linux shell

Linux Shell & Shell Script netman<[email protected]>

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Basic shell concept and shell script skills.


Linux Shell&

Shell Script

netman<[email protected]>

Part ICommand Line

System Layer









Shell Definition

● Command interpreter:

● Issue commands from user to system● Display command results from system to user

Shell Type● sh:

● Burne Shell (sh)● Burne Again Shell (bash)

● csh:● C Shell (csh)● TC Shell (tcsh)● Korn Shell (ksh)

● /etc/shells

Shell Prompt

● Function:Telling the user:

You can type command now!

● Type:● Super User: #● Regular User: $ or >

Carriage Return (CR)

● Function:Telling the system:

You can run command now!

● Generated by:<Enter>

Command Line

Everything typed between Shell Prompt and Carriage Return.

Command Line Components

● A Command (must present):What to do?

● Options (zero or more):How to do?

●Arguments (zero or more):Which to do with?

Internal Field Separator (IFS)● Function:To separate command line components.

● Speak in general:To cut a command line into words(fields).

● Generated by:●<Space>●<Tab>●<Enter> (*note: CR also)

A Command Line Format


Option Format● Preceding Character:­+

●Full Format:Starting with ­­

● Short Format:Starting with ­Combinable

Option Example

● Find the difference:

ls ­a ­l lls ­al lls ­allls ­­allls ­­ ­­all

A Simple Command: echo

● Function:

To display all arguments to STDOUT(screen),plus an ending <newline> character.

A Simple Command: echo

● Major options:

­n : disable the trailing <newline>­e : enable interpretation of escapes (\)

Escaped Characters in echo

● Most Frequently Used: \\ backslash \b backspace \c produce no further output \n new line \r carriage return \t horizontal tab \v vertical tab \0NNN byte with octal value \xHH byte with hexadecimal value

Examples of echo

● Using ­n option:

$ echo first line first line $ echo ­n first line first line $ 

Examples of echo

● Using escape character:

$ echo ­e "a\tb\tc\nd\te\tf" a       b       c d       e       f  

Examples of echo

● Using escape with octal value:

$ echo ­e "\141\011\142\011\143\012\144\011\145\011\146" a       b       c d       e       f   

Examples of echo

● Using escape with hex value:

$ echo ­e "\x61\x09\x62\x09\x63\x0a\x64\x09\x65\x09\x66" a       b       c d       e       f    

Part IIQuoting

Character Type in Command Line

● Literal Character: Plain text, no function123456 abcdefg …

● Meta Character: Reserved with functions

Frequently Used Meta Characters =  : set variable value$  : variable substitution>  : redirect to STDOUT <  : redirect from STDIN |  : pipe line &  : background running() : run commands in nested sub-shell{} : command grouping;  : run commands in frequency && : run command while TRUE|| : run command while FALSE

! : re-run command in history

Quoting Usage

● Purpose: Disable the functions of Meta Characters.

Quoting Method

● Escaping ( \ ): Disable meta character following backward slash by each.

● Example:\$\(\\\<newline>

Quoting Method

● Hard Quoting ( '' ): Disable all meta characters within single quotes.

● Example:'...$...(...)...'

Quoting Method

● Soft Quoting ( ”” ): Disable some meta characters within double quotes.

● Example:“...$...(...)...“

Exception in Soft Quoting

● Reserved functions:$ : substitute\ : escape` : command substitute! : history

Quoting Example

● Disable <IFS>:

$ A=B C # white space $ C: command not found.$ echo $A

$ A="B C"$ echo $AB C 

Quoting Example

●Disable <CR>:

$ A='B > C> '

$ echo "$A"BC  

Quoting Example

●Think about:

$ echo "$A"BC  

$ echo $AB C 

Quoting Example

●Think about:

$ A=B\ C$ echo '”$A”'”$A”$ echo “'$A'“'B C' 

Quoting Example

● Identical:

$ awk '{print $0}' 1.txt$ awk "{print \$0}" 1.txt$ awk \{print\ \$0\} 1.txt$ A=0$ awk "{print \$$A}" 1.txt

Part IIIVariable

Variable Setting

● Setting format:name=value

● Setting rules:● No space● No number beginning● No $ in name● Case sensitive

Variable Setting

● Common errors:

 A= B 1A=B $A=B a=B

Variable Substitution

● Substitute then re-construct:$ A=ls $ B=la $ C=/tmp $ $A ­$B $C

● Result:$ ls ­la /tmp 

Viewing a Variable Value

● Using the echo command:

$ echo $A ­$B $C

ls ­la /tmp 

Value Expansion

● Using separator:$ A=B:C:D$ A=$A:E

● Using {}:$ A=BCD$ A=${A}E

The export command

● Purpose:

To set Environment Variable, inheritable in sub shells.

Variable Exporting Method

● Using export command:$ A=B$ export A

Or$ export A=B

● Using declare command:$ declare ­x A$ A=B

Variable Exportation Effect

A=B export A

Before exporting

After exporting

Viewing Environment Variable

● Using env command:$ env

●Using export command:$ export

Variable Revocation

● Using unset command:$ A=B$ B=C$ unset $A

● Different to null value:$ A=$ unset A

Part IVSub Shell

Process Hierarchy● Every command issues a process when running.● A command process is a child, and the shell is the parent.● Child process returns a value($?) to parent when exists.




Process Environment

● Child process inherit it's environment from parent.

● However, any changing of environment in a child will NEVER effect the parent!

Shell Script

● Definition:

A serial of command lines defined in a text file before we running them.

Script Running

● Using a sub shell to run commands:Environment changing only effects the sub shell.

● Interpreter is defined at the first line:#!/path/to/shell


sub shell


Source Running

● Using source command to run script:● There is no sub shell, interpreter is ignored.● Environment changing effects the current




Exec Running

● Using exec command to run script:● The current shell is terminated when script

starting.● The process is hanged over to interpreter.




Practice and Understand

● Write a shell script ( /tmppwdsleep 3

● Make it executable:$ chmod +x

Practice and Understand

● Run the script in different ways:$ ./$ pwd$ . ./$ pwd$ cd ­$ exec ./

Identical to:source ./

Part VCommand Grouping

Sequence Running

● Using the ; symbol:$ cmd1 ; cmd2; cmd3

● Equivalent to:$ cmd1$ cmd2$ cmd3

Command Grouping Method

● Using {} to run command group in current shell:$ { cmd1 ; cmd2; cmd3; }

● Using () to run command group in a nested sub shell:$ ( cmd1 ; cmd2; cmd3 )

Command Grouping Effect

● Using {} :Environment changing effects the

current shell.

● Using ():Environment changing does NOT

effects the current shell.

Named Command Group ● Also known as function

Command group is run when calling the function name.

$ my_function () {cmd1cmd2cmd3

}$ my_function

Part VIShell Features

Command Substitution

● Using $() :$ cmd1 … $(cmd2 …) … 

● Using `` (don't be confused with ''):$ cmd1 … `cmd2 …` … 

Multiple Substitution

● Using $() :$ cmd1 … $(cmd2 … $(cmd3 … ) … ) … 

● Using `` :$ cmd1 … `cmd2 … \`cmd3 … \` … ` … 

Advanced Variable Substitution

● ${#var} :the length of value

Advanced Variable Substitution● ${var#pattern} :remove shortest pattern at beginning

● ${var##pattern} :remove longest pattern at beginning

● ${var%pattern} :remove shortest pattern at end

● ${var%%pattern} :remove longest pattern at end

Advanced Variable Substitution

● ${var:n:m} :since position n to have m characters,(position starting from 0)

Advanced Variable Substitution

● ${var/pattern/str} :substitute the first pattern to str

● ${var//pattern/str} :substitute all pattern to str

Array Setting

● Using ():array=(value1 value2 value3)

● Position assigning:array[0]=value1array[1]=value2array[2]=value3

Array Substitution

● All values:${array[@]}${array[*]}

● Position values:${array[0]}${array[1]}${array[2]}

Array Substitution

● Length of value:${#array[0]}

● Number of value:${#array[@]}

Arithmetic Expansion

● 32Bit integer: -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647

● No floating point !● Using external commands instead:

● bc● awk● perl

Arithmetic Operation

● Operators:+ : add­ : subtract* : multiply/ : divide& : AND| : OR^ : XOR! : NOT

Arithmetic Operation

●Using $(()) or $[]:$ a=5;b=7;c=2$ echo $((a+b*c))19$ echo $[(a+b)/c]6

Arithmetic Operation

●Using declare with variable:$ declare ­i d$ d=(a+b)/c$ echo $d6

Arithmetic Operation

●Using let with variable:$ let f=(a+b)/c$ echo $f6

Arithmetic Operation

●Using (()) with variable:$ a=1$ ((a++))$ echo $a2$((a­=5))$ echo $a­3

Part VIIPositional Parameter

Script Parameter

● Assigned by command line:script_name par1 par2 par3 ...

● Reset by set command:set par1 par2 par3 ...

● Separated by <IFS> :set “par1 par2”\ par3 ...

Parameter Gathering

● Substituted by $n (n=position) :$0 $1 $2 $3 ...

● Position:$0 : script_name itself$1 : the 1st parameter$2 : the 2nd parameterand so on...

Parameter Substitution

● Reserved variables:${nn} : position greater than 9$# : the number of parameters$@ or $* : All parameters individually“$*” : All parameters in one“$@” : All parameters with position reserved

Parameter Shifting

● Using shift [n] to erase the first n parameters.

Function Parameter

● Function has own position except $0

Part VIIIData Stream

File Descriptor (FD)

● Processes use File Descriptors to input or output (I/O) data with system

● Each process has 256 FD

●The first 3 FD are standard0 : Standard Input (STDIN)1 : Standard Output (STDOUT)2 : Standard Error Output (STDERR)

Standard FD● By default, each standard FD is connected to an I/O device:STDIN : KeyboardSTDOUT : ScreenSTDERR : Screen




keyboard screen

IO Redirection● Standard FD can be changed in command line:STDIN : < fileSTDOUT : > fileSTDERR : 2> file




keyboard screen

IO Redirection Example

● Command default:

$ mail -s test root this is a test mail. please skip. ^d

IO Redirection Example

● Change the STDIN by using < :

$ mail -s test root < /etc/passwd

IO Redirection Example

● Change the STDOUT by using > :

$ cat /etc/passwd > std.out

IO Redirection Example

● Change the STDERR by using 2> :

$ cat /etc/password 2> std.err

Device /dev/null

● Keep the STDERR only:

$ find /etc > /dev/null

Output Appending

● Keep the existing content in target file by using >> :

$ find /etc >/dev/null 2>> std.out

HERE Document

● Multiple line input by using << TAG :

$ mail -s test root << .this is a test mail. please skip. .

Output Combination

● Save STDOUT and STDERR to a same file by using 2>&1 :

$ cat std.out std.none > std.both 2>&1Or

$ cat std.out std.none &> std.both

● Note:Order is important! cmd1




Pipe Line● Connect STDOUT of left command to STDIN of right command:

$ cmd1 | cmd2










Pipe Line● Combine STDERR into STDOUT in pipe line:

$ cmd1 2>&1 | cmd2










Output Splitting● Tap an output copy to a file by using command tee :

$ cmd1 | tee file | cmd2$ cmd1 | tee -a file | cmd2




FD0tee file


● Change the STDIN to be as argument by using xargs :

$ cmd1 | xargs cmd2




FD0 cmd2 --opt args...


Part IXConditional Execution

Return Value (RV)

● Every command has a Return Value when exists, also called Exist Status.

● Specified by exit in script:exit [n]

Or, inherited from last command

● Using $? to have RV of last command

Return Value Range

● Range:0-255

● Type:TRUE: 0FALSE: 1-255

Conditional Running

● Using && to run only while TRUE:cmd1 && cmd2

●Using || to run only while FALSE:cmd1 || cmd2

Test Condition

● Using test command to return TRUE or FALSE accordingly:

test expression[ expression ]

Test Expression





String Expression

­n STRING       the length of STRING is nonzero

STRING equivalent to ­n STRING

­z STRING       the length of STRING is zero

STRING1 = STRING2       the strings are equal

STRING1 != STRING2       the strings are not equal

Integer ExpressionINTEGER1 ­eq INTEGER2       INTEGER1 is equal to INTEGER2

INTEGER1 ­ge INTEGER2       INTEGER1 is greater than or equal to INTEGER2

INTEGER1 ­gt INTEGER2       INTEGER1 is greater than INTEGER2

INTEGER1 ­le INTEGER2       INTEGER1 is less than or equal to INTEGER2

INTEGER1 ­lt INTEGER2       INTEGER1 is less than INTEGER2

INTEGER1 ­ne INTEGER2       INTEGER1 is not equal to INTEGER2

File Expression

FILE1 ­nt FILE2       FILE1 is newer (mtime) than FILE2

FILE1 ­ot FILE2       FILE1 is older than FILE2

File Expression

­e FILE       FILE exists

­s FILE       FILE exists and has a size greater than zero

File Expression

­d FILE       FILE exists and is a directory

­f FILE       FILE exists and is a regular file

­L FILE       FILE exists and is a symbolic link (same as ­h)

File Expression

­u FILE       FILE exists and its set­user­ID bit is set

­g FILE       FILE exists and is set­group­ID

­k FILE       FILE exists and has its sticky bit set

File Expression

­G FILE       FILE exists and is owned by the effective group ID

­O FILE       FILE exists and is owned by the effective user ID

File Expression

­G FILE       FILE exists and is owned by the effective group ID

­O FILE       FILE exists and is owned by the effective user ID

File Expression

­r FILE       FILE exists and read permission is granted

­w FILE       FILE exists and write permission is granted

­x FILE       FILE exists and execute (or search) permission is granted

Test Example

● Think about:

$ unset A$ test ­n $A$ echo $?0$ test ­n “$A”$ echo $?1

Test Example● Tips:

test strtest ­n str

test ­ntest ­n ­n

test ­n $Atest ­ntest ­n ­n

Test Example

● Tips:

test ­n “$A“test ­n <NULL>

The if­then Statement

● Syntax:

if cmd1 thencmd2...


The if­then­else Statement

● Syntax:

if cmd1 thencmd2 ...

elsecmd3 ...


Using Command Group

● Syntax:

cmd1 && {cmd2 ...:

} || {cmd3 ...


Multiple Conditions (elif)

● Syntax:

if cmd1 thencmd2 ...

elif cmd3thencmd4 ...



Run By case

● Syntax:

case “$VAR” inpattern1)cmd1 ...;;

pattern2)cmd2 ...;;



Part XLooping

Loop Statement

● Loop flow:


do cmd ...done

The for Loop

● Syntax:

for VAR in values ...docommands ...


The for Loop

● Tips:

● A new variable is set when running a for loop ● The value sources are vary.● The times of loop depends on the number of value.● Each value is used once in the do­done statement in order.

The while Loop

● Syntax:

while cmd1docmd2 ...


The while Loop

● Tips:

● The cmd1 is run at each loop cycle.● The do­done statement only be run while cmd1 returns TRUE value.● The whole loop is terminated once cmd1 returns FALSE value.● Infinity loop may be designed in purpose, or accidentally.

The until Loop

● Syntax:

until cmd1docmd2 ...


The until Loop

● Tips:

● The cmd1 is run at each loop cycle.● The do­done statement only be run while cmd1 returns FALSE value.● The whole loop is terminated once cmd1 returns TRUE value.

Using break In Loop

● Loop flow:


do cmd ... break cmd ...done

Using break In Loop● Tips:

● The loop is terminated once break runs.● A number can be specified to break the Nth outbound loop.



Using continue In Loop

● Loop flow:


do cmd ... continue cmd ...done

Using continue In Loop

● Tips:

● The remained lines in current loop cycle are omitted once continue runs, script goes straight to continue next cycle.● A number can be specified to continue the Nth outbound loop.

Using sleep In Loop

● Tips:

● The script is temporally stopped when the sleep runs.● A number of second can be specified to stop the script in how long.● Useful for periodical jobs with infinity loop.

Plus:Regular Expression

Regular Expression (RE)

● Tips:

● Processing in line base.● Meta characters may conflict with shell, mu be

quoted.● Commonly used in text filtering:

grep, sed, awk, perl, php, etc...

Regular Expression

● Character set:

abc : individual character(abc) : a set of character(abc|xyz) : one set of[abc] : one character of list[^abc] : one character of non-list

Regular Expression

● Anchor Characters:

^ : the beginning of line$ : the end of line\< : the beginning of word\> : the end of word

Regular Expression

● ModifierTo modify the preceding character or set:

* : zero or more times? : zero or one times+ : one or more times{n} : n times{n,m} : n to m times

Regular Expression

● BoundaryIMPORTANT: anything outside the boundary is ignored.

● Think about:Which of following match abc{3,5}?abccabccccabcccccc

Regular Expression

● Tips:The abc{3,5} doesn't care about what character following the 5th c :


Regular Expression

● Extended and traditional RE:

Extended Traditional+ \+? \?() \(\){} \{\}| (none)

Show Time:Live Coding

The End