liturgical training · fri. 8am special intention for j.c. shatto sat 6pm + angelina ruiz sun 7am...


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Page 1: Liturgical Training · Fri. 8am Special Intention for J.C. Shatto Sat 6pm + Angelina Ruiz Sun 7am +Matthew S. Sanchez 10am Shelley Rivas +Lity Pinedo11:30am 6pm Saint Rose of Lima
Page 2: Liturgical Training · Fri. 8am Special Intention for J.C. Shatto Sat 6pm + Angelina Ruiz Sun 7am +Matthew S. Sanchez 10am Shelley Rivas +Lity Pinedo11:30am 6pm Saint Rose of Lima
Page 3: Liturgical Training · Fri. 8am Special Intention for J.C. Shatto Sat 6pm + Angelina Ruiz Sun 7am +Matthew S. Sanchez 10am Shelley Rivas +Lity Pinedo11:30am 6pm Saint Rose of Lima

Liturgical Training

Saint Rose of Lima Parish

December 16

Main Church-Friday 6:00pm

Calling all ministers who serve at the


I am calling this gathering so that we are all on

the same page when it comes to serving at the

Holy Mass.

The Holy Mass is a sacred occasion which

should focus on the blessed Eucharist, Jesus!

Let us together make the Holy Mass into an

experience which will bring true meaning to our

daily life, by worshiping our Lord

with Joy and enthusiasm.

Fr. Robert Rodriguez

Youth Choir: Practice every Wednesday at 6:00 pm in

church loft. Please encourage your youth to share his / her


Precana -meeting is set for Saturday from 9-5

February 11 2017. Please join us for Mass. You are

able to pick up the registration form from the Saint

Rose of Lima Parish office. The cost will be $50

per couple which should be paid in the office. For

more information please call St. Rose of Lima Parish

office 928-428-4920.

Southeastern Arizona Dementia Friendly

Communities along with Frank Granberg and Mary

Hartung. Is sponsoring a Holiday season get together

for memory impaired patients and their loved ones. It will be

held on Thursday, December 15th, at the Main Street

Cafe at 1:30 p.m. There will be free beverages and

snacks. There will be familiar Christmas carols to sing. We

hope that there will be many who will take advantage of this

fun and entertaining opportunity. Please come and enjoy each

other at this wonderful Christ-centered time of year.

BEFITTING FRUITS OF REPENTANCE In his reflection on reconciliation and penance, St. Pope John

Paul 11 stated that: the words conversion, repentance, penance

and reconciliation are in close connection. Penance means the

inmost change of heart under the influence of the word of God

and in the perspective of the kingdom. But penance also means

changing one’s life in harmony with the change of heart, and in

this sense doing penance is completed by bringing forth fruit

worthy of penance: it is one’s whole existence that becomes

penitential, that is to say, directed towards a continuous

striving for what is better… penance is therefore, a conversion

that passes from the heart to deeds, and then to the Christians

whole life’.

Today’s Gospel Mt 3:1-12, presents us with the penitential

spirit of advent in the person of John the Baptist and his fierce

demand to produce fruits befitting our great spiritual heritage

of faith, without any iota of pretension and presumption of been

automatically guaranteed salvation based on descent from a

religious family background.

John’s personal lifestyle speaks volumes of an ascetical

practice: he lived in the desert, a place with little water, rare

vegetation, scorching heat, lack of food and shelter. He had no

clothing except a garment made of camel- hair with a leather

belt tied to his waist, his food was locusts and wild honey and

he did not attach importance to the comfort that the temple

afforded the priests even though his father Zachariah was one

of the clerics. Thus Pope Francis’s decision to shun the official

papal apartments and rather live in a much more modest

Vatican hotel so as to be in constant contact with ordinary

people is typical of John the Baptist’s lifestyle.

John’s message of the baptism of repentance targeted two

groups of people: to the general audience, he sounded

positively; repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Then, to

the particular audience made up of Pharisees and Sadducees

came the thundering and heart rending words: you brood of

vipers…if you are repentant, produce the appropriate fruit, and

do not presume to tell yourselves, we have Abraham for our

father. The ordinary people had little knowledge of God but the

Pharisees and the Sadducees were the main stream of religious

worship to whom much was given and much demanded. John

told them that appearances are deceptive.

Since all that glitters is not gold and God looks at the heart not

at physical appearance, entry into the kingdom of God which

Christ ushers in, demands that all must change and cleanse

their hearts of sin not only in the sacraments but in concrete

action. Through baptism the Christian is sacramentally

assimilated to Jesus, who in His own baptism anticipates his

death and resurrection. The Christian must enter into this

mystery of humble self abasement and repentance, go down into

the water with Jesus in order to rise with him, be reborn of

water and the holy Spirit so as to become the Father’s beloved

son in the son and “walk in newness of life”(CCC537).

The story is been told that a religious education teacher asked

what the word “repentance” means. A little boy put up his hand

and said, it is being sorry for your sins”. Then a little girl

raised her hand and added, “its being sorry enough to quit”.

Words that express the act of contrition before or after

confession of one’s sins alone are not enough, deeds are

required. The Christian virtues are the right in the presence of

God in relation to our fellow men and women, the old self of sin

is rooted out and the new self in the image and likeness of God

is generated by the working of the Holy Spirit through Christ

our savior.

Page 4: Liturgical Training · Fri. 8am Special Intention for J.C. Shatto Sat 6pm + Angelina Ruiz Sun 7am +Matthew S. Sanchez 10am Shelley Rivas +Lity Pinedo11:30am 6pm Saint Rose of Lima



Second Collection

December 17-18 SVDP

Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction is every Friday

from 8:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

A compliance representative will be at St. Rose of Lima

from 1:30pm to 2:30 pm 2nd Thursday of the month. All

New Volunteers are required to begin the clearance process

for 2016-2017.

Messengers of Mary prays the Holy Rosary Monday -

Friday at 7:30 a.m. before Mass. We will pray the rosary on

Thursdays in the CHURCH (instead of the Chapel), at 11:00

a.m. Remember to pray the rosary daily. Call 428.0573 for

prayers & Consecration to Jesus through Mary.

Spanish Choir Practice meets every Thursday at 6:00 p.m.

in the church. New Group Forming– Liturgy of Christian Prayer in the Chapel daily

at 5:15pm.

Sun 7am Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa


Health and well-being of Mary K.

Howell and family

11:30am Saint Rose of Lima Parishioners

6pm Health and well-being of Terri Barbosa

Mon 8am

Safety and well-being of Monica

Hernandez and all in the military

Tues 8am +Gilbert A. Gherna

Wed. 6pm

In honor of Arch Angel Rafael for

Bertha Coca

Thurs. 8am Birthday Blessing for Bea Hernandez

Fri. 8am Special Intention for J.C. Shatto

Sat 6pm + Angelina Ruiz

Sun 7am +Matthew S. Sanchez


Birthday Blessing for Abe, Sandra &

Shelley Rivas

11:30am +Lity Pinedo

6pm Saint Rose of Lima Parishioners

Mass Intentions for Dec. 11-18


Baptisms The parents of the child to be baptized must submit a copy of the baby's birth certificate. Parents and godparents need to attend the parish baptismal

class. Classes are given on the second Saturday of the month from 10:00 a.m. until noon. Please call the office to sign up for the next scheduled class. All

requirements for the Diocese of Tucson and Saint Rose of Lima will be given to the parents at this time. Baptisms are performed the first and third Saturdays at

10:00 a.m. Our office staff is limited, therefore, sponsors and godparents proof of sacraments, documents and payment must be submitted at least one month before

the baptism. When choosing godparents, if they are married, they must be married through the Catholic church, if single you must not be living with a

partner. Donation is $20.00.

Quinceañera The candidate and her parents must contact the office at least one (1) year or more before the date requested. Quinceañera are not performed during

Holy Days. Requirements: active within the parish, youth group, Religious Education, Mass attendance, etc. or Six(6) sets of meetings and volunteer ministries given

by Fr. Robert. Cost is $250.00. There is a non-refundable deposit of $100.00 to hold the date. Balance to the church must be received in the office one week

before the ceremony.

Weddings The couple must contact office at least 6 months prior to the desired wedding date. An appointment will be made for the couple. At that time it will be

determined if the date desired is available, and all requirements for the Diocese of Tucson and Saint Rose of Lima will be given to the couple. Donation is

$150.00.There is a non-refundable deposit of $50.00 to hold the date. Balance to the church must be received in the office one week before the ceremony.


Office Gift Shop

Attention early Christmas shoppers: St. Rose of Lima Gift

Shop has received affordable and inspirational Christmas items for all

your needs. Be sure to get you advent wreath and candles. Advent

starts on Sunday, Nov. 27. Visit the Gift Shop in the Parish

Office Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.—4:30 p.m.

Board of Director nomination: I Rev. Robert A. Rodriguez nominate Naomi Lowery to the Saint Rose of Lima Board of

Directors. If you have any concerns to this nomination please contact me with your concern. Rev. Robert A. Rodriguez

St. Rose of Lima

Weekend Collections – Dec. 03-04

Offertory $ 4,872.00

St Vincent de Paul $ 146.00

Building Fund $ 762.67

Pima Mass $ 39.00

Saint Rose of Lima Christmas Mass

Christmas Eve, Saturday December 24, 4 p.m.,6 p.m. and

Midnight Mass

Christmas Day Sunday December 25

Page 5: Liturgical Training · Fri. 8am Special Intention for J.C. Shatto Sat 6pm + Angelina Ruiz Sun 7am +Matthew S. Sanchez 10am Shelley Rivas +Lity Pinedo11:30am 6pm Saint Rose of Lima


High School Youth Groups / Confirmation

Join us on Sunday after 11:30 a.m. Mass.

High School Youth Group meets in the CAVE from 12:30pm

until 2pm.

Confirmation: Upcoming Dates Mass Attendance is Mandatory! This is part of your class


Dec. 18 Las Posadas 12:30pm Sunday

Jr. High 6-8th grade -meets in the RE classrooms from

12:30pm until 2pm.

Religious Education

Las Posadas

December 18th

All Religious Education children and their families are


Registration for Religious Classes will be on going. Register in the

RE office Monday -Thursday 9:00am-12:00 noon. RE office phone

number is 348-4785.

As part of our Advent activities a Confession service will be held for Religious Education students in 4th and 5th grade during their regularly scheduled class time the week of December 12th. RE classes will not be held December 26th-January 5th. Classes resume on January 9th. RE students from Thatcher schools will not have class on Tuesday, December 20th. Please mark your calendars for February 3rd and 4th. Jordan

Ministries will be offering a series of 5 classes on those dates. The

classes are amazing and are such a great way to learn more about the

faith. For more details please call the RE office. There are also flyers

at the back of the church and in the parish office. All RE teachers and

volunteers are asked to attend but all parishioners are invited.

Festival of Trees !

Catholic Daughters would like to

thank everyone involved with the

Festival of trees.

It was a great success for our group and the youth

group of Saint Rose.

Las Posadas

Jr. High

High School Youth

Confirmation Class 1 &2nd

December 18th

After the 11:30am Mass

All Families of RE and Parish are Invited!

We need adult helpers to organize

this event when Joseph and Mary

made their journey to Bethlehem.

We will have food, prizes, piñata.

Please call the office if you can help.

Fr. Robert

Marine Corps Reserve

Please drop off your

unwrapped toys at the main Office. Our parish is

one of the most generous givers to this program.

Thank YOU!

[email protected] 928-792-3100

Page 6: Liturgical Training · Fri. 8am Special Intention for J.C. Shatto Sat 6pm + Angelina Ruiz Sun 7am +Matthew S. Sanchez 10am Shelley Rivas +Lity Pinedo11:30am 6pm Saint Rose of Lima


Mass Intentions for Dec.11th-18th

Sun 8:30am +Albertlado, Rosilia, & Hotencia Amado

Mon. 9:00am +Carlotta Jaramillo

Tues 9:00am +Bobby Larronia

Fri. 9:00am Birthday Blessings for Omar Cain Ramos

Sun. 8:30am +Josephine Fernandez

Weekend Collections –Dec 04

Offertory $ 598.00

Building Fund $ 59.00

Second Collection

December 18 St. Vincent De Paul

Envelopes available for Poinsettias at the front entrance of

the Church. Thank you for your donation.

Thanks to all who donated, helped and participated on

Saturday, Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day Celebration.

A compliance representative will be at St. Rose of Lima

from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm every 2nd Thursday of each

month. All new Volunteers are required to begin the

clearance process for 2016-2017.

If anyone is interested in teaching or helping with the

Religious Education Program for next year, please call

the office at 428-0149.

Only candles bought from OLG will be allowed in the

church. Thank you for your cooperation.


GOSPEL REFLECTION: Rejoice! Remember JESUS is the fulfillment of God’s promise of the Savior. Let us prepare the way for God's kingdom by our words and our deeds as we await the coming of the Messiah this Christmas.

Mixed Choir – Day/time change…CHOIR

PRACTICE on Thursdays at 4:00 in the church.

Friendly Reminder – Parents must sign the

clipboard located at the church entrance to verify Mass

attendance on Sunday. If you attended Mass out-of-town, please bring church bulletin.

Holiday Spirit – Please continue to bring non-

perishable food items and canned goods through the

end of December. Since the need for assistance or help increases during the holidays, St. Vincent de Paul greatly appreciates your donations. Thank you and God

Bless. RE Classes –Beginning tomorrow, RE classes are back to the regular schedule from 4 to 5:30.

Upcoming events:

December 12 – RE classes from 4 to 5:30 December 19 – No RE classes (Christmas Break) December 26 – No RE classes (Christmas


Pre-cana -meeting is set for Saturday from 9

-5 February 11 2017. Please join us for Mass

afterwards. You are able to pick up the

registration form from the Saint Rose of Lima

Parish office. The cost will be $50, per couple

which should be paid in the office. For more

information please call St. Rose Lima Parish

office 928-428-4920.

Saint Rose of Lima

2016 October

Baptisms: Daylen Alicia Alvarez

Kaia Grace Mayer

AnaLisa Janae Rios

Dominic Sebastian Rios

Marriage: Paula Carrasco Gomez & Daniel Ray Gomez

Faithful Departed:

Jude Paul Robert Mondragon

Celia Vega Sotelo


Baptisms: Rhyanna Shalynn Aranda

Ambrielle Ariana Villalba

Marriages: Crystal Lynn Torrio & Joe Anthony Villalba

Krystle J. Dominguez & Steven Michael Dominguez

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Christmas Eve, Saturday ,December 24th Midnight mass

Christmas Day December 25th 8:30 a.m.

Page 7: Liturgical Training · Fri. 8am Special Intention for J.C. Shatto Sat 6pm + Angelina Ruiz Sun 7am +Matthew S. Sanchez 10am Shelley Rivas +Lity Pinedo11:30am 6pm Saint Rose of Lima

ORTEGA’S SHOES Mt. Graham Shopping

Center Richard & Theresa Ortega

Elodia—Valerie 928.428.0636


350 E. Armory Road Safford, AZ


SECULAR FRANCISCAN St. Elizabeth of Hungary


Meets 2nd Saturdays 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

At Our Lady of Guadalupe Church David Esquivel, Minister


Kachina Hot Springs

Mineral Spa 1155 W Cactus Rd

Safford, AZ 928.428.7212


COLUMBUS Richard Ortega, Grand Knight 928.428.0636

Meets 1st Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Walneck’s Safford Sewing Center

Jeff & Virginia Walneck Parishioners

Hwy 70 & 3rd Ave



OF THE AMERICAS Court St. Rose of Lima #2398

Helen Romero, Regent 928.965.6604

Meets 3rd Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

At St. Rose of Lima

In St. Matthew’s room


Groceries-General Merchandise




PHONE: 928.428.1844


Michelle A. Wilson Agent

610 W. Main St

Safford, AZ 85546


[email protected]



415 E US Hwy 70, Safford, AZ

Now Serving Breakfast @ 11AM 928.428.7148


ANONYMOUS NO dues * NO fees * NO weigh-ins *

NO diets

Meets Tuesdays at 7:30-8:30 p.m.

at St. Rose of Lima

in St. Luke’s Room




For more information, contact St. Rose of Lima Parish Office


707 S. 6th Ave

Safford, AZ


Brando’s Fun N’ Sun

Travel & Cruise

Inside Trophies ‘N Tees 513 W. Main Street, Safford


Discount Vacation Planning, Cruises,

Airlines, Rental Cars, Hotels & More!

Greens Furniture

David Montez the Furniture King

520 W. 5th St Safford, Az 428.5900

Fifth Avenue Florist 516 S. 5th Avenue, Safford

928.428.2491 Mon—Fri 9 a.m.—5 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.—12 p.m.

Jill R Chacon, owner

Bulletin Ads $150/Year

Page 8: Liturgical Training · Fri. 8am Special Intention for J.C. Shatto Sat 6pm + Angelina Ruiz Sun 7am +Matthew S. Sanchez 10am Shelley Rivas +Lity Pinedo11:30am 6pm Saint Rose of Lima