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Lisa McCourt Author • Coach • Trainer • Speaker

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Lisa McCourtAuthor • Coach • Trainer • Speaker

Lisa McCourt has always been passionate about the power of words. Her enthusiasm for the written word has propelled a hugely successful 26-year publishing career studded with industry awards, starred reviews, international honors, and mega-sales.

Since her earliest days as an editor for a division of Scholastic, Inc., Lisa has understood the profound effect words have on readers. Progressing quickly to Senior Editor, and then to Book Club Director, Lisa found herself responsible for steering the reading selections of hundreds of thousands of children across the country. A lifelong devotee of personal development, she knew she had a precious opportunity to shape generations to come by paying careful attention to the words she delivered them.

In 1996, after her nomination for a Literary Marketplace Award (the publishing industry’s highest honor), Lisa took her mission a step further by writing her first picture book, I Love You, Stinky Face. Mainstream on the surface, but chock-full of stealthily-woven self-love wisdom, it quickly became a mega-bestseller that has since inspired six highly successful sequels.

Other popular books by Lisa include the seven Chicken Soup for Little Souls titles that she co-authored with Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, two nonfiction books for adults on raising happy children, and many more acclaimed books with HarperCollins, Penguin/Putnam, Orchard Books, McGraw Hill, and others.

Her latest release (from Hay House) is Juicy Joy – 7 Simple Steps to Your Glorious, Gutsy Self. It’s the culmination of three decades of full immersion in the world of personal development, training with top gurus to decipher the secrets of radical, lasting joy. Lisa now spends much of her time teaching the principles of her seven-step path – principles grounded in a foundation of authenticity and self-love.

Together, Lisa’s 37 books have sold over five and a half million copies, been translated into 11 languages, and received six publishing awards. For over a decade, she has shared her creativity secrets on stages around the world, and she continues to lead thousands to more joyful, creative lives through her popular events and online trainings.

Currently Lisa divides her time between her roles as a Joy Trainer and a Writing & Creativity Coach. A popular CBS Radio host and a frequent speaker at both writing conferences and self-growth events, Lisa brings her passion and unique blend of skill-sets to a diverse career that is ever-unfolding, just the way she likes it. She lives in sunny South Florida with her two creative and self-loving kids.

Lisa’s Personal Bio

 Lisa McCourt sold more than 5.5 million books teaching kids and adults to embrace unconditional love. Now she has distilled the essence of leading a joy-filled life in her new book Juicy Joy – 7 Simple Steps to Your Glorious, Gutsy Self. Juicy Joy, Lisa says, is "radical authenticity" – "completely embracing the real you – the only you – whether that you is acceptable to others or not." It is a mindset that allows people to fully experience life with uninhibited, unbridled passion and emotional freedom; a deep satisfaction that permeates their self-image, relationships and outlook. "It's the art of just feeling so blissfully comfortable in your own skin and being so crazy in love with yourself that the ups and downs of real life can't even touch you," says Lisa, a mother of

two children and expert on the topic of unconditional love. Discovering Juicy Joy helps women deal powerfully with challenges such as poor body-image, stress and trying too hard to please others. It empowers parents facing divorce to put their kids' best interests first, and helps kids protect themselves from bullying. Once people discover radical authenticity and genuine self love, they can conquer any challenge in life: financial, health and well-being, or love and relationships, Lisa says. It makes them healthier, happier and more energetic; better parents, spouses, friends and relatives. 

Experience Lisa

Lisa outlines the seven steps she has distilled from her 20-year-quest for personal development and her studies of the masters in this arena. Her key teachings include:

Radical Authenticity – From her 20 years of experience in personal growth, Lisa explains why "feeling blissfully comfortable in your own skin" is the key to happiness, well-being and fulfillment.

Teaching Kids Unconditional Love – Lisa discusses how to teach kids to love themselves and others unconditionally.

Juicy Joy for Bully-Proofing – Lisa tells how kids can avoid being bullied or becoming bullied by learning to fully embrace and love themselves.

Juicy Joy for Body Image – For women struggling with body image, the message of unconditionally loving themselves may seem difficult. Lisa explains why self-love is a prerequisite for positive change.

The Whole Enchilada – Lisa tells how women can find happiness by focusing on unconditionally loving themselves.

Taco-Filling – Each person unconsciously creates "set points" that determine how much happiness and abundance they allow themselves. Lisa explains the Taco-Filling analogy for breaking through those barriers to embrace abundance over lack.

Flipping Judgment – Lisa explains tools to help you discover what your judgments about others are telling you about yourself.

Healthy Divorce – Lisa explains keys for amicable divorce and how parents can help their children cope and thrive through divorce.

Guilt or Joy? – Are you living for your passion or for what other people think of you? Lisa tells how to tell the difference and how streamlining your life according to your passions leads to happiness.

Experience Lisa’s Key Teachings

Writing & Creative WorkshopsAt the heart of Lisa’s writing workshops is “Write Your Juice, Live Your Joy”.

Whether you’re a professional published author or a novice with a story inside you begging to be birthed . . . whether you want to write fiction or non-fiction, adult or children’s lit, e-books, how-to articles, or hardcover page-turners . . . this remarkable course will give you everything you need to bring your dreams to juicy fruition. Spend four weeks with Lisa in your cozy home learning the hows and writing the works that live inside your heart.

Throughout the year, Lisa has on-line writing courses available, partnered writing courses with other industry professionals. In addition, students are able to connect with Lisa LIVE on-line, once per month, during our “Ask the Coach” coaching calls.

Experience Lisa’s Programs & Trainings

See Lisa McCourt on Lifetime Televison's The Balancing Act -

Freebie Spot - "Thank You for That Insult. May I Have Another, Please?" by Lisa McCourt, February 7, 2012

The Neophyte Writer - "Let's Get Naked for Valentine's Day," by Lisa McCourt, February 6, 2012

Silver & Grace - "Are You Living in the NOW?" by Lisa McCourt, February 1, 2012

Freebie Spot - "Are You Living In The Now?" by Lisa McCourt, January 31, 2012

Silver & Grace - "How to Feel Blissfully Comfortable in Your Own Skin," by Lisa McCourt, January 25, 2012

Freebie Spot - "Tolerating is Dangerous!" by Lisa McCourt, January 24, 2012

The Neophyte Writer - "Are You Living In The Now?' by Lisa McCourt, January 22, 2012

Silver & Grace - "To Manifest or Not to Manifest - That Is the Question," by Lisa McCourt, January 18, 2012

Freebie Spot - "How Authentically YOU Are You?" by Lisa McCourt, January 17, 2012

The Neophyte Writer - "How Authentically YOU Are You?" by Lisa McCourt, January 16, 2012

The Neophyte Writer - "How to Feel Blissfully Comfortable in Your Own Skin," by Lisa McCourt, January 15, 2012

Rants n' Rascals - "Let's Get Naked for Valentines Day," by Lisa McCourt, January 12, 2012

Fit Moms of NJ - Self-Love Month: The Biggest Secret You Never Knew About Love, January 12, 2012

Sources of Insight - "Top 10 Ways to Be Comfortable in Your Own Skin," by Lisa McCourt, January 11, 2012

Freebie Spot - "Break Free of the Spin Cycle," by Lisa McCourt, January 10, 2012

Beliefnet: Lessons from a Recovering Doormat - Confessions of a Misguided Love Junkie, by Lisa McCourt, January 8, 2012

The Neophyte Writer - "To Manifest or Not to Manifest - That Is the Question," by Lisa McCourt, January 8, 2012

Fab Over Fifty - "When Self-Love Means Rewriting the Rules - Defining My Own Divorce," by Lisa McCourt, January 6, 2012

Fit Moms of NJ - "Juicy Self-Love Means Rewriting the Rules," by Lisa McCourt, January 5, 2012

One Momma Saving Money - January is "Self-Love Month" - a couple of articles by Lisa McCourt, January 5, 2012

Freebie Spot - "Are You at War with Your Thoughts?' by Lisa McCourt, January 3, 2012

MORE Magazine - "How to Write the True Story of You," by Lisa McCourt, December 2011

Fab After Fifty - "How to Feel Comfortable in Your Own Skin," by Lisa McCourt, December 29, 2011

Metaphysical Mom (and Dad) - "How to Feel Blissfully Comfortable in Your Own Skin," by Lisa McCourt, December 28, 2011

Freebie Spot - "How to Feel Blissfully Comfortable in Your Own Skin," by Lisa McCourt, December 27, 2011

Mom State of Mind - 'Tis the Season to...Go Utterly Insane?" by Lisa McCourt, December 21, 2011

Rants n' Rascals - Countdown to Christmas Day Seventeen: 'Tis the Season to...Go Utterly Insane?" by Lisa McCourt, December 17, 2011

Fab After Fifty - 'Tis the Season to be happy," by Lisa McCourt, December 20, 2011

A Nutty Mom - "Thank You For That Insult. May I Have Another, Please?" by Lisa McCourt, December 13, 2011

Rants n' Rascals - Countdown to Christmas Day Twelve - It's Nothing Personal by Lisa McCourt December 12, 2011

Natural Papa - "How to Feel Blissfully Comfortable in Your Own Skin," by Lisa McCourt, December 6, 2011

SongBerries - "It's Nothing Personal," by Lisa McCourt, December 6, 2011

See Lisa McCourt on FOX Tampa Bay, November 29, 2011

Hear Lisa McCourt on Hay House Radio with host Karen McCrocklin, November 16, 2011

See Lisa McCourt on Daytime, November 2, 201

Daytime - Lisa McCourt: How To Have A Healthy Divorce, November 2, 2011

See Lisa McCourt interviewed on Lilou Mace Web TV, April 8, 2011

Embracing My Journey - "How to Get Emotional Freedom and Find Your Juicy Joy," by Lisa McCourt, October 10, 2010

Publisher's Weekly - Reviews of Children's Books Written by Lisa McCourt

Experience LisaMedia

“Oh, how I wish I had read this book 25 years ago—the money and time I could have saved myself! Lisa McCourt is a daring and adventurous life pioneer. If you are ready and willing to follow her 7 Steps, I promise you will be forever (and fabulously) changed.”  - Arielle Ford, author of The Soulmate Secret and Wabi-Sabi Love

 “I love this book!  It’s honest, from the heart, inspiring and, like the title says, juicy. Lisa McCourt captures all the values I hold dear and expresses them in a believable, engaging, and exciting way. I hope lots of people will read this and light their soul.”   - Alan Cohen, author of Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment 

“I challenge anyone to read this book and not be powerfully and blissfully changed by it! Lisa is a sparkling example of what she teaches. She excels at the art of being 'happy for no reason.' When you read Juicy Joy, you’ll ride the joyful wave to experiencing self-love, authenticity and fulfillment."   - Marci Shimoff, New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason and Love for No Reason

“Juicy Joy provides both a delicious and provocative ride to one's innermost self--the true authentic self--the self without pretense and make-believe! . . . Lisa McCourt is the real deal, a genuine life pioneer, and her seven steps will empower anyone willing to follow the trail she has blazed. I read her book and it is a fast--fun read, packed with pathways to a better life. I interviewed her on my radio show and her words are as authentic as she wishes you to be . . . This is a book I have no reservations about recommending. Don't settle for less any longer. Get her book and begin to realize a life full of joy, juicy joy, today!” -- Eldon Taylor, Ph.D., FAPA, New York Times Best-Selling Author of Choices and Illusions

"Lisa McCourt has developed a brilliant step-by-step system for relocating yourself as the juicy, delicious, vibrant creature you were born to be. Allow these seven steps to launch you into unprecedented heights of self-adoration."   -- Regena Thomashauer, author of Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts 

"I've always wanted to spend time with those people who knew secret things. With Lisa McCourt’s Juicy Joy, you get an opportunity to do just that - plop down, sit up straight, and listen attentively to a woman who knows more than a few secrets for living a life of unbridled passion and radical honesty.  If you've ever lifted the curtain of your heart and found that the scenery was falling apart, you'll find Lisa’s Juicy Joy training to be just the psychological, emotional, and spiritual renovation you need.  Juicy Joy will lead you to fall deeply in love with your own intrinsically wonderful self.  In a world populated with 6 billion people, 6 billion different journeys, and 6 billion doors to enlightenment, Lisa McCourt's Juicy Joy reminds us - with tenderness, love, honesty, and hilarity - that the only real journey is the one within."   - Robert Mack, Author of Happiness from the Inside Out: The Art and Science of Fulfillment

TestimonialsAbout Lisa

“Throughout our lives we’re faced with challenges to maintaining a positive and joyful outlook on life, and now we finally have a guidebook to turn to. Lisa McCourt has produced a simple yet profound manual for creating a happy and joyful life no matter what your circumstances. She shares vignettes from her personal struggles that readers can readily identify with and details in clear and straightforward language how you can empower yourself and fill your life with juicy joy. This book can change your life!”   - Dr. Steven Farmer, author of Earth Magic and Animal Spirit Guides

"Juicy Joy is bursting with truth, guts, and sage wisdom. What could be more valuable than a manual for igniting your passion for yourself and your own precious life? Lisa McCourt will challenge you, cheer for you, and hug you right from these pages. You’ll be so glad you embarked on the soul-stretching journey to juicy self-adoration with this rising personal development rock star!"   - Jill Dahne, nationally syndicated columnist, talk-show favorite, and #1 Love Psychic in Top 100 Psychics in America

"Juicy Joy is full of down-to-earth practices that will help you truly accept yourself and your life while bringing both to the fullest expression of their potential.  If you want to be more vibrant, fun and juicy while committed to your personal growth, Lisa shows you how."   - Rachael Jayne Groover, author of Powerful and Feminine: How to Increase Your Magnetic Presence and Attract the Attention You Want.  Founder of The YIN Project

"Lisa McCourt doesn't just write about Juicy Joy—she radiates it in her words as she lovingly leads us on a journey to create a satisfying life, full of joy and love. Lisa gently identifies the blocks that keep us from finding our Juicy Joy and shows us that by taking the small actionable steps she lays out, we can change our path. Lisa McCourt's spirit is Juicy Joy!"   - Daylle Deanna Schwartz, author of Nice Girls Can Finish First and How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways

“Lisa McCourt delivers just what the world needs, a great big juicy dose of love and authenticity. In Juicy Joy, you’ll learn the simple, essential steps you need to take to transform your world in the here and now. If you want a life of peace, purpose and breathtaking bliss, then listen to Lisa.”   - Debra Snyder, author of Intuitive Parenting: Listening to the Wisdom of Your Heart

“Juicy Joy is a fun and practical guide, generously sprinkled with brushstrokes of genius. You will never view yourself—or the world—the same way again."   - Sunny Dawn Johnston, author of Invoking the Archangels—A 9-Step Process to Healing Your Mind, Body and Soul

“Lisa is a bridge builder. Give yourself a treat and walk on across this pleasurable bridge with her! She knows where she's taking you. It's into a new territory where life is clearer, sweeter, more real and much more powerful than the place where our mass culture wants us to be. Lisa has the one set of mandatory credentials needed to write this important book.  She lives the juicy life she writes about. You can trust her.”   - Tej Steiner, Founder and Director of Heart Circles

“We live in an age of ennui and frustrated lives. People with more powerful tools and knowledge than ever before in history somehow end up creeping along in life's slow lane on two cylinders. Then comes Lisa McCourt and her amazing book, Juicy Joy, sounding a clear call to something more--something unimaginably better. I was frankly surprised by just how good this book is. Not just the message, either. It is written beautifully and with great passion. Ms. McCourt is that sunshine presence who invites us into the shadow of ourselves. With the skill of a therapist, she offers exercises which open doors into long-denied closets. She teaches us that our most authentic self is absolutely resplendent with joy, but that we must be willing to face, embrace and then release the heavy old stuff which we'd much rather ignore. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to live life to its juicy fullest.” – Jacob Nordby, author of The Divine Arsonist 

“ . . .Lisa McCourt writes in the perfect balance of seasoned expert and vulnerable human. She is such a generous and loving spirit, and I felt as though I connected with her on a deeper level because she revealed her own struggles, which made her very relatable. Her writing style is conversational, yet elegant. It's one of those books that is easy to read but also gives extremely useful and highly impactful tips and exercises . . . If you are looking for a book to lovingly push you achieve your highest potential and remind you who you really are, then I can't recommend Juicy Joy highly enough.” – Erin Cox, author of One Hot Mama

“I recently attended Lisa McCourt's workshop, and I must say, it was honestly the best workshop that I ever attended. First, she presented fascinating information. Seriously. But, even more importantly, she drew on our personal experiences with exercises and an interactive format, making this so rewarding and memorable. And, Lisa just has a way of connecting with the audience ... her energy, her smile, her passion about the subject ... I was blown away. It was completely inspiring and really made me enthusiastic about what's next in life. Cannot thank her enough! So excited!” -- Jennifer Thornton, Self-Talk Coach

About the Author: Unconditional love expert Lisa McCourt is a dynamic speaker, seminar leader and author whose 34 books have sold more 5.5 million copies worldwide. Her new book, Juicy Joy – 7 Simple Steps to Your Glorious, Gutsy Self, teaches people to embrace "radical authenticity" to fully experience unbridled joy in life. Lisa lives in South Florida with her two children.


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