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  • Law of Attraction Basic Certification Course

    Book 5

    Steve G. Jones

    Dr. Joe Vitale



    [email protected]


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    Learning from Unhappiness.........................................................................2

    The Power of Emotions.................................................................................6

    The Power of Intention ...............................................................................14

    Possibility/Impossibility ..............................................................................19

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    While it is true that negative emotions or unhappiness in general can prevent you from

    transmitting the right signals to the Universe, it doesnt mean that you should just discard

    unhappy thoughts and emotions without even a backward glance. Remember, these are

    still your thoughts and emotions and they are trying to tell you something.

    Do you remember our lesson on our internal guiding mechanism? Our emotions reflect

    our thoughts and through our emotions, we discover what we are really thinking. We

    can only consciously process so many thoughts in a day the rest of our thoughts lie

    waiting in the subconscious.

    Both positive and negative emotions give us a clue as to what the body and mind is

    experiencing at the moment. Internal conflict, which can also prevent us from

    manifesting our desires, can also be discovered through a method we call the negativity


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    How can you perform negativity analysis to learn from negative emotions/general

    unhappiness? Here are the steps:

    1. Perform the negativity analysis when you are feeling particularly

    sad/angry/depressed/anxious, etc. Find a quiet place to perform the negativity

    analysis, far away from noise and the hubbub of daily living.

    2. Sit down and ask yourself: why am I unhappy? What is making me unhappy at

    this moment? Identify the emotion and say it out loud. If you are angry at

    someone say I am extremely angry right now because ________ If you are sad,

    say I feel depressed right now because_____________

    Identify the emotion and the cause of this emotion, if you can. With this method,

    there is no need to use an affirmative cue (whether memory-based or activity-

    based) because that is not how this method works. We are introducing several

    theories and methods so you would have a whole arsenal of tools to work with.

    3. Now that you have correctly identified the negative emotion, dont discard it just

    yet. Like a pet, keep the negative emotion with you as you sit down. Embrace the

    negative emotion and look at it in the eye.

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    What does this negative emotion look like? Describe the source of your

    unhappiness in visual terms like size, shape, color, texture or even smell. What

    does this negative emotion look like? If you can hold the negative emotion in your

    hands, what does it feel like? Cast off all doubts about this exercise so that the

    mental images will come more quickly.

    4. As you recognize the appearance of the negative emotion or experience, you will

    slowly feel a monumental change. The negative emotion will slowly subside. It

    will slowly shimmer and lose form and in a few moments, it will disappear

    completely. Before the emotion can disappear, you must hold it close and just let

    it speak to you.

    Dont be afraid of the emotion and dont be afraid of what it might say. Just let it

    speak and learn from what it is trying to tell you.

    More often than not, you will learn valuable lessons just by letting these emotions

    and negative experiences speak to you. Once you learn the valuable lessons from

    these negative experiences, they no longer have a place in your mind and in your

    body. They would have nowhere to go and they will disappear.

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    Just how powerful are emotions? Throughout this course we have been discussing the

    central role that emotion plays in attracting anything you want in life.

    Emotion is both the key and the stumbling block. If your emotions are

    affirmative/positive, they give you access to better attraction and manifesting. On the

    other hand, if your emotions are mostly negative, dont expect good results with your

    efforts because all you are actively attracting is negativity.

    Strong, negative emotions can take hold of you and never let go if you dont know what

    to do with such negativity. Here are some guidelines to help you deal with strong

    negative emotions and unhappiness so strong that you feel you are already drowning in it:

    1. The first thing you have to do is to acknowledge the presence of the strong,

    negative emotion.

    Acknowledgement is just as strong as thankfulness and forgiveness because at the

    moment that you directly acknowledge something negative, it loses its grip on

    you and you become more powerful than the negative emotion.

    Acknowledgement is tantamount to say I have my eyes on you now, you have

    been warned.

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    2. Some people like fighting bad emotions. While some folks have mastered this

    skill (and it is a skill) it is not recommended for practitioners of manifesting and

    the law of attraction. There is no guarantee that you will be successful when you

    actually force emotions away.

    There is no guarantee that you will win even 1 round with a strong negative

    emotion so dont do it at all. When you fight negative emotions, you actually

    give the negativity more power over you because that is its essence. The essence

    of all negativity is strife, anger, resentment, etc. It would be like throwing

    gasoline into a fire the negativity would only become worse.

    3. Have you ever tried burying bad thoughts and emotions? What happened after a

    while? Did the emotion/thought complete disappear or did it reoccur after a few


    Chances are, your mind will continually remind you of what you have temporarily

    buried or forgotten. If you truly want to become free from strong negativities, it is

    important that you face the negativity directly and consciously feel it for the first


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    Dont ignore it embrace it. Learn from the negativity and it will let go of you on

    its own. Do you see the big difference? When you fight negative emotions, they

    dont go away and these emotions might become worse. If you embrace negative

    emotions to learn from them, they have no reason to stay anymore and so they


    4. After acknowledging a strong negative presence in your life and it has finally

    disappeared, you must replace the negative emotion with positive thoughts and

    emotions. This will get you back on track immediately. You can try the various

    methods we have already discussed in this book.

    Use whatever method that suits you to get back on track. Use whatever method

    you like so you can simultaneously transmit positive thoughts and signals to the

    Universe once again. When you feel depressed or unhappy, let the unhappiness

    leave and replace the space it has left with affirmative thoughts and positive


    5. Purposeful switching is important to improve thoughts that may not be completely

    negative but may not be supporting what you are trying to manifest in your life.

    This is still in line with our earlier lessons on approaching the Universe for your

    needs and actively receiving what you have asked for.

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    Heres an example: people usually say I have so much debt I cant even see the

    end of this! When you say this over and over again, all you will get is debt

    because that is all you are sending out to the Universe.

    If you purposefully switch your dominant thought to I have so much money

    coming in! you will begin attracting a positive change that will slowly address

    your existing problems. The Universe is abundant in every respect and there is no

    reason for you to keep attracting bad things instead of abundance.

    You must also identify common negative phrases that you repeat to yourself

    throughout the day. The most common phrases start with I never have sufficient

    ________. Lets try to apply this phrase:

    - I never have sufficient money

    - I never have sufficient time

    - I never have sufficient opportunities to move up in life

    - I never have sufficient time with my family

    - I never have sufficient time for myself

    - I never have sufficient extra time for exercise and eating well

    - I never have sufficient time for the things that matter to me the most in life

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    As you can see, these short, seemingly non-committal phrases can paint a very

    bleak and very dark picture of ones life. You may not notice it early on but as you

    slowly start believing all these negative phrases and thoughts, you will start

    attracting these negative conditions in your life.

    You have no source of motivation to actively receive the positive things in life.

    Your emotions are always in the negative and that is all you will receive, because

    the law of attraction is obedient to all of your dominant thoughts.

    The Universe is not critical of what you are asking. It is there to give you what

    you want again, if you are not even aware that you are actually asking for bad

    things to happen to you, you will still be given bad things instead of the good

    things in life.

    An easy way to reverse this downward spiral is to simply replace I never have

    sufficient _________ with I always have sufficient ______________. Let us

    apply this new formula to the phrases we looked at earlier:

    - I always have sufficient money

    - I always have sufficient time

    - I always have sufficient opportunities to move up in life

    - I always have sufficient time with my family

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    - I always have sufficient time for myself

    - I always have sufficient extra time for exercise and eating well

    - I always have sufficient time for the things that matter to me the most in life

    As you slowly change habitual, negative phrases you will also slowly change

    what you will be attracting in life. The changes will be subtle, but they will come.

    Eventually, your words and thoughts will start painting a brighter and happier life

    for yourself and for your family. That is the true power of thoughts. Again,

    without thoughts there will be no creation and no life at all.

    6. Lets talk about the feeling of being a victim. Nothing could be worse than feeling

    that a grave injustice has been done against you and you are powerless to correct

    the injustice. Feeling like a victim is also a strong negativity that has to be

    resolved. Do not let the feeling linger because as we have already discussed,

    you gain nothing from dwelling in the past.

    And to the Universe, the past has already passed you by. You can no longer do

    anything about past events. You can try to learn from past events, but that would

    be the higher limit already.

    You have to forgive and relinquish your hold of the negativity because the longer

    it stays in your mind and heart, the more powerful it becomes in time. Negativity

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    feeds off your energy, which is why pessimists are usually tuckered out most of

    the time. It takes an immense amount of energy to stay in the negative realm.

    So how does one relinquish the feeling of being a victim? First, you have to

    understand that when you feel like a victim, you are actually accepting a role in

    life. You were not a victim before so you have to learn how to think like a victim,

    act like a victim, etc. In short, you unconsciously accept a negative role in life

    (and many people dont even recognize that they are accepting this role at all).

    Accepting the role of a victim is also like going into a deep slumber. Your

    thoughts are not clear and there are only moments that your conscious thought is

    able to pierce through the dark, foggy veil of unconscious thought.

    Your control of your thoughts and emotions are also affected significantly. As

    you take on the role of the victim, your simultaneous transmissions to the

    Universe are also largely affected. You begin transmitting signals of a helpless

    victim and you attract more events that will confirm your new roles as a victim.

    To resolve this problem, all you have to do is to finally acknowledge the feeling

    of being a victim. After acknowledging, embrace the feeling and let it evaporate

    slowly. Then systematically purge your system of any leftover negativity that may

    have stayed with you.

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    We have presented quite a number of techniques that you can use to successfully

    purge negative thoughts and emotions. Use these to erase the victim within you

    that is still lingering.

    As you do this, visualize that you are now waking up to a new, beautiful day. The

    storm has passed and you are no longer a victim. You are no longer powerless.

    You are now very powerful because you have taken back the power that was

    rightfully yours to begin with. You are powerful because you have already learned

    how to acknowledge unhappiness so that it will release itself on its own.

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    Life-changing transformations begin with a single step and this step involves your own

    intentions in life. We will momentarily shift to intentions because everyone needs

    motivation before they can begin scrubbing negative thoughts and emotions from their

    own systems. The methods we have been discussing so far are used to remove negativity

    in ones life.

    However, not everyone can be completely willing to do this unless intention is added to

    the picture. People commonly ask us: where do we begin with the law of attraction?

    Another step that would better prepare you for manifesting and better attraction is by

    stating your intentions to the Universe.

    Stating ones intentions is not the same as asking the Universe. It is similar to asking and

    you would also be asking for things indirectly. However, this step is focused on you

    specifically. With this method, we want you to create a beautiful picture of a new life. To

    help you paint this new picture, ask yourself these questions:

    1. What is it that you want most in life?

    2. What is your limit when it comes to the best things in life?

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    3. What is it about your life that you want to alter or modify?

    4. What do you want to improve in your life?

    5. What is your greatest ambition in life?

    6. What is your biggest dream ever?

    7. What is the most far-fetched dream youve had?

    8. What would you like to possess right now?

    9. What do you need to move up in life?

    10. What do you need to become the happiest person in the world?

    As you ask yourself these questions, we want you to draw different mental images. Each

    mental image should be filled with color and detail.

    Each mental image should be realistic and memorable enough to remember easily. If you

    can make each image striking, do that so that you can recall the images and the feelings

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    associated with each image easily. The more striking and memorable an image is, the

    easier it would be for you to recall it whenever you need to.

    It is important that you think of positive possibilities when you draw the mental pictures

    of your hopes, desires and dreams. Do not think of any problem at all as you visualize

    these things coming into your life. We want a solid, positive image to be ingrained deeply

    into your psyche as you visualize and transform your life through clear intention.

    When you visualize something that you want, your intention can be made clearer if you

    made a direct statement about what you want. For example, if you want to manifest a new

    house, you can state the location of your new house, the size of the house, how many

    rooms, how many bathrooms, etc.

    Be very specific and remember, do not limit yourself just because you think it is

    impossible to gain what you want in life. In the field of creation (your imagination) there

    are absolutely no limits. If you impose limits needlessly, your ability to attract and

    manifest will be affected greatly. Use this technique to attract everything that you want in


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    If you are overweight, use this technique to visualize the body and weight that you want.

    Visualize your ideal weight and the time period that you want this weight to emerge.

    Visualize yourself in your new body, enjoying every minute of your transformation from

    being an overweight individual to an individual with a lean and sexy physique. Enjoy

    every minute of it and believe that you have already received it.

    This way, you are sending strong and consistent signals to the Universe: I want a leaner

    body. This clear signal will be reflected back to you through the law of attraction. Do not

    get frustrated because it takes time for things to manifest and the bigger the desire,

    sometimes, the longer you would have to wait for it to arrive. But rest assured, what you

    asked for has already been sent to you.

    Creating a new life requires a clear direction and this method allows you to see the

    coordinates of your new path in life. No longer will you feel lost in life because you have

    already seen and received all that you want. All that is left to do is to actively receive

    what you have asked for.

    Redefined action is also needed when you actively receive something from the Universe.

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    The more you ask, the more you will receive so dont limit yourself and keep asking for

    the best things in life from the Universe. The Universe will be your new conspirator and

    supporter. The Universe will now support you in everything that you do. You just have to

    make sure that you always send the correct transmissions to it so you attract what you

    actually want.

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    What separates the possible from the impossible? Actually, it is not the world or the

    Universe that is dictating what is possible and impossible its you. If you feel that you

    are not getting the things that you want in life, this means that deep down; you have

    beliefs that are preventing you from receiving what youve asked for.

    Do you remember our discussion on beliefs, learning and un-learning? Let us invoke one

    of the core principles in our past lesson again. Learning is one thing but if you have to

    learn something that contradicts what you already know, there has to be some un-


    Un-learning, as we have already discussed, is also a form of learning but it involves

    conscious discarding of past beliefs. Un-learning is more difficult than plain learning

    because we have to relinquish our hold of existing beliefs to make way for new beliefs

    and facts. Hard as it may be, it is necessary. This particular technique would help people

    during conflict analysis.

    What is conflict analysis? Conflict analysis can be performed when you feel that you are

    attracting something but something else within you is blocking what you are trying to

    manifest. You see, we are constantly sending and receiving signals from the Universe.

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    These signals transmit our desires and the Universe constantly communicates with us

    through signals, too. The Universe shows us how our wishes will be able to manifest

    through our thoughts and emotions, too. However, if there are beliefs within you that are

    limiting the transmission of outbound and inbound signals, you will have a tough time

    attracting your desires.

    When the Universe tries to communicate with us, our mind processes the messages and

    transforms the messages so that we can apply it to our lives. Unfortunately, if something

    is holding you back, you will still get the message but there will be resistance on your

    part to actually attract what you desire.

    For example, lets say you want to buy a new car. You were able to attract a car but

    instead of getting the car of your dreams, you continually run into stumbling blocks. The

    car remains at a distance, within tantalizing reach. But still you fail to get it. Unless the

    internal stumbling block is removed, the car will remain out of reach for a very long time

    until such time that the stumbling block is finally removed.

    Once youve identified the stumbling block, you will be able to manifest the new car

    its that simple with conflict analysis.

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    Conflict analysis is not much different from meditation or all these other activities that

    require some degree of acknowledgement and learning. Because once you have identified

    the stumbling block or internal conflict that is blocking what you want to attract, you

    have to learn something from that stumbling block before it will be able to disappear on

    its own.

    Mental stumbling blocks also affect a persons ability to decipher what the Universe is

    actually saying. Lets say you want to accumulate a lot of wealth. Unfortunately, a past

    experience is making you slightly hesitant. Secretly, you feel that if you become

    extremely wealthy, you might change.

    You are also afraid that you will lose some of your friends once you build a new fortune

    for yourself and your family. These issues will distort the true messages of the Universe.

    Internal stumbling blocks are like blinders that we unconsciously put over our eyes. With

    blinders, you see very little or nothing at all. Some blinders allow you to see straight

    ahead, but you fail to see the entirety of the horizon.

    Some people ask us: what do we do when limiting thoughts begin to arrive in droves?

    Negativity attracts negativity, so it is not surprising that if you pay attention to one

    limiting thought, other limiting thoughts will suddenly appear. That is the burden of late-

    modern rationalism. We have an obsession with problems, not solutions. So even if a

    banquet was served, we would still be focusing on what we perceive is missing.

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    Dont worry about slews of limiting thoughts. Even if thoughts are generally powerful,

    you already know by now that you have a choice and you have an arsenal of tools to

    purge your own system of these undesirable thoughts.

    Just dont forget to acknowledge these thoughts and learn from them. Avoid fighting

    these thoughts this simply will not work. If you want a fast way to dispel a nasty

    limiting thought, you have to embrace the thought and feel it so that it can communicate

    what it has to communicate to you. Once you have received its message, it will go away.

    This way, you will gain positivity as you dispel negativity.

    As you practice dispelling limiting thoughts and negative emotions, you will eventually

    reach a point where you will no longer be attached to any negativity.

    You will no longer be affected by negativity because once you pay attention to it; an

    automatic mechanism will activate to dispel it. The process of dispelling the negativity

    would be quite effortless and every time you perform this clearing action, you become

    stronger and you gain more insight as to how you will achieve all of your desires in life.

    Why is conflict analysis difficult for many people? The simple reason for this is that

    people often associated their whole being with troublesome thoughts. For example, if a

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    person thinks about his debt, he imagines that he will be immersed in debt his whole life.

    This kind of thinking attracts even more problems.

    But if you are able to detach yourself from the troublesome thoughts, you will begin to

    see that these thoughts are external to you and do not necessarily refer to you at all.

    Worries and anxieties are always external to their creator. These thoughts and beliefs

    only gain power if you allow these to gain power over you. If these beliefs do gain

    power, you will become paralyzed and fearful of what is to come.

    Troublesome thoughts are like scary movies. You watch a scary movie and you see all

    these characters being tormented and chased around by frightful beings. But heres the

    thing about scary movies/scary thoughts: you are not the character in the movie. You are

    not living the scary movie. You are not being tormented or chased around by frightful

    beings this is why you should never feel attached at all to these negative thoughts.

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    Law of Attraction

    Basic Certification Course

    Examination Instructions

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    Attraction Basic Certification exam:


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