local department mothers atiintion - nys historic...

THE MALO?*K FARMER WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17,1909 Local Department Securo your sugar and syrup labels now before you need them. The Farmer office supplies il»«"! at lc>* pi ices The Pnmk'.in Aca.lemy l^sket ball girls ea\t- tlu- girls' i.euni of S(.. Uiw- rcuce"l-iiiversiiv u -ad defe-at at Can- •oa Friday veiling. The score stood -t* to -) ili »;)vur ul F. A 'Che ,,-<lies of James Thoninson, a GouvMi.-ur rf.ideiii «hn ^ie.i at **a aiiC was .• o.iuiie.i MI rioiip Kong. Xntwi;li>(aiidnn; nil Vw talk a'-out the mvro .soklu.-r.^ a!. Madison i5ar- racks AiJijcr Uiirluim, wao investi- gated <(»:ian.ion.> ttioro. s-.it>ss that a maJiHc. 01 £«•• , ^ j ^ of a ».J!l3b!> ^.' «ame ' a w i: ..<>i.iMJt. \Nll *F though ho were a resident, upon steun^ license and paying $:> there- for Th.- {.f-^'-nt licence iee lor uoa- rebidelH- "is $J'i. au.l loi r-.^donU 51. been canvas**:.^ ^liiii-'-.-m tii**- e•-l-or a proft>s!Oiiai team :nt find littlf eaeoura^eni'-m that it < ouici bf sup- ported ior mort than a .uonth Tnere w\U ho-vever. be a Cit.y 'eat-, «'-\, <VHU- p;>j»ins- three twoii* fr-mi t h e - i n w d one fro-n th St. Uvn-<?K-. Sln^ Hos- pital, aid ihe diamond amusement. iit rhn sininiifr months 'Ail; ;*• sup- plied .•.•xc!i).--.:vvly by tm- «.ity ama- tfeurs. May Irwln. the ;icl:t^. v-!io has a '>eanijfiil summer home i-uia oj iprajiite at a <-ost of %2h,<"^ <>n Jr- WJD Island in Uie St. -Lavvremv., ;ui- nonnce* her intention of turning it in to a tfwvll sn.uintr liot"l. o>' whh-h she l The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar :-a,-ketls ! !th» s o r m - s t a n d sirxier Tho t;m <-;\MV- . .\HiLs- <fe ilaskfJl. .Vlr-v Gt-nrge ivlKiir, nf ] .\K':.iiv;u._;>., it'-:- >> m'jv i'C iipr nr,n-.. Mi's .! H. S:i i m Island is uj>posite Clayton a:id con-" talDs i) arit-.s of iauJ. With soin*' •Iterations in the buildings Miss Ir- win RI;: be ahk- to acoomincKia'.e sev- eral hu^dred ', ii-itors. Preparations are being made at Cornwall to resume ^rork on the -canal. Der r i<'k- are being erecie'l ajid m;u.-hinery placed in position so that by Aprs! 1st a large force of men can be set at work finishing' the construction work made necessary fay the bit. hrea-eh in the canal bank 5 f ^ Unas done last yeai-, iut there still remains the iMiiiding of a concrete wall to connect last seasTi's work with th<; stone r>'er abov" lock 18, the removal of the t^miior'ary <\-<un built after the break lasi June, and the fill in jr up of the canal box torn to tbe proper level, which must, be done in one month so as to n&t delay the opening of navigation ihro^jgh the tainals. There is a lot of excavation tor the foundation of J:\e concrete wall, and die building of o•• <>r ;?,0-X" yards of that material. Memf.»ers of a c^'eam^ry f irm jn Del- aware -.'-ounty. which have oflces in Xew York city, have been arrested on the charge of ^kimraina; milk and shipping H to the nietropolis. The •i'tion is the cniliniria'ioii of procetd- culture, which has been securing evi- dence ir. the case since 0-,-t. 23. The fjr;n. »t is expected, wii! i>e tbargeri with o.er 4l>0 olienres. On each there i-> .a -fine of not If ss chan $r>0 aor more than SJw. This wifl make a fine uf between $20. \A)<) and $40,000 if they are convicted. If fines are -ta ooseJ and not paid the offenders may be impriso::e'J. Tiie case is a teh't one and the resuh will decide whether creamery men. as is said to be a common practice, may skim milk and send it to Xew York city. The la*e -Fe^ntres tbat~nnt1r""nnist' test""3" i«r cent of butter fat. The milk delivered to the creamery firm by farmers of that section tested con- siderabjy above 3 per cent, and the practice of the creamery men, it is alleged, was to skim it so that it would be brought down to this test, an*! then make butter from the cream U*at they took from the roiik. ' >;(<• "< '-inn ;i.n-i Wariwi Brady r:--irs.?;i.v in <M;.jonsl,ijre. ,i..s.n r-. ( -k.-Tin« w*-nt to Howcik. l>ai.«y. w.- ncp-Jby. 1"r.iJ] ui S. 1 Kimbr.il of thi.s hl^ .M>. Kirr.bail ->VK.S 7;? v-ars ol a-e } -; -nrvivd h.- -is wilV itnJ the 3V>i'o ine c:.il-f.>:i. John. G^.rge. W*b«l.T a Mips Faith Kimbaii and Mrs. If o South, of Brusht'tn; Mrs. iJarry <- i.itL .-i" Dickinson Cenl^r. SJid Mrs W.". M;.rirjss-, of E a s t DBCkin.*on. T^e func- wHi i>^ W'M from the C'liiPtian ohui at :\vo n'clocic this i-fu-rnooi:. ALs r:- ; «-nds -.jin .n .-xt^ndinif s\- mpaih\ ••• l M-ic si.-,'..-.,•>! l;;.-.-t Pniav afternoon: Rotation How I ,id Yon i m V Vrnr. itulfv. T^va-din^, A Bo<>k of V.-ree. :,far j Tl.->c., Oo&ortunitv. William L^'.vis. !iv-t.ii:itr Itural InfeTicitvT" Wt:dr»^ p*^4^ f;--. Aiv Aunt. Margaret Hon.-.n^..'! . ^"'^-al .:o-!<;»-,F'<:,rencf- Xichois li'^.t Katr Let» and W.illfe: Gray. M'yr i:-'-, V. r":-n grandpa Was a U t t i e iv>v K.-..- J "'( : )!d Ironsides. Vernon Orton )U-'\. LiuHe :^*!W)i, iftWrpd F<-,ster. IC*:<-:.. Tiif Citv ("•nisin. jJiiv Whi; m;"i n. ]<-<•.. T;.:- I >->i M. ).. G"»rtrudt- Bpani-iir.; CciSr V#ICH irtsson* iate for last COUNTY LETTERS. Trout River \ Mar. 13-Mr. and Mrs. W. Wvlsh and «aaghu-i, i'o Huntingdon spent Tuesday with Mrs. Prank Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fort in returned itmae Monday after spending nearly a year traveling- in the V\'esi. Th«-y /pent most of their time in California " Dave Moore visited friends in Malone Tuesday. School opened today with Miss Har- wooa, of Bangor as teach-r. Mrs. J. A. Cameron spent last week m MAlone helping- to care for Mrs. Hyde's children while she was in the hospital in Montreal having m-.r .-yes vra-.'ted. Mr and Mrs. John Smjliie .spent Tues- day at the home of Alex Alcs'air. Wm. lK-mpsey of Malone, f--l>ent t\v-> days last week visiting relatives h«?re. Mrs. v lizabeth McCani is visiting nor daug-hier. Mrs. Thomas fiaynor in Ma- ione. Wm. «.:;imoron, of I>undee. was found dead at hi.s home Thursday mornint;. He •*«« a brother-in-law of Mrs. John Cam- eron. Mrs. William McGibbon and Mr?. Wal- ter MicGibbun spent Thuisday in Mr.s. Joiin NesLits in" Ken.-in.c-ton. Mjcha^.i R)wley arrived Im.r.e from Plcrceficid. Friday ni^Iit. Mr?. W-'scs Duquette and little Juicrh- ter .spec: .Saturday in town. ia«JKh- ;ome (.: Ira Gii-bs in this place last iunday. The patrons of Charles firwin's cream- ry heU their annual butter meeting- .ist Saturday alter noon. We un>3t>r- laud tiiat tne oropi -fetors of the Krwin jrown <v Martin creameries ir. this vi- ini'.y, are to luake butler the com- ~~MF. Tlml^"SirsT" ciajFk" J "~ttistmgs " and son, Hairy, visited in Bangur last Sat- urday. Mr. and -Mrs. Stougfrton Brown, of v'est Brandon, called in this place last Sunday. Mar. Ii—Edwin Delong, of No. Bangor v«s in tiiis piace after ice the past week Dr- Whitehead, of Burke, called at Mei •jn Woods' last Tuesday on business. Warred Clink, Hiland Ross, and Ira ,ibbs. iiave !>«*:•» naming hay from Ban- or the past week. Miss iiftien Potter, of Bangor has «ifci> visiting her uncle•'Clark Hasting he past week. tid. Barnett, o* Alburg-h has been >n<p- >in# at -his lather's m this piace the ;ast week. Newell Gibbs, of North Bangor 'send Mr. •Vescott. of Brushton, were through the >laee la*a Tuesday' buying hides. James Skerry, of Bangor and Will and Homer ciianchard of West Baiisjor Uled ia this place last Wednesday. Newton Ta-yior, of Banger, visited at Clark Hastings' last Wednesday. Warren Clark and Jos«ph LaMay went to Potsdam last week Tuesday on bus- iness. Sari Woods from Brushton and r>- W. Woods.of Alburgh,called jn this place las t-Yiday. The general average price paid for ;rmk at the ; Vm. Martin Creamery for he month of January and February was $1.1333 per hundred pounds. Num- ber of pounds of inilk to one pound o] butter IS4S9 Meivin Woods visited Deforest Taylor t St. itefjis Falls last Friday. KllistOii Rarst: has been buying v.-u!s which wtre delivered at Brushton Ks; Brushton Mar. i4—.Miss Beriha Wood com- menced her school- near Fi. Ovinyion last Mi i nd ay. Mrs. Viola Farrintrton has been vLs- itinir her daughter in Lawrenc -eviMe. The remains of a little child of Levi Bnyder, who now lives near Helena, were brought here for interment last Wednesday. Joseph Afott, of North Bangor, was in town Tuesday. Howard Potter left Thursday morning for Syracuse to attend an alumni ban- quet and visit friends there ior a few days. Mrs. E. P. Turner has been spending a, few days in Ogdensburjr and Massc-na. Fred Snvder went t-» Osrdensburij last wwk where he has work. Bert Gannon of Saranac Lake spent last Sunday at iho home of his ftithef- tn law, Joseph King-. Clifford Bo wen is home from Xew Tor city, where he has been employed. Miss Mary Whitman has commenced h«r school in the Isaae Parr district near rft. Reg-is Palls. ^ Miss i:i!a Colvln returned to Burke Jfonday fveninp aftt-r visiting her mo- tnere a few days. Will Farnsworth returned Tuesday fron a few viiiya 1 visit with friends in Ztfa.s- •raa. Clark Hayes of Bloominsrdale. visitwl mt the home of his sister, Mrs. Jbhn Redwood last Sunday. Merchant Phelps has purchased of TtiiB brother. A. A. Phelps, th<< S.'^n Stevens farm and has mov<>d onto the same. Miss Kathryn McMann returned home lart Mkmday evening from a few weeks- visit with her sister in St. Albany. II nephow, blaster Donald Ci'l^ary.. i turned with her for a short visit. W. H. Smith has sold his meat raa. k<»t and grocery business of Central Market to B. C. Mills and .Herbert TJ kell. who will continue rhe Business be home vi 'their i:n •-., in Burk-:;, the }.>a^ there attended th i'~ting. M r :>lrs. Riruben Harw of No. Bangur, visit Ira Oii-bs in this od ASKS US TO PRINT IT. This Town Has Its Share of Dread ^Disease, Which is Said to Yield to -Simple Home Recipe. To relieve the worst forms of Rheu- >atism. take a teaspoonful of the fol- >v/in^ mixture after each meal and bedtime:-- Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compouud Syrup. Sarsajwrilla, three otinces. These harmless ingredients can he obtained from our home druggists, 'i<j are easily mixed by shaking them ell in a bottle. Relief is generally felt from the first few doses. This prescription forces the clog- god-up, inactive kidneys to filter and strain from the blood the poisonous waste matter ami uric acid, which causes Rheumatism. x As itheutuatistu is nbt ooly the most painful and torturous disease. but dangerous to life, this simple re- cipe will no doubt be greatly valued by many sufferers here at Home, who should at once vrcspHrz the mixture to set this relief. It is sai'i' that a person, who would take this prescription regu- larly, a dose or two daily.,,, or even "a tew times a week, would never have serious kidney or Urinary disorders vr Rheumatism. Cut this out and preserve it. (iood Rheumatism prescriptions which real- ly relieve are scarce, .ndeed, and wT:en you need it you want it badly. Banflor i-art ->f lust w..-(•;<: [)!•. F. i Hra.lfo-,] ri-.i M.-ii-Kt,- find dciii«;; M>- .-.-id Mrs. Allen MrKi B.Vrj-Mj with Mr-. AI^Klwa n s \!>- iLrri Urs. F. P. Br<>\vn. 'l'1-.o Sta.udar.l JJoarf-rs iv-.X !v.!»i o; Henr>- Wood Mon lay .\i.-rch eighth. " !-<:U1'<MI Jones won* to '.'^ Ii. --.):iai f<>r uvatmt-nt of Lh<- tv-iilly. The cataract 'lias \ ii-ii-ol and reports arc favorti -j^r/ch Friday ni^ht was a v.ry pl'-'.tsant I'vcnt and i he Sunday .school c'lil-iron . speciaii. f-n^iy.-l tt. o;uiKifti]V' t.»" "North Bfiiiffor vv-lvr,' they were «>:H<vrt;< tnfd at tne iK<me ..f uMr. an 1 Mrs. Will J;k:h. SeU"'UO:i<= of in- si.'umeni.'tl nm.^ic on the pia.no wi-Ttr fui- i.inh.-d i>v M s s Mary uawr«i:« and MV- vn-J voofil folections by Mrs. >L-Lon- unn A fine supper was pr:>p;uvd and a ^ood t:ni- reported. " •1'inrsday (-v(Mijn^. Miu-c'i II. tho h-'iiif rifiTv fathe.-jng of the ' friends of M;ss (k.i-H -."lott. The occasion was Mips cjv.u'<-- birthda.'. .-aid sho was presented wiU. a ii'kfn or' rp?r>en: brancr- and a sum of r.»oney to remind her of her friend A Mrs. liyde ajid daughter. Miss L\,-]\-..- i-oni Nortii Ba!ii-:or spmt Wednt-.sdav at ;iu- liome of ' * _LLjJPg^j^"g-__^- .Urs. Henry Wo-.d was tak">a se; ioasiy iff- v.-ry anx;o"us about her. A'i hop,- .•=!,»-> '..Mrs.' "iW'.^-v tC °" f ~ ' Ud\. who has .lar. Ui—The remains of Mr* r>--(.s.-y •AVles White, who- dif-d at thr- iionie t Airs. ITary Adams souHi of RnnLr^r were tikf-n to Sehuyh r Falls Mo:->.Uv n-v ioi- b u r a l . ".vjrs. J-:rnt-r-v <-;)-ii" PiatL.si AIT viU •y-Mlonal ciiurch Siuulav **v-.xht^, ,-crv well fill.-r' house M.uti!l hi*.< been pummoned from O-d»nsL'irg- t^ seo IMrs. Henry \ l -'o<. (, v,T', !K:> ^).•<••n ill severa? days ult!-. M'-s. Jam-s Whitehead •:-. 'Mi.^ Herdman, of •-re ffutyis ot" j l r s . Arnui .V3.i-. Miio Baldwin and daug-fUer. Mr--. i'>re Ellenbursh fast "week. There was ai; old-fashioned don.it! or, a? ihe home of Frank Friend la^t Tue?- m?r for tlie ^benefit af the pan tor <.f the .si. t^; chiiich of Coveytown. Mr. Gops^ell. of.- -Tiiaver's Corners, went to m e ,Jy..spital in Turlington iast Wednesday for ac^meration. It is hoped jje inav -»e speedily restored to health. •J^densb'urg^"!]""""*^^" " — " : To the voters of Brandon we wish o announce that the new town officers viii Rive a. free oyster .supper toall the voters at the home of 0. K. Kerry Wednesday eveui&K, JUarph 17th. A coi- ciijil invitation ia extended to all. Comm- and bripff your wife or lady friend. Supper Avill be served any time after i'. M. for the convenience of tho.se K at a distance, .\lusic will be fur- fiiwued in a separate house for tho.-se wishing to dance. Of course. those who dance must pay the fiddlers as ill. The. ladies are requested briny cakes and other eatables. -V.' A. l^ane will hold a butter meet- ing- in the school house at Skerry on A;urch iNth at two o'clock in the after- •«-)on. AU arc invited to attend. t'iie next mc-eting- of the Ladies Club will be lifcld at ifte home of Mrs. Moot. ' u-day, Mar. a«th. i * j*r J i *."/V t, iii K"V-\ tii^-T I'f tn^? i_i. 'j. 1 XJ* W i I i be with Vincent Hutchins Saturday '.Uarch 27th. I).>nt forg, -t t!;e meeting-"of the V. C. T. TJ. Thursday this week <t iuo |>. .vi. Ul j>oi ; ;\ii;L,ai!t!hlin'.s. f.-on I-rutchins cut Uis foot rjiiite 1>a.-J- ly last Friday. t-'re.i Hutciiins cn\ his f.nvt Sattn-day Mrs. "Etta iteffivney Uvent ^'veral dav. ,st we- k wan Mis. v ; . A. Lane. •eek. He returned Saturday n^ht -»l'- and ;vi,-s. A. I.,, rihenvin, of Mn- hi in Ma lor -s. H.'M-y C:.>X, of "RruslTlonV""^ tt--t eiub meetiner at .Mi's. An.. i's Uvn SHiur.iay. I Ke.-lV ;ind HaroM ; in.l W.u-i it. of ' Adirondack \\iii,\\. .iity hist' Monday ' -.!". ,1,1,1 Mrs. Wnldo rsuell ;>re v>.~;^-- f:-<rids m \Vest.\ille during Mr Hu.-.i 1 * M."t.>ol v a c a t i o n . Miss Orra Leai-ned of W.-stviiie visit- .-(] her i-ister, Mrs. E . Vorce last weVlt ATvs. Abbott JkXiimnra and chill •|-n spt-nt Saturday evening and Sun- u.iy wan h^r parents. MT. and Mrs ii'-»!-y Cox of Brushton Mr. ami Mrs. 1;. \v. Mutrirtis -n' \.H- '>**««k Valley, visited ttu-lr" tA^i< Mi- and Mrs. >red Hutehins, h^t".Sun- Mr, and Mr There seems to be /numbrr of*horx.'\s *™« d >-ins- in this vi- =ind horse last week as did Prank <•-. it. Kerry o^t a cow and Mrs. Kdvmrd l^nalUs plae^ Quane to i/a- .Wrs. Henry Kerry wh, poor health ail winter ha ' ne :"or treatment Will Earle. of Civism Ka!U <; d-^AJnir pulp for Charles Selkirk Will Kerry who has ber--, nick th« -a«t three woeks -;s petting better Mrs. John Clark has been uuUe ill the >a ; si week with i^eart trouble. Jotm Kerry, of Qrandon,. and tiobt ^errv of Gray Lake. 111., visited r-la- ives HI town this we-k. Mason Aloore and famiK- who have -en working for Will Garland "all nnier nave moved back iionv. C. O. Hoofe aur] Alva Hoose fin:shr'd thf Thursday, chool in r>is' - . Mr. and *r:day. Pred Sova is kittle Majion paying- with hi !\ weeks has : Bombay liar. 13-The dramatic entertainment club has secure! the «ervirfs o f Prof H .». 'Jornihh and MLss M. Alkins tr>'assist i> the producti<TT) of the Xohie Outcast \ft success is now assured y The friends who have heard from \* *-. Rian(>hard report that she i .oyinff i-.crself in Til ton X. H ^V:n. Dowea gave several select-,; and up-to-date talki.n^ m: occupy tiie Anderson farm soon. ""Na-" •n Fou<it.ain has moved into the Cola Spring house recently. Herbert | l-'erriy and family, of .vlaione, are back uere 10 run his farm for the coming year. Ii-: is occupying tiie Spooner house T-TTTeSpnt .ronn Al'cCa.be, of E>eer River is raov- \-< totheHadley farm lately occupied by ue late John B-uell. ! Mra. Albett Tower who has "cefn ill \ ec<mt!y is improving slowiy. Miio UusTjir'Trho had -an aitactL_ _ ol_ n-umonia is able to be out around. ..ijariey Freeman "W^io has been L-tiVl up wan a sprained knee for several ••P.CS^S -#e-to be out again. Mr. and Mrs, Elwood , Xokes spent iinday with M.V. and Mrs. Frank Childs ilrs. "J HoadTey alicl baby, Miart.Iva, >.a Mrs. Eva TarbeU at Bantjor last 1%'W •veilings ago. •las Bras, have placed utti h g pt For treatmentfor eeks died there la.3t week Sun- day. Th« remains were brought here Monday t;nd the funerai_. was held at tho homo of his daughter, M?rs. W. D. Williamson,Wednesday at 10 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Cariey and Rev r . Mr. Penney of- ficintins:. A delegation from J. V7. Pang born Post, Q. A- R-, of Ma»one, attended The deceased was a member of the post, having served in the Civil War as a mem ber of Co. D-. 98th New York Infantry. The old veterans are fast passing- away and Mr. Fenton will be greatly missed by his manv friends in Burke." IJe was a kind neighbor and a kind friend* Since the death of his wife, about a year ago, Mr. Fe-iton has made his hoine with his daughter, Grace, and has been in feeble m.alth. He is survived by six children, Henry, of Haverhill, Mass George, of Everett, Mass.; Albert, of Burke; Mrs. Wallace Town and Mrs YV D. Williamson, of Burke, and Mrs. Walt Town, ot Colorado. The family have the sympathy of all in their bereave- ment. Interment was in Malone. Meander Huntley, who recently sold his farm to Mr. Rutherford, of Canada will sefi at auction Tuesday, March Htlv his :ows, fanning implements, etc. Miss Ada Martin, of Springfield, Mas-. is home caring- for her father, John M:>rtiti, who is in very poor health. A. J. Pilling and Mrs. Clayton Ma- t:on visited relatives ir Fort "Covinsrt<>r la«t week. Ii'ts. George Bentley, of Cnateaugaj, failed on friends in town Wednesday. Pred Stanley, who has been selling ft^-ds in Northern N. i ., for some time, hii." !ets'rr,ed home. 'J'i;e oysftr supper at the home of .">. r !. Hnd ;vfv S. Ernest Stanley last Fr day night was attended by about on'- u-irsdred All report a pleasant time. i he rtceipts of the evening were over Ulyi-ses Cook,who has been visiting rel- :M ves in Boston and other Eastern CJ-.-PS for tiie past three w«eksf . - re- ! r.:jnied home last Tuesday. j A vt-ry pretty wedding took place last ;.'. ednc-sday evening at the home of •vir. and :.Jj\s. C. W. Silver when their J daughter, jfi.ss Alberta Silver, became' il'e wile- of Wm. Spencer, of Burk^ The bri.i.-. was attin-d ir. a dress of champugr.t- silk and attended by Miss iVH'^ , y f )1?nfi er, sister of the "groom. Mr. Wai'er Sherwood acted as b.»st man At eigltt o'clock the bridal party en- tered th-j parlor to the strains of the ive-drknK ujarcli and were met by Rev S G. Culev. who made them m'-tn and wife. I he house was prettily deeorat- jed in pink and white with green back- Kruund. rney were Use recipients of | many useful and beautiful presents. {Mr. ano Mrs. Spencer will make their ! home with the bride's parents for the ; present j .!r^. l/»ian Brand and Mrs. Carrie if'\^ r -r o<! , A£illon '-*> w ere callers in town Mrs. ti. '"argin and Minor Kmith, <.f Malone, und Prank Smith.'* of Tupper 1,-ikv. were in town W^ln^day to at- T: n knten. fun t2- Of thelr uncIp - Mr - and Hf-nry Fen ton wese also »ia t h a E a s s t to attend their Indian suirs. Pe'.er (Jauit will orp.-e-it t r> ! >r -\- T -"-ith,- T - MCI.JU'A-.-!.-; the beautiful quilf l.\- ' W^'M St. Joseph's bazaar. ' " :.irv. l-r Fiockvv-ood has '..,--.-21 vi-[i-n^ .I'M- ;notr:-?r in Potsdam. -•ti^p l;ertha ^fcMulien and Grace iv.o- Jian have been visiting wit.'i friends on the ocanlo'i road. J-ennie Rubado was in town vee^nttv : : i v.^v .f purchasing- tht> Murnhy hotel. A. \; »?./ynolds has been eonf.n-d to ins oed bv sickness. Mrs. Joseph ^pillinys vis't-d at Mr. •ja.s. .-.iurphy'3 one day last week. returned from Holyoke Mass where they atttndeti the funerul of Mr. Doonan's lis- ter Patt Cavanaugh is oecup'-jng rooms over / VV. Blanehard^s store. Cooks Corners. ar. 1;;—Robert Biccum, who ha,s been ill for s-> long, died at hisr home Mbnday -ight. He was sixty-seven years of age nd leaves a. wife and eleven children > mourn his loss. The runeral was held from the M. E. chareh Thursday afterncKJn, Rev Benson of Ft- Ctjvin^ton, officiating. Interment was ;n HilJ View cemetery. Grandma Condon has caught a severe cold whtch we hoi>e will not prove ser- JOUS. Pratt Hill, of Bangor was a caller, in town Friday. Mrs. Joiin Miahar's niece, of Louisville has come to spend the summer witii her and go to school here. Henry Pjielps and 'Lowell Petty, of Brushton, called on fnends in town on Wednesday. Miss Denneen i*eopened her school in Wolf Swamp last Monday. AUie M_erritt is working f<> r *-be Condon brothers for a few days. We here that Uncle Peter French is roing to leave the city and come back .0 stay with his old friends this sum- riei. H'i has rented his old home and expects to move soon. Alike Mulhare who has been visiting his .sister, iLrs. John Maha-.- has re- turned to his home in Louisville. -Vliss l^ucina LaPree, of Brushton. vis- ed iier mother, Mrs. Peter Lapre<- on atuidrn' and Sunday. I'lif I thndal contest, recently h^Id at Malrne.": will be repeated in* Burke rMay *-v^j5pjf kl March 1?, at Odd Fef- •&-¥_ Mchirtg piles provoke profanity, but profanity won't cure them, Doan's Oint- ment cures; itching, bleeding or protrud- ing: piled! after years of suffertns. At ai>3/ drug ^tore. ..ir. JMWHilt, of Cliateauffay. was t;:e .truest of hia c o u s i n , -' Mrs>> Wallace Wood la^t Week-j A <-iul»t weeding <%ccurrei March 10th at the K iley farm in .this town. The contraclintfc paitiea Were Herbert Otis md Mrs. Jennie Hazen of Burke. Mr. and iirs. W. Thomas, of Whipple- \iiie. visited friends in Burke la-«=t week. Mrs. J. A. Bombard, of Saranitc Lake. wa> the .truest of her parents. Mr. and -Mrs, Thou. Crawford, of Thayers Cor- ; u«rs last Tuesday. j Mr. and Mrs. J. ,Cowan, of Brook- 1ft, P. Q., were quests of Mr. and let, P. Q., w Mr?. Maitner guests day !a_st South Bombay. 3,rar. 13—ilr. and Mrs. Leslie G-i'obs, of Cooks Corners, were the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alci Moore, Sunday. Mrs. O. White visited her daughter, Mrs 1 . Elmer-Smith, of Borai^av over Sun- day; her son Edward accompanied her. Mr,- and Mrs. H. A. Russell, of Bom- bay were quests of the former's brother, G. W. Russell Saturday. & Rev. Griffiths was in town Saturday c the Ruest of G. W. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Luman Kinsley went to Moira, Monday. Ernest Sweet and daughter. Delia, of r»ickinson, were the guest•> of their aunt, Mrs. Mary Niles* Monday. Mrs. J. Phelps, Mrs. F. Yadaw and Mrs. Mae Lermoude, visited Mrs. Wash- ington Trjron, of Brushton. Wednesday. Miss Lgtti§ Julmston is home from Brushton. The cottage prayer meeting: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. ladaw Tues- day evening was quite largely attended anrl a very interesting meeting waai .re- ported ijy those present. B^irt Russell numbere-l with the sick this weok. HOW'S THIS? s We. <.-fter On^ Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. We, the- undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in al) business transactidas* and financially able to carry out an? obligations mad' by his firm. WAL.D1NG. KINNAN & MARVIN. Wholesale Druggists, ^Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. -Testimonials sent free. Price 2fL-cants, per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. Slops earache In two minutes; tooth- ache or pain of burn or scaid.in five minutes; hoarseness, one hour; mus- c-ieache, two hours; sore throat, twelve hours—Dr. Thomas' T^clectric Oil, mon- arch over pain. Mrs. William Henderson. A SERIOUS ILLNESS BY PE-RU-NA. M KS. WILLIAM HKXDEUSON, Craik, N. W. T M Can., writes: "I was troubled with very jgerious in* ternul weakness, whirh exhausted me so that I feared i would lose my mind. "I suffered agony wit]; my back, the pain extending down my left le^. The pain was so severe that I would have welcomed death as a relief. "Peruna cured me of this trouble,— no wojuler I recommend it so highly. "It will soon be two years since I found relief frosrt the pain and not a 6iK« of it has returned. I am glad that there is a way in ioh I can speak of this, as many & sufferer may read my testimonial, and not only read, but believe." Had Given Up All Hope. Mile. Albina Chanvin, No. 50 Rn» Agnes. St. Henri, Montreal, Canada, •writes: ... other remedy, as it cured me when noth- ing else could. "I suffered for years and years with heart trouble, headaches and weakness. I never expected to find anything to core me. *•! tried Peruna arid am entirely cured. w I;.—Moving . the order of Om nd family, of Con- ««. vieinlt; North Banflor. OF fTEaSTUY BROOK?). Lav l.>-Gr«it excitement and conster- tion Mas caused in our village early 8aturdaj evening by the report of the *mmder of Henry Brooks by Onus. iJeviin, .ir., which happened about two .miles eaM of )u»re. A full account of the murder is printed elsewhere in this 4«ue. The funeral was held Tuv»3dsv.V norninn: at ton. o'clock from St. Aagus- ine's etiurch. The sympatliy of our wnspeople is extended ...to all. Y W. C T. U. CONTEST. Tlie content Kiven by the Mialone Ys n the Congregational church here on Friday uvining was a jyreat .success. About /.'lteen from Mlalone accompanied the contestants. The nut proceeds of tho entertainment were about ftS.OG Music w.is fifrmshed by tne Bang-ov Ys. "lie several contestants- were so well natched that the judges found con.-nd- rabie difficulty in deciding who wa* the ueeesH-ft.i one, but the decision was ir:,"Jiy made in favor of .Mass Jeannette The medal was awarded by yi"'-. of \. Tne judges we.re i _ , ... ... ("nion School. No. Bungor, Rev. \V. H. Aioore. j.^stor of M.. K. ehtn-ch and u-.s. b\ W. >!••:<"iizie^ former pree -p- CHUIU'H AND .S(.»CI1^Y. The ». VV. C. T. i:. win meet Fri- ;;y evt-nin.y; .-it 7 o'clock at lite iiom<-, i Mis. 1;. \V. Rich. I'-ry-ent business : is important mat every member be The Home Guards/will hold a social or. Thursday ev>min& at the home of •••-*• W nia'd s^.ttT Everyone is,, in- S.'lvation Army will hold a JH-I-- the M. E. Church irriday even- ; will be a meeting of th* JDuiii'v- V*soektUon at the T'-wn Hall -.rsday at two o'clock. JEvery far- the coiiriminity is urged to a-i- lt is exp-eted thui a .-'taie !- wili be present. tfdiih ovury, "of Bristol, Vt., ;f:eis' .Saturday and Sunday at the of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. VV. MOTHERS ATIINTION Health by VboL Read He FAw^ ing Letter Fron « CaBtoa, 0., Motber "I wish I could induce every ther who has a weak, sickly child, to try that delicious codi liver prepar- ation Vinol. Our little daughter wa» pale, thin and sickly. She had no aopetitf and no ambition. We tried varipus medicines, but without any benefit whatever, ana she could not take cod liver oil or emulsions, as^ they nauseated her and at'iset her stomach. Learning: that Vinol contains all rho medicinal an/1/ strength-creating:, i.roperties of cod liver oil. but with- out the disagreeable oil, and tonic jiron ad:led, we decided to try it and the results were marvelous. It gave her a hearty appetite: the color I returned to her cheeks and she is j stronger and in better health than she ha*> »;eea for years. I cannot say enough in favor ot Vinol for weak, delicate children."-— Mrs. C W. Stump, Canton, Ohio. There is nothing equ?il to Vino! for delicate, ailing children and lee- bl* 1 old people, to build up strength and; restore a normaL Jjejilthy eandi i tioit. Those who try it and receive j no benefit i may have their money returned on demand—that's yout guarantee. The Hyde Drug Co.. Ma- lnne, N. Y. h.. A. :>r: Wed! by ' i quired n-.es to Xew York tin .sd.-iy wiKi-e he has a position 1;. '»im. rie will be accompuiiied r.ttlHr. Fi-ed .Eldred, who wil! natives there for -a. short time J'he board of education has engaged Miss Aici\ay to finish the year in the primary department. Miss McKay monies •^11 l'ci-uinriit'iidtfl by the Albany Tea- lera' Agency. 101 win Aveiy has returned fpom the J ; :a.st a,p i is visaing at the home of his father, David A very. ' Airs. Emma Ayers, of North Law- rence, is a .«U.-SL i,.| her !^i«ter vu-x Samuel Dickey and other relatives here' Oi«>Feno= -Uydv, of Mal<jne, spent nturd,->\ with ni.s brother, \V. L,. Hvdo -vliss Gladys tierce was the euest of -i -nds in Mafsena last week Airs, riattift- Hich, of Malone, was in hJaTb^SS^Xr^er^Sj?. tO "" ff. H. Hasting-s, of Tupper Lake, WfiK a caller in town one day la^t .-liss ireue Roys ia the suest of her sister, Airs. G. 11. Hastings, of Tupper A nu Hi ber of .Ualone petiple were vis- itors- in town Sunday. Among: them we noted the following-.- Mr. and Mrs. J. J Mr.rphv Mr. and itrs. Jame>. Looby, fr. u. Turner and daughter, .vlr. and Mrs. .Prank Uob.- and Wilhud Ames. A. H. Brock way has rented his new tc-'iement on Depot St., to Harry Aveiy, Who has a pus-uon with O. iiarnn-um! Dickinson Center. Mar. lc—The cottage prayer meeting m oe held on Tuwsuay eveaiiiK ac tiie homfc of Mr. and Mrs. Hii-a.ni ii-Hner. -U.i-, ana .vfrs. Jackson Morey recently visitod Hieir dau.^iiter, Mrs. Waldo siiam- pinnin Parish vine. --^--v. i V- i.--. i^iiHh and her brother, ^-exjiey J;-rake, ui : j-lbira. spent Saturday Wm. i. N. Snuta-.s. Moir* Mar. i.>—Miss Agnes Taillo?i. of Dundee lias been visiting her cousins, the 1'set.s family. Wesley Drake was a Dickinson t'en- ter visitor Saturday. llev. A G. Lewis, who has been pas- toi of the Congregational church here tor nearly ihree years has tendered his resignation to take effect -in May. ! as. he has secured a lucrative position near New York city. All will be sun'y to have -Mr. .Lewis leave u.s us he haa gained many friends in this vicinity. Several from this place attended the Rcbekah Lodge at Maione Friday iven- Cuia AI--<Gkilii-has .rented. A. M- Drake's- ouse and moved into the Kame. Mrs. ~t> N. Burnap has returned from her visit in the West. _Saiut Patrick's ball ''leon ,a«t. M Beeeherlown, \v-_re vi cmitii's and O. i-:. Fd mother. * id Nichols, of rs at Wm. 1. N. J on Wednesday returned irom ,d Mrs. .Joel Freeman visited A1-? f(t Tou-ePanci wife on Friday. .ilrs. "\anoy Preston who has been Siting her daughter, Mrs. Nettie Preifio i .M^U'jue has returned home. Mr and Mrs. George •Diixtm spent Saturday in Maione. " vo gentlemen of rvlalone were in town Friday looking-; after U'-.e. right of way --. the electric street railroad. I^et the j good work go on. Mr. and ill's. Waldo But-11 and ehil uren <ue .spending a few days in town ! visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Falrchiid-s. | Miss Nellie Smith has commenced her ' :>hool in Dist. No. 2. Miss Gertrude Orton spent Sunday with her parents at Brushton. A party was- given by Gertrude Orton :• her school children on Tuesday night f - ! ast week. AlbQrgh 3iar. 15—CriadysPtHe little (laughter at. Mr. and Mrs. Bdw. Starks has gone to Massena to have her eyes ;.reated. Mr. and Mrs. B e rt Johnson, of Law- reuceviUe %'isited Mx. and Alr^. Bernard ^lark Friday* Mr. and ilrs. Cjark Qalo of Sout^ Bombaj^ spent Sunday with Mr. and Mjw». "aiph O'Connell. 'Mrs. L«eonora Giliea, of Moira., spent a lew days the guest of Mr and Mrs. Floyd GUlen. Mr. and Mrs. Orra lijeacham have moved into the rooms over G. S. Page's store r-icently, Mr. Meaeham iiau em- ployment in Mrr- 1 Burnap's crefdhery. A number of the young 1 people from this place were entertained by Mr. and Mxs. Bernard Clark one evening tbe past week. Mrs. Willis Burnap and daughter, Mar- ion visited Mrs. Arthur Erwin Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Collins of Nichol- •ilie visited Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Rus- 'ell, Friday. Mrs. Millard Hazen, who has been :onfined to her room for some time, •emains about the same. Mr. and Mrs. Cieorge Page, spont Fri- lay ev<;ning with Mr. and Mrs. B.rt Page. £ari Russell, of noira, has begun work for Keulan Russell. Miss JEthel Smith, of Norwood, is spending a few days ivith her father, Mr. Machaei Smith. Mrs, John Stevens has been ill the past week." Miss Myrtle Rowley and brother, Olval, of Brushton, visited their .sister. Mrs. Russell one day last week. H. M. O'Connell has begun work for Mr. W. Btirnap in the creamery. George Wright, of this place, has pur- chased a large work horse Mrs. Henry Bogart, of ParishvlHe. spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. an.i '' fj Sumner Russeli. ».,e .-...igei ui ifcuh iws again eiv and taken 01^ uf our Mi'.'i-i i<..--'pe^aftl citizens. Nathan 1'ounu- reured ui !.Vida,y evemp^ in appai^ni-^ iy ii-ooi.' licaita but about Jl:k> was aroused by a severe pain in his chest and in Jess Hum-an hour's time-he- bad parsed to realm* beyond tin* life, rUailure. ; Therefore, be y^-ai&o not the .Son of Man cometh." Mr. and M\ti. Yuwig are usually^aione but on this particular night Mrs. George Balti- wmana daughter, Harriet were there ceased was bora 1 in Westville. t& 8 years ago, but has been, a resident of this town to-.- many years. He "Served hii> country iveli during the Civil war and soon after its ciose was united in mur- - J ge io Mrs. Mary Hartson,. who sur- ea lijui. Until about 13 years ago he b engaged m farming but since coming tow r ii 10 Jive has been in the emoioy Orcutt and a •' - with -ttJu^ileiiL- G. W. Gokey is spending a week or wo in town with his family. Poles have been scattered here and at Brushton by the Nicholville Electric iaght Co. for the purpose of lighting- the village of Brushton. Airs. u. D. Manchester, who ha* been a jrreat sufferer for the past several \-ears has been much worse the- past two weeks. O.:r r.nw school commissioner, Mr. Wilcox, visited our high school last Tuesday. •vt.r. and Mrs. C. E. Brush attended the funeral of their uncte, Mr. Paimev at Urookdale last Tuesday. •Mrs. C. E. Burnap went to Dickinson (enter Saturday to visit her people -wno--ar-e—-IH,-- ...._••-• AUtfs Josie Peets is spending a Tew davs in Massena visiting: friends. Mrs. Kdwin Knapp and children, of Albany, are spending several days with ner people at Hotel Hackett. The inaole sugar season will soon be l.ere, then look out for fish stories. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Russell an agedt couple who reside on the Carding mill road, are both very ill and -not expect- ed to recover. "Atrr---mdMrs. Ortrrr Russeti^ vtHTterJ— at A. P. R-'tabrook's in North Bangor last Tiu^sday. In Uifi death of, Mr. Jerry i-Jinan which occurred at hi* home west of thi« villa sre Sunday morning of consump- tion, ov.i- town has lost one of its most highly respected citizens. The fun- eral was held Tuesday .morning at ,st Mary's Catholic church at Brushton. i.nv deceased is survived by his widow a/.-d the following children: Arthur Kay. Lawrence and Francis, and th* Misses Maa-tha and LuJu. The famdv have the sympathy of th#- -entire /tom- " -:__their great affliction/Mrs - jeivea fBe »ad riewsr S^timtfry~ .'fiorning that her mother had just pissed away in Pittsburgh, Only 'a •|-:!l°-Ti,.time ago her father died En Ma- Mr, ard Mrs. J. E, Maxwell pnd »- E Burnap and daughter, Gladys visited" ft':mday at Seymour Webb's of B. L. «t JCS. j - . . orcutt and Son* most -ef- the time. Funeral services were large- ly attended from his late home on churchy street at 2 P. M,, on Sunday. i-C«v. Stocuin wa-^i the officiating clexgv- uuxji. 1nt«rm«ut took place in Fair- viev/ cemeteiy. The beautiful cut flow- ers and toiiagu that rested on his cas- ket were given by Mr. and Mrs. Rod- ney Smith and L. C. Kingsliey, of Ottawa, Mi. and airs. W. H Roy of Xewburfe and Mr. and Mrs. H. B- Or'cuvt and MIPS .losie Orcutt, of this place. -ill-. Young leaves to mourtr -his loss besides his wile, two sisters, Mrs Hor- ace Tower, uf Kansas Citv and Mrs -VJarvin Haskell, of this "pi^e one grandson, .Bart Orew, of Eugene, Ore- gon, one granddaughter, Mrs \lba Robinson, of Faust, a step-daughter .*lrs. J. \V. SaJt>:n, and a large circle-of friends who extend heartfelt sympa- thy to those bowed in sorrow. Amon- iuodt- fiom out of town to attend thp runeral wereL. K. Klngsley. of Otta- wa; W;-.,Herbert Ray, of Newbur-- Ord Cr,t'y —of Maione, Mr. and Mrs' -^Jba Kobinson, , of Fau*t and Mrs Jj.-ake, of Mioira. * * v Adirondack Valley March 11—Mr. and Airs. Theodore Wil- 3n, of Sand Hil-, visited at H K. 111- t'ers la^t Friday. Roberf Kerry, of Oiicago, 313., has been visiting- at the home of his bro- ther. J. W. Kerry the past week. Edwin Wood and family have moved to Bang or where he has engaged to - ork for P. L* JSickinson, the coming uann .-"^ Vermontville (Received too tate for last week.) * ft f r , p r lo "g and severe illness, Mrs. Prank Ifougn has passed away. Her remains were laid to rest in Unu>n cem- etery yesterday. The funeral services v,e»e rieid in the M. B. church. She leaves a husband and a littte child. Much jyrnpatiiy is felt for the sorrowiiur tnends thus called to mourn for this rung wife and mother, '-ast Thursday the agred uwther of Jauies C'ainey was-laid to cast in th" cemetery near i r nion Fairs, t^he had- [* n i" ; i«d helpless for a long time, but n»w-She Is indeed at rest; her work is done. The memory of her kind deeds and unselfish acts will lout? be cher- ished by those who loved her well "in own family circle ^and those wh<§ Iffl of her old neighbors. Miss Bessie Smith, of Skerry, was Itia guest of Mrs. Burt Hutchins Wednesday. Arthur I>urant is working for C. E. Stuart this week. Belrose and son, Charles, of Ban- gor, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Baker one day this week. Mr. aud Mrs. II. K. Rider are spend- iuj; the day in Bangor, the guests Mrs. Octavia Lawrence, J. VV. Kerry and brother. Robert, were the snoots of relatives and friends in i'uane, the first of the week. L. C. Adams is in M&lon** this week, workin? for the firm of Mitchell & Ililey. during the absenca-of * one of the Mr. and Mrs. William liadley of Con- stabie, spent Tuesday afternoon and evening at H. KT Rider's. J. J Carroll and I* C, Adams visited at rhe home of 3fr.and MM. Deforest Taylor at St. Regis Falls, over Sunday. Mrs. Etta McGUvney ^s spending a few days with Mrs. G. A. Lane, of Skerry. Mrs. Philip Carroll was the guest of her daughter, Mrai Will O'Brlwi, in Ma- I one Wednesday. V Nearly all the farmers in this section have sold their potatoes and delivered them at North Bangor this week: pric«- ~*5 and 65 cents. * Mrs. W. W. Stevens was a caller at J. J. Carroll's Wednesday. West Bangor. Mar. 13—-M4s8 Harriet Taylor who has hern connected with the Italian mission in Syracuse the past year, i.5 a guest at fie horn? of Mr. and Mrs, L. A. Law- rence at prasent. Mrs. Fisk and Miss O«nevteve i^sk. of Nicholville. A^ere guests of their rela- tives, Mary Bowles and Mr*. Hattk» Hoai-dway last week. Mr. and Mrs. HaiTy Bitn,*y visited at th<» home of Mr, ;ind Mis?. 1>. C. \dams last Mondaj'. ^j Master Jack Kaine. of Rochester is visiting his relatives, Mr. and Mr>," -A. A. Itawrsnce at }>r< i sent- Mrs. Sarah Smart, of Malono, visited her friend, Mrs. Arthur Brown last wr-^k March 25 Rev. W. H. Mqme will de- liver a lecture in the church here, the l>roceed& to be used in uui'ehaslnj* a fnrnace for the church. Tickets 25 ets. Mrs. Mary Mullen, of Brushton has purchased the John Minor piuce on the C'ailop road. ^> The funeral of Mrs. Mitchell Bom- bard of Brandon was held in this church* last Monday. Rev. Moore of- fiefated. ' Mrs. Jessie Mfcurkle of Morristown was the gues.t of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown March 14th. Last Thursday evening: Mr. and Mrs! Bradford Miller entertained a large com- pjuiy of friends at cards. and Clark French came from s Saturday to spend a few days at their parents home, Mr. and «-«. Peter FVench. ** Reynoldston Mar. 15—Mrs. John iMartin and grand 'on, Jerome Martin, who went to the ->ty Hospital at Ogdensburg, relurn- id Jiomu- lust .Saturday much improved in Health. Dr. Madill removed •>. tu- mor from the boy's neck as large as a man's fist. John Cox suffered quite a hard «"t- r.ack of the grippe, but is now able to- be out a Iktle. iirs. Henry Barber remains ab..ur. the sain? and Dr. McCarthy ii no v at- tending her. Miss Augustine Gauihier, of Pi*>rce- field, is visiting her sister, J£rS. Theo- dore Bordeaux at present Miss -^resale--Bean, of North Ba'i"ur \i> utopuvug for a while with her aunt. Mrs, Alfred French. (r^orge Oberton, of North Ba.ngn\ ^:led on friends the latter ptirt or ie week. U, M. Wilcox, of North Bangor, visit- ed at the hotti« of -.Mr. and Mrs F* H. Wikox Satorday and Sunday. Mrs. Burton Lawrence and Roy Bri^s of West Bangor, calied on friends here ~ne day. last w>sek. F. H4 Wiicox was in Moira, I>icl^n- >n. atid Ft. Oovington last week - in le interests ,04 the -'••-•• Owls Head and Chaam Ivfar. i;V-iXrrs. Giles Stancliff is spend- ing a few weeks with her daughter,' Mrs. P. C. JLaPointe. in Watertown. rho^e who have been on the sick list are abU- to be out again. Airland Mrs. Pred dark and children, of Tfefjper^l*ake, are visiting Mrs. Clfirk's parents, Jfe. and Mrs. Wm. B. F'rank Ij&mh, who has been spending .several weeks with his family here, hr«j» returned to his work in Massachu- setts. The Willing Workers of Owls Head will give a. supper in 'F-ownsend bail on Pri- tiay eveninff, March l&. Everynn" is cwditdl^j^tiMl to attend. The -inftors of the Mountain CieamerPPSfcaars. Killam and Vissiu have a^m^erj- busy tbe past week puttinjr W their ice for summer u^e. Many of the patrona turned out to heip theui and get a supply for themselves A patty or yourijjr people from ilukuie atteiideci the neck tie supper on i^-i- day evening. All report: a g.>ed t'me Come again. ' ?.Irs. LJllian lloss and son. Carl of WThlupieville. called on friends in c-wa j^jnday. Mr aat] Mrs. c. E. Lawrence. <»f Ma- l.vne vis.ted rit the "home of Mr? II. « Averill on Sunday. Nicholas Orabowski, whn hn.s been ill fur severai weeks wtth the irrip, is a littk better, though he is -still very we ^ k Vv Pr - H«J*wood has attended him and Dr Furness, of Malone called on '*winiss«HV as counsel. Mr. tr.d 3lrs. Alexander JoLnsun and daughter, ife-rtie returned t.t tlieir Lome in Titusville on Saturdav Mr Jorn- son has bj«n engaged in iumberir.^ near -stnta C'ara the past few months, Tlieir return was most welcome to th? vming iiH»pk» ipfi tit Horn*. Thursday * night v*ien s..»me member of the family went s.uj .3>oj<e the storm door about eight j;t !h« eronjng, a bundle wa^ seen ly- ins: upon the storm house floor. It was carried into tha house and found to obtain J. little baby girl, Ths uttle t»ne wore a woolen y e ^ i^sd wrapper and thin vas wrapped in & woolen Manket. It is not known to w>iom the chlltl be- longs or who oould have placed it there. Mir. Johnson's people are eating for th e ittie one .at presem. Tho child was •wily v tew days okL WHAT A WOMAN WM NOT DO Therefenothing that a woman would aot do to regain ber lost-beamy. S*e ought to be equally a* fsealoes in preservis* her «ood looks. The hertxWnk e»lk>dLane l 8 F*mUy Medtcice or Lane's Teatotbe mm* efficient did la preserving % beautiful sktn, «n •> will to wore than aartblfis *=l*«tn rjrtire raes to faded cheeks. At aU dra^rtra^ddealers' S5c Most disfiguring akin eruptions, scro- fula, pimples, rasshe*, etc, are due to impure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters N a cieansla|r blood tonic. Makes you l d rbraJn«d cl«ldd

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Page 1: Local Department MOTHERS ATIINTION - NYS Historic …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031968/1909-03-17/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · THE MALO?*K FARMER WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17,1909 Local Department


Local DepartmentSecuro your sugar and syrup labels

now before you need them. TheFarmer office supplies il»«"! a t lc>*pi ices

The Pnmk'.in Aca.lemy l^ske t ballgirls ea\t- tlu- girls' i.euni of S(.. Uiw-rcuce"l-iiiversiiv u -ad defe-at at Can-•oa Friday v e i l i n g . The score stood

- t * to -) ili »;)vur ul F. A

'Che ,,-<lies of James Thoninson, aGouvMi.-ur rf.ideiii «hn ^ie.i at **aaiiC was .• o.iuiie.i MI rioiip Kong.

Xntwi ; l i>(a i idnn; nil Vw ta lk a ' -out

the m v r o .soklu.-r.^ a!. Madison i5ar-

r a c k s AiJijcr Uiirluim, wao inves t i -

ga t ed <(»:ian.ion.> ttioro. s-.it>ss t h a t a

m a J i H c . 01 £«•• , ^ j ^ of a

».J!l3b!> .'« a m e ' aw i:

. . < > i . i M J t . \ N l l

* F t h o u g h ho w e r e a res iden t , u p o n

s t e u n ^ l icense a n d pay ing $:> t h e r e -

for Th.- {.f-^'-nt l icence iee lor uoa-

rebide lH- "is $J'i. au. l loi r - . ^ d o n U 51.

been canvas**: .^ ^liii i- '- .-m tii**- e•-l-or

a proft>s!Oiiai t e am : n t find l i t t l f

e a e o u r a ^ e n i ' - m t h a t it < ouici bf sup-

p o r t e d ior mort t h a n a .uonth T n e r e

w\U ho-vever. be a Cit.y 'eat-, «'-\, <VHU-

p;>j»ins- t h r e e twoii* fr-mi t h e - i n w d

o n e fro-n th St. Uvn-<?K-. S l n ^ Hos-

pi ta l , a i d ihe d i a m o n d amusement .

iit rhn sininiifr m o n t h s 'Ail; ; * • sup-

plied .•.•xc!i).--.:vvly by tm- «.ity a m a -


May I rwln . t h e ; i c l : t ^ . v-!io h a s

a '>eanijfiil s u m m e r h o m e i-uia oj

iprajiite at a <-ost of %2h,<"^ <>n Jr-

WJD Is land in Uie St. -Lavvremv., ;ui-

n o n n c e * h e r i n t e n t i o n of t u r n i n g it in

to a tfwvll s n . u i n t r l iot"l . o>' whh-h she


The only Baking Powdermade from Royal Grape

Cream of Tartar

:-a,-ketls !

! t h » s o r m - s t a n d s i r x i e r Tho t ; m <-;\MV- ..\HiLs- <fe i l a s k f J l .

.Vlr-v G t - n r g e i v l K i i r , n f ] . \ K ' : . i i v ; u . _ ; > . ,

i t ' - : - >> m'jv i'C i ipr nr,n-. . M i ' s .! H . S:ii


Island is uj>posite Clayton a:id con-"talDs i) arit-.s of iauJ. With soin*'•Iterations in the buildings Miss Ir-win RI;: be ahk- to acoomincKia'.e sev-eral hu^dred ', ii-itors.

Preparations are being made atCornwall to resume ^rork on the-canal. Derri<'k- are being erecie'lajid m;u.-hinery placed in position sothat by Aprs! 1st a large force ofmen can be set at work finishing' theconstruction work made necessary faythe bit. hrea-eh in the canal bank

5 f ^Unas done last yeai-, iu t there stillremains the iMiiiding of a concretewall to connect last seasTi's workwith th<; stone r>'er abov" lock 18,the removal of the t^miior'ary <\-<unbuilt after the break lasi June, andthe fill in jr up of the canal box torn totbe proper level, which must, be donein one month so as to n&t delay theopening of navigation ihro^jgh thetainals. There is a lot of excavationtor the foundation of J:\e concretewall, and die building of o•• <>r ;?,0-X"yards of that material.

Memf.»ers of a c^'eam^ry firm jn Del-aware -.'-ounty. which have oflces inXew York city, have been arrestedon the charge of kimraina; milk andshipping H to the nietropolis. The•i'tion is the cniliniria'ioii of procetd-

culture, which has been securing evi-dence ir. the case since 0-,-t. 23. Thefjr;n. »t is expected, wii! i>e tbargeriwith o.er 4l>0 olienres. On eachthere i-> .a -fine of not If ss chan $r>0aor more than SJw. This wifl makea fine uf between $20.\A)<) and $40,000if they are convicted. If fines are-ta ooseJ and not paid the offendersmay be impriso::e'J. Tiie case is ateh't one and the resuh will decidewhether creamery men. as is said tobe a common practice, may skim milkand send it to Xew York city. Thela*e -Fe^ntres tbat~nnt1r""nnist' test""3"i«r cent of butter fat. The milkdelivered to the creamery firmby farmers of that section tested con-siderabjy above 3 per cent, and thepractice of the creamery men, it isalleged, was to skim it so that itwould be brought down to this test,an*! then make butter from the creamU*at they took from the roiik.

' >;(<• "< ' - i n n ;i.n-i W a r i w i B r a d yr:--irs.?;i.v in <M;. jonsl , i j re .

,i..s.n r- . (-k.-Tin« w*-nt t o H o w c i k .

l>ai.«y. w.-ncp-Jby.

• 1"r.iJ] ui S. 1 Kimbr.il of thi.s hl^.M>. Kirr.bail ->VK.S 7;? v-a rs ol a - e }- ; - n r v i v d h.- - is wilV itnJ the 3V>i'oine c:.il-f.>:i. John. G^.rge. W*b«l.T aMips Fai th Kimbaii and Mrs. If oSouth, of Brusht ' tn ; Mrs. i Jar ry <-

i.itL .-i" Dickinson Cenl^r. SJid Mrs W.".M;.rirjss-, of E a s t DBCkin.*on. T^e func-wHi i> W'M from the C'liiPtian ohuiat :\vo n'clocic this i -fu-rnooi:. ALsr:-;«-nds -.jin .n .-xt^ndinif s \ - m paih \ •••


M-ic si.-,'..-.,•>! l;;.-.-t Pniav afternoon:Rotation How I ,id Yon i m V Vrnr.

itulfv.T^va-din , A Bo<>k of V.-ree. :,far j

Tl.->c., Oo&ortunitv. William L^'.vis.!iv-t.ii:itr Itural InfeTicitvT" Wt:dr»^ p*^4^f;--. Aiv Aunt. Margare t Hon.-.n^..'! .^"'^-al .:o-!<;»-,F'<:,rencf- Xichoisli'^.t K a t r Let» and W.illfe: Gray. M'yr

i:- ' - , V. r":-n g r a n d p a Was a U t t i e iv>v

K.-..-J"'(:)!d Ironsides. Vernon Orton)U-'\. L iuHe : ^ * ! W ) i , iftWrpd F<-,ster.IC*:<-:.. Tiif Citv ("•nisin. jJiiv Whi; m;"i n.]<-<•.. T;.:- I >->i M. ).. G"»rtrudt- Bpani-iir.;

CciSr V#ICH irtsson*

iate for last


Trout River\ Mar. 13-Mr. and Mrs. W. Wvlsh and

«aaghu-i, i'o Huntingdon spent Tuesdaywith Mrs. Prank Hughes.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fort in returneditmae Monday after spending nearly ayear traveling- in the V\'esi. Th«-y /pentmost of their time in California "

Dave Moore visited friends in MaloneTuesday.

School opened today with Miss Har-wooa, of Bangor as teach-r.

Mrs. J. A. Cameron spent last week mMAlone helping- to care for Mrs. Hyde'schildren while she was in the hospitalin Montreal having m-.r .-yes vra-.'ted.

Mr and Mrs. John Smjliie .spent Tues-day at the home of Alex Alcs'air.

Wm. lK-mpsey of Malone, f--l>ent t\v->days last week visiting relatives h«?re.

Mrs. v lizabeth McCani is visiting nordaug-hier. Mrs. Thomas fiaynor in Ma-ione.

Wm. «.:;imoron, of I>undee. was founddead at hi.s home Thursday mornint;. He•*«« a brother-in-law of Mrs. John Cam-eron.

Mrs. William McGibbon and Mr?. Wal-ter MicGibbun spent Thuisday in Mr.s.Joiin NesLits in" Ken.-in.c-ton.

Mjcha^.i R)wley arrived Im.r.e fromPlcrceficid. Friday ni^Iit.

Mr?. W-'scs Duquette and little Juicrh-ter .spec: .Saturday in town.

ia«JKh-;ome (.: Ira Gii-bs in this place lastiunday.The patrons of Charles firwin's cream-

ry heU their annual butter meeting-.ist Saturday alter noon. We un>3t>r-laud tiiat tne oropi -fetors of the Krwinjrown <v Martin creameries ir. this vi-ini'.y, are to luake butler the com-

~~MF. Tlml^"SirsT" ciajFk"J"~ttistmgs " andson, Hairy, visited in Bangur last Sat-urday.

Mr. and -Mrs. Stougfrton Brown, ofv'est Brandon, called in this place lastSunday.

Mar. Ii—Edwin Delong, of No. Bangorv«s in tiiis piace after ice the past weekDr- Whitehead, of Burke, called at Mei

•jn Woods' last Tuesday on business.Warred Clink, Hiland Ross, and Ira

,ibbs. iiave !>«*:•» naming hay from Ban-or the past week.Miss iiftien Potter, of Bangor has

«ifci> visiting her uncle•'Clark H a s t i n ghe past week.tid. Barnett, o* Alburg-h has been >n<p-

>in# at -his lather 's m this piace the;ast week.Newell Gibbs, of North Bangor 'send Mr.

•Vescott. of Brushton, were through the>laee la*a Tuesday' buying hides.James Skerry, of Bangor and Will

and Homer ciianchard of West BaiisjorUled ia this place last Wednesday.Newton Ta-yior, of Banger, visited at

Clark Hastings' last Wednesday.Warren Clark and Jos«ph LaMay went

to Potsdam last week Tuesday on bus-iness.

Sari Woods from Brushton and r>- W.Woods.of Alburgh,called jn this place last-Yiday.

The general average price paid for;rmk at the ;Vm. Martin Creamery forhe month of January and February

was $1.1333 per hundred pounds. Num-ber of pounds of inilk to one pound o]butter IS4S9

Meivin Woods visited Deforest Taylort St. itefjis Falls last Friday.KllistOii Rarst: has been buying v.-u!s

which wtre delivered at Brushton Ks;

BrushtonMar. i4—.Miss Beriha Wood com-

menced her school- near Fi. Ovinyionlast Mi i nd ay.

Mrs. Viola Farrintrton has been vLs-itinir her daughter in Lawrenc -eviMe.

The remains of a little child of LeviBnyder, who now lives near Helena,were brought here for interment lastWednesday.

Joseph Afott, of North Bangor, was intown Tuesday.

Howard Potter left Thursday morningfor Syracuse to attend an alumni ban-quet and visit friends there ior a fewdays.

Mrs. E. P. Turner has been spendinga, few days in Ogdensburjr and Massc-na.

Fred Snvder went t-» Osrdensburij lastwwk where he has work.

Bert Gannon of Saranac Lake spentlast Sunday at iho home of his ftithef-tn law, Joseph King-.

Clifford Bo wen is home from Xew Torcity, where he has been employed.

Miss Mary Whitman has commencedh«r school in the Isaae Parr districtnear rft. Reg-is Palls.^ Miss i:i!a Colvln returned to BurkeJfonday fveninp aftt-r visiting her mo-tnere a few days.

Will Farnsworth returned Tuesday frona few viiiya1 visit with friends in Ztfa.s-•raa.

Clark Hayes of Bloominsrdale. visitwlmt the home of his sister, Mrs. JbhnRedwood last Sunday.

Merchant Phelps has purchased ofTtiiB brother. A. A. Phelps, th<< S.' nStevens farm and has mov<>d onto thesame.

Miss Kathryn McMann returned homelart Mkmday evening from a few weeks-visit with her sister in St. Albany. IInephow, blaster Donald Ci'l^ary.. iturned with her for a short visit.

W. H. Smith has sold his meat raa.k<»t and grocery business of CentralMarket to B. C. Mills and .Herbert TJkell. who will continue rhe Business

be home vi 'their i:n•-., in Burk-:;, the }.>a

there attended thi'~ting.

M r :>lrs. Riruben Harwof No. Bangur, visitIra Oii-bs in this

o d


This Town Has Its Share of Dread^Disease, Which is Said to Yield

to -Simple Home Recipe.

To relieve the worst forms of Rheu->atism. take a teaspoonful of the fol->v/in mixture after each meal and

bedtime:--Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half

ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce;Compouud Syrup. Sarsajwrilla, threeotinces.

These harmless ingredients can heobtained from our home druggists,

'i<j are easily mixed by shaking themell in a bottle. Relief is generally

felt from the first few doses.This prescription forces the clog-

god-up, inactive kidneys to filter andstrain from the blood the poisonouswaste matter ami uric acid, whichcauses Rheumatism. x

As itheutuatistu is nbt ooly themost painful and torturous disease.but dangerous to life, this simple re-cipe will no doubt be greatly valuedby many sufferers here at Home, whoshould at once vrcspHrz the mixtureto set this relief.

It is sai'i' that a person, whowould take this prescription regu-larly, a dose or two daily.,,, or even "atew times a week, would never haveserious kidney or Urinary disordersvr Rheumatism.

Cut this out and preserve it. (ioodRheumatism prescriptions which real-ly relieve are scarce, .ndeed, andwT:en you need it you want it badly.


i - a r t ->f l u s t w ..-(•;<:[)!•. F. i H r a . l f o - , ]

ri-.i M.-ii-Kt,- f i nd dc i i i« ; ;

M>- .-.-id Mrs. Allen MrKi

B.Vrj-Mj with Mr-. AI^Klwa n s\!>- iLrri Urs. F. P. Br<>\vn.

'l'1-.o Sta.udar.l JJoarf-rs iv-.X!v.!»i o; Henr>- Wood Mon lay.\i.-rch eighth. "

!-<:U1'<MI Jones won* to ' . '^Ii. --.):iai f<>r uvatmt-nt of Lh<-tv-iilly. The ca ta rac t 'lias \ii-ii-ol and reports a r c favorti

-j^r/ch Friday ni^ht was a v . ry pl'-'.tsantI'vcnt and i he Sunday .school c'lil-iron. speciaii. f-n^iy.-l tt.

o;uiKifti]V' t.»" "North Bfiiiffor vv-lvr,' theywere «>:H<vrt;< tnfd at tne iK<me ..f uMr.an 1 Mrs. Will J;k:h. SeU"'UO:i<= of in-si.'umeni.'tl nm.^ic on the pia.no wi-Ttr fui-i.inh.-d i>v Mss Mary u a w r « i : « and MV-vn-J voofil folections by Mrs. >L-Lon-unn A fine supper was pr:>p;uvd anda ^ood t:ni- reported. "•1'inrsday (-v(Mijn^. Miu-c'i II. tho h-'iiif

rifiTv fathe.-jng of the ' friends of M;ss(k.i-H -."lott. The occasion was Mips cjv.u'<--birthda.'. .-aid sho was presented wiU. aii'kfn or' rp?r>en: brancr- and a sum ofr.»oney to remind her of her friend A

Mrs. liyde ajid daughter. Miss L\,-]\-..-i-oni Nortii Ba!ii-:or spmt Wednt-.sdavat ;iu- liome of ' * • _ L L j J P g ^ j ^ " g - _ _ ^ -

.Urs. Henry Wo-.d was tak">a se; ioasiy

iff- v.-ry anx;o"us abou t her. A'i hop,- .•=!,»->

'..Mrs.' "iW'.^-v tC°" f~ 'Ud\. who has

.lar . Ui—The remains of Mr* r>--(.s.-y•AVles White, who- dif-d at thr- iioniet Airs. ITary Adams souHi of RnnLr^r

were tikf-n to Sehuyh r Falls Mo:->.Uvn-v ioi- bural . ".vjrs. J-:rnt-r-v <-;)-ii"PiatL.si

AIT v i U

•y-Mlonal ciiurch Siuulav **v-.xht^,,-crv well fill.-r' houseM.uti!l hi*.< been pummoned from

O-d»nsL'irg- t^ seo IMrs. Henry \l-'o<. (,v,T', !K:> ).•<••n ill severa? days ult!-.

M'-s. Jam-s Whitehead•:-. 'Mi.^ Herdman, of•-re ffutyis ot" j l r s . Arnui

.V3.i-. Miio Baldwin and daug-fUer. Mr--.

i'>re o£ Ellenbursh fast "week.There was ai; old-fashioned don.it! or,

a? ihe home of Frank Friend la^t Tue?-m?r for tlie benefit af the pan tor <.f

the .si. t^; chiiich of Coveytown.Mr. Gops^ell. of.- -Tiiaver's Corners,

went to m e ,Jy..spital in Turlington iastWednesday for ac^meration. It is hopedjje inav -»e speedily restored to health.

•J^densb'urg^"!]""""*^^" " — ":

To the voters of Brandon we wisho announce that the new town officersviii Rive a. free oyster .supper toall

the voters at the home of 0. K. KerryWednesday eveui&K, JUarph 17th. A coi-ciijil invitation ia extended to all. Comm-and bripff your wife or lady friend.Supper Avill be served any time after

i'. M. for the convenience of tho.seK at a distance, .\lusic will be fur-

fiiwued in a separate house for tho.-sewishing to dance. Of course. thosewho dance must pay the fiddlers as

ill. T h e . ladies are requestedbriny cakes and other eatables.

-V.' A. l^ane will hold a butter meet-ing- in the school house at Skerry onA;urch iNth at two o'clock in the after-•«-)on. AU arc invited to attend.

t'iie next mc-eting- of the Ladies Clubwill be lifcld at ifte home of Mrs. Moot.

' u-day, Mar. a«th.i * j * r J i *."/V t, iii K"V-\ t i i ^ - T I ' f t n ^ ? i _ i . ' j . 1 X J * W i I i

be with Vincent Hutchins Sa turday'.Uarch 27th.

I).>nt forg, -t t!;e meeting-"of the V .C. T. TJ. Thursday o£ this week <ti u o |>. .vi. U l j>o i ; ;\ii;L,ai!t!hlin'.s.

f.-on I-rutchins cut Uis foot rjiiite 1>a.-J-ly last Friday.

t-'re.i Hutciiins cn\ his f.nvt Sattn-day

Mrs. "Et ta iteffivney Uvent ^ ' v e r a l d a v .,st we- k wan Mis. v ; . A. Lane.

•eek. He re turned Saturday n ^ h t-»l'- and ;vi,-s. A. I.,, rihenvin, of Mn-

hi i n Ma lor

-s. H.'M-y C:.>X, of "RruslTlonV""^ tt--teiub meetiner at .Mi's. An..

i's Uvn SHiur.iay.I Ke.-lV ;ind HaroM ; i n .l W.u-i

i t .of ' Adirondack \ \ i i i , \ \ .

.iityhist' Monday '

-.!". ,1,1,1 Mrs. Wnldo rsuell ;>re v>.~;^--f:-<rids m \Vest.\ille during Mr Hu.-.i1*M."t.>ol vacation.

Miss Orra Leai-ned of W.-stviiie visit-.-(] her i-ister, Mrs. E . Vorce last weVlt

ATvs. Abbott J k X i i m n r a and chill• | - n spt-nt Saturday evening and Sun-u.iy w a n h^r parents . MT. and Mrsii'-»!-y Cox of Brushton

Mr. ami Mrs. 1;. \v. Mutrirtis -n' \.H-'>**««k Valley, visited ttu-lr" t A ^ i <Mi- and Mrs. > r e d Hutehins, h^t" .Sun-

Mr, and Mr

There seems to be / n u m b r r of*horx.'\s

* ™ « d>-ins- in this vi-=ind

horse last week as did Prank<•-. it. Kerry o^t a cow andMrs. Kdvmrd l ^ n a l U s plae^


to i/a-.Wrs. Henry Kerry wh,

poor health ail winter ha' ne :"or treatment

Will Earle. of Civism Ka!U <; d-^AJnirpulp for Charles Selkirk

Will Kerry who has ber--, nick th«-a«t three woeks -;s petting betterMrs. John Clark has been uuUe ill the

>a;si week with i^eart trouble.Jotm Kerry, of Qrandon,. and tiobt

^errv of Gray Lake. 111., visited r-la-ives HI town this we-k.Mason Aloore and famiK- who have

-en working for Will Garland "allnnier nave moved back iionv.C. O. Hoofe aur] Alva Hoose fin:shr'd

t h f

Thursday,chool in r>is'

- . Mr. and*r:day.Pred Sova iskittle Majion

paying- with hi!\ weeks has :


l iar . 13-The dramatic entertainmentclub has secure! the «ervirfs of Prof H.». 'Jornihh and MLss M. Alkins tr>'assisti> the producti<TT) of the Xohie Outcast\ft success is now assured y

The friends who have heard from \ **-. Rian(>hard report that she i.oyinff i-.crself in Til ton X. H^V:n. Dowea gave several select-,;

and up-to-date talki.n^ m:

occupy tiie Anderson farm soon. ""Na-"•n Fou<it.ain has moved into the

Cola Spring house recently. Herbert |l-'erriy and family, of .vlaione, are backuere 10 run his farm for the comingyear. Ii-: is occupying tiie Spooner houseT-TTTeSpnt.ronn Al'cCa.be, of E>eer River is raov-\-< totheHadley farm lately occupied byue late John B-uell. !Mra. Albett Tower who has "cefn ill \

ec<mt!y is improving slowiy.Miio UusTjir'Trho had -an aitactL_ _ ol_n-umonia is able to be out around...ijariey Freeman "W io has been L-tiVl

up wan a sprained knee for several• • P . C S ^ S - # e - t o be out again.

Mr. and Mrs, Elwood , Xokes spentiinday with M.V. and Mrs. Frank Childs

ilrs . "J HoadTey alicl baby, Miart.Iva,>.a Mrs. Eva TarbeU at Bantjor last

1%'W •veilings ago.•las Bras, have placed

u t t i

hg p t For treatmentfor

eeks died there la.3t week Sun-day. Th« remains were brought hereMonday t;nd the funerai_. was held attho homo of his daughter, M?rs. W. D.Williamson,Wednesday at 10 o'clock, Rev.Mr. Cariey and Revr. Mr. Penney of-ficintins:. A delegation from J. V7. Pangborn Post, Q. A- R-, of Ma»one, attendedThe deceased was a member of the post,having served in the Civil War as a member of Co. D-. 98th New York Infantry.The old veterans are fast passing- awayand Mr. Fenton will be greatly missedby his manv friends in Burke." IJe wasa kind neighbor and a kind friend* Sincethe death of his wife, about a year ago,Mr. Fe-iton has made his hoine withhis daughter, Grace, and has been infeeble m.alth. He is survived by sixchildren, Henry, of Haverhill, MassGeorge, of Everett, Mass.; Albert, ofBurke; Mrs. Wallace Town and Mrs YVD. Williamson, of Burke, and Mrs. WaltTown, ot Colorado. The family havethe sympathy of all in their bereave-ment. Interment was in Malone.

Meander Huntley, who recently soldhis farm to Mr. Rutherford, of Canadawill sefi at auction Tuesday, MarchHtlv his :ows, fanning implements, etc.

Miss Ada Martin, of Springfield, Mas-.is home caring- for her father, JohnM:>rtiti, who is in very poor health.

A. J. Pilling and Mrs. Clayton Ma-t:on visited relatives ir Fort "Covinsrt<>rla«t week.

Ii'ts. George Bentley, of Cnateaugaj,failed on friends in town Wednesday.

Pred Stanley, who has been sellingft^-ds in Northern N. i ., for some time,hii." !ets'rr,ed home.

'J'i;e oysftr supper at the home of.">.r!. Hnd ;vfvS. Ernest Stanley last Fr •day night was attended by about on'-u-irsdred All report a pleasant time.i he rtceipts of the evening were over

Ulyi-ses Cook,who has been visiting rel-:M ves in Boston and other EasternCJ-.-PS for tiie past three w«eksf . - re-

! r.:jnied home last Tuesday.j A vt-ry pretty wedding took place last

;.'. ednc-sday evening at the home of•vir. and :.Jj\s. C. W. Silver when their

J daughter, jfi.ss Alberta Silver, became'il'e wile- of Wm. Spencer, of Burk^The bri.i.-. was attin-d ir. a dress ofchampugr.t- silk and attended by MissiVH'^ ,yf)1?nfier, sister of the "groom.Mr. Wai'er Sherwood acted as b.»st manAt eigltt o'clock the bridal party en-tered th-j parlor to the strains of theive-drknK ujarcli and were met by RevS G. Culev. who made them m'-tn and

• wife. I he house was prettily deeorat-jed in pink and white with green back-Kruund. rney were Use recipients of

| many useful and beautiful presents.{Mr. ano Mrs. Spencer will make their! home with the bride's parents for the; presentj .!r^. l/»ian Brand and Mrs. Carrieif'\^r-r

o<!, A£illon'-*> were callers in town

Mrs. ti. '"argin and Minor Kmith, <.fMalone, und Prank Smith.'* of Tupper1,-ikv. were in town W^ln^day to at-

T : n k n t e n . f u n t 2 - O f thelr uncIp- Mr-and Hf-nry Fen ton wese also»ia t h a E a s s t to attend their

Indian suirs.Pe'.er (Jauit will orp.-e-it tr> ! > r - \ - T-"-ith,-T-

MCI.JU'A-.-!.-; the beautiful quilf l.\- ' W ^ ' MSt. Joseph's bazaar. ' "

:.irv. l-r Fiockvv-ood has '..,--.-21 vi-[i-n^.I'M- ;notr:-?r in Potsdam.

-•ti^p l;ertha ^fcMulien and Grace iv.o-Jian have been visiting wit.'i friends onthe ocanlo'i road.

J-ennie Rubado was in town vee^nttv::i v.^v .f purchasing- tht> Murnhy hotel.

A. \ ; »?./ynolds has been eonf.n-d toins oed bv sickness.

Mrs. Joseph ^pillinys vis't-d at Mr.•ja.s. .-.iurphy'3 one day last week.

returned from Holyoke Mass where theyatttndeti the funerul of Mr. Doonan's lis-ter

Patt Cavanaugh is oecup'-jng roomsover / VV. Blanehard^s store.

Cooks Corners.ar. 1;;—Robert Biccum, who ha,s been

ill for s-> long, died at hisr home Mbnday-ight. He was sixty-seven years of age

nd leaves a. wife and eleven children> mourn his loss. The runeral was

held from the M. E. chareh ThursdayafterncKJn, R e v Benson of Ft- Ctjvin^ton,officiating. Interment was ;n HilJ Viewcemetery.

Grandma Condon has caught a severecold whtch we hoi>e will not prove ser-JOUS.

Prat t Hill, of Bangor was a caller, intown Friday.

Mrs. Joiin Miahar's niece, of Louisvillehas come to spend the summer witii herand go to school here.

Henry Pjielps and 'Lowell Petty, ofBrushton, called on fnends in town onWednesday.

Miss Denneen i*eopened her school inWolf Swamp last Monday.

AUie M_erritt is working f<>r *-be Condonbrothers for a few days.

We here that Uncle Peter French isroing to leave the city and come back.0 stay with his old friends this sum-riei. H'i has rented his old home and

expects to move soon.Alike Mulhare who has been visiting

his .sister, iLrs. John Maha-.- has re-turned to his home in Louisville.

-Vliss l^ucina LaPree, of Brushton. vis-ed iier mother, Mrs. Peter Lapre<- onatuidrn' and Sunday.

I'lif I thndal contest, recently h^Idat Malrne.": will be repeated in* Burker M a y *-v j5pjfkl March 1?, at Odd Fef-


Mchirtg piles provoke profanity, butprofanity won't cure them, Doan's Oint-ment cures; itching, bleeding or protrud-ing: piled! after years of suffertns. Atai>3/ drug ^tore.

..ir. J M W Hilt, of Cliateauffay. w a st;:e .truest of hia cousin, -' Mrs>> WallaceWood la^t Week-j

A <-iul»t weeding <%ccurrei March 10that the K iley farm in . this town. Thecontraclintfc pa i t iea Were Herber t Otism d Mrs. Jennie Hazen of Burke.

Mr. and i i r s . W. Thomas, of Whipple-\iiie. visited friends in Burke la-«=t week.

Mrs. J. A. Bombard, of Saranitc Lake.wa> the .truest of her parents. Mr. and-Mrs, Thou. Crawford, of Thayers Cor-

; u«rs last Tuesday.j Mr. and Mrs. J. ,Cowan, of Brook-1ft, P. Q., were quests of Mr. andlet, P. Q., wMr?. Maitner

guestsday !a_st

South Bombay.

3,rar. 13—ilr. and Mrs. Leslie G-i'obs,of Cooks Corners, were the guests ofthe latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. AlciMoore, Sunday.

Mrs. O. White visited her daughter,Mrs1. Elmer-Smith, of Borai^av over Sun-day; her son Edward accompanied her.

Mr,- and Mrs. H. A. Russell, of Bom-bay were quests of the former's brother,G. W. Russell Saturday. &

Rev. Griffiths was in town Saturdayc the Ruest of G. W. Russell.Mr. and Mrs. Luman Kins ley went

to Moira, Monday.Ernest Sweet and daughter. Delia, of

r»ickinson, were the guest•> of their aunt,Mrs. Mary Niles* Monday.

Mrs. J. Phelps, Mrs. F. Yadaw andMrs. Mae Lermoude, visited Mrs. Wash-ington Trjron, of Brushton. Wednesday.

Miss Lgtti§ Julmston is home fromBrushton.

The cottage prayer meeting: at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. V. l a d a w Tues-day evening was quite largely attendedanrl a very interesting meeting waai .re-ported ijy those present.

B^irt Russell i» numbere-l with the sickthis weok.

HOW'S THIS? sWe. <.-fter On^ Hundred Dollars Re-

ward for any case of Catarrh that can-not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.

F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.We, the- undersigned, have known

P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, andbelieve him perfectly honorable in al)business transactidas* and financiallyable to carry out an? obligations mad'by his firm.

WAL.D1NG. KINNAN & MARVIN.Wholesale Druggists, ^Toledo, O.

Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-nally, acting directly upon tho bloodand mucous surfaces of the system.-Testimonials sent free. Price 2fL-cants,per bottle. Sold by all druggists.

Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-pation.

Slops earache In two minutes; tooth-ache or pain of burn or scaid.in fiveminutes; hoarseness, one hour; mus-c-ieache, two hours; sore throat, twelvehours—Dr. Thomas' T^clectric Oil, mon-arch over pain.

Mrs. William Henderson.


MKS. WILLIAM HKXDEUSON,Craik, N. W. TM Can., writes:

"I was troubled with very jgerious in*ternul weakness, whirh exhausted meso that I feared i would lose my mind.

"I suffered agony wit]; my back, thepain extending down my left le^. Thepain was so severe that I would havewelcomed death as a relief.

"Peruna cured me of this trouble,—no wojuler I recommend it so highly.

"It will soon be two years since Ifound relief frosrt the pain and not a6iK« of it has returned.

I am glad that there is a way inioh I can speak of this, as many &

sufferer may read my testimonial, andnot only read, but believe."

Had Given Up All Hope.Mile. Albina Chanvin, No. 50 Rn»

Agnes. St. Henri, Montreal, Canada,•writes: ...

other remedy, as it cured me when noth-ing else could.

"I suffered for years and years withheart trouble, headaches and weakness.I never expected to find anything tocore me.*•! tried Peruna arid am entirely cured.w

I;.—Moving . the order of Omnd family, of Con-

««. vieinlt;

North Banflor.

OF fTEaSTUY BROOK?).Lav l.>-Gr«it excitement and conster-tion Mas caused in our village early

8aturdaj evening by the report ofthe *mmder of Henry Brooks by Onus.iJeviin, .ir., which happened about two.miles eaM of )u»re. A full account ofthe murder is printed elsewhere in this4«ue. The funeral was held Tuv»3dsv.Vnorninn: at ton. o'clock from St. Aagus-ine's etiurch. The sympatliy of our• wnspeople is extended ...to all.

Y W. C T. U. CONTEST.Tlie content Kiven by the Mialone Ys

n the Congregational church here onFriday uvining was a jyreat .success.About /.'lteen from Mlalone accompaniedthe contestants. The nut proceeds oftho entertainment were about ftS.OGMusic w.is fifrmshed by tne Bang-ov Ys."lie several contestants- were so wellnatched that the judges found con.-nd-rabie difficulty in deciding who wa* theueeesH-ft.i one, but the decision wasir:,"Jiy made in favor of .Mass Jeannette

The medal was awarded byyi"'-. o f \ .Tne judges we.re i _ , ... ...("nion School. No. Bungor, Rev. \V. H.Aioore. j.^stor of M.. K. ehtn-ch and

u-.s. b\ W. >!••:<"iizie^ former pree -p-

CHUIU'H AND .S(.»CI1^Y.The ». VV. C. T. i:. win meet Fri-;;y evt-nin.y; .-it 7 o'clock at lite iiom<-,i Mis. 1;. \V. Rich. I'-ry-ent business: is important mat every member be

The Home Guards/will hold a socialor. Thursday ev>min& at the home of•••-*• W nia'd s^ . t tT Everyone is,, in-

S.'lvation Army will hold a JH-I--the M. E. Church irriday even-

; will be a meeting of th* JDuiii'v-V*soektUon at the T'-wn Hall

-.rsday at two o'clock. JEvery far-the coiiriminity is urged to a-i-lt is exp-eted thui a .-'taie

!- wili be present.

tfdiih ovury, "of Bristol, Vt.,;f:eis' .Saturday and Sunday at the

of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. VV.

MOTHERS ATIINTIONHealth by VboL Read H e F A w ^ing Letter Fron « CaBtoa, 0., Motber

"I wish I could induce everyther who has a weak, sickly child,to try that delicious codi liver prepar-ation Vinol. Our little daughter wa»pale, thin and sickly. She had noaopetitf and no ambition.

We tried varipus medicines, butwithout any benefit whatever, anashe could not take cod liver oil oremulsions, as they nauseated her andat'iset her stomach.

Learning: that Vinol contains allrho medicinal an/1/ strength-creating:,i.roperties of cod liver oil. but with-out the disagreeable oil, and tonic

jiron ad:led, we decided to try itand the results were marvelous. Itgave her a hearty appetite: the color

I returned to her cheeks and she isj stronger and in better health thanshe ha*> »;eea for years. •

I cannot say enough in favor otVinol for weak, delicate children."-—Mrs. C W. Stump, Canton, Ohio.

There is nothing equ?il to Vino!for delicate, ailing children and lee-bl*1 old people, to build up strengthand; restore a normaL Jjejilthy eandi

i tioit. Those who try it and receivej no benefit i may have their moneyreturned on demand—that's youtguarantee. The Hyde Drug Co.. Ma-lnne, N. Y.


A. :>r:


by ' i

quired n-.es to Xew York tin.sd.-iy wiKi-e he has a position1;. '»im. rie will be accompuiiied

r.ttlHr. Fi-ed .Eldred, who wil!natives there for -a. short time

J'he board of education has engagedMiss Aici\ay to finish the year in theprimary department. Miss McKay monies

• 11 l'ci-uinriit'iidtfl by the Albany Tea-lera' Agency.101 win Aveiy has returned fpom the

J;:a.st a,p i is visaing at the home of hisfather, David A very. '

Airs. Emma Ayers, of North Law-rence, is a .«U.-SL i,.| her !^i«ter vu-xSamuel Dickey and other relatives here'

Oi«>Feno= -Uydv, of Mal<jne, spentnturd,->\ with ni.s brother, \V. L,. Hvdo-vliss Gladys tierce was the euest of

-i -nds in Mafsena last weekAirs, riattift- Hich, of Malone, was in

hJaTb^SS^Xr^er^Sj?. tO ""ff. H. Hasting-s, of Tupper Lake,

WfiK a caller in town one day la^t

.-liss ireue Roys ia the suest of hersister, Airs. G. 11. Hastings, of Tupper

A nu Hi ber of .Ualone petiple were vis-itors- in town Sunday. Among: them wenoted the following-.- Mr. and Mrs. J. JMr.rphv Mr. and i t rs . Jame>. Looby,fr. u. Turner and daughter, .vlr. andMrs. .Prank Uob.- and Wilhud Ames.

A. H. Brock way has rented his newtc-'iement on Depot St., to Harry Aveiy,Who has a pus-uon with O. i i a rnn-um!

Dickinson Center.

Mar. lc—The cottage prayer meetingm oe held on Tuwsuay eveaiiiK ac

tiie homfc of Mr. and Mrs. Hii-a.ni ii-Hner.-U.i-, ana .vfrs. Jackson Morey recently

visitod Hieir dau.^iiter, Mrs. Waldo siiam-pinnin Parish vine.

-- --v. iV- i.--. i^iiHh and her brother,^-exjiey J;-rake, ui: j-lbira. spent Saturday

Wm. i. N. Snuta-.s.

Moir*Mar. i.>—Miss Agnes Taillo?i. of Dundee

lias been visiting her cousins, the 1'set.sfamily.

Wesley Drake was a Dickinson t 'en-ter visitor Saturday.

llev. A G. Lewis, who has been pas-toi of the Congregational church heretor nearly ihree years has tendered hisresignation to take effect -in May.

! as. he has secured a lucrative positionnear New York city. All will be sun'yto have -Mr. .Lewis leave u.s us he haagained many friends in this vicinity.

Several from this place attended theRcbekah Lodge at Maione Friday iven-

Cuia AI--<Gkilii-has .rented. A. M- Drake's-ouse and moved into the Kame.Mrs. ~t> N. Burnap has returned from

her visit in the West._Saiut Patrick's ball



Beeeherlown, \v-_re vicmitii's and O. i-:. Fd

mother. *id Nichols, ofrs at Wm. 1. N.J on Wednesday

returned irom

,d Mrs. .Joel Freeman visited A1-?f(t Tou-ePanci wife on Friday..ilrs. "\anoy Preston who has beenSiting her daughter, Mrs. Nettie Preifioi .M^U'jue has returned home.Mr and Mrs. George •Diixtm spent

Saturday in Maione." vo gentlemen of rvlalone were in town

Friday looking-; after U'-.e. right of way- - . the electric street railroad. I^et the jgood work go on. •

Mr. and ill's. Waldo But-11 and ehiluren <ue .spending a few days in town !visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Falrchiid-s. |

Miss Nellie Smith has commenced her ':>hool in Dist. No. 2.Miss Gertrude Orton spent Sunday

with her parents at Brushton.A party was- given by Gertrude Orton:• her school children on Tuesday nightf -!ast week.


3iar. 15—CriadysPtHe little (laughter a t .Mr. and Mrs. Bdw. Starks has gone toMassena to have her eyes ;.reated.

Mr. and Mrs. B er t Johnson, of Law-reuceviUe %'isited Mx. and Alr^. Bernard^lark Friday*

Mr. and ilrs. Cjark Qalo of Sout^Bombaj^ spent Sunday with Mr. and Mjw»."aiph O'Connell.

'Mrs. L«eonora Giliea, of Moira., spenta lew days the guest of Mr and Mrs.Floyd GUlen.

Mr. and Mrs. Orra lijeacham havemoved into the rooms over G. S. Page'sstore r-icently, Mr. Meaeham iiau em-ployment in Mrr-1 Burnap's crefdhery.

A number of the young1 people fromthis place were entertained by Mr. andMxs. Bernard Clark one evening tbepast week.

Mrs. Willis Burnap and daughter, Mar-ion visited Mrs. Arthur Erwin Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Collins of Nichol-•ilie visited Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Rus-'ell, Friday.

Mrs. Millard Hazen, who has been:onfined to her room for some time,•emains about the same.Mr. and Mrs. Cieorge Page, spont Fri-

lay ev<;ning with Mr. and Mrs. B.r tPage.

£ari Russell, of noira, has begun workfor Keulan Russell.

Miss JEthel Smith, of Norwood, isspending a few days ivith her father,Mr. Machaei Smith.

Mrs, John Stevens has been ill thepast week."

Miss Myrtle Rowley and brother,Olval, of Brushton, visited their .sister.Mrs. Russell one day last week.

H. M. O'Connell has begun work forMr. W. Btirnap in the creamery.

George Wright, of this place, has pur-chased a large work horse

Mrs. Henry Bogart, of ParishvlHe.spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. an.i' ' fj Sumner Russeli.

».,e .-...igei ui ifcuh iws again eivand taken 01^ uf our

Mi'.'i-i i<..--'pe^aftl citizens. Nathan 1'ounu-reured u i !.Vida,y evemp^ in appai^ni-^iy ii-ooi.' licaita but about Jl:k> wasaroused by a severe pain in his chestand in Jess H u m - a n hour's t ime-he-bad parsed to realm* beyond tin* life,

rUailure. ; Therefore, be y^-ai&o

not the .Son of Man cometh." Mr. andM\ti. Yuwig are usually^aione but onthis particular night Mrs. George Balti-w m a n a daughter, Harriet were there

ceased was bora1 in Westville. t& 8yearsago, but has been, a resident of thistown to-.- many years. He "Served hii>country iveli during the Civil war andsoon after its ciose was united in mur-- J g e io Mrs. Mary Hartson,. who sur-

ea lijui. Until about 13 years ago heb engaged m farming but since comingtowrii 10 Jive has been in the emoioy

Orcutt and a • ' -

with -ttJu^ileiiL-

G. W. Gokey is spending a week orwo in town with his family.Poles have been scattered here and

at Brushton by the Nicholville Electriciaght Co. for the purpose of lighting-the village of Brushton.

Airs. u. D. Manchester, who ha*been a jrreat sufferer for the pastseveral \-ears has been much worse the-past two weeks.

O.:r r.nw school commissioner, Mr.Wilcox, visited our high school lastTuesday.

•vt.r. and Mrs. C. E. Brush attendedthe funeral of their uncte, Mr. Paimevat Urookdale last Tuesday.

•Mrs. C. E. Burnap went to Dickinson(enter Saturday to visit her people-wno--ar-e—-IH,-- ...._••-• —

AUtfs Josie Peets is spending a Tewdavs in Massena visiting: friends.

Mrs. Kdwin Knapp and children, ofAlbany, are spending several days withner people at Hotel Hackett.

The inaole sugar season will soon bel.ere, then look out for fish stories.

Mr. and Mrs. Moses Russell an agedtcouple who reside on the Carding millroad, are both very ill and -not expect-ed to recover."Atrr- --md Mrs. Ortrrr Russeti^ vtHTterJ— at

A. P. R-'tabrook's in North Bangor lastTiu^sday.

In Uifi death of, Mr. Jerry i-Jinanwhich occurred at hi* home west of thi«villa sre Sunday morning of consump-tion, ov.i- town has lost one of its mosthighly respected citizens. The fun-eral was held Tuesday .morning at ,stMary's Catholic church at Brushton.i.nv deceased is survived by his widowa/.-d the following children: ArthurKay. Lawrence and Francis, and th*Misses Maa-tha and LuJu. The famdvhave the sympathy of th#- -entire / t om-

" -:__their great affl iction/Mrs- jeivea fBe »ad riewsr S^timtfry~

.'fiorning that her mother had justpissed away in P i t t sbu rgh , Only 'a•|-:!l°-Ti,.time ago her father died En Ma-

Mr, a r d Mrs. J. E, Maxwell pnd »- EBurnap and daughter, Gladys visited"ft':mday at Seymour Webb's

of B. L.«t JCS. j - . . orcut t and Son* most -ef-the time. Funeral services were large-ly attended from his late home onchurchy street a t 2 P. M,, on Sunday.i-C«v. Stocuin wa- i the officiating clexgv-uuxji. 1nt«rm«ut took place in Fair-viev/ cemeteiy. The beautiful cut flow-ers and toiiagu that rested on his cas-ket were given by Mr. and Mrs. Rod-ney Smith and L. C. Kingsliey, ofOttawa, Mi. and airs. W. H Roy ofXewburfe and Mr. and Mrs. H. B- Or'cuvtand MIPS .losie Orcutt, of this place.-ill-. Young leaves to mourtr -his lossbesides his wile, two sisters, Mrs Hor-ace Tower, uf Kansas Citv and Mrs-VJarvin Haskell, of this " p i ^ e onegrandson, .Bart Orew, of Eugene, Ore-gon, one granddaughter, Mrs \ l b aRobinson, of Faust, a step-daughter.*lrs. J. \V. SaJt>:n, and a large circle-offriends who extend heartfelt sympa-thy to those bowed in sorrow. Amon-iuodt- fiom out of town to attend thpruneral w e r e L . K. Klngsley. of Otta-wa; W;-.,Herbert Ray, of Newbur--Ord Cr,t'y —of Maione, Mr. and Mrs'-^Jba Kobinson, , of Fau*t and MrsJj.-ake, of Mioira. * * v

Adirondack Valley

March 11—Mr. and Airs. Theodore Wil-3n, of Sand Hil-, visited a t H K. 111-

t 'ers la^t Friday.Roberf Kerry, of Oiicago, 313., has

been visiting- a t the home of his bro-ther. J. W. Kerry the past week.

Edwin Wood and family have movedto Bang or where he has engaged to- ork for P. L* JSickinson, the cominguann . - " ^


(Received too tate for last week.)* ftfr ,p

r l o " g and severe illness, Mrs.

Prank Ifougn has passed away. Herremains were laid to rest in Unu>n cem-etery yesterday. The funeral servicesv,e»e rieid in the M. B. church. Sheleaves a husband and a littte child. Muchjyrnpatiiy is felt for the sorrowiiurtnends thus called to mourn for this

rung wife and mother,'-ast Thursday the agred uwther of

Jauies C'ainey was-laid to cast in th"cemetery near i rnion Fairs, t^he had-[ * n i" ;i«d helpless for a long time,but n»w-She Is indeed a t rest; her workis done. The memory of her kind deedsand unselfish acts will lout? be cher-ished by those who loved her well "in

own family circle ^and those wh<§Iffl of her old neighbors.

Miss Bessie Smith, of Skerry, was Itiaguest of Mrs. Burt Hutchins Wednesday.

Arthur I>urant is working for C. E.Stuart this week.

Belrose and son, Charles, of Ban-gor, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. PearlBaker one day this week.

Mr. aud Mrs. II. K. Rider are spend-iuj; the day in Bangor, the guests o£Mrs. Octavia Lawrence,

J. VV. Kerry and brother. Robert, werethe snoots of relatives and friends ini'uane, the first of the week.

L. C. Adams is in M&lon** this week,workin? for the firm of Mitchell &Ililey. during the absenca-of * one of the

Mr. and Mrs. William liadley of Con-stabie, spent Tuesday afternoon andevening at H. KT Rider's.

J. J Carroll and I* C, Adams visitedat rhe home of 3 f r . a n d M M . DeforestTaylor at St. Regis Falls, over Sunday.

Mrs. Etta McGUvney s spending afew days with Mrs. G. A. Lane, ofSkerry.

Mrs. Philip Carroll was the guest ofher daughter, Mrai Will O'Brlwi, in Ma-I one Wednesday. V

Nearly all the farmers in this sectionhave sold their potatoes and deliveredthem a t North Bangor this week: pric«-~*5 and 65 cents. *

Mrs. W. W. Stevens was a caller atJ. J. Carroll's Wednesday.

West Bangor.

Mar. 13—-M4s8 Harriet Taylor who hashern connected with the Italian missionin Syracuse the past year, i.5 a guest atfie horn? of Mr. and Mrs, L. A. Law-rence a t prasent.

Mrs. Fisk and Miss O«nevteve i^sk. ofNicholville. A ere guests of their rela-tives, Mary Bowles and Mr*. Hattk»Hoai-dway last week.

Mr. and Mrs. HaiTy Bitn,*y visited atth<» home of Mr, ;ind Mis?. 1>. C. \damslast Mondaj'. ^j

Master Jack Kaine. of Rochester isvisiting his relatives, Mr. and Mr>," -A.A. Itawrsnce a t }>r<isent-

Mrs. Sarah Smart, of Malono, visitedher friend, Mrs. Arthur Brown last wr-^k

March 25 Rev. W. H. Mqme will de-liver a lecture in the church here, thel>roceed& to be used in uui'ehaslnj* afnrnace for the church. Tickets 25 ets.

Mrs. Mary Mullen, of Brushton haspurchased the John Minor piuce on theC'ailop road. ^>

The funeral of Mrs. Mitchell Bom-bard of Brandon was held in thischurch* last Monday. Rev. Moore of-fiefated.' Mrs. Jessie Mfcurkle of Morristown wasthe gues.t of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur BrownMarch 14th.

Last Thursday evening: Mr. and Mrs!Bradford Miller entertained a large com-pjuiy of friends at cards.

and Clark French came froms Saturday to spend a few

days a t their pa ren t s home, Mr. and«-«. Peter FVench. **


Mar. 15—Mrs. John iMartin and grand'on, Jerome Martin, who went to the->ty Hospital at Ogdensburg, relurn-id Jiomu- lust .Saturday much improved

in Health. Dr. Madill removed •>. tu-mor from the boy's neck as large as aman's fist.

John Cox suffered quite a hard «"t-r.ack of the grippe, but is now ableto- be out a Iktle.

i irs . Henry Barber remains ab..ur.the sain? and Dr. McCarthy ii no v at-tending her.

Miss Augustine Gauihier, of Pi*>rce-field, is visiting her sister, J£rS. Theo-dore Bordeaux at present

Miss -^resale--Bean, of North Ba'i"ur\i> utopuvug for a while with her aunt.Mrs, Alfred French.

(r^orge Oberton, of North Ba.ngn\^:led on friends the latter ptirt orie week.U, M. Wilcox, of North Bangor, visit-

ed a t the hotti« of -.Mr. and Mrs F*H. Wikox Satorday and Sunday.

Mrs. Burton Lawrence and Roy B r i ^ sof West Bangor, calied on friends here~ne day. last w>sek.

F. H4 Wiicox was in Moira, I>icl^n->n. atid Ft. Oovington las t • week - inle interests ,04 the - ' • • - • •

Owls Head and ChaamIvfar. i;V-iXrrs. Giles Stancliff is spend-

ing a few weeks with her daughter,' Mrs.P. C. JLaPointe. in Watertown.

rho^e who have been on the sick listare abU- to be out again.

Airland Mrs. Pred da rk and children,of Tfefjper^l*ake, are visiting Mrs.Clfirk's parents, Jfe. and Mrs. Wm. B.

F'rank Ij&mh, who has been spending.several weeks with his family here,hr«j» returned to his work in Massachu-setts.

The Willing Workers of Owls Head willgive a. supper in 'F-ownsend bail on Pri-tiay eveninff, March l&. Everynn" iscwditdl^j^tiMl to attend.

The - i n f t o r s of the MountainCieamerPPSfcaars. Killam and Vissiuhave a^m^er j - busy tbe past weekputtinjr W their ice for summer u^e.Many of the patrona turned out to heiptheui and get a supply for themselves

A patty or yourijjr people from ilukuieatteiideci the neck tie supper on i^-i-day evening. All report: a g.>ed t'meCome again. '

?.Irs. LJllian lloss and son. Carl ofWThlupieville. called on friends in c-waj^jnday.

Mr aat] Mrs. c. E. Lawrence. <»f Ma-l.vne vis.ted rit the "home of Mr? II.« Averill on Sunday.

Nicholas Orabowski, whn hn.s been illfur severai weeks wtth the irrip, is alittk better, though he is -still verywe^kVv P r - H«J*wood has attended himand Dr Furness, of Malone called on'*winiss«HV as counsel.

Mr. tr.d 3lrs. Alexander JoLnsun anddaughter, ife-rtie returned t.t tlieir Lomein Titusville on Saturdav Mr Jorn-son has bj«n engaged in iumberir.^ near-stnta C'ara the past few months, Tlieirreturn was most welcome to th? vmingiiH»pk» ipfi tit Horn*. Thursday * nightv*ien s..»me member of the family wents.uj <« .3>oj<e the storm door about eightj;t !h« eronjng, a bundle wa^ seen ly-ins: upon the storm house floor. It wascarried into tha house and found toobtain J. little baby girl, Ths uttlet»ne wore a woolen ye^ i sd wrapper andthin vas wrapped in & woolen Manket.It is not known to w>iom the chlltl be-longs or who oould have placed it there.Mir. Johnson's people are eating for the

ittie one .at presem. Tho child was•wily v tew days okL

WHAT A WOMAN W M NOT DOThere fe nothing that a woman would aot do

to regain ber lost-beamy. S*e ought to beequally a* fsealoes in preservis* her «ood looks.The hertxWnk e»lk>dLanel8 F*mUy Medtcice orLane's Tea to tbe mm* efficient did la preserving% beautiful sktn, «n •> will to wore than aartblfis*=l*«tn rjrtire raes to faded cheeks. At aUdra^r t r a^ddea le r s ' S5c

Most disfiguring akin eruptions, scro-fula, pimples, rasshe*, e t c , a re due toimpure blood. Burdock Blood BittersN a cieansla|r blood tonic. Makes youl d rbraJn«d c l « l d d