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Post on 28-Jun-2015




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Presentation from the TCC 2009 online conference titled "An eLearning Team's Tale: Choosing and Implementing the Right Learning Management System." Presented by myself, Natalie Laderas-Kilkenny and April Hayman.


  • 1. LMS Conversion Phases On Going Evaluation 8 Involve representatives from all impacted groups in most phases System adminneed to be involved in usability testing Course Conversion 7 Investigation 1 Usability Testing 2 Pilot(s) 3 System Configuration 4 Training Development 5 Training Implementation 6

2. LMS: The Final Frontier 3. This is the tale of the PLS Online Development team Its one year mission To explore various LMS systems To seek out new Web 2.0 tools and functionalities To boldly go where we had not gone before. LMS: The Final Frontier 4. Who Are We? 5. Launching our tale 6. Investigation 7. Usability Part 1 - Planning NOTE: Usability is a term used to denote the ease with which people can employ a particular tool or other human-made object in order to achieve a particular goal. Usability can also refer to the methods of measuring usability and the study of the principles behind an objects perceived efficiency or elegance. SakaiTest Envir. A Moodle Test Envir. B Tasked with a job, Gorg gets to work 8. Usability Part 2 - Testing 9. Pilot 10. System Configuration 11. Training Development 12. Training Implementation 13. Course Conversion Course Documents Module Numbers Web Content Sakai Tools Course Documents Module Numbers Web Content Sakai Tools 14. The Journey Continues Course Documents Module Numbers Web Content Sakai Tools Course Documents Module Numbers Web Content Sakai Tools 15. What We Learned 16. Q & A On Going Evaluation 8 Involve representatives from all impacted groups in most phases System adminneed to be involved in usability testing Course Conversion 7 Investigation 1 Usability Testing 2 Pilot(s) 3 System Configuration 4 Training Development 5 Training Implementation 6