living waters clergy conference - diocese of derbyshire 7 can we capture what...

Living Waters Clergy Conference 30 April – 3 May 2018

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Page 1: Living Waters Clergy Conference - Diocese of Oxford...Photography Derbyshire 7 Can we capture what it means to be Christ-like through a camera lens? The Revd Dr Beren Hartless, Director

Living WatersClergy Conference30 April – 3 May 2018

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The Diocese of Oxford is the Church of England in Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes.

Together, we are the Church, called and sent by God as disciples of Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit. We are a living, growing network of more than a thousand congregations, chaplaincies and schools.

Together, we are called to be more Christ-like, to be the Church of the Beatitudes: contemplative, compassionate and courageous for the sake of God’s world.

Together, we work with God and with others for the common good in every place in one of the great crossroads of the world.

Together, we are called to proclaim the Christian faith afresh in this generation with joy and hope and love.

Together, we are called to dream dreams and see visions of what could be, and see those visions come to birth.

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IntroductionThis booklet and the accompanying folder contains everything you need to know about our time together and details of the various talks and events you can sign up to.

Finding your way aroundOnce you’ve registered and found your room, it’s worth taking a moment to familiarise yourself with the layout of the site. A site map can be found in your conference folder.

Sign up!Once you’re settled in, be sure to sign up for the events and workshops you’d like to attend during the next three days. Sign up sheets can be found in the registration area on arrival and in the bar area throughout the conference. Please note that some workshops and reflection spaces have limited space available. Sign up promptly on arrival to avoid disappointment.

Lunch and opening EucharistLunch is provided in the dining rooms from 12:30pm on Monday and the opening Eucharist takes place at 1:45pm in the Derbyshire Hall.

BookstallWe’re pleased to welcome St Andrew’s Bookshop to the conference. Be sure to visit them in the Lounge from 3:30pm on Monday through to 11:00am on Thursday.

Staying offsite?A small number of people have rooms at the nearby Travelodge (SatNav DE55 1HJ). Please see the joining instructions sent to you by email.

Help and supportChaplains are available throughout the conference. In the event of a non-medical emergency, please call 0787 655 3882 or speak to a member of the conference planning team (red lanyards).


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God of our pilgrimage,We are a thirsty people in

a dry and weary land.Strike our stony hearts afresh.

Restore your springs of life within us.

Renew us by your Holy Spirit.

Let streams of living water flow through

all your ChurchFor the healing of the nations

For the blessing of the earth

And to the glory of your Son, Jesus Christ

our Lord. Amen

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WelcomeDear friendsWelcome to our clergy conference. It’s good to have you here. Thank you for making the time to be present in the sessions. We come from scattered lives to be with God. Let us recognise God’s presence with us in every part of our gathering. We come to seek grace for life and ministry, to seek healing and forgiveness. We come as part of an imperfect Church seeking to be more Christ-like for the sake of God’s world. We come as thirsty pilgrims seeking living water.

As we have prayed and planned for the conference, we have tried to make it a time for renewal in personal discipleship in a whole variety of ways: for rest and refreshment. Our guide passage has been Ezekiel’s vision of the river of living water flowing from the threshold of the temple: one of the key turning points of the Old Testament scriptures where hope and grace and life replace fear and death.

We are all different and find grace and renewal in many different ways. But there is immense value in drawing apart to be with God together as a company of priests and ministers serving the people of God together in the Diocese of Oxford. We will continue through this conference to explore what it means to be a more Christ-like Church for the sake of God’s world: contemplative, compassionate and courageous.

I am deeply grateful to all those who have contributed to the conference planning, to our visiting speakers and particularly to those who have travelled to join us and enrich our conference from our link dioceses of Kimberley and Kuruman, Växjö and Nandyal. Please make all our guests and one another very welcome. I hope a conference like this is an opportunity to make new friendships as well as renew old ones – often in unexpected places.

We offer this gift of time and space to God that through it, God will do a new thing and continue to deepen in us the Spirit’s great work of renewal in the Church of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Bishop Steven


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Engaging with God’s word9:15am each day, Derbyshire Hall

For the past year we have explored our call to be a more Christ-like Church as a diocese through two passages in the Gospels: the Beatitudes from Matthew 5 and the story of the raising of Lazarus from John 11.

We will explore similar themes this week as we engage with God’s word but this time reading passages from the Epistle to the Colossians.

Colossians is written to help the Church to be more Christ-like. The letter begins by setting contemplation right at the heart of our faith in one of the most beautiful and powerful reflections on the nature of Christ in the entire New Testament: a reflection which shaped the Christology of the early Church very powerfully. This contemplation of Christ is the source of our renewal and life in every generation.

Colossians goes on to explore what it means to live our lives courageously as disciples and ministers of Christ, keeping the heart of the gospel at the heart of the life of the Church. The letter takes us back to our baptism and explores discipleship through the powerful baptismal image of dying with Christ to be raised with him.

Finally, Colossians sets out a profound vision of the Church as a community of compassion using a second key image of baptism: stripping off the old self and being clothed with the new.

Each Bible reading will be followed by a time of reflection in small groups and questions are offered in this conference programme to guide your conversation.


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Monday – Contemplative1130 Registration Reception area

1230 Lunch Dining rooms

1345 Opening Eucharist Derbyshire Hall1515 Afternoon break - keys to your

room are now available

Bookstore open

The lounge

1600 Hearing the voice of God in creation

Derbyshire Hall

1645 Workshops and reflection spaces

see pages 8-11

1800 Evening prayer in small groups see your conference folder

1830 Bar opens Bar area

1900 Evening meal Dining rooms2000 Socialising

Bookstore open

2130 Night prayer (optional) Chapel

Activities in bold indicate times when we are all together.

Please note that some workshops and reflection spaces have limited space available. Sign up promptly on arrival to avoid disappointment.

The sacrament is available in gluten-free form. The wafers are guaranteed to contain less than 20 parts per million of gluten and will be consecrated on a separate paten. The chalice at this station will be kept separate and free from contamination by intinction.

ChaplaincyThe chaplains at our conference are three members of the Franciscan Community – Sister Sue, Brother Joseph Emmanuel and Brother Philip Bartholomew. They are available for prayer, counsel and accompaniment or to hear confessions (if asked). They are available either by approaching one of them wherever we happen to be, or meeting by arrangement in a designated chaplain’s room (Lakeside). The Chapel is also available for most of our conference as a quiet prayer space.


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OPENING EUCHARISTDerbyshire Hall, 1400 hrs

We welcome dry and dusty travellers to drink of the waters. This service invites each of us to reflect on what it means to be a Christ-like Church for the sake of God’s world: contemplative, compassionate and courageous in all that we do.

President: Bishop Colin Preacher: Bishop Steven

KEYNOTEHearing the voice of God in creationDerbyshire Hall, 1600 hrs

Taking the first of the three marks of a Christ-like Church as her theme, Revd Dr Rachel Mash helps us to hear the voice of God in creation. Based in Capetown, South Africa, Rachel is the Environmental Coordinator for the Anglican Church of Southern Africa (South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Namibia, Angola and Mozambique) and serves on the Anglican Communion Environmental Network.


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Workshops and reflection spacesArt for allButterly 1 – maximum 30 participants

Relax, reflect and play together with Carol Marples, artist and development worker for the Soul Marks Trust. Carol will lead ‘art worships’ to create a series of simple vessels reflecting the three marks of a Christ-like Church. Vessels become visual symbols in the daily Eucharistic worship, gradually changing and enhancing our worship environment. Open to all; no artistic experience necessary! Participants may come to one or all of the workshops.

Prayer stationsButterly 2

An opportunity to take time out and prayerfully explore what it means to be contemplative, compassionate and courageous. BeSpace is an Oxfordshire based charity that works alongside local churches to facilitate prayer spaces in schools and other areas of the community. The charity offers equipment, training and support to Christians running prayer spaces. Participants may come to one or all of the sessions.

Epiphany sound portraitsDerbyshire 2

God speaks to us in many ways. With instruments and voices Epiphany use improvised music as a means of creating a ‘sound portrait’ of the people they play for. Many are deeply moved by the experience, which lasts for 15 minutes. Epiphany will play for individuals, couples or small leadership teams throughout the conference. Not to be missed! Time slots must be signed up in advance.


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Contemplating Christ with St BonaventureDerbyshire 4

St Bonaventure was a leading theologian in Paris before becoming Minister General of the Franciscans. A contemporary of St Thomas Aquinas, he is known as the Seraphic Doctor because of the profoundly contemplative orientation of his theology. This workshop, led by the Revd Douglas Dales, author of Divine Remaking: St Bonaventure and the Gospel of Luke, presents an overview of Bonaventure’s theology and spiritual significance.

Seeking God in a strange landDerbyshire 5

Diocesan Children’s Adviser Yvonne Morris invites you to join a Godly Play session to dwell in, contemplate and wonder at our place in God’s story and God’s place in our story. This isn’t a training session. You will experience and participate in Godly Play as a way to find God in all places and at all times.

PhotographyDerbyshire 7

Can we capture what it means to be Christ-like through a camera lens? The Revd Dr Beren Hartless, Director of IME Part 2 and a keen photographer since childhood, will help you explore just that. Participants will discuss, shoot and curate images for display during the conference. Be sure to bring your camera (or camera phone) along.

Church in creationDerbyshire 8

Following on from her plenary session earlier in the afternoon (see page 7) the Revd Dr Rachel Mash explores leading a church in creation care. A time for theological input, shared personal experiences and practical suggestions.

The activist contemplative?Writing room, main house

The very word ‘contemplative’ can be difficult for those who think of themselves as extrovert, as it suggests a more introverted personality. So what about the activist person – what might contemplative mean for them?


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Contemplative: learning from our partnersDerbyshire Hall

In a conversation chaired by Bishop Andrew, brothers and sisters in Christ from each of our link dioceses discuss their take on what it means to be contemplative. An opportunity to meet and hear from Revd Jeedi Abraham prem Chand, Revd Chandra Sekhar G., Christopher Meakin, Teresia Clifford, Bishop Ossie and the Ven. Aaron Morake.

The contemplative GodDove room

Led by Revd Dr Joanna Collicutt, this workshop switches us from the perspective of contemplation as a human activity to the divine perspective: exploring the creative nature of God’s mindfulness and remembering, and the way this plays out in the life of Christ. This has implications for a theology of grace and to considering pastoral care as an act of contemplation and ‘re-membering’.

The spiritual discipline of laughterTissington Room, Lakeside – maximum 20 participants

GK Chesterton said that in anything important, you must have mirth, or you will have madness. Drawing on the Happiness Course, techniques from Laughter Yoga, and his experience as a stand-up comedian, Ian Macdonald invites you to enjoy and to participate in play, laughter, and absurdity. The workshop explores what laughter reveals, and what it enables… and how to laugh more.

Singing the psalmsChapel

Colin Baldy helps us to explore different ways of singing the psalms. This will include singing psalms responsorially, in plainsong, metrically and in Anglican chant. All have different characteristics. Which one will aid your own prayer?


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Praying in 17 syllablesReading room, main house

We’ve all heard the expression less is more. This is never more true than of the ancient Japanese form of poetry called haiku. Take a passage of scripture and use it as an imaginative trigger to write your own haiku, connecting the word of God with the desire of your heart. Come and play, pray… and find your inner poet.

Contemplating God in artDerbyshire 3

How does art speak to us and how can we deepen our appreciation of what it is expressing and where God is in it? Led by Georgie Simpson, the group will explore beauty in the unexpectedly mundane, and what happens when we respond to the implicit invitation to recognise God in our everyday lives. No prior knowledge of art history is required, simply a desire to surrender yourself to what is there.

The power of storiesDerwent room, Lakeside

Stories can be powerful. Many of us will remember stories we were told as children. We also know that Jesus was a great storyteller, often using stories to help the hearer understand his message. In this session Revd Simon Faulks (performer, evangelist and Anglican priest) will be contemplating stories of the Bible, looking at how we can get in and explore a story and use it in our ministry.


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from Contemplative to Courageous


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Tuesday – from Contemplative to Courageous0800 Morning prayer Derbyshire Hall

0830 Breakfast Dining rooms

0915 Bishop StevenEngaging with God’s word

Derbyshire Hall

0955 Small group sessions see your conference folder

1030 Morning break


Epiphany Sound Portraits (p.8)

Main house


Derbyshire 2

1100 Archbishop Angaelos The persecuted Church

Derbyshire Hall

1200 Eucharist led by Bishop Helen-Ann Hartley

Derbyshire Hall

1300 Lunch Dining rooms1400 Free time


Epiphany Sound Portraits (p.8)

Abseiling & climbing (16 places)

Local walks available


Derbyshire 2


1500 Afternoon break Main house

1530 Rachel MashClimate change – a personal response

Derbyshire Hall

1615 Workshops and reflection spaces see pages 17-19

1800 Evening prayer in small groups see your conference folder

1830 Bar open

1900 Evening meal Dining rooms2000 Comedy night

Jo Enright, Tony VinoConference Hall

2130 Night prayer (optional) Chapel

Activities in bold indicate times when we are all together. Chaplains are available throughout the conference. See page 6.

from Contemplative to Courageous


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ENGAGING WITH GOD’S WORD – SMALL GROUP WORKColossians 1.1-23A contemplative Church: setting Christ at the centre of our identityOne member of the group should read Colossians 1.15–23.

Keep a few moments’ silence. In the silence notice where your attention lingers. It may be a word or phrase which strikes you or a question you want to ask.

In pairs, share where you have noticed your attention lingers.

Each pair should then share what they have heard their partner say about what they noticed in the passage. Allow the conversation to flow freely.

As you come to the end of the time, spend a few minutes reflecting as a whole group on what you are learning about becoming a more contemplative disciple and becoming a more contemplative Church.


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KEYNOTEThe persecuted ChurchArchbishop AngaelosDerbyshire Hall, 1100 hrs

As our programme moves from contemplative to courageous, who better for us to hear from than His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos? Widely recognised for his extensive advocacy work, Archbishop Angaelos will provide a small window on the daily life and witness of Christians in the Middle East, and particularly Coptic Orthodox Christians in Egypt, who live a faithful and true depiction of Christ and present his light in the midst of increasing darkness around them.

His Eminence will also present a model by which we can be inspired by their example in our ministry here in Britain, and to address the challenge, albeit very different, that we face in our daily ministry.


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EUCHARISTDerbyshire Hall, 1200 hrs

Our preacher and president for today’s Eucharist is the new Bishop of Ripon, the Rt Revd Dr Helen-Ann Hartley. She was originally ordained in the Diocese of Oxford and worked in rural ministry before being appointed as the Director of Biblical Studies and a lecturer in the New Testament at Ripon College Cuddesdon. She was appointed Bishop of Waikato and Taranaki in New Zealand in 2014.

KEYNOTEClimate change – a personal responseRachel MashDerbyshire Hall, 1530 hrs

It is the poorest who are impacted first and worst: drought, flooding and sea level rises are a lived reality for developing countries. Rachel will share her experience of life in South Africa and how the Church is responding. Can we make a theology of caring for creation mainstream?


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Workshops and reflection spacesCourage in leadershipTissington room, Lakeside

Leadership is often messy. Those we oversee or lead with can hold very different views and expectations and, even if all are pulling in the same direction, change can feel risky without any guarantees about successful outcomes. John Dunnett, General Director of CPAS, leads a session to explore the tools and ideas that will nurture courage as part of our leadership.

Hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poorDerbyshire 3

Sharing stories from the Anglican Church of Southern Africa and the Church of South India, Rachel Mash and Revd Chandra Sekhar G. consider what the Church can do to tackle climate change in terms of spirituality, local action and advocacy.

Daily workshops: Prayer stationssee page 8

Epiphany Sound Portraitssee page 8

Art for Allsee page 8

Photography see page 9

Courageous: learning from the world ChurchDerbyshire Hall

In the second panel discussion at this conference, Bishop Andrew is joined by Archbishop Angaelos and representatives from our link dioceses to consider what we can learn from the world Church (see page 10 for a full list of panel members).

Circus skillsSports Hall

Ever wanted to walk on stilts, balance a peacock feather or learn to juggle? These and other circus toys will be around for you to come and have a go…


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Courage for difficult timesReading room, main house

Led by Denis Smith, diocesan mediator, this workshop is designed to help reaffirm your identity and security in God and to help you move forward with courage in difficult situations. Participants will look at behaviour in conflict situations and ways of transforming conflict, including techniques for dealing with difficult issues and behaviour.

Knowing your neighbourDerbyshire 5

Scriptural Reasoning (SR) is a tool for interfaith dialogue whereby people of different faiths come together to read and reflect on similar themes in their scriptures. This workshop, led by Revd Charlotte Bannister-Parker, will discuss the theory of SR and how it can be used in practice for action, friendship and dialogue. The workshop includes a practice session, taking scriptures from the three Abrahamic faiths on the theme of compassion.

Using the voice courageouslyChapel – maximum 30 participants

A workshop on vocal technique for people of all abilities. Learn how the voice works, how to use it without panicking, and how to ensure that you can keep the pitch and pace so that your voice doesn’t tire.

Courage to be, and remain, aliveConference Hall

Join Alison Webster, diocesan Social Responsibility Adviser, in conversation with two artists, who will also perform some of their work. Rachel Mann is a parish priest in Manchester, a philosopher, writer and poet in residence at Manchester Cathedral. Ben Okafor is a singer–songwriter, actor, poet, social activist and a former child soldier in the Biafran war.


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Undefended leadershipDerbyshire 8

Neil Warwick has worked in industry, charity and the Church. In this workshop he explores how to cultivate undefended leadership that is vulnerable, gives away trust, takes risks and is free to achieve or not achieve. Participants will examine how undefended leadership applies to the Church, how it can be developed in practice and how we can each begin to apply it right now.

Learning to say noDove room, Lakeside

Time: is it our servant or our master? Charles Chadwick offers a model of dealing with time that enables parish clergy to finish a day saying, “I’ve done today’s work”.

This session is designed to help you think creatively and realistically about time, learn how to recognise when enough is enough, and how to say “No”.

LEGO® Serious Play®Derwent room, Lakeside – maximum 30 participants

Explore the challenges of life in ministry using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method: a facilitated meeting, communication and problem-solving process in which participants are led through a series of questions, probing deeper and deeper into the subject. Each participant will build a LEGO® model that informs group discussion, knowledge sharing, problem solving and decision making.


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Grab a drink and then come and participate in a different three Cs: Cachinnating, Chuckling and Chortling.

COMEDY NIGHTConference Hall, 2000 hrs

An evening of live comedy hosted by Ian Macdonald, featuring the wonderful Jo Enright (“One of the most naturally gifted comic talents I’ve ever seen.” – Peter Kay) and the delightful Tony Vino (“Tony Vino makes me laugh on and off stage. He’s always funny and has some of the same letters as my name.” – Tim Vine).


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Courageous to Compassionate


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Wednesday – Courageous to Compassionate0800 Morning prayer Derbyshire Hall

0830 Breakfast Dining rooms

0915 Bishop StevenEngaging with God’s word

Derbyshire Hall

0955 Small group sessions see your conference folder

1030 Morning break


Epiphany Sound Portraits (8)

Main house


Derbyshire 2

1100 Loretta Minghella Finding Compassion

Derbyshire Hall

1200 Eucharist led by Bishop Ossie

Derbyshire Hall

1300 Lunch Dining rooms1400 Free time


Epiphany Sound Portraits (8)

Wellbeing marketplace

Local walks available


Derbyshire 2



1500 Afternoon break Main house

1530 Flourishing in Ministry Derbyshire Hall1615 Workshops and reflection see pages 26-28

1800 Evening prayer in small groups see your conference folder

1830 Bar open

1900 Evening meal (with wine) Dining rooms2000 The Harry and Chris show Conference Hall

2130 Night prayer (optional) Chapel

Activities in bold indicate times when we are all together. Chaplains are available throughout the conference. See page 6.


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ENGAGING WITH GOD’S WORD – SMALL GROUP WORKColossians 1.24–2.15A courageous Church: seeking to present everyone mature in ChristOne member of the group should read Colossians 2.6-15.

Keep a few moments’ silence. In the silence, notice where your attention lingers. It may be a word or phrase which strikes you or a question you want to ask.

In pairs, share where you have noticed your attention lingers.

Each pair should then share what they have heard their partner say about what they noticed in the passage. Allow the conversation to flow freely.

As you come to the end of the time, spend a few minutes reflecting as a whole group on what you are learning about becoming a more courageous disciple and becoming a more courageous Church.


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EUCHARISTDerbyshire Hall, 1200 hrs

The two dioceses of Oxford and Kimberley and Kuruman formed a partnership link in 1992 which continues to the present day. Our preacher and president for Wednesday’s Eucharist is the Rt Revd Oswald Swartz, Bishop of Kimberley and Kuruman.


KEYNOTEFinding compassionLoretta Minghella, First Church Estates CommissionerDerbyshire Hall, 1100 hrs

Loretta Minghella will encourage us to take a fresh look at compassion, what it is and what is isn’t, and what it requires of us. Drawing on Luke’s Gospel, her experience at Christian Aid, her own faith journey and her work at the Commissioners, Loretta will explore what being more compassionate really means, and how it links to courage in particular.

Many of us will know of Loretta from the tremendous work she led as Chief Executive of Christian Aid. Prior to that she was Chief Executive of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, overseeing the payment of over £21bn in compensation to victims of bank and other financial failures.


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KEYNOTEFlourishing in MinistryDerbyshire Hall, 1530 hrs

Bishops and archdeacons are committed to creating and sustaining an environment in which all can flourish as we work together to build the Kingdom of God. Flourishing in Ministry is a new booklet intended as a practical resource for all those exercising licensed lay and ordained ministry in the Diocese of Oxford.

The Ven. Olivia Graham, Archdeacon of Berkshire, will look at how we can each become more compassionate with ourselves, our families and our friends. Bishop Steven will join us on stage for an informal discussion about flourishing in every area of ministry. Pick up a copy of the booklet after this session and join the discussion online at

Flourishing in Ministry Advice and support for lay and ordained ministers


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Workshops and reflection spacesMeet at reception for a prayer walk

Prayer stationssee page 8

Epiphany Soundsee page 8

Art for Allsee page 8

Photography see page 9

Building resilience in ministryWriting room, main house – 20 participants

Self care is not the same as self interest; it is not just beneficial to yourself, it is beneficial to others and to God. Maintaining a level of congruence whilst in a very public role can be demanding, and sometimes results in poor coping mechanisms. Jan Korris invites you to take a compassionate view of your work/life balance, challenges some unhelpful mindsets and encourages you to leave the workshop with at least one practical step that will support a safe and creative ministry.

Growing through mentoringTissington room, Lakeside

Mentoring is a key way to help nurture healthy and fruitful discipleship. John Dunnett explores what makes Christian mentoring distinctive and how it relates to other helping roles such as coaching, spiritual direction, counselling, and pastoral care. This session will introduce ways to establish a church-based mentoring network including use of the CPAS resource Mentoring Matters, a practical take-home resource for those who want to set up mentoring networks.

Workshops related to Flourishing in Ministry


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Compassion in social justiceConference Hall

Alison Webster invites Inderjit Bhogal and Anthony Reddie to reflect on the theme of compassion and justice in their own life stories. How is ‘righteous anger’ to be held in tension with the call to be compassionate? Can and should we be gentle in our pursuit of justice and, if so, how can we also be hard-edged? How do we avoid collusion with, and appropriation by, the forces of injustice?

Inderjit is founder of the City of Sanctuary movement and a former leader of Northern Ireland’s oldest peace and reconciliation organisation. Anthony is one of the UK’s leading black theologians, Extraordinary Professor with the University of South Africa and a Learning and Development Officer for the Methodist Church.

Harnessing courage for compassionDerbyshire 3 – 20 participants

We endeavour to be open hearted as we relate to ourselves and our parishioners, but fears and old habits can get in the way. With a focus on addressing blocks to compassion, Dr Jen Brickman, a clinical psychologist working with Christians in ministry, will help delegates to work together to consider alternative, more compassionate responses to emotional discomfort in ourselves and others.

Parenting in the vicarageDove room, Lakeside – 12 participants

Parents - Grandparents - savour the soft centres, wrestle with the nutty ones and take time out to support and encourage each other as you get a taste for being passionate about parenting. This is the most important role anyone ever has, so let MU Parenting Facilitator, Louise Butler, help you along the way.

A lifestyle for GodDerwent room, Lakeside – 25 participants

Recognise how lifestyle choices impact on health and wellbeing, and reflect on how those choices also have potential to impact on our spiritual life. Carol Morrison leads us in exploring how a creative prayer life can contribute to health and wellbeing, and how lifestyle choices and prayer can build health and resilience.


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Discipleship in the path of MosesDerbyshire 5

Christian Aid’s Sue Richardson explores radical compassion, vulnerable contemplation, and hope-filled courage. Deepen your understanding of how God continually surprises us with new revelation about his purpose in the world and explore how the dynamic of being and doing can resource us for active discipleship.

Making the most of Continuing Ministerial DevelopmentDerbyshire 8

What is the shape of the CMD programme that would best resource you for your role in ministry and mission? Share your thoughts about the 2019 CMD programme with David Heywood, Deputy Director for Mission, and explore the factors that help and hinder fruitful CMD.

Ministry accompanimentTaster sessions available

Ministry Accompaniers are here to support you in your ministry and can help with a variety of issues on a one-off basis or over a period. Five members of the network are at Swanwick to provide half-hour taster sessions. Parish Development Advisers Charles Chadwick and Gill Lovell will direct you to the person best able to support you. Speak to them and look out for leaflets with further information.


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THE HARRY AND CHRIS SHOWJoin us in the Conference Hall for an evening of poetry and music with the nation’s favourite comedy-rap-jazz-duo!

Having played together in various forms for over 10 years, World Poetry Slam Champion Harry Baker teams up with BFF/Jazz Musician Chris Read as the imaginatively titled ‘Harry and Chris’. After sell-out runs of their 2016 and 2017 shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Harry and Chris are excited to be on the road again!

Making comedy-jazz-rap a thing, their songs range from panda repopulation to coming of age to Robot Wars, and they bring love and laughter to a world that needs both more than ever.

“Harry and Chris’ set leaves the audience with a smile on their face and the catchy tunes stuck in their head for the rest of the day.”★★★★★ The Sunday Post

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Thursday – Christ-like0800 Morning prayer Derbyshire Hall

0830 Breakfast Dining rooms

0915 Bishop StevenEngaging with God’s word

Derbyshire Hall

0955 Small group sessions see your conference folder

1030 Morning break

Bookstore (final session)

Main house


1100 Bishop Steven and Rachel Mash Reflections from the conference

Derbyshire Hall

1145 Closing Eucharist led by Bishop Steven

Derbyshire Hall

1300 Lunch Dining rooms1400 Conference ends

Activities in bold indicate times when we are all together.

Around 18 months ago, a group of 20 clergy from across different contexts and traditions of our diocese gathered to explore the theme and content for our conference. As we dwelt together in Ezekiel 47, a vision emerged that would shape our 2018 conference programme.

We believed that to offer refreshment meant a programme which had opportunities for creativity, participation, space, laughter, new experiences, play, imagination and conversation; to be experienced individually and in community. In short, a gathering that was part festival and part retreat!

Above all, we hope and pray that this conference has been a time of blessing and renewal for you. ‘Living Water’, the source of our renewal, should be sought with the recognition that we are disciples of Christ first, and priests second. We hope and pray that the last few days have provided the space and inspiration to explore the many ways that we can each become more contemplative, compassionate and courageous.

Andrew Anderson-Gear (Director of Mission)on behalf of the 2018 Clergy Conference Planning Group


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ENGAGING WITH GOD’S WORD – SMALL GROUP WORKColossians 3.1-17A compassionate Church: clothed with the love of Christ for God’s worldOne member of the group should read Colossians 3.12-17.

Keep a few moments’ silence. In the silence, notice where your attention lingers. It may be a word or phrase which strikes you or a question you want to ask.

In pairs, share where you have noticed your attention lingers.

Each pair should then share what they have heard their partner say about what they noticed in the passage. Allow the conversation to flow freely.

As you come to the end of the time, spend a few minutes reflecting as a whole group on what you are learning about becoming a more compassionate disciple and becoming a more compassionate Church.


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Thank you

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Published by the Diocese of Oxford, Church House Oxford, Langford Locks, Kidlington OX5 1GF

© Oxford Diocese 2018 UK registered charity number 247954Tending creation: printed using FSC® certified wood-free uncoated paper.