loddon valley link 201310 - october 2013

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  • 7/28/2019 Loddon Valley Link 201310 - October 2013


    October 2013Come, ye thankful people, come, raise the song of harvest-home;All is safely gathered in, ere the winter storms begin.

    The Loddon Valley Link

    Church and Parish Magazinefor Sherfield-on-Loddon, Stratfield Saye andHartley Wespall with Stratfield Turgis

    Issue 461

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    Page 2

    Services for October 2013

    Sunday 6th October Trinity 19

    10.00am Holy Communion St Leonards Sherfield

    10.00am Harvest Family Service St Marys Stratfield Saye*

    6.30pm Evensong with Holy Communion St Marys Hartley Wespall

    Sunday 13th October Trinity 2010.00am Morning Worship St Leonards Sherfield

    with Sunday Club10.00am Harvest Festival Service St Marys Hartley Wespall

    6.30pm Choral Evensong with conQordiia St Leonards Sherfield

    Sunday 20th October Trinity 2110.00am Holy Communion St Leonards Sherfield

    with Sunday Club10.00am Matins with Communion by Ext St Marys Stratfield Saye*Note: No Service at St Marys Hartley Wespall see 13th October

    Sunday 27th October Last Sunday after Trinity

    Bob & Rodys Final Sunday8.00am Holy Communion BCP St Marys Hartley Wespall10.00am Special Family Service & Farewell St Leonards Sherfield

    Sunday 3rd November All Saints

    10.00am Holy Communion St Leonards Sherfield10.00am Family Service St Marys Stratfield Saye*

    4.00pm Evensong with Holy Communion St Marys Hartley Wespall

    *Drive up close to the white gates, which will open automatically .

    Children are welcome at all our services. Services in italics are particularlygeared to children and families. BCP = Book of Common Prayer.

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    Page 3

    What happens when Ive gone?

    Once the cheering has died down the business of finding anew rector begins in earnest! As from 1st November, thebeginning of my retirement, the churches in our benefice

    will find themselves in a period of interregnum i.e. the periodduring which a parish is without a minister. Sunday services,baptisms, weddings and funerals etc. will all carry on, asusual, but with the help of our ministry team, all of whom are unpaidvolunteers, as well as some visiting clergy. So, if you request help pleasebe patient and understanding. Im sure our churchwardens and parishhelpers will do their very best to help and support those who need helpand advice.

    The churchwardens and Area Dean will be responsible for seeing to the dayto day running of the benefice and, together with the PCC, will write aprofile of the benefice and role specification for the new minister. Once thishas been agreed with the Bishop the vacancy can be advertised throughoutthe Diocese and nationally to which any ordained clergy person can apply.

    Every church in the Church of England has a patron and centuries ago thepatron paid for and appointed the parish priest. Today, the patrons still

    have a right to make an appointment but clergy are now paid bycongregations who pay Parish Share to the Diocese. We have four patronswho are: the Bishop of Winchester, the Duke of Wellington, the Dean ofWindsor and Queens College, Oxford. Together with the patrons,representatives from our four churches will have the responsibility ofinterviewing candidates and appointing the next rector.

    Its quite a process but not quite as bad as choosing a Pope! Hopefully,people looking to make the appointment and those seeking to be

    interviewed will, through prayer, seek Gods help and guidance in thiswhole process that the man or woman of His choice will be invited to servehere.

    This whole process can take anything from six to twelve months and, insome cases has been known to take longer. Lets trust that it may happeneven quicker that expected! If you are someone who prays please pray forall those who will have the responsibility of running our parishes during the

    interregnum and for those involved in choosing your new minister. Rodyand I will certainly be praying for you and thinking of you in the comingmonths.

    (This is not my final letter, one more to come!)

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    BREACH LANE CHAPELSherfield on LoddonGeoff Belsham 01256 882534


    Church of St Bede, Popley(www.vinntec.co.uk/hg/)

    Contact Fr. Dominic Golding, Parish Office,Tues to Fri, 9.30am-1.00pm Tel: 01256 465214.

    Sunday Mass 9.00 am, 11.00 am, and 6.30pmPage 4

    October 2013 Services

    Tuesday 1st 2pm Church Walk starting at Calleva Arms,


    Friday 4th 10.30am Open Morning at Chapel

    Sunday 6th 10.30am Family Worship led by Neil Owenfollowed by Fellowship Meeting

    Sunday 13th


    Family Worship led by Graham Locke

    3pm Bible Study in Chapel

    Saturday 19th 2.30pm Disabled Christian Fellowship at FrimleyRoad

    Sunday 20th 10.30am Family Worship led by Neil Owen plusHoly Communion


    Youth Group The Flock

    Wednesday 23rd 2.30pm Midweek Fellowship at Chapel

    Sunday 27th 10.30am Family Worship led by Neil Owen plusHoly Communion

    3pm Bible Study in Chapel

    Tuesday 29th 10.30am Open Morning at Chapel

    Thursday 31st 7.30pm Bible Study at 9 Coopers Lane, Bramley

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    Page 5

    ST. LEONARDS CHURCHSaturday Open Days

    October 5th, 12th and 19th

    A list of all the Open Day dates for theyear is displayed in the lych gate at thechurch. Everyone is welcome to visit forquiet reflection, a prayer, to study the

    architecture and history of the church orto view with a wedding in mind.


    Welcome to the October edition of the Link.

    This month we have focussed on publicising detailsof important events that are scheduled to happenbetween now and Christmas.

    Theres a reminder that we shall berepeating the colourful ChristmasTree Festival again this year(page 7) so get your order inwithout delay!

    As announced in the previous Link,

    Bob and Rody will be retiring toCambridge at the end of this monthand there are a number of eventsfocussing on our farewells.

    Great news about the St. Leonardsextension scheme things arereally underway now (See page 17)

    I now hand over the editorship toSimon Boase. See you around!

    ContentsChurch Services 2

    Bobs Pastoral Letter 3

    Breach Lane Services 4

    Bob and Rody last service 8

    Choral Evensong 12

    Text for the Month 15

    St. Leonards extension news 17

    Messy Church 20

    Disco 25

    Harvest Festivals 26

    Sherfield Show results 28/29

    Charles Griffith Part 2 30/31Village Hall matters 37

    Loddon Players 39

    Beat Officer/ Poppy Appeal 41

    Sherfield Parish Council 43

    Sherfield Park 45

    Small Ads 52/53

    Cover: A bumper harvestJohn Attwoods prize-winningdisplay at the Sherfield Show.

    Photo: Brian Archer

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    Page 7

    Parish Registers


    Scarlett Alice Robyn Lawson 07.09.13 Hartley Wespall

    Yasmin Love 08.09.13 Sherfield

    Emily Love 08.09.13 SherfieldSophia Love 08.09.13 Sherfield

    Beatrix Campbell Lendrum 08.09.13 Sherfield


    Sara Sinfield 07.09.13 Sherfield& Nick Mardell

    FuneralKeith Blakey 17.09.13 Sherfield

    Christmas Tree Festival

    Christmas around the WorldSt Leonards Church

    Friday 6th December - Grand Opening

    Saturday 7th December Christmas Market,

    Music, Refreshments &

    Christmas Hamper Raffle

    Christmas Concert by EVOC

    Sunday 8th December - 10am Worship

    Raffle Draw & Competition Announcements

    To enter a tree, emailLisa Goodall on

    [email protected]

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    Page 8

    A great way to share the Christmas Story

    The Real Advent Calendar is a new and fun way for parents,grandparents and Godparents to share theChristmas story. Behind each of the 25 windowsthere is a Fairtrade chocolate star and a few

    words from the Christmas story. Behind the finalwindow there is a 24-page Christmas storybooklet to read, keep and enjoy. All for only3.99!

    As well as celebrating the true meaning ofChristmas, the calendar makes a charity donation

    to The Childrens Society from every sale. For

    more information please see: www.realadvent.co.ukFor more information and to place orders please contact

    Carol Armstrong 0118 9816593 [email protected]

    ** All Orders with Payment must be received by 1st November **

    Bobs & Rodys Last Service

    Sunday 27th October, 10.00amSt LeonardsSpecial Family Service & Farewell,

    All welcomeFollowed at 12.30pm by:

    A Celebration Lunch at the Village Hall, SherfieldBring and Share Lunch

    Please come and have some fun and food! In orderthat we have some ideas on numbers please fill in the

    sheet at St Leonards or contact:Carol or Sammie Armstrong on:

    0118 9816593/[email protected].

    Bob will entertain us after lunch withhis special orchestra and Cedric theFlea as well as a Blues Song withTearsplease dont throw CustardPies!

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    Page 12

    Womens Breakfast

    Saturday 5th October 8.30am

    Cross House, Bramley

    Very Special Speaker - Rody Politt

    Talking on: Are you there God?

    Please give your name to

    Carol Armstrong 0118 [email protected]

    All Welcome!

    Choral EvensongSt. Leonards Church, Sherfield-on-Loddon

    Sunday October 13th at 6.30pm

    Sung by conQordia, director Mike Abrams

    Come along and enjoy a beautiful performance by this excellent LondonChoir. All welcome, please join us for this Special Act of Worship.

    No tickets required!In celebration of Bob & Rodyand their ministryStratfield Turgis Village Autumn Walk

    Sunday 27th October at 1pm.

    Meet at the Recreation Ground next to the Jekyll & Hyde,Turgis Green.

    Come and join us on a gentle stroll around some of the beautiful andhistoric sights of the village. No fundraising, no donations, just lovelycountryside and good company. Everyones welcome.

    The walk should take approximately 3 hours across fairly level ground.

    For more details see the village website (www.stratfieldturgis.org.uk)or contact Sheila Campbell on 01256 882351

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    Page 13

    J Cook LandscapesMaintenanceDecking & FencingPatios & DrivewaysGarden Design & BuildClearanceCall now for a free quote:01256 412723 / 0771 7214521e: [email protected]

    For information call: 0118 932 6308 Brochure hotline: 0118 932 6480

    www. wellington-riding.co.uk e-mail: [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Page 15


    Paul writes So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him,strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with

    thankfulness.Colossians 2: 6&7, The NIV Bible

    Prayer for the Month.

    As we look to a future without Revd Bob Politt to guide us we giveyou thanks for his faithfulness and encouragement over the years thathe has been our rector. Lord Jesus Christ, we pray for your churchand for its ministry here in Sherfield on Loddon and throughout the

    world. Lord, we ask you to inspire and enable us to speak for youwhen the opportunity arises, to tell gladly and openly what you meanto us and what you have done in our lives. Lord teach us that it isnot the cleverness of our words that has the power to change livesbut the message of your love and the wonder of your grace. Teachus that you can use our witness beyond our wildest expectationswhen that witness is offered from the heart. Teach us to trust in you,confident that you will give us the words to say when

    we need them and give us the faith to leave the restto you even though we may never see the results.

    In Jesus name we pray. Amen

    Prayer Points for October

    Pray for the people of Syria and for world leaders who struggle to finda way to bring an end to the bitter conflict and to bring peace to that


    Pray for Bob and Rody as they plan for their future in retirement andthe loss of so many friends that they will experience and also for thesense of loss we will all feel when they are no longer here to guide us.

    Pray for the future of a world so full of anxieties and worries,uncertain of the future and unsure of the way forward. Give ourleaders the courage to create policies in which all feel they can trust.

    Pray for those who feel isolated and lonely as the darkness comesearlier each evening.

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    Exciting News on

    St. Leonards Extension Project !!

    We launched our Extension Project at St Leonardson Easter Day 2009 and after four and a half years

    of tireless fund raising and generous giving the PCCon Monday 9th September 2013 gave the go-aheadto start construction as soon as some of the finallogistical problems have been sorted out.

    From the six contractors who submitted tenders, and in accordancewith recommended procedures, the contract was awarded to KierishDevelopments Ltd who submitted the lowest bona fide tender. It ishoped that work will start within the next four to six weeks.

    We do not have enough money to complete the fitting out of theextension but our current funding will enable us to erect the building andfit the toilets. Our fund raising will continue in order that, in due course,the interior can be fitted out to the same high standard that the flint cov-ered exterior of the building will demonstrate. We will keep you informedon a regular basis with step-by-step photographs of the progress beingmade with the construction.

    Many people have made considerable financial sacrifices in order to reachthis stage but our fund raising must continue until the final touch of painthas been applied. With this in mind we shall be inviting people to donatedirectly through our Bond Scheme (details from Dan our treasurer: 01256

    882680) and to continue supporting our fund raisingevents.

    Our thanks go to all who have helped, in whatever way,

    to bring us to this exciting stage in fulfilling the visionwe all had some 12 years ago.

    Donald Dawson


    Stratfield Saye Village HallOn Friday, 8th November 2013 See Page 51 for details

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    Goddards Lane, Sherfield-on-Loddon HOOK, Hants. RG27 0EZ

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  • 7/28/2019 Loddon Valley Link 201310 - October 2013


    Page 20

    Friday 11th October at 4.15pmOctobers session will be: Sad Times, Happy Times

    Messy Church is a wonderful monthly opportunity for families to get

    together, have some fun making things,

    eating and celebrating God together.

    Everyone welcome! The session will run something likethis:-

    4.15pm - arrive and register, have a

    drink and a biscuit

    4.30pmWorship, followed by Craft

    Activities and then Food!

    If you would like a meal for your child it is now essential to book,

    For more information about Messy Church please contact:Amanda Prince on 01256 880733, [email protected].

    Or on Facebook: Messy Church - Sherfield on Loddon.

    Flu Clinics at The Clift Surgery (Only for those registered there)

    If you are aged 65 or over, or suffer from chronic disease (such as heart,lung, liver, kidney or neurological disease) have diabetes, a weak immunesystem or if you are pregnant, then you may be at risk from flu.

    Ask about a Flu Vaccination now. We will be holding Flu Clinics on:

    Saturday 5th October

    Wednesday 9th October

    Saturday 19th October

    Telephone Reception on 01256 881228 for more information.

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    Page 21

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    Can I help you


    For more information, contact Pip Iles on:

    01256 880 559 or e-mail:[email protected]


  • 7/28/2019 Loddon Valley Link 201310 - October 2013


    Page 22


    Paul AllenCarpentry . Tiling .

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    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Page 24


    Every Tuesday 10.00am to 12 noon

    Sherfield Park Community Centre

    Climbing frame, toys, parachutegames, singing,

    juice and biscuits, tea and coffee.A great place to meet new people and

    make new friends everyone welcome! Come and join us!

    designed to wear out your children!

    Contacts: Louisa 01256 881229, Beccy880894, Kerry 880167


    For a Warm Friendly Welcome

    THE SHOP IN SHERFIELD-ON-LODDONSelling a vast range of groceries including:

    Local Bakery bread & Cakes Market fresh fruit & vegQuality fresh meat & poultry Excellent selection of Wine

    Beer Spirits & TobaccoAll at competitive pricesTHE SHOP, Reading Road, Sherfield

    Telephone: 01256 882234Open: MondaySaturday 7.00 am to 7.00 pm

    Sundays 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Orders taken for Delivery

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    The 2013 Stratfield Turgis & Hartley Wespall Village CricketMatch held on 1st September

    A four hundred run day was won by Hartly Wespall by the slim margin ofone wicket.

    In glorious weather on a hard and true wicket (thanks the HW&ST CC) thebatters dominated. However some remarkable catching by all .concernedmeant that wickets kept falling to set up a fine thrilling finish.

    Rupert Fisher

    Thanks to Don Macnamara

    For those in Stratfield Turgis, Don has been a regular monthly visitordelivering the Loddon Valley Link for the last 12 or so years (or more than

    he can remember).However due to an imminent house move, last month was his final deliveryround and the reigns have been handed over to Jane McAndrew.

    The Loddon Valley Link Committee would like to express their thanks andappreciation for all the work Don has done and wish him well in his futureadventures.

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    Sunday 3rd November 2013

    Annual Concert with guests Liskerrit Male Voice Choir3-5pm, St Josephs Church, St Michaels Road, BasingstokeIn aid of the Sherfield-on-Loddon church extension fundand RC Dioceseof Bamenda in The Cameroon.Information from Carol Armstrong. Tel: 0118 981 6593

    Friday 13th December 2013

    Annual Christmas Concert, Carnival Hall, Council Road, Basingstoke

    For further information please ring Christine Savage, Publicity Officer, on01256 780711 www.basingstokeladieschoir.co.uk

    Registered Charity No: 1058910

    Basingstoke Embroidery GuildAre you interested in Stitching and Textiles ? Then visit your local

    branch of the Embroidery Guild. In October we are lucky enough to behosting Kim Thittichai, a renowned mixed media textile artist who workswith fabrics that she can manipulate with heat to form new creations.

    We meet at Popley Fields Community Centre between 1.30 and 3.30 onthe third Thursday of the month.

    We are a very friendly group and welcome one and all to visit and findout more about us. Next meeting Thursday October 24th. Visitors 5.

    For further information please contact Mary Barker Tel: 01256 471576

    Harvest Festivals

    Sunday 6th Oct 10.00am St Marys, Stratfield Saye

    Sunday 13th Oct 10.00am St Marys Hartley Wespall

    As usual all food donations will be given to the Lod-don School. Tinned, packaged and fresh food areall welcome.

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    Page 28

    A BumpThis years show was held on Saturd

    Sherfield Flower, Produce &

    The Show committee would very much like to thank all theall those who came along to enjoy! The judges enjoyed itvillage show -please do invite me back to judge next year.between entries, the standard was consistently good. Aroses, tomatoes and fruit are of particular note this year.

    Always an enjoyable event, the show attracts all ages, noGriff Prestell winning the 5-7s Elp

    the 7-11s Brain Cup and Megan

    Rolton Photogra

    We will soonpresent a donationto the SherfieldVillage Greenvolunteers whichwill go towards aDiamond JubileeSeat to be placed

    on the green nearThe Shop.

    Try your hand atexhibiting! In thespring you will beable to downloadnext years list ofclasses, entry formsand tips on how toenter.

    Natalie Larner, showorganiser withChris Horton

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    Page 29

    r Year!31st August in Sherfield Village Hall

    andicrafts Show - A review

    helpers, the increased number of adults who entered andoo - A very well-supported and well-run traditionalIn some classes it was incredibly difficult to choose

    ery high standard with quality produce throughout the

    bly Ela Jolliffe winning the under-5s Happy Faces Trophy,k Cup, Erin Cook takingestell taking the John

    y Cup.

    John Attwood winner ofthe Best in Show Cup

    John Attwood wasa worthy winner inseveral classesincluding the cupfor Best in Showand the GardenClub cup.

    The front cover

    shows yet onemore of Johnsentries, and weare pleased to useit to illustrate theharvest theme forthis monthsedition of the

    Loddon ValleyLink.

    To see a full list of winners andphotos of this years show, visitthe website at:www.sherfieldshow.hampshire.org.uk

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    An unsung hero in meteorology:Charles Higman Griffith (18301896)

    Last month we featured some research by Stephen Burt on thedevelopment of the raingauge by the 19th century rector of All SaintsChurch, Stratfield Turgis. We complete that article this month.

    The thermometer screen trials

    Griffith commenced measurements of air temperature around 1864 or1865 but only a few fragments ofthese early records remain. At thattime, types and patterns ofthermometer housing were almostas numerous as raingauge

    designs, and in fact Griffith usedhis own design of screen for theseearly records.

    Thomas Stevensons short note ona proposed design for athermometer shelter which usedwooden louvres to screen theinterior instruments from solar and

    infrared radiation and precipitation appeared in the Journal of the ScottishMeteorological Societyin 1866 and at the time was only one of amultitude of competing designs. Clearly not one to pass up a challenge,Griffith also offered to run comparative trials of ten types of thermometerexposure in the grounds of the rectory, including one constructed toStevensons design (right). Equipment costs (45) were met by a grantfrom the Royal Society procured by George Symons. The thermometerscreen trials at Stratfield Turgis ran from November 1868 to April 1870.Observations were made three times daily (9 am, 3 pm and 9 pm),together with maximum and minimum temperatures.

    Charles Griffiths weather records end abruptly. The 9 am observation on25 March 1896 (cloudy, fine) is the last to appear on the monthly return,the rest of the page is blank. He died exactly a week later, on 1 April 1896. George Symons concluded with the following eulogy: Mr Griffith was aworker rather than a writer; had he written more, the parallelism betweenthe two Hampshire rectors, Gilbert White of Selborne in the 18


    and Griffith of Strathfield Turgiss in the 19th, would have beennoteworthy. The rainfall record was carried on by Hannah until 1904,until, at 75, she became too old to continue. She died in 1905.

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    Stratfield Turgis Rectory is still there today, recognisably similar to 150years ago, (above). The Meteorological Society (which became Royal in1884) established a thermometer screen committee which undertookfurther comparative tests, recommending slight modifications toStevensons original design. Changes have been minor since 1883.Recently, screens have been made from plastic, with reductions in

    maintenance (thereby removing some of the inconsistency of readingsresulting from deteriorating paintwork). Trials undertaken by the MetOffice showed that there was little difference between wooden andplastic and plastic Stevenson screens have been formally adopted.

    Global impact

    It is hard to underplay the impact of those two painstaking instrumenttrials in the garden of Stratfield Turgis rectory over 150 years ago. Botheventually led to the clear endorsement of a particular design, which with

    only minor modifications then quickly became standard. At the height ofthe British Empire, such instruments soon found their way around theglobe. At a conservative estimate there are probably 35,000 louveredStevenson type screens in daily use globally. The existence of longperiods of records made using such standardised instruments providesthe essential baseline for assessing the extent of climate change.


    If not for the Victorian clergyman making those meticulous records fromso many different types of instrument day in and day out, standardsmight still be as ill defined as they were in the 1860s. For this, Rev.Charles Higman Griffith deserves posthumous recognition. He could nothave imagined what an impact his painstaking investigations would haveon global climatology over the course of the following 150 years.

    Full article available Burt, Stephen (2013) An unsung hero in meteorology:Charles Higman Griffith (1830-1896). Weather, 68, pp 135-138

    2013 Stephen Burt. All rights reserved.

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    Happy Faces Playgroup

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  • 7/28/2019 Loddon Valley Link 201310 - October 2013


    Page 37

    Village Hall MattersSherfield on Loddon Village Hall. Reg. Charity No: 272385


    The management committee is very grateful to Roger Rivers who is now

    tending the Village Hall garden.


    In recent months, the village hall car park has been marked out,

    including moving the two disabled spaces closer to the entrance. The

    windows in the Liddell Hall and the boilers in the caretakers cottage

    and in the Liddell Hall have all been replaced. The water heaters have

    also been replaced in the main hall toilets and those for the kitchen and

    bar sinks. New outside lighting has been installed together with a hall

    noticeboard at the rear of the Liddell Hall and a village hall post box on

    the wall at the front of the hall near the caretakers gate. Please note

    that Happy Faces have also installed their post box by their outside

    noticeboard. Repairs have also been made to the main hall floor and the

    kitchen roofing felt replaced.


    The Friends of Sherfield Village Hall have organised a fab fundraising

    60s/70s disco! Large dance floor complete with glitter ball! Do please

    support this event - dig out the miniskirts or flower power kaftans and

    the platforms, flares and kipper ties. More information on Page 25 of

    this magazine.


    Local support and fundraising is essential to bridge the gap between

    income from bookings and the cost of running the Hall. If you'd like to

    help out with fundraising events please contact Alan Ball on 883838.


    Sat 12th October-

    PoSH Coffee Morning

    Sat 12th

    October- 60s/70s Night

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    Sherfield and District Gardening Club

    Our October speaker on Monday 21st is Pamela Holt.Pamela will be telling us all about the Royal BotanicGardens at Kew. Pamelas claim to fame is that shetrained at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew with AlanTitchmarsh and tutored Charlie Dimmock at Cannington College in Som-erset. She has been a horticultural lecturer for 27 years and has trav-elled widely in South America and Alpine Europe.

    Anyone interested in gardening will be most welcome to join us at theSherfield Village Hall at 7:45pm. Please contact Linda or Vanessa formore details.

    For arrangements contact:

    Linda on 882341 or Vanessa on 881760

    Page 38


    The Evergreens Club Reported by May MacQueen

    The meeting began with our speaker Michael Aris who gave a veryinteresting and informative talk about the history of Stratfield SayeHouse and also approximately 100 slides shown by Neville White.

    Michael talked about the family since Saxon times and also the interior ofthe house, and the many objects and amazing tiled floors and decorativeceilings in the various rooms. The slides were also of the many membersof the family and their history. In order to appreciate the house Michaeland Neville who are both guides said it is really worth a visit and it is juston our doorstep.

    The house is open for viewing during July and August but the best timeto visit is Easter and there is also information on their website.

    After the talk we had the business part of the meeting which included adiscussion about our Christmas lunch. Our next meeting on the 7thOctober is our Harvest Festival.

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    Page 39

    LODDON PLAYERS present HABEAS CORPUS BYAlan Bennett on 28th to 30th NOVEMBER 2013

    Loddon Players have begun rehearsals for their Autumn production.Director Philip Lewis says Habeas Corpus is Alan Bennetts thirdstage play and was written in 1973, five years after The Lord

    Chancellor lost his powers tocensor plays. Bennett used theopportunity to include as manypreviously taboo references as

    he could, resulting in thishilarious comedy - all done 'inthe best possible taste', ofcourse!

    People who remember the1960s and '70s will recognisereferences to the events and

    celebrities of that period and to the repeated references to 'the

    permissive society'. People who don't will thrill at the antics of theirparents and grandparents generation, now but a distant memory.

    Tickets will be on sale at the beginning of November. The Playerswebsite is www.loddonplayersatsherfield.co.uk

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    Page 40

    West Green Road, HartleyWintney RG27 8LP

    Open June to late September forPick Your Own & Ready Picked

    fruit, vegetables and flowersincluding Strawberries,Tayberries, Currants,

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    Homemade JamsCALL 01252 845772 from May

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    orders.Or visit www.westgreenfruits.com




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    07786 546002

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  • 7/28/2019 Loddon Valley Link 201310 - October 2013


    Page 41

    Beat Officers Report

    Speed Enforcement:

    There is now a new system where the officer at the sceneissues a form (T60) to the motorist; the second copy goes to a

    department who decide the course of action to be taken, withthe evidence provided.

    Vehicle Crime There were three incidents of vehicle crime inAugust, which all related to damage: paintwork, windscreen wiper &tyre. As no other issues were identified it was agreed that vehiclecrime would be a priority for the third quarter of the year.

    Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) The statistics for August were 32 calls:made up mainly of incidents relating to neighbour disputes and youths.

    As always I request that any incidents are reported to 101.

    WPC 504 Mandy Jewell

    Beat Mobile:07554 [email protected]

    Sherfield ParkPC Jim Charlton 21015 and

    PCSO Richard Strauss 14735Tel. 101.

    Email [email protected]

    [email protected]


    FOUND.A necklace was found in

    Longbridge Close on Friday

    28th June - contact Lucy

    Marshall, 882599 for more


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Page 43

    Loddon Link September Updatefrom Sherfield-on-Loddon Parish Council

    Vacancy for a Parish CouncillorSherfield on Loddon Parish Council is pleased to announce the co-option of

    Mark Burrell to the Parish Council representing Taylors Farm.

    Neighbourhood PlanThe next meeting of The Neighbourhood Plan is 17th October at 7.30pm inthe Sherfield Village Hall. The Parish Council is looking to expand themembership of this group to interested local residents in both the Villageand Taylors Farm, so if you would like to have a say in the future of yourcommunity please feel free to attend the meeting or if you want to know

    more about what is involved then please contact the clerk.

    Parish Council meetingsPlease note there is a change of date for the January 2014 meeting, it willnow be held on Wednesday 15th January in the Liddell Hall starting at7.30pm

    Governance Review

    At a recent meeting the Parish Council agreed to request a Governancereview from Basingstoke and Deane. The reasons for the request were:

    a) Despite previous efforts on behalf of the Parish Council the twocommunities are not working together and are clearly 2 separategeographical areas.b) The demographics of the two areas are very differentc) The Parish Council felt that both areas would benefit from a divisionof the Parish Council.

    Parish Council minutesAll minutes of Parish Council meetings can be found on the Parish Councilwebsite- www.sherfieldonloddon-pc.gov.uk or if you require a papercopy please contact the Clerk.Karen Ross - Clerk to the Parish Council, Sherfield-on-Loddon, PO Box6862, Basingstoke, RG24 4QZTelephone: 01256 842662 Email: [email protected]

    http://www.sherfieldonloddon-pc.gov.uk/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.sherfieldonloddon-pc.gov.uk/
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    Page 44

    Carl FanningThe Village Decorator

    Decorating the Loddon Valley Area

    Painter and Decorator

    Local Tradesman with 25 years experience

    Decorating local properties since 1980

    A Dulux Trade Member

    Good quality Trade Paints used -Internal and external decorating

    Free estimates - advice on colour and paints

    Full liability cover- all work is guaranteed

    Telephone: Carl on 01189 424 883or 0795 266 1965


  • 7/28/2019 Loddon Valley Link 201310 - October 2013


    Page 45


    CHAMELEON YOGASundays 10am11amSTARTS 6th October

    BALL SKILLS FOR KIDSMondays & Thursdays

    4.00 - 4.30 for ages 2-34.45 - 5.30 for ages 4-6

    YOU PLUS FITNESSWednesdays 8.159.15pm









    Dont forget we have loads of other activities going on everyday, there is something for everyone!

    Check out the timetable on our website


    All activities must be booked in advance visit www.sherfieldparkcommunity.co.uk

    Tel: 01256 883967 or email [email protected]

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    Page 48



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    Bathrooms & shower installations

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  • 7/28/2019 Loddon Valley Link 201310 - October 2013


    Page 49

    Report by Gill Fearon

    NWR Report

    NWR have been quite busy recently. Towards the end of August we went

    on a tour of Sherfield with our Edwardian guide Sheena Archer. In fullcostume she took us across the green from the White Hart to the back ofthe village hall explaining who lived where and telling us little anecdotesabout the people who lived in the village in 1901. From there we walkedtowards the ponds the Horse pond being the only one there then and itwas accessible to horses, hence the name. We then went up to thePlantation, across to Greenway and finished by the Bramley Road just as itwas getting dark. We all thoroughly enjoyed the evening.

    At the end of August we met at the Four Horseshoes to welcome back aformer member and her husband, Frances and Colin Baskerville, who werevisiting from their home in New Zealand. At the same time we bid a fondfarewell to Carole and Dennis Ollington who are settling in Wiltshire.

    Our September meeting was a play reading. We read two of AlanBennetts monologues from the series Talking Heads, the first series ofwhich was first shown on television in 1988. Everyone remembered

    A Cream Cracker under the Settee starring Thora Hird, but there arealso A Chip in the Sugar, A Lady of Letters, A Bed among the Lentils,Soldiering On and Her Big Chance.

    We read A Woman of No Importance, which wasnt strictly part ofTalking Heads as it was written in 1982, but it is the same style and wasBennetts first monologue. This featured a woman called MargaretSchofield who has an inflated view of her importance as a clerical workerand wasnt as popular as she thought she was. We also read A Chip in

    the Sugar which was narrated by a character called Graham Whittaker, amiddle-aged man who lives with his widowed mother and feels threatenedwhen she finds a new man. Bennetts monologues have recurring themesof death, illness, guilt and isolation, but there is an undercurrent ofhumour so are not as gloomy as they might be! Our thespian member,Chris Horton, who organised the evening, is herself appearing soon atBoundary Players (AWE Tadley) in A Lady of Letters. Another goodevening!

    Our next meeting is a Music Evening featuring music from the British Isles.

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    Page 50


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    Page 51

    Basingstoke WindowCleaning ServicesWe use a pure water, reach and

    wash system for a perfectsmear-free finish

    Windows Cleaned Inside Conservatory Roofs


    Guttering Cleared &Cleaned

    Soffits & Fascias CleanedFor a free, no obligation quote call

    Simon: 07852 117 361Dan: 07712 885 345


    Stratfield Saye Village Hall

    Friday, 8th November 2013

    15 including Ploughmans Supper

    7.30 pm for a prompt start at 8.00 pm RAFFLE - BAR

    E-mail [email protected] Tel: 01189 332 298

    Proceeds for St. Marys Church, Stratfield Saye

  • 7/28/2019 Loddon Valley Link 201310 - October 2013



    Page 52

    HOUSE CLEANING BY MARIA. Reliable & affordable service.Friendly, easy-going & experienced lady who cleans every corner.References. Sunday morning clean after Saturday party also

    available . Tel 07933 316989. Email [email protected]

    LOCAL DRIVING INSTRUCTOR Experienced (20 years) now living inSherfield Park. Good results, patient with learners, also Pass Plus andrefresher lesson. Graham Ling 01256 882584

    LOCAL PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR and EXTERIOR DECORATORFirst class job guaranteed. Over 30 years experience. No job toosmall. For a free estimate ring Ian on 01256 882132 or mobile07876021772

    LOCAL EXPERIENCED TAX ADVISER Self Assessment TaxReturns, Arrears, Claims, Payroll, Self Employed, VAT Returns. Initialconsultation free. Call: 07920 112533 or email:[email protected]

    SEWING, EXPERIENCED AND CONVENIENT. Di is now in D HWatergardens at the Sherfield Garden Centre. Bespoke dressmaking,clothing alterations, repairs, curtains & blinds and soft furnishings. Call

    Diana on 07796 045944.

    P C SUPORT. For technical help with PCs, Macs, Tablets, Internet,Wi-Fi: Repairs, Upgrades and Installation: Call Ian on 07977 143310.

    INSIDE/OUT. Garden maintenance, mowing, planting. Alterations,everything considered. Home maintenance, carpentry, tiling, flooring.Tel: 01256 882696 or 077134 70223. email:[email protected].

    LET THEM EAT CAKE. Celebration cakes for all occasions, includingweddings, christenings and birthdays. Please call Sarah on 01256882666/ 07906174621 for more information.

    FOR SALE Total Trainer Pilates Machine Model No TT2500P HardlyUsed 90 ONO. Tel 01256- 841893 ALSO Brenda Dygraf LateralThigh Trainer Hardly Used 40 ONO. Tel 01256-084189

    PERSONALISED BUNTING. Made to order. Ideal gift for babies,birthdays, weddings, Christmas etc. Wide range of fabrics to choose

    from. Also greetings cards and wedding invitations. Contact Liz on01256 880092


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Page 53




    LADY DECORATOR. Professional interior painter and decorator.Qualified and fully insured. 20 years experience. No job too small.Phone La-Rain on 01256 760643 or 07939 924347

    BLOOMING CUPCAKES offers you the most beautiful CupcakeBouquets, free local delivery. For more information take a look on

    www.bloomingcupcakes.co.ukor call 01189 326394

    WINDOW CLEANER. Windows cleaned or gutters cleared - one offor regularly. Local, reliable Window Cleaner (testimonials available).For a quote call Pete Owen on 07762 [email protected]

    SINGING AND PIANO LESSONS.All ages, abilities andconfidence levels welcome.Liz Scott Hall MA, LTCL (Member ISM

    and ISME, CRB checked) For further information call 01256882562, or Mob 07811197761. Email: [email protected]

    FUNKY FUN & FORMAL PLANTERS. Wooden planters of all sizesand designs made to order, troughs, towerswall mounted orhanging. Also interior planters. Reclaimed materials used on somedesigns. tel: 01256 882696 or 077134 70223. email:[email protected]

    BLOSSOMING BUTTERCUPS. Baby Massage with the IAIM and

    Baby Messy Play. Small affordable groups at Sherfield Park. One toone private tuition available for baby massage. Go towww.blossoming-buttercups.co.uk or Christine on 07557133606

    FRENCH/GERMAN COACHING Keen to improve your grades atGCSE or A-level? Experienced local teacher offering effectiveindividual lessons including Coursework and Speaking Assessmentpreparation. Tel: 01256 882559 Email: [email protected]


    47 year old female, fully trained,experienced Carer. CRB cleared and Carer Public.LiabilityInsurance. Friendly and understanding, offering personal careespecially to the elderly. Michelle 07776 255688

    http://www.bloomingcupcakes.co.uk/http://www.bloomingcupcakes.co.uk/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.blossoming-buttercups.co.uk/http://www.blossoming-buttercups.co.uk/http://www.blossoming-buttercups.co.uk/http://www.blossoming-buttercups.co.uk/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.blossoming-buttercups.co.uk/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.bloomingcupcakes.co.uk/
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    Loddon Valley Link Management Committee

    Editor for the November edition Simon Boase

    Email: [email protected]

    Hartley Rep.: Dr. John Williams Tel. 01256 882705

    email: [email protected]

    Sherfield Park Rep: Eileen Leivesley Tel: 01256 882938

    email: [email protected]

    Stratfield Saye Rep: Germano Giugovaz Tel: 01189 332166

    Editor: Claire Osborne Tel. 01256 324458

    email: [email protected]

    Editor: Simon Boase Tel: 01256 881250

    email: [email protected]

    Editor: Brian Archer Tel. 01256 882099

    email: [email protected]

    Editor: Jane Abrams Tel. 01256 881188

    email:[email protected]

    Advertising enquiries to: Pip Iles Tel. 01256 [email protected]

    Deadline for ads. for next edition is 10th of October

    Deadline for copy is the 16th of October

    Chairman: Dr. Donald Dawson Tel. 01256 882379

    [email protected]

    Deputy Chairman: Revd. Bob Politt Tel. 01256 882209

    [email protected]

    Treasurer: Pip Iles Tel.01256 880559

    Secretary: Ilene Iles [email protected]

    Page 54

    ADVERTISING IN THIS MAGAZINE AND ONLINESmall ads are 5 monthly for a maximum of 30 words, space

    permitting. Requests are dealt with in order.

    Display Ads, please contact the treasurer below.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Rector: Reverend Bob Politt Tel: 01256 882209Kindly note: the Rectors day off is Thursday

    Assistant Priest: Rev. Sammie Armstrong Tel: 01189 816593

    Licensed Readers: Richard Elphick Tel. 01256 882860

    Dr. John Williams Tel. 01256 882705ST. LEONARDS CHURCH, SHERFIELD ON LODDONChurchwardens:Peter Gould Tel. 01256 882538

    Richard Elphick Tel. 01256 882860Treasurer: Dan Farrow Tel. 01256 882680Organists: Mike Abrams Tel. 01256 881188

    Brian Archer Tel. 01256 882099


    Churchwarden: Dr. John Williams Tel. 01256 882705Treasurer: Charles Atkinson Tel: 01256 882459Organist Dr. Gill Williams Tel. 01256 882705ST. MARYS CHURCH, HARTLEY WESPALLChurchwarden: Pip Iles Tel. 01256 880559Treasurer: Michael Webster Tel. 01256 882413Organists: Dr. Gill Williams Tel. 01256 882705

    Andrew Doggart Tel: 01256 880092

    Page 55

    Please note: the Loddon Valley Link ManagementCommittee cannot be held responsible for the reliability orquality of any goods, work or services in this publication.

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