little jesus and the holy word of god

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Post on 01-Jun-2018




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  • 8/9/2019 Little Jesus and the Holy Word of God


    Little Jesus and the Holy Word of God

    Take a walk down the dusty streets of Nazareth some 2000 years ago where Jesus grew up as a

    little boy; see Him beat the paths that led to the synagogue-the Jewish place of worship, at the

    center of Nazareth.

    See Him holding hands with Joseph on the right and with Mary the mother on the left. Inside

    the little carriage bag He was carrying was the Torah- the traditional writings and principles of

    Judaism, especially the first five books of the Jewish Bible-the Holy Word of God.

    He gets into the synagogue-the church of His days, He takes the front seat with His earthly

    father Joseph, while the mother- Mary takes her place in the women section. There He was,

    quietly sitting and learning the Word of God as taught by the Rabbi- (a Jewish religious leader,

    in charge of a synagogue, one who is qualified to teach Judaism, or one who is an expert on

    Jewish law)-the Reverend Fathers, Seminarians and Catechist of His days.

    There He saw and learned from the Holy Word of God, about His Father-God. He learned about

    where He came from and why He came. He read about the prophets like Moses, Elijah,

    Jeremiah, Amos. He learned about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He saw and learned about His

    very earthly parents-Joseph and Mary. He saw from the Holy written Word of God the world

    and its people, their condition and the solution to their ills.

    Then see Him go with His parents from Nazareth to the temple in Jerusalem at the feast of

    Passover at 12 years of age and staying behind after the temple worship and ceremonies were

    ended. See His parents coming back to look for Him after 3 days and there He was sitting

    among the teachers of the Law-the Word of God, listening and asking them questions. And all

    who heard Him was amazed at His understanding and His answers. (Luke 2 verse 47). At that

    very tender age of 12, His understanding baffled the teachers of the Law in His time.

    You might want to quickly give it away by saying Oh He was divine, He was the Son of God.

    That was why He had such understanding. Yes! You are correct. But much more than that was

    the fact that His parents took Him to the place of worship, where He could learn the Word ofGod. They brought Him to the synagogue every other Sabbath where He could have access to

    the Torah-the Holy written Word of God. They took Him to where He could expose Himself to

    the teaching and writings of the Holy prophets and where he could have the Scriptures

    explained to Him alongside other children by the teachers of the Law.

    That was a godly example, a godly and goodly early influence.
  • 8/9/2019 Little Jesus and the Holy Word of God
