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The EcoMasterplan A Case Study: Footscray Primary School

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Page 1: Loci Melbourne Home - The EcoMasterplan · 2015-07-13 · Melbourne Water VicRoads Community Groups SWEP - Schools Water Efficiency Program CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Greening

The EcoMasterplan A Case Study: Footscray Primary School

Page 2: Loci Melbourne Home - The EcoMasterplan · 2015-07-13 · Melbourne Water VicRoads Community Groups SWEP - Schools Water Efficiency Program CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Greening

making plans


making places

Page 3: Loci Melbourne Home - The EcoMasterplan · 2015-07-13 · Melbourne Water VicRoads Community Groups SWEP - Schools Water Efficiency Program CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Greening

An EcoMasterplan can link many goals together…

Page 4: Loci Melbourne Home - The EcoMasterplan · 2015-07-13 · Melbourne Water VicRoads Community Groups SWEP - Schools Water Efficiency Program CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Greening

An EcoMasterplan can inspire many actions…

Page 5: Loci Melbourne Home - The EcoMasterplan · 2015-07-13 · Melbourne Water VicRoads Community Groups SWEP - Schools Water Efficiency Program CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Greening

An EcoMasterplan can inspire many actions…

Page 6: Loci Melbourne Home - The EcoMasterplan · 2015-07-13 · Melbourne Water VicRoads Community Groups SWEP - Schools Water Efficiency Program CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Greening

Engage emotionally with visuals

First steps…

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Page 8: Loci Melbourne Home - The EcoMasterplan · 2015-07-13 · Melbourne Water VicRoads Community Groups SWEP - Schools Water Efficiency Program CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Greening
Page 9: Loci Melbourne Home - The EcoMasterplan · 2015-07-13 · Melbourne Water VicRoads Community Groups SWEP - Schools Water Efficiency Program CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Greening

Water, energy, waste and habitat audits To do, or not to do…

Info sharing over time…


Page 10: Loci Melbourne Home - The EcoMasterplan · 2015-07-13 · Melbourne Water VicRoads Community Groups SWEP - Schools Water Efficiency Program CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Greening

The Value of Our Trees Footscray Primary School

20t carbon stored in


15kg of air pollution removed

22m3 of rainfall


In winter, $150 saved in indoor heating costs

In summer, $290 saved in indoor cooling costs

Total amenity value of our 102 trees


Page 11: Loci Melbourne Home - The EcoMasterplan · 2015-07-13 · Melbourne Water VicRoads Community Groups SWEP - Schools Water Efficiency Program CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Greening

•  We need to host a good engagement and consultation program to have a design that is valued the most.

•  We need the design to be valued by students, staff, parents, and neighbours to ensure it is always looked after.

•  We need to apply the latest thinking in sustainability, children’s learning and urban design to get external support.

•  We need to share our experience and our assets to motivate the wider community to take change for climate change.

•  Eco-masterplanning for school grounds will be supported by curriculum links and indoor environmental activities

Maribyrnong City Council

City West Water

AussiVic Sustainable Schools

Melbourne Water

VicRoads Community Groups

SWEP - Schools Water Efficiency Program

CRC for Water Sensitive Cities

Greening the West

Department of Health

DEWLP (formerly Office of Living Vic)

Not the Dept of Education

Guiding principles…

Page 12: Loci Melbourne Home - The EcoMasterplan · 2015-07-13 · Melbourne Water VicRoads Community Groups SWEP - Schools Water Efficiency Program CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Greening

Delivery Staging Plan

Page 13: Loci Melbourne Home - The EcoMasterplan · 2015-07-13 · Melbourne Water VicRoads Community Groups SWEP - Schools Water Efficiency Program CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Greening

Block habitat planting zone


Greenwood shade planting

Carpark and asphalt planting ($10K)

Pergola & green roofs


Geelong Rd


Bushland care and



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1. Habitat Workflow

means idea no longer supported

Page 14: Loci Melbourne Home - The EcoMasterplan · 2015-07-13 · Melbourne Water VicRoads Community Groups SWEP - Schools Water Efficiency Program CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Greening

2. Front Zone Workflow

Raingarden Nook ($40K design) ($50 construction) (approx $30K on soil contamination management)



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3. Commercial Rd Side Workflow

New sandpit Next to COLA

New ESD double storey building

Bike hoops

Waste stations & links



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New prep play area Near canteen

($30K) (design)

Orchard with seating


COLA works

Working bee ($12K)

Kitchen garden works


4. Central Garden Workflow

Page 17: Loci Melbourne Home - The EcoMasterplan · 2015-07-13 · Melbourne Water VicRoads Community Groups SWEP - Schools Water Efficiency Program CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Greening

5. Back Block/Park Workflow

New footpath Herbert Street & Geelong Road

Swales around block

New Natural Play Zone

along Herbert St Edge

New oval with running


New gates, path, seating, signage



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Canteen delivery option agreed

Options to rent side shop


Gate, seats, plants to support

side shop

New fence line

6. Canteen Workflow – ‘out of the box’

Page 19: Loci Melbourne Home - The EcoMasterplan · 2015-07-13 · Melbourne Water VicRoads Community Groups SWEP - Schools Water Efficiency Program CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Greening

Lessons Learnt – industry wide

Department of Education is behind the times... Lets use the evidence and advocate for initiatives like these

Bulk installation programs for recycling services, solar, trees, mulch, bike storage. This means less organising for each school, less costs, and shared maintenance

‘School plumber program’ Make tanks useful. SWEP links. Link it into SWEP program. The plumber has incentives and training to achieve great school outcomes.

A ‘keeping track’ software and incentive program for better recording of works and infrastructure in schools. Save time, waste, multiplicity and identify common issues.

A ’shared use’ program to better use and maintain school grounds and asset

A ‘schools environs’ program to reduce traffic health, safety and noise impacts.

A business case and evidence base for the benefits of investing in healthier and more environmental grounds and buildings.

A new evidence-based approach to soil contamination criteria and response

Page 20: Loci Melbourne Home - The EcoMasterplan · 2015-07-13 · Melbourne Water VicRoads Community Groups SWEP - Schools Water Efficiency Program CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Greening

Lessons Learnt – Your School

Use your rainwater

Set up recycling


Plan for growth

Update your maintenance


Plant trees (and plant them well)

Provide plenty of


Compost and feed your soil

Keep records of works and


Roll with community-led initiatives

Three uses for


Sheridan Blunt Loci Melbourne www.loci.melbourne [email protected]