looking back: the newly transformed 2012 studebaker york swap meet

The Newly Transformed 2012 Studebaker York Swap Meet Where Studebakers and Friends “Met” Two plus years in the making, the Newly Transformed Studebaker York Swap Meet (SYSM) has proven to be a great success based on feedback during and immediately after the event. To play on another brands ad, this is not your fa- thers swap meet. It is a new experience and hopefully a pleasant one for all, Visitors and vendors. Something for young, old, in between and both genders. An experience that fills a void left missing from Internet sales that bonds buyers, sellers and friendships. From the time a vendor or visitor arrived at the York Expo this year they were treated to a new experience. An experience where “Studebakers and friends meet” or met as the case this year. After decades of the successful historical Keystone York swap meet it became clear that the new Studebaker York Swap Meet possessed a unique exciting personality. Starting with FREE Studebaker ONLY parking with a fee for “For Sale” Studebakers, Greeters outside , a greater at the door, Event in- formation sheet, Workshops, 50/50, Craft Show, Raffle cars for this year and next year, Valve Cover Racing, Indoor Corral for Display and For Sale just to list a few of the new features in addition to tons of Studebaker items inside and outside. Then there was the traditional Keystone Hospitality area, the Truck Farmers Dinner and evening activities. But wait, the evening activities with FREE food, soda and beer was even more special this year. Visitors and vendors were treated to “Baffling Bill Bow- ersox” entertaining magic, comedy and table tricks that kept all, well, spellbound from laughter to how-does-he-do-that magic. Friday evening was a huge auction which included collectables from the Bob and Edna Maul estate and contributions for Studebaker vendors at this swap meet. WORKSHOPS Workshops were a huge success. A variety of vendors provided a series of Show-n- Tell and free installations. Thanks to the vendors seminars many event participants got an education based on the various demonstrations and interactive forums. Work- shops included, Myers Studebaker installing an Avanti Headliner for free in Carolyn Bare’s Avanti, Turner Brake provided a free disk brake installation in two day instal- linstallments on Karl Veit’s Lark, Fairborn Studebaker demonstrated the popular flange axle conversion, Matthew Burnette (Drive Your Studebaker Day promoter and TW fame) provided an overview on SS repair, Shrock Brothers showed how they pro- totype rubber parts, Rust Beater and Haas performance demonstrated rust removal

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Two plus years in the making, the Newly Transformed Studebaker York Swap Meet (SYSM) has proven to be a great success based on feedback during and immediately after the event. To play on another brands ad, this is not your fathers swap meet. It is a new experience and hopefully a pleasant one for all, Visitors and vendors. Something for young, old, in between and both genders. An experience that fills a void left missing from Internet sales that bonds buyers, sellers and friendships.


Page 1: Looking Back: The Newly Transformed 2012 Studebaker York Swap Meet

The Newly Transformed 2012 Studebaker York Swap Meet Where Studebakers and Friends “Met”

Two plus years in the making, the Newly Transformed Studebaker York Swap Meet (SYSM) has proven to be a great success based on feedback during and immediately after the event. To play on another brands ad, this is not your fa-thers swap meet. It is a new experience and hopefully a pleasant one for all, Visitors and vendors. Something for young, old, in between and both genders. An experience that fills a void left missing from Internet sales that bonds buyers, sellers and friendships. From the time a vendor or visitor arrived at the York Expo this year they were treated to a new experience. An experience where “Studebakers and friends meet” or met as the case this year. After decades of the successful historical Keystone York swap meet it became clear that the new Studebaker York Swap Meet possessed a unique exciting personality. Starting with FREE Studebaker ONLY parking with a fee for “For Sale” Studebakers, Greeters outside , a greater at the door, Event in-formation sheet, Workshops, 50/50, Craft Show, Raffle cars for this year and next year, Valve Cover Racing, Indoor Corral for Display and For Sale just to list a few of the new features in addition to tons of Studebaker items inside and outside. Then there was the traditional Keystone Hospitality area, the Truck Farmers Dinner and evening activities. But wait, the evening activities with FREE food, soda and beer was even more special this year. Visitors and vendors were treated to “Baffling Bill Bow-ersox” entertaining magic, comedy and table tricks that kept all, well, spellbound from laughter to how-does-he-do-that magic. Friday evening was a huge auction which included collectables from the Bob and Edna Maul estate and contributions for Studebaker vendors at this swap meet. WORKSHOPS Workshops were a huge success. A variety of vendors provided a series of Show-n-Tell and free installations. Thanks to the vendors seminars many event participants got an education based on the various demonstrations and interactive forums. Work-shops included, Myers Studebaker installing an Avanti Headliner for free in Carolyn Bare’s Avanti, Turner Brake provided a free disk brake installation in two day instal-linstallments on Karl Veit’s Lark, Fairborn Studebaker demonstrated the popular flange axle conversion, Matthew Burnette (Drive Your Studebaker Day promoter and TW fame) provided an overview on SS repair, Shrock Brothers showed how they pro-totype rubber parts, Rust Beater and Haas performance demonstrated rust removal

Page 2: Looking Back: The Newly Transformed 2012 Studebaker York Swap Meet

Elizabeth Radiator Bill Solvitski Rad construction

Rust Beater & Hass Performance Tim Herman / Kerry Hass Rust removal & Zink treatment

Turner Brake Jim Turner FREE Disk Brake Installation

Starlight Stainless Steel’s Matthew Barnette

Myers Studebaker Mike Myers FREE Avanti Head Liner Install

Shrock Brother’s Tom Shrock Rubber Mold Prototyping

techniques and effects of Zinc additives and Elizabeth Radiator educated the Studebaker students on radiator construction. Some of these workshops were held both days. A special thanks to vendors who helped add value to the NEW SYSM with these workshops. Here are some Workshop photos, more in Event Photo section. Of course all this is about getting Studebaker Parts and Services to York. To recog-nize and encourage vendors to participate, up to four vendors are eligible to receive free lodging. Four received free lodging this year. The bottom line is that the combined knowledge, contacts, sales and friendships gen-erated and gained during this event transcends any Internet exercise. Hopefully the SYSM is the renaissance of swap meets. Experience it again next year. Details for

2013 will be available later this year on the Keystone website.

Studebaker York Swap Meet WINNERS

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Read about and get to know our winners on the following pages! Click here to view more photos in our gallery!
Page 3: Looking Back: The Newly Transformed 2012 Studebaker York Swap Meet

SYSM WINNERS and Their Photos


$2000 Delra Drapac

‘55 Speedster Edgar Loomis

$200 VENDOR DRAWING (Vendor display set-up until closing)

Nathan Simmons/”Jimmi Jim” Kranak

Lottery style Ping Pong number drawing

Valve Cover Racing

Wild Speedster: Garry Haldren Tired Spedster: Ed Wenger Young Speedster: Grace & Nathen Witmer


Profits from book sales and Craft Show Chinese Auction


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The Craft Show



Swap Meet T-Shirts

Check these websites for more photos of the Studebaker York Swap Meet � � � � http://forum.studebakerdriversclub.com/forum.php � � � � http://s57.photobucket.com/albums/g233/rockne10/SDC%20York%202012/?start=all

� � � � http://community.webshots.com/user/60studehawk?vhost=community

Photo Credits Brad Johnson, Jeff Sheaffer, Tom Ehrhart, Keith Strayer