loaves and fishes

Loaves and Fishes Read the story in John 6:5–13 about the boy who went to hear Jesus speak and who gave Jesus his five loaves and two fishes to share with the thousands. A scene in heaven. Were you the boy who gave Jesus his lunch of loaves and fishes? Yes, I was that boy. Weren’t you afraid you’d go hungry if you gave your food to Jesus? Why did you give away your food? After all, you must have known that what you gave wasn’t nearly enough food to feed all of the people there!

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Page 1: Loaves and fishes

Loaves and Fishes

Read the story in John 6:5–13 about the boy who went to hear Jesus speak and who gave Jesus his five loaves and two fishes to share with the thousands.

A scene in heaven.

Were you the boy who gave Jesus his lunch of loaves

and fishes?

Yes, I was that


Weren’t you afraid you’d go hungry if you gave your food

to Jesus?

Why did you give away your food? After all, you must

have known that what you gave wasn’t nearly enough food to feed

all of the people there!

Page 2: Loaves and fishes

Besides this being one of the miracles Jesus performed during His life on earth, He also taught us a lesson in stewardship and

not wasting the things we’ve been given. Jesus instructed His disciples to collect all the leftover food so that it wouldn’t go to waste.

Jesus had given very much to us through all

He taught.

So when He had a need, I wanted to help

by giving something to Him. Giving my food was one simple

way that I could help.

But I was very surprised to see how

Jesus miraculously turned my gift of a little food

into enough food to feed thousands!

The Bible tells of two times when Jesus performed this type of miracle. Another time was with seven loaves and a few fishes. You can read about the other episode in Matthew 15:34–38 or Mark 8:5–9.

Page 3: Loaves and fishes

S&S link: Christian Life and Faith: Biblical and Christian Foundation: Jesus, God’s Son-1f; Character building: Personal Responsibility: Stewardship-1aAuthored by Christi S. Lynch. Illustrations by Alvi. Design by Stefan Merour.

Published by My Wonder Studio. Copyright © 2013 by The Family International

Fill in the blanks in the verse below.

When they were ______, He said to His disciples, “Gather up the _________ that remain, so that _______ is lost” (John 6:12 NKJV).

The disciples haven’t yet found all

the leftover food. Help them find the final

ten pieces.

The Master has been very

good to give us so much food!

Let’s show our gratitude by not wasting any.

Yes, let’s be diligent to find every

leftover piece.

Are you mindful to not waste the food

I give you?