lms and e-learning standards

Learning Management Systems and e- Learning Standards

Post on 14-Sep-2014




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10 minute talk given to the Central Florida ASTD chapter 2/22/2014


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Learning Management Systems and e-Learning Standards

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LMS and e-Learning Standards

• What really makes up an LMS?– ASTD definition of LMS – Technologies used in an LMS

• Demonstrations of LMSs– GGLMS– ILIAS– SCORM Cloud

• E-Learning Standards in your LMS– AICC, SCORM, xAPI (TinCan)– Development and testing– Deploying content to learners

• Purchse and Deployment Models– Cloud-based (SaaS), Open Source, Commercial (paid/proprietory)


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What really makes up an LMS?

• Database - Where the data goes.• Server -Where the courses live and the application runs

from.• Application / programming language - Produces the features

and functions of the LMS.• e-Learning Standard(s) - communication bridge between the

course and the database.• An LMS is basically a software system that stores web files

and tracks learner progress, though those files, in a database.

LMS (learning management system): Software that automates the administration of training. The LMS registers users, tracks courses in a catalog, records data from learners; and provides reports to management. An LMS is typically designed to handle courses by multiple publishers and providers. It usually doesn't include its own authoring capabilities; instead, it focuses on managing courses created by a variety of other sources. - ASTD

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What really makes up an LMS?

• All LMSs have:– Library of courses– Learners– Status reports– A way to assign learners to a course– A way to create a learner profile– A way to upload and / or create a course

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Demonstration of LMSs

• URL: docs.gglms.com• Type: Closed source• Developer: JCA Solutions


• URL: www.ilias.de• Type: Open source• Developer: ILIAS open source e-

Learning SocietyILIAS

• URL: cloud.scorm.com• Type: Closed source• Rustici Software


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E-Learning Standards in Your LMS


SCORM 1.2 & 2004

xAPI / TinCan / AICC CMI-5

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E-Learning Standards in Your LMS

• Development and testing– Ask for the LMS content integration guide it should have

standards supported and versions, size limits, media types supported, suggested dev tools, and import/export settings

– Test on SCORM Cloud– Test on the target LMS. Look for functional and

data/communication issues

• Deploying Content to Learners– Try to get a student account on the LMS for testing.– Perform a small group test with learners before taking a

course live. – Test with different browsers and OS that learners may

use. – Check to see that all learner systems produce the same

course reports in the LMS. Then make the course live.

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Purchase and Deployment Models

•Define: Not on your server.


•Define: On your server, no cost for the software

Open Source

•Define: On your server, the software cost you money


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Purchase and Deployment Models

•Pros: Nothing to install, quick sign up, server and software maintenance not your problem.


•Pros: You can modify the code, no cost to download and install, unlimited site installs, backed by the community

Open Source

•Pros: Data is on your server, software maintenance not your problem, dedicated support staff, usually more “enterprise” than other options


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Purchase and Deployment Models

•Cons: It’s not yours, your data is in the “cloud”, you can’t update the software, high usage can generate high fees.


•Cons: Its on your server! You have to take care of it. No help desk. The cost is in internal maintenance, upgrades, security patches etc.

Open Source

•Cons: Usually start-up and yearly fees, can not make changes,


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• Open Source LMS vs Commercial LMS– http://tinyurl.com/lgvoqyl

• Standards– AICC www.aicc.org , http://

www.syberworks.com/articles/aicc-and-the-lms-article.htm– SCORM 1.2 http://www.adlnet.gov/scorm/scorm-version-1-2– SCORM 2004 http://www.adlnet.gov/scorm/scorm-2004-4th– AICC CMI-5 http://aicccmi5.wikispaces.com/AICC+CMI5+Specification– xAPI http://www.adlnet.gov/tla/experience-api– TinCan http://tincanapi.com/

• What Standard Is Best– http://tinyurl.com/l9l4s5k

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Contact Info

Brian [email protected]

www.jcasolutions.com321-296-8166 x201


JCA Solutions