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Law of Attraction Basic Certification Course Book 3 Steve G. Jones Dr. Joe Vitale [email protected] 718-833-5299

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Law of Attraction Basic Certification Course

Book 3

Steve G. Jones

Dr. Joe Vitale

[email protected]


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Shifting Frequencies of Attraction ..............................................................3

Creating and Utilizing Affirmative Cues ....................................................4

Aligning Yourself With the Universe ..........................................................7

Approaching the Universe for Your Needs.................................................9

Belief in Attraction & Manifesting ............................................................13

Action Redefined .........................................................................................18

Deceptive Time ............................................................................................20

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Both emotions and thoughts play a vital role in transmitting the correct, affirmative

frequency to the Universe. Of course, not everyone can stay positive each and every day.

It is only normal for a person to feel sad, anxious or angry sometimes. What we are trying

to avoid here is dwelling on negative emotions and thoughts. Like attracts like; negativity

will attract more negativity, you can count on that.

Even the smallest of problems can create a tidal wave of misfortune and negativity. Have

you ever had ‘really bad days’ that started with the simplest of errors or problems, like

spilling coffee on your documents? What did you notice about the entire day? Was your

entire day ruined by that one event?

If it was, what do you think triggered all of the other misfortunes that you experienced

until you came home from work?

The answer is simple: the small problem at the start of your day attracted all the other

misfortunes later in the day. Your emotional state and your thoughts shifted to the

negative – and stayed in the negative throughout the day. By virtue of the law of

attraction, you attracted negativity because you were transmitting negativity from

morning until the evening.

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Having positive, uplifting emotions is absolutely essential if you want to maximize the

law of attraction. If you feel really good about yourself it is impossible to have bad

thoughts. If you practice shifting your frequencies every time you stray from an

affirmative path, you will eventually block out all bad thoughts and negative emotions so

that every day would be an uplifting and happy experience. No more drowning in fear or

stress – never again.

Let’s say you meet another person who wishes to tap into the majestic power of the law

of attraction. However, this person is a born pessimist and he normally dwells on the

negative aspect of things. As a result, he feels depressed all the time.

You want to help this person transmit thoughts and emotions at the right frequency so he

can begin manifesting the things he wants in life. But whenever he tries to transmit at an

affirmative frequency, he cannot stay in the right frequency because he has always been a

pessimist. So how can you help this person overcome his pessimism and his negative


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In situations where a person is terrible at keeping his thoughts and emotions in the right

frequency, that person should use affirmative cues. Affirmative cues are like mnemonic

devices for the mind and heart. And it is not terribly difficult to create and use affirmative

cues. There are two types of affirmative cues: memory-based affirmative cues and

activity-based affirmative cues. Let’s discuss the first type, which is the memory-based

affirmative cue.

To create a memory-based affirmative cue, you simply have to remember one particular

memory that brings you the most happiness in an instant. The memory can be from any

time period in life. It can be a memory of a parent who was spending time with you. It

can be a memory of a time when you met someone special and you felt complete. It can

even be a memory of a time when you purchased something really awesome and you felt

like the king of the world because of your new gadget/clothing/etc.

Now close your eyes and really hold on to this thought. Form the memory completely in

your mind’s eye and most importantly, remember how you felt when this particular event

happened in your life.

Embrace the warm, happy feeling and relive it in your mind. Congratulations – you have

successfully created your very first memory-based affirmative cue. Whenever you feel

down or depressed, all you have to do is to invoke this memory cue to correct your

emotions and thoughts.

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The second type of affirmative cue is activity-based. Let’s say you feel very depressed

because you received some terrible news from afar. You feel that your life is falling apart

(or worse, you feel that your life is no longer worth living) and negative thoughts are

spiraling out of control in your mind. In such situations, memory-based affirmative cues

may not work because of the gravity of the situation.

You need an active intervention – a cue that would force your mind to look away from

the negativity. Think of an activity that makes you happy – even for a short period of

time, like poetry, singing, painting, dancing or even driving around the city. It doesn’t

matter what type of activity you have in mind as long as you feel relaxed and happy when

you are doing it.

Make a mental note that you should do this whenever you feel that you are losing control

of your life. Remind yourself to do this when feel that you are being overwhelmed by

problems and all this negativity that surrounds you.

This activity will be your activity-based affirmative cue. As you slowly ease away from

the negativity, your thoughts and emotions will slowly shift to positivity once again. You

will do this not just because of the law of attraction but because it makes perfect,

practical sense. Affirmative cues are effective in clearing the mind and purging unhealthy

thoughts and emotions. These cues are a balm for the heart and mind.

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The Universe is in a constant state of flux and re-alignment. Every day, as we live our

lives, the Universe receives our transmissions and frequencies and the law of attraction

ensures that what we desire is reflected back to us. We want these reflections from the

Universe to be all positive.

Before this can happen, one must first acknowledge that the Universe itself is a positive

force. The Universe is a complex nexus of creation that receives input from every living

being. As such, it is a force that provides – and even in moments of destruction, such as

the death of a whole planet, the Universe ensures that no energy is wasted.

Things are merely transformed. Change is the only constant factor in the equation – and it

is this constant factor that makes the law of attraction that much more powerful.

If there is change, there can be creation, and if creation is possible, changes in your life

become extremely possible. We’re not talking about small changes here; we are talking

about monumental changes in your life that will implicate not only the smallest details

but also the big details of your life that will determine health and prosperity for the long


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Again, before this can be achieved, you have acknowledge that the Universe itself is not

out to get you but is there to help you achieve what you want. This alignment with the

Universe can be accomplished day by day.

Start with thoughts that embrace the goodness of the Universe itself. Tell yourself that

the Universe is here to help you. Tell yourself that the Universe is a beautiful place and

you deserve the best seat in the house. Remind yourself that everything you want is

already pouring in and you just have to catch everything because your life is filled with

abundance and true grace.

As you create these majestic thoughts, clear your mind and allow yourself to be

immersed in affirmative thoughts and positive emotions. Do this regularly, especially in

the most trying times. This is one ‘shortcut’ to using the law of attraction to your full

advantage. It takes time to master, but complete alignment with the Universe will make

sure that you will be able to manifest everything you want in life – and this is truly


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Every person has deep desires – desires so intense that even after years of frustration,

these desires will linger. Do you feel that you have such desires, too? If you do, would

you jump at the opportunity to actually manifest these desires in the real world?

If your answer is a resounding yes, then you only have to perform an important step: ask

for it. This may sound strange, especially after our discussion on determination – but this

is really the first and perhaps most important step of all. Let’s review all the steps that we

have covered so far in this course:

Step # 1: Thought awareness

Step # 2: Emotional awareness

Step # 3: Fine-tuning the internal guiding mechanism

Step # 4: Correcting transmitted frequencies

Step # 5: Simultaneous transmission of affirmative thoughts & emotions

Step # 6: Creating and using affirmative cues to maintain an affirmative frequency

Step # 7: Aligning with the Universe

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As you can see, all of these steps are only preparing you for the actual process of tapping

into the power of the law of attraction. These steps, difficult as they may be sometimes,

are all essential.

You should not skip any of these steps – because if you are not well-prepared, your

efforts may not produce the best results. Now, at this point in time you should become

aware that there is no single way to access the Universe and the law of attraction.

Reliable theories on the law of attraction exist and at some level, many of these theories

are presenting more or less the same approach.

The course you are reading right now will show you the best techniques when it comes to

accessing the law of attraction. There is no single ‘right way’ to do things, so what we are

going to do is we are going to explore various methods so you can enrich singular

techniques or combine several methods to come up with your own unique way of

conversing with the Universe.

Now, let’s go back to the first step that we were discussing at the beginning of this

section. This lesson is all about approaching the Universe for what we need. What kind of

relationship do you have with the Universe? If you have performed all of the steps that

we have outlined in the past volumes of this course, your relationship with the universe

should already be positive. As you progressively shift your mindset, thinking and

emotions, you will become the beneficiary of the Universe.

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The Universe itself becomes a very close friend who is willing to go the distance just so

you can get what you want. Like a magical genie, the Universe will now conspire with

you to make your dreams come true. And like a genie, all you have to do now is to ask

for the things that matter to you the most and it shall be given to you by the Universe.

To make the Universe a more familiar force in your life, think about the various

incarnations of kindhearted and generous beings throughout the ages. Think of one

particular incarnation that is familiar and warm to you.

Some people say Santa Claus, some remember asking for help from their guardian

angels. No matter what the name or form, all of these incarnations represent the Universe

itself in all its power and grandeur. What did you notice about all these incarnations of

the Universe? There are some common traits among all of these incarnations:

1. If you wish to benefit from their presence, you must establish a one-to-one

relationship first.

2. If you wish to receive something from them, you must first ask sincerely.

3. You must show that you deserve what you are asking for.

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4. Past actions determine future outcomes – each and every time.

Now that we’re clear about some basic principles regarding the Universe and its

relationship with you, let us move on to the process of approaching the Universe for what

you want in life.

Though it may sound simple, you must understand the law of attraction is like a very

precise measuring instrument. It is precise because it is able to recognize what you desire

regardless of your awareness of what you are asking for. If you are always worried about

your health and if you focus on this type of negativity for long periods, you would most

likely attract more illness than health. The law of attraction reflects true desires based on

your emotions and thoughts.

Does this mean that it is extremely complicated to ask something from the Universe

itself? Not really – you just have to be very precise and clear about what you want. Think

of the Universe as an extremely adept merchant who wants nothing more than to give you

exactly what you want. But before he can do this, he must hear clearly what it is you

really want.

You can ask for many things in life, but each desire must be transmitted clearly to the

Universe if you want to manifest things more quickly. Imagine placing an order online –

you choose the product, click the “order” button and receive the goods. You don’t click

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the “buy” or “order” button repeatedly just because you think your order may have gotten

lost somewhere. You order once and wait for your goods.

The same principle applies to the law of attraction – you just have to ask once and that’s

all you need. If you perform this step with mental clarity and positive emotions, you

transmit your ‘order’ to the Universe more efficiently. If the Universe can talk, it would

probably tell you: “I heard you loud and clear, boss!”

You may believe everything that we have discussed so far; but do you believe that you

can actually manifest the things that you want with the power of your thoughts and

emotions? Belief in the process of manifesting can be hard on some people – especially

to those who have been immersed in the cold, logical thinking of late modern society.

Never fear – just perform the steps that we have explored in the earlier volumes and all

these harmful doubts and negativities will melt away.

The more you practice un-learning and self-renewal, the more powerful the concepts will

become. Give yourself time to adjust, but don’t wait too long. Manifesting is exciting

work and there is no real reason to delay. Why delay the gratification of your deepest

need and desires in life?

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How can one believe in something new? It’s easy: have you ever had faith in someone or

something before? Did you have faith that was so strong that you knew that everything

will work out well even if you do not have one hundred percent control of the situation?

If you did, then that is the kind of belief that you have to place on the law of attraction.

If the mind is asking for something from the Universe but it rejects the idea that the

desire will actually manifest in real life, manifesting will not take place. Doubt and

deeply ingrained skepticism can harm your ability to manifest the things you want. These

thoughts and emotions will block the transmission of your desires to the Universe.

The law of attraction is quite obedient; it will take note of your skepticism. For example,

if you ‘want’ to have more wealth but you are laughing at the idea of manifesting wealth

in your life, the law of attraction will reflect the negativity back to you. As a result,

wealth might not appear at all. It will not manifest because deep down, you don’t want to

believe that it will manifest in your life.

You must have faith that you are doing something real to achieve your goals and at the

same time, you must also firmly believe that you have already received what you have

asked for. Your belief in the goodness of the Universe and the law of attraction must be


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All hint of doubt must be discarded – because you gain absolutely nothing from being

skeptical of this primal law. It would be like doubting the law of gravity or the principle

of inertia. What would you gain if you didn’t believe in gravity? You would only come to

harm if you did, since gravity does exist even if you can’t see, hear or taste it.

Let’s review the belief process for the law of attraction:

Step # 1: There must be complete belief in the law of attraction and in the good nature of

the Universe, your best ally in this life.

Step # 2: Believe that you have already received what you have asked for.

You must believe that you have already received what you have asked for so that you will

continue to transmit simultaneous signals to the Universe. This will ensure that as the

Universe counts down to the actual manifestation of what you have asked, your signals

will remain strong and clear.

Mixed signals are not good so your mindset has to remain positive throughout the process

of manifesting. Mixed transmissions to the Universe will most likely produce mixed

outcomes – some people say this is better than having nothing, but we are not interested

in mediocre results.

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We would much prefer if you produced excellent results when manifesting what you

want in life. It is important that you also perform activities that will help you imagine that

you already have what you want in life. The moment that you feel happy and content

because you are close to what you wanted, hold on to that feeling and do not let go. Let

this feeling be an affirmative cue so that in moments of doubt, you will have something

to remind yourself.

The hardest part about this process is that you can’t see the law of attraction at work. It’s

like paying for something but you don’t know where the store is and there is no definite

date of delivery.

For people who have a strong sense of belief, it’s easy to wait and let the law of attraction

do its job. Impatient folks usually want to give up if they do not get instant results. Be

cautious about instant gratification. The law of attraction does not provide instant

gratification and if you think you’ll get a new car tomorrow, you might be disappointed.

That’s another thing that you will have to contend with – disappointment. Just like any

other negative feeling, you have to acknowledge your disappointment and shift your

emotions and thinking so that you do not dwell on disappointment.

If you feel disappointed because your dreams have not yet come true, it is time to re-learn

a magnificent skill that many of us have lost when we entered adulthood: the skill of

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make-believe. Make-believe allows a person to widen his own imagination. Make-believe

also increases one’s belief in something because the mind has something to hold on to;

even if it’s just the creative process (for now).

All this is done to ensure that your level of belief stays constant as you manifest your

desire. Remember: persistence pays off.

Be persistent in believing that you have already received what you wanted. Be persistent

in reminding yourself that the Universe has already heard what you ‘ordered’ and is

doing everything to deliver what you asked in a timely manner. You live in a friendly

Universe that hears all your dominant thoughts and emotions.

Are you ready for the third step in the belief process? Now that you believe that what you

have asked will be given to you, you must now let go of all your anxieties. You must now

let the Universe itself re-arrange itself so that what you want will come. Believe that you

will receive what you asked for but you must not question how this will happen.

Do not think of how and why of the Universe itself, because this is no longer your

domain. If you begin questioning something that is unfathomably larger than yourself,

your faith in the law of attraction will waver and eventually, the manifesting process will

fail. Never forget this part of the belief process, because this will spell the difference

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between true manifesting and complete failure on your part to manifest the things that

you want.

Once you have completed the belief process, you will feel an essential change occurring:

all your stress, anger and frustrations will begin to melt away. All your doubts and

anxieties will also evaporate – leaving the ideal mindset in place. More than anything, the

law of attraction guides u to where we should go to attract what we want in life.

Attracting something does not mean that it will be given to you absolutely free.

This isn’t how the Universe works. If you want something, you have to become a

dynamic magnet, forcefully attracting thing and circumstances that will satisfy you and

make you extremely happy. Without this dynamic action, you become a static source of

transmissions and manifesting will not take place. So how does redefined action differ

from plain work?

Think about it: when you are simply working, everything is a burden. Things are

extremely difficult. Conditions are next to impossible, especially if you allow negativity

to envelope your entire being. By attracting and manifesting your goals, work is no

longer work. Work is transformed to redefined action.

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Redefined action is powerful because you no longer feel the stresses of the world. It is as

if you abandoned the shackles and weights of reality to ride a fast-moving cloud.

You ride the cloud as fast as you safely can so that you reach your goal. You ride the

cloud so that you can manifest the desired outcome. The law of attraction attracts what

you want so that it becomes completely achievable. But like a hidden treasure, you must

dig for it. There must be action or determination to reach the treasure.

Imagine the Universe handing over everything that you asked for. If you don’t reach for

it you won’t be able to receive anything. Sometimes people wonder why it takes so long

to manifest the things they want in life. Our question to these folks would be: are you

reaching for your desires? Are you actively receiving as much as you are asking for

things from the Universe? Or do you stop actively receiving after you’ve asked for


What does the Universe expect from someone who asks it for something? The Universe

expects that you know exactly what you want and you also know how to receive it.

Receiving something requires action; if something has already been attracted, that means

the Universe has re-arranged factors around you so that your desired outcomes are that

much closer to you. If you have food in the fridge, would you starve if you knew how to

prepare food?

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No. But if you don’t know how to reach for the ingredients and you decided to just wait

for food to pop up in front of you, would you be able to eat a hearty dinner? Of course

not. The same thing applies to the law of attraction. Things will not magically appear on

your doorstep on a daily basis. But you can be sure that if you need wealth, health or any

other thing in this world, it is already on its way. And by your own capacity you will be

able to receive what you need.

Time is one human concept that is truly deceptive. Time is not evil or anything, but it

does lull people into a false sense of certainty. Humans have a penchant for ‘precise’

measures. Work is measured in hours. Everything is linear. Time is linear. The best

thinkers in the world on the other hand, admit that time, the most basic form of human

measurement, is itself illusionary.

The Universe and the process of creation, attraction and manifesting are complex events

that cannot be measured accurately with time. But if you do try to measure these events

with human time, you are in for a big disappointment.

Some people loudly retort: show us a book that will tell us exactly how long this

manifesting will take place! These people are in for a big disappointment, too. Because

the Universe itself does not operate under meager human time. It operates with its own

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concept of duration. Instead of focusing on the length of time in between manifestations,

focus on how you can actively receive what you’ve asked for.