Grade Dedica�tion, specialized tooling, reverse engineer�ing and other related services, Kinectricshas played a major role in helping powergenerators achieve and maintain optimalperformance, and meet growing productiondemand in spite of aging infrastructures. Kinectrics has designed numerous inno�vative inspection tools for nuclear plants,carried out in�depth materials investiga�tions and developed nuclear waste man�agement programs. Additional knowl�edge�based support for generation plantprovided by Kinectrics includes Engi�neering Procurement and Construction(EPC) services, concrete assessment /rehabilitation, and leading�edge aquaticmanagement solutions.In the area of concrete repair and rehabilita�tion, Kinectrics has successfully completedprojects for both large hydraulic, and nu�clear generating stations, and has devel�oped repair technologies proven to beeffective in a variety of harsh environments. Kinectrics has developed new technolo�gies to protect both plant systems and theaquatic environment, through effective

algae control, and systems designed toreduce fish entrainment and impingement.

Kinectrics' Analytical Chemistry and Envi�ronmental business areas, backed bystate�of�the�art lab facilities, offer a wealthof specialized testing, consulting and R&Dservices. Kinectrics' capabilities comprisecharacterization and identification of alltypes of materials, a fully�accredited radio�active materials testing lab, extensive oiltesting and analysis, and air / stack emis�sions monitoring programs. Kinectrics spe�cialized environmental services have alsobeen used extensively for PCB destructionin Japan and other parts of the world.

Kinectrics' T&D experts have developedsolutions for transmission outages causedby problems such as insulator icing andflashover, as well as remedial frequencytrend relays�designed following the infa�mous 1965 North American Blackout. Kine�ctrics' methodology for probabilistic tech�niques is now used in Transmission andDistribution systems design. Kinectrics re�mains a premier international provider of ArcHazard Assessment and Testing services. In the area of electrical testing and stan�dards, Kinectrics' predecessor companiesOntario Hydro Technologies and OntarioPower Technologies carried out rigorousperformance and safety testing of electricappliances creating new industry standardsand re�certifying a new standard for kilo�watt�hour meters. Kinectrics' High CurrentLab is well established as the leading NorthAmerican supplier of electrical testing serv�ices for protective equipment and clothingand is instrumental in helping developindustry standards in this important area.

Kinectrics is internationally recognized for tech�nological innovation in a number of specializedproducts including the SorbWeb® PlusSecondary Oil Leak Containment system,which protects against spills from transformersand other oil�filled equipment. The Kinectrics'PowerKage non�electric fence is an effective,economical and humane system to preventanimal intrusion into electrical equipment.

* North America: Involved in all areas ofelectrical utility business with past andcurrent projects in many US States andmost Canadian Provinces * Russia: Completed Asset Condition

Assessment project for Yakutsk Energo

* Russia: ongoing protective equipment

testing, including Arc�hazard, with Vos�

tok Services Valnetina Ltd, Spesposhiv

Ltd and Energocontract Intex Group Ltd

* Italy: Insulators testing with DIELVE�SAVES * South Korea: qualification testing for cablemanufacturer* Saudi Arabia and Qatar: cable testing forstate utilities * China: performed transmission line load�ing testing for Central China Power Gridnear Wuhan on Yangtze River.

Kinectrics has proactively responded tothe demand for new, qualified personnelby creating a dedicated Training Practicedesigned to directly address industry�spe�cific needs for specialized skills.

From its simple beginnings as a small,dedicated scientific laboratory, Kinectricshas continued to expand by successfullydelivering to customers around the worldthe unique advantage of an unrivalledpractical knowledge of power systems andcomponents. And now, as the powerindustry faces even greater challenges inthe future, Kinectrics' reputation for tech�nical excellence will only continue to grow.www.kinectrics.com

Supporting Power Generation

Analytical Chemistry and Environment

Transmission and Distribution Experts

Leading�edge Products and Services

Kinectrics Projects around the World

Comprehensive Training Programs

A New Century of Success

Konstantin Borisov,

Managing Director,

Morgan Hunt Selection

Brave New World:HR under New Conditions

Visaconnection is one of Canada's leading visa consultancy firms,servicing the needs of the Canadian business community with effi�cient, reliable visa services to all countries that require travel visas.Scott Smith, General Manager at Visaconnection's head office inToronto, answers a few questions on his company's capabilities.

Q: Why is retaining the services of Visaconnection

so important?

A: We like to think that we know everything there is to knowabout visas. We've been working hand�in�hand withEmbassies and Consulates in Canada and around theworld since 2002. Our consultants are university educat�ed, bright and multilingual. We channel all our energy andknowledge toward processing strictly visas, and all docu�ments in support of obtaining visas (i.e., business invita�tions, translations, legalizations, etc.). This means that ourconsultants cover all the angles and remain knowledgableabout what is required to process a certain type of visa andhow long the process may take. Our service removes thecomplications associated with collecting the right infor�mation, submitting documents on time, and ensuring thatpassports with visas are returned promptly without delay.We'll earn your business because we are trusted by ourclients as well as Embassies and Consulates. We are anofficial visa outsourcing partner to the Embassy of SaudiArabia in Canada, and we regularly process visas for India,Brazil and China � probably the hottest places for businessthese days. But it's with visas to Russia and Kazakhstanthat we flex our specialized knowledge.

Q: How do you «specialize» in visas to Russia and


A: Although fairly straightforward, a visa to Russia requires abusiness, work or tourist invitation. We can process businessinvitations as quickly as four days, and tourist vouchers with�in minutes. If you're attending a conference or trade show, forexample, we can process a unique «special tourist» voucherwithin one day at minimal cost. So, our service removes theneed to arrange such invitations with Russian companies orhotels – freeing up precious time and money. Our proximity tothe Russian Consulate in Toronto (with whom we have a val�ued relationship) ensures that visas can be processed asquickly as one day. Similarly with Kazakhstan: visa invitationscan be arranged within two days. Our satellite office in Ottawaensures that all visas applications are submitted by hand andreturned in time for your travel.

«Our experience of co�operation with Visacon�

nection which extends over the years indicates that

the agency in question could be considered quite

trustworthy and reliable in terms of the matters

related to the visa issuance and accompanying

services; therefore, it is my pleasure to recommend

it to you. Visaconnection has a good reputation

among our clients, and its professional credentials

are not disputable.»

— Alexandre Prusov

Consul (Chief of Visa Section), Consulate General

of the Russian Federation (2007)

Q: I need a visa…where do I start?

A: The best idea is to contact us directly, either by phone oremail. Our website also provides some pretty comprehen�sive information on requirements, forms, processing timesand prices. If you require a business invitation, a scannedcopy of your passport is all we need to get started. However,you will eventually need to submit your original passport andan extra photo when the documents are ready to be handedin to the Consulate. Depending where you are in the world,Visaconnection can facilitate your visa application throughpartners in the US and Europe – so you don't always have tocome back to Canada to process your visa!

Q: Will Visaconnection guarantee that visas will be

issued on schedule?

A: Our business works by anticipating your needs anddeveloping solutions to obtain your visa in the most effi�cient manner available. Because we are in regular contactwith the Consulates and Embassies, we are often the firstto know about changes in processing time and require�ments. Short of actually issuing the visa (the responsibilityof the Visa Officer), our consultants can nevertheless pre�pare your application exactly the way each Visa Officerwants it, and ensure the passport is returned on schedulewith the correct visa. We will never compromise your travelschedule by submitting incorrect or missing information –that's the service commitment we stand behind.

«Scott and his team at Visaconnection provided me

with a very friendly and efficient service to get my

Russian business visa at short notice. Even when

we experienced unforeseen delays his response

was professional and focused on getting the visa to

me as fast as possible.»

— Chris Skirrow

Partner, Consumer and Industrial Products Leader,

PricewaterhouseCoopers, Russia

Dear travelers, The team at VisaConnnection have been extreme�ly proactive in helping me with all my and my family's visa needs.They have been able to deal with short timeframes to assist me aswell as to help in multiple embassy throught the world. From yoursimplest to most intricate visa needs, I recommend that you con�tact Scott Smith and the VisaConnection team.

Sheldon Bennett, CISCO Systems.

Access Visaconnection at www.visaconnection.biz,by phone at 1�416�506�8787(toll�free in Canada: 877�972�8472), or e�mail at [email protected].

CERBA Quarterly News (summer 2009)18


CERBA Quarterly News (summer 2009) 19

Correspondent: Yury, how comethat a tourist agency from Torontogot involved not only in touristprojects but also projects of esta�blishing closer cultural and busi�ness links between Canada andRussia?

Yuriy: Since 1986 our companyhas been conducting activities con�nected with USSR and later withRussia and former USSR republicsand other countries in EasternEurope. Those were majorly proj�ects associated with internationaland domestic flight arrangements,visas, special groups and othertourist products in Russia andCanada. But in recent years theinterest in cooperation between thetwo countries has been growing ondifferent levels. We observe grow�ing demand in logistic part oforganizing official, business eventsand satellite cultural and touristservices here in Canada. Also thereis a need to have a steady scheduleof visiting Moscow, St. Petersburg,and other Russian regions byCanadians, who are either visitingtheir relatives or friends or goingwith tourism or business purposes.To meet the market trend our com�pany has come up with a complexsolution which includes full range ofservices for Russians visitingCanada and Canadians who plan tovisit Russia. During the develop�ment of this project we realized thata moment has come to join forceswith a number of organizations thatwork with a common purpose ofstrengthening the relationshipbetween the two countries: in thearea of tourism, culture and sports.Surely enough every new projectwill take time and effort to bring tolife. There are no official agreementsbetween Russia and Canada thearea of tourism, but a lot of precon�ditions, such as commercial inter�est, Russia's reputation as culturaleducational centre, interest fromboth sides in development of proj�ects related to tourism, culture and

sports. Based on these factors andthe company's infrastructure therehas been founded Russia�CanadaAssociation of Tourism, Sport andCulture, which we invite to join anytourist agency, cultural and sportsorganizations and commercial com�panies.

C: What is the major purpose ofthe Association's activity?Y: Our mission is to assist in creat�ing and strengthening liaisonsbetween Canada and Russia, fos�tering understanding and cooper�ation between the two people bymeans of tourism, culture andsports activities. In the frameworkof this mandate we are settingforth a number of goals such asorganization and participation inexhibitions, forums and seminars,holing a number of cultural events,providing information and logisticsupport for the members.

C: What are the tactical plans foryour organization?

Ю: For 2009 we are planning todevelop and promote more sched�uled tours to Russia and formerUSSR countries in the framework ofour partnership with Austrian Air�lines; participation in ITM Show inMoscow in March (official exhibi�tion supported by the Ministry ofTourism of Russian Federation);exhibiting at Travel&Leisure Showand Addison Show in Toronto inApril and October; organization ofRussia's participation in CanadianTulip Festival 2009 (from the 1st to12th of May 2009); logistic supportof Days of Russian Movies inMoscow (5�8 March 2009) andDays of Russian Movies in Torontoand Washington (August�Septem�ber 2009) together with such com�panies as «Mediafest»(Russia), therepresentative office of «Svoi» ma�gazine in Canada and «ProsperoFilm Inc», as well as other projectsrelated to Russia�Canada relation�ship development.

Yuriy Manukhov,

director of business

development at YYZ Travel

is speaking about the new

projects launch to develop

